Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

E32. Progenitor plants.


The first people or the first woman (ancestor, goddess) are born as trees, come out of wood, stump, flower, reeds.

Damara, Herero, Bafia, Ambo, Subia, Tonga, Zulu, Pygmies (Mbuti?) , Nuers, Sandave, Majprat, Arandai Bintuni, Elema, Kukukuku, Gazelle Peninsula, Bining, New Ireland, Malaita, Guadalcanal, Espiritu Santo, Fiji (Southern Lau Islands), Gilbert Islands, Nauru, Niue, Moriori, Tibetans, Shans, Viets, Muong, Cham, Haria, Cond, Hampty, Andamans, Mentawai, Nias, Kayan, Bahau, Kenya, Ngaju, Serram, Gorrom Laut, Ambina, Buru, Kai Islands, Igorot, Tagals, Visayas, Negrito (Lusona?) , Moro, Tsou, ami, Puyuma, Paiwan, Ancient Chinese, Koreans, Ancient Greece, Kalmyks, Zoroastrianism, Kafirs, Tajiks, Edda, Latvians (Samoites), Bashkirs, Uighurs, Oirats (Mongol-Uryanhais, Durbuts), Altaians, Northern Selkups, Chumikans, Upper Zeans, Sym Evenks, Evens, Yakuts, Nivkhs, Nanais, Ulchi, Negidals, Udege, Manchus, Ainu, Japanese (Konjaku Monogatari), Miyako Islands, Markovo Islands (?) , (coastal Koryaks), Delaware, Seri, Mixtecs, Zapotecs (?) , Masateks, Lacandons, Haina (?) , bari, piaroa, aravete, urubu, surui and chamacoco.

SW Africa. Damara [humans and animals came out of the same tree; when people lit the fire, the animals ran away]: Dähnhardt 1910:520.

Bantu-speaking Africa. Ambo [god knocked down the Combretum primig tree, it burst, the first two pairs of people came out of it]: Baumann 1936:226; bafia [Mubei created mountains, rocks, sun, moon; two came out of the vine human couples; the Messe man asked Mubei to give him fire; he taught him how to carve and preserve; when Mass died, Mubei ordered him to be placed at the roots of the tree so that he could become a child again and continue to live; but Messe Guife's wife said that it would be better for her to be pregnant and have children, and the deceased die forever; therefore, there are many people, otherwise there would be only four - the first two couples]: Tessmann1934a: 177-178; subia [the first humans were not created by God but fell off a dry tree]: Jacottet 1901:106 in Baumann 1936:226; Herero: Baumann 1936 [Herero's ancestors along with cattle came out of trees of a certain breed (Combretacee); Bushmen and small cattle came out of a hole in the ground]: 225; Parrinder 1967 [as in Baumann]: 39; St. Lys 1916 [the first man came out of Omumborombonga wood and woman; they descend from Herero, Ovambo, Chwana, Nama; one girl ran to the steppe, fell on a flat stone, where they gave birth to mountain damars and baboons; cattle also came out of that tree, and small - made of flat stone in northern Herero]: 178; Tonga [the first man and woman came out of the reeds; they used to stick a reed into the ground when a child was born]: Parrington 1967:39; Zulu [first man and woman came out of the cane]: Parrington 1967:39.

Sudan-East Africa. Pygmies (mbuti?) [There was no water; the Chameleon heard a noise in the tree trunk; cut down a tree with an ax, water poured in from there, filled the reservoirs; a man and a woman came out with the water, and people came from them]: Parrinder 1967:45; sandave: Baumann 1936 [Matunda opened a tree, a hyena, a sheep, a woman with two children, a Wangu man who married Matunda's sister, and he married sister Wang]: 226; Kimmendade 1936 [hyena first , then brebis, then a woman, followed by a man, then various animals came out of the crack in the large baobab]: 407; nuers [people came out of the hole at the base of a huge tamarind (a specific tree, its showed; when it burned down during the fire, they honored its charred remains); from there came the forefather and pramatis of the Nuers, also Europeans (and all others); var.: people fell like fruit from the branches of this tree; var. : this tree was also a woman; var.: people came out of the tribes of a first ancestor god]: Crazzolara 1953:66 (same text briefly referring to Evans-Prichard 1956:6 in Burton 1991:83).

Melanesia. Majprat: Elmberg 1968, No. 5 [ancestors came out of the tree; there was a buzz around, people heard that they were inside a tree; this is the origin of all the inhabitants of the coast], 16 [inside the tree bees were buzzing; they flew out, became human], 17 [a man came out of a bamboo trunk and a woman from a cave], 22 [a girl came out of the cave, a boy from a hollow of a fallen tree, they got married], 30 [Marik and Serefré was chased by an opossum, heard a noise in the mango trunk; S. cut a hole, people began to come out; Saréfi was the first to come out, whose axe cut his head to blood; the last to try get out a two-headed man, but he was driven back], 40 [Sesa people came out of a mango trunk; at night, a man with a dog heard a noise from a tree, opened the trunk with an ax; Sarombó sat tallest, an ax slipped over his head, he became bald; when people came out, he appeared two-headed, and other monsters below, but the man closed the hole and pushed the double-headed back; their totem bird Urep also flew out with the people ], 41 [Marik hunted with a dog, heard Sareli and Sarompo arguing inside a tree trunk; M. cuts a hole, members of different groups come out; the last is Sarefi, the ax hit his head, he bald]: 256, 264, 265-266, 269, 274-275, 275; Arandai-bintuni [Burundi family came out of the tree; women heard a noise from the trunk, opened the trunk, men came out of there, every woman took a husband; the last one got bald and old; men turned into birds, flew away with coal]: Miedema 1997, No. 17:45; elema (Ipi band) [Ivu was born from the ground, lived at the base of the Hoa tree; saw in in a dream, how a giant tree grew out of a seed, from the hollow of which legs protrude; found a tree, pulled a woman out of the hollow; they have two sons, one was sent to another country, the second, like his father, found woman in the tree]: Holmes 1903:126; kukukuku [possum ravaged a sweet potato field; the owner and his brother drove him into a tree, killed him, ate him, put his bones in a stream; they turned into a man; man - into a tree that made a noise like a flock of birds; the owner of sweet potatoes cut down a tree, chipped off a chip, it turned into Biangai and Bouang people (enemies of the kukukuku) who do not wear bracelets; from another chip Kukuku subgroups have emerged (they wear bracelets); women came from the valley, married men, gave birth to offspring; according to one version, this tree is still standing; some say that the fallen the tree cut it into short pieces, so the kukukuku were short]: Blackwood 1939:213-216; porapora [people were inside the tree by the river; spirits were fishing in the river; one spirit woman found red fish; after that, the tree collapsed, people parted]: Schwab 1970, No. 1:766; New Britain (Gazelle Peninsula and probably other groups) [two men (sometimes To-Kabinana and To-Karvuvu) were fishing; in The nets swim three times a sugarcane stalk; they throw it away, then plant it; in their absence, a woman comes out of the stem, cooks for them; they wait and grab her; one takes her as his wife, from them humans happen]: Dixon 1916:110; Bining (Mali) [first people came out of the vine (from the air root?] : Laufer 1946-1949:530; New Ireland (band not listed) [Soi and Tamono (founders of two marriage classes) married two women who came out of a big tree trunk; they are descended from humans]: Cox 1913:196; Malaita (Saa Village) [Two growths formed on a sugarcane shoot, from which a man and a woman came out, the ancestors of humans]: Codrington 1891:21; Guadalcanal [Sivotohu and his wife Koevasi lived in the sky; K. ordered the hornet to go down to the water, make the ground; Guadalcanal appeared; K. planted two trees, a ficus and a cordylina (=dracaena, Liliceae), ordered the hornet to tear off each leaf, they turned into men and women, giving birth to two fratria; the eagle became the totem of one of them, as eagles nest on the ficus; S. lowered cultivated plants on the vine to people, cut off the vine; falling, she created a rugged terrain; S. and K. first told the Sun to walk at night and the moon during the day, but everyone did not like the fact that the nights were hot, so they changed the order]: Hogbin 1937:87; Espírito Santo [Falan people descend from a man and a woman who came out of the cordelina ("cabbage palm"); the woman came out first]: Guiart 1958:187; Fiji (southern Lau Islands) [people descended from the gingia tree, were fruits this tree (gingia does not bear fruit); on Fr. Kambara is the only tree of this species that is cared for]: Thompson 1940:105.

