Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

E5A. People from the lower world, A1234.

.10.-.14.17.-.26.38.40. (.42.) .45.-.47.49.-.57.61.-.74.

The first people (either only the first men or the first women) are not created by the demiurge, but come out of the ground (from the cave) or from a small object on its surface (wood, stone, pumpkins, etc.). There are a lot of people (or people and animals) coming out. Cf. E5B motive: First ancestors from the lower world.

Bushmen, Hottentots, Damara, aka, Herero, Owambo, Zulu, Xhosa, Tsonga, Lenge, Tonga, Tswana, Venda, Nyakusa, Nyakusa, Nyanja, Kamba, (Kikuyu), Yao, Makua, Ashanti, Jukun, Eve, Santrokofi, giziga, akposo, baakwa, boviri, mbuti, sandave, zande, nuera, meen, masai, kabily, Sumer, Phoenicia, Aranda, Lake. Eire, Dieri, Majprat, Arandai Bintuni, Kwanga, Eipo and Yale, Marind-Anim, Savi, Western Dani, Dugum Dani, Keraki, Gambadi, Porapora, Kukukuku, Orokaiwa, Abelam, Kire, Bining, Trobrians, Tokelau, Tuamotu, Marquises, Easter Island, Rai, Lushi, Minyong Ahor, Gallong, Ao and Other Naga, Koireng, Milyehyem, Kuki, Thado, Wa, Khmu, Moy, Ma, Sre, Banar, Lao, Ahom, Bhuya, Bhuya, Baiga, Gondas, Asur, Kond, Toda, Mentawai, Islands Watubela, Kai Islands, Tetum, Bunun, Paiwan, Ancient China, Jino, Ancient Japan, Northern Alaska Inupiate, (Haida), Delaware, Seneca, Mandan, Hidatsa, Sheena, Teton, Omaha, Oto, Kuapo (?) , arikara, kiowa, tonkawa, keddo, tunic, avoel, choctaw, alabama, koasati, screams, seminoles, northern payut, havasupai, yavapai, jicarilla, western apache, lipan, hopi, zunyi, Akoma, Sia, Tiwa (Isleta), Tewa (Hano, Hemes), Seri, Huichol, Huastecs, Aztecs, Mixtecs, Zapotecs, Lacandons, Guatuso, Sumu, Taino, Guajiro, Pijao, Yaruro, Shikuani, Kuiwa, Yabarana, Sanema, Yanomami, Yanomam, Siona, Sekoya, Maihuna, murato , (shuar), puinawa, baniwa, cubeo, macuna, tucano, pira-tapuya, tatuyo, uitoto, surui, gaviano, zoro, parintintin, munduruku, spike, urubu, huamachuco, inca, machigenga, conibo, setebo, marubo, takana, esebo echa, chacobo, yurakare, moseten, aikana, salamay, yabuti, ajuru, makurap, tupari, nambikwara, iranche, paresi, waura, yaulapiti, mehinaku, karaja, kayapo, shavante, kaingang, mbaya, kaduveo, tereno, chamacoco, nivacle, sanapana, lengua, matako, toba, pilaga, ache, araucans, southern Tehuelches.

SW Africa. Bushmen: Kotlyar 1983, No. 1 [the ancestors of the Bushmen came out of a hole in the ground among the roots of a huge tree that covered the country; crowds of various animals came out, pushed and shoved each other; the crowd it grew denser, animals began to come out of the branches as well; when the sun went down, no new animals appeared; it was ordered not to light a fire before sunrise; people froze and kindle; animals They ran away in fear, speechless], 2 [(Dornan 1925:171); Loove's failure (Ląąwe) reaches the bottom of the world; all humans and animals were together; it became cramped, people had a hard time pushing them out animals; those in the cave did not need food and did not die; the animals that came out ate reeds nearby, then dispersed around the country; then people began to quarrel, pushed each other out], 113 (! kung) [Kauha tries to insert the penis into the nose, then into his wife's ears; notices the crotch, copulates, the wife gives birth, so Gar (the god who created the earth) had children; then they all came out of the hole in the ground]: 24, 25, 237-238; Scheub 2000 (kung, Angola; p. 59 refers the same story to the Bushmen San, Namibia, and Botswana) [the first ancestors came out of a hole in the ground under the roots of a huge tree whose branches extended over a large part of the country; this hole and human footprints are still visible in Marootsee; one person came back and stayed in the hole; then cattle came out from there]: 57; Hottentots (nama, a subgroup of the Koran, Kimberly) [people came out of a hole in the ground-two braids, a white man, and one Quran; then a drill came out; then more; the scythe and the Boers were hostile to the others]: Maingard 1962:68-69; damara [humans and animals came out of the same tree; when people lit the fire, the animals ran away]: Dähnhardt 1910:520.

Bantu-speaking Africa. Aka [Tôlé could not find women anywhere; finally saw them come out of the ground, but they managed to return every time; T. turned to a fortuneteller, a racemose porcupine; he became poke a stick where the women's house was underground and the women climbed out of the holes; T. caught three, and the rest turned into birds and flew away]: Motte-Florac 2004, No. 19:96-98; Herero: Baumann 1936 [Herero ancestors, along with cattle, came out of a certain tree (Combretacee); Bushmen and small cattle came out of a hole in the ground]: 225; Parrinder 1967 [as in Baumann]: 39; St. Lys 1916 [The first man and woman came out of Omumborombonga wood; they descended from Herero, Ovambo, Chwana, Nama; one girl ran to the steppe, fell on a flat stone, gave birth to mountain damars and baboons; cattle also came out of that tree, and small cattle came out of flat stone in northern Herero Country]: 178; Zulu [Unkulunkulu came out of the ground; he came from reeds and released all nations from it; went out with the sun and moon and placed them in heaven]: Zhukov, Kotlyar 1976, No. 2:33; scythe [in the east, cattle first came out of the uhlanga cave, then humans, then wild animals; humans managed to tame their livestock: the animals were lured by the smell of blood and then surrounded]: Scheub 2000:213; (Belcher 2005:244 in brief); Tonga [men and women came out of the reed swamp (each pair from their reed)]: Scheub 2000:238; tsonga [people came out of the reed swamp, the man and woman of each tribe are from a special reed; everyone has the clothes and tools they are now wearing use]: Junod 1927:348; owambo: Knappertt 1997 [God created the earth, termites poured a hill, God made a hole in it, told the Amangundu man and woman to go out; they have an elder son Kanzi, younger Nangombe; they are human ancestors]: 252; Kuusi 1969, No. 1 [when people were inside the tree, they did not call the Woodpecker, and when it took to open the hole to go outside, they called him]: 67, 73; Tswana (Hurutshe dialect) [the first humans and animals came from Lowe in Botswana - holes in a rock by the river 3-4 m deep; footprints lead outward, and the footprint of one-legged creator Matsieng inside, he returned to the cave because he was disappointed with his creation; Var.: Lowe is the name of the creator, and M. is his assistant, whom he told to open the cave and left it in it; L. became the first chief; according to another versions, M. is God, and Thobega is a servant and one-legged creator; the first to come out of the hole was Matoomyane with her two brothers, both Matoome; since one of them took her cattle, her sister returned to the cave, taking her an elixir of immortality]: Scheub 2000:140; Sutho, Chwana: Dornan 1925 [humans and animals came out of a deep cave; in Suto it it is Ntsuanatsatsi located in the east, and Chwana has Ląg we (according to some, in southern Bechuanaland)]: 288; Moffat 1842:262 in Kotlyar 2009, No. 135 [people lived in a cave with lions; killed a lion's beloved son, who drove them out of the cave; the sun scorched the skin certain groups of people to black, brown, red; others had skin peeling off and yellowish; people with animals dispersed, and their prints remained in front of the swampy soil]: 112; Nyakusa [all native peoples except Sangu came out of the "dark house"]: Wilson 1959:12; Nyanja [the first man came out of the hole in Capirimtiya (southwest of Lake. Niasa); his footprints and those of animals that came out with him were imprinted on the rock]: Werner 1933:22 (=Kotlyar 2009, No. 127:111); kamba [the first people came out of the termite mound, holding various cereals in their hands; first they sowed in clearings where the ground was dense; then a tree fell, the ground under it was loose, people learned to loosen the soil, and a digger stick appeared]: Tegnaeus 1950:147 (quoted in Kotlyar 2009, No. 238:149); ( cf. kikuyu [the father has two sons with two wives, the mother of one died; the father sent them to inspect the traps, banned the release of animals; the one whose mother is alive decided to let the gazelle go; the orphan agreed to the condition that from now on the other will give him half of his food, otherwise he will tell his father; the father and mother wonder why the boy is losing weight even though his mother gives him a lot of food; one day he confesses to his father; he takes him to the forest ties him to a tree, leaves him; if the brother reports, it will be even worse for him; the rescued gazelle frees the boy; tells him to stomp by the tree, people and livestock come out of the ground; the young man gets richer; the father and mother they starve, they come to him; he feeds his mother, refuses his father; parents and brother are dead, the young man married happily]: Gagnolo 1952, No. 15:131-133); yao [first the earth is flat; Mtanga creates riverbeds, sends rain; people came out of hills or from a crack in a rock or from an island on a lake; their footprints were imprinted on the still soft ground; var.: people came down from the sky]: Baumann 1936:43; makua: Adams 1902 [the ancestor and his wife came from the rocky Mima Mountain and the Zuli River with goats, sheep and cattle; his name was Mima, like the rock; their footprints were left there]: 47 in Kotlyar 2009, No. 134:112; Baumann 1936 [the first humans came out of God's dug holes in the ground]: 192 (quoted in Kotlyar 2009, No. 125:110); Venda [people and everything else were in the womb of the boa constrictor that regurgitated them]: Roumeguère- Eberhardt 1963:18 in d'Huy 2012:366.

West Africa. Ashanti [on Monday night, the worm made holes in the ground, including 7 men, several women, a dog and a leopard]: Parrinder 1967:39; jukun [mother earth Ama brought out of the lower Kindo world man, woman, elephant, duck, bat, boar; woman's genitals were under her arm, but A. saw it was uncomfortable, put it where it is now]: Meek 1931:199; santrokofi [ancestors came out of the lower world through a hole on Mount Nkonya; a priest came out first with a drum, then a warrior with a sword and stone, then men and women; when he saw his wife with another man, the priest hit him and threw him back drum; people who remained underground could not get up after that]: Debrunner 1969:554-555; akposo [ancestors came out of a hole in the ground]: Debrunner 1969:555; Baaqua [ancestors began to come out from a hole in the ground; one woman saw and screamed where such a crowd would find food; the hole immediately closed]: Debrunner 1969:556; the boviri [came out from the ground with people to the ground tailed creatures, but were exterminated, either remained underground or their tails were cut off and turned into humans]: Debrunner 1969:556; eve [water first; God splashed under the bird's wings the juice of local cabbage, it flew, the waters parted, land appeared, people came out of it; others descended from the sky in a basket hung from a rope to eat the earth's fruits; some had time to return, the rest stayed on earth]: Spieth 1906:558-559; gisiga (mountainous) [an ancestor came out of a hole in the mountain]: Lembezat 196:112.

Sudan-East Africa. Mbuti [version of "real people" living in the village: husband and wife heard a rustle in the hollow; they pointed a crossbow; the pygmy came out, an arrow shot him in the arm, he was taken to the village; he said that many relatives pointed him; the pygmy was again pointed; the pygmies were glad, his wife was caught; others did not leave the hollow, but the couple caught were the current pygmies; the pygmies version from the forest: the pygmies heard a noise from the hollow; they covered the tree with brushwood, set it on fire; they screamed in the hollow, the pygmies brought "real people" out of there]: Turnbull 1965:261-262; sandave: Baumann 1936 [Matunda opened the tree, a hyena, a sheep, came out of it, a woman with two children, a Wangu man who married Matunda's sister, and that to sister Wang]: 226; Kimmendade 1936 [(more with original text in Millroth 1965:43-44); first from a crack in a large baobabe came out Matunda; he widened the hole, a hyena came out, then a brebis, then a woman with children, followed by a man, then various animals, M. released a lot of people]: 407; Ten Raa 1969 [first the earth was cool; the creator of Matunda (a name in Bantu) fell in love with the Moon, married her; or rather, his Sun Son married; grammatically, "sun", like all celestial objects, is feminine, because they are small, but In the myth, the Sun is male; the Moon is connected to the south, the Sun to the north; the Moon gave birth to many children, they were inside the rock; the Sun split the rock, people came to earth]: 25-29; zande [Bapaizegino (= Mbori) enclosed all creatures in a round boat, sealing the hole with wax; dying, summoned his sons Sun, Month, Night, Cold, Stars; who can discover the contents; only the Sun could, because Messenger M. told him the secret; the Sun opened the seal, people, animals, trees, rivers, hills and grass came out]: Scheub 2000:145; nuers [people came out of the hole at the base of the huge tamarind ( a particular tree, it was shown; when it burned down during the fire, its charred remains were revered); from there came the forefather and foremother of the Nuers, as well as Europeans (and all others); var.: people fell like fruit from branches of this tree; var.: this tree was also a woman; var.: people came out of the tribes of a first ancestor god]: Crazzolara 1953:66 (same text briefly referring to Evans-Prichard 1956:6 in Burton 1991:83 ); mehen [the first man came out of the ground to SE from the current Meen territory; there is white sand on the river and white hippos in the river; pets and wild animals came out in front of man; people still eat meat]: Jensen 1959, No. 1:413; the Masai [the first people came out of the termite hole and settled next to it; heard Enkai's order from the sky not to close the kraali seven evenings; some left the kraali open , others did not dare, closed it; on the seventh night, goats and sheep came out of the thermite hole, entered the kraali; the owners of these kraals were Maasai, and those who closed their own were kamba; God ordered dorobo (any hunter-gatherers - cushits and nilots) come the next day; the Masai overheard, appeared in the morning, God decided that dorobo had come, ordered to build a kraal, find a thin calf in the forest, slaughter it, wrap the meat in the skin, throw it in fire, wait in the house without looking out; the belt came down from the sky, cattle began to descend it, filling the kraal; the Masai went out to look, the belt immediately broke off, the cattle stopped going down; The Masai began to herd these cattle, but Dorobo remained a hunter]: Scheub 2000:46-47.

North Africa. Kabila [a man and a woman lived in the underworld, did not know about each other; they went to a spring, began to fight over water, their clothes fell, they came together; the woman gave birth to four daughters, then four sons; soon both of them were 50; their parents sent them away; separately, girls and young men found holes leading upstairs, went to the ground; found out about each other, but lived separately; three girls spied they found out that young men were different; young men built houses; a brave girl came to see, a wild young man rushed after her, her sisters came to her aid; each of the 50 girls fought against each of the 50 young men, knocked down, got along with him; the young men's houses decided that a man should lie down on a woman, not vice versa; the wild couple was driven away; she became a witch (teriel), he was a lion]: Frobenius 1921a, No. 1:55-60 (= Frobenius, Fox 1937:49-57).

Western Asia. Sumer [in the myth of the hoe, Enlil makes a hole in the ground with a hoe and people come out; same motive in the introduction to the hymn to the city of Ered]: Afanasieva 1982:649; Phoenicians [Nonn Panopolitan, second half of the 5th century AD, "Acts of Dionysus", song 40: in Tyre, Dionysus addresses Hercules Astrochiton in the temple; he appears to him in a star robe; D. asks who founded Tyre; Astrochiton's story: a tribe of the earthborn, the same age as the world, is drowned; A. tells them to find moving rocks, sacrifice an eagle on them, after which the rocks will stop, and establish a city there; the earthborn do all this; A. gives D. his star robe goodbye]: Zakharova, Torshilov 2003:247.

Australia. Dieri [the ground opened in the middle of Lake Perigundy, from there totems came out one after another; they were shapeless, without senses, and lay on the dunes on the shore until they became human, went in different directions]: Howitt 1904:476 (paraphrase in Berndt, Berndt 1964:205); aranda [first, Woodcock women come out of the crevice in the rock, then men; the first man is killed by the others, envious of his closeness to women; buried; begins to rise from the grave; he is pierced with a spear, trampled into the ground; so the dead do not return]: Strehlow 1947:44-45.

