Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

E1B. A man made from the wrong material.


The character is made of inappropriate material and turns out to be short-lived or poorly adapted to perform his characteristic functions.

Karanga, Lenje, Malinka, Efik and Ibibio, Igbo, Ijo, Kera, Uliti, Sema, Garo, Bulgarians, Montenegrins, Russians (Arkhangelsk, Voronezh), Ukrainians, Belarusians, Karelians, Setu, Veps, Latvians, Lithuanians, Mari, Mordovians, Teleuts, Southern Selkups, Ainu, Japanese, Chukchi, Coastal Koryaks, Kereks, Itelmen, Asian Eskimos, Bering Strait Inupiat, Polar, Igloolik, West Greenland, Angmassalik, Kuchin, Tlingit, Hyda, Tsimshian, Bellacula, Heiltzuk, Quakiutl, Comox, Pentlatch, Klallam, Upper Chehalis, Colitz, Sanpual, Menominee, Northern Ojibwa, algonquins actually, nascapi, blackfooted, assiniboine, hopi, teva, guayabero, sicuani (and cuiva?) , maquiritare, taulipan (and arekuna?) , makushi, oyana, aparai, colorado, mayhuna, siona, kofan, napo, shuar, aguaruna, shipibo, cachinahua, chiriguano, waura, kayabi.

Bantu-speaking Africa. Karanga: Sicard 1952, No. 151 [2 options; a childless woman sculpted a girl for herself; one day she went with others for branches, it began to rain, she softened and became clay], 154 [transferred to Zhukov, Kotlyar 1976, No. 145:360-361; a childless couple's wife sculpted a girl out of wax, she came to life; she grew up; her father tells her fiancé not to let her work in the sun; her mother-in-law sent her to get water on a sunny day, it melted; the groom had to pay for it to her father]: 304-305, 310-311; Lenje [while the mother is hunting, the daughter is sitting in a tree weaving baskets; she was noticed, told the chief, he sent men; they they want to cut down a tree; a pet girl, calling her mother; she immediately appears, makes the movements she does when weaving baskets, everyone falls dead; she kept one alive, sending her to the chief; the same second once; then the leader tells all pregnant women to give birth; red-skinned babies come, tie the girl with their umbilical cord, the mother is powerless; only orders the daughter to weave baskets, but not push her in a mortar or go out at night for water; when the chief is away, his mother makes her grind; she slowly falls into the ground, sings about what is happening; when she is gone headlong, the mortar continues to grind on its own in this place; women want to send tell the bird to its mother; reject the crane, crow, quail (they have slurred voices), send a dove (she correctly calls the girl's name "the one who nurses the sun"; the mother walks carrying the potion and tails animals, sings, whom she speaks to, die (it's a zebra, someone else); witches where a mortar pushes; daughter comes back from the ground]: Torrend 1921, No. 16:85-89.

West Africa. Malinka [Mansa wants the calebass under the termite mound to become a girl; the girl warns that he should not force her to approach the fire; M.'s first wife makes her come to the hearth, it spreads fat; the first wife calls the dog to eat fat, but she sings a song about what happened; M. kills his evil wife]: Zhukov, Kotlyar 1976, No. 143:356-358; Kera [the sorcerer told a childless woman make four pots, burn her, one will burst, become a girl; she is beautiful, the other wife's daughter is ugly; the young man rejects her, takes the beautiful one; the mother gives her on the condition that she does not fall into the rain; her mother-in-law takes her to the forest for brushwood, refuses to return when the rain approaches; the girl turns into a pile of clay; her mother-in-law puts on her bracelets, goes to her son's bed, pretending to be his wife; son feels stiff skin, exposes the mother; to revive a girl, her mother tells her husband to collect clay, to kill his mother he kills]: Ebert 1975, No. 9:295-299; ijo (kalabari) [beautiful fat the girl was made of butter; her mother did not marry her because she could not work in the field under the sun; one groom promised to keep his wife in the shadows at all times; the young woman took her little sister with her; his first wife the man was indignant that the new one was not working, and she finally agreed, although her sister begged not to go out of the shadows; she melted, leaving only her thumb covered with a leaf; the sister put it down in a pot, filled it with water and sealed it with clay; told her husband that her sister would be reborn, but he must drive her first wife away; the husband returned her to her parents, they sold her, and gave him the cowrie they had received as compensation for dowry; melted revived, husband happy; since then, wives returned to their parents have been sold into slavery and the money is transferred to her husband]: Dayrell 1910, No. 24:83-84; ether and ibibio [mother refuses grooms, because her beautiful fat daughter is made of butter and cannot work in the fields; the stranger persuaded him to give him the girl, promising to always keep her in the shadows; his other wife is outraged, for all the work is for her; in the absence of her husband, she forces the oily woman to go to the field; the younger sister of the oil woman asks in vain not to do so; only her thumb covered with a leaf is left in the field; the sister picked it up, put it in a jar of water; explained to her sister's husband that she would be reborn in three months, but if he did not drive the evil wife away, she would take the vessel to her mother; the husband returned the evil one to her parents, sold her into slavery, returned her husband dowry, with this money he organized a holiday to celebrate the revival of his fat wife; since then, wives returned by husbands have been sold into slavery by their parents]: Radin 1952, No. 70: 160-161 (=Jablow 196:189-192); Igbo [man has a daughter Manu ("butter"); he warns grooms not to light a fire or go out in the sun; no one dares to take her; finally alone a man married her; one day he went on business with his servants, leaving her alone at home; but the woman did not cook for the woman; she was forced to start lighting the fire herself to cook and melted; the parrot dipped its tail in a red puddle and flew to her husband to report the misfortune; since then, the tail of the gray parrot is red]: Basden 1921:276-277.

(Wed. Melanesia. Kukuku [Imatje (ancestor) created all animals and people in the hole from which they came to the ground; made a woman out of black clay; his wife told her to try, the woman cracked; he laid her down on her bed, copulated; she bleed with the new moon; this blood was like tar; then she said she was pregnant, gave birth to a boy, his umbilical cord was cut off, washed]: Fischer 1968, No. 3:370-371).

Micronesia-Polynesia. Ulity (West Carolina) [for unknown reasons, the chief's son rejects fragrant beauties, chooses a girl named Crap; all flies flock to her; when she goes to her husband's island, she says goodbye with all the crap on her home island; during the ritual of introducing a young wife to her husband's relatives, a bunch of baby crap tells her to turn into sewage, which is what happens]: Lessa 1980, No. 44:66-67.

