Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue

Ethnicities and habitats

E1E. Stem son. .35.

The son of the first human couple first looks like a small plant that grew out of the ground of a stem.

Mansi, Nganasana.

Western Siberia. Muncie (p. Nyaksimvol, Severnaya Sosva) [an old woman and an old man live on a piece of land; either Numi-Torum threw it from the sky, then he rose from the depths of the water; the north wind is blowing - the earth is leaning into the south sea, blowing the north - to the south; in the seventh year, a yellow-headed sprout grew near the house; the old woman uprooted it, covered it with a handkerchief, the child cried; grew up and asks for permission to take a walk; the old woman tells the old man to watch so that the boy does not fall into the water; the old man entered the house, and when he left, there is no boy; the old woman reproaches the old man, but the son appeared; he was in the sky near the Golden Coast (Kores); he ordered not to go out for 7 days, although they will rumble and noise; after 7 days {big} the earth is ready, but it rotates; the son went to the ZK again, he again tells him to stay at home for 7 days; after that, the ground is surrounded by the TsUral Range, does not swing or rotate] Munk√°csi 1892:33-37 in Lintrop 2019:47-49; nganasany: Long 1976, No. 1 [earth first is bare ice; the first man, all white, finds the first woman; she says she gave birth to worms, birds, all living things; they gave birth to a blade of grass, from which the icy ground gradually became covered with grass; the man is afraid that "something flying" will destroy the child, the earth will not grow; they give birth to a second the child is a hornless deer; the flying man appeared, this is a horned deer, defeated the hornless; he asked the White Man to give him horns; the father made one horn of stone, the other from a mammoth bone; the son of White the man defeated the enemy, he left; the earth became big; many flying flew in, the son of the White Man defeated everyone; the White man and the woman gave birth to many people; the son of the White Man asks to clean him horns; cleaning the stone horn strengthened the earth with stones, it was soft, moving; cleaning the mammoth horn became a mammoth bone; the mouse asks for help, everyone overcomes it; the son of the White Man threw his stone horn, clouds have become out of it, it has snowed; the mouse wants a long winter not to be found under the snow; so it was; the mammoth horn threw it up - it was frost, clear; thunder - the stones above are knocking, lightning - sparks from stones]: 39-44; Popov 1984 [a white man lived in the ice plague; a woman who gave people eyes had a child with a twig of a talnik with one leaf; the woman gave it, the man planted it, watched how growing; the disease came and messed up; the man asked the woman for her second child to guard the first; this is a hornless deer, he asks his father to give him horns to fight worms and reptiles; received one horn from mammoth bone, another stone, destroyed reptiles; the peel of the horns turned into underground mammoths, iron, copper; the branches of the northern horn into the northern red cloud and the aurora; the southern one - into a storm cloud and a snow cloud; people live on the back of this deer; the white old man is Syrade Nguo; the mother of the plant and the deer is Nema Nguo]: 42-43.