Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

E39A. A female animal conceives from human urine. (.19.24.)

The child of a pig or boar is a woman or man - the ancestor of a certain group of people.

Manam, (gondas), Lombok, Javanese.

Melanesia. Manam [there were no mountains; on Fr. Manam was afraid of snakes, so he only went to urinate in one place; but this is where the snake lived; urine made him pregnant and gave birth to two boys; told them that their father was alive; they came to live with him; then brought a snake mother; she warned her sons that their father would burn it with the house; when the brothers were fishing with torches, they saw a fire on the shore; the house and the snake burned down; the brothers parted% the elder went to sunset, and the youngest at sunrise; thinking of his younger brother, the elder began to cry and his tears turned mountains; the younger thought less, but also remembered his brother; two mountains arose from his tears]: Slone 2007:118-120.

(Wed. South Asia. Gondas [water is everywhere, the Almighty was born from a lotus; rubbed his hand, made a Raven out of worn out mud, ordered him to bring land; the crow saw the Crab protruding from the water leaning against the bottom; sat down Crab there was a mark on his back; because God made his body hard, the Crab agreed to dive, brought an earthworm, which regurgitated the earth; the Almighty scattered it across the sea, land arose; from the abscess to his Mahadeva and Parvati came out of their hand; vegetables grew out of M.'s urine, P. ate them, gave birth to gondas]: S. Hyslop in Zograf 1971:7).

Malaysia-Indonesia. Lombok [King of Java Daha urinated into a hole in a stone, a pig drank urine, gave birth to a girl, raised by heavenly maidens; she sat at the spinning wheel, dropped her reel, promised to marry a dog even if he will bring a reel; the dog brought it, the girl cut him and herself out of shame (the origin of male and female circumcision among Muslims); gave birth to a boy from him; the son and the dog killed a pig while hunting, the mother said who this pig; ashamed, the son also killed the dog; the mother gave a ring, told her son to marry a girl for whom the ring would suit; the son was looking for a bride in vain, at home the ring came to his mother, he married her; mother went to Sumbawa, married the ruler, became the ancestor of the royal family; her son went to Sulawesi, became the ancestor of Kampung, i.e. all strangers in Lombok, including boogs and makassars, who come from Sulawesi]: Eerde 1902:31-40 in Isis 1998:151, in Lessa 1961:180; Javanese [the pig drank King Praboe Moendingkawati's urine, gave birth to Dewi Sepirasa; astrologers said the girl would bring bad luck, The king drove her into the forest, giving her the dog Blangwajoenjang; she lost the spindle, promised to marry the one who found it, the dog brought the spindle; she gave birth to his son Raden Soewoengrasa; he killed the dog because he threatened everyone animals of the forest; mother said he killed his father; mother and son left the forest apart; met, only the mother recognized her son; the hermit advised to set an impossible condition for marriage; RS almost built overnight the dam and the boat, but the hermit raised the sun at night; the mother and son separated again without getting to know each other, got married, they have three sons; the mother recognized her son by the scar on her forehead; the mother left in despair and drowned; the son became the ancestor of the Calangas, a caste of central Java that is accused of incest]: Knebel 1894:489-505 in Lessa 196:181.