Tibet is the Northeast of India. Sema: Hutton 1921 [see motif K33; Hunchibili pushed the man's wife into the water, took her place; the wife turned into a bamboo escape; when the husband began to cook it, the water gurgled the killer's name; husband threw away the pot, an orange tree grew; an old woman picks an orange, catches a girl secretly cleaning the house; wife and husband meet, husband cuts off H.'s head; H.'s body grows a tree; husband makes out of he has a ladder in the back; goes hunting for heads, does not tell his pregnant wife to go to the lock without him; his parents insist, throws her stairs, she dies; her husband follows her to the cave, but God gives he has a wax girl; she melts in the sun one day; her husband comes again, his wife is ready to go with him, but her father drives him away]: 280-282; garo [the man's wife and mother-in-law are incredibly dirty, refuse to wash; but her mother-in-law cooks incomparably and her food does not deteriorate; one day her son-in-law dragged her mother-in-law into the river and she immediately melted; the wife wandered through the forest, where her tears fell, there were plants with high potash content; when she reached to the sea, rushed into it, her tears became pearls]: Rongmuthu 1960:227-228.

The Balkans. Bulgarians [a childless old woman invites her husband to make her daughter out of snow; he says that she will melt in spring; out of wood, she will burn if a spark falls; makes it out of lime; in a dream, the old woman hears that her daughter she will have to be taken out of the gate, given to the first person she meets; she must remain silent in front of the groom until he guesses what it is made of, otherwise it will crumble with lime; the first is the nag, the Lime is planted On horseback, they tell her to remain silent; the horse brings her to the governor's son, who first wants to marry her, but after making sure that she is dumb, leaves her in the attic; marries the princess; her maids spy on S. orders the needle to sew itself; when she does not obey, she cuts off her nose, sends her nose to bring the needle, puts her nose back; the king's daughter says she can do it too, remains without a nose, the husband sends it away; marries a long-nosed princess; the maids spy on how S. orders the oven to heat, bake bread, sweeps the coals out of the oven with his hair, puts her hands in boiling oil, and two are in the pan fish; the princess burns herself; the voivodich hears baklagi talking about the lime girl who filled them; comes to S., says what she is made of, marries]: Karaliychev, Todorov 1969 (3): 28-41; Gagauz people [the king has 40 sons, 39 want to marry; the youngest of the fortieth Bald takes the last horse left; each time he tells the brothers that the parking lot is dangerous, but they do not listen; the giantess has come, gave wine, 39 fell asleep, Bald secretly followed the woman, who tells her 40 sons to kill those who came; Bald kills them one by one when they leave the house; marries the brothers 39 daughters of the giantess; the same the next night with another giantess; Bald hung her by the chest, negotiates with the beauty; at the third night, the giant closes the door; releases the brothers on the condition that Bald stays with him; tells him get the daughter of a Turkish king; Bald man meets three arguing over an invisible hat and a flying carpet, which is controlled with a whip; Bald shoots: the one who brings the arrow will receive a hat, the other a whip, the last is the carpet; he picks up the objects himself and flies away; at night in the princess's bedroom he eats the left food, moves the candlesticks; on the third night, the hat accidentally slept; Bald brings the girl to the giant, telling say that she has 40 days of mourning for her father and telling her to find out the rear {object what the soul is} of the giant; that: a pole; a broom; the girl decorates them every time; then the giant says that there is a lake in the Goose Forest, there are three ducks and a drake, a stone in his stomach, three flies in the stone; The bald man took out flies, killed one, then the second, the third, the giant fell ill and died; the bald man married a girl, and gave away the first one he left for himself married; 39 brothers married 39 giantess daughters]: Moshkov 1904, No. 63:113-120; Montenegrins [pitchforks made the girl out of the snow; she announced that she would marry someone who would overtake her on horseback and take the golden apple; whoever does not overtake will die; she has wings, she overtook the horsemen, but they caught up with her again; then she pulled her hair out of her head, threw it, the forest grew; the grooms caught up again, she dropped a tear Rivers appeared; the prince sailed on horseback, remembered God's name three times, the girl froze in place; he brought her to a high mountain and she disappeared]: Arkhipova 1962:175-176 (=Dmitriev, Volkonsky 1956:94-95; fairy tale named Serbian); Serbs: Uther 2004 (1), No. 703:377.

Central Europe. Russians (Arkhangelsk, Voronezh), Ukrainians, Belarusians: SUS 1979, No. 703=AA 171, 703 [Snow Maiden: An old man and an old woman make a doll out of snow; she comes to life; in summer a girl goes to the forest with his friends and melts]: 176; Russians (Voronezh) [The old man drinks all the money raised for yarn knitted by the old woman. In winter, an old woman sees children sculpting snow, sculpting a snow maiden, and she comes to life and becomes the daughter of old people. Now the old man uses yarn money to buy bread and pretzels for his daughter, a dress and a hat. The old woman is happy that the old man has changed (she cares about the children, but not about his wife). On a cloudy summer day, the Snow Maiden plays with her friends, but the sun comes out and she melts. The old woman grieves]: Baryshnikova 2007, No. 33:152-153; (cf. Gura 1965, No. 15 (Vologodskaya) [the old man and the old woman are childless; the old man clenched a ball of snow, put it under his fur coat on the stove, the girl Snezhevinochka became; went with the girls to pick berries; whoever picks up the most is red sundress and first married; S. recruited the most, her friends killed her, buried her under a pine tree, rolled her with a spool, rubbed her with a saucer; at home, the old man asks where his daughter is; girls: went the other way; Reeds grew in S.'s grave, haulers made a pipe; they came to the old man and began to play: "Doo-doo, doo, father! You don't know my great grief: how girls killed me because of a saucer, because of berries; they buried me under a pine tree, rolled me with a spool, rubbed me with a saucer"; the old man asked for a pipe, the haulers gave it away; the old man ruined it broke, S. jumped out; the old man and the old woman are happy]: 222-223).

