Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

E40. The nostrils are opening upwards. 21.25.52.

The first people have their nostrils set upwards, and it rains there.

Ao naga, angami, bilaan, tboli, manuvu, tsotsil.

Tibet is the Northeast of India. Ao Naga [there is a tribe whose nostrils face upwards (they cover themselves in the rain so as not to drown) and huge ears with which they cover and put under them; the same angami]: Mills 1926:308-309 in Kirtley 1963:121

(Cf. Malaysia-Indonesia. Minahasa [the inhabitants of the lower world have a nose across their face]: Tauchmann 1968:67).

Taiwan - Philippines. Bilaan [after creating the world, one of the gods proposed to populate it; others decided to make humans out of wax; but the wax by the fire melted; then Melu and Finuweigh made figures out of clay; making nostrils, F. turned the figure upside down; M. said that this way people would drown, rain would pour into their noses; F. refused to change his plan, but when he turned away, M. gave his nose its current position; traces of hasty prints his fingers are still visible; var.: clay figures were revived by flogging]: Cole 1913:137 in Dixon 1916:175; tboli [supreme god d'Wata and his sons dug holes for the pillars of the house; from the land taken out by his wife Hyu We and Sedek We sculpted human figures; H. did the right thing, and S.'s nostrils were open upwards and his genitals were on her knees; S. began to destroy rice, hit the sky with a pestle, it moved away from the ground; S. and H. quarreled, H. hit the figures sculpted by S., their noses and genitals got to where they are now; H. wanted to place the figures on the moon so that they would always be children; S. wanted to place them on stone to be hard as stone; H. did not agree, turned away, then S. put it on a banana; so people multiply like bananas and die; D. revived the figures by blowing on them]: Eugenio 1994, No. 182:307-308; Manama [Manama created the world, asked Diwata Panayangan to cover the rocks with soil; he sent bees and wasps, they found soil in the (underground?) the world of Ogassi, brought it; M. created mountains, sea, rivers; sculpted human figures out of the ground; due to O.'s intervention, some nostrils were open upwards, they drowned in the rain; M. went to look how to breathe life into figures; at this time O. laughed at them with abaca knotty fibers; therefore, human life is short]: Eugenio 1994, No. 184:310.

Mesoamerica San Pablo Chalchihuitán [the first were people with broken heads, they left, disappeared into the forest; then, with their nostrils open up, they were flooded with rain; then people flying from their feet sparks, as well as those with ash falling from their feet; people with sparkling legs dragged large stones to build the Church of San Pablo, built mountains; they were destroyed by a rain of fire]: Köhler 1977a: 265- 268.