Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

E5C. People from heaven. 11.-.13.18.-.22.24.-.26. (.27.) .34.-.36.

.38.40.42.-. (.52.) .53.55.57.-.

The first humans or ancestor deities descend to earth from heaven.

Yao, nyanja, ila, chagga, kamba, ganda, luya, fipa, tabwa, vemba, kuta, luba, chokwe, wili, ziba, rwanda, tutsi, nyoro, hutu and tutsi, mkulwe, ngombe, kumbi, nyankole, western dan, manden, mano, baule, anyi, ashanti, von, eve, bini, yoruba, krachi, igbo, adele, akrade, teteman, songhai, vute, ekoi, joe, gbunde, giziga, efik, abua, sarah, madi, bum, bongo, lugbara, kakwa, fajulu, nuela rigs, Dinka, Nubians, Murle, Didinga, Banda, Ngbandi, Zande, Joluo, Masai, Turkana, Baka, Ubamer, Male, Toposa, Oromo, Pygmies Mbuti, Malgashi (Betsimisaraka), Kaitish, Ayom, Bogajim (?) , Watut, Western Carolinas, Ifaluk, Khasi, Nokte, Moklum, Kachin, Khmer, Wa, Palaung, Shans, Ahom, White Tai (Vietnam), Aboriginal Malays, Nias, Bataks, Kayans, Bidayu, Ngaju, Palawan, Western and Eastern toraja, balantak, boogie, bunak, atauru (?) , Timor, Tetum, Seram, Tenimber, Kai Islands, Yami, Ami, Paywan, Bunun, Ifugao, Nabaloi, Visayas, Chinese (Sichuan), (Hungarians), Khalha Mongols, Buryats, Eastern Khanty, Evens, Amur Evenks, Ainu, Kojiki, Nihon-shoki, Miyako (and other Ryukyu Islands?) , Aleuts (Atha, Unalashka, Umnak), Kodiak, Bering Strait Inupiat (Diomede Islands), Bellacula, Comox, Halkomel, Puget Sound, Eastern Swamp Cree, Potauatomi, Winnebago, Hidatsa, Omaha, Osage, Pawnee (skidi), shawnee, screams, tarahumara, eastern Panama, chimila, kogi, bari, yanomami, warrau, Caribbean islands, cariña (Guyana), akawai, lokono, oyana, yagua, tucano actually, Central and Northern Peru coast, eseeja, bakairi, kayapo, chorote, angaite, toba, guarani of Paraguay, selknam.

Bantu-speaking Africa. Yao [first the earth is flat; Mtanga creates riverbeds, sends rain; people have come out of hills or from a crack in a rock or from an island on a lake; their traces are imprinted on the still soft ground; var.: people descended from heaven]: Baumann 1936:43; sila [man came down from above to earth with his mother, wife, mother-in-law, cattle; mother-in-law died; the wife wanted her back, but the husband said she would revive herself; later her husband's dog died; he wanted her back, but his wife refused because her husband did not bring her mother back to life; her husband's mother died, his wife refused again; people have died ever since]: Smith, Dale 1920:104-105 (quoted in Abrahamsson 1951:65; Janssens 1926:561-562); chagga [an ancestor of one family descends from heaven on a web]: Baumann 1936:206; ganda [when Kintu and his wife Nambi went from heaven to earth, God Gulu ordered them to hurry so that Death would not go with them; but N. returned for seeds, Death followed her; asked one of the sons K. and N. to cook, K. refused; then killed him (boy fell ill, died); so with many children; K. complained to G., he replied that he had warned; sent Death's brother Kaizuki to catch him; Death came out of the ground, but then the children called him out, Death again disappeared under by earth; has been killing people and hiding ever since]: Parrinder 1967:58-59; luya [first couple descends from heaven]: Janssens 1926:564; fipa [Leza brought the first man and woman down from heaven to earth; asked if they wanted to die; humans and animals were sleeping, now they are dying; only the snake heard, changed its skin and was renewed]: Janssens 1926:551; tabwa [the first humans came down from the sky with cereals, hiding them in their hair]: Janssens 1926:553 (quoted in Kotlyar 2009:149); vemba [Kabezya brought the first humans down from heaven to earth; offered a choice of bundles with death and life; people chose death; so even animals are mortal; but the snake has chosen a bundle of life, sheds its skin and rejuvenates]: Janssens 1926:553; kuta [humans are created in heaven, lowered down the vine to the ground; god Nzyami descended from them, gave all the cultural benefits, then returned to heaven]: Andersson 1974:42 (briefly 1991:39); congo (sundi) [first human couple descended from heaven to earth]: Andersson 1991:42; cube [the pumpkin burst, people came out; the first man and woman went down a rope from heaven to earth]: Scheube 2000:144-145; yao-nyanja, chokwe, wili, ila, ziba , Rwanda, Nyoro, Ganda [first humans descend from heaven to earth]: Andersson 1991:42; Tutsis [people lived in heaven in a beautiful and abundant world, but Nyinakigwa woman did not there were children; she brought gifts to Imana and asked him to give her a baby; I. made a clay figure, moistened with his saliva, told him to put it in a vessel, pour milk into it in the morning and evening, not to tell anyone ; 9 months later, a newborn screamed; this is how the woman asked I. for her sons Kigwa and Lututsi and daughter Nyinabatutsi; they grew up; sister N. is also infertile; one day, when N. was drunk, she found out from her secret; N. came to I.; he was angry, said that he would send her children to live on land; after that, the brothers could not get anything from hunting; the mat on which they were sitting with his sister carried them to the ground; I. said that N. will sometimes be able to see his children from heaven and one day they will return; after death, the king's body is first dried by the fire, then burned, his spirit rises to heaven; his brothers and sister prayed to I. , he sent fire and cultivated plants from the sky, then a couple of pets; K. married his sister, he has three sons and three daughters; they got married, and L. married the eldest; humans and animals multiplied]: Loupias 1908:2-12; Hutus, Tutsis [Kigwa and Nyiramaboko fell from the sky, were spotted like leopards, with tails, they have a son Gihanga, from "-hanga" means "grow" (about teeth); he is the first a full-fledged person; his sons Gatutsi, Gahutu, Gatwa, eponyms of ethnic groups; others were created by Imana, they did not have teeth, Gihanga gave them]: Scheub 2000:58; mkulve: Hamberger 1909, No. 1 [people lived in heaven; God decided they should be on earth too, brought down a man and a woman, gave plant seeds, let fish into rivers]: 298; Scheub 2000 [the first couple descended to earth from heaven; Ngulwe made their son Kanga Masala born from a woman's knee]: 176; Ngombe [people lived in heaven with Akongo; one woman began to interfere; A. lowered her to the ground in a basket with her son, daughter and cultivated plants; the woman told her son to get together with his sister; a hairy Ebangalaö mother was born, shaved him, but he is still involved in evil; then brother and sister have other children - human ancestors]: Scheub 2000:143; luba: Sicard 1966 [Kyomba is the first man; descended from heaven to earth with two wives, taking plant seeds and fire with him]: 63; Scheub 2000 [people lived in heaven together with Kalumba; he lowered them to the ground, illness and death appeared; the fortuneteller advised them to return to heaven in the land of immortality; they began to build a tower with a base of lusanga wood; people climbed to heaven , began to beat drums and play flutes; K. heard a noise, destroyed the tower, the musicians died]: 99; Cumbi [two men and two women lived in the sky, all of them half a person vertically; Liova (associated with the sun) told her daughter Mwezi (moon) to send them to earth to multiply; M. said that humans are imperfect, L. made them what they are now, people have multiplied on earth]: Millroth 1965:189; kamba [first humans fell from heaven to earth on Mount Kilungu]: Scheub 2000:172; niankole [Ruhanga created Rugabe and his wife Nyamate, sent them to live on earth; their son founded a dynasty of kings]: Scheub 2000:219; (cf. ovambo (or ovimbundu) [Feti's first man fell from the sky; the first Choya woman ("decoration") came out of the river; they have a son Galange]: Serauky 1986:200-202).

