Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

E5B. First ancestors from the lower world.


The first person or first human couple comes out of the ground or from a small object on its surface (hummocks, reeds, wood, stone, pumpkins). Cf. E5A motive: people from the lower world.

Ambo, Kamba, Kikuyu, Makua, Bangubangu, Lenge, Tonga, Zulu, Xhosa, Bafia, Sarah (mbai), Pygmies (Mbuti?) , Watut, Majprat, Marind Anim, Elema, Kuma, Malaita, New Britain, (Tuamotu), Tibetans, Rai, Ao, Anal, Wa, Khampti, Asur, Kondas, Kadar, Andamans, Dusun, Kayan, Bahau, Kenya, Ngaju, Nias, Serram Laut, Gorrom, Ambon, Buru, Flores, Atayal, Igorot, Tagala, Visayas, Negrito (Luzona?) , moro, tsow, ami, puyuma, rukai, yami, paywan, puyuma, sazek, tayal, miao, Bulgarians, Avesta, Komi, Oirats (Mongol-Uriankhai, Dyurbuts), Altaians, Northern Selkups, Evenks (Chumikan, Upper Nezei, Sym), Evens, Forest Yukaghirs, Markovo, Nivhi, Nanai, Ulchi, Negidals, Miyako Islands, Fr. Nuniwak, Igloolik, Delaware, Tarascas, Aztecs, Mixtecs, Lacandons, Haina, Pihao, Huanca.

Bantu-speaking Africa. Ambo [god knocked down the Omukuku tree (Combretum primigenum), it burst, and the first two pairs of people came out of it]: Baumann 1936:226; kamba [of the first two pairs, one came out of the termite mound, Mulunga lowered the other one from the sky, giving him a cow, a goat and a sheep; they fell on Nsaue Rock to SE from Kilungu, founded a village; the children of both couples got married, they are descended from kamba, Masai, Kikuyu, etc.; the rock shows footprints of people and cattle]: Lindblom 1920:252; kikuyu [there is water in the cave, it is shallow on the edge, one couple lived in shallow water; they went to the ground, wandered, came to a wooded country kikuyu, had many children]: Routledge 1910:283-284 in Kotlyar 2009, No. 137:113; makua [Muluku's creator dug two holes, one man came out, the other was a woman; M. began to teach them culture, but they they did not want to study, they went to the forest; then M. began to teach two monkeys, they learned everything; M. cut off their tails, turned them into humans, and made their tails negligent and turned them into monkeys]: Scheub 2000:159; Bangubangu [1) the children of the first ancestors Mutambu and Malungulungu lived in a cave; the rock that formed its ceiling was male and female; M.'s son went out and saw ripe yellow-orange fruits on the tree; climbed a tree and broke it - it was a fire; gave it to the woman Mugu; 2) the first ancestors of Mulolo Mulohwe and his wife Lolo came out of the cave; at first they ate only white ground; they have many children; they met in dwarfs in the forest, they taught them to get fire by friction; then they began to eat differently and no longer ate the earth; they dug a well to get water, but it dried up; then they began to make a huge tree to climb into the sky and get water from the clouds; all the descendants of the first couple climbed there, and when the sky was very short, the tree could not withstand their weight, the branches and people fell into different places, and now they have different languages]: Maes 1933:498; Lenge (Mozambique) [first man and woman came out of cane]: Scheub 2000:238; Tonga [first man and woman came out of cane; a reed used to stick into the ground when a child was born]: Parrington 1967:39; Zulu [first man and woman came out of the cane]: Parrington 1967:39; braid [first man and woman came out of reeds]: Scheub 2000:147; bafia [a large vulture dropped droppings from the sky, a poplar grew out of it, a snake came out of the poplar, it ordered it to rain on the rock, the thunder split it, and came out from there Owunu man and Ambono woman; A. got fire from the same hole; A. and O. learned sex by looking at an antelope]: Tessmann 1934a: 179.

Sudan-East Africa. Sarah (mbai) [there were no people on earth; Sou dug a hole, fell into it, fell into a lake; swam to a village where girls were dancing with young people; alone was left without a pair and Su took her; they happy; her chief father gave her to Su; he returned with her to earth, they have a son; Su went down again and married another girl to his son; people come from them]: Fortier 1967:109-111; pygmies ( mbuti?) [There was no water; the Chameleon heard a noise in the tree trunk; cut down the tree with an ax, water poured in from there, filled the reservoirs; a man and a woman came out with the water, and people came from them]: Parrinder 1967:45.

