E38A. People from pieces. .21.-.23.25.26. (.30.)
A woman gives birth to a pumpkin, a bag, a bag of eggs, a piece of meat. What is born is cut, chopped, pieces turn into new people, and numerous people (usually tribal ancestors) come out of a pumpkin or sack.
Qiang, shunmara, moklum, taraon mishmi, kachin, rawang, inta, tai, shuijia, ahom, vieta, khmu, zhuang, ancient India, ami, miao, yao, meo, man, namuzi, asi, sleigh, lolo, ami, saisha, Chinese (Shaanxi, Gansu, Guangdong, Zhejiang, Hunan, Henan, Sichuan), Lee, (Turkmens).
Tibet is the Northeast of India. Qiang [9 suns are scorching the ground; older brother and younger sister escaped in the cypress hollow; when the disaster was over, they decided to lower two millstones from the slopes - if they lie on top of each other, they can marry; sister gave birth to a monster, brother cut him to pieces, scattered them; people around the house in the morning]: LaPolla, Huang 1996:252; shunmara [Nat sends Toad to say there will be a flood; people beat The toad, only her husband and wife, sheltered her; they climbed a tree, other people did not believe them, drowned; the wife gave birth to a pumpkin, it was cut, and the ancestors of many tribes came out of there]: Kasevich, Osipov 1976, No. 2:36-38; moklum [the rooster lived in heaven, was Rang's chief minister; he has a son Rangsa and a daughter Yappi; the rooster advised them to marry, the sister gave birth to a ball-shaped ball of meat, dried it, it burst, pieces scattered, became people who populated the world; Rangsa and Yuppie walked across the sky 24 hours a day, there was no night; their father told them to walk at different times]: Elwin 1958a, No. 17:50-51; Kachin: Gilhodes 1908 [ Ningkong wa decides to build a bridge over Ayeyarwady; his 9 brothers are jealous, they say that his brother, then sister, mother, etc. are dead; he continues to work; when he hears about his father's death, he cries, leaves; at home finds everyone in good health; promises to flood the earth with a flood and burn them with 9 suns; puts an orphan brother and sister in a drum; every day they release a rooster, throw a vessel and a needle; understand by sound 8 times falls, that there is water below; on the ninth day, the vessel and needle fall to the ground, the rooster crows; both come to nata (nata are mythological creatures), hear that he wants to eat them; run away to another; he hides under the roof, tells them to come first in 4 days when the beer is ready; a hot iron rod is thrown into his mouth; he rushes under the waterfall, his roar is still heard; brother and sister are born the child bothers the owner with crying; he kills the child, feeds his heart to parents, cuts the body to pieces, turns into Chinese, Shan, Kachin, Burmese, etc.]: 683-886; Elwin 1958b, No. 23 [ first the sky is close to the ground; Ningun-Chinun gives birth to Middle men from Tungkam-Waisun, this is Sita (month) and his sister Chan (sun); then LF gives birth to a Machang man, Wakum pumpkin, Lung-Nin-Chang stone; playing, LNF broke his Pumpkin Brother, people came out from there, rejoiced when the Sun and the Month climbed into heaven; in order not to suffer again in the darkness, they cut off the stairs, the stars remained in the sky; the Sun tried unsuccessfully get together with his month-old brother; he refused, became pale, like a saint]: 58-59; rawang [a boy Alang Pung was born with wings, tail and claws; began to take people to the cave and eat them; people invited him to the party, advised him to sit on the roof, lower his tail into the gap between the beams of the floor so that no one would step on him; grabbed him by the tail, killed him; buried him, but in the morning he was not surfaces; so twice; they decided to eat it, dividing it into parts, but not enough for everyone; then they threw the body into the river; it dammed it, the flood began, only a piece of land remained above the water, and a couple of people escaped there; 9 suns went out and dried the earth; two went in different directions, but found no one, got married; God Dameu killed him, dismembered him into small pieces, scattered them, gave the liver to his mother under the guise of animal meat; said she ate; explained that there would be many children, told me to cook food; called people, many came; those who did not get food became forest animals]: LaPolla, Poa 2001:48-65.