West Africa. Western Dan [Xra created people in heaven; when the earth hardened, chained to the ground, made him husband and wife]: Fischer 1967:704; manden [a pair of twins appeared in the egg, Faro and Pemba ; P. came out ahead of time, dragging along part of the placenta from which the earth arose; he copulated with it, because of this (intercourse was incestuous), the earth was unclean; F.'s body was dismembered, in parts trees appeared; the god Mangala revived F., sent to earth in an ark from the placenta, where he also placed the first ancestors of humans, animals and plants]: Scheub 2000:138; mano [Wala's creator lowered from the sky people with them animals, plants, rocks, water]: Scheub 2000:256; baule [Niamye made people, animals, spirits; everyone lived in the sky; made a circle out of dust, put Nemye in the swamp; this is the land, it is still now is surrounded by this swamp; when the land was dry, N. sent his wife Assie there, she brought trees with her; younger brother N. Anangama made a chain, lowered people and animals to the ground, the last to the rooster; N. went down to earth, sent A. to heaven; her sewage fell into N.'s food; then he called A. to the ground again, returned to the sky never descended; A. lives on the other side of the Nemier swamp, where the Sun descends in the evenings and where the Month lives, also N.'s son; there the earth meets the sky; N. lives just above A., she gave birth to him a lot children, they live in heaven]: Himmelheber 1951b: 13-18 (translated into Himmelheber 1960:35-40); anyi [a man came down from heaven on chains in a brass vessel covered with white sheep skin and with a dog that stole fire]: Parrinder 1949:193 in Abrahamsson 1951:112; Ashanti [Onakoupon lived with his family in the sky; the earth was a swamp; O.'s children went down the web to play there; O. decided to make playgrounds for the children; ordered an assistant named Abosum to go down to the ground, gave land, shells and three birds; A. threw a handful of land with shells into the swamp; the birds began to search for grains, rake the ground, and it covered part of the swamps; the shells came to the shores of the sea and rivers; O. sent Chameleon, who returned, said that the earth was dry; O.'s children went down and inhabited the land; his seven sons became patron spirits of the days of the week]: Anpetkova-Sharova 2010:36-37; background [the first man and woman descended to earth from heaven; they were sent by the Segbo thunder; seven days later a second couple descended; they built a temple to the supreme deity Mawu-Lisa; with the first couple to protect people, Lisa sent his sacred animal, the chameleon]: Herskovits, Herskovits 1958, No. 7:136-137; eve [water first; God splashed under the bird's wings the juice of local cabbage, it flew, the waters parted, land appeared, people came out of it; others descended from the sky in a basket hung from a rope], 890 [a woman and a man fell from the sky; a man fell into a swamp, a woman - on a rock, gave birth to a daughter; she and her daughter are the ancestors of Eve]: Spieth 1906:558-559; Yoruba [first humans created in heaven, sent to earth]: Parrinder 1967:20; bini [people descended from heaven to earth]: Scheub 2000:201; ashanti [first humans descend from heaven to earth]: Andersson 1991:42; wolves [Wulbari lowered men from the sky in the grove between the lands of nkomi and krachi; lowered women on the other side of the river Volta is where wolves now live; at first men and women lived separately; young men were tired, they went to women, children began to be born]: Cardinall 1931:230-231 (retelling in Scheub 2000:263); Igbo [the creator of Chukwu (aka Chi) lowered Eri's anthill from the sky on a rope, there was a swamp around; C. ordered the blacksmith to dry the land; ordered E. to kill and bury his son and daughter, and yams and cocoyam grew out of the graves; then E. killed the slave and the slave, oil and coconut palms grew; four people came to E., each with a basket; at night E. let the rat go, she successively began to nibble on the baskets; each time one of the people woke up to another, saying Name, a rat chews on your basket; in the morning E. could greet guests by name, they were the four gods who named the four days of Igbo week]: Be; cher 2005:287-288; adele [the first man and woman to whom adele descended from heaven, the chain rose back]: Debrunner 1969:553; akrade [a brass basin is shown on an island on the Volta River, in whose first ancestors descended from heaven]: Debrunner 1969:553; teteman [seven first ancestors rope-descended to the ground]: Debrunner 1969:553; songhai, vute, ekoi [ the first ancestors descended from heaven]: Baumann 1936:209; mano, joe, gbunde [god brought man and everything else down from heaven to earth]: Schwab 1947:318, 320; gisiga [first earth and the sky came into contact; Buimulvong told the earth that vegetation was climbing from it, Sky; burned the forest with fire, then flooded everything with a flood; water filled the entire space to the sky, descended three days later; B. said land that now stains it with excrement; this is how mountains and rivers appeared; then he sent people and animals from heaven to earth]: Lembezat 1950:56; ether: Scheub 2000 [the supreme god Abasi created man and a woman; did not want to have rivals in his affairs, so he did not allow the first couple to go down to earth; Abashi's wife Atai did not agree, sent people to earth; Abashi forbade them to make love and to get food on earth, every day, at the signal, the first couple returned to heaven to eat; the woman violated the ban, cultivated the field, fed her husband, the food tasted better than heaven, they slept together ; to hide Abashi's pregnancy, her husband told him that the woman was unwell, so she did not go out; but Abashi knew everything; when the woman gave birth to a girl; Atai reassured him: people would not be stronger than him, because she sent them death; parents died, children began to quarrel]: 3-4; Talbot 1912 [the first man Etim 'Ne ("old man") and woman (Ejaw "wild cat") descended to earth from heaven; after being on earth, EN returned and asked Obassi Osaw to give water, which was not on the ground; he gave Calebass with 7 pebbles; when EN took out and put one pebble on the ground, water flowed and filled the lake; the wife gave birth to 7 boys and 7 girls, EN told them to get married; they have many children; each young man put his stone on the ground, water flowed; elsewhere he put the next one, a new river; but one poured all the pebbles together, began flood; EN on the mountain turned to OO, then the waters descended]: 366-369; Abua [Abua and his wife Egule went down a rope from heaven to earth, sent by the supreme god Ake; their first son was Agana, who came out of the ground; the other children are Otaba (a fisherman who settled by the water, founded four villages), Amogan (a hunter, his descendants founded 9 villages), Akpede (a sorcerer who settled near the trees from which their leaves are made drugs, his descendants built a village named after him)]: Scheub 2000:6.

