Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

E36. Hard body coating.


The human body was or could be covered with a protective layer (bone, rarely hair), but it has been preserved only on the nails (head).

Tunisian Arabs, Basques, Irish, Tunisian Arabs, Arab literary tradition (Arabic and Jewish medieval texts), Ngaju, Bukidnon, Manuu, Hungarians, Bulgarians, Macedonians, Czechs , Russians (Arkhangelsk, Saratov, Ukrainians (Volyn, Zhytomyr, Kherson), Belarusians, Latvians, Lithuanians, Estonians, Finns, Persians, Pamiris, Komi, Mari, Mordovians, Altaians, Khakas, Mansi, Eastern Khanty, Forest Nenets, Northern and Southern Selkups, Western Evenks (Kirensky), Baikal Evenks (northern Transbaikalia), northeastern Yakuts (Verkhoyansky), Orochi, (Chipewayyan, Beaver), Tsimshian.

North Africa. The Arabs of Tunisia [intending to create Adam, God sent Jebrail to bring the land from which a creature would be created, some of whose descendants would go to heaven and some to hell; Earth refused to give earth with some of them going to hell; God sent Michael the same; sent an Angel of Death, and Earth refused him, but he replied that he must obey God's order anyway; he took four handfuls from four corners of the earth, of different colors, from different places; by order of God, the Angel of Death mixed what he had brought with bitter, sweet, and salty water; 40 years later, God sculpted the human figure and left it on 40 years in front of the door, paradise; told the soul to enter the body through the mouth; it refused three times, finally entered, gradually penetrating from head to foot; as man gained abilities and desires; when he got up, God covered it with a layer that is now only preserved on the nails, and has been replaced by skin on the rest of the body after the Fall]: Ayadi 2008, No. 16:25-27.

Southern Europe. Basques [fingernails and toenails are what's left of the original body coat (azana)]: Roslyn 2008, personal report.

Western Europe. The Irish (West 1933, in the Cork area) [Adam and Eve were covered in angelic beauty in paradise, and that was their clothing; fingernails were her last remnant]: Muller 2006, No. 61:90.

Western Asia. Arabic written tradition: Holmberg 1927 [according to medieval Jewish and Arabic written texts, Adam and Eve's clothes consisted of nails, and after the Fall they survived only hands; (in old Jewish and Arabian tales is related how the bodies of Adam and Eve in paradise were covered with a horny substance so that they did not need clothes; nor until the fall did they, with the exception of the fingernails and toe-nails, lose their covering)]: 384; Moshkov 1901 [13th century Jewish writer, Sogar, says Adam's clothes in paradise consisted of nails, and after the Fall remained only in my arms]: 48; Moshkov 2004 ["The 13th century Jewish writer, Sogar, says that Adam's clothes in paradise consisted of nails, but after the Fall they remained only in his hands"]: 250.

Malaysia-Indonesia. Ngaju [Lahatala created everything except land and people; Ramjing Pahatara found seven earth eggs, made them into male and female figures, went to bring them stone breaths and bones; at this time Peres came to his wife Andin Bamban (Raats 1970, p.40-41: pe - "good", res - "bad"; associated with the lower world), said that people with stone breath will live forever, the earth will overflow, we must take a breath from the wind, bones from wood, blood from water; AB agreed, Angoi carved bones out of wood - Uncle Rangang Tingang; when he returned, RP found people alive, made them only hair, teeth and nails; people first hung in the air, RP caught a sea serpent, put people on it, the serpent became earth; var.: RP poured earth on the snake, when it moves, it shakes]: Schärer 1966:144-146.

Taiwan - Philippines. Bukidnon [creator (Harita mga) Magbabaya descended from seventh heaven to earth, made the bodies of the first people out of clay; before breathing soul into them, he went to heaven for a hard surface for bodies; at this time, his brother Mangilala rose from the seventh underworld, breathed soul into the creations; Magbabaya was only able to cover people's nails with a hard layer, the skin remained tender and fragile]: Eugenio 1994, no. 179:302-303; manoah [Manama created creatures that had a shiny cover like our nails; the skin was only on the joints; they did not eat; then M. placed two steel beams crosswise, covered them by trimming your nails, creating the ground]: Eugenio 1994, No. 37:93.

