Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

E1C. A man made from excrement.

.11.20. (.36.) .39.40.42.-.46. (.48.)

A person is made from human excrement or (inupiate) from cadal.

Aka, Uliti, (Sym and Angarsk Evenks), coastal Koryaks, Kereks, Itelmen, Asian Eskimos, Bering Strait Inupiat, Polar Eskimos, Igloolik, Angmassalik, Haida ( Skidgate), Upper Chehalis, Menominee, Sandy Lake Cree, Timagami Ojibwa, Algonquins (group not specified), Naskapi, Blacklegs, Assiniboine.

Bantu-speaking Africa. Aka [the young man went to marry the girl; relieved his need along the way; the crap turned into a child who followed the young man, surrounded by a flock of flies; keeps up with him, sleeps in the same hut as young man and wife; in the morning, women made a dam to collect fish on the dried river bed, called this child to help; the water broke through the dam and took the child away, he became a turtle with a terrible smell]: Motte-Florac 2004, No. 44:188-200

Micronesia-Polynesia. Ulity (West Carolina) [for unknown reasons, the chief's son rejects fragrant beauties, chooses a girl named Crap; all flies flock to her; when she goes to her husband's island, she says goodbye with all the crap on her home island; during the ritual of introducing a young wife to her husband's relatives, a bunch of baby crap tells her to turn into sewage, which is what happens]: Lessa 1980, No. 44:66-67.

(Wed. Eastern Siberia. Sym Evenks: Vasilevich 1936, No. 41 (Chirombu) [Evenks dance all day; the old woman hears Korendo's noise, they don't believe her, the children stuff dog droppings into her mouth; K. swallowed dancing Evenks, the old woman hid under the cauldron; collected grouse droppings, rocked, it did not come to life; in the spring she collected goose droppings, he came to life, became Unyana's boy; she trades for a bird, hazel grouse, larger animals, every time asks his grandmother if this beast ate his uncle; she explains that she ate K. from the sky; W. makes wings, flies to heaven from one wife K. to another, their names are Scraper, Myalka, Needle, Thimble Case; ripped K.'s belly with his wing, the Evenks came out, some alive, some dead; W. consistently flies, sings with three sons K., ripped off each's belly, freed the Evenks; flew to K.'s wife named Brusok, sang to her that your K. was killed]: 41-44 (retelling in 1959:183); Shatilov 1927 (Narym; the narrator chained to Narym Krai from Tym, and to Tym from Sym) [an old woman and an old man want a child; an old woman takes swan droppings, shakes it; a child appears, an old woman drops him, he breaks; then he finds goose droppings, shakes it, a child appears; he grows up, they find a woman for him, they have children; they dance, songs they sing; grandmother warns that after sunset they can be dragged away by their spirit; children do not believe, they play; the spirit comes and eats everyone; the old man and the old woman remain and the youngest child, Unyany; he grows up wants to catch that spirit; forges iron wings, flies away; catches up with Corenda's spirit in the middle of the sea; he sits full, with a big belly; Unyany rips it off with a knife; from there fall out swallowed, some rotten, some alive; Unyany washes the living in the sea and takes them with them on their wings; people are born from them]: 14-15; Angarsk Evenks [Karendo (from karä - the name of the crow in fairy tales) came, ate everyone, the old woman hid under the cauldron; put goose droppings in the cradle, Unyana's boy appeared; asked who killed his parents; made wings, flew to K., his wings were outside, he sawed them; invited K. to fly above the sea, who is taller; W. was taller, broke K.'s wing, he fell into the sea, got out for 8 days, became small (i.e. turned into a crow)]: Petrova 1936, No. 1:149-150, explanations on p. 147; (retelling the main the content of both texts, Sym and Angarsk in Vasilevich 1950:183-184 [The Evenks sang and danced until night; the old woman heard the sound of Kerendo's wings, asked not to sing, they did not believe her; Kerendo flew in, swallowed all the singers, the old woman managed to cover herself with a cauldron, was left alone; found, brought black grouse droppings, put them in the cradle, began to pump, the droppings fell apart; in the spring she took goose droppings, began to pump again, the droppings squeaked, she began to swing harder, Unyana's man formed; he grew up, made iron wings for himself, flew to Kerendo; they competed in flight over the Lama (Baikal); Unyany ripped his belly with his wing Kerendo, from whom some of the living fell out, partly dead Evenks; continued to compete with Kerendo's brother and sons, freed many Evenks]).

