Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

E5D. A predator guards those who come out.


The first people to be on the ground and concentrated within a confined space are threatened by a predator or monster.

Didinga, Lushey, Milhiem, Com, Anal, Wa, Konda, Visayas, Seneca, Arikara, Lipan, Kashuyana, Murato, Uitoto, Jauja, Yurakare, Yabuti, Kamayura, Toba, Caduveo.

Sudan - East Africa. Didinga [a man and a woman descended the vine from the sky; after that, Hyena bit the vine, the rest of the people could not go down; the first couple gave birth to many people, but Hyena devoured many; people they built a high platform (like the one that children put in the field to drive away birds) to return to heaven, but the wind knocked it down, people died; the rest built a new platform, killed Hyena with swords; became go to bed closer to earth and then on earth; no longer afraid of hyenas]: Kronenberg 1972:132-122.

Tibet is the Northeast of India. Lushey [people lived in the underworld; the king's brother hunted hedgehogs, went to the cave for the missing dog, went to the ground; returned for the people, led them, but a snake blocked the exit, and above the exit a stone hung, which the bird held with its feet; the king's brother killed the snake, went out with most of the people; the king returned for a forgotten vessel, always full of meat and other magical objects; when he went back , he saw that the bird was tired of holding the stone, he fell and blocked the exit; the king's wife thought that the king's brother, who wanted to take his place, was to blame, so she cursed those who came out and said that they would be with them illnesses]: M'Culloch 1859:55 in Shakespear 1909:392-393; milliehyem [milliehyum came out of a cave called Khur {or Khul, the text is confused}; their ancestor Hangmi, aka Lupho, son of Mihem, came out, holding flowers after killing the Gulhiemnu snake and the tiger guarding the exit]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Milhiem; com [ancestors came out one of the underworld through a hole; their The tiger waited and killed; Karangpa (the ancestor of Khaba) had striped clothes, the tiger took him for his own and they became friends; then Sai-chepa came out and shot the tiger; then people had a party, drank and ate; Laiwonpa cut off the tiger's tongue and wrapped it around its waist (lai - "tongue", won - "wrap"); out of old friendship, tigers don't kill Kharangpa people, and they don't shoot tigers]: Grierson 1904a:235; anal (Old Kuki) [A man and a woman escaped the flood on a tree on the mountain; in the morning they turned into a tiger and a tigress; then the Pathian spirit brought a man and a woman out of the cave; they prayed for strength to kill scary tigers; God gave strength, they killed tigers, had children, people populated the world]: Shakespear 1912:175 (retelling in Mandal 2009:80).

Burma - Indochina. Wa (kava) [people lived inside the pumpkin; the sparrow cut it, people began to crawl out of it; the tiger guarding the pumpkin grabbed everyone and ate it; the rat bit the tiger's tail; the tiger turned its head into that moment people ran out of the pumpkin; when the tiger saw a lot of people, he got scared and ran away]: Chesnov 1968:168.

South Asia. Kuttia [when Nirantali and half of the people came out of the hole in the ground, the cannibal wolf also appeared from there; N. smashed his head with a stick, he fell back into that hole, jamming the door; N. cut off his head, turned him into an anthill; his eyes turned into stars, his tongue into the sun, his legs 4 mountains, his tail a vine, his ears turned banana plants, his intestines turned into river snakes, blood the Kambell River, his liver was rice field; and the remaining people were never able to get out]: Elwin 1954, No. 12:432.

Taiwan - Philippines. Visayas (Fr. Negros) [rain began to flood the ground, Chief Laon ordered a hill to be poured, then the people dug a ditch to the sea, the waters descended; a seven-headed serpent settled on the mountain with the people; the young Kan told ants, wasps and crows bite and tear a snake, cut off seven heads, brought L. to Gift, received the leader's daughter; since then the mountain has been called Canlaon]: Rybkin 1975, No. 93:224-225.

