Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

E33. People from grains .

People come from grains, seeds, dough.

Apatani, Inta, Yao (North Vietnam), Man (North Vietnam), Arikara, Navajo, Tsotzil, Chorti, Quiche, Kakchikel, Tocholabal, Pech, Boruca, Cabecar, Bribri, Guatuso, Guaimi, Whitoto, Uarochiri.


Army of India. Apatani [there were few people; a man from the patrician family Kago turned millet seeds into men and women; there has been no shortage of humans since then]: Bertrand 1958:188.

Burma - Indochina. Inta [only the poor boy and girl warmed the old man; he pulled out his tooth, ordered him to plant, a pumpkin will grow, you have to hide in it during the flood; as it happened, the rain flooded the ground; after the flood a boy and a girl got married, the girl gave birth to a pumpkin, it was cut, the seeds were scattered, and different people and animals arose from them]: Kasevich, Osipov 1976, No. 42:143-146.

China - Korea. Yao (Vietnam) [Chang Lo Co built a house, Thunder in the form of a rooster came down to destroy it, slipped, was caught, caged; Phuc Hy (this is Shang Lo Ko's son) gave him wine, he regained his strength broke the cage, gave the boy a tooth, told him to plant, a pumpkin would grow; PI and his sister climbed into the pumpkin during the flood, covered the hole with wax, took food and a couple of pets with them; Shang Lo Ko sat on raft, but the water suddenly slept, it crashed; the turtle advised PI to marry her sister; he broke her shell with a stone in anger, it grew together, but the traces remained; the same advice and episode with bamboo (knife marks); brother and sister went to bed on opposite river banks; two trees grew out of their bellies and intertwined; three years, three months and three days later, the sister gave birth to a pumpkin; brother told them to sow seeds everywhere; when they came to the mountain , there are only three seeds left, so there are few highlanders]: Dang Ngiem Van 1993:326-327; man (North Vietnam, border with China) [Lightning spirit Leung Kung descended to set fire to a house made of banana leaves the spirit of Tiang Lo Ko; TLK caught him, turned him into a rooster, put him in a cage; if you give the Rooster even a drop of water, he will become a thunder again; LC gave his beak for water, TLC poured him water, LK flew to heaven; the beak became a tree with one fruit; to catch up with the LC in the sky, TLC blocked the river, caused a flood; on the advice of the birds, the young Fu Hai and his sister sat in the fruit and escaped; LC destroyed the dam, the fruit from the FH descended on mountain; Turtle, Bamboo advise brother and sister to marry; FH hits them, now they have stitches; FH still marries his sister, she gives birth to a fetus; people grew out of seeds; after the flood, 12 suns, moons and stars appeared, God told them to dry the earth; Luong Wung shot the stars, leaving one sun and one moon]: Karpov, Tkachev 1958:260-262.