Melanesia. Vatut [the man came out of the ground, he had short hair; a long-haired woman came down from the sky, brought from there all the things people use; they have a son and daughter, they told them get married, this couple has many children]: Fischer 1963, No. 56:199; Majprat: Elmberg 1968, No. 17 [a man came out of a bamboo trunk and a woman from a cave], 22 [a girl came out of a cave, a boy from a hollow of a fallen tree, they got married]: Miedema 1997, No. 17:45; marind-anim [the dog began to sniff, dug a hole in the ground, and the first human couple came out; they knew nothing and could not do anything; they went into the water, almost drowned, the bird pulled them out; saw the perfume making a fire; when the bamboo began to crack loudly, the man and woman cried out in fear and then spoke]: Heldring 1913: 429f in Frazer 1919:38-39; elema (Ipi group) [Ivu was born from the ground, lived at the base of a Hoa tree; dreamed of a giant tree growing out of a seed with legs sticking out of its hollow; found a tree , pulled a woman out of the hollow; they have two sons, one was sent to another country, the second, like his father, found a woman in a tree]: Holmes 1903:126; godfather [man and woman grew out of the ground like plants (specifically beans) either came out of the spring; this man had three sons]: Reay 1959:36; Malaita (Solomon Islands) [two growths formed on the sugarcane shoot, including a man and a woman came out - human ancestors]: Codrington 1891:21 (retelling in Dixon 1916:110); New Britain (Gazelle Peninsula and probably other groups) [two men (sometimes To-Kabinana and To-Karvuvu) they fished; a sugarcane stalk swims in the net three times; they throw it away, then plant it; in their absence, a woman comes out of the stem, cooks for them; they wait and grab it; one takes it into wives, people come from them]: Dixon 1916:110.

(Wed. Micronesia-Polynesia. Tuamotu [Tiki's first man was born from sea sand or was born from sea pebbles; made his wife out of a pile of sand; their daughter Hina met her father, rose to the moon out of shame, where you can see her face]: Williamson 1933:15).

Tibet is the Northeast of India. Tibetans [Heaven brought man and woman out of wood; provided food and clothes; these people did not live as husband and wife; then people went bad, they had to fend for themselves; had children]: Hermanns 1944-1949, No. I.4:290; Rai: Ebert, Gaenszle 2008:67-76 [a white ant was born from a termite mound, from which it is flying; then Salapa was born, followed by his younger sister Simnina ("fly, housefly"); brother knew they were siblings (my sister didn't know), so I climbed Wabuma (sky?) ; the sister grew up, sent the animals to Salapa; the bird and the crab went; the bird could not go under water, the crab went down, pinched Salapa, said that Simnina grew up below, where the waters meet; this was said by the crab, totimi bird and marten; Salapa ordered to sow corn, millet, he will come when the plants grow; he descended in the form of a boar, fell into their trap; Simnina turned him into a man; he went through a few reincarnations before he could marry his sister; daughter Naïna was born; grew up, learned to weave; rejects the Paruh man (he is somewhere in the upper world), but becomes pregnant with him, gives birth to Tiger, Man, Bear, Dog], 100 [first came the earth, then the termite mound, we Camling people came out of it]; ao: Aier, Jamir 2009 [three male and three female ancestors came out of six stones in Longterok, married each other, becoming the ancestors of six ancestral units of the AO; the ao crossed the river over a suspension bridge, which was then collapsed; the people who remained on the other side became the ancestors of groups that ao is called Mürir]: 5-8; Smith 1926, No. 9 [there are no people on earth; two brothers came out of the stone; the eldest went to the mountains, became the ancestor of ao, the youngest went downstream, became the ancestor of the Assames; when leaving, they did not agree turn around; the youngest sounded the horn; the elder turned around, saying he was sad because of the sound of the horn]: 376-377; anal (Old Kuki) [a man and a woman escaped from the flood on a tree on the mountain; in the morning turned into a tiger and a tigress; then the spirit of Pathian brought a man and a woman out of the cave; they prayed for strength to kill terrible tigers; God gave strength, they killed tigers, had children, people populated the world]: Shakespear 1912:175 (retelling in Mandal 2009:80).