Burma - Indochina. Tay Pong, Tay, Hmong, Yao (Tuyen Quang), San Chay (San Chi, Cao Lan), Pu Peo, Giay, Mon-Khmers, etc., but not Viets [(consolidated table; the result of brother and sister marriage after the flood is the birth of a shapeless piece of flesh, sometimes in the shape of a pumpkin; it is cut into pieces, each of them comes into people)]: Dang Nghiem Van 1993:328- 333; inta [only the poor boy and girl warmed the old man; he pulled out his tooth, ordered him to plant, a pumpkin will grow, you have to hide in it during the flood; so it happened, the rain flooded the ground; after the flood a young man and a girl got married, the girl gave birth to a pumpkin, it was cut, the seeds were scattered, and different people and animals arose from them]: Kasevich, Osipov 1976, No. 42:143-146; Shuijia [the flood destroyed the living; Brother "Sun" and sister "Moon" climbed into the pumpkin, escaped, went to the ground after the flood; before getting married, they lowered the lower and upper millstones from the mountain, they lay on top of each other; the sister gave birth to two balls; one threw it into black bamboo, it was formed by people of the "black" group; the other was a cypress tree, which gave rise to "white"]: Walk 1949:69; khmu (tsa khmu) [brother and sister caught a rat in the forest; she asked let her go, reported on the impending flood, advised her to climb into a hollow tree trunk; after the flood, the bird's brother and sister went in different directions to look for marriage partners; they met only a friend twice a friend; the bird advised them to marry; the sister carried the fruit for three years, gave birth to two pumpkins; when she brought down rice, she dropped the pest, one pumpkin split, tai, ly, lao, etc. came out of it; she carefully pierced with a heated piece of iron, but the khma in it rushed straight outside, got dirty in coal, so dark; pumpkin fragments turned into rocks near the village of Ban Tau Pung ("pumpkin village")]: Roux 1928:177-179 (=1953:295-300; retelling in Chesnov 1980c: 163; more concise in Walk 1949:64-65); Zhuang (Yunnan) [the sky was close to the ground, since then the tops of bamboo have been crooked because they rested on sky; the thunder god emitted lightning, blinking his eyes, creating gusts of wind with his wings, kicking with thunder, an ax and a chisel in his hands, destroying everything with them; came to visit a man named Bubo; eating and drinking, decided that he should collect a tax from farmers; B. offered him a choice of tops and roots; he said that he was a celestial, so he chose tops; B. planted a tarot, the thunderman got rotten leaves and dry stems; the following year he chose roots and B. planted rice; the following year, the thunder promised to pick up both the tops and the roots, but B. planted corn and took the cobs; the thunder told his General Lumeng no longer send rain; B. ordered people to open the locks of the heavenly river, the water irrigated the fields; then the thunder raised the sky higher, leaving only the sun and moon tree for communication; B. led the people take water from the underground dragon, but he was the thunder's brother and refused; then B. grabbed his horns and told him to pluck his beard; the dragon gave water; but in the third year there was drought again; the thunder sent the general Lumang repair the locks; B. climbed a tree into the sky, pushed L. into the river; one of the warriors, Qigao, warned that the thunder was going to kill people by drought; B. put his sword to the thunder's throat, forcing let it rain; the thunder came down to take revenge, slipped on wet mats, was caught and tied; B. went to get salt to kill the thunder and pickle his meat; tells his children not to let him go, not to let him drink, not to give the ax; the thunder persuaded them (they gave him water with indigo paint, so he turned blue), gained strength, flew out; gave his tooth, telling him to plant it: only Fuyi and his sister would be saved during the flood; the thunder opened the locks of the heavenly river, and the dragon released the waters of the underground lake; B. swam in an inverted umbrella; the thunder wanted to hack him with an ax, but B. cut off his legs himself; the thunder was afraid that by the waters of the flood, B. would be in the sky, discharged the water; B. fell with his umbrella on the mountain, broke, his heart bounced to the sky and became Venus; F. and his sister escaped in a pumpkin (which grew out of a thunder's tooth); went out when the waters have come down; turtle, bamboo: you must get married; brother and sister: if you live, we will get married; killed a turtle, cut bamboo, they are reborn; Venus B. also told them to marry: light fires on two mountains, if the columns of smoke merge, then it is possible; the sister gave birth to a piece of meat; they cut it and scattered it, people came out of the pieces; the thunder attached cock feet to his feet instead of severed feet claws; after the dragon's beard is pulled out, two pieces are left: his carp children have them; Qugao has become an earthworm; when he crawls out, the thunder tries to cut it in half; if the worms crawl out, it means a thunderstorm; shamans began to know the future by turtle shells and bamboo stems]: Miller 1994:137-150; ahom [people are destroyed by boiling water that has poured out of the ground; new ones come out of the pumpkin that son Indra opened Aiphalan with his arrow; Var.: After the global flood and world fire, the storm god Kubg-Lawn smashes many pumpkins with his thunder club, from which people, as well as animals, birds and useful plants]: Walk 1949:66; the Viets [the fairy Eu Ko, married the dragon Luck, gave birth to a bag of one hundred eggs; each came out of a son, which gave rise to different peoples; the eldest became the first Vietnamese ruler Hung]: Nikulin 2004:186.