Sudan-East Africa. Mbuti Pygmies [Pwala's ancestor descended from heaven to earth; saw a woman for the first time and mistook her bleeding vulva for a wound; he tried to heal the woman with herbs, but this did not help; God himself taught he then had sex; P. called his wife Bogopemu; she was the first to give birth to Mombuti, then blacks Jogo and Begendue; M. met a woman whom God sent him as his wife; their descendants were Mbuti; blacks were descendants of Jogo from another women]: Schebesta 1938:75; madi [Ori's wife came down to the ground in the rain (var: a man and a woman fell from the sky to the ground), people multiplied, first climbed to heaven with a cow leather belt; his hyena had a snack, people tried to build a bamboo tower to the sky, but it collapsed]: Scheub 2000:200-201; bum [the first bum fell from the sky; the one who lived there earlier told them to come back; they began to build on Woe the stairs; termites rose the ground, people fell, became different nations]: Lembezat 196:218-210; Sarah: Fortier 1967:115 [there was a poor harvest in the sky; women descended to earth steal pumpkins; the pregnant husband did not tell her to go down, he would pick the pumpkins himself and bring it to her; but she did not listen; when the owner of the field appeared, the agile and light women got up, but the pregnant woman could not; gave birth to a son; some people descended from them], 115-117 [only Sou and his old barren, unloved wife Bou-Guéré lived on earth; Su once saw girls dancing, but they ran away; Su he tripped over a stump and he (Su calls him "uncle") told him that these girls were stars; let Su sow white eggplants behind the house; then they should be poured with sticky red vine juice; the stars would come down picking eggplants, they won't be able to take off right away because of the glue; you have to grab one; Su caught three; each gave birth to him a son; they inhabited the land]; Scheub 2000 [the god Wantu Su gave his nephew Wantu a drum, putting a little bit of everything in the sky in there; he went down the rope, but the crow broke the drum so that people, plants and fish scattered across the ground in disarray]: 258; bongo [Nzama created sky, earth and everything on it; brought down the first human couple to earth; sent the Goat with the message of the Sun and the Dog with the message of the Moon (what this means exactly, the informant did not explain); The dog said that people will die forever and the Moon will be reborn; the Goat said the opposite, but it was too late]: Andersson in Abrahamsson 1951:13; lugbara [the spirit created a Gborogboro man in heaven ("descended from heaven"), a Meme woman ("heavy in body") and livestock; there were all wild animals in M.'s womb; a gazelle jumped out from there, followed by the others; then, the Spirit placed the children in the free womb; Var.: M. became pregnant after goat blood spilled on her feet (thus she learned how to menstruate and conceived); var: the first couple was taught to copulate; M. gave birth to a boy and a girl, who are also a couple siblings, etc.; Jaki and Dribidu heroes were finally born]: Middleton 1965:18-19 (retelling in Scheub 2000:58); how [God threw man from heaven to earth, taught him how to farm]: Scheub 2000:176; fajulu [a man lived with God in heaven, went down to the ground on a rope, then cut off the rope]: Scheub 2000:176; nuers [a rope hung from the sky; people died for two months, so time was rising to heaven; a young man fell from the sky; took a heavenly woman who climbed a rope down a tree; the rope was cut off]: Baumann 1936:207-208; Dinka: Lienhardt 196:34-34 [there was no earth from heaven It can be seen because it was dark; man caught an animal (game-animal) on the ground with a loop, lifted the prey to heaven, gave a leg to God's wife; then gave God himself an ax; hit the ground with it, it caught fire; God is angry brought him down to the ground], 35 [the wall in the sky kept a man there; he ate part of the wall, God pushed him to the ground], 40 [God created people in heaven, then put them in the river, from where they came to earth]; Nubians [first men descended from above]: Baumann 1936:208; Murle [Maindherbo and his wife are the first people to descend from heaven to earth; the wife gave birth to 8 sons and 8 daughters twice, then the same number; they separated, then met, got married; elderly M. stayed at home, dwarfs came with dogs, killed him and ate him; wives and daughters returned, burned sleeping dwarfs; daughters left the land out of grief, became Pleiades]: Lewis 1971:131-132; Didinga [a man and a woman descended from the sky down the vine; after that, Hyena bit the vine, the rest of the people could not go down; the first couple gave birth to many people but Hyena ate many; people built a tall platform (like the one that children put in the field to drive away birds) to return to heaven, but the wind knocked it down, people died; the rest built a new platform , killed Hyena with swords; began to go to bed closer to the ground and then on the ground; no longer afraid of hyenas]: Kronenberg 1972:132-122; gang, zande, ngbandi, joluo [first people descend from heaven to earth]: Andersson 1991:42; Masai, Turkana, Baka, Ubamer, Malé [first humans descend from heaven to earth]: Andersson 1991:42; toposa [people lived in the sky with Nawuge; the bird brought a rope from the ground, people began to descend, saw plants, cattle; under the weight of a pregnant woman who was about to wait for twins, the rope broke, some people stayed in heaven]: Scheub 2000:170; Masai [God sends three or four inhabitants of heaven to live on earth]: Baumann 1936:206; Oromo [first man descended from heaven, he had a penis on finger; met a woman on the ground, her vagina was under her arm; the woman became pregnant; asked the heavenly god Waqa to place her vagina away from the eyes of strangers, between her legs; gave birth to five boys and four girls; the older brother did not have enough wife, he took his niece when she grew up; only this eldest son covered his father when his veil slipped off his sleep and his genitals were exposed; dying, father he was going to give grace to the elder, but the youngest heard about it, came disguised as an elder, received everything; sailed overseas, giving birth to Arabs and Europeans; the elder became the ancestor of the Oromo, the second Gabra ( non-Muslim camel breeders), third Muslim, fourth Shangalla]: Belcher 2005:143-145; Malgashi (Betsimisaraka) [the first man and woman lived in heaven; Zanahary asked them if they wanted to deaths are like the moon or like a banana; they said they were like a banana; he sent them to earth, forbidding them to take rice with them, but they hid a few grains]: Vig in Abrahamsson 1951:121.

Australia. Kaitish (Northern Territories) [Atnatu appeared in heaven; got angry with his children, threw them to the ground through a hole in the sky, they became the ancestors of the tribe]: Spencer, Gillen 1904:499 in Dixon 1916:274.

Melanesia. Ayom (Tembregak band, Asai River) [people lived in the sky; Tumbregak took his dog and went down a rotan rope to hunt on the ground; the rope was cut off; his wife threw him fire, sweet potatoes, bananas, sugar cane, beans, four cucumbers; he built a hut; when he returned and found food cooked, the cucumbers turned into four women; two gave birth to a son, the other two to a daughter, the children got married, became human ancestors]: Aufenanger 1960:247-248; German New Guinea {bogajim?} [people lived in the sky with plenty of things; Belka said it was better on earth; people went down the cane, were disappointed, and Belga gnawed on the reed, people couldn't go back to heaven]: Hagen 1899: 289; cotton wool [the man came out of the ground, he had short hair; a long-haired woman came down from heaven, brought from there all the things people use; they had a son and a daughter, they told them to get married, this couple has many children]: Fischer 1963, No. 56:199.

Micronesia-Polynesia. West Carolina {Yap County?} [Ligobund descended from heaven to earth, made it habitable, gave birth to three ancestral children]: Cantova 1728:223 in Dixon 1916:250; Central Carolina {Truk County?} [Luk created land, vegetation, sent his daughter Ligoapup from the sky; she found water in the hollow, drank it, swallowed a creature, gave birth to a girl; she grew up, also gave birth to a girl, this girl - boy; a man emerged from this boy's rib to marry Ligoapup; they gave birth to humans]: Girschner 1912:187 in Dixon 1916:250-251; Ifaluk [two women Legubrielnialel (Leg.) and Ligesges (League) .) came down from heaven to earth; Leg. had only a neck and head, no body; as soon as she wanted something (home, food), it appeared; she wished two men, they met these women, people multiplied; League. and Leg. quarreled, League. retired to Europe, so Europeans have everything]: Burrow, Spiro 1957:212.

Tibet is the Northeast of India. Khashi [celestials descended the tree trunk to Mount Sophet Bneng (the "center of the sky") to cultivate the land; they always returned to heaven for the night; alone did not want to obey the heavenly deity, cut the trunk; seven people on earth became the progenitors of people]: Rafi 1920, No. 2:8-9; nokte [the earth was tiny, surrounded by water; a woman fell from the sky; the water gradually descended; then from the sky a man fell, married a woman, they have many children; the great Rango-Kotakrang placed a Sun man and a Moon woman in the sky; they have many children, but the Sun destroyed them and his wife's crops with its heat; she threw them into he's buffalo droppings; the Sun said they would change sex for a few days a year (so the moon is sometimes big, sometimes small); next time the Sun threw buffalo droppings at the moon, spots stayed]: Elwin 1958a, No. 19:51-52; moklum [Rang created people in heaven, brought them down to the ground, taught farming, rice cooking]: Elwin 1958b, No. 6:254; kachins [first 9 anthropomorphic creatures came down to earth from the sky; they were sinless and sexless; because they ate rice, which was cooked by themselves, they became overweight and could not return to heaven; they found signs of sex; they were forced to work, began commit crimes]: Scott 1918:265.