Burma - Indochina. Wa (kava) [a man and a woman lived inside the pumpkin; agreed to let the sparrow bite the grain if it cut the hole; the sparrow cut, the man and the woman went out and gave birth to cava]: Chesnov 1968:168; Khampti [at first there is water everywhere; Phra laid ground on the fish's back, told the female to lay the egg, cut it, put one half on the ground, made the other half as sky; the tree came out of the flower first man and woman; Rajis came out of the first egg]: Elwin 1958a, No. 11:17.

South Asia. Cond [at the beginning of time, Dakapaji and Sujamajenja came out of the hollow of a bombucks tree; S. had a vagina the size of a door in a pigsty, at the end there was an arm, and her vaginal teeth glowed at night; D.'s huge penis went inside under the light of these teeth, his hand grabbed it; S. gave birth to seven sons and seven daughters; at the birth of the last child, the umbilical cord caught on the teeth and they fell out; and D. pulled out his hand]: Elwin 1949, No. 21:384; asur [Mahadeo hunted with two hounds, who pulled the first human brother and sister out of the crab hole; his wife Parvati raised them; first they slept with a piece together wood; M. taught them how to make beer; when drunk, they forgot their relationship, got married, gave birth to people]: Leuva 1963:131-132; Kadar [Manjakutti and Malayay lived in underground caves; the ocean overflowed, flooded the caves, M. and M. came to the surface of the earth through two holes; created a man and a woman - the ancestors of the Kadars]: Ehrenfels 1952:162.

