E2. People to try.
When creating people, the creator does not immediately achieve perfection. The first versions of the creation were rejected, then a suitable form and material were found. See E1A motif.
Lepcha, Nepali, Gondas, Ibanas, Dayaki Sakarram, Dusun, Bilan, Bulgarians, Macedonians, Ukrainians (Poltava, Hutsuls), Ingush, Mansi, Northern Khanty, Russkoe Ustye, Koyukon, Atna, Upper tanana, pomo, tsotsil, quiche, cacchikel, shinka, embera, yupa, guayabero, sicuani, taulipan.
Tibet is the Northeast of India. Lepcha [at first one water; Tashey-Takbo-thing created two fish - ordinary and serpentine; the turtle keeps the world and T. placed birds and animals on it; T. made the first person out of oil, but that blurred; made of oil, people would be beautiful; then he made man out of earth and clay, and the wind breathed life into him; T. made blood from water and poured into man, made bones out of stone; but man was silent, without veins or nerves; T. made them out of vines; man came to life but did not have a woman; T. caught birds with snare, one day a woman fell into a snare; at first a man and a woman could not marry because there was no matchmaker who would agree to marry; then (supreme god) Rum sent an owl]: Stocks 1925, No. IV.1:355-356.
South Asia. Nepali [Mahadev (aka Nārāyan) appeared at Indra's house, in Narayan's house head east, feet west, right hand north, left hand south; asks his daughter Sita (aka Pā rvāta), what dowry she wants; S. rejects metals, cattle, wants land; M. replies that the world is soft, fragile, fluid, with nine moons and nine suns; S. tells us to leave one sun, one the moon; the world has hardened, stones in one direction, soil in the other; four directions of the world have opened, rivers have been filled; S. says that without man she will not take the world as a dowry; M. tries to make a person out of gold, silver, copper, brass, nickel, but these people do not speak; made of iron is monstrously strong, chews trees, breaks stones; then they burned a huge fire of sandalwood, and M. sculpted a man out of ash, adding chicken manure from a chicken owned by the demon lady; M. put his breath on him, he spoke; S. cries because man is doomed to death; M. tells her to grow and bring cucumbers; she brings cucumbers of different ripeness and size; M. explains that the cucumber flowers she brought are miscarriages, the small ones she put in her mouth are dead babies; larger ones are teenagers with yellowed ones sides - adults, withered - old people; (hereinafter about different animals; the rooster is chosen for sacrifices)]: Maskarinec 1998:7-15; gondas [Sambhu Mahadeva sculpted human figures out of clay, left them overnight to dry; Indra's horses broke the figures; SM created a dog to protect and put other guards with swords, covered the figures with cloth; at night, the dog barked, the guards cut off the horses's wings; SM poured nectar on the figures, but they didn't come to life; Guru advised me to go to Sirma Guru; he brought his daughter, took veins from her, her figures came to life; at first they were as small as rats, Parvati disapproved; then SM made men 16 feet tall, women 12 feet; P. again disapproved; then made the current ones]: Kapp 197:44-45.