Baltoscandia. Karely: Evseev 1950, No. 60 [Väinämöini performs the difficult tasks of old woman Pohjola, gets Annie; Ilmorini does not receive, returns home, throws gold and silver into the horn; a sword comes out (kills husbands), then the horse (kills mares), the third time the golden maiden; I. lies down with her, but his side freezes; he says that the girl should be human], 93 [Annie asks Väinämöini where he is swimming; not believes that catching salmon, shooting swans on the Tuoni River, into the Manala lowlands; he admits that he came to Pohjola to pick it up; A. tells the blacksmith that they are taking the one he married for three years; Ilmoillini forged Sampo, Väinämöini slept old man and old woman Pohjola; Yugamoyini shoots V., who falls into the water, swims for 6 years, lies snag for 7 years; then forges a golden maiden, she freezes his side; V. and Yo. collide on the road, V. drowns Y. with a song in the swamp, says that he dug fish holes, dotted the sky with stars; lets go for promising to give his sister; the girl's mother is happy]: 137-141, 207-211; Stepanova 2000, No. 1 [Väinämöine goes to Pohjöla, takes the blacksmith's married bride away; he shoots V.'s horse, V. falls into the water, swims like a float for seven years; Hiishi hears the child's crying, asks the blacksmith to forge her rake, V. pulls it out; V. made a musical instrument, the mistress of the water and fish came to listen; V. turns the blacksmith into a perch with a game; he asks to pull him out, promising a boat, then his sister; the girl marries V. against his will, dies; V. forges the maiden out of gold, lies down with her, his side freezes; V. sails away, the boat bumps into a huge pike, he cuts it with a sword, makes a musical instrument]: 60 -65; Kippar 2002 (Vesyegonsk; probably Russian borrowing) [childless elderly spouses watch children make a snowwoman; they also made a girl out of snow, she came to life; in the summer, the girls called the Snow Maiden in the forest, when it got warm, she tried not to show up in the sun; on Ivanov Day, everyone jumped over the fire; she jumped and turned into steam; grandfather and woman cried]: 35-36; Karelians (Tver) [childless the old people decided to mold the girl out of the snow; in the spring, the girlfriends called to the field; the girl melted in the sun]: Makarov 1963, No. 89:189; the Finns [the story of a golden maiden forged by a blacksmith is borrowed from Russian epics (Ivan Godinvovich)]: Billson 1895:342; set: Loorits 2005:218-219 (der. Vypsu, 1931) [the children sculpted a snowman, found a child at this place in the morning, brought it to parents; the child was beautiful, cheerful, sympathetic, asked to do good; disappeared in the spring], 219-220 (village. Molnik, 1929) [childless old man and old woman sculpted the child out of snow in the fall, brought him into the hut, he came to life; turned into a 16-year-old girl; in the spring, the girls began to jump over the fire; when the snowy girl jumped, her a black cloud picked up and carried away; parents grieved and died]; Latvians [In winter, children, playing, mold a boy out of snow and put him on the window of childless old people. The boy comes to life. Like all people, she goes to work, but at night, jumping over a fire, melts]: Aris, Medne 1977, No. 703*: 311; Veps, Lithuanians: Uther 2004 (1), No. 703:376-377.

Volga - Perm. Mordva [the old man sculpted a girl out of snow, she came to life; she grew up; called the Snow Maiden; went outside in the spring and melted]: Evseviev 1964, No. 32:235; Marie [Snow Maiden: an old man and an old woman makes a doll out of snow, she comes to life; in summer, a girl goes to the forest with her friends and evaporates from the heat]: Sabitov 1989, No. 703*: 40.

Southern Siberia - Mongolia. Teleuts [the old man and the old woman are childless; the old woman invites her husband to mold the child out of clay; the old man doubts, but sculpted it, put it on the stove; on the third day the clay child spoke, he is hot, asks to take it off the stove; three days later, the child went, began to eat, turned out to be a girl; does all her homework; in the summer, the girls called her to the forest for berries; the bottom of her tueska was rotten, not to collect the full one, she fell behind and got lost; saw her home behind the lake, asked the fisherman to transport it; the old man put her in a boat, but began to circle in the middle of the lake; sang: Will you enter my house from reeds, Will you smell my brown beard; girl in response: let the beetle come in, the beetle smell; old man: into a reed house, a red beard; girl: let the evil spirit come in, the evil spirit smell; the old man threw the girl away from shores into the water; she hardly crawled out, got home, went to bed, and in the morning the old man and the old woman found her dead; they cried so much that they also died]: Tokmashev 1910:315-319.

Western Siberia. Southern Selkups [childless old man and old woman make a snow girl; she calls them parents, works housework; cries in spring; girls jump over the fire, the snowy one turns into steam]: Porotova 1982:143.

Japan. Ainu Sakhalin: Pilsudsky 2001, No. 4 [a pale man marries a woman; goes out into the yard to chop wood; says, I'm melting; a woman finds a snowball melting]: 29 (same 2002, No. 4:21); 2002, No. 11 [two brothers lived; the youngest found flint on the shore, threw the ground, a woman appeared; the elder lit tinder, made a woman out of tinder - she is even more beautiful than the first; in the morning the youngest made a fire, who came out the woman immediately burned out of the fire; the brothers went out into the yard gray, died; the flint woman became a rock]: 34; Japanese: Ikeda 1971, No. 413G [at night in a snowstorm (1) a young woman comes to childless a couple (to a man), becomes their daughter (his wife); (2) a woman comes to the couple, asks to watch over her child for a while, disappears; the child grows, becomes a beautiful girl; (3) on a snowy evening a person returns home from work, finds food cooked; hides, spies, sees a girl doing housework; takes her as a wife, she gives birth to a child; (4) a person looks at icicles, wants an equally elegant and beautiful wife; a woman comes at night and becomes his wife; (5) during a snowstorm in the mountains, a young man sees a snowy woman; she forbids him to tell what he saw, keeps him life; soon the unrecognized comes to the village, becomes his wife; (1) melts when she is forced to bathe in hot water; (2) as the weather gets warmer, she feels worse; on a spring evening disappears, a pile of her clothes remains in front of the stove in the kitchen; (3) after ten years, a woman's time on earth ends; she goes into a snowstorm, leaving her child; (4) leaves when her husband violates prohibition to talk about how he saw a snowwoman]: 110; Markova 2000, No. 168 [the bean wants a wife as slim as an icicle; a woman knocks on the house; she was persuaded to swim in hot water, she melted; a stranger came to the young man in winter; melted in spring]: 447-448, 499 (note) [tales of snow maidens are mostly common in Hokkaido and northern Honshu; (same in Sadokova 1998:109)].