Burma - Indochina. Khmers [above Mount Sumeru is the heavenly world of beautiful long-lived creatures - tevoda; they decided to punish the people living on earth for their sins; first, the earth was burned by seven suns, then everything was flooded by the flood; when the waters began to fall, eight creatures were sent from the sky - próm; they began to eat sea foam, then earth, then plants (when they appeared); according to another version, they ate mushrooms first, then the fruits of the vine , then rice; rice filled their bellies with excrement, they made two holes, P. split into men and women, gave birth to new people]: Chesnov 1982a: 340; wa [the first wa descended from heaven to the ground; the woman wore a silver headband given to her by the Moon, the man had a bow and arrow drawn by the Sun; the Salwen River flowed below; that man became the illustrious Elephant King { the female sex of the moon and the male sun are likely, given their association with a woman and a man, respectively}]: Obayashi 1966:61; palaung [eight perfumes attracted by mouth-watering smells descended on land; for 9,000 years they ate green leaves, became overweight, could no longer rise, grew into 4 women and 4 men (becoming human ancestors)]: Milne 1924:364 in Obayashi 1966:61; shans : Griggs 1902 [first one water; the spider weaved a web, laid eggs, the water swayed, the lump became dry, a man and a woman came out of the eggs, gave birth to people; one day the world burned down, then flooded by rain, steam reached the upper world of Möng Hpea, hsang perfume smelled pleasantly; 5 male spirits and 4 women went to find out what was going on; they ate up land and could not go back to heaven; decided to stay on earth; 4 couples got married, and the strongest man, Hsin Kyan, abandoned his wife to then take others' daughters; daughters have been given to the king ever since; supreme god Sa Kyah tried kill HC, began to fight him, could not overcome him; then he promised to marry one of HC's 7 daughters who would bring him his father's head; 7 daughters, their names are the days of the week; 6 daughters tried, but not smog, HC is invulnerable to water, fire, iron, etc.; the bird teaches the youngest to sew 7 threads of the web, make a bow, they can cut off the HC's head; the daughter brought her father's head, but the UK refused to marry her, fearing that now she will kill him; the sisters think what to do with her father's head: bury it in the ground, the world will catch fire, throw it into the water, the ocean will boil; the UK ordered everyone to carry her father's head for a year, then handed it on another; at this time she washes blood stains off clothes; all people come from these perfumes]: 85-91; Scott 1918 [the first Thai kings Hkun Lu and Hkun Lai descended (to earth) from the sun, accompanied by their the first ministers, one of whom came down from the sun and the other from the moon; they were accompanied by an astrologer from the family of Jupiter and other mythical characters]: 275; ahom [the two heavenly kings Lengdum and Thenkham decided send their brothers Khun lai and Khun tai kings to earth; they, accompanied by Moon's son Khun tun and Sun son Khum bum as priests and 12 Phokun families (aka Burundi), descended the golden staircase with the peaks of Mount Charai karang]: Bastian 1866:83 in Obatashi 1966:62; white thai (northern Vietnam): Maspero 1924 [The sky told Mr. 'It'u and Mrs. 'It'u' on to go down to the ground, they cleared the field they grew rice, but the birds ravaged the crops; the sky sent Mr. T'in to build the land, and he also did not succeed; only Mr. Pu'yu, having received silver and gold axes from Heaven for a while, put things in order; he has been revered since then as a tree as the country's patron saint]: 60-63 in Obayashi 1966:62; Chesnov 1982s [after the flood, Taosung and Taongan were sent by the supreme god to build the land; he gave them 8 copper sticks ( saokamfa - "a stick that supports the sky") and 8 pumpkins; inside the pumpkins were people of 330 nationalities, seeds of 330 varieties of rice, books for predictors and priests; going down, T. and T. reached the countries of Myongum and Mongai somewhere between heaven and earth, we saw that the earth was not completely free of water; when the water left, only Taosung came down to earth; he distributed pumpkins in different countries, pierced them with sticks; peoples came out of the pumpkins ]: 393.

Malaysia-Indonesia. Malays are Aboriginal (Jacun) [God created a man and a woman in heaven; they went down to the green, their descendants populated it]: Skeat, Blagden 1906:365; Nias: Dixon 1916 [the first people happened from the trees and then descended from heaven to earth]: 167; Rosenberg 1856:317 in Fischer 1932, in Backer 1874:35 [God brought down his four sons and wives from heaven to earth; they later returned, but their descendants stayed on earth and became mortal]: 223; bataks [first the earth rested on Naga Padoha's head (snake); he was tired, threw it off, the earth drowned; Batar's daughter Guru Poula Orla Boulang {Puti Orla Bulan} a dog descended from the sky on a white owl; to give her daughter something to lean on, BG threw Mount Bakarra from the sky, a new land grew out of it; she was again placed on Naga Padoja's three horns, but when he moves, happens; BG's son Layand Mandi tied him up; PAB gave birth to three sons and three daughters, people descended from them]: Marsden 1811:385 (retelling in Backer 1874:281-282); Kayan (NW Borneo): Furniture 1899 [A rock fell from the sky into the primary ocean; the top remained above the water; the rain formed silt and sand on the surface; then the handle of the sword fell from the sky, which became wood, and wrapped around from the moon around the vine tree; they gave birth to humans: animals, birds, and fish came from tree twigs and leaves; moss and small plants arose from the silt on the rock surface]: 6-7 in Dixon 1916:158-159, in Hatt 1949: 34-35; bidaya (SE Borneo) [there were two trees in the world of the gods, one gave birth to a kidney, a bird sat on the tree, the bud fell into the Spirit River; there a huge snake tried to swallow it; on the shore, the bud turned into woman; married a man who arose from the trunk of a tree floating in the sea; gave birth to six streams of blood, from which evil spirits arose; then two sons; one took the seeds of all plants and animals, went down to land to prepare it for people]: Hupe 1846:138 in Dixon 1916:160; ngaju: Schärer 1966:55 [people came down to earth from the upper world; free by gold chain, slaves by wooden chain poles], 230 [people lived in the village of Batu Nindan Tarong in the upper world, then settled the entire upper world, then descended to earth, became the ancestors of the Ngaju]; Palawan [the creator of Ampuq creates land; people they live with him in the sky, asking permission to go down; A. refers them to the first Diwata he created to lower them; warns that if people do not return to heaven, their life on earth will be difficult, and They will return to him only after death; D. warns that there are scolopendra, snakes, evil spirits (Säitan) on land; but they come down and refuse to return; therefore they die, work in the fields, and etc.]: Macdonald 1974:114-116; Western Toraja (Bada) [the creator god Ala Tala sent two pairs of people to earth; agreed with the chief of the spirits of the land Wuali that rice should not be given to people; those seven days ate cassava, bananas and leaves; but Wuali took pity on people, gave them rice]: Woensdregt 1925:121 in Mabuchi 1969:40; Western Toraja [first couple descended from heaven; wife gave birth to a daughter, drops of blood turned into rice; husband killed his wife, spilled her blood on the ground, blood became rice]: Kruyt in Mabuchi 1969:47; Eastern Toraja [see motif K9; after Ndara descended from heaven into the ocean, thickened from foam, land has become Earth, the lord of heaven suggests lowering a couple of celestials down to populate the earth; priestess Ndo i Toliba gives a chicken egg, from which a rooster hatched on earth; he began to bring the spouses wanted everything they wanted; the son and daughter of the celestials who were lowered to earth got married, gave birth to people]: Adriani, Kruyt 1951, No. 6:9-10; balantak [the first man and woman were lowered from the sky on rattan in a box or vessel on a mountain towering in the water; the man climbed back the rattan, got everything people needed for their lives; when he returned, he cut off rattan; people did not die, but changed their skin, there were many of them, they kidnapped their wives, God sent a flood; the ark with the survivors surfaced to heaven; Pilogot mola offered them shrimp, they refused; they agreed to eat bananas; so people no longer change their skin like shrimp, but die]: Kruyt 1932:331-334 in Fischer 1932:214-215; boogie [Sangkuruwira is the god of heaven; his younger brother Gurusisileng is the god of the lower world; each has a twin sister; S. and G. are married to sisters each other friend; G.'s wife's name is Sinau-Todya ("Living Under Water"); S.'s wife's name is Datu-Palinge ("The Creator"); S. and DP send their eldest son Batara Guru to the land that does not yet exist; he is killed by investing in the hand of the earth, placed in bamboo, lowered down the rainbow into the space between the upper and lower worlds; HD comes to life, throws the land brought to life, earth arises; daughter G. and ST Njilitimo ("Born from the foam of the waves") with five princesses emerge from the sea, BG marries them all; slaves who come with BG from heaven marry princess maids, their children inhabit the land; the daughter of one of the princesses dies on the seventh day, turns into rice; HD and N. give birth to twins, a son and a daughter; a son and his wife become the new rulers of the lower world, and a daughter and her husband become the new lords of the upper world; the connection between the earth and the upper world (according to rainbow) and stops with the lower world; later, the ancestors of the leaders of the YuZ Sulawesi descend from heaven to earth]: Kruyt in Stöhr, Zoetmulder 1965:95; bunak: Berthe 1972:51-52 [the first ancestors descend rope from heaven to earth], 75-78 [six people with two dogs descend the rainbow from heaven to earth; locals first do not allow them to fish, then allow them; two of those caught turn into women marry two out of six men; the other two marry Besi Kusa -Mau kua; the last two find two parrots pecking their betel and areca, those turn into two women, become their wives]; atauru (?) [There is only water below; the heavenly god sent his son Ná'I Híric to fish; he said there was no place to cook it; God sent him bamboo and everything he needed to dry the earth sent a scale to weigh the earth ; three men and three women came down, hit the sea, the sea retreated; got fire with friction, fried fish]: Pascoal 1967:70; Timor [Usif Neno created two people, offered a month and stars to choose from ; if you choose a month, you will die and respawn, if stars die for good; UN sent these people to earth, they are what makes the present ones come from]: Kruyt 1923:417 in Fischer 1932:226; tetum [first people came down to earth from heaven, got married, multiplied]: Vroklage 1952:148; Seram, Tenimber [the sky used to be closer to the ground; the first people descended from there on a tree or vine]: Dixon 1916:167; Kai Islands: Bezemer 1904 [there are three brothers in heaven (the oldest is called Hian) and two sisters; the younger Parpara lost the hook of the elder, he ordered him to return; the fish said the other had something stuck in throat; brought a hook; in order to take revenge, P. placed a vessel of palm wine over his brother's bed; when he got up, he could not help but touch him, the liquid spilled; P. demanded that H. return everything; H. began to dig, dug a hole; the brothers lowered the dog into it on a rope; when they picked it up, they found sand on their paws; three brothers and one sister began to descend on the rope; when the second began to descend, the brother looked down at her; she was ashamed, pulled the rope, the people who remained upstairs pulled her out; three brothers and sister became the ancestors of the island's inhabitants; others came out of mangroves, water, or ground]: 415-416 ( retelling in Dixon 1916:156-157); Knappert 1977b, No. 2 [people lived in the sky, the clouds were their islands, the blue sky was the sea where they were fishing; the fisherman Parpara found a bamboo vessel with palm wine on the shore; After drinking wine, he wanted more, began to dig, dug a hole in the sky, saw Kai Island below, thought that the wine came to him from there; went down a rope with his wife Bikel and four dogs to Wuat on Big Kai; their descendants inhabited the islands; other islanders believe that 1) came from mango trees, 2) grew out of the ground like saga palms, 3) came out of the sea and are children of God's daughter seas]: 128-129.