Melanesia. Majprat: Elmberg 1968, No. 5 [ancestors came out of the tree; there was a buzz around, people heard that they were inside a tree; this is the origin of all the inhabitants of the coast], 16 [inside the tree bees were buzzing; they flew out, became human], 30 [Marik and Serefré chased possum, heard a noise in the mango trunk; S. cut a hole, people began to come out; Saréfi was the first to come out , whose axe cut his head to blood; a two-headed man was the last to try to get out, but was driven back], 40 [Sesa people came out of a mango trunk; at night, a man and a dog heard a noise made of wood, opened the barrel with an ax; Sarombó sat above everyone else, the axe slipped over his head, he became bald; when people came out, he appeared two-headed, and below the other monsters, but the man closed the hole and pushed double-headed ago; their totem bird Urep also flew out with people], 41 [Marik hunted with a dog, heard Sareli and Sarompo quarrel inside a tree trunk; M. cuts a hole, representatives come out different groups; the last was Sarefi, the ax hit his head, he went bald]: 256, 264, 264, 274-275, 275; Arandai-bintuni [Burundi family came out of the tree; women heard a noise from the trunk, opened the trunk, men came out from there, every woman took her husband; the last one was bald and old; men turned into birds, flew away covered with coal]: Miedema 1997, No. 17:45; porapora [people were inside a tree by the river; spirits were fishing in the river; one spirit woman found a red fish; after that the tree collapsed, people dispersed]: Schwab 1970, No. 1:766; Western tributes [all living things got out to the surface from a hole in the ground in the Baliem Valley; the snake brought with it the mystery of immortality - the ability to shed its skin every year; but the bird began to argue - if someone dies, you have to smear yourself with clay; man accepted her advice, has been dying ever since]: Hayward 1980:102-103 in Yost 1988:89; dugum tribute [ancestors of all genera, as well as animals, birds and invertebrates, came from the Huwainmo Cave (5 km from the territory dugum); birds, animals decided to become birds, animals; but even now there are humans and birds in every kind, people of this kind do not eat this type of bird]: Heider 1970:141; Marind-anim: Wirtz, Neverman 1981, No. 63 [The dog dema raked the sand, bamboo creatures began to come out of the ground with hands attached to their bodies, membranes on their fingers, without eyes, mouths and ears; the stork helped pull them out, placed them in the fire, cut through holes in the face; membranes were cut, pieces of skin turned into leeches; these creatures became human; marind-anim came out of one hole, strangers came out of the other], 1 [the dog dema dug a hole, it was filled with water, in it bamboo creatures swam; as in (63)]: 145-147, 195-196; Savi [Yahati and 9 other men lived in the underworld; I. noticed the light, went to the ground, shot a bird, missed, brought a pierced a leaf with an arrow; everyone went up to the ground; I decided to go back for the dog he had left; others dissuaded him, but he went; then they failed the exit; when I tried to get out, earthquakes occur]: Yost 1988:57; quanga [individual descent groups came out of separate caves along with certain animals (dog; pig; snake) and plants]: Obrist van Eeuwijk 1992:67; eipo and yale [people came from the depths of the earth; they were cared for by a first-ancestor woman (like a dog or a pig)]: Heeschen 2017:93; keraki [Kambel hears a noise coming from a palm tree trunk; chopping it; from it various tribes come out, Keraks from the very foundation]: Williams 1969:299-301; Gambadi (kvawaru) [people lived in the roots of the wasu tree; near Tiw'r and his son Kwawar owned fire; T. promised fire, if they gave his son a beautiful girl; wasu people refused in an offensive manner; T. set fire to a tree, almost everyone burned down, but some took off with smoke and scattered throughout the surrounding area, where their descendants live now]: Williams 1969:386; abelam [(2nd var.); people lived in a hole, did not sleep, screamed, ate wild tarot; the dog got out through the hollow of a rotten tree to the ground, ate bananas, came back and slept well; so many times; then people came out, closed the hole so that snakes, worms and centipedes would stay underground; this is how all the tribes came out]: Huber-Greub 1988, No. 8.1:276-277; kukukuku: Fischer 1968, No. 3 [Imatje (the first ancestor) created all animals and people in the hole from which they came to the ground; made a woman out of black clay; his wife told her to try, the woman cracked; he put her on a bed, copulated; she bleed with the new moon; this blood was like tar; then she said she was pregnant, gave birth to a boy, his umbilical cord was cut off, washed], 6 [people of different groups (different languages) went out each of its own hole (holes in the ground)], 7 [people came out of the big rock], 8 [people came out of the cliff, then went into groups]: 370-371, 373, 373-374, 374-375; Kire [friends quarreled, alone He hit the other, he went to the garden, swallowed all his shell ornaments, became a boar, began to eat tarot and yams; the old woman saw him, called the men, wounded the boar with spears, and brought him on a tied pole to the village; the next day everyone went hunting, there was a girl with a little brother left; the boar became a man, told him not to eat his meat when the wild boar was killed; next time he ordered him to take his stomach, there were ornaments ; the children warned not to eat the wild boar, no one listened; the children cut their stomach, took out jewelry; this man's parents were looking for their son, found his finger, returned to their homes, the husband made a hole, told my wife urinated there, the flood began, flooded everything; the sister and brother escaped in the tree; to see if the water had come down, the coconut was thrown, then the yam tuber, both fell into the soft mud; then they threw the chicken, she became eat corpses; then they threw fire, it dried the ground; they threw coconut and yam again, they split; they threw the leaf, it turned into a bird; brother and sister went down, the bird told them to become husband and wife; wife began to give birth to sons and daughters, new people from them; at first they all lived in a hole; then the first couple went out, began to build a house, the children went out and built too; animals came to despicable on the occasion of the construction and birds; a drum could be heard from under the ground; the husband began to dig, and many people came out of the ground; the woman gave them a drink of hot water, they spoke different languages; the animals ran away, only chickens were left and some rats]: Höltker 1962:99-104; Orokaiva [humans came out of a hole in the ground or from a cave; the Orokaiva were the first to come out carrying tarot and leaving yams and yams to the highlanders]: Williams 1930:154; mawabula [on Babaibo Hill (the foothills of the central ridge) grew the Isoa tree; its roots reached the depths of the earth; it was inhabited by the Kau man and the Keboro woman; they were Kina (first-ancestor spirits); their countless children filled the inside of the tree; the children made a hole, saw the light; Keboro persuaded Kau to go out into the world; they all climbed to the top of the tree, broke it, descended to the ground; Kau told them to separate, taught each group a special language; for Mawabula he gave the language Bewake; real people descended from spirit people]: Austen 1926:143-144; Trobrians: Malinowski 1926 [grandma and granddaughter go to swim; the grandmother steps aside, takes off her skin, turns into a girl; the granddaughter does not recognize her, drives her away; in anger, the grandmother promises that from now on the young will grow old and die; only those living underground" lower creatures", i.e. snakes, crabs, iguanas and lizards retained the ability to shed their skin and renew themselves; this is because humans used to live underground; if they lived upstairs, they would shed their skin and "upper creatures" - birds, flying foxes and insects - were younger]: 81-83; 1932:155 [brother and sister were the first to come out of the ground in different places; according to some versions, only women came out first], 366 [episode skin change occurred shortly after people came out of the ground]; 1948 [=1926]: 104; bining (Mali) [first people came out of the vine (from the air root?] : Laufer 1946-1949:530.

Micronesia-Polynesia. Tokelau (Fakaofo) [Lister, 51; sky and sea were always there; people came out of stone; the sky was low, people moved bent; Lu raised the sky on his shoulders, saying: Get up before you You will reach God; winds, springs, hurricanes came from the 12 corners of the earth and helped him raise the sky]: Hambruch 1915:280; Tuamotu [Te Tumu ("Foundation") and Te Papa ("Earth") were inside the world's egg; the egg split, forming three terrestrial and ten celestial tiers; TT and TP remained on the lowest level of the Earth, giving birth to people, animals and plants; strongmen, standing on each other's shoulders, raised the sky up, so that even the tallest palm trees were able to straighten out; only the Warrior (Aito) and his wife Samlya (Fenua) did not want to change their horizontal position; people multiplied, punched holes, first going to the second tier, then to the surface of our land]: Henry 1928:347 (retelling Makemson 1941:52-53); Marquises: Williamson 1933 (1): 25-26 [(by Christian; more succinctly in Makemson 1941:71); Papa-uka ("Upper world") snuggled against Papa-ao ("Lower World"), giving birth to Athea, Tanya, and other gods; he lived in a dark underground cave; at the suggestion of T., A. split the body of Mother Earth and they were born], 26 [according to Stewart; people and fish were trapped in caves in the depths of the earth; after the explosion, people found themselves on the surface and fish in the water].

Tibet is the Northeast of India. Rai [four men with their younger brothers (and, as is clear from the following, women) come out of the ground; to open the door to the top, the elder kills the bird, splashes its blood, the door opens; but the person who comes out says to others that he has killed his younger brother; they each kill their younger brother; the youngest has no one younger than him, he cuts off his little finger, leaves; the priest left stone priest, minister from stone minister, medium from stone-tiri]: Allen 2011:105-107; best: Shakespear 1909 [people came out of the underground cave; the chief domesticated the buffalo and married God's daughter; in He gave his father-in-law a gift with a gun, it was thunder; for the wedding, the chief asked all the animals to pave the way to God's house; everyone happily agreed, and only the night monkey and earthworm refused; since then they they can't look at the sun, and if they look, they'll die; they know where that cave is, but they don't go into it; gongs and people's voices can be heard there]: 390; M'Culloch 1859:55 in Shakespear 1909 [people lived in the underground peace; the king's brother hunted hedgehogs, went to the cave for the missing dog, went to the ground; returned for the people, led them, but a snake blocked the exit, and a stone hung over the exit, which the bird held its feet; the king's brother killed the snake, went out with most of the people; the king returned for a forgotten vessel, always full of meat, but it turned out that the stone fell and blocked the exit; the king's wife cursed those who came out, said that they will be diseases]: 392-393; Shakespear 1912 [during an eclipse, people beat drums to drive away the awk that swallows the moon; one day the awk swallowed the sun and darkness came; everything became alive with the exception of the skulls of animals killed while hunting; dry trees and even stones with leaves came to life; there was nothing to ignite the fire; tigers devoured trees, stones and people in complete darkness; people turned into animals and birds depending on what they were doing at the time; people wearing white turbans laughed - became thrushes with white feathers on their heads; people in striped clothes became tigers; The chiefs had sticks to interfere with rice when it was cooked - they became rhinoceros birds; those who dyed the threads became gibbons (they have black hands; or crows); old women became elephants; wrestlers became bears; people of two clans - squirrels; pets became wild; after that, the world was repopulated by people who came out of a hole in the ground; mitans (half-wild buffaloes) reappeared from pumpkin seeds; pigs came out of the lake; chickens are made of mud (these associations are based on the similarity of the sounds that animals make to the words "pumpkin seeds", "dirt", etc.); all clans came out of this hole; the sun was told not to shine ( hot), because the tarsier leader was going to dance; the bamboo rat began to beat the drum; but the sun wanted to watch the dance, looked out, everyone felt hot; they got angry with him, and since then he was completely angry does not look; the owl was left without meat, got angry, sat on the branch; big rat: well, I ate it! the owl rushed at her and pecked, since then it has been attacking rats]: 92-94; miniong ahor [when ahor first came out of the ground, they killed the buffalo (bos frontalis); the births that received meat when sharing became misching; there was no meat left for three genera, it became mipak; in mixed marriages, children belong to a lower group, i.e. mipak]: Fürer-Haimendorf 1954:590; gallons (dobang) [at the source of the river Sisap is a "creation stone"; it looks like a cave; it has prints of human feet and other creatures; baby teeth marks on pebbles; stones were soft back then]: Elwin 1958a, No. 6:157; cookies: Perry 1915 [Tonring and Tonshu ancestors came out of the ground, Keisar residents from Mount Wahkuleren, Fialarang from Mount Lekaan; Lampang's ancestors, male and female, came out of the cave; the monkey pushed back stone, Chawte came out of the hole below it]: 147-149; Scott 1918 [people came out of the ground and spoke the same language; the father told his three sons to catch the rat; they chased it for a long time, did not catch it, spoke different languages-kiki, Lamyang, Manipuri]: 267; thado [ancestors lived underground; Khongzai and Meitei were friends then; once they quarreled without sharing a piece of cloth; their mother cut the cloth in half; the Meitei began to cut down haimang trees {when they came to the ground?} , many people followed in their fresh footsteps; thado cut down banana plants and then climbed to the ground; their tracks were old, followed by few people; so thado is not enough]: Grierson 1904a: 71; koireng [ancestors came out of the ground; the hole was covered with a heavy stone, so it was impossible to get out for a long time; one day the bird moved the stone, people began to go out; the koireng walked they were the last to make so much noise that God heard it; he decided that there were too many people and closed the hole again; so there were few koireng and much more naga]: Grierson 1904a:243; milliehyum [ Millehyum came out of a cave called Khur {or Khul, the text is confusing}; their ancestor Hangmi, aka Lupho, son of Mihem, came out holding flowers after killing the Gulhiemnu snake and the tiger guarding exit]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Milhiem; naga overall {but not seemingly northern} [various naga groups believe the first person with his family came out of the ground]: Hodson 1910:301; kabui, tanghul [ancestors came out of stone]: Hodson 1911:14 in Perry 1915:151; (cf. ao [there are no people on earth; two brothers came out of the stone; the eldest went to the mountains, became the ancestor of ao, the youngest went downstream, became the ancestor of the Assames; when leaving, they agreed not to turn around; the youngest blew horn; the elder turned around, saying he was sad about the sound of the horn]: Smith 1926, No. 9:376-377).

Burma - Indochina. Wa [people came out of Yang-ho Cave; the first humans did not know how to speak, lived with leopards, wild boars and buffaloes, ate grass; one predator suggested eating those who defecate while standing; It turned out that almost all animals did this, so people began to eat animal meat; millet was in the lake, they let the snake get millet there, everyone pulled it by the tail; people and animals began to loosen the ground with their feet, horns, etc.; The sky taught us how to use tools; people began to weed crops, and animals gave up laziness; refused to wait for millet to ripen, decided to eat grass; people learned to fry meat after a forest fire; began to live separately from animals; the spirit said when to do what work, certain birds sing every season; at first, people slept on prickly grass, decided to build houses from grass; The grass told the Trees that the more it was cut, the better it grew; The trees replied that instead of one cut down, 10 new ones grew; the birds were without feathers; the tree asked them to cry each once it was cut down, he collected colorful feathers, gave it to the birds; rain flooded the fire, the man sent the bird to the sky, where the Thunder showed how to make fire by friction]: Obayashi 1966:46-48; khmu (tsa khmu) [ brother and sister caught a rat in the forest; it asked her to let her go, reported on the impending flood, advised her to climb into a hollow tree trunk; after the flood, the bird, brother and sister went in different directions to look married partners; met only each other twice; the bird advised them to marry; the sister carried the fetus for three years, gave birth to two pumpkins; when she brought down rice, dropped the pest, one pumpkin split, out of it tai, ly, lao, etc. came out; she gently pierced the other pumpkin with a heated piece of iron, but the ahem in it rushed straight out, got dirty in the coal, so dark; the pumpkin fragments turned into rocks near Ban Tau Pung village ("pumpkin village")]: Roux 1928:177-179 (=1953:295-300; retelling in Chesnov 1980c: 163; more concise in Walk 1949:64-65); mine [when other nations have long lived on the surface of the earth, my ancestors were still underground; decided to go to the surface through the hole with their pets; the beauties began to dress up, were left behind everyone; but the buffalo stuck in a hole with two heads, and died there, blocking the exit forever; so among my few beautiful women]: Besnard 1907:87; ma, sre, banar [people came out of the underground Mira Brach Ting through a hole in the ground; a huge buffalo with two heads stuck in it; turned into a rock still visible]: Chesnov 1982e: 206; lao [in different ways people appear 1) from one pumpkin, 2) together with animals and plants from two pumpkins opened by order of the heavenly deity Praya Then by two then spirits; 3) from three pumpkins that grew from the nose after the flood sent by Praya Then an exhausted buffalo; Pu Lan Xon opened them with a hot iron]: Walk 1949:65; ahom [people are destroyed by boiling water that gushes out of the ground; new ones come out of the pumpkin that Indra's son Aiphalan opened with his arrow; var.: After a global flood and a world fire, storm god Kubg-Lawn smashes many pumpkins with his thunder club, from which people, as well as animals, birds and useful plants emerge]: Walk 1949: 66.