Malaysia-Indonesia. Ibanas: Dunn 1906 [there was water, and two bird-like spirits, Ara and Iraq, swam on it; they dived and picked up two lumps of firmament from the water, the size and shape of a chicken egg each; A. created the sky from one, I. created the earth from the other; it turned out that the end of the earth extended beyond the edge of the sky; they squeezed the earth, valleys and mountains appeared; trees and other plants grew on their own; A. and I. for a long time they were looking for a tree whose juice resembled blood; when they found it, they could not turn the tree into a human; then they sculpted a man and a woman, the ancestors of the Dayaks, out of clay]: 16; Gomes 1911 [Salampandai by By order of the gods (Petara) made a man out of stone, he did not speak, he was rejected; the same was made of iron; then out of clay, this one spoke; the gods ordered to do the same]: 197; north Borneo (? Baram and Rejang counties) [by creating land, plants and animals, the Iri and Ringgon birds made man out of clay; he was dry, unable to move or speak; they attacked him, he fell in fear and crashed; the next one was made of hard wood, but it turned out to be stupid and useless; then a man and woman were carved out of Kumpong wood, which has hard fibers and red juice; this creation succeeded; they went to do more, but forgot how to do it, orangutans and monkeys turned out]: Furniture 1899:11 in Dixon 1916:174-175; maloh [in seven days Sampulo created heaven, earth, and everything on it; on eighth, make a person; first out of stone (he did not move, blood did not flow when cut), wood (same), clay (began to move, blood flowed); made a woman out of his rib]: King 1975:151; dayaki of the sea ( r. Sakarran, western Sarawak): Gomes 1911 [by order of the gods (Petara), Salampandai began to make man; made of stone, man was silent; from iron - the same; from clay - spoke; gods liked it, S. became make people continue; brings every child to P. and P. asks the child what he wants; if he wants a sword, it will be a boy, and if a cotton and a spindle, then a girl]: 197-178 (retelling in Frazer 1919:14 -15); Ling Roth 1896 [also a brief retelling in Dixon 1916:175 by Horsburgh 1858:20; the invisible Rajah Gantallah was on lumbu; lembu in Malay is "bull" or "cow", but the Dayaks do not have this concept a specific image; at his request, two birds, a male and a female, appeared, who created the sky, earth, sky and the Batang Lupar River - the mother of rivers, the first water; when flying, they saw that the earth was larger than the sky; therefore, they collected them with their feet the land in piles, i.e. into the mountains; they created trees, they tried to make people out of them, but unsuccessfully; then people did not speak out of stone; then from clay (earth), and into the veins the resin of the kumpang tree, it was red; they called out - the man answered, cut it, blood flowed; they called him Tannah Kumpong, "made of clay" (Moulded Earth)]: 299; dusun: Evans 1953 (Tempasuk) [the gods made people out of stone, but these people did not spoke; then made of wood; wooden people spoke but were rotted; then out of the ground; they talked and lived longer, they are the people of today's descent]: 15-20, 372-387 in Stöhr, Zoetmulder 1965 : 43 (also Evans 1913:423 in Dixon 1916:175); Villard 2013 [Kinoringan and his wife Yumun; K. descended into the abyss, made the sky out of his round shield and the sky out of a rice dish; to secure the land, put a mountain on it, where the dead are going; threw pebbles for the weight, these are the Mantanani Islands off the north coast of Borneo; K. and Yu dug and filled the sea with water; where they passed, rivers formed there valleys; made man out of stone but he did not move or speak; made man and woman out of wood; they talked but did not move; they were burned, the ash turned into deserts; then they made them out of a nest ants; these began to walk and talk, they are modern people; K. knit a knot on a rope; if he falls asleep without getting tied, the child dies under one year; on the way to Mount Kinabalu, the Tempasuk River; crossing it, the dead approaches the home of old Oduk Nagatob, daughter K. and Yu; she checks whether the last knot on the rope is untied and, if not, sends the deceased back; if untied, the deceased climbs the mountain and after 7 days is embodied in a new child, i.e. in a new rope on which K. ties a knot]: 13-15.
Taiwan - Philippines. Bilaan [after creating the world, one of the gods proposed to populate it; others decided to make humans out of wax; but the wax by the fire melted; then Melu and Finuweigh made figures out of clay; making nostrils, F. turned the figure upside down; M. said that this way people would drown, rain would pour into their noses; F. refused to change his plan, but when he turned away, M. gave his nose its current position; traces of hasty prints his fingers are still visible; Var.: clay figures were revived by flogging]: Cole 1913:137 in Dixon 1916:175.
