Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

E6. It is the woman's fault that breaks the connection between the worlds.

.13. (.21.22.) .25. (.26.) .

When a woman of childbearing age (she has her period, has a miscarriage, is pregnant, has a baby, or is simply fat) tries to go from one world to another, the worlds are connected forever is interrupted.

Sudan - East Africa. Toposa [people lived in the sky with Nawuge; the bird brought a rope from the ground, people began to descend, saw plants, cattle; under the weight of a pregnant woman who was about to wait for twins, the rope broke off, some people stayed in the sky]: Scheub 2000:170.

(Wed. Tibet is the Northeast of India. Ao [three male and three female ancestors came out of six stones in Longterok, married each other, becoming the ancestors of six ancestral units of ao; ao crossed the river by hanging the bridge, which was then collapsed; the people who remained on the other side became the ancestors of groups called Mürir]: Aier, Jamir 2009:5-8).

(Wed. Burma - Indochina. Mine [when other nations have long lived on the surface of the earth, my ancestors were still underground; decided to come to the surface through the hole with their pets; beauties they began to dress up, were left behind everyone; but a two-headed buffalo got stuck in the hole, where he died, blocking the exit forever; so there are few beautiful women among mine]: Besnard 1907:87).

Taiwan - Philippines. Visayas [people live in the sky; Ukunirot hunter shoots a bird, an arrow breaks through the sky; people see the ground through the hole; weave a rope of feathers, go down; fat woman could not crawl, stayed in the sky; the rope broke but everyone had already descended; the rest in the sky lit the stars; the moon was a hole in the sky]: Eugenio 1994, No. 170:290-291; paywan: Egli 1989, No. 19 [people lived on earth, did not die; the woman decided to go down to the lower world to see how it was; went down through the Tanavurung hole, warning her family that if she did not return in a week, then it's good downstairs, let they follow her; a week later she decided to return, but during that time her pregnancy progressed and because of her big belly she was unable to crawl through the hole; people have been dying ever since]: 49; Mabuchi 1969 [ People used to go down to the lower world for grain; one day a pregnant woman came down, and when she got to the surface, she was crushed; because she was pregnant, no one wanted to touch her and pull it out of the hole, she died; a big tree grew out of her body]: 31; (cf. Mabuchi 1969 [Sa-Lumuj's ancestor went down to the lower world, received millet seeds there; since he hadn't returned for a long time, his wife went looking for him, fell into a hole and died; since then people have been mortal]: 30-31); laarua [a man dug a yam, found a hole in the lower world, went down with his wife; the locals eat the smell of food; husband and wife ate; husband hid millet under their fingernail, bean in the navel, sweet potato vine wrapped his head around; his wife hid various crops in her vagina; her stomach was so swollen that when she reached the ground, she sighed heavily; immediately there was a landslide that killed her, and only plants brought by the husband, went to people]: Mabuchi 1969:29.

(Wed. China - Korea. Chuan Miao [a monstrous heavenly horned dragon kidnaps Je Dü's wife; their son Nga Go ("little chicken") tells his father about the listener; JD rises to heaven, kills the dragon poisoned by an arrow, begins to descend with his wife to the ground; she returns for a forgotten silk thread; in the sky she picks up a thread, noisily tears the heavenly thread; celestials quickly drag the stairs up to people from the ground didn't bother them; JD falls on a rock, crashes; now they turn to him for protection from demons; his wife stays in heaven; when she weaves, lightning is visible]: Graham 1954:14-16).

Plains. Blacklegs [people walk on the ice from afar; a horn sticks out of the ice; a small child demands it for himself; his mother saws off the horn; a monster breaks the ice; some people stay on that one forever lake or sea side; tribes diverge in different directions]: Wissler, Duvall 1908, No. 6:22; Sarsi: Curtis 1976 (18) [some people (sarsi) have already crossed the lake on ice, the other part (Chipewayans) have not yet crossed; the child saw a horn protruding from the ice, asked his mother to get it, she began to cut it; the monster moved, the ice split; people in the east and west began to live separately; then it rained and flood, sarsi escaped in the mountains]: 141; Simms 1904 [like blacklegs; those who swam south on ice floes are Sarsi's ancestors who returned to the north - beaver]: 180; grovantre [like blacklegs, without details; child asks for a grandmother; people drown on the ice, those left on different banks no longer meet]: Kroeber 1907b No. 32:112; mandan: Beckwith 1938, No. 1 [Mandan came out of the cave at the mouth of the river; first out of the ground Na-ci-i (Prairie dog, Coyote) got out, told the others to go out; under the weight of a pregnant woman, the vine broke off, the rest fell down; the chief's daughter saw a drowned bison in the spring, ate fat with kidneys; it was Lonely Man (Coyote); she became pregnant, her son became a chief], 2 [people lived in the underworld, there was little game; they began to get upstairs in the bud; under the weight of a pregnant woman, he broke off; people killed a bison, loaded her giblets on her calf; plucked a live bird, put her own feather in its beak; a calf and a bird came inside the hill where the bison complained; four brothers and sister, whose The parents did not have time to get out of the ground, they preserved nine species of corn; that bird's plucked feathers contained water, the animals released it; the rain, the flood; the four brothers turned into four buffalo, sister on the cob of the corn, sailed to the highest mountain; became human again; younger brother married a Mandan girl]: 10-11, 18-19; Bowers 1950 [Corn people lived in the lower world by the lake; chief Clothing Good Fur takes them to the ground, they bring corn with them; people climb the vine; the fox sticks out its nose, the sun burns it; the elk expands the hole; under the weight of a pregnant woman, the vine breaks, some people remain in the underworld]: 194, 196; Dorsey 1894 [like Bowers; climb a vine; an overweight woman cuts it off]: 512; Sheena [like a grovantra, without details]: Grinnell 1892:163 in Kroeber 1907b: 112; kiowa ["supernatural ancestor" takes people into our world by releasing one of a poplar log with an empty core; the pregnant woman gets stuck, those who follow her failed rise; therefore, Kiowas are few in number]: Mooney 1898b: 152-153.