Micronesia-Polynesia. Niue [man descended from a cordylina tree (=dracaena, Liliceae) growing in open places; therefore, a pregnant woman should eat food made from the root of this tree]: Loeb 1926b:164 (then According to various sources, Polinskaya 1986, No. 103:225); Gilbert Islands: Grimble 1922 [see motif A46; Na Arean killed his father Na Atibu, turned his right eye into the sun, his left eye into the moon, his brain into stars , pieces of flesh into rocks and stones, bones into trees, including the Samoa Tree (Tamoa in Gilbert); on its branches and roots grew the First Ancestors; this tree grew from the spine of NA; its right half became the northern, left southern solstice; (hereinafter referred to as the names of the first ancestors, their marriages, settlement from Samoa to the Gilbert Islands)]: 96-97; Maude, Maude 1993, No. 1 [heaven and earth lay close to each other; between them were Baba ma Bono (Fools and Deaf Slaves); in heaven, a woman Tangan-nang gave birth to a bird, which brought Urua fish, T. put it in a vessel of water; the fish grew, ate a lot, it released into the sea; the giant fish returned accompanied by other predatory fish, people fled from the shore; a lizard was born from a tumor on Tabakea's forehead, it was thrown into the fire; T. put ash in the water, appeared the ugly dwarf Nareau; and he was thrown into the fire, a larger dwarf appeared from the ashes; he did not burn in the fire, but grew up, he was made chief; he grabbed Urua fish with his hand and killed the fish; people ate flesh, bones were given to T.; placed in the sink, they emitted thunder and lightning, N. trampled them, crushed them; the giant Auriaria slipped between heaven and earth, found Riki's eel and the Deaf Fools there; they came to life, along with the eel a little they raised the sky; then R. pushed the sky far away, and with his tail pushed the earth into the depths of the sea; A. hit the sky with a rod, the pieces broke off, fell, became islands; A. created Samoa, turned two shells in the sun and in the moon; the white body of Ricky's eel is the Milky Way; A. planted a Samoan tree, from whose branches all humans came], 2 [the sky rested on the ground, they rubbed against each other, and Tabakea appeared from friction, Then Auriaria, Taburimai, Tanuariki, Riki, their sister Tituabine; she gave birth to children from Tabakea, they all lived in heaven; Tabakea gave a rod to giant A., who slipped it between heaven and earth, raised the sky; told the stingray to cut a gap between the edges of the earth and the sky, and Riki's eel to raise the sky; Nareau was Tabakea's youngest son, born from a tumor on his forehead; A. threw one shell to the east, it became the sun, the other to the west with the moon; the rod stuck in Samoa, it became a branched tree; A. cut off and scattered branches, from which (as well as from the trunk and roots) come from the inhabitants of different islands], 5 [the sky was lying on the ground; Nareau walked the upper surface of the sky, tapping his staff; where it was loud, he made a hole, climbed into it, found Riki's eel, told him to raise the sky; when he picked it up, the eel fell, turned into rocks; in Samoa N. planted a tree, people descended from it; N. collected all the dirt from the sky (illness, death, toothache, old age, gray hair, hunger) in a basket, lowered it to the ground], 2 [Taranga in Mone (deep sea) planted a seed, a tree grew, sprouted to the ground, and first ancestors appeared from its branches, crown, trunk, root], 3 [separating heaven from earth, Nareau planted a Samoa tree; ancestors were born from its branches, trunk, root, and crown ], 4 [ancestors were born from wood in Samoa]: 14-21, 21-25, 32-33, 113, 115, 116; Nauru [there was a tree on Mount Tamoa, people grew up on its branches; Auruaria cut off branches, threw them in different directions, they turned into islands; the tree collapsed, people fell, settled the islands]: Maude, Maude 1994, No. 13:51-52; moriori [humans arose from two blood clots placed by the gods in a tree hollow]: Dixon 1916:30.

Tibet is the Northeast of India. Tibetans [Heaven brought man and woman out of wood; provided food and clothes; these people did not live as husband and wife; then people went bad, they had to fend for themselves; had children]: Hermanns 1944-1949, NO. I.4:290.