Plains. Arikara [see motive E5A]: Dorsey 1904d, No. 3 [giants lived on earth, Nesaru destroyed them with a flood; gathered people with animals in a small underground cave; these people were corn kernels; one N.'s grain in the sky turned into a woman, Mother Corn, sent her to bring people to the ground; The mole, the Badger, the long-nosed Mouse take turns digging, making their way out; The mole is blind to the light, remained in the ground; The badger appeared a black stripe on its face, black paws; Mother Corn led people west; an abyss ahead, the Kingfisher filled it with stones, some people remained, became kingfishers; the owl paved the way through the forest, knocking down trees on the fly with their wings; Loon flew across the lake, dividing its waters, people dried up, some returned and became loons; some did not have time to cross before the waters came together, remained on the other side; while Mother Corn was going to heaven, people began to play, kill the losers; she came back, said N. was dissatisfied, ordered to choose a leader, taught me how to scalp; the Dog came and said that Tornado and Tornado have forgotten her; Tornado will cause disease, then dogs must be sacrificed; Mother Corn: don't forget to smoke to the heavenly gods in four ways], 5 [Mother Corn brings out people from an underground cave; A mole or long-nosed Mouse, a Skunk, a Badger are digging a way out; everyone goes west to the water barrier; Fish swims, waters part, people dry, the waters close behind them; Owl leads the way through the forest, Kingfisher through the abyss; the horns of the giant bison reach the sky; the Mole, the Skunk, the Badger dig holes, the Fish rushes down the Bison's throat when he comes to drink, cuts it from the inside with his fins, he runs, falls into holes, dies; his skin is grass, his horns are trees with bark, his nose is a sunflower, he looks like Mother Earth; his blood is glass, has become stones, they are used to make smoking pipes ; his meat has been divided into sacred bundles; everyone goes further west; animals decide to separate themselves from humans], 6 [giants lived on earth, Nesaru destroyed them with heat, turning them into stones; created little people, wanted to destroy them by the flood, but the animals hid them in an underground cave; Bears, Moles, Mice, Foxes dug a way out to earth; The mole went blind to the light, the Bear widened the hole; the woman who arose from grain corn, told the man that they were on an island in the middle of the waters; people under the ground were corn grains, now they have become human; the man became a pike, made his way in the water, the woman too; they were tired, some people fell into water became fish; the mouse led people through the darkness, the rest in the forest turned into owls; there was a failure, the Bear laid steps, people passed; the Tornado made its way through the forest, although they forgot to call him; people dressed corn as a woman, threw it into the river, said Mother would sail to the island we came from; one day an old woman came and left corn], 7 [people were underground; long-nosed Mouse, The mole, the Badger, the Fox felt sorry for them, dug an exit to the ground, people went out, went west; Badger covered the abyss from the earthquake, people passed; Loon flew across the river, dividing the waters, people passed, the waters We came together, some people stayed on the other side; Mother Corn said that Black Wind was angry because he was not invited, brought people under the cedar; Black Meteoric Star was standing firm, he was alone the leg was cedar, the second was a stone; the Black Wind carried away only a part of the people; the Bear made steps across the mountains; the Dog came, his meat was delicious, his father was the Sun, he gave animals the ability to give strength to healers], 8 [ Mother Corn came to people dressed in red clothes with 5 moons and a star; these are images of the gods who sent her; she promised to get people out of the ground; Badger dug a hole, from the sun his head and front paws turned black; people went west; Owl-Barn Owl paved a path through the forest; The tornado left the diseases, and the Owl gave roots and herbs to heal them; Cut-Nose came to kill people, his horns seemed to the sky; people ran, stopped at the abyss; the bird, the Badger, could not, the Mole brought down the edges of the abyss, people crossed to the other side; in front of them is a space of water and ice; of all the birds, only Loon paved the way By pushing water and ice to the sides, people passed; Mother Corn disappeared, leaving a grain of corn under her blanket; the Awaho people were the last to come out of the ground, taught others rituals; Nesaru destroyed the former people, they were bad, but they kept corn kernels underground, and they became new people]: 12-17, 23-25, 27-30, 31-32, 32-35.

The Great Southwest. Navajo: Hodge 1895 [the gods created the first pair of humans from two corn cobs {apparently taken from Natthews 1889}]: 223; Matthews 1889:90 in Abercromby 1892 [the first woman was created from yellow corn kernels, the first man is white]: 328; Zolbrod 1995 [the first insect people (ants, beetles, dragonflies, locusts) live in the lower red world; adultery prevails, the world is flooded with water, people insects fly to the sky, find a hole, enter the blue world of swallows; there is nothing to eat, they soar into the yellow world of grasshoppers; there they are not allowed to drink, they fly into the black and white world; they send every time scouts find out how far the earth stretches; only in a black and white world can scouts not reach the ends of the earth, that world is larger than the lower ones; the gods (Holy Ones) give corn; the white cob turns into a man, yellow into a woman; this is the first human couple; she gives birth to hermaphrodite twins, then twins, a boy and a girl; they converge, give birth to a new couple; people begin to multiply]: 35-51.

Mesoamerica Tzotzil []: Gossen 1974:335; Navarrete 1997 [Chamula residents were made from pozol corn porridge, Guatemalans made from tortilla]: 57; chorti [the first man was made from young corn shortly after the earth has hardened]: Hull 2016:5; quiche: Popol-Vuh 1959:80-81 [The gods make today's humans out of yellow and white corn cobs brought by fox, coyote, crow and parrot; After grinding them, Shmukane made nine drinks, from this food came strength and flesh; from yellow and white corn, Tepeu and Kukumac (Great Mother and Great Father) created human flesh; from corn dough, hands were created and legs]; Perez Maldonado s.a. (Chichecastenango) [When she came to this unknown land, the goddess of the Earth Ishmukane took the corn cobs and helped the gods create four ancestors; they received wives; when they were in Tulan, a flood flooded the land; only four grandparents and their children were saved; Tohil took them to an even more prosperous country, where each of the four founded their own tribe; Balam-Kita became Mr. Rabinali, Balam-Akap - Kakchikels, Mahukutah - Tsutuhili, Iki-Balam - Quiche]: 11-12; Kakchikel [Anales de los Cakchiqueles; the first people were made of lands that ate wood and leaves, could not walk or talk, had neither flesh nor blood; then people were made from corn mixed with tapir and snake blood; they married and multiplied]: Thompson 1977:403; tocholabal [after the fire and flood, the gods made a new man, fed him fruit; he became weaker, the fruit turned him into something liquid; when he was fed corn, he felt energized, so the man was made from corn]: Jiménez 1996:46.