South Asia. Ancient India (Mahabharata): Vasilkov, Neveleva 1987 [Mbh.3.104-105); the lord of the land Sagara is married to daughter Vidabha and daughter Shibi; the second gave birth to a son, the first pumpkin; S. wanted to throw it away, a voice from heaven ordered the seeds to be extracted, stored in oil-filled vessels above the steam; 60,000 sons arose from the seeds, who even oppressed gods, Gandharvas and Rakshasa; looking for the missing horse, they dug up the ocean floor all the way to Patala, died]: 231; Hookahs 2006, ch. 107 [King Dhritparashtra's wife, Gandhari, received and fed brahman Vyasa. He asked her to choose a gift. I asked for a hundred sons. I conceived from Dhritarashtra. Then I walked with my belly for two years. Upon learning that the king's other wife, Kunti, had given birth to a son, Gandhari ripped her stomach apart in despair and removed a ball-shaped meat ball. Vyasa, a clairvoyant, immediately came to her, listened to her reproaches and said that the promise would come true: you just need to prepare a hundred vessels filled with ghee and water the lump with cold water. Soon the lump split into a hundred parts. They were placed in vessels, held in them for as long as the embryo was in the womb, and 100 Kaurava brothers were born. Duryodhana was born first, then the others]: 316-318.
Taiwan - Philippines. Ami: Matsumoto 1928 [brother and sister escaped the flood of boiling water, asked the Sun for permission to marry; after receiving permission, they gave birth to monsters, one became crab, the other became fish; then asked Luna; she replied that brother and sister were not allowed to converge, and to circumvent this ban, they had to have sex with a mat; after that, the sister gave birth to a white stone, it grew up and contained four babies]: 123; Walk 1949 [(retelling the same text as Matsumoto: 123; Shinji Isjii manuscript referring to Fraser); because of the earthquake, hot waters flooded the ground; brother escaped in a wooden mortar and sister; after the flood, the brother asked the Sun if it was possible to marry his wife, received consent; first there were two miscarriages; one was thrown up the river, the ancestor of the fish appeared; the second was downstream, an ancestor crabs; after that, the brother asked Months if it was possible to marry, he strictly forbidden them; but finding no one else, brother and sister copulated through a mat; the wife gave birth to a stone, which was swollen, and came out of it two pairs of children, one barefoot (ami ancestors), the other wearing shoes (Chinese ancestors)]: 96; saisha [Alv√°rez 1930:415f; only the older sister and younger brother survived the flood at the top of the mountain; after the flood gave birth to a boy and a girl, cut them apart, and new men and women emerged]: Walk 1949:98; (cf. saisha [a man who escaped the flood reached Mount Papakwaka; old Oppehenaboon killed him, cut him to pieces, threw them into the water, from which the ancestors of the Saisya arose]: Chen 2014:431).
China - Korea. Miao of China: Bender et al. 2006 (Guizhou) [Jang Vang and God of Thunder are brothers; JAW has no ox, he asked Thunder for a loan, plowed the field, and then stabbed the ox and ate it; he stuck his tail in the mud, said that the ox had failed; the thunder began to pull and fell into the mud; furiously he rose to heaven and sent rain and hail to drown JAW; he planted a gorlyanka pumpkin, it immediately grew and bore fruit; the flood flooded the ground, a calebass {in which, obviously, JAV} rose to the sky; the thunder sent a goose to find out what it was; the goose came back, said that one mountain was still above the water; the thunder hit the goose, since then he had a bump on its beak; sent a duck, then But Thunder stepped on her beak, flattening it; sent a ram, the same thing, Thunder twisted its horns; the rooster did not dare to tell the truth, said that there was only the sea below; for this Thunder gave him a good beak, which it is convenient to peck grain; the waters have come down, JAV went to the ground, but alone; bamboo prompted him to marry his sister; JAV cut him to pieces in anger, promising to put them together if he did marry his sister; after time decided to marry; made 9 iron cages, put thrushes in them, asked his sister to get them; the cage pinched her hand; promises to release her if her sister agrees to become his wife; sister: let go down two mountains a pair of millstones, if they lie on top of each other, I will marry my brother; the millstones lay down; my sister offered to ride horses, let JAV catch up with her; he jumped over the mountain from the other side and met his sister; she and here disagrees; then he trapped her leg when her sister was breaking rice; she had to agree; she gave birth to a lump of meat, a ball with eyes, without arms, but on legs; JAV furiously chopped it into pieces, from Many people appeared, but they could not speak; the God of Earth came to Thunder, who was silent; and when he left, Thunder said to himself, "We must set fire to bamboo and when it splits miserably, people they will speak; the God of Earth overheard this and handed it to JAV; he burned a bamboo grove, people from different tribes spoke their own tongues]: 