Malaysia-Indonesia. The Andamans [1) the first man came out of the joint of a large bamboo like a bird from an egg (not specified, growing bamboo or thrown away by the sea); took clay from the anthill, sculpted his wife and others people; taught how to make boats, hunt; wife taught women how to weave belts, nets, baskets, apply clay patterns to the body; 2) the first man came out of the growth on the Sterculia tree; copulated with an ant nest , Andaman ancestor children were born]: Radcliff-Brown 1933:192; Dusun: Evans 1922 [there is a rock in the water, she opened her mouth, a man and a woman came out of it (these are the main deities of Dusun - Kedharingan and Munsumundok); they began to think about how to go by water; eventually they went, came to the Bisagit house (smallpox spirit), they had land, they asked, he gave them land; K. created a dusun, M. created the sky, both created the sun , the moon, the Pleiades ("seven stars"), Hyades ("top"); they had a daughter, people were starving, then K. and M. killed her daughter, a coconut grew out of her head (her eyes and mouth can be seen on the nut), and sugar cane from her elbows, from fingers - bananas, blood - rice; from parts of the body - all animals; K. asked who could change skin, would be immortal; dusun did not hear, the snake heard and now dies only if a person kills it; dusun missed the ability to revive; K. began to bathe people in a basket in the river, one person fell out, swam away, coastal inhabitants come from him; K. arranged a religious ceremony in the house; one person was at this time in the forest, when he returned, he could not enter, monkeys come from it]: 175-176; Staal 1925 [Kinohoigan and Sinumundu came out of a big stone; K. told S. that he was going to create the sun, the moon, stars, earth, people and animals, and then left for a while; at this time S. did everything herself and, when K. returned, she was just sculpting human figures; K. cursed his wife and everything she had created, threw away the clay figures; they crashed, fragments stuck to the sky and became stars; one female figure remained intact and became the moon; S. managed to put two figures aside, they became the ancestors of the dusun]: 941-942; kayan [ bare rocks at first; the rain has grown moss, worms and dung beetles, their excrement created the soil; the handle of the sword fell from the sky from the sun, became a tree; a vine that fell from the month (masculine principle) wrapped around him; the tree and the vine gave birth to the first man and woman; they did not have bodies below the waist; they gave birth to ancestors of nations]: Hose 1912:137-138; kayan [a rock fell from the sky to the primary ocean; top remained above the water; under the influence of rain, silt formed on the surface, worms sharpened the rock, sand appeared; then the wooden handle of the sword fell from the sun, which became wood, and from the moon, wrapped around the tree vine; the vine became the husband of a tree, they gave birth to two twins who did not have bodies below the waist; yet they gave birth to real people; animals, birds and fish arose from the twigs and leaves of the tree; from silt on moss and small plants appeared on the rock surface]: Furniture 1899:6-13 in Stöhr, Zoetmulder 1965:38, more briefly in Dixon 1916:158-159, in Hatt 1949:34-35; Bahau [a spider descended from the sky, weaved a web; a pebble fell into it, grew to the horizon; a lichen fell on the stone, a worm fell on it, its excrement formed the soil; then the tree fell, grew, then the crab, cut through valleys and mountains with claws; A vine wrapped around the tree, they gave birth to a child without arms or legs, he gave birth to a couple of the same creatures, but then they turned out to be the normal anthropomorphic gods Amei Awe and Buring Une; they ripped off pieces of bark from the tree, making them humans, pigs, chickens, dogs; humans are mortal because the bark is short-lived]: Nieuwenhuis 1904 (1): 129, 1917:55-56 in Stöhr, Zoetmulder 1965:39-40, more succinctly in Dixon 1916:159; Bahau [two the man in the sky plucked each other's eyebrows, dropped their forceps, they fell on a rock in the middle of the sea; pulled out the worm, left its excrement on the forceps; the crab scattered them, the rock was covered with earth; the forceps were let in the roots became a tree with copper foliage; the heavenly spirit Uwang found a hole in it, fertilized it; a male shoot and a female shoot grew on the tree, they had no arms or legs; the inhabitant of the earth tried to kill a leech with a sword, hit the trunk; men and woman were injured but were able to meet; gave birth to Bahau ancestors; the copper tree continued to grow and sprout; so evil spirits appeared, then good spirits, then gods, and at the top the supreme god amei Tingei]: Nieuwenhuis 1917:57 in Stöhr, Zoetmulder 1965:41; kenya [goddess Bugam Malam was looking for what people should come from; decided which is made of a certain tree, so people are mortal; then, like Kayans and Bahau, the male liana is pressed by the wind against the vulva of a female tree, fertilizes it; noble families build their genealogies to this tree]: Elshout 1923:36-46, 1926:9-21 in Stöhr, Zoetmulder 1965:41; Ngaju: Schärer 1966:68-71 [(by Schwaner 1853:179; in a brief retelling of Dixon 1916:160 reference to Hupe 1846:138); in the sky there were two trees, one had a growth, broke off under the weight of a bird and a second winged creature that sat on it, fell into the Sangiang River (S., a category of heavenly spirits), tried to destroy it by a person living in She was a Serpent, but the build-up washed ashore, a woman arose from it, made a boat out of a banyan leaf, sailed along the river to the sea, where she met with a man who had arisen under the influence of waves from a floating log; the first She had miscarriages six times, each became a woman, who gave birth to different gods and spirits from different creatures (the first gave birth to Djangan Hatuen Peres, the leader of diseases); Mahadara's sons were born seventh Sangen and Mahadara Sangiang; Sangen took the embryos of plants and animals, descended to earth; there, from the marriage of two trees, an egg was born, with a lifeless female image; Sangen went to heaven alive water; at this time, Angoi breathed the breath and wind into the woman, made her blood from the rain, bamboo bones (probably); Sangen, who returned, spilled living water in anger, she sprinkled the plants; they are now growing back being cut off and humans are mortal; he killed A., cut the corpse, and snakes, tigers, and other harmful creatures arose from his marriage to that woman; Sangiang gave birth to many gods, including A guide of souls to the world of the dead, Sangsang Tempon Tellon]; (cf. Punan (Oloh Ot of the upper reaches of Barito) [the dead were buried in a living hollowed out tree so that the excavation was closed and overgrown; in 1933, a tree with three bones inside was actually found in Brunei]: Stöhr, Zoetmulder 1965:44); Nias: Dixon 1916:167 [the first humans descended from trees and then descended from heaven to earth], 176 [(by Chatelin 1881:110); the first ancestor without arms and legs killed (died?) ; the sun and moon came from his eyes; a tree grew out of his heart; gods arose from the buds at its top; Latoere told Barasi-loeloe and Balioe that the lower fruits were small and owned by him; Balioe agreed on the condition that L. could make people out of them; he could not; then Lowalangi ordered Barasi-loeloe to be made people; he created lifeless figures of a man and a woman; then Lowalangi gave Balioe the wind, told put figures in their mouths; if you invest a lot, people will live long, few will die soon; Balioe obeyed the order, gave people names]; northern Nias [Sihai was born from the haze, after his death - Aloloa N'angi, after his death, the Tora'a tree grew from his heart; from the top of the tree grew the gods Lovalangi (master of the upper world), Lature Danö (owner of the lower world), Nadoja, Afögha; from the middle part has three more gods, and the lower part is a man and a woman; LD failed to revive them, and L. revived them]: Schröder in Suzuki 1959:2 [other authors also have other versions of the myth of the first tree and gods and people who appeared from him]; (cf. Mentawai [two evil spirits got into a fight; one started breaking the bamboo to make a baton; the first people came out of the roots]: Mess 1880:93 in Perry 1915:146); Serram Laut, Gorrom [Winia woman and the white hog came out of the tree; V. climbed the tree, the hog remained below; the Kiliboban woman came from New Guinea, became a hog's friend; a man appeared, undressed to go fishing; women began to giggle; he saw K., but she ordered to marry V.; people came from him and V.]: Riedel 1886:148 in Dixon 1918:168; Buru [the bird sat on a tree, fertilized it; the first came out of the tree man and woman; var.1: a woman came out first, lit a fire at the roots, the tree split, a man came out, married a woman; var 2: the man came out first]: Riedel 1886:3 in Dixon 1916:168; Ambon [the bird sat on a tree, fertilized it; the first humans came out of the tree]: Riedel 1886:32 in Dixon 1916:168; eastern Flores (Sika district) [at first the ground is flat and empty, with only birds on it; Brother and sister came out of the earth; watching birds and insects, they learned to copulate, gave birth to three children who settled in different places; humans descended from them]: Arndt 1933:72f on Walk 1949:93.