SV Asia. Chukchi: Bogoras 1928, No. 23 [see motive K30; The raven gives an orphan youth shamanic power; Dawn takes his wife away; he kills him, returns his wife; now she is kidnapped by the Sun and the Month; the Sun creates a river of centipedes; a young man throws meat to him, crosses the river; the same episode with rivers of beetles of different colors; a young man enters the Sun; he lets a bloody solar disk of wood and iron around the room , made of copper; the young man turns into hair, into a needle, unharmed; the Sun throws him into the fire, the young man comes to life; takes his wife home again, promises the Sun to marry his sister; the Sun and the Month come for her; the young man does a girl out of snow; the Sun and the Month carry her to heaven; a warm wind makes her melt, kills the Sun and the Month with a blizzard]: 364-367; Bogoraz 1939 [Dawn and Twilight Dawn have one wife; shaman wants her kidnap; barters for a girl he made of snow and grass, whom he passes off as his sister; in the morning it turns out that the girl has melted]: 21-22; Menovshchikov 1974, No. 71 [Cale Pagty has two wives; man tells his wives to sew him white clothes, comes to P.; he is placed between two saws, the Spider picks him up, he is alive, puts P. to sleep, takes his wives away; P. catches up with them; man makes a woman out of snow, passes him off as his sister, marries P. instead of the kidnapped; snowwoman melts in P.'s house, who drowned in the water]: 265-269; coastal Koryaks: Jochelson 1908, No. 60 [Ememkut marries a blade of grass, she is not agrees; his father wipes himself with a rag, turns her into a man named Diarrhea, sends her to marry; he defecates right in the house, the blade of grass runs in horror, Diarrhea haunts her; his sisters try it grab, she runs to E., marries him; Diarrhea beats the sisters for not holding the bride, they turn into rags; comes for a blade of grass, E.'s father turns him into a dirty rag again], 121 [ Big Raven Kutkynnyaku turns his feces into a woman, marries him, brings him home; she begins to melt, he screams that it is the children who have dirty the whole house; by morning he turns into a pile of crap, he tells his son-in-law throw it away; (paraphrase in Bogoras 1902, No. 20:653)]: 218-219, 316-317:218-219; kereki [Kukki's crow's feces turn into a woman, he takes her as his wife; wakes up in the trash in the morning, asks Mitya's wife wash him; marries Pink Salmon; Mitya cooks her twice, gives her children food, Pink Salmon returns to the water; since then she has been skinny]: Leontyev 1983, No. 12:125-126; itelmen [Kutku I walked along the tundra in winter, saw the figure of a woman in the pile of crap, asked where she came from; she replied that she was a Koryachka, fell out of her sleigh in a dream; K. brought her home, his wife Hahi and children saw how he kisses crap; K. hung her shoes over the bed, at night drops of melted crap began to fall on him, the woman said it was H. splashing on him out of jealousy; K. fell asleep hugging the woman, woke up in a bunch of crap; H. threw his belt, pulled him out of the house, K. put the belt around his neck, almost suffocated]: Steller 1999:154.

The Arctic. Asian Eskimos [The raven rolls down the mountain, the Wolf wants it too; does not take off, but falls into the sea; the Raven pulls him out for promising to marry his sister; the Wolf does not have a sister, he makes a girl out excrement; The raven sleeps with her in a warm dwelling, she melts; it turns into a deer carcass; The wolf eats it; the raven cuts his intestines, then his heart; flies out; the Wolf dies]: Menovshchikov 1985, No. 4:30-31; Bering Strait Inupiate [shaman Eeyakak (Ek), his son Eeyahi (Oh) and daughter Oonalenna live on the coast of Chukotka; a stranger gives her a lot of fur, takes her away; her father is camlaet, says that the daughter lives well; the son, which is bad, goes looking for her; finds her hungry and dirty; in the morning he cannot get her husband where she went; finds her gagged in the ravine; takes her home; turns a dead dog into a person, makes a little boy, dogs, sleds out of clay, revives them, sends them to his sister's husband; he has three daughters from a previous marriage; a clay man (as he is now called made of a dog) says that the boy cries because his mother is dead; her husband's youngest daughter O. marries a clay man, adopts a boy; soon the boy turns into clay, and clay man goes to his creator and becomes a dead dog again] Garber 1940, No. 7:60-66; Polar Eskimos: Holtved 1951, No. 11 [girl rejects suitors, father tells her to marry her dog; doggy the feces turn into a person, enter the house; runs away, starting to melt; the dog rapes the girl, the parents are unable to drive him away; the father takes the daughter to the island; the dog comes to her, she gives birth to puppies and babies; the father brings them food; she tells the puppies to eat it; sends the children in pairs to become harp seals, wolves, evil spirits, Europeans; dies of hunger], 38 [see motive F28A; someone cleans the house a hunter; he finds a beautiful woman; this is Lisa; Hare and Kal live in another house; the hunter and Kal change wives; Kal and Lisa are dissatisfied with each other's smell; they turn into a fox, feces, a hare into a hare; per. in Menovshchikov 1985, No. 231:449-450]: 64-70, 166-172; "The whole Arctic and Greenland" [the girl's lover drowned, she makes an image of him from whale oil, rubs against her genitals, young man comes to life; when it's warm, every time he asks him to rub his genitals; one day he hunts seals, it gets hot, he swims to the shore, turns into a puddle of fat; the girl grieves, takes a new image, everything repeats itself]: Millman 2004:100-101; igloolik: Rasmussen 1930a [husband watches his wife; she calls the penis of the Spirit of the Lake; the penis crawls out of the lake, enters it; the husband summons him, imitating his wife's voice cuts off, cooks, gives her wife to eat; he sprinkles worms on her, they crawl into her, kill her; when he returns from hunting, he finds food cooked; finds Lisa, who has taken off her skin and becomes a woman, marries her ; Raven comes, says she smells like a fox; his wife puts on her skin and runs away; Raven's wife is dog Kal]: 221-222; Spalding 1979 (Repulse Bay) [Kiviuq sees his two wives walking naked to the lake, They ask "Substitute penis" to show up; they take turns satisfying themselves with him; K. calls the penis in the voice of his wives, cuts it off, cuts it apart at home, cooks, gives it to his wives; they say it's tough and tasty; They cry when they find out that they ate; K. collects worms on the shore; asks one if she is more afraid of worms or a knife; she replies that a knife; she sits on worms; they crawl into her anus and vagina, crawl out through her mouth she dies; the second wife says she is afraid of worms; K. hacked her; someone cooks and cleans his house; he sees a fox hole under his wives' grave; finds a woman grabbing her skin; once Wolverine offers to swap wives; K. tells me to close the door tightly, but he forgets; the wife pees in bed, Wolverine asks what the stench is, the Fox grabs her skin, runs away; Wolverine's wife, with whom K. slept, turns into feces; K. follows the Fox's trail on the hole; Lemming, the Wolf, comes out of it, offers herself; K. rejects them; they let him into the hole; there's a crying wife; she first sits down from him, then walks home with him]: 64-66; East Greenland (Angmassalik) [the husband watches his wife, as she calls at the shore of Lake Penis, he appears, copulates with her; the husband calls the Penis instead of his wife, kills, cuts into pieces, mixes with ordinary meat, gives it to his wife, says that she ate her lover; puts flies, worms and larvae under the skin that his wife has covered, they eat it; then he burns them themselves; someone cooks in it absence, he waits for Lisa, makes him a wife; in winter they come to visit Crap married to Hare; change wives; Fox and Crap do not like each other's smell; when they hear the words of Crap, Lisa runs away The husband follows the trails to the hole; the Fly comes out of it, then the Larva, offers himself; the husband rejects them, climbs into the hole himself, but there is only a worm woman, she says that he is suffering because of what he did to her; he stays alone]: Millman 2004:98-99.

