Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

E23. Revitalization with fleas .

It is necessary to throw a handful of fleas or lice at the character; this is the only thing that makes him or her move, which is necessary for humans to revive or survive.

Plains. Throw off pawnee [the young man mourns at the bride's grave; a creature in the form of either a skunk or a rainbow leads him into the world of the dead; he is told to throw lice on the girl's head; she itches and comes back to life; he returns from a bride on earth, marries her]: Dorsey 1904b, No. 20:71-73.

California. Vappo: Radin 1914, No. 7 [during the flood, the Coyote and his grandson Hawk close themselves in a hole in the rock; after the flood, they build a steam room, put some feathers there, they come to life; but they don't say they do not move, laugh, walk, eat; every time Coyote goes to old man Month, brings him a bag of words, fleas (bites make people move), laughing, walking, porridge and with soup; people are happy], 9 [Coyote builds a village, puts as many feathers in every house as there should be people; the next morning feathers turn into people but do not speak; Coyote goes to old man Cooks, he gives a bag of laughter, tells them not to open it on the way; the Coyote opens, writhes with laughter, pours the leftovers on people; in the morning people laugh but still do not speak; K. gives a bag of lice, Coyote again unties it along the way, the leftovers pour out on people; in the morning people start walking; the same with a bag of lice; then K. comes by himself, now people are running, saying]: 45-46, 65-69; Maidu [Sun sister and her The month-brother lives in a stone house; various animals are trying to lure them into the sky; the Worm made a hole, Gopher released fleas into the house, they bit the Sun and the Month, they got up from the bunk; The sun was afraid to walk at night, chose the day, and the Month began to walk at Night]: Dixon 1902, No. 8. 2:78; lake chief [Hawk Chief, grandson of Coyote and Frog, asks Coyote to make humans; he takes sticks of different types of trees, sticks into the floor of the house, sings and dances all night; in the morning sticks turn into people, but dumb; Coyote makes them dance the next night; in the morning they say that fleas are theirs bitten; Coyote, along with his wife and grandson, goes overseas to the land of the dead; says people will come to him after death]: Angulo, Freeland 1928, No. 3:236-237.

Mesoamerica Tricky [God makes humans, they don't move; he tells lice, mosquitoes, and other insects to bite them; no reaction; then sends fleas, humans move]: Hollenbach 1980:456.

The Central Andes. Dep-you Huanuco, Pasco, Lima [yucyuc thrush (Turdus sp.) receives a handful of fleas from another bird and throws it at the goddess's face; while she combs its bites, the bird grabs her baby; returns the child in exchange for all cultivated plants]: Rostworowski de Diez Canseco 1983:73; Silverblatt 1990:21-22; Torero 1974:225-226; Ayavinha, Ragash County, Sihuas Province, Dep. Ancash [Adam and Eve do not speak at first, live with animals; Taita Dios sends a sorsal bird (aka yukuk, chihuaco; Turdus sp.) to throw lice into the river; he throws them into the river; he throws them into the river Adam's head; at the same moment A. begins talking to Eve; people begin to multiply and die]: Souffez 1988:45-48; aymara (dep. Puno) [the first people Adam and Eve did not know how to speak; Jesus threw a louse at them, they spoke]: Ortiz Rescaniere 1973:24.