E39. Ancestral pig .
The child of a pig or boar is a woman or man - the ancestor of a certain group of people.
Arandai-Bintuni, Enga, Eipo and Yale, Gelaria, Vedau, Mono, Torres Islands, Lombok Islands, Sunda Islands, Javanese, Minahasa, Tetum, Roti, Bunak, Toda, Torok, Nanai, Udege (Orochi?)
Melanesia. Arandai-bintuni [the pig gave birth to a boy Tohoira; showed him that there were two women in the house intended for him to marry him; I. quarreled with his uncle, killed him, committed suicide; his pig mother threw herself into a hole, died; many people descended from I.'s family and his uncle]: Miedema 1997, No. 22:55; enga [the eagle is the son of a pig; one day she disappeared, and then he saw her with a brood of piglets and a boy between them; he took the boy up the tree, fed him piglets and then other game; when he grew up, he brought him a woman; they are descended from the Enga people]: Slone 2001, no. 128:49; eipo and yale: Heeschen 2017:93-94 [people came from the depths of the earth; they were cared for by a first-ancestor woman (such as a dog or a pig); the story about the origin of the genus Nabyal explicitly states that the first ancestor came together with pig], 96-97 [the first ancestor came to plant a tarot and killed the Mambol pig; this is the pig that gave birth to us; he ordered the front leg, back leg, ass, head to turn into bananas, tarot, yams, sugar reed (Saccharum edule), mallow {obviously edible}; saliferous plant originated from the abdomen; the same from parts of the body of a dismembered possum]; gelaria [pig gives birth to a boy and piglets; man picks up a boy, gives it to his wife; once men killed his mother and brothers (pigs); he took the bones of the dead, carried them to the mountains, turned them back into pigs; gave them back in exchange for intended to be eaten by prisoners]: Seligmann 1910, No. 28:415-416 (retelling in Putilov 1980:43); Vedau [the pig escapes into the forest, gives birth to five piglets and a boy Dabedabe ("wild ginger"); men see tracks, catch piglets with nets, pig and boy run away; the pig owner finds the boy, takes him to him, the pig follows; men help the owner of the pig work in the garden; to feed them meat, he kills a pig; D. asks not to throw away the bones, put them on a mat; says that the garden was needed to feed his mother, and now he leaves, taking her bones; goes to where you can't see his native village; D. is covered with ulcers, people in Qamana drive him away; he lives in a cave; a boy heals his ulcers; he comes to a village where they are going to eat prisoners; turns bones mother pigs into humans and pigs; teaches how to kill pigs rather than humans at the festival]: Ker 1910:13-18; mono (Shortland Islands) [hunter dogs rushed at a wild pig; the pig's daughter was a woman, killed dogs; brought the hunter to her house, there was money from the shells; the man married her, they came to the village, shell money has been known since then; the pig stayed in the forest]: Wheeler 1926, No. 12:19; islands Torres [Ne Tarovor feeds a pig, but it's still skinny; he watches, sees a little girl eating food; she admits that she was given birth to a hermaphrodite pig; she comes from the matrilineal group Ne Tarovar]: Durrad 1940:74.
Malaysia-Indonesia. Lombok [King of Java Daha urinated into a hole in a stone, a pig drank urine, gave birth to a girl, raised by heavenly maidens; she sat at the spinning wheel, dropped her reel, promised to marry a dog even if he will bring a reel; the dog brought it, the girl cut him and herself out of shame (the origin of male and female circumcision among Muslims); gave birth to a boy from him; the son and the dog killed a pig while hunting, the mother said who this pig; ashamed, the son also killed the dog; the mother gave a ring, told her son to marry a girl for whom the ring would suit; the son was looking for a bride in vain, at home the ring came to his mother, he married her; mother went to Sumbawa, married the ruler, became the ancestor of the royal family; her son went to Sulawesi, became the ancestor of Kampung, i.e. all strangers in Lombok, including boogs and makassars, who come from Sulawesi]: Eerde 1902:31-40 in Isis 1998:151, in Lessa 196:180; Javanese [the pig drank King Praboe Moendingkawati's urine, gave birth to Dewi Sepirasa; astrologers said the girl would bring bad luck, The king drove her into the forest, giving her the dog Blangwajoenjang; she lost the spindle, promised to marry the one who found it, the dog brought the spindle; she gave birth to his son Raden Soewoengrasa; he killed the dog because he threatened everyone animals of the forest; mother said he killed his father; mother and son left the forest apart; met, only the mother recognized her son; the hermit advised to set an impossible condition for marriage; RS almost built overnight the dam and the boat, but the hermit raised the sun at night; the mother and son separated again without knowing each other, got married, they had three sons; the mother recognized her son by the scar on her forehead; the mother left in despair and drowned; the son became the ancestor of the Kalangs, a caste of central Java accused of incest]: Knebel 1894:489-505 in Lessa 196:181; Sunda [Raden Sungging Perbangkara had a pig wife and gave birth to a daughter, Davy Rara Sami; she grew up, dropped the spinning wheel, promised to marry whoever would bring it; brought it by a dog; DRS gave birth to a son named Sangkuriang; he hunted with the dog without knowing it was his father; the dog refused to drive a pig (i.e. grandmother S.), S. killed him, gave his mother meat under the guise of venison; the secret was revealed, the mother threw a stick at her son's head, drove him away; became a young girl; S. returned, was going to marry DRS, she recognized him by the scar on his head; promised to marry him if he created a lake and a