Subarctic. Kuchin [the older brother is jealous of the younger brother; splits the log, makes a coffin; invites his brother to lie down and try it on; closes the lid, lowers it into the river; takes the coffin to the shore where the Dog Eskimos live (= eagle people); they have no mouth, they feed on the smell of rotten meat; the hero cuts through their mouths; then they cut through each other, some in a hurry make a vertical cut; the hero gets a wife; local people they rip open the bellies of pregnant wives, the hero teaches them how to give birth; hawks are moose for them, the hero easily kills hawks; a dead hawk that falls from a tree has run over several people; the hero is given eagle plumage, he flies in it home, lifts his brother into the air, throws him into the fast; takes him two wives; one of them lubricates his feathers with her milk, his wings weaken; he grabs the beaver, which drags him under water; wives take him in husbands a piece of fir resin; they put a rope in the boat, let it go with the flow; at the signal they pull back; one day they spy and see that the resin turns into a man, he hunts beavers; they they pull the boat sharply, the resin falls to pieces]: McKennan 1965:132-136.

NW coast. The Tlingits [Raven and Tar (like the Tsimshians)]: Krause 1989:182; Hyda (Skidgate) [The raven turns himself into a woman, a long stone into a baby; marries; steals fish at night, loses labrette; says she flies to the pantry herself; women notice a crow's tail in her imaginary wife; she explains that this happens; promises that her relatives will come to visit her husband; makes them out excrement; when they enter the house, they melt in the heat; the Raven flies away]: Swanton 1905:132; Hyda (Masset) [Raven and Tar are fishing, Tar has caught halibut, the Raven is not; at dawn, Tar is in a hurry to swim home ; The Raven hesitates on purpose, the tar melts from the heat]: Swanton 1908a: 337-338; Tsimshian [The Raven invites Little Tar to catch halibut at night; tells him to lie on the bottom of the boat before dawn, covers mat; pretends to row, dips his oars into the water with an edge; Tar melts, stains the fish; since then the halibut is black on one side]: Boas 1902:58-60; 1916, No. 27:86-87; bellacula [The raven does a son made of resin; on hot days he sprays him with cold water; one day he melts in the sun, the Raven finds only a puddle of tar at the bottom of the boat]: McIlwraith 1948 (2): 415-416; Heiltzuk [True Chief (Raven) tells his son not to touch the Thunderbird's hat; he touches him, the hat takes him away; the raven makes a new son out of snot, he turns into a puddle on the floor; the raven calls Tar and Frost to fish; after sunrise both melt; the Raven makes a whale, smears it with resin; the Thunderbird sends four of its sons after the whale; they die stuck in a whale]: Boas 1928b: 13-21; quakiutl (neveti) [like Tsimshian; Tar does not want to go fishing, says he does not have a hook, fishing line, etc., but the Raven gives him his own]: Boas 1895, No. XVIII/1 (tlatlasicoala): 179; 1916:683.