SV Asia. Coastal Koryaks: Jochelson 1908, No. 60 [Ememkut marries a blade of grass, she does not agree; his father wipes himself with a rag, turns her into a man named Diarrhea, sends her to marry; he defecates right in the house, the blade of grass runs in horror, Diarrhea haunts her; his sisters try to grab her, she runs to E., marries him; Diarrhea beats the sisters for not holding the bride, they turn into rags; comes for a blade of grass, E.'s father turns him into a dirty rag again], 121 [Big Raven Kutkynnyaku turns his feces into a woman, marries him, brings him home; she begins melt, he screams that it is the children who have dirty the whole house; by morning he turns into a pile of crap, he tells his son-in-law to throw it away; (retelling in Bogoras 1902, No. 20:653)]: 218-219, 316-317:218-219; kereki [cal Kukki's crow turns into a woman, he marries her; wakes up in the trash in the morning, asks Mitya's wife to wash it; he marries Pink Salmon; Mitya cooks her twice, lets her children eat, Pink salmon returns to the water; skinny since then]: Leontyev 1983, No. 12:125-126; itelmen [Kutka walked along the tundra in winter, saw the figure of a woman in the pile of crap, asked where she came from; she replied who is a Koryachka, fell out of her sleigh in a dream; K. brought her home, his wife Hahi and children see him kissing crap; K. hung her shoes over the bed, at night drops of melted crap fell on him to fall, the woman said it was H. splashing at him out of jealousy; K. fell asleep hugging the woman, woke up in a pile of crap; H. threw him a belt, began to pull him out of the house, K. put a belt around his neck , almost suffocated]: Steller 1999:154.

The Arctic. Asian Eskimos [=1969:23-25; The Raven rode down the mountain over the cliff, the Wolf also wants it; the Raven warns that he will fall, but the Wolf rolls down, falls into the water, the Raven refuses to pull him by the the promise of hare skin, hunting equipment; pulls out his sister for his promise to marry him; the Wolf does not have a sister, he makes a girl out of Raven's excrement; the Raven sleeps with her in a warm house, she melts; it turns into a deer carcass; the Wolf eats it; the raven cuts its intestines, then his heart; flies out; the Wolf dies]: Menovshchikov 1985, No. 4:30-31; Bering Strait inupiate [on the coast of Chukotka Shaman Eeyakak (Ek), his son Eyahi (Oh) and daughter Oonalenna live; a stranger gives her a lot of fur, takes her away; the father is camlaet, says that the daughter lives well; the son, which is bad, goes her search; finds her hungry and dirty; in the morning she can't get her husband where she went; finds her gagged in a ravine; takes her home; turns a dead dog into a human, makes him small a boy, dogs, a clay sleigh, revives them, sends them to his sister's husband; he has three daughters from a previous marriage; a clay man (as made of a dog is now called) says that the boy is crying, because his mother is dead; her husband's youngest daughter O. marries a clay man, adopts a boy; soon the boy turns into clay, and the clay man goes to his creator and does it again dead dog] Garber 1940, No. 7:60-66; Polar Eskimos: Holtved 1951, No. 11 [girl rejects suitors, father tells her to marry her dog; dog feces turn into a person, enters the house; runs away, starting to melt; the dog rapes the girl, the parents are unable to drive him away; the father takes the daughter to the island; the dog comes to her, she gives birth to puppies and babies; the father brings them food; she tells the puppies to eat it; sends children in pairs to become harp seals, wolves, evil spirits, Europeans; starves], 38 [see motive F28A; someone cleans up a hunter's house; he finds a beautiful woman; this is Lisa; in Hare and Kal live in another house; the hunter and Kal change wives; Kal and Lisa are dissatisfied with each other's smell; turn into a fox, feces, a hare into a hare; translated into Menovshchikov 1985, No. 231:449-450]: 64-70, 166- 172; igloolik: Rasmussen 1930a [husband watches his wife; she calls the penis of the Spirit of the Lake; the penis crawls out of the lake, enters it; the husband calls him, imitating his wife's voice, cuts it off, cooks it, gives it to his wife to eat; He sprinkles worms on her, they crawl into her, kill her; returning from hunting, he finds food cooked; finds Lisa, who has taken off her skin and becomes a woman, marries her; Raven comes and says that stinks of fox; wife puts on her skin and runs away; Raven's wife is dog Kal]: 221-222; Spalding 1979 (Repulse Bay) [Kiviuq sees his two wives walking naked to the lake, asking Substitute penis to seemed; take turns satisfying themselves with him; K. calls the penis with the voice of his wives, cuts it off, cuts it apart at home, cooks, gives it to their wives; they say it's tough and tasty; they cry when they find out what they ate; K. collects the shore of worms; asks one if she is more afraid of worms or a knife; she replies that a knife; sits on worms; they crawl into her anus and vagina, crawl out through her mouth, she dies; the second wife says that afraid of worms; K. hacked her down; someone cooks and cleans his house; he notices a fox hole under his wives' grave; finds a woman grabs her skin; one day Wolverine offers to swap wives; K. tells close the door tightly, but he forgets; the wife pees in bed, Wolverine asks what the stench is, the Fox grabs her skin, runs away; Wolverine's wife, with whom K. slept, turns into feces; K. follows the Fox's trail oh burrow; Lemming, the Wolf, comes out of her, offers herself; K. rejects them; they let him into the hole; there's a crying wife; she first sits down from him, then goes home with him]: 64-66; Eastern Greenland (Angmassalik) [the husband watches his wife as she calls on the shore of Lake Penis, he appears, copulates with her; the husband calls the Penis instead of his wife, kills, cuts it into pieces, mixes it with ordinary meat, gives it to his wife, says she ate her lover; puts flies, worms and larvae under the skin that his wife has covered, they eat her; then he burns them themselves; someone cooks in his absence, he waits for the Fox, makes a wife; in winter they come to visit Crap, married to Hare; change wives; Fox and Crap do not like each other's smell; when they hear the words of Crap, the Fox runs away, the husband follows the footsteps to the hole; from her The Fly comes out, then the Larva, offers himself; the husband rejects them, climbs into the hole himself, but there is only a worm woman, she says he is suffering because of what he did to her; he is left alone]: Millman 2004:98 -99.