The Balkans. Bulgarians: Iliev 2001 [the first generation is giants, grew out of the ground like mushrooms; fought flying fiery snakes; if they fell, they broke in the lower back; the second generation is Pedya humans, with with a big beard, oxen are like goats to them; they hid from the rain under the leaves so that drops would not kill them; they were swallowed by snakes, killed by bees and ants; after that, the Lord decided that people should be medium in size] : 17-19; Marinov 2003 [first God creates a gigantic gidovina man; he could reach the sky with his hand, could not bend down, did not see in front of him, fell all the time; then God created a pedu man, he was tiny, animals and reptiles ate it; then God created the middle man; the descendants of the first two races still live, verlina-man (vurlina), such people are tall but stupid, and short Juje ( chovechentse, jivelek), such people are not allowed to participate in religious rituals]: 228-229; Stoynev 2006 [the first people were small and weak, could not cultivate the land, their animals exterminated them, they disappeared; then God placed giants 3 m tall on earth; if they fell, they crashed; some were three-headed with one eye; they were afraid of thunderstorms, fought snakes; then normal people appeared]: 147; Macedonians: Tsenev 2004 [the first people were tall, the next were small; both fell and died; God decided to make people of medium height]: 12; Ortenzio 2008, No. 2 [God told people to appear; the first were giants, they grew out of the ground like mushrooms; if they fell, they crashed; when dragons threw fire arrows in the clouds, the giants covered their heads with a stone and were not afraid; God destroyed them, made them dwarfs were an inch tall, beards as elbows, and their bulls were as tall as goats; these dwarfs were eaten by snakes; then God brought out real people and told them to gird themselves to show that they were medium in size], 3 [then briefly; to watch how the soup was cooked, the dwarfs had to climb to the edge of the boiler and fell into the cauldron and died]: 29-30, 31.
Central Europe. Ukrainians (Poltava) [the first people were very tall; they went to work 60 miles away; one such person found an ordinary person, brought it to his mother as a curiosity; the mother said that such people would live after them; The son says that if he knew, he would crush them all; the Lord destroyed them, turning them into stone; when the sun appeared, they began to laugh, so the Lord turned them into stone; they lived like animals in holes; in Holy Evening, the petrified come to life and converge; they cannot be touched; one Cossack jokingly grabbed a stone woman by the chest, who blew his head off and petrified again]: Strizhevsky 1905:118-119; Ukrainians ( Hutsuls) [at first there is water everywhere; God walked on the water, Aley (Ilya) slept in the clouds; one place on the water was covered with foam, God turned it into Aridnyk (Satan); told him to dive, he brought clay from the bottom under his fingernail, God made it into earth; God lay down to rest; A. tried to push him into the water, but as he dragged him to the edge, the earth grew bigger; when God woke up, God threw A. into the water, which became covered with ice; And . broke through the ice with his head, climbed back to land; after that, God called him an enemy, not a friend; Aley woke up, saw the ground, pushed it in fear, valleys and mountains formed; so that this would not happen again, God chained his hand to a rock; with one hand he can only shake clouds (thunder); only A. had the ability to create, and only God could revive creatures; therefore, all creatures belonged to A., God must had them stolen from him; their struggle ended with God throwing A. into jail; when they were fighting, a piece of God's skin was ripped off his hand and fell to the ground; that's where Adam came; A. once fell off the chain, found A., spat on him, and he became unclean; then God turned A. inside out, the impurity remained inside; when A. was sleeping, God put a willow branch next to him, Eve arose from it; she ate the fruit of the forbidden wood, caused people to be sinful; people multiplied; sinners became devils - helpers to A.; the first people were small and long-bearded ("lectobeards"); after them, the earth was inhabited by giants; they were evil, God destroyed them by the flood; only Noah and his family escaped; var.: a horn was sticking out of the water, two clung to it and did not drown; from then on, fewer people would become dwarfs again]: Koenig 1936:369-370.
Caucasus - Asia Minor. The Ingush [God first created the Veldicans; walking under the sun, they bent down so that their hats would not be knocked down; they did not have enough food, they ate each other; the earth: they trampled me all; then God destroyed giants with a contagious disease, created man and the earth calmed down]: Dakhkilgov 2003:30.
Western Siberia. Mansi (Sygva) [Num-Torum's son rises to heaven with a squirrel, asks his father how to make people, animals and birds out of snow; NT's son does so, the figures fall apart, he He comes to his father again; he advises to mix snow in half with clay; now the figures come to life, the land is inhabited]: Munkácsi 1908:226-227; northern Khanty [Numi-Torum first makes people from larch logs; menkvas turned out {this name for evil spirits is typical for the northern Khanty and Mansi; Eastern Khanty have Seves; V. Petrukhin, according to M. Hoppal, December 2016}; then from a larch core woven with larch roots; these people turned out to be shaggy, destroyed; real people are made of talnik, coated clay]: Petrukhin, Khelimsky 1982:567.
