Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

E27. People from blood droplets. .

Humans arise from droplets of blood from an injured anthropomorphic creature.

Admiralty Islands, Yatmul, Orokaiva, Tolai, Bining, Lamotrek, Nanai, Yuchi, Yanomami, Tarian, Andoque, Waarochiri Islands.

Melanesia. Admiralty Islands [Hi Asa cleaned the thorns from the pandanus leaf with a sharp shell to make the hut septum (Schirm); cut her finger, collected blood drops into the sink, and closed it; when I came to see if there were two eggs in the shell, from which a man and a woman then hatched; so humans are children of blood]: Meier 1907, No. 5:651-652; yatmul []: Walk 1949:104-105; orokaiva [ The wife (or sister) of the cannibal giant Totoima worked in the garden, cut her finger, wiped the blood with a sugar cane leaf, put it in a pot, and two children (or many boys and girls) appeared there; c With the help of their mother, the children destroyed O., became the ancestors of the Orokaiva; var.: People not eaten by the giant left the shelter, ate parts of his body, depending on this, acquired different dialects]: Williams 1930:155; tolay: Janssen et al. 2012, No. 2 [Kaia drew two human figures on the ground, rubbed his skin, sprinkled blood on the figures, covered them with leaves, To Kabinana (TA) and To Karvuvu (TU) appeared; TA climbed a coconut tree, threw two unripe yellowish coconuts on the ground, they turned into two women; KU did the same thing, but his nuts stuck in the ground, so his women have flattened noses], 3 [ the old woman was collecting shells on the littoral; her hands were scratched, she scratched her left hand and then her right hand with a pandanus leaf, wiped blood drops on the leaves of a coconut palm tree, threw the leaves on a pile of garbage, began to make a fire, but saw two boys in the garbage, hid them from a terrible boar in the cave, gave spears and slings; TA wounded the wild boar with spears, and TU killed their slings with a stone; since then, people have been able to hunt wild boars]: 1, 1-2; bining (New Britain, Gazelle Peninsula) [the old woman collected shells on the littoral; her hands were scratched, she scratched her left hand, then her right hand with a pandanus leaf, wiped off the drops blood on coconut palm leaves, threw the leaves on a pile of garbage to burn later; two boys emerged from the drops of blood, one left-handed and the other right-handed; she taught them how to hunt wild pigs]: Meier 1909:25-27 in Hatt 1949:81.

Micronesia-Polynesia. Lamotrek [Eluelap's daughter named Leboupboup (Ligóubub, Legóupup) descended from the sky, scattered sand and rocks, created islands, created plants and animals; cut the tip of her finger on the right hand, blood drops gave rise to a Yat woman and a Yol man, from which people come from]: Krämer 1937:146.

Amur - Sakhalin. Nanais [brother Hoday and sister Mämendi lived; M. bit a finger, a man and two women appeared from drops of blood, people descended from them; at the request of M., H. kills two out of three suns with arrows; M. sends him to look for a door to the next world (buni), because people on earth are cramped; H. finds a tree with shamanic accessories, collects everything in a bag; they demand that they be released, because they are not alone for him; he opens the bag, accessories are scattered to different people worthy of becoming shamans; now you can bury the dead, take souls to boonies]: Kjgfnby 1922:237 = 239 (=Lopatin 1965:440-441 in Okladnikov 1968: 165).

Southeast USA. Yuchi: Gatschet 1893 [1) the first man and woman emerge from a drop of the Sun's menstrual blood; 2) every morning a sorcerer tries to kill the rising Sun; two men knock his head down with clubs they hang on the cedar; blood drips, people come out of it; cedar wood turns red]: 280-282; Swanton 1929, No. 90 [Mother Sun makes its way above the earth for the first time; a drop of her blood falls to the ground, from it people appear]: 84.

Southern Venezuela. Yanomami: Wilbert, Simoneau 1990b, No. 15 [character shoots per Month, Blood of the Month drips to the ground], 19 [(Cocco 1972:467-469 (quail in Eguillor García 1984:138-140); Periporewë killed his daughter Purimayoma in the forest because she did not want to live with her husband Amoawë; cut out her ovaries, cooked her and ate her at home; then began to go up to heaven; people shot at him, but only Suhirinariwë hit; drops of blood fell to the ground, of which were Yanomami (only men); P. weakened, descended to the horizon, died; this Month (Peripo) was his spirit; his daughter became cocuyo], 20 [character shoots in the Month, the blood of the Month drips to the ground], 29 (ironaciteri) [(Becher 1974:23-25); Yuri is the chief's elder wife; the monkey licks her period, the chief kills the monkey, beats his wife; son Y. Maraveau wounds his father with a bow; he is finished off by lightning, the monkey comes to life, saves Yu and M. from the flood; further as in (30); Yu and M. in the same hammock], 30 (ironaciteri; Becher 1974:21-23) [slept at In the village, a person leaves a howler monkey (iro, hence the name of the group); Yu. - the chief's daughter from his deceased wife, inseparable from her; two other wives kill a monkey, its ashes are mixed into soup for Yu; lightning kills both women and their sons, it begins to rain, flood; monkey revives, saves Yu and her father; after the flood, the god Pore tells all three to lie in the same hammock; the monkey disappears, Yu becomes pregnant; blood flows from the sky, new people emerge from its drops; Yu gives birth to them leader]: 47-48, 55-58, 59, 69-71, 72-75; Zerries 1958 [A month has descended from the sky there are termites; many shot at him, only Omayali hit; blood flowed, turned into the first men; from an abscess to The first woman came out on Kanabolokoma's leg (Kanaboliwa), gave birth to many children from men; the ending -ma in the name Kanabolokoma is female]: 280.

NW Amazon. Tariana: Brandao de Amorim 1943 [The thunder rattles so loudly that it breaks off a piece of the sky; when it bounces, it hurts it; people emerge from drops of blood]: 45-48; Brüzzi 1994 [1) Büxpó ( Thunder) hurts his leg, drops of blood fall on leaves, turn into people; 2) sprays clouds with his blood; 3) people arise from the blood of his son Kapirikuri]: 68; andoque [Nenefí - chief a mythical character who wins the "talking tree"; his wife and sister at the same time make two balls of sweet cassava starch, puts cassava plants in the fork (it is not clear whether this is a real plant or mythical manioc tree), they turn into male and female harpy eagles; eagles grow up, feed their chick with people; N. eats a chick, makes a house out of stone; The eagle breaks through the roof, slips inside his paw; it was torn off; the eagle takes off, stones, water appear from the pouring blood, Andoque Indians of different ancestral groups (perhaps also some non-andoke)]: Landaburu, Pineda 1981:71-72 (=1984:70-71).

Central Andes. Uarochiri (dep. Lima) [young boys came from quinoa seeds, yauyo from blood that fell from the sky]: Salomon, Uriosto 1991, ch. 24:117.