Taiwan - Philippines. Atayal: Norbeck 1950, No. 1 [a big rock splits, two men and a woman come out of it; one man doesn't like it on earth, he returns to the stone; the one left with the woman thinks how to breed; first the woman puts her genitals in the wind; nothing happens; then they try to copulate, consistently using the sphincter, nostrils, ears, mouth; the fly sits on the woman's hips; she understands this as an instruction from the gods to use the vagina; gets pregnant, gives birth to atayal ancestors]: 13-14 (=Ho 1967, No. 52:238-239); http://en.wikipedia.org/wki/Atayal_people [the Pinspkan stone split, from three of him came out, one decided to go back; the remaining man and woman lived together, but the man was afraid to approach the woman; then she left, painted black paint on her face and returned disguised strangers; they got married, had children; it is believed that this episode dates back to the custom that girls paint their faces black]; tsou [god Hano shook the maple, the leaves fell to the ground, became tsou ancestors; shook another, the fallen leaves became Chinese]: Yamada 2002:48; ami [at first, some creature stuck a rod into the ground, it took root, became bamboo, it shot two; on one a man appeared, a woman on the other]: Taylor 1885-1886:197 in Dixon 1916:168; ami [the ancestor of humans came out of the split cliff]: Ho 1967, No. 55:240; puyuma [goddess Nunurao came with a stone in her right hand and bamboo in her left hand; she threw a stone, it split, the ancestor of Varangao came out of there; she stuck bamboo, Paksiser came out of its upper part, Pakomalai came out of the lower part, they became ancestors Puyuma villagers]: Ho 1967, No. 56:241; Rukai (Tamarakao) [a man and a woman came out of the cliff; God taught them how to copulate; their eldest son became the village leader and ancestor of the inhabitants of Tamarakad , the second was his assistant, his daughter married the second]: Ho 1967, No. 54:240; yami [God threw a stone, a man came out of it; bamboo grew out of the shore, another man came out of it; they met]: Ho 1967, No. 57:241; paywan [bamboo split, four eggs fell out of it; they were separate during the day, combined into one at night; five or six days later, snake-like men and women came out of them; they could not copulate; a woman saw a man pee, asked her to write between her legs; their first child was a freak, the second was handsome, normal, became the ancestor of people]: Ho 1967, No. 62:243; puyuma [ Goddess Nunurao came with a stone in her right hand and bamboo in her left; she threw a stone, it split, and the ancestor of Varangao came out from there; stuck bamboo, Paksiser came out of its upper part, and from the lower part Pakomalai came out, they became the ancestors of the inhabitants of the village of Puyuma]: Ho 1967, No. 56:241; (cf. bunun (Tamarowan) [the rock on the mountain split, people came out; among them were Take-todo and Take-Baka, who became the ancestors of the village's inhabitants]: Ho 1967, No. 53:239); paiwan [ancestors came out from a split stone]: Fischer, p. 241 in Perry 1915:161); sazek (same for Tayyal and Paywan) [a man and a woman came out of the stone; when they saw flies copulating, they came together, gave birth son, then daughter; the sister told her brother that she would go find a wife for him, ordered him to come to the rock at the foot of the mountain; on the appointed day, the brother went down the mountain, found a woman by the cliff, did not recognize her sister, because he did not recognize her sister. she smeared soot on her face]: Matsumoto 1928:119-120; igorot [God plunged his spear into the rock, the first spring flowed; to clear it, he cut down bananas, the first man and woman came out of the two stumps - Alelayo and Aremaya]: Eugenio 1994, No. 23:71-72; Tagals [at first only the sky, a hawk (kite) is flying between them; the wind from the sea and the wind from the land have produced a bamboo stem; the waves have brought it to the shore where the hawk was sitting; he pecked him, a man came out of one section, and a woman came out of the other; the earthquake called all the birds and animals to decide what to do with them; decided that the couple should marry; from people happen]: Cole 1916:187 in Ho 1967, No. 63:244; Yligueyn (coast) [the wind from the sea and the wind from the mountains gave birth to a reed; god Captan planted it; two sections were formed in it, and came out of them Sicalac man and Sicavay woman; fish, turtles, Earthquake responded that they should get married; son Sibo and daughter Samar were born; both couples had children again, got married]: Eugenio 1994, No. 169:289-290 ; visayas: Rybkin 1975, No. 92 [the first man and woman came out of cracked bamboo]: 223-224; Eugenio 1994, No. 26 [a bird of prey flew between sky and sea; the bird decided to have a place to sit to quarrel between the sky and the sea; the sky said that the sea wanted to flood it, and the sea that the sky wanted to throw stones at it; the sea began to rise, the sky threw stones; islands appeared, the sea under their weight descended back; bamboo sailed on the water; the bird pecked its two compartments, from which the first man and woman came out], 27 [about the same as in (26); the bird was Manaul; without details of how the bird provoked a conflict between the gods of sea and sky], 28 [as in (27)]: 74-75, 76, 77; Povedano Manuscript of 1572 (ethnicity is not a decree.) in Eugenio 1994, No. 191 [the supreme god Maca aco placed a man and a woman in two bamboo trunk branches; when a gorlinka sat on the bamboo, they went outside; the Macalinog earthquake allowed them to marry, people descended from them; they began to break rice, pushed them away with long rice grinders the sky that used to be near the earth]: 316-217; Negrito (Luzona?) [The god Manaul in the guise of a woodpecker began to hammer bamboo, chased a lizard, the bamboo burst, and Sicalac and Sicauay came out from there; Sikahuay said they were brother and sister, but the earthquake god Macalinog allowed them get married, they gave birth to people]: Eugenio 1994, No. 173:295-296; moro [in the drought, only a bamboo stem grew in the Mampolompon field; the wind broke it, and a dog and a woman who became Moro's ancestors came out] : Cole 1916:99 in Ho 1967, No. 64:244.