Honduras-Panama. Pech [paja (pech) believe that their god sowed people in the same way as they plant cassava themselves]: Kirchhoff 1948:227-228; cabecar [The Chief of the Worms swallows the seeds from which they should grow people; to get the seeds back, the deity gives the enemy a drink of cocoa]: Stone 1962:57-58; guatuso []: Lehmann 1920? Constela Umaña 1993, No. 4:132-134? ; boruca: Pittier de Fabrega 1903, No. 1 [the supreme god Sibú entrusted the baskets containing human and animal seeds to the god Surá; when he went to his cornfield, he stole the seeds and ate the evil Jáburu; Sura returned, Haburu killed him and burned him; the cocoa tree and Crescentia cujete grew on the grave; Sibu demanded a chocolate drink from H.; H.'s wives roasted the beans, they made a drink; Sibu offered the first cup of H.; he drank, swelled and burst; Sibu collected seeds, resurrected Sura, returned him a basket of people's seeds (retelling in Alexander 1920:193-194)], 2 [Já buru and Sibú began to argue who would not burst a cocoa pod in his hand; S. took a green one, H. was ripe, its pod burst, boruca appeared from the seeds; they saw pigs going beyond the pass, these pigs turned into Bribri Indians]: 2-3, 3-4; Bribri: Bozzoli, Murillo Chaverri 1984, No. 1 [God created human races (Indian ethnic groups), taking a pair of corn grains for each; one was created only from a single grain and these people marry any others]: 7; Gonzáles Chaves, González Vásquez 1989 [Sibu brings a basket of seeds from which different people should emerge childbirth; Odrer swallows it; S. tells the firefly to fly down his throat and find out if the seeds are really in O.'s stomach; he drinks O. cocoa; he bursts; S. collects seeds; they are dirty, so people sick]: 130-131; Hidalgo Solis 1997, No. 1 [Sibo tells the servants to guard the corn basket; they allow Abuble to swallow it; after returning the corn, Sibo tells them to sow it; from the new corn is made by humans]: 151-152; Pittier de Fabrega 1903, No. 1 [Sibu tells Sura to guard the seeds; Habura kills Sura, swallows seeds; cocoa grows on Sura's grave; Sibu comes to life Sura, tells him to sow seeds]: 2-3; Wilson 1974 [The Virgin Mary makes a clay ball for a wind gun, gives it to Sibu; he turns it into corn kernels from which it will emerge people]: 419; Guaimi: Brinton 1896:246 (by Pedro Melendez, Tesoros verdaderos de las Indians, I, p.4) in Foster 1945a [after the flood, God sows the seeds of people; from the best people grew up, from the worst - monkeys]: 238;: Margery Peña 1990 [two boys live with their mother Evia; she goes to the holidays, leaves her children in ash at the hearth; one day she meets two handsome men there, one in a golden robe, another in white (silver); tries to get their attention, they don't answer; someone says they're her sons, she doesn't believe; same on the second holiday; watches sons for the fourth time, comes back before them; when sons return as beautiful men, both they and the mother pretend that nothing has happened; before drinking white and red cocoa, they go swimming in the river, tell their mother not open the vessel; she removed the lid; there is a little girl (red cocoa) and a boy (white) boiling in butter; butter burned her eyes; sons come back, drink cocoa; they throw their mother east, west, south, she every time she comes back; thrown into the depths of the earth; her parrot is killed and followed; when she tries to escape, an earthquake occurs; she wants to get out to see if the fruits are ripe (these are people) ); Sun in golden robes, Month in silver themselves watch the seeds of the earth (=people) one day and another at night]: 25-27; Septimo, Joly 1986 [about like in Margery Peña]: 11-22.

NW Amazon. Uitoto [Titieiruireye, the chief of the butterfly village, went fishing with a torch every night; his wife had a lover and asked him to knock on the tree trunk when she returned so she could cook food; one day he did not knock, killed his lover, put his wife in a basket, tied her up, put her on the corpse so that she would die slowly; vultures flew, she asked them to release her; they took her to sunrise suns, their leader married her; her brother comes to her, she hides him from Juziñamui (apparently, the master of the dead cuts off the heads of those who come); the woman and brother return to earth, having received from Juziñ amui achiote seeds (Bixa orellana); the village is empty; when they scattered the seeds, they became everyday people everywhere]: Preuss 1994:124-126.

The Central Andes. Uarochiri (dep. Lima) [young boys came from quinoa seeds, yauyo from blood that fell from the sky]: Salomon, Uriosto 1991, ch. 24:117.