160-168; Geddes 1976 (Chuan Miao, Sichuan) [according to Grah'am; two brothers plow the land, according to At night, Ye Seo eliminates all traces of their work; the eldest wants to beat him, the younger asks; YS tells the eldest to make an iron barrel, the youngest a wooden barrel; the iron one drowned, the younger brother in the wooden one escaped with his sister; trials showed that higher powers want brother and sister to marry, sister agreed; gives birth to something like a piece of wood; it was cut, people arose from parts]; Werner 1922 [after the flood A Zie and his sister escaped in a swimming pumpkin; the sister agreed to marry her brother if the two millstones they had lowered from the two mountains lay on top of each other; then if the swords thrown from the two mountains ended up in some with a sheath; the brother put the other two millstones one on top of the other in advance, sheathed the other swords; married his sister; she gave birth to a child without arms and legs; And Zi cut it apart and scattered it; in the morning of these people appeared pieces]: 407-408; meo: Karpov, Tkachev 1958 (North Vietnam) [two brothers were plowing the field, but by morning it had hardened again; in the middle of the night they saw an old man trampling the ground; he says that there is no need to work because there will be a flood; tells one brother to make a drum out of wood, the other from copper, take seeds and pets; the rain flooded the ground with a flood, the copper drum drowned; the younger brother and sister escaped in a wooden one; God told nine dragons to dry the ground; the water came down, but it was still viscous; the Eagle carried brother and sister to a dry place; tore off a piece and let them eat, and they They cut the Eagle off piece by piece; brother and sister threw two rafts, two needles, and two coins into the sky; God put them together, brother and sister got married; sister gave birth to an egg with meat in it; it was cut into pieces they became human]: 256; Geddes 1976:22-23 (Tonkin) [by Savina; after the creation of heaven and man, people have lived on earth for 9,000 years; two brothers notice that all traces of their field work disappear overnight; they find an old man closing his plowed furrows; the eldest wants to kill him, the youngest asks; this is the Master of Heaven, warns of the flood, tells his older brother to make an iron boat, the youngest wooden, take your sister, a couple of animals, seeds; it rains for seven months, the older brother's boat sinks, the younger one floats to the sky; the Master of Heaven sends the Rainbow Dragon to dry the ground; sister first refuses to meet his brother, but after a series of tests proving that this is the will of the higher powers, agrees; gives birth to something like an egg; it is opened, cut into pieces, each piece turns into child, these children are colonizing the earth], 23-24 (Meto, Thailand) [Joser's spirit of heaven sent two spirits to warn people about the flood; those who worked in the field saw weeds grow again in the morning; one person wanted kill these spirits, another asked; they ordered drums to be made; only one man did, put his son and daughter in it during the flood; Joser poked the ground with a long pole to make the water come down, so eat valleys and mountains; told brother and sister to marry; sister gave birth like a bone marrow lump; Joser ordered it to be cut into pieces, scattered in different directions; from these pieces came the Chinese, Tai, Miao and others peoples (or various Miao clans); var.: 1) the man and sister himself, and not his children, escaped in the drum; 2) at Joser's direction, four spirits holding the land drained the waters]; Symonds 2004 (NW Thailand) [ brother and sister remained after the flood; Puj and Yawm Saub told them to marry; the wife gave birth to a piece of meat; S. ordered it to be cut into pieces, they became different people, including Hmongs]: 31; yao (Vietnam) [ Chang Lo Co built a house, Thunder in the form of a rooster came down to destroy it, slipped, was caught, put in a cage; Phuc Hy (this is Shan Luo Ko's son) gave him wine, he regained his strength, broke his cage, gave him the boy a tooth, told me to plant, a pumpkin would grow; PI and his sister climbed into the pumpkin during the flood, covered the hole with wax, took food and a couple of pets with them; Shang Lo Ko got on the raft, but the water suddenly slept, he crashed; the turtle advised PI to marry her sister; he broke her shell with a stone in anger, it grew together, but the traces remained; the same advice and episode with bamboo (knife marks); brother and sister went to bed on on different banks of rivers; two trees grew out of their bellies and intertwined; after three years, three months and three days, their sister gave birth to a pumpkin; their brother ordered them to sow seeds everywhere; when they came to the mountain, only three seeds were left therefore, there are few highlanders]: Dang Nghiem Van 1993:326-327; yao (Guangxi, wu. Yongxian City Luocheng; by Chang Zhenxia, "A study of images on stone sarcophagi from Shapinba", magazine. "Showen Yuekan", vol. 1, No. 10-11. Lu Zhenyu. Beijing: Zhongguo Shehui Shigan, 1962) [before the storm, a boy and a