The coast is the Plateau. Shuswap [An old grizzly woman lives alone; makes her daughter out of resin, she melts in the sun; from stone she sinks; from clay, she dissolves in water; from wood, the girl stays alive; she is kidnapped, taken to the river Trout man; her children come to play at their grandmother Grizzly's house; hide in the river as she approaches; she leaves the digger with her clothes and basket on her, creeps up to the house, splashes on children potion; the boy remains human, the girl turns into a dog; the name of the young man Chickady; one day he beats a dog; she admits that she is his sister, runs away to the mountains; the grandmother warns him not to climb tree behind a stuck arrow; he climbs into the sky; meets his grandmother's husband (or father); he tells how to get the chief's daughter; Chickady lives inside the old man, going out at night; the chief promises a daughter to whoever knocks an owl off a pole; magically deflects arrows; Chickady knocks down an owl; at night, the wife finds out that her husband is young; Chickady kills many deer, others none; people separate Chickady from old man's body; Chickady lives with his wife in the upper world, then turns into a chickady]: Teit 1909a, No. 28:691-696; Thompson [at the beginning of time, Coyote makes his son out of clay; he bathes, dissolves in water; from resin - melts in the sun; from white stone - lives, his name is Nlixentem; Loon and Duck give him daughters as wives, one dark-skinned, the other is light; Coyote turns their excrement into chicks an eagle, asks his son to climb a tree after them, tells the tree to become tall, comes to his wives in clothes and in the form of a son, takes a bright one, drives away a dark-skinned one; N. walks along the heavenly plain, pulls out the big edible rhizomes, the wind blows from the holes, these rhizomes are stars; he goes into an empty dugout, takes the basket, the baskets attack it; he puts the basket back, tells the baskets to become people's servants; the same episode in a dugout of mats; awls; ridges, birch bark vessels; N. comes to two blind old women; they eat rotten wood, pass food to each other, N. intercepts it, old women quarrel, accusing them each other; they feel a man, they say that he smells bad; N. turns them into two types of hazel grouses; comes to the spider spouses, they call themselves his grandfather and grandmother, they lower them to the ground in a basket; N. finds a faithful wife and son; Coyote's people are starving, Raven finds N. back, gets meat for his children; people force him to confess where the meat comes from; they return to N., celebrate, ask him take his second wife back; N. sends the Coyote for the carcass of a dead deer, the Coyote falls into the river, swims to the dam, followed by two sisters holding salmon; turns into a wooden plate; eats food, a plate they throw him into the fire, the Coyote turns into a baby, the sisters adopt him; in their absence, he breaks the dam, releasing salmon into the rivers; goes downstream; asks three or four girls if they want salmon, the youngest answers, Yes; he sends his penis to her across the river, the end stays in the vagina, the girl gets sick; Coyote carries salmon across rivers; a group of girls replies they want meat mountain sheep, not salmon; in this place, the Coyote creates rapids; under the guise of a shaman, he comes to the sick person, asks everyone to sing loudly, leave him with the girl in the steam room, copulates, removes the end of the penis, the girl recovers; the Coyote creates fake berries on the bushes, negotiates with the Grizzly to eat her supplies first, then him; runs away, the berries dry up]: Teit, No. 2:21-29 (translated to French in Lévi-Strauss 1971, № 667a: 329-333); lillouette [like Thompson; + son drowns from stone; son lives from poplar bark]: Teit 1912b, No. 8:306; pentlatch [Resin sails in a boat to fish; he is shouted for him rowing faster, it does not have time to swim to the shore, it melts; Spruce, Fir, another Spruce, Cedar consistently come to take resins, disassemble everything]: Thompson, Egesdal 2008:87-88; Comox: Boas 1895, No. VIII.2 [Blind Tar catches fish at night, his wife calls him home at dawn; one day he lingers, he melts in the sun; his two sons make a chain of arrows, climb into the sky, kill the Sun with arrows; younger becomes the Month, the eldest becomes the Sun], VIII.4 [Mink marries 1) The fog; the wife and her sisters dance, he joins them, falls to the ground; 2) The eagle; receives clothes from feathers; warned cautiously dive when fishing for salmon; dives sharply, breaks to the ground; 3) Resin; it melts in the sun, it sticks to the bed, some old man peels it off; 4) Algae; it sinks; 5) The shell; hits it face but only hurts his hand; (other episodes follow)]: 64-65 (=2002:180-181), 71 (=2002:189-191); clallam: Gunther 1925 [see J4B, K27 motif; two girls make a boy out of resin; he comes to life, takes one of them as his wife; catches fish at night; before sunrise, his wife calls him home; once she overslept, he melted in the sun; her two sons make a chain of arrows, climb into heaven to take revenge on the Sun; two daughters The suns notice their reflection in the river; they take them as husbands; they kill the Sun, become a new Sun and a Month]: 131-134; Eells 1964 in Lévi-Strauss 1971, No. 692 [first woman makes a husband out of resin; he melts under the sun; his sons climb into the sky along a chain of arrows; geese show the way to the Sun's dwelling; brothers come to two blind old women while one gives food to the other, one boy steals her; old women show the way further, give a basket of six raspberries; brothers meet swallows; they come to the Old Sun, who dumps logs into a hot fire; the Sun eats berries, they multiplied in his stomach, he burst, became less hot]: 366-367; upper chehalis [Wren is crying; his grandmother offers him various foods; finally asks if he wants to copulate; Yes ; she asks to dig a hole on the floor to comfortably place their hump; they lie covered with their skin, the bird looks into the house; then knocks, the wren opens, asks what the news is; Wren copulates with his grandmother; he fights with the guest; the grandmother throws a burning bark at the guest, falls into the Wren, which burns; she glues the bones with resin, but every time he melts in the sun; turns into wren]: Adamson 1934:36-38; colitz [like upper chehalis, pp.36-38; grandmother turns into a blue bird, sings to the rain]: Adamson 1934:185-188; sanpual [brother and sister live alone; brother eats salmon, lies as if she didn't catch anything; his sister finds eggs in his bed, runs away; makes a cradle, puts a piece of resin in it, a boy appears; he cannot walk; she leaves him to fish on shore; when he returns, he has already turned into resin; she puts a piece of flint that broke off in the fire in the cradle; this son is one-eyed (no explanation why); makes his brother out of a baked root; brothers they come to people trying to create the sun and the month; the toad lets urine into the sky, the rain floods all the hearths except her; the brothers come to her, call her aunt, she jumps on the younger one's neck, says she's his wife; she can't be ripped off; when she is burned with fire, her skin shrinks; everyone is consistently trying to become the sun; the Hummingbird is too hot; the Crane's day is too long (its head reaches the horizon in the west, and the legs are still in the east); the one-eyed flint brother becomes the sun, the root brother becomes a month, and a toad is visible on it]: Ray 1933, No. 4:135-137.

The Midwest. Menominee [a bunch of excrement turns into a human being, going to get married]: Skinner, Satterlee 1915, No. II18a [returns because of the rain; next time eaten by dogs], II18b [groom one of the sisters invites her excrement to marry her second sister; in spring, the husband and the baby born melt and turn into excrement]: 382-383; northern Ojibwa (Sandy Lake) [girl replies to the groom, what better way to go beyond a bunch of crap; the groom's father creates a handsome man, sends him to her; she marries him, follows his footsteps, finds his skis, clothes, a big pile of crap; it's the man who melted out of the crap under the sun]: Ray, Stevens 1971:79-80; timagami ojibwa [the rejected groom makes a man out of his excrement; he does not want to sit by the fire; the girl follows him; in April he melts]: Speck 1915d, No. 18:69-70; Algonquins (group not specified) [the arrogant girl rejects and humiliates the Handsome Man; he makes a scarecrow out of rags, animal bones, snow; this is Mauvis, he dresses him up, revives him; the girl goes after M.; follows him, finds skis, then rags and bones; M. melted under the sun]: Spence 1985:159-162.

Northeast. Nakapi [the wind drove all the crap at the camp to one place, it turned out to be a man; everyone drives him away because of the smell; he asks for clothes; he gives him a lot of good clothes and a boat, he sails away He sails to another camp; where the chief takes him for an important man; many girls gather for the party; it starts to rain, the man runs away from the crap into the forest; the chief thinks that people have offended him, saying he smells bad; finds a pile of clothes in a pile of crap in the woods]: Millman 1993:108-109.

Plains. Blacklegs [the girl refuses everything; finds a bunch of excrement; then she meets a handsome young man, brings him to her house; he feels bad in the spring; he leaves, melts, turns into excrement again; them son becomes chief]: Wissler, Duvall 1908, No. 7:151-152; assiniboine [girl changes diet, her excrement turns black, she scolds them; angry excrement turns into a man; he comes to marry her; refuses hot soup; starts to melt warm, leaves; the girl follows him, finds scraps of clothes full of excrement; returns home]: Lowie 1909a, No. 13:162-164 .