South Asia. Bhuya [ancestors came from Mother Earth, which is why they are called bhuiya - earthborn]: Roy in Elwin 1939:313 (note 2); baiga [many baiga say that "the first ancestors were born from Mother Earth's womb "]: Elwin 1939:313; gondas [gondas were inside a cave, the entrance to which Mahadeva closed with a huge stone; Lingo pushed back the stone, and "sixteen crores of Gonds" came out of the cave; reminds Abuogazi Khan of the Turks leaving Irgana Kon; the Mughals also believed that Burtechino, "Dun wolf", brought them out of Irguene Kon)]: Crooke 1892-1893, No. 403:106; conds: Elwin 1954, No. 12 (Kuttia) [ When Nirantali and half of the people came out of the hole in the ground, the cannibal wolf also appeared; N. smashed his head with a stick, he fell back into that hole, jamming the door; N. cut off his head, turned him into an anthill; the eyes turned into stars, the tongue into the sun, the legs 4 mountains, the tail a vine, the ears were banana plants, the intestines were river snakes, the blood was the Kambell River, the liver was a rice field; and the remaining people never were able to get out], 20 [people came out of the ground, the Condas were the first, followed by Europeans, whom Nirantali sprinkled with ash so that their bodies and hair brightened]: 432, 451-452; toda [Ön deduced buffaloes out of the ground; a man, the first toda, clung to the latter's tail; Ön made the first woman out of a man's rib]: Rivers 1906:184.

Malaysia-Indonesia. Mentawai [two evil spirits got into a fight; one started breaking the bamboo to make a baton; the first people came out of the roots]: Mess 1880:93 in Perry 1915:146; the Vatubela Islands [the first people came out of lands]: Riedel 1886:190, 218 in Dixon 1916:169; (cf. Kai Islands [people lived in the sky, the clouds were their islands, the blue sky was the sea where they were fishing; a Parpara fisherman found a bamboo vessel on the shore with palm wine; after drinking wine, he wanted more, began to dig, dug a hole in the sky, saw Kai Island below, thought that the wine came to him from there; went down a rope with his wife Bikel and four dogs in Wuat on Big Kai; their descendants inhabited the islands; other islanders believe that 1) came from mango trees, 2) grew out of the ground like saga palms, 3) came out of the sea and are children of the daughter of the god of the sea]: Knappert 1977b, No. 2:128-129); Tetum (Timor): Hicks 1984, No. 1 [two land masses rose above the sea; each opened a vagina, people came out of their vaginas; first to leave the founders of aristocratic families], 8 [water is everywhere first; God in heaven sent two birds to fly above the water; lumps of clay adhering to their feet fell into the sea, turned into land; the same birds fell on it from the feet of the same birds a man and a woman; they were eaten by demons; God turned birds into two rocks as punishment for not saving people; God threw a man and a dog to the ground; the dog told man to hide from the demons inside stone; a vagina opened in stone, a man climbed into it, the stone closed; God told demons to leave man alone and eat people only when there were many of them; later many people descended from heaven along the vines others came from tubers and cereals]: 1-2, 42-44; Timor [first humans came out of the ground]: Correia 1972:67.

Taiwan - Philippines. Tamarowan [the rock on the mountain split, people came out; among them were Take-todo and Take-Baka, who were the ancestors of the village's inhabitants]: Ho 1967, No. 53:239; Paywan: Egli 1989 [there is a rock with a hole from which monkeys and badgers came out, as well as tigers, magpies, snakes; monkeys and badgers went, gradually turned into humans]: 30-31; Fischer, p. 241 in Perry 1915 [ancestors came out from split stone]: 161.

China - Korea. China - Korea. Ancient China (Ba possession, east Sichuan; Sui jin zhu, or "Canon of Waters/Rivers" of the Han era or so, and Hou Hanshu, i.e. the History of the Late Han Empire; also other sources) [in Mount Wuluozhongli (possibly Mount Hen on SW Hubei) were black and red caves; members of the Fan, Tan, Xiang, and Ren families came from black, and the Ba family came from red; (in some Eastern Sichuan dialects, "ba" means cave); candidates for seniority were offered two tests; 1) throw a sword and get into a hole in the rock; a Ba man named Wuxiang fell into the eye of a bull; 2) make a boat out of clay; only Wuxiang managed to do this, became the leader and received the title Linjun (hereinafter W. appears under this name); after that, the name Ba passed to all five families; Linzhong sailed up the river in his clay boat Qing (in SW Hubei) and in the Yanyang area met a goddess; she offered to live together, taking advantage of the abundance of fish and salt; however, L. refused to share and demanded that everything be given to him; the goddess turned into an insect , a cloud of such insects eclipsed the sun, darkness came; many days later L. managed to hit the goddess with an arrow, the sun shone again; L. founded the city of Jichen, where people of four generations began to live; he himself after Death became a white tiger; so ba let tigers drink human blood]: Sage 1992:108-109; jino [Mahei and Maniu are twin brother and sister; before the flood began, their parents placed them in a hollowed out tree trunk, brought with them seeds of cultivated plants and a bell, told them to leave only when the earth dried and the bell rang; they began to cultivate the land, began to age; the brother suggested continue the family, the sister doubted, decided to go ask the sacred tree; the brother hid behind the tree and answered for it, allowing the marriage; however, the aged sister was barren; all the pumpkins were on the grown vine has dried up, and one has become big; voices can be heard from it; brother and sister tried to burn a hole, but each time exhaust their voices asking them not to burn them; only old Apierer offered to burn it the button on the stomach, that is, the place where the pumpkin joined the stem; people began to come out of the hole; Apo, the ancestor of the Konge people, was the first to come out; he was smeared with charcoal; then the Chinese came out, the last to come out, Jino, he stayed where the pumpkin lay, other seats were already occupied]: Miller 1994:68-73.

Japan. Ancient Japan [people coming out of bamboo knees is mentioned in Konjaku Monogatari (Collection of Ancient Stories, 11th century)]: Ho 1967:152-153.

The Arctic. Northern Alaska Inupiate [man breaks a pipe protruding from the ground, men and women come out]: Murdoch 1886:595 in Oswalt 1967:212.

(Wed. NW Coast. Hyda [The Raven saw a huge bivalve shell with people in it; helped them get out; they're all men; he threw a tunic on their penises, they used them as vaginas; these people went and went; the Raven made new tunics out of other mollusks, including both men and women]: Reid, Bringhurst 1989:33-37).

Northeast. Delaware: Bierhorst 1995, No. 18 [people lived in the land under the lake; one man came out through the hole and came back with a deer killed by a wolf; people liked the meat so much that they all got out on surface; Unamis and Unalachtigos think much the same, although only the Munsee tribe seems to have a lake motif (Newcomb 1956:72 retelling the same text)], 21 [Delaware - coming out of a hole in the ground descendants of Wyandot; in the lake area. Huron can still see this hole; the virgin gave birth to twins of different sexes, they did not speak Viandot; the brother married his sister, they descended from Delaware]: 32; Seneca [the first people came out of top of the hill at the top of the lake. Canandaigua; a huge snake bordered the foot of the hill; those trying to go beyond the ring were swallowed with it, leaving two children, a boy and a girl; they killed the snake with poisoned arrows; dying, she regurgitated the bones of the swallowed; the bones sank to the bottom of the lake, turned into stones; two children descend from seneca]: Stone 1841:8-10 in Archambault 2006:6.

Plains. Mandan: Beckwith 1938, No. 1 [Mandan came out of the cave at the mouth of the river; Na-ci-i (Prairie dog, Coyote) was the first to get out of the ground, told the others to go out; under the weight of a pregnant woman, a vine cut short, the rest fell down; the chief's daughter saw a drowned bison in the spring, ate kidney fat; it was Lonely Man (Coyote); she became pregnant, her son became a chief], 2 [people lived in the underground in the world, there are few game; they began to get upstairs in the bud; under the weight of a pregnant woman, it broke off; people killed bison, loaded her giblets on her calf; plucked a live bird, put it in her beak a feather; a calf and a bird came inside the hill, where the bison complained; four brothers and sister, whose parents did not have time to get out of the ground, kept nine species of corn; the plucked feathers of that bird contained water, animals released it; rain, flood; four brothers turned into four bison, sister into a corncob, sailed to the highest mountain; became human again; younger brother married a girl- mandan]: 10-11, 18-19; Bowers 1950 [Corn people lived in the lower world by the lake; Chief Good Fur Clothing takes them to the ground, they bring corn with them]: 156, 194 and 196 [climb the vine; Fox sticks out her nose, the sun burns it; The elk expands the hole; under the weight of a pregnant woman, the vine breaks, some people remain in the underworld]; Dorsey 1894 [like in Bowers; climb a vine; an overweight woman breaks it off]: 512; Maximilian in Will, Spinden 1906 [{summary of the myth of getting out of the ground}]: 140-141; hidatsa: Matthews 1877 [the hidatsa lived under the upper water northeast of their current places habitats; scouts found access to the ground, returned to lead all the people there; people climbed the tree, but it broke off, some remained under water and is still there; found mandan villages in Missouri, came to live with them]: 36; Wood 1967 [people came out of the ground far in the southeast; later joined Mandan, then separated from them and went west crowe]: 10; teton (oglala) [ Anog-Ite (a woman with a second person on the back of her head) feels alone; Iktomi promises her to bring people from the lower world; sends a wolf with a load of meat and clothes through a cave leading down; Tokahe and his men agree to go through the cave to earth; they are Oglala's ancestors]: Walker 1917:181-182; Omaha: Dorsey 1884:229 and 233 [the ancestors of individual groups of clans were bison, lived underwater, came to earth], 237 [the ancestors of certain groups of genera were created underground, came to the surface]; from [four Bear Brothers climb out of the ground; when they reach the surface, they turn into humans; wandering for a long time]: Whitman 1938:177; sheyens [people live underground; one person notices a speck of light, tells others; people go to earth]: Grinnell 1907:170; arpaho [{ the motive for leaving the earth, or rather from a driftwood, is only briefly mentioned}; The month hears one girl expressing a desire to marry him, and the other wants a bright star as her husband; his brother Sun prefers the Frog , because she does not wrinkle her eyes when she looks at him; The month turns into a porcupine, the girl follows it, climbs a tree, goes to heaven, becomes the wife of the Month; the Sun brings the Frog; the Frog gathers go get water, take a vessel; The month invites the wife and the Frog to compete to see who chews a piece of intestine better; the wife of the Month crunches pleasantly, the Frog cannot gnaw the gut, crunches with coals, black drools; she is offended, jumps on her chest for a Month, she has been seen there since then with a water vessel; the Month has two wives, a woman and Bisonicha, each with a son; sons and wives quarrel; The Month warns the female wife not dig deep holes by digging roots; she digs, makes a hole in the sky, sees her native village; weaves a rope from her tendons, climbs down it; the Month throws a stone, killing his wife, but the child falls and remains alive ; sucks a dead mother's chest; grows up; a person notices traces, leaves a bow and arrow, the boy picks them up; the man has difficulty grabbing him, leads him to the parents of the deceased woman; The month reproaches The bisonic wife is in what happened; she and her son leave; the month follows them; every day, the bison kill one of them (one of the brothers of the wife of the Month) to feed their son-in-law; each time they collect bones in their skin the bison comes to life; The month peeks, piercing a hole in the tipi, sees his father-in-law hit the snag, a man jumps out from there, runs, the Bisons kill him for food; The month secretly makes bows, goes to hit him snag; first a woman provocateur jumps out, a month hits her, now her nose is injured, the Month does not let her back; people go out, the Month gives them bows; tells them to hunt buffalo and the Bisons to become buffalo; father-in-law's hat will become head and spine, bird claws - horns, hailstones - eyes, elk round teeth - teeth, eagle feather - tongue, deer hooves - hooves, moon-shell - voice, wampum - larynx, water turtles - buds, Navajo cape - intestines, bast - tendons, eagle feathers - shoulders, aquatic plant root - penis, water foam - lungs, vine pod - heart]: Dorsey, Kroeber 1903, No. 134:321- 329; Arkansas (probably Kuapo) [the world is covered in water; a white-clothed god brings bags of tobacco, gets people out of the ground; the world is dark; the Beaver dives to the bottom, brings land; the white Eagle brings a green branch; (without continuation)]: Charencey 1884:284 in Dähnhardt 1909:88; Arikara: Dorsey 1904d, No. 3 [giants lived on earth, Nesaru destroyed them with a flood; gathered people with animals in a small underground cave; these people were corn kernels; one grain of N. in the sky turned into a woman, Mother Corn, sent her to take people to earth; Mole, Badger, Long-nosed Mouse took turns they dig, make their way out; The mole is blind to the light, remains in the ground; Badger has a black stripe on his face, black legs; Mother Corn led people west; there is an abyss ahead, the Kingfisher filled her stones, some people remained, became kingfishers; the owl made its way through the forest, knocking down trees on the fly with its wings; Loon flew across the lake, dividing its waters, people went dry, some returned, became loons; some did not have time to cross before the waters came together, stayed on the other side; while Mother Corn went to heaven, people began to play, kill the losers; she returned, said that N. was dissatisfied, ordered to choose a leader, taught me how to scalp; the Dog came and said that Tornado had forgotten her; The tornado would cause disease, then dogs must be sacrificed; Mother Corn: don't forget to do smoking heavenly gods in four directions], 4 [people in an underground cave; Mother Corn told Mole, Badger, Gopher, Long-nosed Mouse to dig a hole to the surface of the earth; The mole went blind to the light, The badger has black legs, Gopher has a stripe on his face; everyone went west, an abyss on the way; the Kingfisher filled it, some people decided to stay as worms; the Owl paved the way through the forest; Loon flew through the forest lake, people went dry between the waters; some drank and became fish; others became loons; the partridge killed, sacrificed a wild cat; Mother Corn praised, for spotted ones must be brought as a victim, spots embody stars; Red Star, Yellow Star, Great Black Meteorite Star (rising in the east) gave a smoking pipe; The partridge flew off consistently, let the gods SE, SW smoke , NW, SV, Zenith (Nesaru); The tornado hit Mother Corn, she regurgitated red, yellow, black, white corn; The tornado brought disease; The dog said it would stay with people as a watchman, her meat is delicious, her fat heals ulcers; Mother Corn gave corn, taught rituals], 5 [Mother Corn takes people out of an underground cave; Mole or long-nosed Mouse, Skunk, Badger dig a way out; everyone goes west to the water obstacles; Fish swims, waters part, people dry, waters close behind them; Owl makes its way through the forest, Kingfisher through the abyss; giant bison horns reach the sky; Mole, Skunk, The badger digs holes, the Fish rushes down the Bison's throat when he comes to drink, cuts it from the inside with its fins, he runs, falls into holes, dies; his skin is grass, its horns are trees with bark, and there is a sunflower on its nose, He looks like Mother Earth; his blood is glass, has become stones, they are used to make smoking pipes; his meat has been divided into sacred bundles; everyone goes further west; animals decide to separate from humans], 6 [on Giants lived on the earth, Nesaru destroyed them with heat, turning them into stones; created little people, wanted to destroy them with a flood, but animals hid them in an underground cave; Bears, Moles, Mice, Foxes dug a way out to the ground; The mole went blind to the light, the bear widened the hole; a woman who arose from a grain of corn told the man that they were on an island in the middle of the waters; people under the ground were corn grains, now they have become human; the man became a pike, made his way in the water, the woman too; they were tired, some people fell into the water, became fish; the mouse led people through the darkness, the rest in the forest turned into owls; there was a failure, Bear He made steps, people passed; Tornado made his way through the forest, although they forgot to call him; people dressed corn as a woman, threw it into the river, said that Mother would sail to the island from which we came; one day an old woman came, left the corn], 7 [people were underground; the long-nosed Mouse, the Mole, the Badger, the Fox felt sorry for them, dug a way out to the ground, people went out, went west; the badger covered the abyss from earthquakes, people passed; Loon flew across the river, dividing the waters, people passed, the waters came together, some people stayed on the other side; Mother Corn said that Black Wind was angry because he was not called, brought people under the cedar; Black Meteoric Star stands firmly, its one leg is cedar, the other is a stone; the Black Wind carried away only a part of the people; the Bear has laid steps through the mountains; the Dog came , his meat is delicious, his father is the Sun, he gave animals the ability to give strength to healers], 8 [Mother Corn came to people in red clothes with 5 moons and a star; these are images of the gods who sent her; she promised get people out of the ground; Badger dug a hole, his head and front legs turned black from the sun; people went west; Owl Barsukha paved a path through the forest; Tornado left diseases, and the Owl took root and herbs heal them; Cut-Nose came to kill people, his horns seemed to the sky; people ran, stopped at the abyss; bird, Badger could not, the Mole brought down the edges of the abyss, people crossed to the other side; before they were a space of water and ice; of all the birds, only Loon paved the way, spreading water and ice to the sides, people passed; Mother Corn disappeared, leaving a grain of corn under her blanket; Awaho people came out the last underground, taught others rituals; Nesaru killed the first people, they were bad, but kept corn kernels underground, and they became new people], 12 [Bisons are like people; when people go out out of the ground, the Bisons are surrounded, driven into a crevice, killed, eaten; the young man overheard the Bisons talking in their village; a stranger told him to make bows and arrows, give them to men; coming out from under lands, people started shooting at the buffalo themselves; they ran, became buffalo; when they ran away, they grabbed the harvested pieces of human material, they became part of their bodies], 13 [the bisons are like people, but with a tail and horns; hitting the poplar, in which the hollow, summons people out of the ground; Cut-Nose always comes out first, he is on the side of the buffalo, then runs back; other people go out, the bison catch them, kill them, eat them; one young man manages to escape; the daughter of the buffalo chief becomes his wife, teaches him how to make many bows and arrows, give them to people who come out; people shoot, bison flee, grabbing pieces of human meat, turn into buffalo; arikara does not eating meat from under the shoulder blade is a human being attached to the body of bison]: 12-17, 18-23, 23-25, 27-30, 31-32, 32-35, 39-40, 40-44; Gilmore 1926 [humans and animals are in the bosom of Mother Earth; want to go out; mole digs a hole, is dazzled by light; the hole closes before some animals can get out, so badgers, marmots, etc. live in the ground; everyone goes through the water barrier, some fail, they turn into fish, etc.; then through the forest, some can't get through, they turn into forest animals; God blesses everyone; two dogs, Death and Illness, sleep when they smoke; now they bite everyone]: 188-193; Grinnell 1893b [God makes people in heaven, gives Lightning to bring them to earth; Lightning strikes the ground forcefully, people fall into the underworld; they are born through a wormhole; crossing rivers, walking through the forest, some people turn into birds, animals, reptiles]: 124-125; kiowa ["supernatural ancestor" brings people to our world by releasing one of the poplar logs with an empty core; the pregnant woman gets stuck, those who followed her could not get up; therefore, the Kiowas are few in number]: Mooney 1898b: 152-153; tonkawa [reproduced during the Wolf Dance the story of the appearance of tonkawa; a 50-man in wolf skin entered the house in single file, sniffed it, one began to dig the ground, found a living tonkawa; he asked to bury him again, for he did not know how to live in this world; Wolves refused him, gave him bows and arrows, taught him how to get everything he needed, and prohibited him from settling and cultivating the land on pain of death]: Newcomb, Campbell 2001:961-962.

