Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue

Ethnicities and habitats

E42. The appearance of female breasts (.61.62.)

Women have two breasts because the original breast was cut in half.

Napo, witoto.

Western Amazon. Napo: Carpenter 1992 [boy and girl rise in a column of smoke from the fire; their lazy mother follows them to heaven; they rock her chest (the origin of women's breasts); she falls, turns into a small fox (Eira barbaral); children become Morning and Evening Stars]: 125-129; Mersier 1979 [son and daughter of a lazy mother rise in the sky in a stream of smoke, take with them basket and parrot; come back; rise again; this time the mother follows them; they throw a piece of cloud into her chest; her chest splits, so women have two breasts; the mother falls, turns into panda (like a dog, eats bananas, papaya)]: 43-44.

NW Amazon. Uitoto (murui) [Jitobene sent his son to marry Ticone; she refused because the young man is ugly, unlike the chief's son; the father sent his son down the river to the sorcerers; he is fasting in the hut, urinating in in one place, where a fish was born; a sister secretly gave it to her brother, who lost his shamanic power; a woman came, joined him, they came to her parents; the young man warned that if he died it would rain in the sun, the rainbow would turn red; the wife's brothers tore it apart, ate it; the wife told me not to eat the heart and genitals; the father saw a red rainbow, went to heaven in a trance (where they took his son) took the skeleton, heart, genitals; the son orders them to be buried at the foot of a mountain tree, another to sow on the grave; the Heart of Jitobeo tree has grown; on it a huge worm with a tail to the ground; these are J.'s genitals; Chief Kanijone's daughters went down to the river, named everything in the water; the worm hit both of them with its tail, cut them, so the women had breasts; the girls began to catch fish, it made a hole for them in the genitals; this is how J. took revenge on women; since then they have been open to men; Chief K. gathered people to cut wood; those who tried to cut down died: axes bounced, the worm bit fatally; called two Jitoma ( one is Jitoma, the other is Fizido; the helper spirit told them to go to their aunt, the mistress of sleep; not to wake her up; from the blow she woke up, gave a bag, told them not to open it along the way; F. opened, the brothers fell asleep; Hitoma fell down on the rock, F. on the ground, the worms began to eat it; those who climbed inside became veins, thrown into the water â€" fish; when they woke up, the brothers returned to the mistress of sleep, gave the dead bird, caused a hurricane; the hostess asked him to stop, gave the bag again, taught him to replace the Thunder club with a soft wood (yarumo); the brothers also took the mirror (causes lightning); Thunder's daughter woke up her father, he grabbed a false one he broke his club; he still had a female club; the brothers used a club and a mirror to test; broke a tree; F. also died, H. revived him; the brothers put the worm to sleep on the tree, smashed it apart with thunder; the front became a tapir, the back manatee; they threw the club and mirror into the water, they became an electric eel and a stingray; F. died; H. found a hummingbird egg, F. was born again; the brothers came to Cricket's house (cucarron); F. sat down on the ground, was eaten by crickets; avenging his brother, H. made a house out of cotton wool and wax; set fire to the new house at the consecration festival; the possum had a burnt tail, the squirrel had its whole body (now dark); The cricket hid in the hole; H. cursed him, telling him to eat excrement]: Urbina 1986:47-65.

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