Burma - Indochina. Shans (Kengtung is the easternmost Shan state on the border between China and Laos) [(end of a long story); pumpkin (not mentioned before) has ripened and burst; seeds crumbled and turned into wah savages; a man and a woman descended from a tree, from which the rulers of Kentun came; and you were driven to the mountains]: Scott 1918:281; Viets, Muong [repeatedly Muong's motif for the birth of anthropomorphic deities from wood; the motive for the birth of a hero from a tree trunk in Vietnamese folklore]: Nikulin 1980s: 256; muong [Za Zan was born from a tree butt si, which blocked heaven and earth; gave birth to two eggs that came out for a son; sons married heavenly fairies; these marriages gave birth to demons and two birds, Tung and Toth; they they laid an egg, round on one side, square on the other, incubated in vain for many years; Zen sent Taochao birds to incubate an egg; then the ancestors of the Muong and neighboring peoples came out of the egg]: Nikulin 1980s: 456; the tyama [there were 12 suns and 12 moons, the sky was low and the earth was thin; the goddess Atmyhekat tried to create living creatures, but it was too hot; then Saint Nymaisibaityadong (apparently Shiva, tyamsk. Siwa) knocked down all the suns, the world became dark; Avlahuk (or simply Ku, i.e. Allah), born from dark chaos, was able to make the world brighter 60 years later; A. created Mohammat, who gave birth to Jebrail, the son of D. Ibrahim ruled the world; Adam and Eve were cast down to earth; gave birth to children, starting the human race; when the ancestors died, everything disappeared, leaving only the tall Mosi tree; A. was born from it, created animals, demons and humans; sent his eldest daughter Po Nagar to rule the earthly world; PN arranged space in accordance with her body; the sun and moon are her eyes, Venus is the heart, the Big Dipper - legs, etc.; created the seeds of the human soul, taught people to cultivate the land; Yama, one of her assistants, taught how to grow rice, make medicine, make fire; in Mecca he married a fairy, their 50 sons went up to the mountains, 50 daughters began to live on the plain; by order of father, PN returned to heaven]: Atnashev 2001:106-107; Hampti [at first there is water everywhere; Phra put land on the fish's back, told the female lay an egg, cut it, put one half on the ground, made the other in the sky; the first man and woman came out of the tree flower; the Rajas came out of the first egg]: Elwin 1958a, No. 11:17.

South Asia. Haria [after creating the land and vegetation, Pōnōmōsōr sculpted two figures, a man and a woman, and placed them in a banyan hollow (Ficus indicus); when drops of milky wood juice got into their mouths, figures came to life, came out of the tree, settled the hills]: Roy, Roy 1937:26 on Kapp 197:14; cond [at the beginning of time, Dakapaji and Sujamajenja came out of the hollow of a bombucks tree; S. had a vagina the size of a door in a pigsty, there was an arm at the end, and her vaginal teeth glowed at night; D.'s huge penis went inside under the light of these teeth, his hand grabbed it; S. gave birth to seven sons and seven daughters; at the birth of the last child, the umbilical cord caught on the teeth and they fell out; and D. pulled out his hand]: Elwin 1949, No. 21:384.