Taiwan - Philippines. Yami: De Beauclair in Yamada 2002 [the giant separated the sky from the earth, which were initially close to each other; they were then connected by a golden staircase; along it (according to Kano 1941), the first humans descended from sky; while the sky was near the ground, fish jumped out of the sea and stayed in the sky, forming the Milky Way]: 66, in Benedec 1991; Bennedek 1991 [Iranmilek village: the island is empty, the supreme deity drops from the sky is a stone, the first man comes out of the stone; a boy and a girl are born from his knee, they populate the island; after many generations, an earthquake and tsunami destroy everything, two men remain; a deity sends them two maidens from heaven, the island is inhabited again; the village of Iratay: wooden boxes come to Irala, each person; one box nails to Tabedeh, where Yayo is now, the second to Lyos, where the village is Ivatas, third in Iraralay; people multiplied; blindness follows incest; the sea departs; when the white coral stone was destroyed, the great flood began; two brothers were saved, the supreme deity sent them two heavenly maidens, the island is inhabited again]; ami: Mabuchi 1969:25 [a pair of first ancestors descended from heaven, bringing tubers with them; swam elsewhere, where they found millet and rice], 34-35 [couple the first ancestors, their son and daughter descended from the sky; they were covered by a huge wave; parents managed to climb the stairs into the sky; the children sailed to the top of the mountain in a mortar in the shape of a boat; married, from them ami occur; sister's ears are swollen, from which millet seeds appeared]; paywan (Parizarizao) [the ancestors of the people descended from heaven; later, during the drought, they dreamed that the leader should be chosen someone living in Terarok mountains; found him, chose him, rain irrigated the land]: Davidson 1903:576; bunun [a pumpkin fell from the sky, crashed, a man and a woman came out, their descendants settled the land]: Ho 1967, No. 68:246; ifugao: Eugenio 1994, No. 166a [Wigan and Bugan are the son and daughter of the heavenly deity Kabigat and his wife; he sent them to dig tubers, told the rain to wash the children from heaven to earth, then wash their house, rice, ceramics, dogs, chickens, pigs, cats, etc.; V. hunts; secretly comes to his sister at night; sister smears her chest with lime, sees a mark on her brother in the morning; K. in heaven gives permission to marry children so that people can proliferate], 166b [Wigan lives in heaven; his son Kabigat plunged his spear at the spring at the foot of a tree, saw the ground through the hole; K. allowed him to go down there; followed his sister ( her daughter) Bugan; brother got along with her; B., who became pregnant, threw herself into the sea in shame, but swam out at the reforestation of a character named Ngilin; N. and his relatives calm B. and K., who came after him, they say they give birth to people]: 283-285, 285-286; nabaloi [first only the sky and the lower world; their inhabitants are at odds with each other; when the supreme god of the Sun was hit by an arrow, he made the earth to fence off from enemies; people from heaven and caves came to fight there; a man from heaven and a woman from under the ground were wounded, abandoned, left on the ground; people came from them]: Moss 1924, No. 1:233; visayas [people live in the sky; Ukunirot hunter shoots at a bird, an arrow pierces the sky; people see the ground through the hole; weave a rope of feathers, go down; a fat woman could not crawl, remained in the sky; the rope has broken, but everyone has already descended; what remains in the sky has lit the stars; the moon is a hole in the sky]: Eugenio 1994, No. 170:290-291.

China - Korea. The Chinese (Sichuan, Wu. Dujiangyan) [In ancient times, there was a great flood on earth, and all people, animals and insects drowned. Fusi and his sister lived in the sky, saw what a disaster had happened on earth, and secretly went down. There was nothing to eat, nothing to wear and no place to live on earth, but my brother and sister began to live in a cave, drink spring water, and so gradually grew up. One day, my brother invited his sister to marry, but refused, saying that incest would hit the sky with five thunders. One day they climbed a mountain and found two flat round stones - millstones. The brother offered to bring them down the mountain, and if they joined together, it would mean that the sky was pleasing to their union. The sister agreed and they rolled the millstones down. They joined together, but then separated again. Then Fusi offered to light two fires, and if the smoke from them came together, they would become husband and wife. That's what happened and they got married. However, they had no children, and her sister went up the mountain to ask for help from heaven. Each time she brought a stone with her and left it at the top of the mountain. Over time, there were a lot of stones there, and she grew old. She began to cry, and her tears hit the rocks, and they became colorful. After a while, the stones began to glow, and my sister began to look at them every day. One day the sky shone, the ground sparkled, they collided, and the rocks exploded and scattered everywhere. Some fell into the water and turned into fish, some fell into grass and turned into insects, some fell on trees and turned into monkeys, and some flew to the sky and turned into birds. My sister started playing with animals, and one day the monkey threw the fruit off the tree, and the sister peeled it and began to eat it. The monkeys saw how this was done and soon ate all the fruit on the trees. The monkeys followed them to the top, but the trees broke and the monkeys fell to the ground and lost their tails. The cold came and the monkeys began to freeze. My sister also froze and made a cape out of the leaves. The monkeys saw this and followed suit. I got hungry, my sister started eating fish and insects, and the monkeys began to do the same. Her sister began to stone the birds, and the monkeys began to imitate her again. The stones collided with sparks, and so bonfires appeared, around which monkeys began to bask. Fish and shrimp fell into the fire and then tasted better. This is how monkeys learned how to fry food. On rainy days, the monkeys had nothing to do and made pottery. One day, pottery fell into the fire and baked. The burnt dishes did not allow water to pass through, it could be boiled on fire, and so it became possible to eat boiled food. In bad weather, the monkeys had nowhere to hide, and then they began to build dwellings from tree branches and leaves]: Zhou Yang et al. 1998b, No. 31:54-55.