California. Pomo: Angulo 1935 [Marumda makes the first humans out of wool, feathers, flint; they are strange, monstrous, M. destroys them with rain and flood; in his word he creates a village of people; they are not good either , he tells the Fire Man to burn the earth; he fires arrows in four directions and at the zenith, the world lights up; M. himself escapes every time in the sky; after a fire, he digs a hole near the river, puts it around willow sticks; falls asleep, goes to watch; after the third attempt they turn into people; he teaches men to hunt, women to dig roots, appoints elders, etc.; this third world has been destroyed snow and cold, the fourth by a hurricane; each time M. makes people out of sticks again]: 239-260; Williams 1954 [the first race was destroyed by fire and flood; the evil eagle Gilluk ruled the world, was also destroyed; Coyote, his wife Frog, Kingfisher, and Lizard were going to make new people; the Coyote snatched the feathers from the eagle's body, placed the roundhouse on the floor in pairs; said these people would be better than the past, made of sticks or clay; waited 4 days, then fasted for 8 days, facing the hearth - people did not appear; then they turned to the hearth, after 4 days the feathers began to move, after another 4 days they became people, each couple spoke their own language; Coyote said who to live and what to eat]: 14-15.

The Great Southwest. Hopi [girl gets pregnant while stretching pottery; gives birth to a clay pot; he grows, talks; one day she rolls after her mother and her parents, breaks against a rock, out of a pot a boy appears; hunts for his mother; one day he gets caught in the rain, gets wet, turns into clay, rises to the sky in fog; in the form of a cloud, he always sends rain to his mother's field]: Malotki, Gary 2001, № 25:236-239; teva [on a hot June day, the wife sends Handmark Boy to weed the field; he is getting weaker and dying; grass grows in this place, his bones have become grass, it was made of ice and melted]: Parsons 1939:206.

Llanos. Guayabero [Kuvoi made a woman out of clay, she melted in water; the wax melted from the fire; heard a woman laughing out of wood, carved a woman; she has no vagina; tried it unsuccessfully Fox managed to pierce her monkeys, because he has a bone in his penis; Mingo (apparently Duck) took K.'s wife in a boat, she was taken by the Royal Vulture; K. sees monkeys going to the party; came there in in the form of an old man in ulcers; after swimming, he became the same; returned his wife; the vultures rushed in pursuit; K. fell off the tree, the corpse wormed; came to life, grabbed Vulture, plucked him]: Schindler 1977a: 223-226; guajibo (shikuani i/li kuiwa): Baquero 1989, No. 2 [Kuwai makes a woman out of clay; she is able to bake tortillas but cannot bring water; from wax, she can neither bake nor stay in the sun; made of wood - burns by the fire; his son Matsuldani stomps on the ground, causing wind from the sky; a rainbow rises from the ground, and fish with it; when they fall to the ground, they turn into people; (similar story in baniva, R. Wright)]: 82; Morey, Metzger 1974 [Kuwait makes a man out of clay, wax; wood; a shrew pierces a woman's vagina with his penis]: 107; sikuani: Wilbert, Simoneau 1992, No. 28 [ Furna (aka Kuwai) makes his wife out of clay, she melts in the rain; wax melts in the sun; from fragrant laurel tree - successfully; her name is Pumeneruva; she does not have a vagina; F. asks the monkeys to make it; they fail; the maicero monkey flattened his penis, a tiny protrusion remains; then the Fox made a bone in the penis out of the knot, he managed to pierce P.; Yakukuli duck kidnaps P., luring her into his boat with a promise to give fish; P. becomes the wife of the royal vulture Edapukuni, calls the monkeys to a party, they tell F. about it, give him a tail, smear him with hand glue so that he can jump with them on branches like a monkey; those in front destroy the Toad's house and repair it behind; for this, the Toad smears paint on F. and some monkeys, making them attractive for P.; they cross the vine to Vulture Island; F. almost fell; he looks like an old man covered in ulcers; everyone goes fishing, F. stays with P. to collect firewood, bathes, regaining his true appearance ; sardines emerge from F.'s scabs; Y. F. and P. return home; those who go fishing don't return, they turn into animals], 35 [Matsuludani (Mts.) sees a naked woman, sleeps in a hammock, ejaculates, the woman collects his sperm in a vessel, there the boy Maduedani appears (Md.); runs after his father; he kills him, rubs him in powder, Md. immediately resurrects; Mts. brings him home; Hd. sucks pineapples without cutting them; kills deer from guns (another son Mts does not have a firearm); Mts. makes a woman out of wax, she melts under the sun; from clay - dissolves in water; Hd. stomps on the ground, people come out of the hole; white - along with pets, mosquito nets and other property; Md. teaches what to do with cattle products, Indians do not listen to him; makes a lake for people to swim in it, change their skin and become younger; snakes, crocodiles, spiders, grasshoppers climb into the water; people are afraid of them, refuse to even pour their calabasses; remain mortal; Md. rises to heaven]: 142-143, 166-170.

Southern Venezuela. Makiritar: Civrieux 1980:32-43 [Uanádi hooks fish, she turns into a Kaweshawa woman, drags him under water, then they go ashore; V.'s nephew is a capuchin monkey warns that in K. piranha's vagina, she has already bitten off his and Opossum's penises; Paka took an iron needle from Heron, inserted it into his penis, K.'s teeth broke off; Coati did the same; then V. poisoned piranhas fish poison; K. and V. visit Father K. under water; Curasso (Crax daubentoni) kidnaps K.; V. makes a new wife out of white clay, she melts in water; from black resin, melts in the sun; the frog wife only paints and powders, the bird wife laughs all the time; The bee tells V. who kidnapped K.; Lenivets gave V. the appearance of an old man; sees dirty and aged K. surrounded by her children born from Curasso; Curasso tells K. cut the Sloth; she gropes for her tongue under her hair, identifies him as her husband; first both turn into cockroaches, then V. into a woodpecker, K. into a frog, a woodpecker flies with a frog in its beak to heavenly Lake Aquen; he kills and roasts her; hangs her; the lizard, on his instructions, cuts off the rope, K.'s bones fall into the lake, K. comes to life, becomes beautiful again; a second woman, but small, appears from her severed hand; V. gives her as his wife to the Lizard for his help].