The Balkans. Hungarians [Adam's body was covered with a horn crust, lost after the Fall; it remained only at the fingertips]: Kálmány 1893:44-45 in Erdész 1963:62; Czechs [motive the horn cover on the body before the Fall is known]: Dähnhard 1907:226; Macedonians: Ortenzio 2008, No. 7 [=Tsenev 2004:12; the first people, Adam and Eve, were covered in hair; after the serpent persuaded them to eat an apple, their hair remained only in the places that Adam and Eve covered with their hands; after being expelled from paradise, they had to work, and there was no skin for stomakot and crevate; God gave it, they needed it sew in front; A. had too much, had a penis, Eve had a little, left a hole, a vulva], 8 [Adam and Eve's body was covered with scales; after they ate the forbidden apple, the scales came off like that snakes and remained only at their fingertips in the form of nails]: 40; (cf. Bulgarians [Dähnhard 1907:226 points out that the motif of the horn cover on the body before the Fall is known, but refers only to the Collection for People of Understanding..." and Schishmanoff 1896, No. 29; in Schishmanoff 1896 material is taken from the same "Collection...", and Ortenzio 2008 publishes the same recording translated into French as Macedonian).

Central Europe. Russians: Belova, Kabakova 2015, No. 370 (Arkhangelskaya, Verkhne-Toyemsky District) [Adam and Eve had skin like nails; after being expelled from paradise, it remained like this only at their fingertips]: 423; Ivanovsky 1892 [the first people walked naked in paradise, the body was covered with hard skin like a fingernail; now it remained only on their nails]: 251; Zavaritsky 1916 (Saratov Volga Region), No. 3 [Adam had all his skin like fingernails, so he was not bitten by insects; when God drove him out of paradise, his skin changed, leaving his children only at their fingertips, and then at Adam's request]: 71; Belarusians [formerly Adam and Eve the bodies were as leather as nails; when they sinned, they became naked]: Dobrovolsky 1891, No. 16:236; Ukrainians (Volyn, Zhytomyr), Belarusians [people had all their skin like nails, they were not cold; when they sinned, this skin slept, only nails were left]: Belova 2004a: 239-242; Kuznetsova 1998:104; Ukrainians (Kherson, Elizavetinsky y.) [hell was friends with God; hell owned thunder, and God owned the sky; to take possession of thunder, God began to walk on earth; hell did not have water, he asks to teach him how to get land; God tells me to dive, take from the bottom of the earth, hold in your hand and the one that remains at least under your fingernails, scatter it across the water; the devil left his thunder on the rocks and dived; God to the Archangel Gabriel: hurry up the thunder, he's on our land, and what is put on our land is ours; G. hid behind a stone; hell dived, but popped up and looks: did anyone take the thunder, did not take it; the same second time; hell thought that God forgot about the thunder and dived to the bottom; G. grabbed the thunder; seeing that the devil was rising to the surface, God froze the sea; hell only broke through the ice with his head for the third time; chased G., already grabbed his leg and snatched out a piece of meat - now people there is a notch on his foot; God: yes, you hit him with thunder; G. broke off his wings with thunder, now the devils do not fly well; G. gave thunder to God; then God came down, the hell had already created the earth; God wet his finger, splashed a man appeared with water behind him; hell tried it too, but his man does not speak or walk, but is covered with hard skin; then he spat on him; God: you turn him inside out; damn it, drool and the snot is left inside, and that skin is only at his fingertips, it is his nails; God has returned to heaven, and hell has made people; he envies that he has a lot of people, but everything is on earth, and God has few, but in heaven; hell decided to take over the sky himself, and overthrow God from there; God to the archangel, who holds the sky in his arms: shake it; the devils fell down, where anyone fell, stayed there; now you can't build a hut everywhere; you will build in hell, you'll work all your life; then God came to hell again, he was building something, one hut was very big - hell; hell then had a receipt: after death, all his people; he tore this receipt Christ, when he went to hell; God to hell: show me how to sit in that heat; hell climbed in, closed the doors; God: In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit! the exits are completely closed; but one hand of the devil remains free; he asks the other devils to rescue him, or else he will disappear; the elder has come up, and the one sitting in the heat threw him against the rock; so now the eldest devil crooked, and the first one is still sitting, cannot go out; that's where God's friendship with the devil ended]: Yastrebov 1894, No. 1:119-121; Ukrainians: P.I. 1892 [at first there were two people, Eva and Maria (so!) , their whole body was like our nails; they saw apples on the apple tree, ate one together, their bodies were like ours now {with sexual characteristics}, they sinned, M. gave birth to a son Mykola]: 83; Franco 1898, No. 63 ( Galicia, p. Podgorye, Drohobych, Kolomyisky, Stryisky districts) [in ancient times, the human body was completely hard and horny, like nails are now. But when Adam sinned, the Lord God took away that body from him, and left only small pieces - nails for memory]: 190; Ukrainians (Kyiv region) [After the fall of angels, God creates the first the ancestors of mankind. God makes the first man, puts him in paradise, and that person is completely different in nature from today's people in that he has a horn skin. God then creates a woman for that person from a flower. Adam does not like it; he asks God for something else that is not so fragile and closer to him in nature. God takes a woman from a flower, and Adam creates Eve, a woman from his rib, like him, with a horny body. Adam is taking her as his wife. Soon, the ancestors of the human tribe fall into sin and are expelled from paradise. As punishment, God deprives them of a horny body that was durable and not subject to corruption. Without this body, the progenitors remain naked, except for their nails. A woman from a flower becomes the Mother of God, whom God later made the mother of his son]: Nowosielski 1857 (2): 5-6; Ukrainians (Podolia) [When a person was still in paradise, he had this on his whole body the cover from which the nails are now. As he sinned, that veil fell; it remained only as a sign of what happened and as a hope for what else would happen]: Sheykovsky 1860:26; Czechs, Belarusians [horny motif Coatings on the body before the Fall are known]: Dähnhard 1907:226.