Southeast USA. Caddo: Dorsey 1905, No. 1 [people live underground in the old-dwelling-middle of darkness; choose the Month as chief, go west to go to earth; Coyote decides there will be too many people; violates prohibition to look back; some people return to the underworld; The month cries because it has caused people to suffer, its tears form a lake; it ascends to heaven]: 7-13; Mooney 1896 [people and animals live together in an underground cave; the month-chief finds a way to the surface; the old man is the first to climb, carrying fire, a pipe and a drum; his wife carries corn and pumpkin seeds; the wolf looks around, gets stuck in the hole, some people can't get up; the dead return to mother land]: 1093-1094; Swanton 1942:26 (Natchitopches tribe; =Mooney 1896:1093-1094) [people live underground, get to the surface from caves in the hill; people and animals lived together under the ground like brothers; when they found a hole, the old man came out first, holding a fire and a smoking pipe in one hand, a tambourine in the other; when the wolf climbed, he got stuck, some people have stayed in the lower world; because the caddo came out of the earth, they call her mother and return to it after death; caddo never leave fire, tambourine, corn, pumpkins, because they themselves carried them to the ground; the caddo sailed near the mouth of the Red River and went up this river], 27 [by Freeman 1806; the creator of Enikko sends a flood as punishment for wars; husband, wife, and two children flee to cave in a hill; send a bird, it comes back with a straw; they board a raft, sail to look for land]; tunic [people come out of the depths of the hill]: Haas 1950, No. 1:19; avoel [coming out the lands must be silent; one person screams, the hole closes; those left underground are half-fish]: Haas 1950, No. 2:21; choctaw: Mould 2004:64-65 [(Halbert 1901:269-270); muskogi left Nanih Waiya, dried up, went east; then the Chirokee came out, followed the tracks, lost their way, turned north; the Chickasaw came third, followed the Chirokee path, settled near them; choctaw came out fourth and last, stayed in Nanih Waiya], 65 [(Bushnell 1910:526); a hill formed, with a passage that led to the depths of the earth; after plants and animals appeared on the ground, The choctaws came out from there to Nané Chaha ("high hill", apparently the same as Nanih Waiya, north of the Choctaw group in Louisiana; see p. 247); from there they scattered but remembered the hill where they first saw the sun] 65-66 [(Bushnell 1910, No. 2:527, quail in Swanton 1931:37ff); in a cave in the depths of the earth, the Great Spirit Aba created humans and grasshoppers out of yellow clay; down the passage leading to the top of Nané Chaha Hill, they began to come to the surface and disperse around the world; then people killed the mother of grasshoppers in the cave, new grasshoppers no longer rose; people kept getting up and stepping in the grass on the grasshoppers, trampled on them; the grasshoppers were afraid that they would all be trampled, asked Aba to kill people; he closed the passage; the people left underground turned into ants, still crawling to the surface from crevices in the ground], 66-67 [(Bushnell 1909:30; =1910:527); the good spirit Aba created choctaw out of yellow clay, they came out of the depths of the earth to a surface where there were no people before them; people came together and began to stack stones to get to the sky; the wind blew, scattered rocks; the same two more times; the fourth time the rocks fell on them at night; they survived but spoke different languages], 67-68 [(Catlin 1841:128); the people of the current Crawfish band lived in a deep dark cave underground, resembled shrimp, walked on all fours, did not speak or understand the language; to enter and get out of the cave her, they had to overcome a layer of clay; when these shrimp people got out to bask in the sun, they tried to talk to them; one day they caught them by surprise, the shrimp people went through a crack in the stone, Choctaw smoked them outside, taught them to speak and walk on two legs, cut off their claws, plucked hair on their bodies, accepted them into their people; the rest still live underground]; Cushman? [when the first people come out of the ground, they're like they're wearing cocoons; the Great Spirit sends someone to unfold them, straighten their dicks; someone in the east owns the fire, see motive D4A] in http://www/earthbow/com/native/choctaw/spider.htm; Wright 1828 (The Misionary Herald): 182-183 in Swanton 1931 [people come to the ground from the hill; the Creator stomps his foot, those who only have time to stick their heads out died; The creator says that people will be immortal; they do not understand, they ask again; the Creator is angry, takes away their gift of immortality]: 201; alabama [people were made of clay in the depths of the earth; half of them decided to go to the ground; they stayed four times for the night (camped four times), went to earth at noon]: Swanton 1929, No. 1:118; koasati [people went to earth at noon, immediately became plant and sow]: Kimball 2010:49-50; alabama, koasati [like Alabama; alabama and koasati rise from the ground on opposite sides of the roots of a huge tree; at first they only come out at night; many came back, frightened by the cry of an owl]: Martin 1977:3; screams [some say people have come down from heaven, others say they have come out of the ground; earth is man's mother]: Swanton 1928a: 480; Seminoles [people come out of the mountain; Puma has a big head, he can't crawl; The wind pulls out the roots of the trees growing on the mountain, the Puma comes out; followed by the Bird and the Snake genera]: Greenlee 1945:141.

Big Pool. Northern Payut: Palmer 1946:14-19 [people lived in a cave in the mountains to the west; went east through the desert, old people, children and sick died; one day a shaman took several people to check if not whether the payut is left in that cave; forbids killing a snake, a bird on the way - maybe it's the creator of Shinob; at the cave they hear singing in Payut tongues from the depths; S., who first took the form a huge frog, says it's impossible to get back there; everyone stuck an eagle feather in their hair and told them to continue wearing such feathers], 107-112 [Payut lived in a cave in the mountains far west; there it's always dry, warm in winter and cool in summer; Tobats told his little brother Shinob to take people east; he told them to take bean and corn seeds with them; old and sick died en route through desert; people reached the red mountains, settled in small caves like that big cave; went down to the streams in the valley to sow seeds; gradually the streams dried up and people began to hunt].