Guiana. Pemon [The sun catches a water woman; she promises to send him a wife; a clay girl blurs in the water; wax melts in the sun; the sun marries a girl who comes third]: Armellada 1947:105-107; taulipan [after the flood, a world fire broke out, people died, animals hid in a hole in the ground; Makunaima made new people with wax, they melted in the sun; then from clays, they are only stronger from the sun, they make people]: Koch-Grünberg 1924, No. 3:38-39; tops: Amorim in Lehmann-Nitsche 1939 [after the flood, the creator makes a woman out of clay; when copulating her genitals split; makes boy and girl out of wood; they are human ancestors]: 12; Soares Diniz 1971, No. 2 [see motif J16; fish disappears from the top of the Sun; The sun grabs the thief, it's Cayman; tears him off tongue, tongue turns into mazie fish; Cayman promises a daughter for his life; he does not have a daughter, he makes a girl out of a tabatinga tree; sends for water; when she enters the water, she pops up, falls; does daughter out of wax; she puts a vessel on her head, starts laughing; makes her daughter out of samaumeira wood, she is real; The sun does not find her vulva, puts a banana peel between her legs; she dies in Toad and Jaguar's house; twin heroes found in her womb]: 78; oyana: Magaña 1987, No. 53 [a man promises a sister to marry Jaguar if he spares his life; she refuses to go to Jaguar; he makes a girl out of wood, she falls out of a hammock, splits; a basket sticks to the back of a waxy girl in the garden; sends other girls to Jaguar, painting them so that he does not know who they are], 56 [ man makes girls out of resin, they melt in the sun; from twigs, they are good]: 44, 46; aparai [a woman bathed, a fish bit her calf, Kujuli was born from a tumor; makes the first woman out clay, it gets soaked in the rain; made of wax or resin, it melts in the sun; made of wood; it's good, it makes tortillas for him; his antagonist Manakaschis kidnaps it]: Rauschert 1967:182-183.

Ecuador. Colorado [the hunter is married to the lazy Frog; always finds only feathers trapped; comes earlier, finds a clay woman, takes her as his wife; the frog pushes her into the water, she melts; The frog asks her husband to have sex with her from behind; the husband copulates from the front; the Frog's gut pinches his penis; the frog dies; the husband tries to make a new woman out of clay (she starts moving); in a boat Nutria arrives, frees a person by cutting his gut; tells him not to talk about what happened; at the festival, a person says, disappears]: Mix 1982:88-90.

Western Amazon. Maihuna [man marries Fire; other women force her to bathe; she turns into a gun]: Bellier 1991b, No. 19:248; Zion [the man wanted fire to become a woman married her, she works in the heat; other women drag her to swim, she turned into a gun in the water; another man marries a woman who easily makes a honey drink; other women force her working in the sun, it melts like wax]: Folklor indigena 1974:344-345; cofan: Barriga Lopez 1988b [a man meets a girl sitting on a pile of clay; she makes clay vessels, fills them chichey; one day she goes fishing with her husband, gets caught in the rain, turns into clay and blood]: 198; Calífano, Gonzalo 1995, No. 58 [a man meets a white girl in the forest, gets married; one day swims with she is in a boat, caught in the rain; the wife blurs into a pile of clay; her husband finds her child in her womb]: 109-110; napo [mother-in-law cannot be bathed in hot water; daughter-in-law violates the ban mother-in-law melts like wax]: Foletti Castegnaro 1985:102-103 [girl marries Falcon], 107 [two sisters marry a bee's sons]; shuar [like Napo; two sisters marry the Swallow]: Pelizzaro 1961, No. 20:19; 1993:131; Rueda 1987:121; Aguaruna [like Shuar]: Chumap Lucía, García-Rendueles 1979, No. 39:460.

Montagna - Jurua. Shipibo: Gebhaert-Sayer 1987, No. 13 [the wife asks her husband not to leave her in the rain; one day he forgets it; finds only a pile of clay on the site; mourns her death], 32 [during the Incas Marárina was like a queen; married one man to her beautiful maid; she forgot to tell her husband that she was made of clay; they went by boat to buy pottery clay, were caught in the rain; the husband did not I managed to find wide leaves to cover it, it melted]: 360, 381-382; cachinahua [the man makes ceramic vessels himself; the clay turns into a beautiful woman, he takes her as his wife; now she does all the dishes; another man falls in love with her, they change wives; a new husband takes her to the forest, chases monkeys; it starts to rain; the woman gets wet, becomes clay again; he finds a doll she has sculpted , puts it in his hammock]: Ans 1975:150-152.

Bolivia-Guaporé. Chiriguano [a man pulls a handful of sand from the bottom of the lake; sand turns into a woman; despite his sister's warning, her husband takes his wife to swim; she blurs in the water]: Nordenskiöld 1912:282.

Southern Amazon. Vaura [The fire turned into a young man, never bathed; his wife's sister splashed water into his face, he turned into a coal]: Schultz 1966:106; kayabi [the creator changes several wives; then leaves the village; the wife melted out of wax in the sun when she was sent to work in the garden]: Pereira 1995, No. 1 [Janerup makes his wife out of wax, goes with her to the plot, she oam melted in the sun; var.: mother Janerup's wife went with her to get water, she melted in the sun; 2) J. brings an inamba bird (Crypturelus sp.), turns her into a woman; she is lazy, J. throws her); 3) J. put a bunch of split pieces under the hammock bamboo; an old woman appeared, he married her; she is a beetle larva; mother J. finds her under his hammock, fills her with boiling water; J. goes to marry the daughter of his mother's sister; comes to the village of dung beetles; to him they offer manure cakes; in the next village, women get corn and peanuts from a man's ass; in the next village, Stork's daughter wanted to marry J. but he moved on; went through other villages, including cannibals, vultures, snakes (the snake was frightened in the morning by the screaming of a snake-eating eagle); J. marries his aunt's daughter; teaches how to cook cassava; his wife has a lover, J. follows them to the station, kills both with arrows; brings a severed hand home, mother-in-law notices blood, he tells her everything; takes his son and daughter, swims across the river, his wife's brothers chase, but stop at the river; then J.'s people killed the brothers his wives when they slept]: 15-28; Ribeiro 1988 [1) centipede (husband's mother finds under his hammock, kills), 2) fish (mother finds her husband, releases into the river), 3) wax (husband's mother sends her husband to work)]: 433.