Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

E22. The swallowed person gains knowledge. .

Once inside a creature, the swallowed character learns rituals, songs, ornamental motifs, extracts drugs or poison, and when outside again, he transfers this knowledge to people.

Kalevala, Karelians, Diegeño (ipay), yaruro, piaroa, waivay, vapishana, barasana, bar.

Baltoscandia. Kalevala [Wäinemenen did not find the three words needed to make a boat; he goes to the womb of Antero Vipunen, a giant who has grown into the ground and overgrown with trees; the path lies at the ends needles, swords and axe; to pass, V. asks Ilmarinen to forge iron clothes for him; AB wakes him up from sleeping underground; puts a stake in his mouth, enters his womb and begins to forge iron there; AB and V. threaten to each other; V. feels he has learned enough, AB comes out of his mouth, finishes the boat]: rune 17:194-207; Karelians: Yevseyev 1950, No. 6 [Väinämöini went to gain wisdom; Antervo Vipuni died, a spruce grew on his forehead, a pine tree on his shoulders; V. fell, AB swallowed it; V. made a boat, sailed through his veins, swam out of the womb of the deceased], 34 [Väinämöini is three words missing to finish the boat; Vipuni He died a long time ago, alder grew on his chin, pine trees on his teeth, ate on his eyebrows; Väinämöini walks along the edges of his swords and needles, goes down into Vipuni's womb, makes a smithy out of his shirt, a fur coat, ticks from his little finger, a hammer from the elbow, begins to forge; Vipuni says he ate wolves and bears, but not like that]: 58-59, 83-84.

The Great Southwest. Diegueño (ipay) [all knowledge was inside a giant sea serpent; another serpent guards the way to it; the man turns into a bubble, the guardian swallows it; he cuts his womb with a flintlock knife, goes out; asks the main serpent to pass on knowledge to people; he crawls ashore, sticks his head inside the building; people are afraid, they set fire to the building; the serpent explodes; the tribes take various dances, songs, ritual images; snakes turn into rocks]: Waterman 1910:340; (cf. Gifford 1931 (kamia) [Heaven and Earth lay tight together; Chiuy, Chiyi, Pukumat, Mastambo, the White Woman were between them; the earth was wet; Chiyyuk and Chiyi went west, where heaven and earth were they converge, brought a handful of red ants from there, rubbed the ground, it dried up; appointed P. their son and head of the people; when P. died, M. took his place; Chiyi was the first to leave the ground with a red fox; Chiyyuk replied that he went out with his eyes open; he did so, Chiyi threw sand into his eyes, Chiyyuk became blind; both began to make birds; because Chiyyuk was blind, making them too large-mouth and long-legged; both brothers put green leaves in the water, the sick birds drank and recovered; both told P. that they made birds; Chiyyuk went out with the brown fox, Chiyi changed the fox; when he learned about this, Chiyyuk went to the ground, wanted to demolish everything on the ground; Chiyi wrapped around it, but his illnesses passed through his fingers; a month later Chiyuk ascended to the east, left again a month later; this constellation Chiyuk is a month in sight, the other not; Chiyi made everyone alive creatures (except humans), they looked like human beings; handed them over to P.; that night he made a fire, all those created gathered for the fire; the Month said that it would go east, in 4 days they would revive in the west; reported the names of 6 months; the hanuchip bird told the kwasaman bird that the dead bird would not be reborn and the same would happen to people, otherwise the earth would overflow; the lizard spoke and died at sunrise, the corpse was burned; daughter P. The frog let another Frog swallow his hair from his head; P. fell ill, died; the Coyote ran to the sun for the fire, at which time the others lit the funeral fire; Coyote returned, jumped over those around him the fire took away and ate P.'s heart; M. ordered the first ancestors to become animals, told who to do; sculpted 10 people of each tribe out of clay; they were small, then grew up; the White Woman descended from heaven , gave birth to many people; M. invited the Mayihauchawit sea serpent to a memorial ceremony; it was created by Chiyyuk and Chiyi, it is speckled; the houses where the serpent crawled, burned, and ritual came out of the body of the snake songs from different tribes; different tribes went to their habitats]: 75-81).

Llanos. Yaruro [even before the flood, Po Ana swallowed two brothers; after a long time he decided to regurgitate their bones, for this purpose he climbed to land; the brothers were alive, cut his side, went out, but without hair or nails; began to sing songs to people that recognized a snake in their belly; Woodpecker's wife listens, Woodpecker kills her out of jealousy; brothers go into the spirit world]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1990c, No. 67:95-97.

Southern Venezuela. Piaroa [Cheheru is Vahari's sister, Paruna is her husband; P. goes to look for the drug yopo (Anadenanthera peregrina); V. comes to C., copulates with her, taking yopo out of her vaginas; P. dreams of V. pushing yopo in C.'s hammock; P. and V. quarreling; after that, the PR anuses ceased to be hard, shiny, blue]: Kaplan? in Cavendish 1980:263.

Guiana. Waywai: Fock 1963 [a snake covered in hair, with legs, swallows and regurgitates a person; his skin remains patterned]: 91-92; Roe 1989 [father-in-law sends his son-in-law to kill Aguti; he meets in on the other side, an anaconda with iridescent skin; kills it, removes the skin, brings it to the community home; the skin emits thunder and lightning; people reproduce patterns on it to ornament baskets]: 23-25; vapishana [ a water serpent; like a waiwai; those trying to repeat the feat die]: Farabee 1918:116-119.

NW Amazon. Barasana [Kame eagle kills people; Varimi flies with ibises to Romi-Kum (Shaman Woman) to extract curare poison; overcomes obstacles that crush mountains; RK pubic hair. - timbo vines (fish poison); V. flies into the vagina by a green bee, runs out of the head of RK. a poisonous lizard; the bee drinks nectar from flowers covering pubic hair (= timbo vines) RM.; RM. requires V. repeated copulations; leaves V. in his father Anaconda's stone house; V. enters his body with a flea, extracts poison from his bladder; flies out of his nostrils; makes a hole in the stone roof, flies away like a green parrot, then an oriole (Icterus chrysocephalus); cooks poison, loses consciousness; at this time, snakes have time to get drunk, becoming poisonous]: S.Hugh-Jones 1979, № 4f-g: 278-282; bar [hero A flea penetrates the snake's body to extract curare venom from its heart]: Jackson 1983:115.