boat overnight; lit up the night sky, S. quit his job; drowned when the lake overflowed its banks; the boat became a forested mountain, the lake dried up]: Braginsky 1972:135-137; Minahasa [Mamanua dogs surrounded a wild pig when he came up, Lumalundung was replaced by a pig; agreed to marry him if he did not look for her head and will not tear out a special hair; gave birth to a son Walasendou; M. pulled out her hair, blood flowed, his wife disappeared in the fog; the bird brings M. and her son to the mountain, he climbs a tree, then along the vine, the vine falls on east; The sun is too hot, the Month carries M. to the village; the fly shows where Father L.'s house is; L. takes his son, leaves M. outside the door; the rat gnaws through constipation; L. eats only the steam from the prepared rice; M. eats the rice itself, dies; L. replaces his insides and eyes with stone ones, revives him, now he also feeds on steam, lives in the sky with L.; their son goes down to the ground, finds an egg on a tree, breaks it, a woman in it, they have three sons and a daughter]: Wilken 1863-330 in Lessa 196:124-125; Tetum: Anonimo 1956 [unpublished material from Hatubuilico; man lives alone, has a pig; when he returns home, the food is ready; he suddenly comes back, buries pig skin, marries a beautiful woman; Nuno-Mogue comes from this marriage, they don't eat pork]: 24-25; Pascoal 1967 [At first, only Mount M rose from the sea 226; Nu-cóco; a huge Ficus banjamina tree grew on it; tuna fish began to eat its fruits, then its leaves and branches, turned into a pig, and manure formed the ground, the land grew bigger; God I was angry that the pig had destroyed a shady tree, hung it on a trunk, went to heaven for fire; when he returned, he saw that the pig had become a woman; she gave birth to Bui and Mau; God gave them fire, a forge, with heat they dried the sea even more]: 44; Roti [the magical wife is about to leave her husband, who revealed to their children that she was a fish (or pig); she boils water in coconut, sits on it, (steamed) rises to the sky]: Jonker 1911:16-19, 19-21 in Lessa 196:369; bunak (Papua Timor) [two brothers catch two pigs ruining a vegetable garden; they turn into two girls, older brother takes both for himself; the youngest leaves, breeds buffaloes; the crow sits on the back of buffaloes, bites them to blood; he asks the elder to give him his father's golden arrow; the crow is wounded, flies away with an arrow; the bird brings he goes to the lake, dives with him into the water; he sits on a coconut tree, throws a coconut flower to those coming to the spring; they explain that the Raja has an incomprehensible disease; his younger brother undertakes to cure him, takes out and hides a golden arrow in his clothes, shows a wooden fake, smeared it with red betel juice; Raja recovers; locals hang oranges on a tree during the day, turn into people at night and they dance; the young man asks for two ripe oranges as a gift; the Raja gives in addition a cloth, a fan, a panicle, a horn with butter, orders to put oranges only on the cloth; the bird carries the young man back; he bathes, leaving oranges on cloth, hears laughter, oranges turned into two girls; realizes that he saw these girls dancing with raja raja ravens; the older brother asks one of them for himself in exchange for one of his two wives; the youngest does not agree, the elder kills him; the girls revive him with a fan, a panicle, oil; together they kill his older brother, the youngest takes his widows]: Berthe 1972:57-59 (=Hicks 2007, No. 5: 48-49).
Taiwan - Philippines. Toda, a Torok [a woman gave birth to a son from a hog; when her son grew up, went to the mountains, painted her face with wood sap (so that her son would not recognize her), got together with her son, gave birth to a girl; the paint was washed away, the mother left, the young man got together with his sister, giving birth to many descendants; the mother met the dog; the Toda and Torok tribes are descendants of a pig and a dog]: Isis 1998:149.
Amur - Sakhalin. The Nanais [a wild pig became pregnant, gave birth to a boy; she made a bow and arrows for him with her teeth and fangs; when he killed a wild boar while hunting, his mother stopped coming to him; he went on a journey, consistently meets three madchiks, they are children of the moon, star, sun; they come to people, four women raise them, their named brothers stay, get married, the son of a pig comes to another woman; leaving to hunt, tells his wife not to give his bow and arrow to anyone; an old woman with a thin neck and a big head tickles the woman until she tells her where the bow and arrows are, she takes them away; the husband comes, all broken, dies after telling him where his brothers are; the son of the sun can renew what is broken, the son of the moon can read traces, the son of a star can swim in a lake of fire; the son of the moon leads to the lake, the son of the star pulls out old woman Senge and fragments of bow and arrows, the star's son makes them whole; the old woman was burned, the mergen was revived, he married the youngest Pudin, who could not keep him, everyone came to live in Mergen's homeland]: Kile 1996, No. 15:183-191; Udege people (or perhaps the Orochi - Arsenyev's without specification) [a wild boar and a wild pig gave birth to a man instead of a pig; once he woke up in the house, lunch nearby; went looking for a wife; met the son of the month; then the son of the sun; they are also looking for wives; a house in the taiga, they take turns cooking; the old woman came in, tied up the son of a boar, ate everything, spoiled everything; the same with the son of the month; when the son of the sun remained, he defeated the old woman; she gave three daughters; the son of a wild boar, a son of the month and the son of the sun was born under a son]: Arsenyev 1995 (2): 165-166.