(Wed. The Balkans. Hungarians: Erdész 1961 [When God drove Adam and Eve out of paradise, he threw them from heaven to earth, but they didn't break (and live on earth)]: 335; 1963 [Eve persuaded Adam to eat the forbidden an apple in the garden in the sky where they lived; God drove Adam and Eve to the ground; their bodies were covered in hair; Eve ate some berries, their hair fell out only where they are now; Eve told Adam to eat too these berries, because people are more beautiful without hair]: 58-59).

Southern Siberia - Mongolia. The Mongols (Khalkha) [there was only water; the lama descended from the sky, began to interfere with the ocean with an iron stick; in the middle of the ocean, a ball of earth thickened; from further interference, the earth hardened in the form of a quadrangle; two swans (hong) descended on it; the llama made a woman out of the female's nail, a man from the male's nail; humans come from them; the Mongols do not kill swans; swans have yellow cheeks, therefore, the Tangut lamas have yellow clothes; the body is larger than the head - so the White Khan (the Russian tsar) rules over ten languages; the legs are black, so people on the seashore do not know much about books; the Tanguts, on the other hand they know the most, because the language is closest to the head (=Potanin 1886, No. 24:26)]: Potanin 1881, No. 25a: 166; Buryats [wandering on the western side of Lake Baikal say they came from two babies, a boy and a girl, descended from the sky to the mountain near the mouth of the Zhunko River...; these babies were fed by a wild boar and their tribe subsequently multiplied so much that they reached the very beginning China, where two brothers, Mongol and Buryat, allegedly split]: Spassky 1824 in Zolotarev 1964:236.

Western Siberia. Eastern Khanty (Tromyegan) [in the evening, Torum's mother and Torum thought that someone should pick berries on the ground, and in the morning a boy and a girl were ready; they were lowered from the sky on a wire to the ground; mother T. and T. see how people live, they have fun]: Kulemzin, Lukina 1977, No. 13:18.

Eastern Siberia. Evens [people are expelled from heaven for disobedience, began to freeze on the cold ground; the hero flies on a deer, pulls fire from the sun, brings it to earth]: Robbeck 1986:80; Amur Evenks ( genus captuke, z.1974) [little people lived in the Bug sky; squirrel skin was worn like a fur coat; their boy and girl fell to the ground and, after eating blueberries, grew up; copulated; Evenks came from them]: Varlamova 2002:113.

Japan. Ainu [water first; island grows; birds bring plants from the south; people sent from heaven (no details)]: Etter 1949:21-22; Kojiki 1994, ch. 29-32 [great goddess Amaterasu oo-mi- kami and other gods decide to send to earth the son of a descendant of heavenly gods named Amatsuhiko-hikoho no ninigi-no ("The Young Man God of Plenty of Rice Sprouts"); when he descended, he met the Virgin of Blooming on Trees, her father Ooyama-tsumi-no kami gladly agreed to the marriage, giving her groom and her older sister the Maiden of the Longevity of the Rocks; she was ugly and her fiancé sent her back; her father said that's why life was the descendant of the heavenly gods will be short-lived as flowers on trees, not eternal like a rock]: 84-89; Nihon Shoki 1996, scroll 2 [goddess Amaterasu's grandson descends from heaven; chooses to marry The Virgin of Flower Blossoms on the Trees; rejects her ugly older sister, the Eternal Rock; if he had chosen otherwise, people would live forever]: 158-159; Ryukyu Islands: Matsumoto 1928 [historical writing Chû zanseikan, 1650; Mr. Neba told God Amamiko that there was only one water below, and a place should be created for the gods to live; he went down and saw that the waves of the East Sea were joining the waves of the West Sea; returned to heaven and lowered the earth, stones, grass, trees, creating numerous islands; at A.'s request, Mr. Neba brought down a man and a woman; they learned to copulate by watching others living beings; a female goddess gave birth to three boys and two girls; the eldest son became the first king, the middle son became the first local elder, the youngest the first peasant; the eldest daughter became the first princess a priestess, the youngest as the first priestess; having risen to heaven for the third time, A. brought the seeds of five cereals from there, celebrated a festival of heaven, earth and gods; later the gods disappeared, disasters hit the country]: 114-115; Maruyama 2009 (Miyako Islands) [by order of Heavenly Lord, Koinutsu descended to the tiny island of Miyako, piled up stones (making the island bigger); married the heavenly goddess Koitama ; they gave birth to the god Sotatsu and the goddess Kagyoku; the god Mokusu (tree) and the goddess Sousou (grass) appeared from the earth, all of them became the ancestors of the people of Miyakokinawa show his footprints; rakon;]: 32.

The Arctic. Aleuts: Veniaminov 1840 [two humanoid woolen creatures descended from the sky; they gave birth to a pair of others, without hair, and all people who went west, north and east descended from them; the place where they lived was quiet and warm; when people multiplied, they began to invent weapons and fight]: 127-128; 2011 [Athans thought that all the islanders as they knew were descended from a couple people who descended from heaven to an island called Tanag, from their group of islands]: 2; Merck 1978 ["the Aleuts tell us about their origin that a dog came to these islands (Unalashka and Umnak) from the west, gave birth to a creature that looked like a human in front, and looked hairy from the back. They came from this creature. According to other sources, on the western ledge, Fr. A clever dog came from heaven, first gave birth to two humanoid creatures, whose descendants eventually took on a human image more and more, and since there are now many people, they arose between they were wars, which is why they moved to other islands and became different designations.. "]: 80; Sarychev 1952 [the Aleuts come from a dog that fell from the sky to Umnak Island; she gave birth to a boy and a girl with dog paws; people come from this couple; because of civil strife, they separated, moving from the Alaska Peninsula to the western islands]: 215 (1802:164); Kodiak: Davydov 1812 [others say that the kayak with the first people fell from the sky; others that Kodiak had a female, and Alaska had a big colorful male who swam to the island, and that its inhabitants were born from them; some think that Kodiake was a girl to whom a male came from Unalashka and both konyagi and dogs descended from them]: 99; Lisyansky 1812 [The raven brings light to the world; at the same time a bubble falls from the sky, with a man and a woman in it; they blow, the bubble grows; they stretch out their legs and arms, mountains appear; a man scratches his head over the mountains, his hair falls, the mountains are covered with forest, animals grow in them; the sea arises from a woman's urine; a man pulls ditches and holes, a woman spits in them, lakes and rivers appear; a woman pulls out one tooth, a man made an ax out of it, began to cut wood; from chips that fell into the water, fish arose; from fragrant cypress is pink salmon, red is coho salmon; their eldest son played with a stone, Kodiak appeared out of stone; putting a man and a female on him, he shoved the island to its present place, where people then divorced]: 77; (= Lisiansky 1814:197-198 in Lantis 1938, No. 1:131, in Oswalt 1967:212); Holmberg 1985 [Shilam Shoa, i.e. lord of peace, created earth and sky but there was no light; sent brother and sister to earth, forbidden eating grass; the sister offered to eat herbs, maybe it would be light then; the brother did not want to, but the sister ate, it was light; both felt ashamed, they went in different directions, could not escape, met on in the sky; on the steps leading to heaven, they met, fell in love; five children born died; Shilam Shoa promised to sing a song, after which the children will not die; it happened; they returned to earth, gave birth to people]: 61; Bering Strait Inupiate (Diomede Islands) [a man and a woman descend from the sky, are childless; a man carves five figures from a walrus bone, a woman carves five from a tree; the first turn into men, the latter into women]: Nelson 1899:517.