Northeast. Seneca [the first people came out of the top of the hill at the top of the lake. Canandaigua; a huge snake bordered the foot of the hill; those trying to go beyond the ring were swallowed with it, leaving two children, a boy and a girl; they killed the snake with poisoned arrows; dying, she regurgitated the bones of the swallowed; the bones sank to the bottom of the lake, turned into stones; two children descend from seneca]: Stone 1841:8-10 in Archambault 2006:6.

Plains. Arikara: Dorsey 1904d, No. 12 [Bisons are like people; when people come out of the ground, the Bisons are surrounded, driven into a crevice, killed, eaten; the young man overheard the Bisons talking in their village ; a stranger told him to make bows and arrows to give them to men; when they got out of the ground, people started shooting at the buffalo themselves; they ran, became buffalo; while running away, they grabbed the pieces of human material they had prepared , they became part of their bodies], 13 [bisons are like humans, but with tails and horns; hitting a poplar in which a hollow summons people out of the ground; Cut-Nose is always the first to come out, he is on the buffalo side, then runs away back; other people go out, bison catch them, kill them, eat; one young man manages to escape; the daughter of a buffalo chief becomes his wife, teaches him how to make many bows and arrows, give them to people who come out; people shoot, bison flee, capturing pieces of human meat and turning into bison; arikara does not eat meat from under the shoulder blade - it is a human being that has grown to the body of bison]: 39-40, 40-44.

The Great Southwest. Lipan [people live in a cave in the west; Antelope, Bakers, Woodpecker are the first to go out; devour anyone who tries to follow; husband, wife and daughter are saved; daughter marries Crocodile; that kills monsters, turns them into antelopes, bakers, woodpeckers; people come out of the cave]: Opler 1940, No. 2b: 26-29.

Guiana. Kashuyan [Purá and Murrá made people; P. left hardwood bows in the house, they turned into people; put them in a boat, told them to live downstream; the boat was swallowed by the Marmaru-im snake ó; P. sent people in several small boats, M. swallowed them all again; the japu bird warned her of the near prey every time; hardwood onions did not turn into humans anymore; P. and M. began to be made from different breeds, but wild pigs, bakers, snakes came to life; bows made of soft wood came to life, so now people are mortal; P. and M. got into the boat themselves, let themselves be swallowed, slaughtered inside M. with knives - P. on the right, M. on the left; when they went out, they saw snakes - M.'s children; saved their lives; the skin removed from M. was covered in patterns; P. ornamented baskets, cassava push-ups, etc.]: Frikel 1970: 13-17.

Western Amazon. Murato [people lived in an underground cave, the exit was guarded by a huge jaguar; one man killed him; those who went out washed themselves; who were the first in clear water to become Europeans, then Indians, then blacks]: Von Hassel in Stirling 1938:123.

NW Amazon. Uitoto [Buineizeni was punished by the Sun for creating a shaman tree; asked his brother to take it to a separate hut; as a snake, he sailed to the shore where his brother's daughters were; they were able to do it catch them after their father trapped them; they put the snake in a pot of water, fed them cassava, the snakes grow, put them in a larger vessel, then let them into the lake; first he eats cassava, then crawls ashore to catch animals; lived in a cave, began to devour ancestors who came to earth; swallowed the girl herself; her father jumped a snake into his open mouth; when the serpent swam near him at home, cut his stomach with a sharp shell, came out bald; his daughters tied his leaves like wings, he became an eagle; his beak was an ax, bringing monkey and sloth heads to his daughters, then I began to eat people; I wanted to eat my daughters, but they locked themselves in the house, called for help; people made a trap, killed the ogre eagle; his spirit became a harpy eagle]: Preuss 1921, No. 5:64-65 (=1994:97-99).