Baltoscandia. Latvians [people before the Fall had skin that could neither be bitten nor injured; its remainder was fingernails and toenails]: Voltaire 1890:142; Lithuanians [There is a legend in Samogitia and Prussia, that God, having created the first people in Heaven on Earth, covered their bodies with scales that can now be found on their nails, only after the first hole did he tear off these clothes from them, left only signs of this heavenly jewelry at the ends of the fingers and toes in memory of their crime]: Jucewicz 1846:142 {this is probably the source of Kerbelite 2001; Adam and Eve in paradise sinned - became naked; from all over the cornea only nails remained]: 107}; Estonians, Finns [people's skin was covered by the stratum corneum, which remained only on nails after the Fall]: Maasing 1998:65-66.

Iran - Central Asia. Persians [many believe that before the Fall, Adam's body was covered with material that now consists only of nails; severed nails are preserved and do not rot]: Donaldson 1938:185; Western Pamir (Shugnan, Bartang, Rushan, etc.) [in paradise, the bodies of Grandfather Adam and Momo Havvo were covered with the same solid substance as their nails, which replaced their clothes; when, at Satan's instigation, they ate wheat grains and were expelled from paradise, the nail cover with the bodies are gone, left only on the legs and arms; since the person's nails have not left, the trimmed nails must be buried in a clean, secluded place]: Mukhiddinov 1989:38.

Volga - Perm. Komi: Konakov 1999 [=Konakov et al. 2004:272; originally, people had a strong corneum instead of skin, now left only on their nails; parents left the child under supervision dogs; Omöl, seducing the dog with warm hair, gained access to the child and coated it with his snot and saliva; after that, the horn coating remained only on his nails]: 43; Fokos-Fuchs 1951, No. 25.1 [ the peasant hired a dog to babysit; the goblin promised her a fur coat if he let her examine the child; spat on the child, turned it inside out, gave the dog a fur coat; the owner returned, drove the dog into the yard; the child used to have hard skin, now only left on the nails]: 210-211 (=Limerov 2005, No. 52:51, =Rochev 1984, No. 107:114); Marie: Akzorin 1991, No. 2 [God created a man and a woman whose bodies were covered with his nails; the devil said that Yumo ordered apples to be eaten; people ate, their bodies were clean], 3 [woman gave birth, hears a voice, This baby will walk right away; she is silent; will walk in a year ; is silent; In three years; the voice wanted to make the human body covered entirely with nails; We will leave our nails only on our fingers, we will wear clothes, change them all the time; here the woman replied]: 30-31, 31; Mordovians [in the absence of Shkabavaz, Shaitan comes to the gates of paradise, deceiving the dog, penetrates there, spits on a person, except for the tips of his fingers and toes; before that, the skin was horny; Shkabavaz failed to clean the spits, he turned the human skin inside out]: Devyatkina 1998:297-298.