The Great Southwest. Havasupai [people live underground; one of the two brothers planted a vine near the pond, it grew in a spiral; people climbed one turn in a day, after a long time they came to the ground; one girl slept with all men, but no one married her; she became a tobacco plant; when men smoked, she became a woman again, laughed, left; women noticed scars on her head; she jumped into the pond, became a frog, the water began to rise; the older brother created the moon, calling it the sun; the younger sent the real sun to the sky; the sky was low, the sun was moving too fast; the younger brother pushed the sky sixth; by this time the water in the lower world had risen and poured to the ground; people had placed a girl, water, food, birds, animals in an empty log; the rest of the people drowned; the woodpecker clung to sky, water soaked his tail; the water came down, the log fell to the ground by the waterfalls in Little Colorado; the girl put her vagina in the sun, then splashed at the waterfall, gave birth to a daughter (var.: she became pregnant by a woodpecker ); told her to do what she did, her daughter gave birth to a boy; he grew up; arrow reeds grew behind the crushing rocks; the young man managed to slip through, take the reeds, slip back; smeared his clothes with blood, the eagle carried it to his nest; he killed 8 big eagles, 4 eagles; blew, the rock became sand, he went down, bringing feathers for arrows; his father gave him a horse; cut it, put lightning in his son; said that he was water and sun ; father showed him the world; the young man went east, his grandmother went west]: Smithson, Euler 1994:36-39; yavapai: Gifford 1932:243 (SE band) [tree pierces the lower world sky]; 1933a (SV yavapai): 349- 364 [people lived underground at the bottom of a deep hole; there was a pine tree ("dog-tail tree") wrapped in a vine; people climbed it to the ground, their leader was Hanyiko' (Frog); his shaman daughter did so that he was sick; before he died, he ordered him to be burned and watch the stars; when two stars appeared in the east before sunrise, they would be feathers that adorn his head; in 2 months, 5 stars would appear, this is his right hand; after 3 months it will be cold, his whole body will be visible; the red star will mark 4 months; corn will grow on his grave; when the corpse is burned, everyone surrounds the fire, but the Coyote jumps over through a short Badger, grabs, carries, eats the heart; before that, people said that the deceased would be reborn in four days; Coyote: let him die forever; H. died forever; they agreed with Coyote; his daughter died, people refused to change their mind; it snowed; people: the mountains were covered with cornmeal; Coyote: snow; so the snow does not consist of cornmeal; when it rained, the dry tree did not get wet; Coyote : let it get wet; because Coyote took possession of H.'s heart, water poured out of the hole from which people came to the ground; people placed all kinds of seeds and the girl in the hollowed out pine trunk, sealed ; after the flood, the girl went out, the others died; she lay down so that water dripped into her vagina, the sun was shining on her; conceived and gave birth to a girl; she grew up, her mother placed her in the same place, but Water and Sun did not want to get along with her daughter; then the mother covered her with her body and the daughter became pregnant; her son Skatakaamcha; his mother took the eagle and fed her chicks; he interrupted the partridge's leg; when he fixed it, she talked about the fate of his mother; S. decided to kill a monstrous bull (bison?) ; The badger dug an underground passage under him, S. plunged a hot knife into the monster, killed him; put on a stomach filled with crumbs; the eagle brought it to the nest; the eagles say that the prey is alive, the eagle does not believe; the eagle flew away, the eagle flew in, S. killed her with a hatchet; told the eagles to remain silent; killed the eagle when it returned; threw the eagles out of the nest; made the rock half as low, but no more; The Bat lowered it into basket; he opened his eyes, they fell, the Bat was injured, S. cured her; came to his grandmother, who was crying; he threw eagle feathers at her, said he killed both eagles; married; The Wind stole his wife; Spider warns that Wind offers to compete, kills losers; S. beat him in a ball and ring game; won a competition whose hair is longer; Wind stabbed S. 4 times without causing harm; S. killed him with a knife; threw one hand east, the other south, one leg west, the other north: let the wind blow from different directions; S. brought his wife back; grandmother: there is a bad Chewasistesikkaamcha; S. came to him into the house, slowly throws food away for fear of being poisoned; killed C. with a knife; Bear's arrow reeds; S. invites him to marry his grandmother; he gave reeds; believes that the best tips are coal ; S. killed him with flint; the tree for the ends of the arrows at the Owl; S. and offered him his grandmother as his wife; she found the heart of the Owl, it was on the sole; S. shot there, killed the Owl; an bow tree in the canyon with converging and diverging walls; S. put a deer horn between them; went east to his father the Sun; the Sun's wife warns that the Sun will try to kill S. in the steam room; but S. is not afraid of the heat; the Sun recognized his son, let him choose a horse; a man at the cliff pushes passers-by with his foot; he grew up with his back to the rock; S. lets a chanterelle first, it dodges; then a rattlesnake, the man is afraid of it; S. disconnected him with an ax from the cliff, threw it into the abyss; below 6-7 women devour the fallen; S. threw that man's stomach into the fire, he burst into the eyes of the women, S. hacked them; there was a boy, he ran to the cave, S. did not I managed to get it, left the snakes to guard, but they fell asleep; the boy left, creating new ones like him; grandmother: you can't handle them], 402-412 (Western yavapai) [people live underground; younger brother invites the elder to illuminate the world; he makes a disc, smears ocher, hangs it, but the younger one makes a disc of white lime, smears ocher; it gets light but too hot; the younger brother asks the eldest to raise the sky with a reed pole, he did it; at night, the elder brother touches the genitals of his two daughters; they hide on the shore under the willow, where he relieves himself, and swallow his bowel movements; he begins to lose strength, tells him to be cremated after death; people sent the Coyote for fire, at which time they lit a fire, standing around; the Badger was lower than the others, the Coyote jumped over him, took his heart and ate it; the burnt heart had to lay the ground, cultivated plants would grow; and so only one corn stalk would grow; the best cobs went to the Hopi and Navajo, and the worst yavapai; people decided to get to the upper world; the hummingbird found a hole in the sky; under the guidance of their younger brother, they planted a pine tree and a vine that wrapped around it; they climbed up, but the old man and his two granddaughters stayed; when they got to the ground, from water poured in the holes; the flood was caused by those two daughters of the older brother who turned into frogs; people hollowed out a pine tree, put food inside the girl and sealed it; only the girl survived, the rest drowned; she lay down with her vagina under the rays of the sun and under drops of water, conceived, gave birth to a daughter; she grew up, tried to repeat everything, but the Sun and Water recognized their daughter, conception did not occur; then the mother covered her daughter's body with her body, the Sun and Water did not notice the substitution; the daughter gave birth to a son Matinyaupakaamcha; the eagle took her to its nest and ate it, M. stayed with her grandmother; interrupted the bird's leg with a stone; she: if you'll cure him, I'll say something; when he finds out that the old woman is not his mother, but his grandmother, killed the eagle, on the advice of his grandmother, by heating the tip of his spear; the grandmother sends him to kill the bison (ox); the badger and the gopher dug an underground passage under lying bison; the mouse plucked the hair from where the heart was, explaining that its children were cold; M. pierced the bison from below; he plunged his horn into the underground passage, but M. dodged; made a cape out of the skin, and under it bison blood; allowed the eagle to grab itself; blood gushed, the bison decided that M. was killed; the chicks see that the prey was alive, but the eagle did not believe; when it flew away, M. found out where the eagle would fly; becoming a lizard, smeared with resin the place where the male and female sit; killed the eagle; told the chicks to remain silent, otherwise they would kill; The Bat lowered M. in the basket, ordering them to close their eyes; he opened, they fell, M. broke the Bat's bones, but cured her; M. looked into the grandmother's house through a hole in the roof; called her; grandmother: the wind was whistling; when he saw her grandson, she began to dance with joy; the bald eagle took M. to an island on the lake; there were already many prisoners there; M . ordered the prisoners to eat crushed flint to the eagles and hide, digging an underground passage; the eagles died; the crane stretches its leg across the lake; people cross it like a bridge; children fall into the water, turn into ducks; M. decides to make a bow; the grandmother warns of dangers every time where to look for bow materials; onion wood where the canyon walls converge and diverge; M. shoved between they have a deer horn, took out the material; reeds for arrows owned by Owl; M.: I propose marriage to my grandmother; Owl is glad, he gave reeds himself; when Owl came, M. told his grandmother to find out where his heart was; in the sole legs; M. shot there, killed Owl; the grandmother straightened her vulva with an arrow; when M. looked, the arrow broke; where the flint for the tips, sparks fly out; M. covered himself with a turtle shell, took out flint; wood for the front of the arrows owned by the Bear; M. called him to marry his grandmother; said he was making charcoal tips; The bear believed, shot M. with a coal arrow with a tip, and M. killed him with an arrow with a flintlock tip; grandmother: cut the deer in a clearing, not under a tree; M. began to cut under a tree; a naked woman came down from the tree, chased M. to get along with him; the grandmother hid it under the hearth; but the woman began to write there, M. got out; M. made penises out of blue stone, quartz, lava and clay, used it every single night, breaking off women's vaginal teeth; she became his wife; she was actually a bear; offered to drive game at him; he hung his clothes on a pole; three or four bears rushed at her, M. killed them, pulled out their fangs and claws; Spider told M. that the Wind took his wife away; let M. compete with him outside, not in his cave; who would chase the ball faster; M. won all the prisoners and the life of the Wind; who has longer hair, M. won again, killed The winds were a club; they spent the night in the Wind Cave; the wife became snakes in front of the entrance, M. jumped over them; M. went to look for his father, the Sun; spent the night with people who wanted to kill him; closed him for the night eyes with pebbles ("glass eyes"), the owners think that he is awake; the Sun's wife to her husband: your son has come; he wants to test the visitor, invites him to the steam room; M. all gives up a couple and says it's cold, The sun believes he is his son; M. tamed the horse, went home; the Sun and the Cloud began to argue over him; each painted one half of his body; M. returned east to the Sun, and the grandmother went west to the Sun, and the grandmother went west to ocean]; hicarilla: Goddard 1911 [girls twist their reeds; then people build four stairs of elk and bison antlers], No. 1:193; Mooney 1898a [people live in the dark in the lower world; Bear, Puma, Owl and other nocturnal animals want darkness, Magpie, Partridge and others want light; decide to play; those who want light win four times; first time Black Bear, then Brown, then Puma, Owl go into darkness; accordingly, the Morning Star, dawn, more light, the Sun appear; the Sun tells people to go upstairs; they pour four hills to the cardinal points, each planting plants with fruits matching colors: black in the east, blue in the south, yellow in the west, variegated in the north; hills stop growing when two girls go to pick berries; so boys do not grow after the first contact with women; feathers too light to make a ladder; four bison put their horns in; people go to the ground; horns have been crooked ever since; the ground is covered with water, four winds appropriate colors drain it]: 198-199; Opler 1938, No. 3 [a mountain in the lower world stops growing when two girls climb it; Spider and Fly climb the web, throw people a rope out of the sunny rays; the earth is covered with water; four abandoned hoops drive it away; people send four Ravens, who eat dead fish and aquatic animals, do not return; white Laska tells us what the Crows are doing; Badger has stained its paws in the mud; Beaver is building dams; that's why rivers exist]: 16-25; Western Apaches: Goddard 1918 (San Carlos) [pine, reeds do not grow to the sky; black metal plants grow and pierce it]: 28; Russel 1898 [frightened by a witch and a sorcerer, the sun and moon run away from the lower world; people follow them, tell four mountains to grow; two girls stop this one growth; they turn into rabbits; people climb stairs; an old woman decides to stay in the lower world; the dead will come to her]: 254-255; lipan: Opler 1940, No. 1 [people live in the dark underground, the earth is covered by water; the wind goes out to explore, the earth is covered with water, it turns the water like a blanket; the Raven, the Beaver are sent to explore; one eats dead fish, the other builds dams, does not return; The badger returns; four people are sent to create rivers, mountains; animals, birds, trees, and the last people to come to the ground; trees remain where they currently grow; lipans are the last to come out after the tonkawa] , 2b [people live in a cave in the west; Antelope, Bakers, Woodpecker are the first to go out; devour anyone who tries to follow; husband, wife and daughter are saved; the daughter marries the Crocodile; he destroys monsters, turns them into antelopes, bakers, woodpeckers; people come out of the cave]: 13-15, 26-29; Navajo [humans go up through three or four underworlds; reeds grow to the sky]: Goddard 1933 [first ancestors They rise from the lower world first into the blue world of birds, then into the yellow world of ants; here is where the flood begins; they plant reeds, climb it to the ground; the woodpecker has cut a hole in the sky of the yellow world]: 128, 130-131; Johly, B'yash 1958 [only one underworld]: 5-6; Klah 1960 [underground worlds from the bottom up: dark, blue, yellow, white]: 1-6; O'Bryan 1956 [they climb fir first, it does not reach the sky]: 3-10; Matthews 1994, No. 1 [people climb through the four lower worlds: red, blue, yellow, black and white; pine, juniper, fir do not reach the sky in the last of the underground worlds]: 63-76; Stephens 1930 [The spider spins the net, the Coyote catches the child of the water monster Teholtsodi with it, gives it to the Spider; the flood begins; two young men plant reeds, people climb into it, it grows, the Badger breaks through a hole through the sky into the upper world; people dry it; water follows them; The spider throws the child into the water, the water goes underground]: 100-102; Zolbrod 1995:35-48 [first insect people (ants, beetles, dragonflies, locusts) live in the lower red world; adultery prevails, water floods the world, insect people fly to the sky, find a hole, penetrate the blue world of swallows; there is nothing to eat there, they they fly into the yellow world of grasshoppers; there they are not allowed to drink, they fly into a black and white world; every time they send scouts to find out how far the earth stretches; only in a black and white world can't scouts reach the end of the earth, that world is larger than the lower ones; {who are scouts is not directly said, but they fly, i.e. insects}], 73-83 [the black and white world is about to be flooded with water too; a couple of Squirrels plant juniper and pine pignon, they don't grow tall enough; a pair of weasels - fir and pine - grow taller but not enough; the young man poured sacred land, planted 32 reeds with 32 knees; they immediately grew up, merged into one giant reeds with a hole in the east; people have entered the reeds, the waters have flooded, but the reeds grow and rest against the sky; the Black Feather attaches it to the sky with its pen, so the reeds are on top of the head like a feather; the Hawk scratched a hole in the sky, the Locusts widened, climbed to the other side, ended up on an island; there were four loons on different sides, pierced themselves with arrows, alive; the Locusts also pierced, so there is a hole in the locust's body; the Badger widened the hole, now people have been able to get to the ground; Badger's legs are dirty, they are still dark; the Blue Body threw stones in four directions, they pierced holes in the rocks, the lake waters have subsided; people have crossed from the island to the mainland]; Hopi [if not otherwise: climbing reeds; across the three lower worlds]: Cushing 1923, No. 1-8 [the lower world cave is full, everyone's garbage stains the others; two twins grew to the ceiling, made a hole; they grew reeds, and people went up to the second world, then to the third; here the twins got fire, they lit torches, built houses; here women abandoned their children, confused their husbands, occupied kivas; men carried babies there to feed them; then men made their way to the fourth world; it's dark here too , also wet; people made a deerskin shield, decorated it with turquoise, sent it east, it became the sun; the cape became the moon; the Coyote opened the vessel, stars flew out of it, burned his face; Vulture drove the water away with his wings, mountains appeared; the twins laid canals, and water gushed through them]: 163-166; Fewkes 1923 [people came to earth, going up through the four lower worlds; the kiva depicts one of the underground worlds worlds; a hole in her floor is a symbolic connection with an even lower world]: 490; Stephens 1929, No. 1 [fir cannot pierce the lower world sky], 4, 20 [from a small container underground; planted in cracks reeds break stone shell]: 5, 10, 52; Voth 1905 [one underworld; climb reeds], No. 3 [two pines, sunflowers do not grow to the sky (i.e. our land)], 4 [birds of three species do not reach to a hole in the sky; the fourth reaches], 5, 9:10-11, 16-17, 26-27, 38-41; Wallis 1936, No. 1:2-5; Zunyi [three to four lower worlds, earth fourth or fifth level]: Bunzel 1932 [The sun sends bring their two sons to the ground; they put a lightning arrow into a rainbow, shoot down, go down to the fourth underworld; they light a fire; they see people with membranes, tails, horns; they lead them to earth]: 584-593; Cushing 1883 [two sons of the Sun lead people through the three lower worlds; each world is getting brighter; on earth people see the light of the sun]: 13-14; Cushing 1896 [Avonavilon (All Father, The All-Content) appeared to be the Sun, created the ocean that held the world; the rising foam turned into the Four-Layer Mother Earth and the All-Covering Father Sky; they gave birth to people and all creatures in a four-layer in the womb of the world; becoming a woman (she is warm) and a man (he is cold), they spoke to each other, created clouds, rain, corn to feed people; the Sun sent its two sons to bring people out of the lower peace, gave them a cloud bow with thunder arrows; each of the four underground worlds was lighter than the previous one; at first people were unfinished, half-animals; when they rose to the ground, they found their full human form]: 378 in Judson 1994:19-23, in Thompson 2000, No. 6:17-19; Parsons 1923a [on reed]: 136-137; Marriott, Rachlin 1968 [the first people to come out of the lower world are Áshiwi; they have membranes on the fingers, bare tails, moss covers the body, one ear is under it, the other is covered; the gods cut off their tails and ears, told them to swim, they have become normal people; other peoples have come out after Zunya, the last Apache and Navajo; people do not want the sorcerer and witch to come out; they say that otherwise it will not rain; they are allowed to kill a young man with a girl; after a man's rain, a young man gets up alive from graves, after a woman - a girl; sorcerers sow corn, it ripens in the evening; bitter as pepper; it was eaten by a crow, an owl, a coyote, it became sweet; but these animals and birds have been stealing crops since then]: 96-99; Quam 1972 [The Great Spirit (the Sun) tells stars to descend into the fourth underworld and summon humans from there; Jaatdon and Chuatdon have planted plants that have reached the surface; yucca and willows grew up in four corners, people rose to the ground; soon there was a noise, as the members of the Coyote family were halfway; the stars helped them rise; again, the noise, it was the sorcerer, picked him up; people went to the way, the girl was left behind; her brother came back for her and they committed incest; the girl gave birth to Clayheads; they now live under the hill and Kachina under another; people crossed the river, their children turned into fish, frogs, turtles; then became Kachina]: 129-130; Stevenson 1904 [The sun and moon were above, and Shi'wanni and his wife Shi'wanno'c Kia in the lowest tier of the world gave birth to many A'shiwi; in the dark they they step on each other's feet; the Sun sent their sons Kow'wituna and Wats'usi to them, they extracted fire by friction; for people to rise, place a pine tree, fir in the second world below, and aspen in the third world; A'shiwi who rose into our world had tails and long ears; they cut off their tails and ears, washed them, they became Zunyas; the same with other peoples who followed]: 25-29; Western ceres: Boas 1928a: 221 -222 (Laguna) [At the beginning, Thought-Woman lived on an island in the lower world, there was water around; she looked like a man; when people came to earth, it was dark, only the water was slightly shining; Woman- Thought told the sun to rise in the north, west, south, finally east; people went out, dispersed on the ground], 222-223 (Laguna) [Our Mother lived among the waters in the lower world; went to the middle of the south, where the Thought Woman asked who would create; Our Mother called two spiders, they went to the middle of the north, west, south, east, returned to Our Mother sitting on a tiny island in the waters; she had a long fish the tail, the Old Flame cut it off; Our Mother was in the white world among white waters; above was the red world, then the blue world, then the yellow world; Our Mother rose through the four worlds, created man in our world; people climbed notched fir prayer sticks]; Stirling 1942 (Akoma) [one of four pines]: 1-2; White 1932 (Akoma): 142 [people crawl out of the Shipap hole like grasshoppers , located on the north side; Mother tells the sun to shine, people become stronger and larger], 147 [two sisters tell the possum to dig deep; he gets to people; people crawl to the ground; sisters put them facing east; the sun rises, people's eyes open]; oriental keres (Sia) [people climb the reed; two sisters tell the Grasshopper to go through the ground]: Stevenson 1894:36-37; Tiwa (Isleta) [mythical creatures dig a hole in the ground; humans ascend it from the underworld]: Parsons 1932c, No. 2:362; Tewa (Hano): Parsons 1926, No. 1:169- 172 [var.1; women decide they can live alone; stay in the village, men go across the river; every year men harvest more abundant and women poorer crops; the flood begins, women they try unsuccessfully to build a tower to the sky; men plant a pine tree, it grows to the sky but does not break through it; reeds pierce; first the Badger, then the rest climb into the upper world; half of the women failed to get up, she drowned; the Mockingbird gives his tongues to speak; in the lower world, people had tails, now they have lost them; it's dark around; two young men (Son of the Sun and Son of Ooiling Water) together with the Coyote, he is instructed to place stars in the sky; young men place the Pleiades, the Big Dipper, Orion, the Morning Star, and some others; the Coyote gets tired of this job, he throws the remaining stars at a mess; young men put a month in the sky made of a wedding cape, and the sun from bison skin, white fox skin and parrot tail; the sun doesn't move; Coyote: someone must die; the girl dies, the sun moves until noon, stops again; now the young man dies; Coyote explains that every day a person must die in the morning, at noon and in the evening, then the sun will move; first the dead returned on the fifth day; Coyote says this is wrong, dies and does not return; the widower looks into the hole from which people came out, sees his dead wife and Coyote below], 172-175 [var.2; in in the lowest world, people were black ants; when they rose to the second, they became tailed creatures; in the third world they became human; in the first world it was dark, in the second world there was a little light, in the third world it was like from the moon; further like var.1; languages are given by the Bear; Mockingbird explains that people must die regularly to keep the sun moving]; tova (Hemes) [people lived in the lower world; saw a hole in his roof, went up to the next one; it was in the north, people went south, almost all died from hunger and cold; the moon asked her husband The Sun to save them; the Sun dressed up and painted one man as a jester; people laughed at him grimacing, cheered up and reached the Rio Grande; wild tribes began to push people into caves and cliffs, preparing to exterminate; the Moon again asked the Sun to help, he gave people a wise man Pest-ya-sode; under his leadership, people defeated enemies; he taught pueblo construction, rituals, etc.]: Reagan 1927:722-724; series: Kroeber 1931, No. 1 [people were born in reed, series in one joint, Mexicans, Americans, Chinese in others; God (Dios, Yos) came from the south then from the east (?) , lighting the signal lights; only the series did not come to him, so they have nothing]: 12; Olmos Aguilera 2005 [first, a large carrizo or bamboo grew out of the ground; a people came out of each of its joints ; at the very top were the seri, then the gringos, the Chinese, the Apaches, the Yaks, and the Mexicans at the very bottom; there was another nest outside the bamboo, and the enemies of the seri, papago, came out; when God came, the gringos came first, followed by them Mexicans, and the series did not go out to greet him at all, so they did not receive anything; the first episode was the First Woman, and the Painted Woman, because she was painted blue; met a man, they have children, they bred; from the Sun, which appeared in its inhuman form, she conceived a daughter; after the 7th generation they did not marry sisters]: 139-141.