NW coast. Bellacula: Boas 1898 [the tradition of every endogamous village begins with "the Sun sent so and so and their sister (or sisters) down to such a place")]: 52-73; McLiwraith 1948 (1) [The sun sends humans from heaven to earth; each group lands where they later live]: 295-352.

The coast is the Plateau. Comox (chatloltk) [Chatloltk's ancestor descended from heaven wearing bird clothes accompanied by his sister]: Boas 1895, No. VIII.13:85 (=2002:209); pentlatch [two men descend from the sky, become the ancestors of pentlatch] Boas 1895, № XII.1:95-96 (=2002:237-238); chalkomel (kovichan): Boas 1895, No. IV.2 [first Sialac, then Svutlak, then other men and women descend from heaven; S. teaches them how to hunt and fish; tribes disperse, S. is left alone; another leader sends his daughter to him; she finds an empty house with a wooden woman in her hands, put in her hands a spindle and a piece of fat; the one who comes eats fat, hides; S. is glad that the wooden wife has eaten; the next time she comes burns a wooden one; marries S., her maid marries another man], IV. 7 [humans and deer descend from the sky on a giant tree; they tell two rats to gnaw through the trunk; the tree falls, the crown breaks off to form Galiano Island; it has a lot of deer]: 47-50, 53-54 (=2002:138-144, 148); Hill-Tout 1904b (Skaúlits) [of the three groups of skaystreets, two were considered descendants of a man and a woman who descended from heaven, one was born from Sturgeon]: 363, 366; Puget Sound [people live in heaven and they wield fire; animal people make a chain of arrows, climb into the sky, steal fire; real people go down and animal people turn into animals]: Ballard 1929:53-54.

The Midwest. Eastern Swamps: Bird 2007 [the huge Ehep spider helped the first human couple descend from heaven to earth in a basket; told them not to look down, they looked, the thread broke, they fell; This is probably why people's lives are not as good as they could be]: 15-16; Ellis 1995, No. 1 [people lived in heaven; a voice invited the man and his wife to bring them down to the ground; warned that it could be hot there and it was cold; the Spider lowered them on the web, putting them in something like a bag; told them to look only alone, not both at once, otherwise they would be stuck in the eagle's nest in a tree; they both looked, stayed in the nest; Caribou, The lynx replied that they could not let them down; the Bear agreed, lowered them, taught them everything; people multiplied, respected the Bear], 2 [= (1); Wolverine lowered the first pair from the tree together with the Bear]: 3-7, 9-13; potauatomi: Skinner 1924:333 [potauatomi descended from heaven closer to where their delaware grandfathers live], 334 [potauatomi descended from heaven, the Great Spirit put them on earth; here they met them creator of Visakia]; Winnebago: Radin 1909, No. 4 [the creator of Ma-ona cries in empty space; his tears form the primary ocean; with thought he created the earth, it swings; created four The winds, putting them on four sides of the world like four mighty men; threw four snakes with their heads to the east, they pierced the ground, it stopped swaying; created four Thunderbirds, they hit the ground with clubs, creating hills and valleys; created four brothers, gave them tobacco, sent them to the ground]: 307-310; 1932:56; Smith 1997:18-22 [The creator woke up, cried, his tears formed a sea; created by the power of thought light, earth, it swayed on the waves; grew grass, created stones, placed four Winds to the cardinal points, but the swing continued; then it pierced the earth with four snake heads to the east, the earth froze; created four Thunderbirds from clay in his likeness; created four brothers, giving them tobacco, the Thunders lowered them to the ground; by hitting clubs, they created hills and valleys], 105-110 [(Zap. Louis L. Meeker); having created the earth, Ma-ona created a man in the sky Wah-reh-ksan-ke-ka ("man with one leg"; M.); he dried by the fire (it was the sun), his leg cracked, M. threw him to the ground; created another , Koo-noo-ha ("first young man"; K.); together with seven other people, they are ancestors of eight families (apparently they were lowered to earth); brothers take turns chasing the beast, disappear; seventh brother Nah-ghee-gho-no-neenk (N.) comes to a hollow tree; six pairs of skis nearby; M. descends from the sky, N. wounds him with an arrow, he hits him, takes him to heaven; K. hears his screams, comes to heaven to M.; he took off his skins from six brothers, prepared their meat for food, N. hung up to suffer, avenging the wound, and he is small for food; M. and K. compete in a ball game (the ball must be handed over with a club); each hits the other's head, the head takes off, returns to the neck; for the fourth time, Ma-ona agrees that N.'s head does not return; she turns into the Morning Star, the murdered brothers into the clouds; each brother married the sister of another but N. who was single], 149 [the creator of Ma-ona saw that the land he created was smooth, people were slipping off it; he began to cry, his tears formed seas, rivers, washed valleys, mountains appeared; under their weight the ground moved, people stopped sliding].

Plains. Hidatsa [the bisons are gone; the hunter hears their roar, digs a hole, sees land and lots of game below; goes down as an arrow, taking his relatives; they have corn and beans with him]: Beckwith 1938, No. 3:22-25; Bowers 1965 (Avatish division): 126, 303-308; from: Curtis 1976 (19) [four men live in the sky; after killing all the game, they are looking for another country; the youngest, who goes south, finds the land of plenty; the elder dies, the first corn grows out of it; in the land of plenty (this is the land) they make a pipe out of elm; people divide into the genera of bison, owl, pigeon, snake; put up with the bear family ; Bears take responsibility for winter and summer, Owls for spring and autumn (sowing, harvesting)]: 162-153; Whitman 1938:187 [people of the Eagle family live in the sky; four men find a hole, go down to the ground, marry Bear women], 194-196 [the four ancestors of the Bison family descend from heaven]; Omaha [(Pebble tradition); humans were spirits and tried to live in the sun and moon; they were there I didn't like it, they went down to earth]: Liberty et al. 2001:408; Osage: Bailey 2001 [(by La Flesch 1921; 1930); the feminine power of the moon was symbolized by a black hawk and a sacred bow; masculine power the suns are a red hawk and a sacred arrow; the tribe arose after the Chen Fratria Qizhu who descended from the sky united into members of the fratria hong living on earth]: 480-481; Fletcher, LaFlésh 1911:62-64 (fratria vazhaje) [people lived in the sky (sometimes stars); the Sun told them it gave birth to them; the Moon said it gave birth to them from the Sun; that they should go down to earth; but below alone water, people hung in the air; asked for help, the elk fell into the water, began to sink; the winds called, they began to blow, the waters came down; first only stones, then soil appeared; the elk happily began to lie on it; its fur adhering to the soil has turned into beans, corn, potatoes, wild tubers, trees and herbs; people meet members of other Osage units and decide to live with them] in DeMallie, Park 2001:1066 and in Erdoes, Ortiz 1984:119; Mathews 1961 [first humans descend from heaven to earth]: 9; throw off Pawnee [Tirava makes people in heaven; no one knows how to bring them down; Moon weaves a rope out of bison hair, people go down; the last man is afraid to let go of the end of the rope and jump; the last woman comes down after him; cuts the rope; both fall, turn into spiders]: Dorsey 1904b, note 228:351-352.

Southeast USA. Shawnee [The Great Spirit creates all tribes in heaven, brings them down to earth; first there are only men, women are created on earth]: Trowbridge 1939:61; screams [some say people have come down from heaven, others that came out of the earth; earth is man's mother]: Swanton 1928:480.

NW Mexico. Tarahumara [people grew out of the ground when it was still flat; lived for a year and faded like flowers; according to another tradition, they came down from the sky with corn and potatoes in their ears; Tata-Dios (= The sun) took them to the mountains]: Lumholtz 1902 (1) :297.