The Central Andes. Huanca (prov. Jauja, dep. Junin) [the provinces of Jauja and Mantaro are covered with water, inhabited by the dragon Amaru; the rainbow gives birth to a second Amara, they fight, god Tixe destroyed them with lightning; then from the Uari-pukio spring The first couple of people came out, Mama and Taita; before that they were underground for fear of Amaru; Amaru tries to go to heaven but lightning strikes him]: Arguedas, Isquirdo Rios 1947:66.

Bolivia - Guaporé. Yurakare [see motif J16; Tiree makes brother Karu from her thumb nail; the bird calls them to visit; K. overturns the pot of chicha, it floods the ground, K. sinks; T. revives him from the remains; both marry forest turkeys, each has a son and daughter; the girls' breasts were first under the eyes, T. gives them their current appearance; K.'s son dies; T. says that will be resurrected, warns that K. should not eat it; peanuts grew on the grave, K. pulled out the bush, ate the fruit; so he ate his son, since then people have been mortal; T. tells K. to eat the duck; this is his son again; K. regurgitates what he has eaten , parrots, toucans, and other birds fly out; T. and K. go to visit Jaguariha, her lips are covered in blood; she ate a man killed by a snake; they peel off her head, turn it into uruba, tell her to eat carrion; snake guards a hole in the ground; T. tells the stork to kill her; people of different tribes (not Yurakare) come out of the hole; at the request of T., arrows fall from the sky, people begin to fight; T. goes west, failing many people; old people are becoming young again]: Orbigny 1844:210-214 (people going out at p.214); yabuti [there are two brothers; one yabuti named Kabebé, the other is makurap named Karopzü; food Only the cannibal Bat has; people come out of the ground and fall into its trap; brothers to the hole, two girls have appeared; K. turned into a bee, climbed into a hole; there are people in the stone receptacle; K. crashed it, people came out, spoke their own tongues]: Maldi 1991:256-257.

