E4. A creation made from skin scales, A1263.3.
From cuticles or dirt that has come off the skin, the character creates land, people, or other creatures.
Garo, tripuri, lushi, gujarati, balela-bhilala, baiga or bhumia, santala, ho, birkhor, korku, agaria, bondo, sora, pardhan, kol, bhunjya, pulaya, balahi, gondas, muria, ibanas, dusun, bilaan, lahu, manchus, quileut, quinolt, lower chinook, sarsi, pomo, achomavi, vintu, chemeuevi, hopi, western apache, navajo, pima, papago, cora.
Tibet is the Northeast of India. Garo (written by the author, 1987) [Tatara-Rabuga created the earth from mud from his body; at first it was tiny, then TR added material and the earth grew; at first the earth was like mud, even a fly would it was drowning in it; TR asked the wind to make it firm, but it could not; then asked for the sun and the earth hardened; TR asked Aningko Brara Chiningko Jubara to make hills, valleys and rivers; collected seeds, sowed on the rocky hills, they did not ascend; then he sowed valleys in the soil, the earth was covered with vegetation; the creation took 7 days]: Mandal 2009:82; best [the lord of the universe entrusted the heavenly god Atiya Shidaba created the land; he created it in part, but Harapa (aka Pakhangba) destroyed it, and what was destroyed became clouds; an eel appeared from the skin scales from the sole of ASH; sitting on it, ASH arrived at Vladyka, said about the incident, and asked for land again; but H. destroyed it again, ice appeared from the remains; to prevent a third resolution, ASH removed the goddess from his eye; her beauty fascinated H. so much that the earth was created before he could intervene and destroy creation]: Singh 1985:168-169; tripuri: Niyongi 1983 in Mandal 2009:85 [it was dark at first, God lived on the waters; from the mud on his body created himself wife; they were born Brahma, Vishnu and Maheswara; Brahma created people, they multiplied], 85-86 [at first only water and sky, where the sun, moon and stars; God took dirt from his body, wrapped it in a leaf banyan, threw it into the water; from this came the earth; then God created an earth rat, and then from clay, a man and a woman and put his life into them; this couple had children; the man asked God to give them food; he advised me to take seeds from the queen of the Gandharvas in heaven and sow them, taught him to send a rat to steal seeds; people started farming].
South Asia. The Gujarats [at the end of Satya-yuga ("golden age") Parasuram ("Rama with an Axe") decided to exterminate the kshatriyas; 16 young kshatriyas hid in the temple of Shiva; from the sweat and dust on his body, Shiva created 16 girls and gave them to the kshatriyas as wives; when P. was going to kill them, Shiva said that these people were peasants and his sons-in-law; they asked Shiva for land; he agreed that half of the harvest was for him; the kshatriyas: lower or upper? Shiva chose the lower one, and when he returned, he found out that the grain was in the bins, but only stems were left; the following year Shiva chose the upper part, and people planted sweet potatoes; after that, Shiva agreed to give the whole crop, and these kshatriyas became farmers]: Beck et al. 1987, No. 25:85-87; Barela-bhilala: Stiglmayr 1970:155 [Hamara Bhagwan decided to create land; he created a winged dog from the mud on his chest sent a letter to Dhuda darian; next to him was Lika darian, who could read; Bhagwan told a woman to create the land; she made a hoe out of her tooth, and the Benahor worm promised to dust Duli raiya; he did not give at first, then gave; she sculpted small earth on a potter's wheel, the earth grew; the serpent could not hold it; it was installed on 12 iron poles]; 1970:161-163 [Pini meher decided to do the ground, rolled mud off his chest, created a pigeon, gave him a letter, sent him to the Ocean (Dhuda sanat), who slept, the pigeon buried the letter in the sand, a plant with six or seven branches grew, it was a woman, the wasp became hers husband, 5 fruits appeared; including 1) grains (seeds), 2) wild and domestic animals, 3) metals, 4) Kala nag (black snake), 5) Welu bai (Earth); Bhagwan told her to mold the ground on a potter's wheel; two the frogs hit the tooth to make an ax and a shovel, she dug up the ore to make the circle itself, the bird helped make it, but broke its beak; Duli raja made six or seven spools of earth, the wasp carried them away; he made a snare out hair, the wasp got caught, so she had a narrow waist; but let go, giving five pellets for Welu bai; she made the land and the earth grew; Kala nag could not hold it, the bull could not either, so Bhagwan put the ground on 6 pillars; Ram and Lakshman swung the poles, the