Malaysia-Indonesia. The Andamans: Ganguly 196:261-247 in Helbig 2012 (Little Andaman) [the first humans came out of the tukwegeleko tree; humans emerged from two branches of this tree planted in the ground]: 44; Radcliff-Brown 1933 [1) the first person came out of the joint of a large bamboo like a bird from an egg (not specified, growing bamboo or thrown away by the sea); took clay from the anthill, sculpted his wife and others; taught how to make boats , hunt; wife taught women how to weave belts, nets, baskets, apply clay patterns to the body; 2) the first man came out of the growth on the Sterculia tree; copulated with an ant nest, and ancestral children were born Andamans]: 192; Nias: Dixon 1916:167 [the first humans descended from trees and then descended from heaven to earth], 176 [(by Chatelin 1881:110); the first ancestor without arms and legs killed (died?) ; the sun and moon came from his eyes; a tree grew out of his heart; gods arose from the buds at its top; Latoere told Barasi-loeloe and Balioe that the lower fruits were small and owned by him; Balioe agreed on the condition that L. could make people out of them; he could not; then Lowalangi ordered Barasi-loeloe to be made people; he created lifeless figures of a man and a woman; then Lowalangi gave Balioe the wind, told put figures in their mouths; if you invest a lot, people will live long, few will die soon; Balioe obeyed the order, gave people names]; northern Nias [Sihai was born from the haze, after his death - Aloloa N'angi, after his death, the Tora'a tree grew from his heart; from the top of the tree grew the gods Lovalangi (master of the upper world), Lature Danö (owner of the lower world), Nadoja, Afögha; from the middle part has three more gods, and the lower part is a man and a woman; LD failed to revive them, and L. revived them]: Schröder in Suzuki 1959:2 [other authors also have other versions of the myth of the first tree and gods and people who appeared from him]; Mentawai [two evil spirits got into a fight; one began to break the bamboo to make a baton; the first people came from under the roots]: Mess 1880:93 in Perry 1915:146; kayan [ bare rocks at first; the rain has grown moss, worms and dung beetles, their excrement created the soil; the handle of the sword fell from the sky from the sun, became a tree; a vine that fell from the month (masculine principle) wrapped around him; the tree and the vine gave birth to the first man and woman; they did not have bodies below the waist; they gave birth to ancestors of nations]: Hose 1912:137-138; kayan [a rock fell from the sky to the primary ocean; top remained above the water; under the influence of rain, silt formed on the surface, worms sharpened the rock, sand appeared; then the wooden handle of the sword fell from the sun, which became wood, and from the moon, wrapped around the tree vine; the vine became the husband of a tree, they gave birth to two twins who did not have bodies below the waist; yet they gave birth to real people; animals, birds and fish arose from the twigs and leaves of the tree; from silt on moss and small plants appeared on the rock surface]: Furniture 1899:6-13 in Stöhr, Zoetmulder 1965:38, more briefly in Dixon 1916:158-159, in Hatt 1949:34-35; Bahau: Nieuwenhuis 1904 (1) [c A spider descended the sky, weaved a web; a pebble fell into it, grew to the horizon; a lichen fell on the stone, a worm fell on it, its excrement formed the soil; then the tree fell, then the crab grew with claws cut through valleys and mountains; a vine wrapped around the tree, they gave birth to a child without arms and legs, he gave birth to a pair of the same creatures, but then they turned out to be the normal anthropomorphic gods Amei Awe and Buring Une; they They ripped off pieces of bark from a tree, making them humans, pigs, chickens, dogs; humans are mortal because the bark is short-lived]: 129, 1917:55-56 in Stöhr, Zoetmulder 1965:39-40, more briefly in Dixon 1916:159; Tromp 1888 : 92-93 in Perry 1915 [Bahau came out of the tree, so they bury the dead in trees]: 145-146; Bahau [two men in the sky plucked each other's eyebrows, dropped their forceps, they fell on a rock in the middle of the sea; took out the worm, left its excrement on the forceps; the crab scattered it, the rock was covered with earth; the forceps took root, became a tree with copper foliage; the heavenly spirit Uwang found a hole in it, fertilized it; a male shoot and a female escape grew up on the tree, they had no arms or legs; an inhabitant of the earth tried to kill a leech with a sword, hit the trunk; the men and the woman were injured, but were able to get together; gave birth to the Bahau ancestors; the copper tree continued to grow and sprout; this is how evil spirits appeared, then good spirits, then gods, and at the top the supreme god amei Tingei]: Nieuwenhuis 1917:57 in Stöhr, Zoetmulder 1965:41; kenya [goddess Bugam Malam was looking for what people should come from; decided that from a certain tree, so humans are mortal; then like Kayans and Bahau, a male liana by the wind snuggled against the vulva of a female tree, fertilizes it; noble families build their genealogies to this tree]: Elshout 1923:36-46, 1926:9-21 in Stöhr, Zoetmulder 1965:41; ngaju: Schärer 1966:68-71 [(according to Schwaner 1853:179; Dixon 1916:160, a reference to Hupe 1846:138); there were two trees in the sky, one appeared on it, broke off under the weight of birds sitting on it, and the other a winged creature, fell into the Sangiang River (S. - the category of heavenly spirits), tried to destroy it by the Serpent who lived in it, but the growth washed ashore, a woman arose from it, made a boat out of a banyan leaf, sailed along the river to the sea, where she met a man who had arisen under the influence of waves from a floating log; the first six times she had miscarriages, each became a woman, who gave birth to different gods from different creatures and spirits (the first to give birth to Djangan Hatuen Peres, the leader of diseases); the seventh time, sons Mahadara Sangen and Mahadara Sangiang were born; Sangen took the embryos of plants and animals, descended to earth; there from marriage two trees gave birth to an egg, with a lifeless female image; Sangen went to heaven for living water; at this time, Angoi breathed wind and breath into the woman, made her blood from the rain, bones from bamboo ( probably); Sangen, who returned, spilled living water in anger, she sprinkled the plants; they now grow back cut off, and people are mortal; he killed A., cut the corpse, and snakes, tigers, and others arose from it bad creatures; his marriage to that woman gives birth to humans; Sangiang gave birth to many gods, including the guide of souls to the world of the dead, Sangsang Tempon Tellon]; (cf. Punan (Oloh Ot of the upper reaches of Barito) [the dead were buried in a living hollowed out tree so that the excavation was closed and overgrown; in 1933, a tree with three bones inside was actually found in Brunei]: Stöhr, Zoetmulder 1965:44); Serram Lout, Gorrom [Winia woman and white hog came out of wood; V. climbed the tree, the hog stayed below; the Kiliboban woman sailed from New Guinea, became a hog's girlfriend; a man appeared, undressed to go fishing; the women began to giggle; he saw K., but she ordered to marry V.; people come from him and V.]: Riedel 1886:148 in Dixon 1918: 168; Ambon [a bird sat on a tree, fertilized it; the first humans came out of the tree]: Riedel 1886:32 in Dixon 1916:168; Buru [beginning as Ambon; var.1: a woman first came out and started a fire at the roots, the tree split, a man came out, took a woman as his wife; Var. 2: a man came out first]: Riedel 1886:3 in Dixon 1916:168; the Kay Islands [islanders believe their ancestors 1) descended from the sky; 2) came out of mango trees; 3) grew out of the ground like saga palms; 4) came out of the sea and are the children of the daughter of the god of the sea]: Knappert 1977b, No. 2:128-129.

Taiwan - Philippines. Igorot [God plunged his spear into the rock, the first spring flowed; to clear it, he cut down bananas, and the first man and woman, Alelayo and Aremaya, came out of two stumps]: Eugenio 1994, No. 23:71-72; Tagals [first only the sea and sky, a hawk (a bird similar to a kite) flies between them; it disturbed the waters so much that the sea began to throw portions of water into the sky, and the sky, for protection, began to throw islands down; then the sky told the hawk to sit on one of the islands, build a nest and leave the sea alone; the wind from the sea and the wind from the land were married, they had a bamboo son; he swam, hit the feet of a hawk, who was furious pecked, a man came out of one knee, a woman from the other; the earthquake called all the birds and fish to decide what to do with these creatures; decided to marry them; all people descended from them; with so much abundance children, aged parents did not rest for a moment; the father took a stick and began to beat them; they ran away; those who found themselves in the house became leaders, slaves in the walls, free on the street, free in the hearth, Blacks, Europeans at sea]: Cole 1916:187-188 (retelling Ho 1967, No. 63:244); Yligueyn (coast) [the wind from the sea and the wind from the mountains gave birth to a reed; god Captan planted it; it formed two sections, from which a Sicalac man and a Sicavay woman came out; Ryyuy, Gorlinki, Earthquake replied that they should get married; a son Sibo and a daughter Samar were born; both couples had children again, got married]: Eugenio 1994, No. 169:289-290; Visayas: Rybkin 1975, No. 92 [the first man and woman came out of cracked bamboo]: 223-224; Eugenio 1994, No. 26 [a bird of prey flew between sky and sea; so that it could be , where to sit, the bird decided to quarrel between the sky and the sea; the sky said that the sea wanted to flood it, and the sea that the sky wanted to throw stones at it; the sea began to rise, the sky threw stones; islands and the sea appeared under their weight, it fell back; bamboo sailed on the water; the bird pecked its two compartments, from which the first man and woman came out], 27 [about (26); the bird was Manaul; without details of how the bird provoked a conflict between the gods of sea and sky], 28 [as in (27)]: 74-75, 76, 77; Povedano Manuscript of 1572 (ethnos is not a decree.) in Eugenio 1994, No. 191 [the supreme god Maca aco placed a man and a woman in two bamboo trunk compartments; when a gorlinka sat on the bamboo, they went outside; the Macalinog earthquake allowed them to marry, people descended from them; they began to break rice, pushed them away with long rice grinders the sky that used to be near the earth]: 316-217; Negrito (Luzona?) [The god Manaul in the guise of a woodpecker began to hammer bamboo, fell for a lizard, the bamboo burst, and Sicalac and Sicauay came out from there; Sikahuay said they were brother and sister, but the earthquake god Macalinog allowed them get married, they gave birth to people]: Eugenio 1994, No. 173:295-296; moro [in the drought, only a bamboo stem grew in the Mampolompon field; the wind broke it, and a dog and a woman who became Moro's ancestors came out] : Cole 1916:99 in Ho 1967, No. 64:244; tsou [god Hano shook the maple, the leaves fell to the ground, became the ancestors of the tsow; shocked another, the fallen leaves became Chinese]: Yamada 2002:48; ami [first some creature stuck a rod into the ground, it took root, became bamboo, which took off two times; a man appeared on one, a woman on the other]: Taylor 1885-1886:197 in Dixon 1916:168; puyuma [ Goddess Nunurao came with a stone in her right hand and bamboo in her left; she threw a stone, it split, and the ancestor of Varangao came out from there; stuck bamboo, Paksiser came out of its upper part, and from the lower part Pakomalai came out, they became the ancestors of the inhabitants of the village of Puyuma]: Ho 1967, No. 56:241; yami [God threw a stone, a man came out of it; bamboo grew on the shore, another man came out of it; they met] : Ho 1967, No. 57:241; paywan [bamboo split, four eggs fell out of it; they were separate during the day, combined into one at night; five to six days later, snake-like men and women came out of them; they didn't know how to copulate; a woman saw a man pee, asked her to write between her legs; their first child was a freak, their second child was handsome, normal, became the ancestor of people]: Ho 1967, No. 62:243.