girl watched their father start repairing the roof; the father became angry with the thunder god Lei-gong and placed an iron cage under the roof; L. holding a wooden axe, he went down, flapping his wings; the man stuffed it with his horn into the cage and told the children not to let him drink; L. begged the children to give him a few drops of water; breaking the cage, He pulled out his tooth and ordered it to be planted, and flew away; when he learned of what had happened, his father began to make an iron boat, and the planted tooth grew a gourd pumpkin; when the pumpkin was opened, countless teeth were inside; the children threw them away and climbed inside themselves; a downpour poured in, the water covered the ground; the father sailed in a boat to the iron gate and began to knock; the spirit of heaven ordered the spirit of the waters to drive away the waters; they immediately subsided, the boat fell, crashed, the man crashed too; the children in the pumpkin escaped; the boy's name was Fuxi, the same as Paosi ("pumpkin brother"); the children grew up, the brother invited his sister to marry; she offered to catch up with her; but F. ran the other way and ran out to meet his sister; they got married; the wife gave birth to a lump of meat; they cut it into pieces, began to go up to the sky's gate; the wind blew, unfolded the bundle, pieces of meat fell and became human; the person who fell on a leaf received the surname E ("leaf"), on a tree - Mu ("tree"), etc.]: Yuan Ke 1987:39-43; yao (Vietnam) [during the flood, brother and sister escaped in a floating pumpkin; decided to marry if the smoke from everyone's smoking and the bamboo planted by everyone come together; it happened; my sister gave birth to a leather bag with 10 boys, 9 girls in it; they made new people]: Ho 1967, No. 101:275; yao (Thailand) [brother and sister escaped during the pumpkin flood; the turtle advised them to marry, the brother broke her shell into 12 pieces in anger, they grew together; brother and sister repented; the old man also told me to get married, someone said that this old man was a bird; brother and sister slept separately, but the columns of smoke from their fires, then the bamboo they planted joined together, then they lay down together; sister gave birth to a pumpkin, the goddess ordered it to be cut, the seeds were thrown into the plain, the peel into the mountains; the brother hurried, fell, threw the seeds into the mountains, the peel into the plain; the seeds gave rise to highlanders, from the peel the inhabitants of the plains; var. : 6 pairs of people arose from seeds and peels, from them different peoples]: Kacha-Ananda 1997:270-171; man (North Vietnam, border with China): Karpov, Tkachev 1958 [Lightning spirit Leung Kung descended set fire to the banana leaf house of Tiang Lo Ko's spirit; TLK caught it, turned it into a rooster, put it in a cage; if you give the Rooster even a drop of water, he will become a thunder again; LK gave his beak for water, TLK filled him with water, LC flew to the sky; the beak became a tree with one fruit; to catch up with LK in the sky, TLC blocked the river, caused a flood; on the advice of the birds, the young Fu Hai and his sister sat in the fruit and escaped; LK destroyed the dam, the fetus from the FH descended on the mountain; Turtle, Bamboo advise brother and sister to marry; FH hits them, now they have stitches; FH still marries his sister, she gives birth to a fetus; people have grown out of seeds; after the flood, 12 suns, moons and stars appeared, God told them to dry the earth; Luong Wung shot the stars, leaving one sun and one moon]: 260-262; Isis 1998 [those in Brother and sister Fusi's reed hut; the smoke from their fires came together, the bamboo shoots they planted intertwined, so they got married; the sister gave birth to a leather bag, 10 boys and 9 came out of it girls; gave birth to people]: 148; namuzi [children of a heavenly maiden and an earthly young man (see motif K24) angered their mother's heavenly parents by their behavior, they sent a flood, all died except the youngest brother and younger sister; sister offers to marry; brother hesitates, agrees if the two halves of the millstone, lowered from two slopes, reach the bottom of the valley, fold together; they fold; For 11 months, not 9 months, the sister gave birth to a yellow mass like cow manure; the sister told me to go to scatter it; in the morning, in the places where the brother threw it on the tree, those had the name "tree", where on the stone, Those have "stone" (li, wang); people have multiplied again]: Lakhi 2009 (1): 153-165 (=2009 (2): 167); asi [the first married couple gives birth to five sons and five daughters; brothers join sisters in marriage; four older couples cultivate the land, find the field intact every morning; see Silver and Gold spirits descend from the sky, restore turf; rush to beat them; younger siblings recognize spirits, tell them to let them go; they report that there will be a flood; older couples make chests of gold, silver, bronze, iron; the youngest is wooden; rain floods the earth with a flood, a wooden chest pops up, others sink; Golden and Silver spirits pierce the waters with arrows; when descending, the ark lingers