China - Korea. Miao [a man and a woman came out of the split stone; they descended from Miao]: Ruey, p. 170 in Ho 1967, No. 58:242.

The Balkans. Bulgarians [4 texts, western 1988 in the village. Govezhda, region Montana; at the beginning of the world or after the flood, two mushrooms, male and female, grew on the mud; humans come from them]: Badalanova 1993:116-117.

Iran - Central Asia. Avesta (Bundakhishn): Lelekov 1982 [first ancestor Gaiomart dropped a seed before his death, a third of which reached the goddess of the earth Spandarmat; 40 years later, rhubarb grew out of the earth, and 15 years later it turned into a woman and a man Mártya and Martjánag; corrupted by an evil spirit, they first ate water, then goat's milk, then killed a goat, roasted meat, made clothes out of their skin; they came together; their firstborn children ate; Ormazd saved the rest of the children; they also created monsters with ears and eyes on their chest, hairy, tailed]: 121; Chunakova 2004 [from Guyomard's seed, which Spandarmad received, appeared 40 years later rhubarb in the form of one trunk, and 15 years later, 15 leaves appeared on rhubarb, and grew from the land of Mashya and Mashyan (Bd 98); Mashya and Mashyan were first one body, their hands remained on each other's shoulders each other and their waists grew together, and then they turned from a vegetable image into a human image]: 190.