NW Mexico. The Huichol [Huichol come from an area south of their current habitat; walking underground to where they were supposed to be born, they took the wrong road and went north than they should have; by Jaime Espinosa Ramos 1963 (Las montañas y las cuevas en el pensamiento prehispánico. Tesis para obtener el grado de maestro en ciencias antropológicas, México, Escuela Nacional de Antropología e Historia)]: Limón Olvera 2010:75-76.

Mesoamerica Huasteci [the land was flat; at the first sunrise, the ancestors threw themselves upside down into the ground, creating valleys and mountains; they have since lived underground; at the beginning of the solar era, they stole people and pets (dogs, cows, chickens, horses, pigs, donkeys); later, a hero brought people and animals to the ground and closed the lower world; the first ancestors still come to earth in the form of winds, kidnapping teen souls (Huastec self-name) and thus causing illness]: Ariel de Vidas 2002:536-537; Aztecs (Chalco) [Camashtle hit a rock, and four hundred chichimecs, whom we call otomi, came out of there, who lived here before the Mexicans conquered these places; a double-headed deer descended from the sky; K. told the inhabitants of the village of Cuitlahuac to honor him as a god; for four years they fed him rabbits, snakes and butterflies; The Chichimecs waged war with K., took away the deer that made him win]: Garibay 1965:36-37; the Aztecs [in the sky were the god Citlalatónac (Citlaltónac) and the goddess Citlacue; the goddess gave birth to a dagger, He was thrown from the sky, he fell to Chicomóstoc ("seven caves"), 1,600 gods came out of it; they sent Tlótli ("falcon") to their mother to give them the opportunity to create people for their needs; the goddess replied that if the gods were the right way, they would stay with her (in heaven), and since they did not deserve it and want to be served on earth, let Mr. Mictlan of the Underworld Tecutli will give them the bone and ash of those who died during the flood; the gods chose one of them named Xólotl as messenger to MT; after receiving bone and ash and fearing that MT would change his mind, S. set off to flee; MT chased Then, S. fell, the bone (it was the bone of the hand, una braza) broke into large and small pieces, so there are big and small among people; having collected what he could, S. came to the gods; what was brought in the vessel, all the gods extracted blood from various parts of their bodies (as they still do during sacrifices), irrigated the contents with it, and on the fourth day a boy appeared; they did the same again, a girl appeared; S. fed them with thistle juice (leche de cardo)..; people served the gods; but there was no sun; the gods met in Teotihuacan; they could not guess where the sun would rise, so they had to sacrifice himself; when the Sun rose, he said it would stand still until all the gods sacrificed themselves; Citli shot the Sun three times, but the arrows returned and killed him; then the gods decided die; S. killed them by opening their breasts, then killed himself]: Mendieta (retelling fray Andrés de Olmos) in Romero 1969:162-163; mixecs: Furst 1988 [in the Vienna Code and in the Zouchi- Code Nuttall shows little men (often legless and armless, in different iconographic versions) coming out of the ground or from various objects; these images seem to reflect the idea of a domistex population, while the ancestors of the royal Mixtec dynasty came out of wood at Apoala]: 20-22; Monaghan 1995 [the people of the village of Nuyoteco came out of the tunnel, were born in the depths of the earth, came out of the Utroba Seven cave ; and the people of Yukuhichi come from a dog]: 202; the Zapotecs [come out of the cave]: Thiemer-Sachse 1988:34; the southern lacandons: Boremanse 1986:271 [Sukunkyum decided that humans should came out of the underworld through a hole; if everyone came out, there would be no one to feed the Sun while it was in the lower world; S. ate his younger brother, slept hard, could not get up; remained master underworld; gave meat to the Sun, so it gets up slowly in the morning], 273 [when people came out of a hole in the ground, divided into units called animals].

Honduras vs Panama. Guatuso [after the flood, god throws a tobacco seed; people and animals come out of the cave]: Constela Umaña 1993, No. 7:150-151; sumu [(Western Moravian brother G.R. Heath in 1904, that told Walter Lehmann - Lehmann 1910:717 and 1920:463); between the Patuca and Coco rivers there is Mount Kaunapa, where there are images of human umbilical cords on the rocks; all Indians were born there; our father Maisahna and Great Mother Ituana; Sumu is also called Itoki, and miskito is Yapti Misri, which means "scorpion mother"; this couple gave birth to the first miskito (and sumu), then other Indians, the last Ulva]: Houwald, Rener 1984:28-29.

The Antilles. Taino [in the province of Caanau (Caunana near Martir Danghiere) has Mount Canta (Cauta), with two caves, Cacibagiagua (Caxi Baxagua) and Amaiauna; most of the people who inhabit Cacibagiagua came from Hispaniola; people first went out and returned at night; fishermen who were unable to return to the caves before sunrise turned into trees (in Mexico, these trees are called xocotl); a man named Marocael ( machochael) arrived late and became a stone at the entrance to the cave; Guagugiona sent a man named Giadruuana to collect grass that is used for washing; he became a bird that sings like a nightingale in the morning]: Anghiera 1912 (1), dec.1, vol. 9:168; Fouchard 1972:79-81; Pane 1932, ch. 1:186; Rodríguez Álvarez 2009:13.

The Northern Andes. Guajiro [each ancestral group emerges from its own rock or spring]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1986 (1), No. 39, 40:114-115; bari: Villamañan 1975:4 [at first there was only Ñanbokikorá ; i; it gave rise to earth, rocks, springs (pozos); then grass, trees, and pineapples grew; when the pineapples were ripe, each came out of a couple of people-a man and a woman or a boy and a girl], 6 [Sabaseba tired, Ourundou was with him; they began to eat ripe pineapples; the next day they saw bari come out of the cut ones, each man and woman, boy and woman; they cut more pineapples, some of them too couples of people came out; ichigbarí came out of the unripe; they live in the forest, walk at night, live in trees, they have poison].

Llanos. Yaruro: Petrullo 1939:114-115, 119; Wilbert, Simoneau 1990c, No. 2 [(=Petrullo 1939:238-239); first there was only Kuma, followed by Itciai, Puaná Kiberoh; K. wanted to get pregnant in the toe, but P. said that there would be too many people in this way; this is how Hachawa was born; P. created land, I. created water in rivers; H. found a hole in the ground, sees people below, lowers the rope; comes out equal the number of men and women; when a pregnant woman climbs, the rope breaks; therefore, there are few people; at first it is dark and cold; in the center of the earth, where K., there was a fire; H. threw a fish into the fire, it began to beat, scattered coals, people dismantled them], 6 [the first ancestors find a hole in the ground; they get the yaruro out like ants]: 20, 24; shikuani [Matsuludani (Mts.) sees a naked woman, sleeps in a hammock, ejaculates, a woman collects his sperm in a vessel, where the boy Maduedani (Md.) appears; runs after his father; he kills him, rubs him in powder, Md. immediately resurrects; Mts. brings him home; Md. sucks pineapples without cutting them; kills deer with a gun (another son Mts does not have firearms); Mts. makes a woman out of wax, she melts under the sun; from clay, dissolves in water; Hd. stomps on the ground, people come out of the hole; white - along with pets, mosquito nets and other property; Md. teaches what to do with cattle products, Indians do not listen to it; makes a lake for people to swim in it, change their skin and younger; snakes, crocodiles, spiders, grasshoppers climb into the water; people are afraid of them, refuse to even pour their calebasses; remain mortal; Md. rises to heaven]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1992, No. 35:166-170; cuiva [each ancestral group comes out of its own hole or spring]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1991b, No. 38-42, 75 [people come out of a hole in the ground; some men immediately rush to copulate with women; others are frightened by what is happening, they go back; these returnees were all beautiful], 83, 155:75-80, 128-129, 137, 229.

Southern Venezuela. Yabarana [people swallow up a hill during a flood; after the flood, Mayavoka opens a hill; people have multiplied]: Wilbert 1963:153; sanema [(Colchester 1981:52); the sky has fallen; the rest they pierced a hole alive with monkey bones, reached the current earth, i.e. the outer surface of the former sky]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1990b, No. 8:37-38; Yanomami: Polykrates 1967 [at first there was only a tribe Paríwa, who came out of the ground; they had no women; the chief made an incision in his ankle, and a girl came out; the men made her a wife, the people multiplied; the chief and his assistant divided the people into groups sent in different directions; the chief sent an assistant and several families through a post to the other side of the river, where they climbed the Lucuma caimito tree to collect fruits; the fish brought down the bridge, the chief his people went up the river, and those who climbed the tree turned into birds and monkeys; those who stayed under the tree became other animals living on earth]: 284-285; Wilbert, Simoneau 1990b, No. 12 [(Lizot MS); the sky fell, people hid under a cocoa tree; the sky was hot; people cut their way upstairs with axes; later these ancestors became underground creatures]: 44; Yanomam [(Albert MS); the great shaman died; unpossessed helper spirits cut the sky, it fell, pushing the earth and forest into the lower world; later Omamë created a new sun and month; the current earth is the opposite side of the fallen sky; those in the lower world turned into long-toothed cannibals; in the upper reaches of the river, the sky fell on the cocoa tree, there are now hills; some people hid under this tree; Parrot I punched a hole, people went out; these people became animals; Omamë made the current ones, opening a hollow tree trunk along.]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1990b, No. 7:35-36.

Western Amazon. Zion [people had tails underground; on earth, tails turned into monkeys]: Vickers 1989:160; Sekoya [like Zion]: Casanova Velasquez 1990:93, 97; Cipolletti 1988, No. 6:60-62; 172; mayhuna [the sky was in the place of the earth, the earth was in the place of heaven; the sky did not want to be like this, changed places with the earth; earthworms, centipedes were in the sky; Maineno went to heaven, there better; the sky was close to the ground; M. told Goukuko to shoot, he made a chain of arrows, it turned into a Maineno miime vine ("Maineno's vine"); people went up to see M.; worms also climbed, G. cut off vine, M. said that only the dead would come to see him; after the sky was in the place of the earth, people were crushed in the underworld; according to M., people began to climb to earth; a menstruating woman climbed in with everyone; those who climbed after her came back]: Bellier 1991b, No. 2:171-173; murato [people lived in an underground cave, the exit was guarded by a huge jaguar; one man killed; those who went out washed; who were the first in clean water to become Europeans, then Indians, then blacks]: Von Hassel in Stirling 1938:123; (cf. shuar [the woman cheated on her husband, he wanted to kill her, she ran away, got to the cave where they lived (and now live tayos birds (guajaro, steatornis caripensis, goats); caught and ate I liked it, brought it to my husband; he forgave his wife, came to the cave with other men, people got drunk in joy; began to eat eggs of various birds; whoever ate whose egg turned into that bird; everything the animals that are now in the forest have come out of this cave]: Porras García 1978:75).

NW Amazon. Puinawa [the first humans lived above the clouds; the monkey quarreled with them, they died fighting each other; a woman stayed, collected bones, put them to dry on the roof of the house; Tú arose from them pana, his brother Qáitan, their sisters Máunuddua and Amárrundua; T. killed his adopted mother, made her flesh into the underworld; underground people are dwarfs; they eat cassava, they have no fish in their rivers; they hardly hunt, because the animals in their world are huge; T. descended from the sky, blew into a rolled leaf, summoned some underground people to the ground through a hole on the Isana River, where the center of the world is; blew on them through a leaf tobacco, people became normal; taught culture; people became bad, T. ordered the rivers of the underworld to fill the ground with a flood; divided the survivors in mountains and trees into pairs, gave different languages; so To suppress the human race again, created Yopinai, under his leadership, women began to rule men; during rituals, women sang and danced in honor of Y., and men hid in the forest; J. told women to kill all male babies, they did not listen; then he ordered a month to eat only land and coal so that women would become infertile; men invited J. to a party, threw them into the fire; they grew out of dust palm trees and other trees with edible fruits; men began to control women; some J.'s bones were preserved, from which ritual musical instruments were made; T. taught how to make the same from wood, and throw originals into a lake in the center of the world]: Waldegg 1942:195-197 in Wilbert 1963:110-113; baniva [the creator of Yapirukuri saw people in his mirror; commanded his assistants Dzúri and Meríri They dug three holes, found people below; they began to pull people from different tribes (the first Siusi) upstairs; I told people to move to the other side; they were afraid of the Caymans, piranhas, and others creatures; only a "relative" I. was not afraid, became white; I sent him downstream, taught him how to make iron, gave him knowledge; gave him sacred flutes to others]: Brüzzi 1994:250-251; Hill, Moran 1983 (vacuenai) [Iñápirrikúli is the creator and converter of the world; pulled the ancestors of patrilineal exogamous groups out of the ground; this was near the village of Jipana on Rio Aiari (Isana's right tributary in Brazil)]: 121; Saake 1968:262-263; cubeo [the first humans were not created but came out of the rocks on river rapids in three places on the river. Vaupes; came out in the guise of an anaconda in pairs, dropping snakeskin and became human; the man in each pair became the founder of the family; each climbed up the river to their current habitat]: Goldman 1940:242; macuna [from places where the sun rises, people came underground to Upper Apaporis and grew out of the ground like plants there]: Hanke 1964:69; baniva (ipeka), tucano, pira-tapuya [at a low water level, a rock funnel is visible in the river about 3 m in diameter; at this point people have come out of the ground]: Brüzzi 1994:66; tucano [approaching the funnel The Creator ordered tukano to go to earth; indicated how people should behave; then Pira-tapuya came out, the Creator trained them; this is how all tribes]: Brüzzi 1994:67; tatuyo [Tatyuo tribal units are divided into three groups: the head, body and tail of the anaconda (i.e. anaconda boats in which the ancestors sailed from the lower reaches of the river); the genus Pamwa, "false brothers", occupies a special position; they did not sail with others, but came out of the hole to Earth is like a battleship ("tattoo"); people of the anaconda head call them older brothers and pamwa call them younger, although for others the people of the anaconda head are older]: Bidou 1976:76-77; utoto: Farabee 1922 [there was no sun or moon; monkeys came out of the hole in the ground, then some turned into humans]: 145; Girard 1958 [the first humans were no different from monkeys; Figueroni's mother cut them off at night tails, turned them into humans; stopped doing so at dawn, the rest became monkeys]: 78; Pereira 1980 (2) [it was night first; Caba sees tailed people coming out of a hole in the ground; cuts them off tails; those that came out after sunrise became monkeys]: 480; Preuss 1920-1921:112; 1921, No. 21 [(=1994:88); people came to earth from the cave], 5 [(=1994:97-99); Buineizeni was punished by the Sun for created a shaman tree; asked his brother to take it to a separate hut; as a snake, he sailed to the shore where his brother's daughters were; they were able to catch it after their father had trapped them; they planted the snake in a pot of water, fed cassava, the snakes grow, put them in a larger vessel, then let them into the lake; first he eats cassava, then crawls ashore to catch animals; lived in a cave, began to devour the first ancestors who came to earth; swallowed the girl herself; her father jumped the snake into his open mouth; when the serpent was swimming near his house, cut his stomach with a sharp shell, went out bald; his daughters tied his leaves like wings, he became an eagle; his beak was an ax, bringing his daughters the heads of monkeys and sloths, then began to eat people; he wanted to eat his daughters, but they locked themselves in the house called for help; people made a trap, killed the ogre eagle; his spirit became a harpy eagle]: 58, 64-65; Rojas 1986:106-107 [the first humans came out of the ground, they were released by Jitoma (The Sun); they went out at night, the wasp cut off their tails; those who came out after sunrise were left with tails, turned into monkeys], [people came out of the ground at night, had tails; the spider cut off their tails; after sunrise, it stopped cut off, these people became monkeys], 115 [the first people came out of the ground, their tails were cut off; those who came out after sunrise were not cut off, they became monkeys; Taife also wanted to go out, but did not crawl into hole; other taife (evil spirits) are out; some people are left underground, their screams are heard]; San Román 1986 [those who come to earth turn into people at night, stay with tails during the day, they are monkeys]: 113- 115; Wavrin 1932 [people came out of the ground; are descendants of the Kushinamui woman]: 135 (= 1937:548); Yépez 1982 [ancestors of the Murui group (associated with male, riding, black, dancing with fern leaves, bone) came out of the "people's hole" at night, went up to "open their eyes" to the hill, there were all kinds of food; Muinane ancestors (female, bottom, white, dance with wooden rods, flesh), coming out of the "people's hole", they went down to swim in the pond, got out of there; the fallen umbilical cords (ombligos) turned into a huge snake, then killed and eaten; Caraparan groups also left the "hole of the people" #225; and Igara-paraná]: 55-56.