Southern Siberia - Mongolia. The Altaians [after the first person ate the fruit from the forbidden tree, the horn cover on his body disappeared]: Bächtold-Stäubli 1931-1932:122 in Erdész 1963:62; Khakas [ nails are considered to be the remnants of the ancient body cover of the Khongor ancestors; the fingernails were cut in the morning and the legs in the evening, since human vitality hides under the toenails during the day and under the fingernails at night; Trimmed nails and hair are burned on fire saying, "When the camel's tail grows to the ground, when the mountain goat's horns reach the sky, then we'll meet!" (or "when the elk's horns reach the clouds"); Kyzyl residents buried their trimmed nails saying, "When the frog's horns grow out of the axe, then I'll take it! When the maral horns grow from the mountain range, then I'll take it!" ; nails rejoice at the death of their master; "Our master, who slaughtered us, has lay down in the ground and will rot - now we will grow through his heart!" And the hair is sad: "Our owner, who decorated us, lay down in the ground and will rot - now we will become a nest for mice!"] : Butanayev 2003:83; (cf. The Mongols [the first humans were strong and overgrown; God feared that they would destroy all the game; he took off the man's hair, cut his tendons; the man covered his head with his hands, his hair remained on head and under arms]: Skorodumova 2003:37-38).

Western Siberia. Southern Mansi: Lukina 1990, No. 107 [Bright Boy (SM), son of the Bright Husband-Father (Num-Torum) leaves the sky for the middle world; there is water everywhere; he blew his nose, created a tundra hill out of snot; hell comes, tries to break the hill, SM takes two loons with iron beaks out of his pocket, they kill the line; sends them to dive underground; the first emerges seven years later, the second After seven years, shakes off, rocky earth appears; its inhabitants are mortal; SM blows out, a snake worm appears, turns into a man; meets a Ruff woman; they ask each other, from what everyone has come from; he is from the snot of the Bright Husband-Father, she is from black earth; she lies down, pulls him towards her, has his genitals under his arm; she tears them off and puts them in place, they copulate; man covered with a leathery, cinnamon shell; the Ruff woman tells him to find a three-leaf tree, eat three berries from it; the shell comes off; they give birth to a whole kind of girls and boys]: 42 [solid residues the membranes on the body are nails], 291-293; Mansi (Losva) [Num-Torum made people by mixing clay with snow, covered the bodies with a hard shell; went after his soul; at this time Shul-Atyr spoiled the figures, the shell remained only on their nails; that's why people get sick]: Munkácsi 1908:228; Eastern Khanty: Kerezhi 2000 (Surgut, p. Tromagan, western 1992) [the Khanty god made a man and a woman out of material that is now only nails; ordered to have only two children, live until the age of 100; left on business; at this time, the Russian god deceived the dog, which was a watchman, gave people's bodies a modern look; ordered them to have many children; then people will die quickly, the Russian god will eat them; the Khanty god returned, decided to take revenge; went to the city, turned Russian people into ants there; therefore, there are many anthills in the forests; otherwise the Russians would have inhabited the whole land]: 185-186; Kulemzin, Lukina 1977 [man descended from fish and was once all in scales that remain in the form of nails]: 123 (a short version of a person's origin from fish is recorded on the river. Vah, Kulemzin, Lukina 1977, No. 12:18); Forest Nenets (Aivaseda family) [people's bodies were covered with film (nelaku); she protected them from adversity and disease, condemning them to immortality; because of Kavshah's cunning we'ku ("Black Man", the spirit of illness that lives in the lower world), people have lost their protective coating, only their nails are left; their nails are shaken off in the cracks of the floorboards; one person casually cut his nails, a piece flew off, this had a bad effect on his future fate]: Spodin 2008:173; the northern Selkups [the tunols are the first humans created by God, giants above trees, their bodies were covered with horn shell, modern people have preserved its remains in the form of nails; they did not wear clothes; Num took them across the sky, now walk in the form of clouds]: Pelikh 1998:36; Southern Selkups: Pelich 1972:341 [y dogs had skin like a man's nails; the vines (Damn) came up, the dog barked; he asked her to change her skin; God cursed the dog, told me to eat what the man would throw; now the dog does not bark at the vine, man does not know when the vines come], 342 [people's whole bodies were covered with a cover that was shiny like nails; people were strong; when they went to bed, they spit in the cup and there was a baby; we were only left of them fingernails and toenails; those people did not eat, they sniffed at the smell, so they were fed up].