ground staggered; then Welu bai placed fish below; cancer on the fish's tail, sometimes bites it; during the famine, the ocean dried up, the fish was naked; people became cut off pieces from it; only brother and sister were against eating fish alive; the fish told them to sit in the basket and sent the flood; they all drowned, brother and sister to the woe man (along with the mountain woman they rose above the waters, but the man was taller); he asked who they were, they said brother and sister; turned them in opposite directions, asked again, they replied that husband and wife; their excrement, urine and saliva has become a multitude of people of all castes]; ho [7 Raja daughters bathe in a pond, dirt from their skin is hidden in holes in the ground; a tree grows there; the older princess promises to marry someone who will guess what the tree grew out of; the poor sick shepherd watched the sisters, got a wife; at night he sheds her skin, becomes handsome, goes to dance at the Raja's court; the maid sees it, says Mrs., she throws her skin into the fire; her husband remains handsome, but continues to go out only at night, for his body emits a dazzling light; the Raja went to see, lost consciousness, but his son-in-law revived him and then stopped shining like this; moved with his wife to the palace, became an heir]: Bompas 1909:474-475; agaria [Bhagavan put a lotus leaf on the water, but it withered in the sun; created the world from lac (?) , but he broke; having rolled the dirt off his chest, created a crow, gave him his milk, sent him to look for land; tired, the Raven fell on the Kakramal Kshattri crab; he dived, found Nal Raja and Nal Rani sleeping; the crab squeezed NR's throat, forcing the earth to regurgitate, brought it to Bhagavan, who created land; to prevent Mother Earth from wobbling, the first agaria placed 12 iron pillars at the four corners of the world]: Elwin 1949, No. 1:27-28; bondo: Elwin 1950 [pregnant Olenikha hears Belka telling her son that there will be a flood; afraid of a man at a watering hole; her son reminds her from the womb that there is still a flood; the man hears, asks Olenikha explain what was going on; from Oleniha's womb, Mahaprabhu tells them to put the children in a pumpkin; rain flooded the ground with a flood; M. wanted to know if people were left; collected dirt from the body, made a Crow, threw it into the water a tree trunk so that she could sit down; opened the crab, there was no land, found soil in the worm's stomach; the pumpkin settled on the ground, brother and sister came out; M. gave them smallpox, they did not recognize each other, they got married; M. gave the girl a remedy that caused her period]: 136-137; 1954 [water flooded the ground; Mahaprabhu rubbed his arm, made a crow out of lumps of mud, she flew over the waters, did not know where to sit, saw a floating basket containing her brother and sister, came back, said M.; he told her to get land; she brought M. an earthworm, who extracted land {from the bottom?} ; M. scattered the earth in all directions, land arose; he took his brother and sister out of the basket, who refused to marry; then he called Thakurani, she spread smallpox on them, the girl became a scythe, the young man fell ill with leprosy; when they met, they did not know each other and got married; their 12 sons and 12 daughters gave birth to people]: 423-424; Santals [at first only darkness; voice from darkness: there is someone Anything? another, one of the voices was female; then another; Thakur Jiv (TJ), Thakuraiin Gogo, Saru, Baru, Jiva and Jangar were created, they were all waiting for the light to come out; Thakuraiin Gogo (TG) created Siny Chando and then it was light; but now everyone is waiting for it to be dark; TG created Yinda Chando and darkness is back, darkness and light alternate; Siny means "day" and Yinda means "light"; in TJ's hands, the rest they saw a clay vessel; it blew on it, the clay blurred in the water and the universe drowned; this ocean was Jalaapuri; TG came to the Kolelavka place (in the shape of a boat) to swim; she sculpted mud washed away from her body a human figure and left {two figures?