Central Amazon. People come out of a rock, a stone. Surui [Palop comes to people in the guise of a dirty old man, the girl rejects him; then he is handsome, explains that he is a creator; people ask for forgiveness; he stains the whole house with his vomits, turns it into a rock; people locked inside call for help; Parrot, Mako hammering the rock outside, breaking axes; Woodpecker comes from afar, cuts a hole; people go out, pregnant woman gets stuck, turns into a honey bee; The woodpecker is unable to cut a new hole, the rest inside die]: Mindlin 1995, No. 7:62-65; gaviano, zoro [Gora is having a party appoints an organizer; turns into a little boy, asks the organizer's wife to take him out of need; becomes an adult again, copulates with her; people discuss this case; G. invites everyone into the house , turns it into stone; everyone lives inside for a long time; Parrots, Mako break their beaks trying to get out; a little bird breaks a hole; various peoples and tribal groups come out; the pregnant woman is stuck, turned into honey; those behind her were left inside the rock]: Løvold 1987:421-425; parintintin [Mbaira lives on the ground in a large stone with her people; fishing from the river daughter, who was in the guise of a catfish; catfish; catfish caught outside the village and provoked people to shoot at it]: Kracke 1992:137; munduruku: Barbosa Rodrigues 1890 [Rairu's shamanic knowledge is greater than his father Karusakahiby; his father is his enemy; 1) asks him to get an arrow from a tree; R. tells the thorns on the trunk to turn, climbs a tree, brings an arrow; 2) K. sends R. to the garden plot, knocks him down he has all the trees, he is alive; 3) sets fire to fallen trees, R. hides in a hole; 4) K. makes a battleship out of leaves; R.'s hand sticks to it, the battleship drags him into the hole; R. gets out, reports that burrow people; first ugly people come out, then beautiful ones; the rope breaks off, some of the beautiful ones remain underground; K. paints people; many begin to doze, he turns dozing off into birds, bats , wild pigs, butterflies]: 250-251; Kruse 1952:929-930; Murphy 1958, No. 4 [Karusakaibö promises a newborn daughter as Daiïrú's wife; she dies after copulation; K. sends D. to a tree for with an arrow, he does not fall; on a palm tree with thorns on the trunk, he does not peel off; on the site, sets fire to the vegetation around; D. turns into an armadillo, climbs underground (Var.: K. asks D. to grab the tail battleship, which drags D. into his hole); D. gets out, reports that people are underground; wild Indians come first, then peaceful Indians, then munduruku; a flying bird cuts the rope with its beak, the most beautiful people stay underground; only K. has a wife, he makes other women out of clay; they don't have a vagina; agouti, paka, squirrel and other animals began to copulate with them, making vaginas, so they are of different shapes; D. sprinkled rotten wood decay on them, so the smell; K. invited D. to swim, ordered them to take a flat stone on the way, carry it on his head; the stone began to grow, turned into the current sky; from D. roots have grown, it has become an apoi tree (high in the jungle); it still supports the sky, but it is not known where]: 77-79; Souththey 1862, Spix and Martius in Barroso 1930 [the recording location is not known, but the heroes have Munduruku names]: 7-80.

Eastern Amazon. Hissing [during the storm, the sky fell to the ground; people gathered under a large tree that did not break; the battleship and Paka made a hole through the sky; people came out; holding the sky (= current earth) the tree has collapsed; in the future, catastrophe will happen again]: Nimuendaju 1920:1008; urubu [the sky fell, it became dark; the ancestors began to hammer the sky, five people went upstairs; then the sky again rose]: Huxley 1956:214.

Central Andes. Huamachuco (dep. La Libertad) [Ataguju creates together with Sugad-Gabra and Ucioz-Gabra created Guamansiri (Huamansuri, i.e. "Son of the Falcon"), sends them to land in Huamachuco, where Guachemines live; they force him to cultivate them fields; he seduces their sister Cautaguan; they burn him, push his bones into dust, she rises to the sky to A.; Cautaguan gives birth to two eggs, dies, throw eggs on a pile of manure; they are picked up by a woman, one of them Cepokatequil (or simply Catequil) and Piquerao are born; Catequil revives his mother, she gives him the two slings left by his father; with them he kills some of the guachemines, drives the rest away; asks A. to populate the land new people; he tells you to dig on Guacat Hill, aka Ipuna, on the site of Puerto de Santa between Trujillo and Lima; Catequil digs with a silver and gold shovel, people come out of the ground; with his sling Catequil produces thunder and lightning]: Relación 1918:19-21; see also Tello 1923a:142-144 (full text); San Pedro 1992 in Topic 1998:112 (summary); Incas [Viracocha found various groups of people on island on Lake Titicaca, told them to go underground to places where they would live; each group came out of its own spring, caves, etc.]: Molina 1916:3-8.

Montagna - Jurua. Konibo [a hole in the ground opened when a strongman stamped his foot]: Kästner 1992:67; netbo [conibo come out of the ground]: Waisbard 1958-1959:65; marubo [people came out of the ground] , each matrilineal group from a special hole (cada seção de um buraco); then rose from the lower reaches of the river to where they live now; first, Yové Vai's journey to Shoko Nai was open to everyone; then a woman, offended by her husband, made the road close]: Melatti 1998 (http://pib.socioambiental.org/pt/povo/marubo/; date of visit 31.05.10); machigenga: Baer 1984:242 [playing, the child dug a hole; the Andean Indians came out from there], 243 [Andean Indians dug a hole to look for gold; Europeans came out from there]; Carrasco Hermoza 1970:232 (=Baer 1984:242, =1994:157), 233 (=Baer 1984:243, = 1994:157).

Bolivia - Guaporé. Takana (Sciamas) [the first people ate the wind; the old woman warned the two brothers that if they tortured the sloth, the earth would burn; they disobeyed, everything burned down; new people got out through A hole from the underworld, placing the poles one on top of the other; you can't feed on the wind anymore; the sloth has charred yellow spots on his back]: Hissink, Hahn 1961, No. 2:39; eseeha [eseha descended from heaven, foreigners came out of holes in the ground]: Alvárez 1942:155; chacobo [people come out of the ground]: Kelm 1972, No. 1a: 216; yurakare [see motif J16; Tiree and Kara goes to see Jaguariha, they see that her lips are covered in blood; she ate a man killed by a snake; they peel off her head, turn it into uruba, tell her to eat carrion; the snake guards a hole in the ground; T. tells the stork to kill her; people from different tribes (not Yurakare) come out of the hole; if T. wishes, arrows fall from the sky, people start fighting]: Orbigny 1844:213; moseten [an evil spirit kills a woman; people they burn a fire at the entrance to his cave, throwing pepper into the fire; the spirit comes out, he is killed; his captive people (the ancestors of the Moseten?) and animals]: Caspar 1953b: 170-171; aikana [Walemai noticed a hole under a large stone; raised the stone with a pole, from there men and women climbed, some without an arm or leg; W. was tired, lowered stone, some people left underground, turned into snakes; Detära gave people maize and cassava, stone axes, divided them into tribes]: Becker-Donner 1955:284-285; salamay [Hamú lived alone; I heard screams in the forest, saw a crack in the rock, widened it, people climbed from there; H. ran away in fear; people formed tribes; Sung' gave them corn, cassava, and other seeds and fruits]: Becker-Donner 1955:296; yabuti [there are two brothers; one is a yabuti named Kabebé, the other is a makurap named Karopzü; only the Ogre Bat has food; people come out of the ground and fall into its trap; brothers to hole, two girls appeared; K. turned into a bee, climbed into a hole; there were people in the stone receptacle; K. smashed it, people came out, spoke their tongues]: Maldi 1991:256-257; openwork [younger Makirein's brother, the eldest is Uakuberep; a boy came out of a hole in the stone; M. wanted to catch, missed it; people began to dig, people came out; the brothers turned into blood-sucking insects, began to suck human blood, from the nose, whose nails, teeth and Adam's apple are splashing in flame; he killed them, they came to life, carried away the fire; that man caused a fire; M. hid in an ant's hole, escaped; W. - in his grandfather's house, burned down; M. revived him]: Maldi 1991:259 ; (cf. sakirap [there were two brothers; at the initiative of the elder, they extracted fire by carving; came out of a hole in the stone]: Maldi 1991:260); makurap (Kanoä): Becker-Donner 1963, No. 1 [people came out of split stone, men have bows and arrows in their hands; first animals are like humans, each species has its own village; Maracana (Propyrrhura maracana Vieill.) brought corn from the village of the Jaguars; they did not want give, but the mother of the Jaguars, Deer (Camp-Hirsch, their meat is not eaten) helped; a little bird brought fire from there; the smut burned her beak, it turned red], 2 [people came out of the cliff; peaceful with mats, fire, corn, and wild ones with bows and arrows]: 447-448, 448-449; Maldi 1991 [shamans Beju and Nambō lived in a hole inside a stone; N. took a mixture of tobacco and hallucinogenic seeds, the way out opened; people came out; everyone has an animal or plant in their hands, people's names (mutum, leaf cutter ant, etc.); first came makurap, followed by yabuti, tupari, arua, later Europeans with a gun]: 255-256; tupari [s The gardens of two shamans Eroite and Tova-pot disappear corn and peanuts; E. follows in the footsteps, finds a hole in the ground covered with a stone; lifts it up, from there kinno climbs; they have horns membranes on the fingers, boar fangs; E. and T. make people out of k, give them breath and speech, teach them singing and music, cotton and tobacco farming, weaving; tribes disperse, tupari stay where they came out; E. tired of holding a stone, part of K. has remained underground; they feed only on palm fruits, they are hungry; when the tupari are extinct, they will come out, they will live on the ground; Europeans came out recently, so they are fair-skinned]: Caspar 1975:195.

Southern Amazon. Nambiquara: Oberg 1953 [the nambiquara were inside the stone mountain (it is being shown now); the monkeys heard voices coming from it, Okliháitlisu said; he became a black and white woodpecker I pierced a hole, some people were killed, some were maimed; the dead remained around the mountain, and those who are dying now are coming there; O. sent the crippled into the forest, the rest gave bows and arrows, flutes, taught farming, dancing and singing]: 96; Pereira 1983, No. 1 [the evil battleship Valuru and another evil spirit dig up the earth, water erodes it, the sun and moon go out, the sky falls, people die; new people live inside the cliff, they are immortal there; the Monkey (Callicebus personatus) hears their laughter; Agouti, Paka, Hummingbird, Turtle and others can't break the rock; Chelidoptera tenebrosa Vulture breaks, people go out, some stay in the rock; the storm begins, the sun begins (again?) disappears, children turn into anteaters, baskets into jaguars, arrows into snakes, calebas into turtles, men, women and other objects in other animals; a man, his sister, his little son are saved; they keep the fire on; the boy says that the sun will soon rise; it is rising; the woman's body spots like a jaguar, an anteater; the man washes them so that she does not become an animal too; marries his sister; their daughter marries a man's son; people come from these couples]: 7-13; Iranians [people live inside a rock; one turns into Chelidoptera tenebrosa, flies out, brings a flower; everyone likes him, people decide to live on earth; the old man warns that there will be illness and death; animals outside are hammering a rock; Paka, Aguchi break their teeth; The dragonfly softens the stone with its saliva; the woodpecker makes a hole; tribes go out; the old man stays in the rock; people clear plots for vegetable gardens; hunters kill various animals for the first time; the old man says what they are called, who can eat them and when]: Pereira 1985, No. 1 : 15-24; paresi [Wasaré and his siblings were inside the rock; Enoharé lived outside the stone with his wife Zorotiro and two children, a boy and a girl; the children heard a sound inside the stone sacred flutes; their father made a hole in the stone with a wooden sword, saw people inside; Urubu turned into a mueu, flew out, found out about the world, came back; W. told Agouti to expand the hole, but he broke tooth; tells different woodpeckers, each receives the peculiarities of their plumage as a reward; people came out, Sister W. got stuck because she had thick hips and stomach; the man with a toothache came out, although W. told him not go out; so did people with other diseases; then Nare's men came out with sacred flutes and rattles; they played in stone with a stone ball, giving it their heads; now they rolled, went where they led; The marten ate honey in the hollow, it was walled up there; his cuñado Ahoray saved him; everyone set fire, Marten broke the ban on looking back, everything burned down - there's savannah; where cuñado went - there was a forest-steppe; W.'s people hid from fire in the battleship's hole; a piece of bark (a fold of skin) grew to Tapir behind the fire; there was no water, Aguchi found the source, hid it; Tapir came in, the spring turned into a large lake; people settled; W. sent Kaxie become the sun by giving a feather crown; when the sun rose, people cut off their tails, shaved off their body hair, cut off the membranes on their legs and arms; the sun first shone round the clock; Dictyra sp.: I need stars to make it night; W. attached eagle feathers to the bodies of seven sons, turned them into Pleiades; other sons to Mars, the Evening Star, Aries, the Morning Star]: Pereira 1986, No. 2:34-69; vaura (about the same for Mehinaku and Yaulapiti, related to the Vaura Arawak groups of the upper reaches of Shingu) [it was dark, yeropoho lived on the ground, and people lived in termite mounds; the heroes of the Vaur managed send the sun to heaven (without details); after learning about this, they tried to escape by wearing "clothes" and turning into animals and sacred wind instruments; at sunrise, most rushed to water, the leaders were three flutes - Kavoká, Eyusi (=stingray), Talapi Kuma (bassoon fish); those who did not have time to hide themselves became monsters and spirits; they are depicted by costumes and masks]: Barcelos Neto 2001:148-154; kamayura: Münzel 1973 [it was night; people were still sleeping inside the stone; the Sun decided to get a day; together with the Month, they made a stuffed tapir from cassava and bast, turned it into real dead, hidden in front of his eyes; they send flies after the Royal Vulture; at first they do not understand the messenger's language, then the black shesheu translates; the Sun (Quat) grabs the Vulture (" grandfather"); he tells me to bring a pen, but only a little dawn; The Sun consistently rejects different feathers, but each time there is more light; finally, a crown of red macaw feathers, this is the day; Vulture shaved their heads, covered them with red bast; let the birds go back to heaven]: 71-77; (cf. kamayura: Agostinho 1974, No. 6 [Kwat and Yaí (Sun and Month) came from their village Morená to the village where Kamukuaka was chief; the Sun shot a hole in K.'s ear with a bow, who said that it is possible to kill this way, showed how to hole in their ears with a jaguar bone; the Sun made Macaw and the Perico parrot kill K.'s people, but they began to bite the grain quietly; Sister K. bathed, lost her lace from her leg, The sun turned him into a huge snake; asked K. to give him a boy, fed the snake; then two more; then K. let her swallow logs; K. started shooting at the sky from the roof of the house, made a chain of arrows, the first , screaming, the koata monkey climbed; sister K. was afraid to get up; cut the snake to pieces; in heaven, K. and his men came to the village of Jaguars, took their women; it was impossible to touch the pigeon in the village The Jaguars, the Sun and the Moon rose there, touched them; the Jaguars came running, began to look into the men's house, the Sun and the Month killed them one by one; told them to make necklaces from their claws, but not to eat their meat; the Sun and A month left in heaven]: 182-185; Münzel 1973:152-161; Villas Boas, Villas Boas 1973 [Kuamucacá is preparing a feast of piercing boys' ears in the village; the Sun and the Month live in a nearby village, they come to visit, they are honored to perform a ritual (they first intended to shoot boys' ears with bows, but K. showed how to pierce holes with a jaguar bone); the Sun creates guariba monkeys, then parrots, tells them to attack the village, but K. calms them down; K. told his sister, who has her period, not to go to the river, but she went, forgot the lace that was tied to her ankle, the Sun found it turned it into a huge snake, covered K.'s house with everyone inside it with a layer of stone; the snake demanded that K. give her people; K. gave her five boys, she swallowed them; then three more; K. threw her logs, she swallowed them, calmed down for a while; K. told Mako to punch a hole in the rock, he broke his tooth (beak?) ; so people have toothache; parots (parakeets) managed to pierce; widened the hole so that everyone could squeeze; two men started shooting at the sky, made a chain of arrows; all climbed up, first guariba monkeys; the Sun was furious because it created monkeys to kill people rather than act with them; the last to climb were the two brothers K.; their sister stayed, afraid to climb; she climbed a snake, it cut it to pieces; the Sun turned it into a neck; the Sun and the Month threw pieces of snake into the water, they turned into all kinds of snakes; the Sun and the Month rose after people to heaven; there they all went to Jaguar village; the Jaguars were fishing, their women married people, the chief's two wives went beyond the Sun and the Month; warned them not to touch the pigeons, but one person caught a pigeon, the feathers reached the fishermen- The Jaguars; they sent the Puma to scout; ran; five men left without wives were on the street, were immediately killed; the rest locked themselves in their homes; the Sun, the Moon, and people killed the Jaguars with arrows; therefore There are not as many jaguars as it could be; the Sun and the Moon made necklaces out of jaguar fangs, but banned eating jaguar meat; they returned to earth in their village of Morená, destroying, at the request of K., a chain of arrows to the sky]: 98-104).