Volga - Perm. Komi: Limerov 2005, No. 30 [the first person appeared under a redhead mushroom, was the size of a little finger], 31 [the first person appeared at the top of a blade of grass], 32 [people were born from seeds, grew up like horsetail out of the ground, they lived in a mouse hole, only went out to catch sleeping fish at night]: 39, 40, 40.

Southern Siberia - Mongolia. Oirats: Potanin 1881, No. 19b (Mongol-Uryankhais) [father of all Mongols or Mongols tsagan bones ("white" - but mb from Sakha, "Yakuts"?) - tuk is Noha's dog, mother is odun modun (tree) Odun; the father of the Mongols was born from a tree, and the dog raised him]: 161; Potanin 1881, No. 19a (durbuts) [ten people dreamed , how the son of God was born from the urun tree and the urun bird; he became Khan of Urun-modon-ekina ("having an urun tree as a mother")]: 161; Altaians [Altaians of the family (seoka) Irkit believe that their ancestors came from birch roots]: Sagalaev, Oktyabrskaya 1990:52.

Western Siberia. The Northern Selkups [a man was born from a birch fork; the legend is forgotten, they do not know the details]: Prokofieva 1976:120.

Eastern Siberia. Chumikan and Upper Zean Evenks [the man was born of wood; there was a tree, cracked in half, a man and a woman came out; they were hairy before the birth of the child; the first son was born without hair; people began to be born further from son to son]: Vasilevich 1959:183; Upper Zean, Chumikan (in the east), Sym Evenks [myths about the origin of man from wood have spread among these groups]: Vasilevich 1969:215; Evens: Lindenau in Lebedev 1972 [the man made a summer house; while he was away, the house burned down; told the ducks about the trouble, they did not answer, he ran them over; people shot at the tree, not they could split it; he split it, there was a girl inside; he found his home reborn, they had many children]: 162-163.

SV Asia. Forest Yukaghirs (p. Ridiculous Nizhnekolymsky District) [ivy (the soul that moves into a newborn) of a person, becoming a blade of grass, rose from the Lower Land to the Middle Land; it was eaten by a mouse, the mouse was swallowed by lenok, Lenka was swallowed by an osprey; a live mouse Lenka jumped out of her stomach, the owl grabbed it, ate it, a blade of grass fell to the ground, became human; this is how the man escaped and lives]: Kurilov 2005, No. 36:309; Markovo (recorded on June 10, 1999 in the village. Markovo PrJSC by Yu.B. Dyachkov, born in 1962) [1) Russian-speaking Chuvan informant: "For some reason, the Lamuts believe that they came from larch, like deer"; 2) the Chukchi came out of cedar, Chuvans and Yukaghirs in general descended from alder or talnik, lamutes from dog crap, Russians from fire]: Hakkarainen 2000.

Amur - Sakhalin. Nivkhi: Bereznitsky 2003 [nivkhs come from larch resin, so their skin is yellowish; wilta is from spruce resin, their skin is white]: 74; Kreinovich 1973 [nivkhs were born from larch juice, dark as her bark; Wilta from birch juice, Ainu from spruce juice]: 333; Pilsudsky 1991a [an elm tree grew, sap flowed from it, became a woman; a penis-shaped branch grew on a birch tree, a birch tree became a man; they copulated, the woman gave birth to all the milks (spirits); both jumped up, gave birth to Tly-Milk in the sky]: 36-37; Sangi 1989 [larch resin flows down the trunk, touching the ground turns into nivha; nivh red as larch; Wilta descended from fir, therefore white-bodied; Ainu from spruce]: 295; Sternberg 1933 [people descended from wood: wilta from birch, nivhi from larch, Ainu from Christmas tree]: 320; Nanais [(archive); when the sky was formed and the earth froze, a man and a woman appeared from the talina cone, and people came from them]: Shanshina 2000:68; Ulchi [Condolin's boyfriend lived in fir; in The beautiful Adjua lived on the roots of the cedar; they came out of there, got married (retelling in Shanshina 2000:68, 128]: Zolotarev 1939:167-169; Negidals: Vasilevich 1959 [long ago Gilyaki, Orochi, Golds were one people; born on alder, on the same branch]: 183; Sternberg 1933:530 [a boy was found at the root of the larch; from him comes the genus Xatail], 531 [the person was born of larch; from A woman was born boiled sulfur; she gave birth to a boy and a girl].