NW coast. Hyda (Skidgate) [The raven turns himself into a woman, a long stone into a baby; gets married; steals fish at night, loses a labrette; says she flies into the pantry by herself; women notice the imaginary wife has a crow's tail; she explains that this happens; promises that her relatives will come to visit her husband; makes them out of excrement; when they enter the house, they melt warm; the Raven flies away]: Swanton 1905: 132.

The coast is the Plateau. Upper chehalis [The abscess went to tear the bark, pierced his eye and leaked out; The excrement went swimming, melted into the water]: Adamson 1934:131-132.

The Midwest. Menominee [a bunch of excrement turns into a human being, going to get married]: Skinner, Satterlee 1915, No. II18a [returns because of the rain; next time eaten by dogs], II18b [groom one of the sisters invites her excrement to marry her second sister; in spring, the husband and the baby born melt and turn into excrement]: 382-383; northern Ojibwa (Sandy Lake) [girl replies to the groom, what better way to go beyond a bunch of crap; the groom's father creates a handsome man, sends him to her; she marries him, follows his footsteps, finds his skis, clothes, a big pile of crap; it's the man who melted out of the crap under the sun]: Ray, Stevens 1971:79-80; timagami ojibwa [the rejected groom makes a man out of his excrement; he does not want to sit by the fire; the girl follows him; in April he melts]: Speck 1915d, No. 18:69-70; Algonquins (group not specified) [the arrogant girl rejects and humiliates the Handsome Man; he makes a scarecrow out of rags, animal bones, snow; this is Mauvis, he dresses him up, revives him; the girl goes after M.; follows him, finds skis, then rags and bones; M. melted under the sun]: Spence 1985:159-162.

Northeast. Nakapi [the wind drove all the crap at the camp to one place, it turned out to be a man; everyone drives him away because of the smell; he asks for clothes; he gives him a lot of good clothes and a boat, he sails away, He sails to another camp; where the chief takes him for an important man; many girls gather for the party; it starts to rain, the man runs away from the crap into the forest; the chief thinks that people have offended him, saying he smells bad; finds a pile of clothes in a pile of crap in the woods]: Millman 1993:108-109.

Plains. Blacklegs [the girl refuses everything; finds a bunch of excrement; then she meets a handsome young man, brings him to her house; he feels bad in the spring; he leaves, melts, turns into excrement again; them son becomes chief]: Wissler, Duvall 1908, No. 7:151-152; assiniboine [girl changes diet, her excrement turns black, she scolds them; angry excrement turns into a man; he comes to marry her; refuses hot soup; starts to melt warm, leaves; the girl follows him, finds scraps of clothes full of excrement; returns home]: Lowie 1909a, No. 13:162-164 .

(Wed. California. Karok [a girl finds out that her son's father is a bunch of her own sewage (the corresponding character is not described)]: Kroeber, Gifford 1980, no. D7:44-45).