Araguaia. Karazha [Karazh Kaboi's ancestor lived with his people underground; there's a day when we're at night; walking to the cry of the Seriema bird, K. and several companions came to the hole that led to the surface; people got up, and K., because of its large size, could only stick his head out; people brought him various fruits, wild honey, but also rotten wood; K. said that the land was fertile, but people would become die; those who remain underground are immortal]: Ehrenreich 1891:39; Lipkind 1940:248.

Eastern Brazil. Kayapo: Wilbert 1978, No. 54 [Lukesh 1968:141-142; there were few people left on earth, new ones came out of the ground; the old ones started asking their names but they were silent; then they began to ask how the other's name, each answered; this is how all the names were known], 95 [O'oimbre brought people out of the ground]: 157, 249; Xavante: Maybury-Lewis 1971:165, 285 [The creator came out of a hole in the ground], 288.

SE Brazil. Kaingang [water flooded the ground, Mount Krinjijinbe remained; people from the Kaingang, Kayurukre and Kame groups swam, holding smoldering smut in their teeth to keep the fire; kayyurukre and kame drowned and penetrated inside the mountain, they began to live there; the kaingang climbed the mountain, some on the trees on the mountain; the Sarakura birds began to sing, brought baskets of soil, poured them on the water, and came to their aid ducks; a plain arose; those who climbed trees became monkeys; they began to pour the ground from the east, so the rivers flow westward to Parana; kayyurukre and kame climbed to the surface from different sides of the mountain; kame their legs were injured, they were swollen, now their legs were big and kaiyurukre's legs were small; the shaman Kaiyurukre made jaguars out of coal and ash; when he made tapirs, there was only ash left; told them to eat meat; tapir ears they were small, the tapirs were asked again, the shaman was already sculpting another animal, telling them to eat leaves and grass; by morning the shaman did not have time to finish the anteater, so he had no teeth; Kaiyurukre made good ones animals, including bees, and Kame are bad so that they could defeat Kaiyurukre's created: cougars, venomous snakes, wasps; after learning that jaguars were eating humans, Kaiyurukre and Kame threw a log across the river; when The jaguars stepped onto the bridge, the Kame pushed the log; got scared, let the parts go; Kayyurukre, Kame and Kaingang set rules for exchanging marriage partners]: Borba 1904:57f in Koch-Grünberg 1921, No. 77:209-212 (Russian per. Siebert 1972:134-137; French retelling by Ploetz, Metraux 1930:212-213).

Chaco. Mbaya [people were living underground; the dog smelled them, started digging, people came out of this hole]: Sanchez Labrador 1770 in Niles 1981:133; in Wilbert, Simoneau 1990a:3; caduveo [people go out from a hole in the ground, they steal fish from God's pond or stream; he tells the birds to watch; all the guards fall asleep, Ibis discovers people, dogs find the hole from which they came]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1990a, No. 1 [at No- iakailádio-degé lake with fish, at night someone muddies the water, steals fish; N. tells the owl to guard, she falls asleep, although N. caught grasshoppers; the same anchima bird (Anhima cornuta, horned palamedea) ; then the carão bird; she said that people came to the lake; N. sent dogs, they found a hole in the ground; N. consistently pulls out Europeans, Brazilians, Tereno, tells everyone how to live and what to do; N.'s friend, A-li-ginigo, says N. forgot to pull out the caduveo; N. pulls out four, tells them to kidnap foreigners to grow in number; N.: Let food appear, if you name it; let the food be cooked if you put three stones together; A.: It's too easy for people, let them work, keep the fire; A.: Let men have periods; a hunter who has menstruation, misses; N. and A. decide to give menstruation to women; N.: The dead can be pulled out of the ground, they will come to life; A.: No, the earth will overflow; mother A. dies, he wants to change his mind, N. does not I agree; A. cries, N. tells him to take a twig to revive his mother; the twig breaks, the mother does not come to life], 2 [starting as in (1); the beast devours people coming out; God kills the beast, distributes its fat between animals (the origin of the appearance of various animals)], 3 [starting in (1); Onoenrgodi: I will cook food for the caduveo; Caracara: Let them hunt and collect honey themselves; O.: Let cotton cloth grows on trees; K. advises to pick it, scatter it in the bushes (the origin of cotton); K.: Let people spin and weave; O. is afraid of K., because he is an ogre], 4 [God's name Go-noeno-go], 5 [ no episode with dogs; Onoenrgodi pulls people out of the cave], 6 [god Onoe-noe; Chamacoco Indians arise from his excrement], 8 [no details; Go-noeno-hodi pulls people out from a hole in the ground]: 15-30; tereno: Altenfelder Silva 1946 [two Yurikoi-Uvakai men set traps on birds; someone steals birds from the trap; they told the benteví bird to guard; a bird showed the hatch that blocked the exit from the underground hole; all the Indians were there; Yu told them to go out; when they left, people froze; Yu told the Hare (Brachyspiza capensis) to find fire; the fire was owned by two Takeoré men ;; The hare carried away the fire, hid in a hole, T. stopped chasing; The hare brought fire to people]: 216; Baldus 1950:218; Oberg 1949 [the Yúrikoyuvakái twins discover that someone is stealing birds from them traps; told the Lizard to guard, she did not notice anything, they threw it against the tree, since then the lizards have been living in trees; asked the bemtevi bird to guard, which pointed to the bump, the twins pulled it out, opened a hole, Indians in it; the twins told them to go out, everyone went out, suffered from the cold; the twins sent a hare, he ran to Takeoré, threw beans into the fire, it burst, T. was frightened, the Hare took the coal, hid in the hollow; T. began to poke with a stick, the Hare injured himself, smeared the stick with blood, T. decided that he had killed the Hare, left; the hare came to people, threw the coal on the grass, it caught fire]: 42; chamacoco: Baldus 1931 [people from all tribes lived underground; Chamacoco climbed to the ground on a caraguata fiber rope; the smallest was the first, followed by the others; cão cut the rope, most people left underground]: 87; Wilbert, Simoneau 1987a, No. 40 [people's voices can be heard from the trunk of a quebracho tree; a ball they throw flies out of the top and falls back; someone cuts a hole in the trunk, from men, women, children - all the Chamacoko people came out]: 130; nivakle [people make a hole through the fallen sky]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1987b, No. 33 [when the sky fell, only five people were saved under the pepper tree, the rest of the trees bent; only a young man who had not yet met the woman could cut a hole through the stone sky with an ax; those who came out spoke different languages] 34 [the sky rested on two tree trunks, old and new; Fitsakajich noticed that Tsiché began to cut the old trunk with an ax; realized that if the old one fell down, the new one that did not harden would not survive the weight of the sky; began to ask the trees which of them could withstand; only the Pepper Tree replied that it would not break under the weight of the sky; when the sky fell, F. chose a young man who had not yet met the woman, ordered make a hole for him with a knife; the knife cut through the stone sky as if it were made of leather; people climbed to the surface], 35 [it rained incessantly, the sky began to fall, one person told him to hide under with a molle tree; the sky fell but the tree held; one person made a hole with a tuco-tuco rodent's tooth; people went outside; then the sky turned into smoke and rose up], 38 [when the earth and sky swapped places, the sky fell, nine people escaped under the tree; the earth and sky were tightly pressed together; the old man cut the hole, everyone went to the other side, to the current earth]: 96-97, 97 -100, 101-102, 105-107; chorote: Wilbert, Simoneau 1985, No. 18 [the sky began to fall, water flooded the earth; in a dream, the sky told her husband and wife to sit under the tala tree, taking fuel and seeds; sky it fell, the earth sank, it became dark; people failed; those who looked into the distance became nandu, iguanas, bakers, or birds; only this couple and children survived], 19 [the fire destroyed everything, the husband and wife were saved in the hole; the black vulture brought the smut into the nest, it caught fire, the tree burned down, the stump smoldered; the vulture gave this fire to the escaped couple, since then there has been fire; people come from this couple], 20 [fire is all destroyed; after digging a hole, the father and two daughters escaped; many people came out of the hole; the one who looked into the distance became nanda, the other became bakers, women into anteaters, jaguars and rabbits; the man and his daughters went out last, covered his face with his hands, came back, went out again as a man; married daughters, people come from them], 21 [the fire destroyed the village in the forest; one man dug a hole; when he went out, became a gray bird; the other lived outside the village, escaped with five grandchildren; they came to the edge of the earth, where the roots of heaven rest in it, and the roots of our land rest in the lower land; all the young people went to the lower earth; the old man with grandchildren return, there are many edible plants around], 22 [brother and sister escaped from the fire in the hole, got married; when they left, the man became grayed and the woman became an anteater], 23 [those aioreos who are from the fires fled across the sea, escaped; people could not make a fire because there was no firewood; the bola verde tree was the first to grow; birds settled on its branches, seeds were in their litter, and all plants grew again] , 24 [the fire came from the north, some people escaped in burrows, became iguanas and other animals that live in burrows; some went far, became the ancestors of Europeans; The month was saved by climbing into heaven on the quebracho tree; sent rain; the quebracho tree, burned but the only unburned tree, sprouted; the Month sent seeds, from which wild and cultivated plants grew], 25 [first after the world fire grew a bola verde tree]: 39, 40, 41, 42-45, 45-46, 47-48, 49; Lengua [The beetle released the first humans out of its mink in the ground; then made a man and a woman out of lumps of clay, minks thrown away while digging; they were first united as Siamese twins, remained helpless; the beetle divided them and allowed them to reproduce]: Grubb 1911:114-115; Hawtrey 1901:288; sanapana [all people came out of the ground, divided into tribes]: Cordeu 1973, No. 27:226; matako: Calífano 1974 [after the world fire]: 47; Wilbert, Simoneau 1982a, No. 15 [there were few people, no women It was, people did not breed; a man heard a sound from under the ground; all the animals began to hammer, no one punched a hole; the battleship dug a hole, men and women began to come out in pairs; the pregnant woman was stuck, blocking the passage; half of the matakos remained underground, so there are few of them; other peoples all came out]: 59-60; Toba (if not otherwise: Eastern Tobas): Wilbert, Simoneau 1982b, No. 1 (Argentina) [ Lehmann-Nitsche 1924-1925; fire destroyed the earth; three old women escaped in the sky as stars of the Orion Belt, a few boys became the Pleiades; a man became a bright Buick star (apparently Aldebaran or Betelgeuse), a woman by Morning Venus, the other by Evening Venus, Whiskacha by the Southern Cross; in front of him is a dog, and behind him are two more (α and β Centaurs); Coal Bags are two mortars that are women they took it with them; the people who remained on earth hid in the caves, and when they left, they turned into animals; the old man became a caiman, the old woman became a crocodile, the others into deer, nandu, fox, bear and others; only one the man remained human; the woman was lowered from the sky on a rope; the rope was cut off when the woman was already near the ground, so the woman was ugly; if cut taller, all Indian women were would be fair-skinned beauties; var.: many women came down and ugly women were the first; due to the fact that the rope was cut off not far from the ground, the beautiful ones remained in the sky], 58 (Bolivia) [Karsten 1932:209; after of the world fire, men came out of the ground; they were fishing, someone kidnapped it; on the fourth day they left the watchman; women came down from the sky in a cage, began to pick up fish; shouted to the men that they could not get out of the cage; men broke through the bottom with stones, women fell down, fell into the ground; men dug them up, but some knocked one eye out with digs]: 25-26, 129-130; Wilbert, Simoneau 1989a, No. 54 ( western toba) [from the fire, people hid in an underground shelter; those who went out should not look around; the first ones who came out looked around, became birds, others remained human; a little red bird began to sing, a tree grew], 55 (toba-pilaga) [the world fire started from the north, people took refuge in a deep cave; going out and looking around, the old woman became an anteater, the old man became a jaguar, and the swarthy woman became wild a pig; husband and wife did not look around, people come from this couple], 56 [the old man warned of a world fire, ordered that an underground shelter be dug; after the fire, those who left were to cover their faces; those who looked around became animals; in addition to the shaman, husband and wife remained people], 57 [the old man dreamed that there would be a world fire, made an underground shelter, some people escaped in it; after the fire on mountains appeared on the earth; those who went out, looking around, turned into animals; people saw a huge snake, the Father of the Serpents, it devoured animals that were human before leaving the hole; people killed two Fathers Serpents; humans descended from twenty survivors], 58 [The Hawk and the Fox made an underground shelter, some of the people in it escaped, the rest were burned in the world fire; when they left, people should not have looked up , those who looked became animals; the girl with the necklace were bakers, the other was a deer, the old woman was an anteater, the other was a pig, the men were nandu], 59 [the world burned down, Novét picked up one boy into his boat; people hid from the fire in a deep hole; those who came out should not look back; the young man looked, became nandu, the girl became a deer, the old woman became an anteater, one man a caiman, the other a jaguar; those who reached a certain place remained human], 60 [Dapitchí sent a fire to the ground, told the shaman to hide the people in a deep hole; those who left after the fire for a while should not were looking around; those who looked turned into different animals, only the shaman and his family remained human], 61 (pilaga) [Yulo found his wife with her lover; he mixed snake eggs into her honey, hers his stomach burst, snakes came out; Yulo told his children to hide in a hole, returned to heaven, burned the ground; some other people hid in the same hole; those who went out looked around turned into animals; the old man and the old woman became anteaters; the girl became a bird and flew away; the Nisole bird sang until all the herbs and trees grew again], 62 [the world burned down; people hid in the hole; they were told to go out, despite far ahead; one looked, became a howler monkey, so the howler monkeys appeared], 63 [the fiery flood destroyed everything; the brasita de fuego bird and the carob tree remained; the bird sang on a tree]: 83-84, 85, 85-86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91-92, 93-94, 94.

Southern Brazil. Ache: Cadogan 1962, No. 1 [ache's ancestors came upstairs from the underground tank]: 46-48; Clastres 1972 [when the first aches came out of the ground, there was no night, the sun was always at its zenith (so the rituals initiations are arranged at noon); a man was walking through the forest with his son, who had not yet been initiated; saw a pot, told his son not to touch it, but the boy broke the pot, from it a stream of ash, animals and birds of the forest (this is Baiö forest owner's pets); it was constant night; then wax was thrown into the fire, a pleasant smell spread, and night and day began to alternate]: 163-167.

The Southern Cone. The Araucans [a man and a woman came out of the cave; they had light-skinned twins, then other fair-skinned children; their parents killed them; finally, a dark child (an ancestor of the Indians) was born]: Dowling Desmadryl 1971:126; South Tehuelches [the owner of land, plants and animals was the first to come out of the cave; she had a son; the fox frightened the animals, they ran away; the woman's son and herself as white the foal and the mares chased them to gather them back together; the son began to swim in the lake, drowned; his mother regained her human appearance, then turned into a piece of meteorite iron; animals remained wild; after the women, the rest of the people came out of the cave and went on the ground]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1984b, No. 81:124-125.