(Wed. Mesoamerica Mixtecs [scenes in the Vienna Codex and the Zouche-Nuttall Code; from a crevice in the sky, a cultural hero descends a rope to the ground; this scene may also be associated with the descent of the first ancestor ]: Furst 1988:106-108, 123-124).

Honduras - Panama. Eastern Panama (kuna?) [The sun sends a boy and a girl from heaven to earth; the girl is older, holding a maraka (shamanic rattle) in her hands; people raised children; when they were washed and combed, pieces of gold came out of their bodies; the children ate the smell of food for a long time, cleaned themselves through the navel; when they grew up, they were married, but the young man also married other women, and the girl married an Indian; angry, the Sun deprived them of the privilege of eating smells and they began to be relieved like everyone else; they come from casiks]: Adrian de Ufelde 1908:129-130 in Casimir de Brizuela 197:62.

The Northern Andes. Cimila: Reichel-Dolmatoff 1945, No. 1 [God pushes man from heaven to earth], 3 [first humans descend from heaven, don't know where to go; the Great Father takes a rainbow bow, fires three arrows, showing the way]: 5-6; when: Chaves 1947, No. 2 [Seraira brought a man and a woman down from heaven to earth, gave them cultivated plants]: 470; Reichel-Dolmatoff 1985 (2) [there was a small house in the primary sea worm-like people lived there, without faces, eyes, legs; dicks gradually formed, starting with legs, last with tongue; came to life; the first person was Sei-hukúkui; he flew like a vulture, Mother asked Eluitsáma make the earth; she brought a man and his wife from heaven; they have two sons and a daughter; all Indians are from them]: 26; Bari: Montoya Sanchez 1973 in Cipolletti 1993:276.

Southern Venezuela. Yanomami [people live in heaven; ask the Month to bring them down to earth; he puts four men and one woman in the right leg of a little bird, sends it to the ground; people are born from a leg; y men are a common wife; their son Sukhilina shoots a month, blood is shed; The month agrees to turn this blood into people; after death, a person is burned; his soul returns to heaven in a stream of smoke]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1990b, No. 15:47-48.

Guiana. Varrau [people live in the sky; a man fires an arrow, it pierces the sky; the earth can be seen through the hole; people go down a rope; a pregnant woman gets stuck, turns into the Morning Star]: García 1993, No. 20 [people lived in the sky; the hunter's arrow pierced a hole, fell to the ground; he went down the rope, he liked the ground, but there was no fire, he was cooking under the sun, which it was hotter than the current one; sent a parrot to bring fire from the Toad; he pecked her, but only burned its beak; the man climbed a tree, threw fruit on the Toad, it began to smoke; threw off another, he crushed it, fire all over earth; the man returned to heaven, called the others to go down to earth; when his pregnant wife climbed, she got stuck in a hole; people from behind began to beat her, push her, her gut fell out, now you can see it Morning Star]: 90-91; Wilbert 1970, No. 101, 102, 103 [from the top of the tree], 141, 145, 146 [the hole closes behind a pregnant woman]: 216-220, 293-294, 307-311; Caribbean Islands [first person descends from the sky; produces others from its nostrils and incisions at his thigh]: Roth 1915, No. 51:141 (=Rouse 1948:564); carinha (Guyana): Brett 1880:103; akawai [people descended from heaven to ground; no details.]: Im Thurn 1966 {1883}: 379; curl [people descend from the sky on a rope; she breaks under the weight of an overweight woman]: Brett 1880:179; Roth 1915, No. 51:141; oyana: Coudreau 1893 [rain floods the earth; brother and sister flee on a mountain, then in a boat; after the flood, a man from heaven tells them to build a house; a young man comes to him in heaven; there they bake meat and cassava on a stone in the sun; a sister also comes, finds a house whose pillars are cassava cuttings; a person shows cassava cooking utensils, they turn into a snake and a hornet swarm; a piece of wood - into the fire; a man sends brother and sister to the ground, giving cassava, yams, bananas, etc.; on the ground a piece of wood caught fire itself (the origin of the fire); gave two halves of one calebas, one came out of men, from the other is women; brother and sister attach macaw feathers to their shoulders, fly to heaven forever to their adoptive father; all three are seen as constellations]: 549-552.

NW Amazon. Yagua [people live in the sky, they kill all the game; a man sees a mountain below and game on it; his wife is weaving a rope, his son and daughter go down; the rope is cut off, all the people in the sky are starving; people on earth are descendants of sister and brother]: Fejos 1943:98-99; tucano actually [The creator descends from the sky along the vine (it is used to make a hallucinogenic decoction); followed by the First Couple]: Reichel-Dolmatoff 1985:245, note 18.

Central Andes. The central and southern coast of Peru from the Chillon Valley (Caravillo) to Arica [the god Pachacamac sent four stars to earth - two men and two women; they (obviously, the first couple) gave birth noble and generous kings and (second couple) poor people, commoners and servants]: Calancha 1638, vol.2, ch. 19:414.

Bolivia - Guaporé. Eseeha: Alvárez 1942 [the ancestors descended from the sky along the vine, it broke off, they fell, they groaned, the rest were frightened and remained in the sky; other tribes came out of the holes in the ground Painted with arrows, wanted to kill guaraya]: 154-155; Chavarria Mendoza 1984 [people descend from the sky on a cotton rope; a little girl starts crying as her mother is going to go down; the rope breaks; some people remain in the sky]: 35-38.

Southern Amazon. Bakairi [first the bakairi lived in the sky, which was like earth; Keri told heaven that his people were dying here, so don't stay here; but the sky said it didn't want to leave; then Keri descended with people to earth, and the sky rose to its current height from the ground]: Steinen 1897:325.

Eastern Brazil. Kayapo: Dreyfus 1963, No. 1 (kuben-cran-kegn) [people lived in the sky, some stayed there, these are stars; an old man climbed into a hole for a battleship, saw the ground; people descended on a rope; ants they gnawed the rope so that no one else would go down]: 167-168; Wilbert 1978, No. 23 [Banner 1957:50; people came down to earth from the sky; the battleship, the oldest among animals, discovered the earth and then the lower world ; two hunters found his hole, one grabbed his tail, the battleship dragged him underground; the other brought the people; they managed to go down to their friend, but no one dared to explore the underworld], 28 [ Metraux 1960:7-8; a hunter in the sky climbs into a hole for a battleship, sees the ground, tells others; people go down the rope; some are afraid to go down, cut off the rope, turn into stars], 29 [ the boy cut the rope, some people stayed in the sky], 30 [most went down, some hesitated, the boy cut the rope], 31 [the boy cut the rope, the rest became stars]: 95-96, 104- 110; Wilbert, Simoneau 1984a, No. 16 (pau-d-arco) [timid stayed and pulled the rope back], 17 (shikrin) [people tied a cotton belt and went down; some stayed]: 46-47.

Chaco. Chorote: Wilbert, Simoneau 1985, No. 10 [a star descends a rope from the sky, gives birth to the first humans], 16 [rain flooded the earth with a flood; when the waters came down, new people descended from the sky; man conceived a girl in his hand; then married her; people have appeared since then]: 26, 38; Engaite: Cordeu 1973, No. 1 [a parrot cuts a rope with its beak, some people remain in the sky], 2 [people on a rope descended from heaven to earth; the parrot accidentally cut the rope with its beak; the rest tried to resume their descent (using a new rope?) , but a man with a second head on his side was stuck in a hole and the descent stopped]: 200, 201; toba: Wilbert, Simoneau 1982b, No. 21 [after the world fire: Christians and chiriguano], 53 [humans and animals mixed]: 71, 107.

Southern Brazil. Paraguay's Guarani [The Milky Way is the road that ancestors took to earth]: González 1967:377.

Tierra del Fuego. Selknam [the first man and woman were brought down from the sky on a rope; the rope was torn and pulled back, so people stayed on the ground]: Furlong in Cooper 1917:183, =Lothrop 1928:98.