Japan. Ryukyu (Miyako Islands) [by order of Heavenly Lord, Koinutsu descended to the tiny island of Miyako, piled up stones (making the island larger); married the heavenly goddess Koitama; they They gave birth to the god Sotatsu and the goddess Kagyoku; the god Mokusu (tree) and the goddess Sousou (grass) appeared from the earth, all of them became the ancestors of the inhabitants of Miyakokinawa show his footprints; with rakon;]: Maruyama 2009 : 32.

The Arctic. (Cf. Fr. Nunivak [a man wakes up in an empty man`s house; climbs to the surface of the earth; learns to hunt, make fire; someone cooks, cleans the house; he finds a woman; she gives birth to him a son; he goes wander, comes to the old man's house, helps him, comes to other people, wins shamanic tricks]: Curtin 1976 (20): 75-76); igloolik (hall. Fox) [the pillars of the earth have collapsed, the old world has died; two men have grown out of the mound; one has become a woman, people come from them; var.: men live together as spouses; one becomes pregnant; his penis splits, he turns into a woman, gives birth to a child]: Rasmussen 1930a: 252-253.

Northeast. Delaware: Bierhorst 1995, No. 2 [west 1679; there was only water; the turtle raised its back, the ground dried out; a tree grew in the middle of it; the first man came out of its roots; the first woman from top of her head when she leaned to the ground]: 28-29; Dorson 1959 [Dutchman Jasper Danckaerts asked an 80-year-old Indian on Long Island where his people came from; he drew a circle with coal on the ground with four legs, head and tail; explained that at first there was only water; the turtle slowly surfaced, the water subsided, land formed; then the Indian stuck a straw in the circle; grew in the middle of the earth a tree, from its top a man; the tree bent over its head to the ground, put down a second root, and from there a woman grew up; people come from them]: 19.

Mesoamerica Taraski [Tzacapu, the oldest city of the Tarascas - "Where there are rocks (rocas)"; it was the main place of worship; like the crust, the Taraski believed that they came from rocks; these rocks came to earth as a gift the underground gods of Death]: Corona Núñez 1957:23-24; the Aztecs (Texcoco) [an arrow fired from the sky pierces a hole in the ground; the first man and woman emerge from it; their bodies do not have a lower one parts; when conceiving children, a man puts his tongue in his wife's mouth; they don't know fire, they eat meat raw]: Garibay 1965:91-92 (translated from Krickeberg 1928:12); Cronica Mexicayotl at Launey 1980 [from Chicamostok , Seven Caves]: 205; mixteks: Furst 1977:184 [to 1593, Fray Antonio de los Reyes, Arte en lengua mixteca: the Mixteca were born from the center of the earth, and their kings and gods from trees growing on on the banks of the Apoala River], 185 [to 1674, Fray Francisco de Burgoa, Geografica descripción; also in Krickeberg 1928:202: noble mixteks descend from a man and a woman born from two trees on on the banks of the Apoala River]; Kolata 1984 (based on Furst 1977) [drawing from the Vienna Code; a man and a woman, ancestors of the dynasty, crawl out of a crack at the top of a tree; a human head under the roots of a tree]: fig. 4; lacandons [originally K'akoch; created earth, water, sun, moon, tuberose (essential oilseed, Polianthes L., Amaryllidaceae); Sukunkyum ("Our Father's elder brother") was born from tuberose flowers owner of the lower world), Ah Kyantho, Hach Akyum ("Our Father"); 10 days later, the spouses of three brothers came out of the same flowers]: Boremanse 1986:25; Haina [two statuettes from Fr. Haina (end of the Classical Period) in the form of a man (apparently an elderly man) whose figure protrudes from a four-lobed flower; (the author believes that the illustration is a myth close to the Lacandon myth)]: Coe 1975:25, fig.2.

The Northern Andes. Pihao (Houhi Valley) [man and woman come out of the spring; humans come from them]: Simon 1882-1892 (2) [1627], ch. 1:278.

The Central Andes. Huanca (prov. Jauja, dep. Junin) [the provinces of Jauja and Mantaro are covered with water, inhabited by the dragon Amaru; the rainbow gives birth to a second Amara, they fight, god Tixe destroyed them with lightning; then from the Uari-pukio spring The first couple of people came out, Mama and Taita; before that they were underground for fear of Amaru; Amaru tries to go to heaven but lightning strikes him]: Arguedas, Isquirdo Rios 1947:66.