on pine, chestnut, bamboo; at the direction of the gods, brother and sister lower a sieve and sieve from the mountain , two millstones; both times they fall on top of each other; brother and sister marry; wife gives birth to pumpkin, brother-husband cuts it, ancestors of different peoples come out from there, disperse on the ground]: Vakhtin, Eats 1956:33-44 ; sleigh [three brothers and sister plow the meadow, there are no signs of work in the morning; an old man restores the untouched land; this is the spirit of Apish's thunder; says that there will be a flood, gives gold, silver, wooden chests; the younger brother chooses a wooden one, agrees to take his sister; the old man tells me to open the chests when the chicken hatches from the egg; each brother opens, the older and middle drown, the youngest in a wooden one swims on; the chest settled on the mountain, caught on bamboo and sycamore; A. gives seeds, bulls and cows appear from beans, buffalo peas; sister agrees to marry if her brother's thread enters her needle ; if the millstones fall together; the sister gives birth to a fetus, cuts it into pieces, and men and women emerge from them]: Lin Lin, Ustin 1959:99-102; lolo [the first people are brother and sister, they are not parents they had; before they married, they lowered two stones from the mountains; the brother's stone lay on his sister's stone; the same was two sieves; two shoes; the smoke from the fires lit on the two mountains came together; the sister gave birth to a pumpkin, it contained the embryos of all people]: Vial, Les Lolo, p.51f in Matsumoto 1928:121; li (Hainan, w. Qiongzhong) [a gorlyanka pumpkin grew on the ground; the mountain became larger; the immortal spirit made a hole in it and placed two clay-sculpted men, brother and sister, as well as clay buffaloes, inside. bulls, pigs, dogs, cats, lizards, mantis and others like them - each creature in pairs; at this time the great flood began, the gorlyanka squash began to swing on the waves; when the flood receded, five appeared in the sky suns and five moons that quickly dried all the water; thanks to the sun and water, the little men and animals in the pumpkin came to life and jumped out; the suns were burning like fire, and in the evening, when the moons came out, it was so bright that I could not open my eyes; then the immortal spirit asked who could get rid of excess suns and moons; the wild boar replied that he had long fangs and could eat them; brother and sister became asked him to do this, but the boar replied that they should then feed him rice sprouts; brother and sister agreed and told him to eat four of the five suns; the boar ate four suns and four moons gnawed, their pieces turned into stars; when he returned, there were no rice sprouts to give him, but his brother and sister allowed him to eat all the rice he saw; so wild boars they often eat rice sown by people; brother and sister went to wander around the world, but could not find people and cried; the heavenly god of thunder heard their crying, came down and asked why they were crying; told them to get married; brother and sister said that they were relatives and if they married, they would be punished by the god of thunder; he replied that he did not intend to punish them; brother and sister did not believe it, and then he decided to show theirs strength; there were peals of thunder, the ground shuddered, rivers overflowed, trees split; the god of thunder laughed if they believed him now, and then they obeyed and married; they a son was born, they could not get enough of him; the god of thunder came again and told him to give the child to him; brother and sister said that the child had not yet been born, but the god of thunder replied that he already knew everything; he promised that he would turn the child into a multitude of people, and then brother and sister would not be sad that there were no people in the world; brother and sister disagreed, and the god of thunder took the boy by force; he cut it into pieces, began to sift them through a sieve; the sifted pieces of meat turned into four boys and four girls; the god of thunder gave them clothes; the first was a shirt and pants, he became Han; for the second cloth it was not enough, the god of thunder gave him two pieces, tied them in front and back to his waist, and he got so-called bag-shaped pants; this boy became a tsisky; the third young man got even less cloth; the god of thunder made a triangular loincloth for him, this young man became Xiaomi Li; the latter got the smallest piece of cloth, this young man became Bende Li; boys married girls, humanity became live from generation to generation]: Zhou 2002, #2:3-4; Chinese: Eberhard 1937, No. 48 (Hunan, Zhejiang) [brother and sister stay alone in the world; ask the oracle if they should marry; roll millstones from two mountains: they lie one on top of another; a sister gives birth to a piece of meat or a pumpkin; a brother cuts it, people appear], 49 (Guangdong, Zhejiang, Hunan) [the emergence of people from a chopped piece of meat, pumpkin, eggs]: 88-89, 89-90; Riftin 1987b (Sichuan) [Fuxi and his sister Nuiwa were virtuous; one of the immortals learned that the Jade King would send a downpour, flood the