China - Korea. Ancient China (Mr. Lu's Spring and Autumn, 3rd century BC) ["A girl from the Yushen family collected mulberry leaves and found a baby in the hollow. She offered it as a gift to the governor and the governor told the cook to feed him. When they began to find out where the baby came from, it turned out that his mother lived above the I. When she became pregnant, a spirit (shen) appeared to her in a dream and said, "When water appears from the mortar, go east and don't turn around." The next day, she saw water running out in a stone mortar, told her neighbors about it and set off. She went east at ten o'clock and looked around and saw that her whole city had gone under water, and as punishment she had turned into a hollow here. Therefore, the ruler ordered him to be named I Inem. This is where the story of Yi Yin's birth from empty mulberry came from"]: Lushi Chunqiu 2001:197 (less accurate Yuan Ke translation 1987:216-217, 341 [comm. Riftina]); Yeh-lang [a woman was washing in the river; a bamboo stem with three joints came to her; she heard a voice, took a boy out of the stem; he became the chief of Yeh-lang]: Ho 1967, No. 66:245; Koreans [the cinnamon tree grew to the moon; the mooners decided to drag it towards them; they raised it in three years and three months; the remaining hole on the ground is a lake in the Paikdu Mountains; now the tree has become obscured moonlight, the night is very dark; God sent a storm, it tore out a tree on the moon, killing all its inhabitants; moonspots are the footprint where it grew; when the tree was back on earth, God sent an angel girl to guard He from the Stars; from the spirit of the tree she gave birth to a boy; God told him to protect the tree himself now, his mother brought him back to heaven; the rain flooded the earth with a flood; the tree told his son to climb on it, then swim on it; swimming, the young man saved ants and mosquitoes; but the Tree refuses to save the drowning boy three times; with difficulty agrees to the son's request; after the flood, both young men come to the hut, where the old woman and her daughter; dying, she must choose her husband; the rescued woman lies that the son of the Tree can quickly clean and collect millet scattered in the sand (ants perform); the old woman says that she will give her daughter to someone who guesses what she is in room; the mosquito whispers to the son of the Tree in the east; the son of a tree marries, people come from them]: Cho 2001, No. 79:122-126.

The Balkans. Ancient Greece [Penelope to Odyssey, who has returned and remains unrecognized: "But tell me about my family and where are you from? After all, it's not from an oak/Or you come from a rock, as they used to say in the old days" (trans. P.A. Shuisky)]: Hom. Od. XIX. 162-163; ["About the Incredible" by Palefat (probably 4th century BC): "And many others told us absurd things, including that the first generation of people arose from ash trees. I think it's incredible for people to emerge from trees. In fact, there was a man named Ash and his relatives were named after him, like the Hellenes from Ellina and the Ionians from Jonah. But this tribe was completely destroyed, and its name was lost. And there have never been iron and brass people at all, but all this is idle chatter" (trans. V.N. Yarkho)]: Palaept. XXXV; Apollodorus 1972 [Aphrodite inspires Mirra (Smyrna) to have a passion for her own father. Myrrh turns into a tree, wood is born to Adonis]: 71, 176; Romanians (shepherds of the Sibiu district) [God threw a staff into the water, a tree appeared; Satan sat under it; said that he would be God's friend and brother; God replied that no one can be his brother; God creates the world (see motif C6, a diver under the earth); the Ox took Satan away; people arose from leaves that fell from a tree]: Rusu 2009:90.

Caucasus - Asia Minor. Kalmyks [in Oirat-Kalmyk mythology, the ancestor of the Derbet and Dzungarian princely families lay under a tree or in a hollow, feeding on tree sap flowing into his mouth; var.: a tree with the growth (or the growth itself, or three trees) and the owl turn out to be parents; in some texts, the father is a tree, the mother is an owl, in others, on the contrary; the Oirat myth about the hero's origin from the tree is associated with the myth of the origin of the Kipchaks about Oguzhan in Rashid addin, Abulgazi, etc.]: Neklyudov 1982f: 632-633.