} ; the horse came to drink, trampled on the figure; TG sculpted a new one, but it turned out to be less perfect; asked TJ to revive it; the figure came to life, but in the form of a pair of Hans-Haansil (XX) birds; that's why that TG was doing it in a hurry; XX asked TJ to give them shelter and food; he created a tree in the middle of the water and the birds began to live on it; foam produced by the horse floating on the water, and hair that fell into the water TG gave birth to Saaraanpuri; TG and TJ came to live there; but some of the foam and hair remained in Jaalaapuri and moss appeared there, a plant and grass grew on it, XX made a nest in the grass; from two eggs laid Two figures hatched - the same ones that TG sculpted and trampled on the horse; when they saw that the figures did not look like them, the parent birds flew away; TJ created a cow and she began to feed everyone with milk; created people named Pilchu HaAram and Pilchu BuraHii; TJ created Marang Buru and he began to hiccup whoever could bring earth from the bottom; (9 creatures are named, but only in santali); Radho BoVar reached the bottom, collected clay in his mouth and I put it on my back, but the water washed everything away; the same with the others; only Kacchim Kuwari and Raaymaat Len om brought (from the bottom) the land and the land was created; TJ created the bull and sent it to the ground; with his help Marang Buru leveled the ground; the first two people were brought to the ground and they began to live there]: Abbi 2015; sora [Raja Ruhel lived in heaven; the man did not give his mother a seat in the bath, she cursed the people the world plunged into water; she decided to create a new land, rolled dirt off her body, created a bird that flew for six months, sat on the crayfish claw; one cancer mustache reached the sky, the other was in the lower world with the king crocodiles; cancer agreed to steal his land, gave it to the bird; Raja Ruhe and his mother mixed the earth with water, threw it on four sides, land arose; the mother of the PP removed a man and a woman from her body, they gave birth to humans]: Elwin 1954, No. 14:433-434; Birkhor [Mahadeo went to the forest to cut down a tree to make all parts of the plow; Parvati waited for him, rolled mud off her neck and created mosquitoes to make them become bite M. and he returned home faster; but he created insects that feed on mosquitoes; then P. created a tiger (M., a large dog), a snake (M., a bird that feeds on snakes); one snake hiding in under his foot, M. regretted and the current ones come from it]: Roy 1925:403-405; agaria [Bhagavan put a lotus leaf on the water, but it faded in the sun; created the world out of varnish, tried to climb it, but he crumbled; having rolled dirt off his chest, created a crow, gave him his milk, sent him to look for land; tired, the Raven fell on the Kakramal Kshattri crab; he dived, found Nal Raja and Nal Rani sleeping; the crab clenched his throat NR, forcing the earth to regurgitate, brought it to Bhagavan, who created land; to prevent Mother Earth from wobbling, the first agaria placed 12 iron pillars at the four corners of the world]: Elwin 1949, No. 1:27-28; baiga: Elwin 1949 [at the beginning it was only water, a lotus leaf floated on it, Bhagavan sat on it, rolled dirt from his hand, made it into a crow, his daughter Karicag, sent her to look for land; the crow took out the land, B. created land; see motive C6]: 308-316; Fuchs 1952 [=1960:405-418; Bhagwan hadn't washed for 12 years, rolled dirt from his armpits and chest, blinded a man and a woman, revived; these are Nanga Baiga and Nanga Baigin; they ashamed of their nudity, sat in the sea up to their necks, fished, ate raw (there was no fire); the Pandwa brothers and their mother Kotma Ma lived in the middle world; KM complained to B. that there were only rocks; he ordered to bring land from the lower world; the P. brothers sent the Turtle there, it went through a crack in the rock; took the Wasp, the Alumina Worm, the White Ant and another (the informant forgot); the wasp put the others on its wings, carried across the river; the Kakramal crab guards the entrance, one claw on the ground, the other reaches the sky; he sleeps, the Turtle passes, Fertile Soil agrees to go to the middle world, tells it to be swallowed; The turtle and its satellites swallowed all types of soil: white clay, red earth, chernozem; returning, the Turtle falls into the seventh trap, convinces Crab that he is his maternal uncle; the owner of the lower world is the Ancient Serpent ( Burha Nang) wakes up; will give the Earth only if Bhimsen himself comes for it; those who came were placed under the press, the ground was squeezed out of them; they went upstairs; the alumina worm knocked out the Turtle's big teeth, collected a grain of land from them; for this, Bh allowed him to eat stems in the fields, but not the grain itself; the wasp revived the Soil; the lump was placed in a huge vessel of water, a whorl snake KM (mother Pandavas) began to knock it down, the ground became huge; Bhimsen brought an alcoholic beverage (the leaves of the tree between the middle and lower worlds fell into the recess, fermented; probably an analogue of