SV Asia. Russian Ustye [at first, God made two people out of stones; because they were made of stone, he could not put his heart into them; then he decided to make people out of clay (hands, Yakut. branch of the USSR Academy of Sciences)]: Venediktov 1985:401.
Subarctic. Koyukon [huge animals enter the sea, water floods the ground; the Great Raven tells the Raven to build a raft; animal people flee on a raft; Raven and Seagull fly in different directions, do not find land; many dive, but only the Muskrat pulls clay from the bottom, the Beaver helps to put it on the raft; when enough land has been piled up, the land has reappeared; vegetation appeared; the Raven drew channels, water it flowed in both directions at the same time; then decided that it would be too easy for people, let the rivers flow only downstream; made a man out of stone; decided that he would live forever and would not be like this smart enough (his mind would not be right); then he made it out of clay; this man knew how to think, was able to reproduce his own kind; made a woman; at first people died and reborn, but Raven decided that people should only live once; he was going to marry, others tried to take this woman away from him; then the Raven brought a rotten willow, sprayed dust, it turned into mosquitoes (to bite them to bite rivals); animal people then became animals]: Attla 1983:129-137 (=Ruppert, Bernet 2001:84-89; retelling in Smelcer 1992:125); upper tanana [Creator makes humans out of green leaves; they fall and die in autumn; then they make people out of stone; people still live]: McKennan 1959:213; atna [The raven makes people out of stone; they are too heavy, the earth bends; makes them out trees; they're light, they die fast]: Rooth 1971:343.
California. Pomo: Angulo 1935 [Marumda makes the first humans out of wool, feathers, flint; they are strange, monstrous, M. destroys them with rain and flood; in his word he creates a village of people; they are not good either , he tells the Fire Man to burn the earth; he fires arrows in four directions and at the zenith, the world lights up; M. himself escapes every time in the sky; after a fire, he digs a hole near the river, puts it around willow sticks; falls asleep, goes to watch; after the third attempt they turn into people; he teaches men to hunt, women to dig roots, appoints elders, etc.; this third world has been destroyed snow and cold, the fourth by a hurricane; each time M. makes people out of sticks again]: 239-260; Williams 1954 [the first race was destroyed by fire and flood; the evil eagle Gilluk ruled the world, was also destroyed; Coyote, his wife Frog, Kingfisher, and Lizard were going to make new people; the Coyote snatched the feathers from the eagle's body, placed the roundhouse on the floor in pairs; said these people would be better than the past, made of sticks or clay; waited 4 days, then fasted for 8 days, facing the hearth - people did not appear; then they turned to the hearth, after 4 days the feathers began to move, and after another 4 days they became people, each couple spoke their own language; Coyote said who to live and what to eat]: 14-15.
Mesoamerica Zotzil: Gossen 1974, No. 131 [second race made of wood], 106 and 133 [real people (third race) made of clay], 164-165 [first race destroyed with boiling water], 169 [until people knew about sex, they did children with clay and sticks]: 308, 321-322, 336, 339]; Guiteras-Holmes 1961 [The creator makes the first people out of mud, they don't stand upright (when wet?) ; makes new ones out of good clay]: 157; quiche: Popol-Vuh 1959:14-18 [the first clay people soak in water; the second race of wood is destroyed by the flood, animals, revived objects; monkeys - hers descendants], 80-81 [gods make today's people from yellow and white corn cobs brought by fox, coyote, crow and parrot; grinding them, Shmukane made nine drinks, from this food came strength and flesh; from yellow and white corn, Tepeu and Kukumac (Great Mother and Great Father) created human flesh; from corn dough, arms and legs]; kakchikel [Anales de los Cakchiqueles; the first people were made of earth, ate wood and leaves, could not walk and talk, had neither flesh nor blood; then people were made from corn mixed with tapir and snake blood; they married and multiplied]: Thompson 1977:403; shank [first tiwix o Ow kajna'tata (hereinafter O.) made man from the core of a particular tree, but he could hardly walk and did not remember its creator; then the gods tried to make people out of different types of trees and finally found a suitable one; trees are considered "big brothers"; then T. sculpted a man out of unburned clay; he was smart and walked normally; but when O. sent a downpour, the man blurred; finally, O. made a man out of clay and burned the workpiece in the coals of the fire; when the man came to life, O. sent a downpour, but it did not harm the man; O. made it out of clay women and humans have also multiplied]: López Ramírez 2007:115-118.