Eastern Siberia. Western Evenks (Cyrene) [two brothers lived in the upper world; the elder told the duck to dive to the bottom of Lake Baikal to get sand; the youngest put a leaf on the sea, land on it; the leaf crumpled from the wind folds, it turned out to be mountains; the youngest made a dog and a man, covered it with a strong shell, told the Dog not to give his older brother the keys to the barn where the man was; the elder promised to make the dog warm skin, received a key from her, ripped off the man's shell, left it only on his nails; for this, the youngest left the dog speechless]: Pinegin et al. 1952:49-50; northeastern Yakuts (Verkhoyansky) [God created man, made yrey a guard of his house; Satan asked to let him in, offered a white, then variegated, finally black fur coat (Yakuts especially appreciate black fur), man let him in, Satan everything in the house spoiled; God returned, deprived man of the wool that covered him, let him now wear a fur coat]: Seroshevsky 1896:653-654; Baikal Evenks (north of Transbaikalia, 1951) [water all around; in in the upper world, two brothers are discussing how to make land; the eldest had a duck; the youngest let it get sand from the bottom of Lake Baikal; the duck brought sand, the youngest put a leaf on the water and the ground {sand} on top; blew the wind, the leaf crumpled, mountains appeared; the youngest made a dog and a man, covered the whole man with a shell - it would be strong; put the man in one barn, the dog in another; went to make rivers, told the dog not give the keys to the older brother; he came and promised the dog a warm, colorful skin; she opened the barn; the older brother tore off the man's shell, left only his fingernails; younger brother came back, punished the dog by depriving him of the ability to speak]: Pinegina 2019:70-71.

Amur-Sakhalin. Orochi [Hadau created man, told the Dog not to feed him, went to get clothes; the dog fed the man; for this, H. made the Dog a dog, ordered him to eat eaten bones; H. wanted to give man he did not give hard clothes now; the remnants of these clothes are nails; H. killed two of the three suns with arrows; a woman was born; the children from her marriage to the first man became the ancestors of separate families]: Aurora, Lebedeva 1966 , NO. 49:195-196.

(Wed. Subarctic. Chipewayan: Lowie 1912 [all birds are white; a person decides to paint them; paints Loon black specks, others in different colors; promises to paint the Raven like Loon, he doesn't like it; then paints it entirely black; runs away with the other birds, the Raven after them, catches up with the Rook, paints it black; builds a long fence, separating the deer from people; the one who painted the birds, sends the Owl to follow; people come to the pen; the Raven drives away everyone who approaches the entrance; Arctic foxes slip, free the deer; the raven makes the deer skins invulnerable to arrows; removes a spell when he is promised to leave the giblets of dead animals]: 184-185; Petitot 1986 [The old raven woman hides animals; the Owl finds them; the Wolf, the Fox cannot penetrate her; the Blue Jay releases animals; the old woman was saved her life; for this she broke the bone shell that covered the bodies of ungulates], No. 16:379-281; the beaver [The raven drives the animals underground, holds the fat behind the door; the Nightjar watches him; people break the door by releasing animals; the raven covers animal bodies with a bone shell, only the nose is vulnerable; but he himself suffers from hunger; makes ribs to animals]: Goddard 1916:250-251).

NW coast. Tsimshian [The raven copulates with stone and elderberry; if the Stone gave birth first, people would be covered with hard scales and would not die; Elderberry gives birth first, so people are mortal, and strong coating only on fingers (nails)]: Boas 1895, No. XXIII.2:278; 1902:72; 2002:561; Deans 1891:34.