ground; descended under the guise of a beggar, F. and N. sheltered him; he gave them a basket to sit in when the flood struck; only they escaped; decided to mold new people out of clay; Mother Earth asked them not to dig a hole in it, told them to join marriage; N. agreed if F. caught up with her, ran around the mountain seven times, F. did not catch up; the turtle advised her to run not after her sister, but towards her; N. broke her shell in anger, F. glued it together, stitches stayed; N. said she would marry F. if they lowered the millstone from the mountain and his millstone lay on it; the millstone lay down, N. became pregnant, gave birth to a piece of meat; F. cut it into a hundred pieces, each became human; they ran away, F. and N. gave them names depending on who went where (if to the river, then He, if he climbed a peach, then Tao, etc.]: 358-359 (=2011, No. 1:16-17); Chinese (Shaanxi, w. Mianxian) [The Jade Emperor was busy and forgot to send rain. The sun had been burning on the ground for more than 300 days. Rivers and wells dried up, plants, animals and people were dying from the heat. Sun Wukong decided to go down to earth, saw what was going on there, and reported to the Jade Emperor. He sent SU to Mother Wanma for a pitcher of clean water. She warned SU that if you pour out a drop, it would rain a little, two drops would rain heavily and three drops would rain, and you should not pour out more than three drops. However, SU thought the drought was too severe, so he poured five or six at once. The rain lasted 81 days, and the water flooded the plains and reached the mountain peaks. People, cereals and livestock died. But brother and sister lived at the top of the mountain. Their mother and father worked at the foot of the mountain and were washed away by the flood. The baby's crying reached the ear of Taibo (Venus), a star living at the Southern Gate. She looked down, saw the flood and the last people and animals that had taken refuge on that mountain, took two gorlyons from her bosom and blew on them. The pumpkins grew in size and swam to the mountain. Birds and animals climbed into one pumpkin, and brother and sister climbed into the other, taking cereals, as well as chickens, ducks, dogs and pigs with them. After the flood, the pumpkins descended to the top of the mountain, and people and animals sitting there came out of them. Brother and sister have grown up. One day, chickens and ducks started talking and began to convince brother and sister to marry. The brother thought this was Heaven's will, and the sister was embarrassed. She invited her brother to go to the east mountain and plant a pueraria there. She herself will go to the western mountain and plant another pueraria. If the shoots of these plants meet in six months, then marriage is really pleasing to Heaven. Five months later, the shoots of the planted plants descended from the mountains and intertwined with each other. The brother asked his sister again, but she could not make up her mind. After a few days, pigs and dogs began to convince them to marry again, and the sister offered to go up to the southern and northern mountains and lower them down the millstone. If they meet, the marriage will please Heaven. The millstones joined together, brother and sister got married, and two years later the sister gave birth to a lump of meat. She got angry and cut it into many pieces, carried some to the mountains and threw it to bulls and horses, brought some to the river bank and threw it to fish and prawns, and some hung peaches and plums on the trees, and some of them were brought back home and left to pigs and dogs. These pieces of meat have become people. To distinguish them, brother and sister gave each a name: those who were abandoned in the mountains, gave the names Niu (Cow) and Ma (Horse), those who were in the water Yui (Fish) and Xia (Shrimp), and those who were on the trees are Tao (Peach) and Lee (Plum), and those who were brought back home were Zhu (Pig) and Go (Dog). This is how a hundred surnames appeared]: Zhou 1996, No. 11:13-14; Chinese (Gansu, Wu. Huixian) [In ancient times, elderly spouses lived at the foot of the mountain in front of the river, and there was a vegetable garden planted with pumpkins next to the house. They lived well, but they were sad that they did not have children. One day, a gray-bearded old man came and praised pumpkins, gave his grandfather magic seeds and said that the pumpkin that grows from them cannot be plucked, because when it is ripe, it will fall by itself. The old man planted the seeds and they sprouted a few days later. The old man looked after him diligently, and he quickly had a fetus. In autumn, he collected all the pumpkins except the one that grew from magic seeds, although they had already reached the size of a seed. One evening they heard a strange sound in the garden, went out to see what had happened, and a huge pumpkin rolled at their feet, split in two, and a boy and girl jumped out, knelt down, they began to bow and call the old people mother and father. The old people realized that this was a gift from the heavenly gods, fell to their knees and thanked the sky, and then took the children to their home. Ten years later, when