The Northern Andes. Embera [Karagabi makes immortal people out of wood, but they go to the lower world, they don't have anus, they feed on the smell of food; after cutting his hand, K. does not want to use anymore wood, sculpts people from clay, they are mortal; if they were not from clay, they would change their skin like snakes and crustaceans]: Wassen 1933, No. 3:110; yupa [Kemoko sculpts people from clay; their customs deteriorate, he leaves them, carves Yupa ancestors out of wood; hostile tribes in the savanna come from the clay race]: Villamañan 1982, No. 1:6-7.
Llanos. Guayabero [Kuvoi made a woman out of clay, she melted in water; the wax melted from the fire; heard a woman laughing out of wood, carved a woman; she has no vagina; tried it unsuccessfully Fox managed to pierce her monkeys, because he has a bone in his penis; Mingo (apparently Duck) took K.'s wife in a boat, taken by the Royal Vulture; K. sees monkeys going to the party; came there in in the form of an old man in ulcers; after swimming, he became the same; returned his wife; the vultures rushed in pursuit; K. fell off the tree, the corpse wormed; came to life, grabbed Vulture, plucked him]: Schindler 1977a: 223-226; guajibo (shikuani i/li kuiwa): Baquero 1989, No. 2 [Kuwai makes a woman out of clay; she is able to bake tortillas but cannot bring water; from wax, she can neither bake nor stay in the sun; made of wood - burns by the fire; his son Matsuldani stomps on the ground, causing wind from the sky; a rainbow rises from the ground, and fish with it; when they fall to the ground, they turn into people; (similar story in baniva, R. Wright)]: 82; Morey, Metzger 1974 [Kuwait makes a man out of clay, wax; wood; a shrew pierces a woman's vagina with his penis]: 107; sikuani: Wilbert, Simoneau 1992, No. 28 [ Furna (aka Kuwai) makes his wife out of clay, she melts in the rain; wax melts in the sun; from fragrant laurel tree - successfully; her name is Pumeneruva; she does not have a vagina; on F. asks the monkeys to make it; they fail; the maicero monkey flattened his penis, a tiny protrusion remains; then the Fox made a bone in the penis out of the knot, he managed to pierce P.; Yakukuli duck kidnaps P., luring her into his boat with a promise to give fish; P. becomes the wife of the royal vulture Edapukuni, calls the monkeys to a party, they tell F. about it, give him a tail, smear him with hand glue so that he can jump with them on branches like a monkey; those in front destroy the Toad's house and repair it behind; for this, the Toad smears paint on F. and some monkeys, making them attractive for P.; they cross the vine to Vulture Island; F. almost fell; he looks like an old man covered in ulcers; everyone goes fishing, F. stays with P. to collect firewood, bathes, regaining his true appearance ; sardines emerge from F.'s scabs; Y. F. and P. return home; those who go fishing don't return, they turn into animals], 35 [Matsuludani (Mts.) sees a naked woman, sleeps in a hammock, ejaculates, the woman collects his sperm in a vessel, there the boy Maduedani appears (Md.); runs after his father; he kills him, rubs him in powder, Md. immediately resurrects; Mts. brings him home; Hd. sucks pineapples without cutting them; kills deer from guns (another son Mts does not have a firearm); Mts. makes a woman out of wax, she melts under the sun; from clay - dissolves in water; Hd. stomps on the ground, people come out of the hole; white - along with pets, mosquito nets and other property; Md. teaches what to do with cattle products, Indians do not listen to him; makes a lake for people to swim in it, change their skin and become younger; snakes, crocodiles, spiders, grasshoppers climb into the water; people are afraid of them, refuse to even pour their calabasses; remain mortal; Md. rises to heaven]: 142-143, 166-170.
Guiana. Taulipan [after the flood, a world fire broke out, people died, animals hid in a hole in the ground; Makunaima made new people with wax, they melted in the sun; then from clay, they were from The sun is only stronger, they make people]: Koch-Grünberg 1924, No. 3:38-39.