Iran - Central Asia. Zoroastrianism (Bundahing): Lelekov 1982 [forefather Gaiomart dropped a seed before his death, a third of which reached the goddess of the earth Spandarmat; 40 years later, rhubarb grew out of the earth, 15 years later Mártya and Martjánag became a woman and man; corrupted by an evil spirit, they first ate water, then goat's milk, then killed a goat, roasted meat, made clothes out of their skin; they came together; They ate their first children; Ormazd saved the rest of the children; they also created monsters with ears and eyes on their chest, hairy, tailed]: 121; Chunakova 2004:156 [Mashya and Mashyan grew like a tall tree, fruits which is ten species of humans], 190 [from the Gaiomard seed received by Spandarmad, 40 years later rhubarb appeared in the form of a single trunk, and 15 years later, rhubarb appeared on rhubarb and grew from the lands of Mashya and Mashyan (Bd 98); Mashya and Mashyan were first one body, their hands remained on each other's shoulders and their waists grew together, and then they turned from a vegetable image to an image human]; Tajiks [the motive for finding a deity inside a tree trunk is known in Tajik mythology]: Litvinsky 2004:126; kafirs (prasun) [gold grows in Lake Süum a tree with seven golden branches; this tree has a golden disc (apparently the sun); at night the sun falls into Lake Süum; rain comes from this lake; the goddess Dīsn&# comes out of this tree 299;; it is possible that seven branches correspond to seven celestial tiers]: Buddruss 1960:205-206; kafirs (kati) [in a distant land, a tree grows in the middle of the lake; to get to its top, you have to climb 9 years; its branches stretch for 18 years; god Satarám fell in love with him, it opened, the goddess Disani sat inside; she gave birth to the god Bagist]: Robertson, S 382f in Buddruss 1960:205-206.

Baltoscandia. Edda [from two trees growing on the seashore, Bohr's sons made people: a man - Ash, a woman - Willow; they were settled in Midgard; the aces built a hail for themselves in the center of the world - Asgard; the Asa - children Odin and his wife Frigg (beloved); Earth was Odin's daughter and wife, and his eldest son Thor (thunder) was born]: Younger Edda 1970:19; Lithuanians (Samoites) [say Germans descended from trees]: Veckenstedt 1883:221.

(Wed. Volga - Perm. Komi [after death, the soul moves into the tree; alder (lovpu) is the "soul tree"; everyone has a twin tree; when cut by a human twin, it bleeds, says humanly; if you make a table out of such wood, food will not be transferred to it, if the skis will carry it themselves]: Belitzer 1958:321-322).

Volga - Perm. Bashkirs [larch was considered the ancestral sacred tree of the Tabyn tribe, oak for the Burzyans, vetla for the Yurmatyn people, juniper for the Katans, poplar for the Tamyans, and birch for the Mints]: Khisamitdinova 2011:22.

Turkestan. Uighurs ["The Stele on the Merits of the Gaochang Wang Iduk-Kuts" (a Sino-Uighur bilingua of 1334 from Gansu, erected as a sign of the mercy of the Yuan emperor to the family of rulers of the Turfan Uyghur principalities). This text says that "a long time ago, heavenly light descended on a tree in the Orkhon Valley, a tree gave rise to a shining growth that burst nine months later and five babies were found from there. The youngest of them, Udan-Bokuk {literally "Willow Growth"} Khagan, began to rule this people, their power was transferred for 520 years for forty generations, until Alp Bilge Khagan, who was deceived by the Chinese, who, under the pretext of marrying Khagan's son to a Chinese princess, asked him for one of the mountains that ensured the power of the empire, broke it into separate stones and took it to China, after why the Uighur empire fell, and the remnants of the Uighurs moved to Turfan"]: Dmitriev 2012:91.

Southern Siberia - Mongolia. Oirats: Potanin 1881, No. 19a (durbuts) [ten people dreamed that the son of God was born from an urun tree and an urun bird; he became Khan of Urun-modon-ekina ("having a mother urun tree")]: 161; 19b ("Mongol-Uryankhais") [father of all Mongols or Mongols tsagan bones ("white" - but mb from Sakha, "Yakuts"?) -tuk is Noha's dog, mother is Odun modun (tree) Odun; the Mongols father was born from a tree, and the dog raised him]: 161; Kumandins ["others {breed} from tree stumps, for example, Tastar ( bald, Kumandinsky seok, information from E.N. Duvakin) {this genus has Selkup origin}]: Verbitsky 1893:9; Altaians [Altaians of the family (seoka) Irkit believe that their ancestors came from the roots birch trees]: Sagalaev, Oktyabrskaya 1990:52.

Western Siberia. The Northern Selkups [a man was born from a birch fork; the legend is forgotten, they do not know the details]: Prokofieva 1976:120.

Eastern Siberia. Chumikan and Upper Zean Evenks [the man was born of wood; there was a tree, cracked in half, a man and a woman came out; they were hairy before the birth of the child; the first son was born without hair; people began to be born further from son to son]: Vasilevich 1959:183; Upper Zean, Chumikan (in the east), Sym Evenks [these groups spread myths about the origin of man from wood, probably inherited from an earlier population]: Vasilevich 1969:215; Evens: Lindenau 1983 [a man made a summer house out of straw; while he was away, the house burned down; he spoke about the trouble to ducks, who were not they answered, he ran them over; he came to the seashore, where people shot at the tree, could not split it; he split it with the first arrow, there was a girl inside; with her he returned to the burnt down house, built new, they had many children]: 54, 64-65 (retelling the History and Culture of the Evens 1997:113, in Lebedev 1972:162-163); Hakkarainen 2000 [Russian-speaking informant Chuvanian; the Lamutes for some reason believe that they came from larch, like deer] (Recorded on June 10, 1999 in the village. Markovo CEO from Yu.B. Dyachkov, born in 1962) ; Yakuts (Toyon-Aryy Island, river. Lena, West-Kangalassky District, Western 1925) [There is a tree in heaven called Iyik-Mas. Its top reaches the ninth sky, and no one can determine its circumference. From the root to the very top, this tree is covered with growths, but there are no clear branches on it. Shamans, shamans and all those who are familiar with witchcraft and magic are born in these tree growths. The strong will be born at the base of the trunk, shamans are born at the root of a tree, in a growth the size of a small mound]: Xenophontov 1992:41.