Southern Amazon. Kamayura: Münzel 1973 [when Kwam (the Sun) came to Kamukwaká (a band related to the Arawaks Wara), he wanted to shoot arrows in the boys' ears, but K. did not allow it, then For this purpose, the sun gave a sharp jaguar bone; the leader of the village of Morená (where the first ancestors of Kamayura) created a howler monkey, and the Sun created a large Amazon parrot to attack K., but they did not attack; sister K. the first period, despite the ban, she went to the river, where she lost her lace from her leg; the Sun turned K.'s house into a rock; a giant snake appeared (apparently arising from a lost lace), began to demand the boys to be eaten; K. gave a few, then began to throw the pillars of the house into her mouth; these stobes screamed like boys, the snake believed that it swallowed people; K. decided to make a hole in the stone coating of the house; The Black Macaw broke his teeth, so people's teeth deteriorate; the big Amazon pierced; first the hole was narrow, Amazon widened it, people began to climb to the roof; the first two shooters did not reach the arrows the sky, then plunged into the sky and one into the other, forming a chain; K.'s people took to heaven in the village of Jaguars; the two leaders were the last to climb, their sister was frightened, climbed, but immediately returned; so only men rose the sky (perhaps due to the predominance of male shamans among Kamayura and the idea that shamans visited the sky); the brothers left their sister a knife out of the sink; the sister later turned into cicada, her song causes rain; the snake wrapped around the house, crawled inside, looked for people, her sister cut her to pieces; the Month (Yaú) cut her sister in a mortar, sculpted a bird from the remains, singing in the evenings; The Sun threw pieces of snake into the water, they became various fish; the Sun and the Month rose to heaven; the Month painted the Sun's face with beautiful patterns, and the Sun of the Month ugly; the Jaguars were fishing, their wives took men as husbands; the chief's two wives went beyond the Sun and the Month; ordered not to touch the bird, the men plucked it, the feathers flew to the Jaguars, who ran, killed old men who did not have wives; the Sun and The Jaguars were killed for a month - first one at a time in the men's house, then they were driven everywhere; they were forbidden to eat jaguar meat, allowed them to make necklaces from fangs; the Sun and the Month went down for a while to Morená, K . stayed in the sky]: 150-161; Villas Boas, Villas Boas 1973 [Kuamucacá is preparing a festival of piercing boys' ears in the village; the Sun and the Month live in a neighboring village, come to visit, they are given honor to perform the ritual (they were first going to shoot boys' ears with bows, but K. showed how to pierce holes with a jaguar bone); the Sun creates howler monkeys, then parrots, tells them to attack to the village, but K. calms them down; K. told his sister, who has her period, not to go to the river, but she went, forgot the lace that was tied to her ankle, the Sun found it, turned it into a huge snake, covered it With a layer of stone, K.'s house with everyone inside it; the snake demanded that K. give her men; K. gave her five boys, she swallowed them; then three more; K. threw her logs, she swallowed them, calmed down for a while; K. told Mako to punch a hole in the rock, he broke his tooth (beak?) ; so people have toothache; parots (parakeets) managed to pierce; widened the hole so that everyone could squeeze; two men started shooting at the sky, made a chain of arrows; all climbed up, first howler monkeys; the Sun was furious because it created monkeys to kill people rather than act with them; the last to climb were the two brothers K.; their sister stayed, afraid to climb; a snake climbed towards her , she cut it to pieces; the Sun turned it into a neck; the Sun and the Month threw pieces of snake into the water, they turned into all kinds of snakes; the Sun and the Month rose after people to heaven; there everyone went to Jaguar village; the Jaguars were fishing, their women married people, the chief's two wives went beyond the Sun and the Month; warned them not to touch the pigeons, but one person caught a pigeon, the feathers reached the fishermen- The Jaguars; they sent the Puma to scout; ran; five men left without wives were on the street, were immediately killed; the rest locked themselves in their homes; the Sun, the Moon, and people killed the Jaguars with arrows; therefore There are not as many jaguars as it could be; the Sun and the Moon made necklaces out of jaguar fangs, but banned eating jaguar meat; they returned to earth in their village of Morená, destroying, at the request of K., a chain of arrows to the sky]: 98-104; (cf. Agostinho 1974, No. 6 [Kwat and Yaí (Sun and Month) came from their village Morená to the village where they were chief of Kamukuaka; the Sun shot a hole in K.'s ear with a bow, who said it was possible to kill this way , showed how to hole in their ears with a jaguar bone; the Sun made Macaw and the Perico parrot kill K.'s people, but they began to bite the grain quietly; Sister K. bathed, lost her lace from her leg, the Sun turned him into a huge snake; asked K. to give the boy, fed the snake; then two more; then K. let her swallow logs; K. started shooting at the sky from the roof of the house, made a chain of arrows, first, screaming, climbed howler monkey; sister K. was afraid to get up; cut the snake to pieces; in heaven, K. and his men came to the village of Jaguars, took their women; it was impossible to touch the pigeon in the village of Jaguars, the Sun and They went up there for a month, touched them; the Jaguars came running, looked into the men's house, the Sun and the Month killed them one by one; told them to make necklaces out of their claws, but not to eat their meat; the Sun and the Month stayed on sky]: 182-185).

Chaco. Toba (eastern) [the old man dreamed that there would be a world fire, made an underground shelter, some of the people escaped; after the fire, mountains appeared on the ground; who went out looking around, turned into animals; people saw a huge snake, the Father of the Serpents, it ate animals (before leaving the hole by former humans); people killed two Serpent Fathers; humans descended from twenty survivors]: Wilbert , Simoneau 1989a, No. 57:87; caduveo [someone steals fish from God's trap; dogs can't detect a thief, God sends nocturnal birds; one of them sends him on the trail of a dangerous beast; God finds the hole in which people and animals were pulls them out, the caduveo after the Europeans; the beast devoured people coming out; God kills the beast, distributes its fat among animals; the pig came first, Cayman also got a lot of fat; nandu, deer remained skinny]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1990a, No. 2:21-22.