Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

E21. The victim of aquatic creatures finds vengeance .

The child catches fish (with poison), or fish venom is released from his body. A fish or a water snake kills him. Death is avenged.

Guiana. Plants used for fishing or hunting aquatic animals grow from the remains of a child. See the E20A motif. Arekuna; akawai; makushi; trio.

NW Amazon. Baniva [the boy has a wound; the secretions dripping from it attract fish; the man goes fishing with the boy; a big fish or snake swallows the boy; the person, together with the child's father, chases it is down the river; different tribes set traps (the origin of river rapids); the fish is stopped by a Bari Indian trap; two birds (kansan and bitira) kill fish; in her womb, her father finds dead son; fish are cut into pieces, they turn into different types of fish, caimans, turtles; the head turns into a rock]: Saake 1968 [wound on the face; two birds kansan and bitira kill a snake; father boy turns into Pleiades]: 270; Wright 1995 (hohodene) [wound on the leg; shoots fish that are too big, it swallows the boy, and three birds kill it]: 47.

Central Amazon. Lower Purus (mura?) [owl spouses; plants for making bows and arrows used to shoot fish]: Barbosa Rodrigues 1890:267-269; lower reaches of Rio Negro (manao?) [fisherman Uazu's hook gets stuck in Mother Turtles's shell; she drags him into the river, the fish eat it; his son pulls the Turtle out of the water, turns into Grandfather Eagles; unable to reach the bones and W.'s tendons, but they themselves turn into plants that make bows and arrows to shoot fish]: Barbosa Rodrigues 1890:271; maue [boy; timbo vines]: Pereira 1954:94-95, 97-98 [=1980], 100; 1980 (2) [Ikuama invited his brother Okumaato, animals, fish to the party; O.'s people killed I.'s son because he improved their speaking style; I. buried his son's legs, and the liana of timbo grew out of them ( fish poison); Anaconda's son found out that the fish people had created the first water; he came to them, put a shaman's rattle on his stomach, water poured out of his stomach; Anaconda came; the murderer of son I. asked him to flee ( crawl) without turning around, but he looked around, so the river winds; the fish jumped into the water; I. used timbo; the Jaguar brought his pregnant wife, the poison lost its strength; I. killed the Jaguar, it grew into a Brazilian walnut (Bertholletia excelsa palm)]: 714-717; Ugge 1991, No. 1:105-112.

Southern Amazon. Paresi [the younger brother is trapped by the demon Shikhali; he brings him home, says he brought firewood; his two daughters go to bed with a young man; they have poisonous insects in their vaginas, they they tell him to stick his reed, pull out the insects, have sex, then put the insects back; at night, the young man falls asleep, eaten by S.; the same thing happens to his older brother, but he does not fall asleep; Sh. 1) sends him bring toucans (they kill people); the old woman tells you to burn the thorns on the tree first (var: wives cover the holes in the young man's face with wax, the toucans did not peck him); the young man brings toucans, S. revives them; 2) clean the bird cage (there snakes, old woman or wives warn, he burns snakes, S. revives); 3) fish with poison (old woman: there are caimans created by S.; you need to heat the stones, boil the lake; Sh. revives cooked creatures); 4) get the vine to make arrows (the vine must fall on his head, the water spirit pulls out); 5) tear the bark off the tree (the son-in-law climbs up, throws the bark, killing S.); they got out of his stomach beetles, so his daughters could not revive it; two beetles were turned into a sacred nose flute; a young man, along with his boy and girl, swims down the river in a cassava trough; wives are sent two parrots; they fly into the young man's mouth, cut his heart, come out of the sides; since then they are red; children tease Cocotero (their father's sister) who comes to them that she has a hairy vulva; every time she wants to grab them, jump into the water; Zatiamare (K.'s older brother and the dead boys) catches them in a trap; the girl is copulated by the forest spirit, she becomes a spirit; the boy is killed by fish, he flies away with a falcon; Z. finds his veins, teeth and brain, makes them timbo, fish poison, kills a lot of fish]: Pereira 1986, No. 7:131-149; nambikwara [boy helps Ne.ahlusu's father fish with using poison; the Cyclagras gigas snake kills a boy; the Forest Iguan finds and buries the victim; the father asks the Hummingbird to shoot the snake; the Herpetotheres cachinnans bird eats the corpse; var.1: she kills it herself; var.2: the snake bit the bird's daughter, the acaua bird (Herpetotheres cachinnans); the iguana explored Anolis punctatis; the akawa called the hummingbird, which flew like thunder; the snake's children came out, but not her; then began to fly black hummingbird; the snake stuck its head out, the akaua killed it with an arrow, cut it to pieces with a wooden sword, the snake's husband and children ran away; the snake's blood gave rise to a spider, rat, scolopendra, Amphisbaena alba (legless lizard , which they think both ends of her body end with her head)]: Pereira 1983, No. 49:80-83 (=1984:20-21, 30-32).