Amur-Sakhalin. Nivkhi: Bereznitsky 2003 [nivkhs come from larch resin, so their skin is yellowish; wilta is from spruce resin, their skin is white]: 74; Kreinovich 1973 [nivkhs were born from larch juice, dark as its bark; wilta from birch juice, Ainu from spruce juice]: 333; Medvedev 1992 [only water first; duck has nowhere to lay an egg; plucked feathers, made a nest, laid an egg; ducklings grew up, did the same , the nests merged into an island, which became mainland; when larch resin touched the ground, nivkh appeared; larch nivhi, so red; wilta from fir, white-bodied; Ainu from spruce]: 78; Pilsudski 1991a [an elm tree grew, juice flowed from it, became a woman; a penis-shaped branch grew on a birch tree, a birch tree became a man; they copulated, the woman gave birth to all the milks (spirits); both jumped, gave birth to Tla- milk]: 36-37; Sangi 1989 [larch resin flows down the trunk, touching the ground turns into nivha; nivkh is red like larch; wilta descended from fir, therefore white-bodied; Ainu from spruce]: 295; Sternberg 1933 [people descended from wood: Wilta from birch, nivhi from larch, Ainu from Christmas tree]: 320; Nanai: Shanshina 2000 [(archive); when the sky formed and the earth froze, from a cone A man and a woman appeared, people came from them]: 68; Sternberg 1933 [Daxsur (Xado) was born from a birch tree, sat on a swing, fed his birds; the Chinese, led by Xa, cut down a tree to get a rocking chair; all the axes break; Xa sleeps by the tree; in a dream, Xado tells him to go to the blood river and the river of pus, take blood and pus from them, lubricate the trunk; after that, the tree was cut down; Xado does not grow, it is abandoned pigs, then horses; he grows up, digs an underground passage to his daughter Xa - M'ameld'i; Xado is recognized as a son-in-law; his and M. son Z:u:lchu dies, first goes to Booni (the underworld of the dead); father follows him; son explains that if people do not die, the earth will overflow; returning from the boonie, Xado plugs the hole with clothes; knocks copper flowers off the tree with an arrow; closes all the holes at home, forgets two; almost everything brought ran away]: 492-493; ulchi [Condolin's boyfriend lived in fir; beautiful Ajua lived in the roots of the cedar; they left there and got married (retelling in Shanshina 2000: 68, 128]: Zolotarev 1939:167-169; Negidals: Vasilevich 1959 [long ago, Gilyaks, Orochi, Golds were one people; born on alder, on the same branch]: 183; Sternberg 1933:530 [at the root larch trees found a boy; from him comes from the genus xatail]. 531 [man was born of larch; a woman was born from boiled sulfur; she gave birth to a boy and a girl]; Udege [hungry childless the couple asks for a child; the wife dreams that the top of the poplar is cracked, hears crying; the boy has grown up quickly, brings a lot of meat; the couple thinks he is killing too many animals; the father makes a coffin, puts snakes and worms there, invites her son to lie down, clogs the lid, lowers him into the river; one girl, seeing the coffin that has arrived, pushes it back; the other takes off the lid, finds an uneaten little finger, lurks, that turns into a man, takes her as a wife; visits parents, brings them meat, forgives them; says he is Enduli's son]: Nikolaeva 2003, No. 6:44-46; Manchus [overnight, the flood flooded the earth; man, sculpted from clay by the god Abruka, he grabbed a branch and escaped; the branch turned into a girl, they gave birth to Fujihala people]: Wei et al. 2001, No. 3:195.

Japan. Ainu [Kotankar-Kamui (god who created villages) is ordered to descend to the ground and build it; breaks through river beds and valleys with his hands and feet, uses an elm hoe; ascends to the sky, the forgotten hoe sprouts into an elm tree; the god of the year appears from across the sea; rests on an elm tree; an elm (more precisely the elm goddess Tsikisani) becomes pregnant, asks the sister of the waterfall god to raise a child; his name is Ainurakkur; to make him clothes, the sister of the waterfall god rips off the elm bark; son Ts. destroys the gods of darkness, saves the Ainu from the gods of wind and rain]: Nevsky 1972:23; Japanese [people coming out of bamboo knees is mentioned in Konjaku Monogatari (Collection of Ancient Stories, 11th century)]: Ho 1967:152-153; Ryukyu (Miyako Islands) [by order of Heavenly Lord, Koinutsu descended on the tiny island of Miyako, piled up stones (making the island larger); married the heavenly goddess Koitama; they gave birth to the god Sotatsu and the goddess Kagyoku; the god Mokusu (tree) appeared from the earth and goddess Sousou (grass), they all became ancestors of Miyakokinawa's inhabitants show his footprints; rakon;]: Maruyama 2009:32.

SV Asia. Markovo [Chukchi came out of cedar, Chuvans and Yukaghirs in general descended from alder or talnik, lamuts from dog crap, Russians from fire]: Hakkarainen 2000; (cf. coastal Koryaks [Kuthinyaku "made Koryakov nymylans out of leaves"]: Batyanova 2014:181).

Northeast. Delaware: Bierhorst 1995, No. 2 [west 1679; there was only water; the turtle raised its back, the ground dried out; a tree grew in the middle of it; the first man came out of its roots; the first woman from top of her head when she leaned to the ground]: 28-29; Dorson 1959 [Dutchman Jasper Danckaerts asked an 80-year-old Indian on Long Island where his people came from; he drew a circle with coal on the ground with four legs, head and tail; explained that at first there was only water; the turtle slowly surfaced, the water subsided, land formed; then the Indian stuck a straw in the circle; grew in the middle of the earth a tree, from its top a man; the tree bent over its head to the ground, put down a second root, and from there a woman grew up; people come from them]: 19.

The Great Southwest. Seri: Kroeber 1931, No. 1 [people were born in reed, series in one joint, Mexicans, Americans, Chinese in others; God (Dios, Yos) came from the south then from the east (?) , lighting the signal lights; only the series did not come to him, so they have nothing]: 12; Olmos Aguilera 2005 [first, a large carrizo or bamboo grew out of the ground; a people came out of each of its joints ; at the very top were seri, then gringos, Chinese, apaches, yaks, and Mexicans at the very bottom; outside bamboo there was another nest, and the enemies of the series, papago, came out; when God came, the gringos were the first to come, followed by them Mexicans, and the series did not go out to greet him at all, so they did not receive anything; the first episode was the First Woman, and the Painted Woman, because she was painted blue; met a man, they have children, they bred; from the Sun, which appeared in its inhuman form, she conceived a daughter; after the 7th generation they did not marry sisters]: 139-141.

