Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

E34. Sacred flutes made from the ashes of an ogre. .19.62.


cannibal has been killed. From his ashes emerge musical instruments that are taboo for women, used in male rituals.

Melanesia. Western Irian [the twins killed the ogre, bamboo grew on his grave; the women heard the wind buzzing in him, made flutes; the men heard, killed women, took flutes for secret rituals, where they are consumed with whistles and gongs]: Gourlay 1972:88.

NW Amazon. A dangerous character is lured with alcohol to a party, thrown into the fire; a palm tree grows out of ashes; sacred horns and flutes are made from it. Bar: Brüzzi 1994:59-60; guariquena [Nápiruli was fishing, Mapiríkuli came out of the water, said she wanted to be his wife; pregnant but did not have a hole to give birth; the fish began to try to do it, two failed, the third did it, N. grabbed her tail, the stain remained; the baby was born, disappeared into the water; found the placenta, threw it away, it became a stingray; later the boy came, he has no mouth, first his mouth has been cut vertically (since then there is a mark on his lip), then normally; this is Kúwe; he told him to fast before the dabukuri festival (fruit festival and the initiation of boys); young men they made a key out of an ant tooth (ants had teeth), bait from wasp larvae, began to catch and fry fish; K. was on a tree, felt smoke; when the smoke rose to the sky, the smoke formed a thundercloud, K. became the cave in which the boys took refuge from the rain, swallowed them; he was in the sky; N. lured him to the ground with alcohol; after drinking, he spewed the dead swallowed, revived them with tobacco; he was pushed into the fire, he went up with smoke to the sky, the sounds of sacred musical instruments were heard; the intestines did not burn, snakes became all kinds of snakes, ants appeared from the heart, scorpions and other ants from the hair; three bushes grew at the site of the burning, their names are forbidden for women]: González Ñañez 1980, No. 2:148-162; tariana: Biocca 1965 [a virgin Coadidop (grandmother of days) lived in emptiness; she made it out of her feet a cigar holder, tobacco from her body, milk from her breasts, put it in a cigar holder, began to smoke and chew coca; on the third attempt, a man came out of the smoke; said that he was thunder, the son of thunder, her grandson, a man, his name Enu, he has omnipotence over the world, must make friends for himself; he made Enu Koana and Enu Pokurano out of tobacco smoke; the fourth Thunder prevents hunger from starting; K. made women Caizaro and Paramano; became 4 thunder and 3 women; K. started women what to do when menstruation occurs, younger Thunder - how to make a ritual hut for girls; created land for women - a circle of rope, dripped inside milk, the earth became; said that they should work because people cannot eat tobacco and coca like the Thunders; the Thunders tried to get pregnant by eating fruits; they could not; they lured the girls to the river; one tried the fetus, became pregnant; unable to give birth, no genitals; one went to the river (the buttock print is visible on the rocks), lost consciousness in pain; thunders in the form of monkeys cut her stomach with a cigar holder, they took the child; he is full of holes; the child - Koe, Yurupari, grew up, taught me to sing and dance; opened up to his mother; when he spoke, I heard the sound of Yurupari instruments; arranged a party , said that the tools are his bones; went up the mountain to a stone house; learned 3 generations of Tarian and Baniva children; forbid eating roasted uazu fruits; one fell into the fire, the children ate it; Yu caused a storm, invited the children to the shelter, this is his ass; the latter brushed his teeth with a cake so that it would not be noticeable that he was eating fruit; Yu believed he did not eat, closed his ass before he entered; Yu took him to his stone house ; the children inside began to rot; Yu: Does belching stink? - No; becoming a parrot, the boy cut a hole in Yu's stone house; when Yu asked again about belching; the boy said that he ate his brothers, flew away; people offer Yu beer, he doesn't drink, He is afraid that he will be killed; 3 old Thunder gave him drink, threw him into the fire; Yu burned the whole earth, but the Thunders escaped in the cave; sent a man to see if the fire went out; he became a cricket (with a black head and legs) , lives in a hole in the ground); the earth has cooled down, everyone has come out; pashiuba grew out of the ashes, sacred instruments were made of it; women are not shown them; where Yu died, there are many poisonous plants] in Brüzzi 1994:111-112 and in S.Hugh-Jones 1979, No. 8:306; Brüzzi 1994:241; baniva: Dominguez Mendez 1986 (curripaco): 149-152; Galvão 1959:46-47; Saake 1968:266; desana: Kumu, Kenhire 1980:118-119; Tatuyo: Bidou 1983:38.