Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

E36A. Growing nails. 22.38.

Nails are constantly growing or the human body is covered with a hard crust only on the nails, because they have only been washed with living water.

Sre, Okinawa, Miyako.

Burma â€" Indochina. Sre [Ndu offered people the water of immortality; they found it too cold and only dipped their fingertips and hair into it; so people's nails and hair continue to grow after death]: Oxford Dictionary of Asian Mythology: Indo-Chinese Mythology, http://www.answers.com/topic/indo-chinese-mythology.

Japan. Miyako Islands [on the night of the sitsy festival, a person poured rejuvenating water before the snake, rejuvenated; the following year he gave in to a snake, drenched after it; the snake rejuvenated, man has not since rejuvenates; people are getting younger, shedding their skin like snakes; var.: man has washed only his hands and feet, so his nails grow back]: Nevsky 1978:91; Okinawa [13 entries; The Moon and the Sun sent a lark deliver live water to people, but the lark threw water on the way and began to peck for strawberries. Meanwhile, the snake drenched in live water, began to change its skin and live forever. They poured the leftovers of water that the Skylark brought to people onto their nails, which began to grow back. The lark reported this to the Moon and the Sun, they tied him with a rope, making his body smaller and his legs thinner]: Naono Fukasawa 2015 (Tsukan, No. 487).