Mesoamerica Taraska [by Seler, the name Sira-Tatáperi (the new Sun, son of an old one killed by the owner of the Night, see motif J4) means "the main root or trunk from which, like side shoots, sprouted people "]: Corona Núñez 1957:21; mixteks: Furst 1977:183-184 [a man goes to the mountains, makes a hole in a tree trunk, copulates; the tree becomes pregnant; nine months later he cuts swollen place, takes out the child, his name is "14 Strength", he grows up to be a strongman, honors his mother tree who will never die], 184 [to 1593, Fray Antonio de los Reyes, Arte en lengua mixteca: mixteca were born from the center of the earth, and their kings and gods from trees growing on the banks of the Apoala River], 185 [to 1674, Fray Francisco de Burgoa, Geografica description; also in Krickeberg 1928:202: noble mixecs lead family from a man and woman born from two trees on the banks of the Apoala River]; Furst 1977, fig. 38 [drawing from the Vienna Code; man and woman, ancestors of the dynasty, crawl out of a crack at the top wood; under the roots of a tree is a human head (quail in Kolata 1984: fig. 4)]; zapotecs? [bone drawing from Tomb 7 in Monte Albana; the birth of the royal linige; the first of seven characters is linked by an umbilical cord to the top of a tree]: Kolata 1984, fig. 6; Masateki [Masatec chiefdom existed for 280 years; during this time, 9 chiefs changed; they came from the same genus (whose ancestors) came from the trunks of certain trees]: Villa Rojas 1955:63; lacandons [originally K'akoch; created the earth, waters, sun, moon, tuberose (essential oilseed, Polianthes L., Amaryllidaceae); Sukunkyum ("Our Father's elder brother", master of the lower world), Ah Kyantho, was born from tuberose flowers Hach Akyum ("Our Father"); 10 days later, three brothers' spouses came out of the same flowers]: Boremanse 1986:25; Haina [two statuettes from Fr. Haina (end of the Classical Period) in the form of a man (apparently an elderly man) whose figure protrudes from a four-lobed flower; (the author believes that the illustration is a myth close to the Lacandon myth)]: Coe 1975:25, fig.2.

The Northern Andes. Bari: Villamañan 1975:4 [at first there was only Ñanbokikorái; from it came earth, rocks, springs (pozos); then grass, trees, and pineapples grew; when the pineapples were ripe, from each came out a couple of people - a man and a woman, or a boy and a girl], 6 [Sabaseba was tired, Ourundou was with him; they started eating ripe pineapples; the next day they saw bari come out of the cut ones, from every man and woman, boy and woman; they cut more pineapples, and a couple of people came out of them too; ichigbarí came out of the unripe; they live in the forest, they walk at night, live in trees, they have poison] , 15 [some baris also did not come from pineapples, but from tree trunks].

Southern Venezuela. Piaroa [Chief Póman-Ichaj went for pebbles for the shamanic rattle; his wife Jiudej Tucusita heard a voice from the top of the ñopa tree created by the evil spirit of Virichaj; threw it at him with a stick; a bird in a crown of sunlight appeared; the woman said she did not throw it at her; the bird of the sun announced that there would be a flood, ordered P. and H. to put their house on the mountain (P. is marked as a righteous man who lit up honor of the sun is fire); chiguire, tapir and otter (they can swim) escaped from the flood; after the flood, the trees are dead, except for chikle and pendare; the sun bird appeared to the couple in a dream, said that there would be so many children how many fruits were on the pendar and the same number of nipples; in the morning, sucking babies hung on the tree; the tree was covered with babies sucking milk from many nipples; V. took two fish from the water and gave them nipples, but forgot Take out the fish's teeth; these babies have bitten their nipples, they descended from Caribbean cannibals, other bariva, guajibo, etc.; H. became pregnant by the Sun, gave birth to piaroa; since then, pendare has milk but no nipples] : Baumgartner 1950:66-69 in Wilbert 1963:66-69.

Eastern Amazon. Aravete [Maíra gave birth to the first man by injecting seed into a tree trunk]: Arnaud 1978:15; urubu: Ribeiro 2002:179-180 [Maïra extracted from a crack in the tree ouirapitang (his red wood), a Soó-kaá man and a Manoumí-pitang woman; they gave birth to two children, then two more, their descendants inhabited the land; M. gave the man arrows that did not break; a man shot his son, the arrow bounced off his body, people did not die; people burned the feather ornament on M.'s head; M. said that when the earth was filled with people, he would burn it], 210-215 [passing by a tree, Maïra put his penis into the crack because he did not have a wife; the tree was swollen, a pregnant woman came out of it, the baby in her womb spoke, pointing the way to her father; asking his mother to tear flowers for him; One day she reached for a flower, bitten by a snake, slapped her stomach, reproached her son; he fell silent; she went to Mukura's house (i.e. the opossum); he offered to spend the night with him; it was raining at night Mukura made a hole in the roof over the hammock by a woman who was forced to lie in his hammock; in the morning he told me to go left from the fork, but she turned right and ended up in a jaguar village; the wives of the jaguars told me to go quickly go away, but she stayed; she was hidden under a vessel; the jaguars turned the vessel over; Maira's son turned his mother into an animal, she ran away, caught up, killed; two embryos were given to the old woman; she began to fry them, but burned her hands; the embryos turned into agouti; the old woman began to raise them; the jaguars wanted to eat them; they became boys, ran away, went to look for Maira, stayed with him; Maira's son offered to steal the fishing hook of a forest demon; Maira's son bit off and took it away; Mukura's son was caught in the guise of a piranha; the demon ate it, threw away the bones; Maira's son turned into ants, they collected bones, Mukura's son came to life; Another forest spirit, Mukura's son took the hook safely; Maira praised them; the brothers turned into hummingbirds, flew, set fire to the forest demon's beard, his head burned down; the brothers killed the hummingbird {real}, found a man in his stomach; when they went to a wide river, they fired arrows one at the tail of the other, it turned out to be a bridge, they crossed it to the other side, killed many bakers there; called the jaguars to pick it up meat; when they crossed the bridge with arrows, the brothers destroyed it; all the jaguars drowned because they were carrying a load of meat with them].

Bolivia - Guaporé. Surui [see motif J12; lonely Iapeab copulates with a tree, inserting his penis into a crack in the trunk; the tree gives birth to two girls, the eldest Cabeud, the youngest Samsam; mother Yi . raises them; after many adventures, the sisters marry Jaguar; his mother kills K.; sons K. and S. kill Jaguar's mother]: Mindlin 1995, No. 22:73-77.

Chaco. Chamacoco [people's voices can be heard from the trunk of a quebracho tree; a ball they throw from the top and falls back; someone cuts a hole in the trunk, and men, women, children come out of it - all Chamacoco people]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1987a, No. 40:130.