the children grew up, it rained heavily in autumn, the river overflowed its banks, flooded the garden with pumpkins, and then the house itself. The old people put the children in the pumpkin shell from which they came, and they began to swim in it like a boat, and the old people drowned. After 49 days, the rain stopped and the water receded, leaving only these brothers and sister. When they reached marriageable age, the brother offered to marry, but the sister initially refused, but then realized that there were no other options. She suggested doing this: a brother would take a thread and she would take a needle, they would stand on the tops of two mountains, throw a thread and a needle, and if the thread went through the eye of the needle, they would marry. The brother agreed, they did as the sister said, and the thread fell into the eye of the needle. The sister offered another challenge: to climb different mountains and roll millstones from there, and if they met, brother and sister would marry. The brother agreed, they did again as the sister suggested, the millstones met, and then the brother and sister married. A year later, my sister gave birth to an ugly and smelly ball of meat, offered to cut it into a hundred pieces and hang it on trees to scare away wild animals. The brother did as she said, but the next day these 100 pieces of meat turned into 100 boys and girls. The brother and sister decided to name them after the trees on which they were hung: those hanging on the poplar were given the name Yang (poplar), the name Liu (willow) on the willow, and so on. Each of them gave birth to their own children, and this is how a hundred surnames appeared]: Zhou Yang et al. 2001a, No. 10b: 11; Chinese (Henan, Wu. Miyan) [there was a flood, all the people drowned, and Pangu and his sister stayed. To revive mankind, the Lord of Heaven commanded them to marry. They refused, and he sent them a heavenly spirit, who commanded them to climb the mountain and roll down the millstones from there. The millstones at the foot of the mountain joined together, and then brother and sister married. That's why we still call our husband and wife brother and sister. Grandma Pangu couldn't get pregnant. Then the Lord of Heaven sent two turtles to earth to show the couple how to mate. After that, Grandma Pangu finally became pregnant, but gave birth to a lump of meat. Grandpa Pangu carried him to the northern mountain and buried him in the ground. After a while, Grandma Pangu became pregnant again (same). This time, Grandpa Pangu took a knife, cut a lump, and many girls jumped out, laughing, talking and calling them father and mother. Grandpa Pangu counted them - it turned out to be exactly a hundred. Grandpa Pangu remembered the first lump of meat, dug it up, cut it, and a lot of boys jumped out of there, also a hundred. He thought that the boys survived because they were guarded by a hundred deities, and to thank them, he built a temple of the Hundred Deities on the northern mountain. This place is now called the village of the Temple of the Hundred Deities. When the children grew up and Pangu's grandparents married them, the number of people began to increase. Option (y. Fengqiu). An older sister and younger brother were in Tongxu County, the parents died, and the children were taken by a foster family. One day, on their way to school, they were about to cross the river, but the bridge collapsed. A turtle crawled out of the river, told her to bring her bread every day, and she would transport them across the river for it. A hundred days later, the sky fell, the ground cracked, and the turtle told her to hide in her stomach. When the children, living in the turtle's belly, ate all the cakes they had, the disasters stopped. The kids got outside and went to the mountain. Man, neither man nor woman, commanded them to marry. They didn't agree. He ordered that stone millstones be rolled down the mountain. The millstones joined at the foot of the mountain, when brother and sister married. My sister went pregnant for three years, gave birth to a meat egg, and my brother buried it. Three years later, she gave birth to the meat egg again, and her brother was about to bury it again, but heard screams coming from inside. He cut the egg, and a hundred boys came from there. Seeing this, my sister dug up the first egg, cut it, and a hundred girls appeared from there. Because in three years this egg became rotten and began to stink, descendants began to call girls "smelly girls." Brother and sister raised children, divided them into pairs, and each was given a surname. This is how a hundred surnames appeared]: Zhou Yang et al. 2001b, No. 4:6-7.
(Wed. Iran - Central Asia. Turkmens [a childless couple asks Musu-Pihambar to give children; he goes to Allah, he refuses; then Burkut Baba comes to the couple, they ask him; he demands one child from Allah first, then two, etc., begins to break his throne; Allah has to agree, at this time we are talking about seven children; the old woman gives birth to a shapeless mass, seven boys inside; M. asks A. if B. stronger; he offers to jump over a rock; M. stopped, got scared, so the rams are shy (M. is a feast of sheep), and B. jumped over]: Basilov 196:45).