catfish), the soil filled the middle world, but she was going to return to the lower world if Nanga Baiga did not honor her; Bhagwan breathed Nang Baiga's clothes, he came out of the sea, addressed the earth, "Mother Earth, I offer you my respects , I will read you"; The soil told him to cut off his sixth finger, which was very long, divide it into four parts, and hammer it in the form of pegs in the corners of the world]: 608-617; bhumia (? {clearly the same text as baiga in English}) [Bhagavan fasted for 12 years, did not wash himself; after collecting dirt from his chest, sculpted a man and a woman, covered him with blood from his little finger; Nanga-Baiga's man came to life blew on his wife, she also came to life; Kotma, the mother of five Pandava brothers, complains to Bhagavan that there are only rocks on the ground; B. suggests that Pandava descend into the underworld of the serpent king Burha Nang; after a crack in the ground Turtle king Kichhul descends, with him an earthen wasp, an earthworm, a white ant; the wasp sent everyone to the other side of the river; the serpent king placed seven traps, next to the Kakramal crab; one of his claws in underworld, the other reaches the sky; the crab sleeps, Kichhul and his satellites pass; then see motive B3]: Fuchs 1970:15-18; (cf. baiga [the king and queen are blind, childless; they have a servant Baiga; in the forest he overheard the conversation of the gods: the king will have a son; for this news the king gave the baiga half of his kingdom; the Baiga also had a son, they became friends; when women came for water, these two shot, breaking their jugs; the king gave money to buy brass jugs, but the friends started shooting pieces of iron, punching them; then the people told the prince that Baiga's son was going to his girlfriend; the prince demanded that the baiga be killed; the king put him in a hole, leaving a small hole; another king and his bride passed by; when she saw the prince, she wrote on a stone: Come and take me; it became known that only Baiga could read this inscription; the prince is happy that Baiga was not killed; both went to get Queen Rupaitin (she wrote the inscription); disguised as a beggar, the prince came to the palace, the queen recognized him; the baiga scraped the dirt off the prince's hand, made a snake, she bit the queen, she lost consciousness; Baiga said that only he could bring her back to life - let everyone go away; The queen came to life, the prince and baiga brought her home; the prince married her and Baiga married a local girl]: Elwin 1944, No. XV.4:338-342); crust [Bhagwan worked in the field, came back sweaty and dirty, he rolled mud spools off his body with his hands, dropped it, blew on him, he turned into a man; he found the second fallen pellets later, he managed to dry out, B. turned him into a woman who is more beautiful than a man]: Fuchs 1988:386 in Osada 2010; pardhan [Bhagavan creates the maiden Akaina; Inkar must marry her; burn her if she hugs her, so she conceives from his gaze; one of her 16 children is Raja Himanchal; he rolled up lumps of mud on his body, made them Parvati; Mahadeo took her to a fenced garden, did not tell her to tear flowers in 360 flower beds; she plucked a flower from each; their smell made her pregnant, gave birth to two daughters; 52 Indian ancestors appeared with Angamati, 53 ancestors of the gondas along with Pichlo; M. Gondas brought them to the forest, hid them from wild animals in a ditch, covered it with a stone slab; let the Hindus live without guards; B. brought clothes to the gondam; one took more than the others, ran away, became the owner of the Nanga Baiga forest; one remained naked, became a forest man Ban Manus]: Hivale 1946:20-23; count (Yernga Kol ) [At first there is water everywhere, the Sun and Moon are in the sky, aka Sbngbonga and Chando, husband and wife; they scraped the dirt off their bodies, S. made a boy, C. a girl, threw them into the water; they began to copulate; S. in anger sent a fiery rain, but the children were hidden by the goddess of water Nagera, and the waters from the fire dried up; S. decided that if the children were saved, there was no sin behind them, created vegetation on earth]: Elwin 1949, No. 33:50; pulaya [Deivam saw that the world was empty; rubbed his chest, rolled a ball of mud, it was earth; then a bee brought land from a place called Mambizha; the earth was the size of a "devil's eye" seed (red with a black dot) ); D. threw some up, made the sky; some to the east, to the sunset, to the south (there are mountains), to the north; the first generation of people was destroyed by the fiery rain; from the fifth part he made houses, from the