E28. The Blood of the Month is pouring to the ground .
People shoot in the Month, his blood is pouring to the ground.
Yanomami, mura, parakana, spiking.
Southern Venezuela. Yanomami: Wilbert, Simoneau 1990b, No. 15 [character shoots per Month, Blood of the Month drips to the ground], 19 [(Cocco 1972:467-469 (quail in Eguillor García 1984:138-140); Periporewë killed his daughter Purimayoma in the forest because she did not want to live with her husband Amoawë; cut out her ovaries, cooked her and ate her at home; then began to go up to heaven; people shot at him, but only Suhirinariwë hit; drops of blood fell to the ground, of which were Yanomami (only men); P. weakened, descended to the horizon, died; this Month (Peripo) was his spirit; his daughter became cocuyo], 20 [character shoots in the Month, the blood of the Month drips to the ground], 29 (ironaciteri) [(Becher 1974:23-25); Yuri is the chief's elder wife; the monkey licks her period, the chief kills the monkey, beats his wife; son Y. Maraveau wounds his father with a bow; he is finished off by lightning, the monkey comes to life, saves Yu and M. from the flood; further as in (30); Yu and M. in the same hammock], 30 (ironaciteri; Becher 1974:21-23) [spent the night in In the village, a person leaves a howler monkey (iro, hence the name of the group); Yu. - the chief's daughter from his deceased wife, inseparable from her; two other wives kill a monkey, its ashes are mixed into soup for Yu; lightning kills both women and their sons, it begins to rain, flood; monkey revives, saves Yu and her father; after the flood, the god Pore tells all three to lie in the same hammock; the monkey disappears, Yu becomes pregnant; blood flows from the sky, new people emerge from its drops; Yu gives birth to them leader]: 47-48, 55-58, 59, 69-71, 72-75; Zerries 1958 [A month has descended from the sky there are termites; many shot at him, only Omayali hit; blood flowed, turned into the first men; from an abscess to The first woman came out on Kanabolokoma's leg (Kanaboliwa), gave birth to many children from men; the ending -ma in the name Kanabolokoma is female]: 280.
Central Amazon. Mura (piraha) [the sky was low, the moon was shining brightly like the sun now; one man shot at her, blood poured, the moon disappeared, darkness came; the sky began to fall; people rushed to prop it up with tree trunks; this helped, but in the dark, jaguars, wild boars, packs, deer from the depths of the forest came to the village, and people climbed the trees to escape them; the rivers dried up, the fish died, and the animals also disappeared; the only thing left was the paba snake, which had enough moisture in the forest; people drank the juice contained in the tynnanthus elegans vine and ate the meat of this snake; enemies came, almost all people died in battle, stayed three women; their weeping was heard by the heavenly deity Igagai (or rather? igagaí); he threw animals into the forest, but could not throw the fish - they fell by, not in the river bed; then I. ordered the river dolphin (boto) to fill the rivers with fish; I. created a new moon, and an underground Aitoe's assistant was told to make stars and place them in the sky; the moon and stars are made of shiny white clay (terra); I. made a hole in the sky and the waters of the upper world filled the rivers again; but women they still cried without men; I. began to throw fruits from the sky at them and they became pregnant; gave birth to sons, but without penises; I. weaved penises for them from palm leaves; then returned the fire to the people and threw off their stem cassava]: Gonçalves 1990:4-5 (=2001:135-137).
Eastern Amazon. Paracana [men first menstruated; when the sky separated from the ground and the cultural hero went to live in heaven, the battleship shot at the moon, then, sending arrows one at the tail of the other, made a chain of arrows from heaven to earth; different animals tried to climb it, but the chain broke under the weight of a tapir; different types of living beings became inhabitants of the corresponding loci; when to the moon they shot, the men told the women not to leave their homes; but they went out, the blood of the moon spilled on them and they had their periods]: Fausto 2012:65-66; spiking [one of the two brothers notices that theirs sister is pregnant; sweeps her to smear her night lover's face with genipa juice; she turns out to be another brother; lovers run to heaven; quarrel, sister falls to the ground with a meteor, turns into a tapir; brother It is done by the Month; the other brother tells the warriors to shoot; only the Battleship's arrow hits the Month; blood is shed; women wipe themselves from the bottom up, are under the influence of the Month; men wipe from top to bottom; birds bathe in blood, receiving colored plumage]: Nimuendaju 1920:1010-1011.