rest - plants and animals; one woman escaped, hiding under a sieve and a heap of land; the mountains melted, became fields; D. gave the woman a spouse, from them new people]: Thaliath 1956:1032; hoodies [Mahadeo sweaty, wiped himself with his hands, created the world from the rolling lumps]: Fuchs 1950:232; Bhunjya [Bhimsen destroyed the world with a flood, but the elderly couple managed to make a ship, put a son and daughter in it with food; Bhagavan collected dirt from his skin, made 12 crows out of it, sent it to scout; they saw the ship, they boarded it, it began to swing, they got scared, they came back, six drowned, six told Bhagavan, that some people were saved; he called Bhimsen and tried to open the ship, but only Bhimsen was able to crash it; brother and sister asked Bhagavan to give them a place to live; Bhimsen collected dirt from his body, created the world anew; asked Mahadeo for advice, who ordered his brother and sister to make separate dwellings, let them live separately; then sent the sister of black ants to the hut, forcing her to go out; the scorpion is closer to his brother's hut; the cobra climbed onto his bed; first they just hugged, then conceived children]: Elwin 1954:420-423; gondas [water is everywhere, God was born from lotus; rubbed his hand, from He made the Raven worn out mud, ordered him to bring land; the crow saw Crab coming out of the water, leaning against the bottom; sat Crab on his back, the mark remained; because the Almighty made his body hard, The crab agreed to dive, brought an earthworm, which regurgitated the ground; God scattered it across the sea, land arose; Mahadeva and Parvati came out of the abscess on his hand; vegetables grew out of M.'s urine, P. ate them, gave birth to gondas]: S. Hyslop in Zograf 1971:7; Muria (Jhodia): Elwin 1954, No. 11 [Dharmo Deota went to work on the site and Mother Basmoti stayed to peel rice; it was hot, she rolled mud off her bodies, sculpted a doll, she turned into a girl, B. hid it in an empty jug; at this time D. made the boy in the same way, brought it into the house; found the girl in B.'s absence, and B. found the boy in D.'s absence; wanted to kill them so that her husband would not think she was a witch; D. stopped her: the boy and the girl would grow up, get married, give birth to people; these children had no eyes; D. bought cowrie from a merchant and made eyes], 12 [Dharmo Deota and Mother Basmoti decided to make a person - D. the upper part and B. the lower part; when B. saw the top, she laughed: D. forgot about his teeth; D. made it out of the dirt on his body a crow, sent for his teeth; in the upper world, a crow saw an old woman take seeds out of a pumpkin throat, brought them to D.; he made teeth from the seeds and connected the top and bottom of the man]: 445-446, 446.
Malaysia-Indonesia. Iban (dayaks of the sea) [Raja Entala and his wife are thinking of creating peace; they rolled mud off their bodies, they made it the earth, then the sky, it turned out to be smaller than the earth; they squeezed the earth, creating mountains, valleys, rivers ; Rura banana seduced Iri, fish come from them; RE made a human figure out of a bangkit banana stem, blood is the sap of a kumpang tree; RE's wife dressed the figure in ritual woven clothes; when RE shouted for the third time, the figure came to life; this is how Telichu (the ancestor of Iban, who married the daughter of the spirit Sengalang Burong) and Telichai (the ancestor of the demons) appeared]: Sandin 1962:5-6 in Jensen 1974:74-75 (briefly in Laubscher 1977:227-228); Dusun (Tempasuk) [the rock split into the sea, a Kinorohingan man and a Warunsansadon woman came out of it; V. created the earth by rolling a ball of mud on her body; K. forged the sky from iron; the earth was wider than the sky, V. densified it like fabric with a weaving sword, mountains appeared]: Evans 1953:15, 372-387 in Stöhr, Zoetmulder 1965:43.
Taiwan - Philippines. Bilaan [the giant Melu was in the upper world; scraped off his skin scales, created the earth and the first two humans from the heap; Tau Tana came out of the ground and wanted to participate in creation; placed people's noses with holes up; M. and TT began to quilt the figures and they came to life; after that, M. took to the sky and TT returned underground; the Lui almost drowned in the rain, so M. went down and moved his noses; created many people from the hair and skin scales that fell out of the first people]: Cole 1916:139-140 (about the same in Eugenio 1994, No. 32 [M. first makes his noses holes upwards; after learning that women began to converge with men and give birth, M. left people]: 84-85; the retelling began in Frazer 1919:16).
China - Korea. Lahu [at first only G'ui-sha in the center of the world is like a spider in a web; he scraped off the dirt from his hands and feet, made it four fish: gold, silver, copper and iron; put it on a pole; he laid 4 beams of heaven and 4 earth; made poutrelles from the same scraped mud, creating heaven and earth, but the earth staggered; G. rolled 70,000 balls out of the same mud, filling the cells (mailles) earth; he made the bones of the sky out of his bones and the bones of the earth from the bones of his legs; to find out the thickness of the earth and the thickness of the sky, he created two ants from the mud; one climbed through the sky, the other through the earth; When they returned, they said that the thickness was the same; G. had two assistants: Ca Law, the man he told to make heaven, and Na Law, a woman who was told to make earth; NL worked day and night, and KL drank tea, Therefore, heaven and earth were not the same in size: the sky was like a large canopy, and the earth was narrow and wrinkled; because the earth was compressed, valleys and mountains appeared; to prevent the earth from swell, G. he put a rock on it, but it slipped; the bulbul bird (Hypsipetes mcclellandii) told her not to slide; G. placed fire in the Sun, fireflies in the moon; but they do not go to heaven, afraid of people; then G. gave them needles {obviously rays that hurt their eyes}; tiger to the Sun: you're too bright; he bit him, hence the eclipses; the frog to the Moon: you're too cold; she tried to swallow it, so there are spots on the moon; by letting a tiger and a frog into the sky, G. made the sun go east and the moon west, otherwise they were constantly in the sky; from the mud scraped off his hands and feet, G. created stars, as well as a chicken and a rooster; a rooster He sang three times and the east lit up; this is how the light separated from the darkness; G. moon: it will be 12 months in the year]: Coyaud 2009, No. 1:9-12.
Amur - Sakhalin. The Manchus [god Arbuka scraped the clay off his body, the clay turned into the goddess Hehemanni; she made a tambourine out of a piece of blue sky, made a mallet out of the mountain in the form of a stick with notches, beat it in tambourine, as this progressed, people appeared and everything else]: Wei 2001, No. 3.4:195.
Japan. The Japanese [the future victor of the dragon arises from skin peeling or from the mother's skin, or from chestnut, peach, or found in fire; (in the north, south and center of Honshu, but where is the option with scales, not specified)]: Ikeda 1971, No. 301B: 70.
The coast is the Plateau. Quileut [Kwety rubs her body, makes salish quits, or quetzush (made from mud), out of lumps of mud]: Andrade 1931, No. 27:83; Clark 1953:124; Farrand, Mayer 1919:251-252; quinolt [like a quileut; Misp converter name]: Farrand 1902, No. 1:84; lower chinook [bear takes the girl away; she gives birth to a son and daughter; her four brothers they come to the Bear's house one by one; his son asks to remove his lice, kills young men; the younger fifth brother does not shoot at the pheasant on the way, does not enter the bear house; together with the Bear's daughter, burns the Bear and his son in their house; Bear's wife revives brothers; dives into a lake, turns into a monster; Bear's daughter is married by Chief Blue Jay; she never laughs; promises to laugh if he stands in in the forest on all fours; laughs, devours all men; her husband's legs below the knees disappear; she keeps him in a basket; gives birth to two sons; does not tell them to go down the river; they go, find the bones of people who their mother regurgitated; they find a basket with their father; he says that their mother has become a monster; brothers turn her into a dog, put her father under water; go on a journey; they see a double-headed swan on the lake { possibly a swan with heads at both ends of the body}; the younger one shoots, swims to the bird, disappears; the eldest throws hot stones into the lake; the water boils away; he rips open the bellies of all monsters; in the latter finds a brother holding a swan; revives him; a man is dancing with an oar, while fish jump into his boat; brothers taught him how to fish with a net; another person shoots in the rain because his house has no roof; his brothers taught him how to make a roof; they wash dirt off his skin, mold people out of it, blow on them, people came to life; a man sharpens knives, promises to kill those who fix things; brothers turned him into a deer, with its knives tied to his head, is horns; a woman throws people into the abyss on sharp flints; brothers throw her herself, cut her body to pieces, throw them in different directions; the Indians living there where their legs have fallen, have strong legs; those who live where their hair has fallen have long hair; etc.]: Boas 1894a, No. 1:17-21.
Plains. Sarsi [The old man gives Muskrat a piece of land, asks him to run around until he grows up; but he does not grow; then tells him to dive; for the fourth time, the Muskrat brings clay from the bottom; the Old Man rolls it into a lump, tells Zuyk to run around, the earth grows; the old man creates earthly inhabitants; the crow makes from coal, for other materials have come out by that time; sarsi is the last to make them, turning skin pellets into them scales]: Curtis 1976 (18): 180-182.
California. Clear Lake [Marumda's younger brother in the clouds in the north, older Kuksu in the south; M. sails to K., both rub their armpits, roll wax balls, make one, M. comes back goes to bed with a balloon tied to his ear; after 8 days he wakes up on the ground that has arisen from the balloon; walks, creating mountains, valleys, plants, animals]: Angulo 1935:234-238; achomavi: Curtis 1976 (13) [ The silver fox swims in the boat, then the Coyote appears; both arose from the fog; the Fox combs the Coyote's head, makes a lump of skin scales, throws it into the water; the earth grows, the Fox does everything on it; people of different tribes make service-berry bushes out of sticks; he takes out two bones from each, makes them a woman (K.: achomavi hardly had the opportunity to borrow this motif from Europeans); sons The fox and the Coyote die; the Fox resurrects them, the Coyote tells them to die forever; the Fox kills the Coyote, he comes to life; the daughter of the Coyote forces her relative (cousin) Apon to live with her; at night that runs away to the men's house (steam room); she demands that he be handed over; sets fire to the house; the Fox tells the Mice to shoot at the sky with a straw; the straw turns into a ladder, the Fox and Coyote go up to heaven]: 206-210; Dixon 1908, No. 1 [the clouds turn into the Silver Fox and the Coyote; they swim in a boat; while the Coyote sleeps, the Fox combs dirt out of his hair, kneads it in his hands, makes the ground; creates plants, stones, people- animals]: 159; screw [The creator sees strange people - a man the size of an ant, a woman's tail; although his uncle is against it, he throws stones on four sides, water gushes from the north, destroying the world ; he rubs his hands, rolls a ball of skin scales, creates Mount Shasta; then others appear; the Creator does everything anew on earth]: Curtis 1976 (14): 173.
Big Pool. Chemewevi [1) =1976:148-149; Ocean Woman, Puma, Wolf, Coyote swim in a basket boat across endless waters; JM exfoliates its skin, rolls a ball, throws it into the water; occurs earth; JM lies on her back, arms spread out, head west, pushes and stretches; sends Wolf and Coyote to find out if the earth is big; after several returns, Coyote says that enough great; 2) The Sea Woman falls from the sky in the form of a worm; creates the earth, crumbling it into water and stretching it, as in the first version; exfoliates the skin scales, rolling them into a ball, makes a Coyote; he runs around the ground to see if she is big; JM then creates Wolf and Puma; because Wolf is smart and Coyote is reckless, it is decided that Wolf will be the big brother]: Laird 1974a:20.
The Great Southwest. Hopi [Western woman rubs her body, creates humans, birds, animals from her peeled cuticles]: Voth 1905, No. 2:7; Western Apaches: Curtis 1907-1930 (1): 23-35 in Edmonds, Clark 1989 [ The creator wipes the sweat off his face with his hands, shakes it off to create a Parentless Girl, then the Sun, the Boy, the Tarantula, the Wind, the Big Dipper, the Lightning Thrower; he and the first three created they mix their sweat, create a brown ball the size of a bean; the wind inflates it, it turns into the ground; the Tarantula ties black, blue, yellow, white ropes to it from the east, south, west, north; The Creator sends a Hummingbird, who says that the earth is good; the Creator puts black, blue, yellow, white pillars on four sides, claiming the earth; sends a Dove; four days later that returns, reports that there will be a flood; mountains and rivers appear after the flood; the Creator lights a fire, rises to the sky on a column of smoke]: 101-104; Goddard 1918 (San Carlos): 7 [Black Tornado rubs chest with her hands, creates earth from skin scales], 27 [as in (7); creator - Sun]; Navajo: O'Bryan 1956 [White Beads woman collided the stone from which white beads are made, poured it over her chest and on her back, rolled balls, wrapped in black clouds, turned them into people]: 166-167; Matthews 1994 [A changing Woman rubs her left armpit with her right hand, her left hand in her right armpit; creates two men and two women; they give birth to new births]: 148; Newcomb 1940 [as in Matthews; creates a shell woman and a Turquoise woman from the epidermis under the breast]: 50; Stephens 1930 [in the lowest crimson, deserted In the world, old man Etsehostin and his wife Etseasun create creatures by exfoliating lumps of skin; the old man creates the first man, the water monster, the frog Tkalk, the Teklaliale crane; his wife is the first woman (Josdlehazhi, Biting Vagina), a salt spirit woman, Thunder; both create twelve creatures in total; the old man also creates locusts, ants, horned toads]: 88-89; pima [ at the beginning, the Doctor of the Earth swam in the void; scraped off the dirt from his body on his chest, put it in the palm of his hand, for the fourth time it turned into our world; created a bush (greasewood), told the little ones ants were of no use to live on it; then the white ants began to work, expanded the land to stand on it; created the Noo-we Vulture from the shadow of their eye; created water; a frozen piece of ice put it in the sky, making the sun (north, west, south; when east, it turned out right); the same with the moon; scraped off the dirt from the body again, made a man and a woman; people multiplied, began to kill and eat each other; ZSH brought down the sky on them, together with N. was on the upper side, he created people again, they were still babies; brought down the sky again; the third time people began to smoke as babies; the fourth turned out to be the same as it is now; at first the earth is tilted to the west; N. began to fly, created valleys and mountains with his wings, the water stopped flowing immediately, the land became habitable; The male sun met Moon, a woman, who gave birth to a Coyote son, left him in the bushes on the ground; he grew up and came to ZSH; someone who called himself Big Brother came from the north; he was told that they were older, but not quarrel, agreed to call him that]: Bahr et al. 1994:53-58; papago [dark at first; Creator of the Earth (NW) and Yellow Vulture (JS) meet four times in the void, each forcing the other create peace; the NW took something out of his heart or rolled dirt off his skin, put it in the palm of his hand, grew a green branch, greasewood; the louse on the plant produced resin and created the earth from this NW; he sang, bored hers, it became flat; he placed on the ground of the mountains, on the tops of the mountains, bird fluff (clouds) and shamans; when the earth spread out, shamans and mountains spread everywhere; the Earth expanded to the dome of Heaven; I'itoi jumped out, said he was the son of Heaven and Earth; he was small, bearded, gray or blond; Coyote came out from the northwest from under the bush; the earth swayed, Coyote, I. and JS unsuccessfully confused to fix it; this was done by two Spiders, connecting sky and earth with a web; all the mountains were inclined to the west, all rivers flowed there; the JS flew by, waving its wings, gave the mountains a variety of shapes, rivers flowed into different sides; NW splashed water to the north, west, south, east, the moon and the sun appeared; spit out stars like saliva; created people from his body, she began to fight; he and I. sent a flood; for this purpose I. created Handsome Man, who became pregnant with all the girls, each gave birth the next morning; the sorcerer made the Handsome Man himself give birth; he left the child, he began to cry, his tears flooded the ground with a flood; NW escaped to a magic rod, I. in a large vessel, a Coyote in a reed, JS pierced the sky; some people became birds, clung to the sky with their beaks; others became trees, took root; others with a dog climbed to the top of the mountain, turned into stones there; traces of foam on the water can be seen on them; NW and I. agreed that whoever comes first after the flood is older; the first NW, then I., the last Coyote; but I. made sure that he was considered the eldest; all three began to sculpt new people; those made by Coyote are shapeless, thrown overseas; the NW's made are also shapeless, and I.'s people are real; NW and I. became argue; NW tried to pull the sky down, then fell through the ground, spreading diseases; I.'s people became pima, papago, apache, maricopa; I. made papago his people, taught culture (bow and arrow, house-building, drinking ceremony); I. retired to the cave; people, especially maricopa, kicked a defenseless rattlesnake; I. gave her poison; she bit maricopa, he died; he was burned (since then maricopa cremate the dead); Coyote stole a heart from a funeral fire; a hole in the ground opened, water or wind; closed when two boys and two girls were thrown at it; this is how Santa Rosa ceremonies arose ; the cannibal stole children, she was strangled with smoke in a cave; I. killed the ogre eagle, feathers for witchcraft; the monster sucked everyone into himself; I. let himself be sucked, killed the monster, freed the swallowed; I. grew old, began to attack girls during their maturity ceremony; people killed him three times; on the advice of the Sun, JS managed to kill I. with an iron bow (gun); 4 years later, I. revived, went west; I. created deer, an evil shaman drove them into a pen; two brothers paid a shaman so that everyone could hunt; JS is scalped so bald; I. sometimes returns from the underworld]: Underhill 1946:8-12.
NW Mexico. Cora [the goddess of the earth creates rain gods, puts lakes (seas?) on the water ; they are dissatisfied, she sends them to heaven, twisting a rope out of her hair; they are dissatisfied again; she asks them to look for earth on their bodies; they roll a ball of mud, give it to the goddess; she puts it a ball with two crosswise arrows tied by her hair and a snake; tells the rain gods to dance on the ground; this expands the earth]: Preuss 1912:57-61 (retelling in Hatt 1949:18-19).