Honduras-Panama. Guatuso [people began to incest, men copulated with men; different animals come and say it will end; stars hide, hurricane in the dark, earthquake (this is a woman, Colérrenh, shakes the ground), a flood; animals seek refuge in trees, but a huge talthus (rodent) knocks them down; one righteous man escaped; after the flood, the God of the Upper reaches Nharine offers the Goddess The upper reaches of the Aore create new people, but she only makes tapirs and deer (their meat is not allowed to be eaten); new people, as well as edible animals, have begun to emerge from the Aréfe Cave; she opened after BVN threw a tobacco seed; contrary to BVN's warning, a woman with a dead child looked around, the cave exit closed and the rest of the people stayed inside]: Constela Umaña 1993, No. 7:52, 145-156.

The Northern Andes. Embera (katio?) [people climbed a ladder into the sky from the stems of a beautiful plant, the sky was near; people were not allowed to pick flowers in the Caragabí sky; one woman with a baby in her arms did not notice her child tore off a flower; the staircase broke; its base is still visible on a smooth cliff at the confluence of the Atrato River with Andágueda; it is a place where many myths unfold]: Pineda Giraldo, Gutierrez de Pineda 1958:438.

Llanos. Yaruro [(=Petrullo 1939:238-239); first there was only Kuma, followed by Itciai, Puaná Kiberoh; K. wanted to get pregnant on the toe, but P. said that this would be the way people would become too much; this is how Hachawa was born; P. created the land, I. created water in rivers; H. found a hole in the ground, sees people below, lowers the rope; an equal number of men and women come out; when a pregnant woman climbs, the rope breaks; so there are few people; at first it is dark and cold; in the center of the earth, where K., there was a fire; H. threw a fish into the fire, it began to fight, scattered coals, people dismantled them]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1990c, No. 2: 20.

Guiana. Warrau [from the sky]: Wilbert 1970, No. 101, 141 and 145 [pregnant woman gets stuck in a hole], 146 [the hole closes behind her]: 216-217, 293-294, 307-311; curl [people descend from the sky; under heaviness (pregnant?) women break the stairs; the rest go down as parrots and now live next to people]: Brett 1880:179; Roth 1915, No. 51:141; Carinha (Guyana): Brett 1880 [Tamoshi creates a tree with corn and other cultivated plants on the branches; Tapir finds it, eats it alone; people watch him; Woodpecker failed, the Rat managed to find the tree; the oracle tells him to cut it down; people cut down ten months, they find plants; a flood begins; people climb a coconut palm tree; a woman can hardly climb to half, turns into a stone, followed by her too; several people climb on komoo palm tree, escape]: 104-109; Im Thurn 1983 [like warrau, no details; pregnant woman gets stuck in a hole]: 377.

Western Amazon. Siona [the hero is ashamed to see a woman menstruating, he closes the hole]: Vickers 1989:160; sekoya [woman who has her period]: Cipolletti 1988, No. 6 [those following her decide not climb to the ground]: 61-64; Casanova Velasquez 1990 [A month saw people with a tail crawl out of a hole in the ground in the forest; different tribes came out, the Month tore off their tails, their tails turned into different monkeys; a woman whose period hesitated; the Month turned her into a deer, and those who rose after her remained underground]: 92-97; mayhuna [the sky was in the place of the earth, the earth was in the place of heaven; the sky was not wanted to be like this, changed places with the ground; earthworms, centipedes were in the sky; Maineno went to heaven, it was better there; the sky was close to the ground; M. told Goukuko to shoot, he made a chain from arrows, it turned into a Maineno miime vine ("Maineno's vine"); people went up to see M.; worms also climbed, G. cut off the vine, M. said that only the dead would come to see him; after when the sky was in the place of the earth, people were crushed in the underworld; according to M., people began to get to earth; a menstruating woman climbed along with everyone; those who climbed back after her]: Bellier 1991b, No. 2:171-173; Koreguahe [there was no water, people squeezed it out of the vines; the man saw the battleship chew through the root, water poured out; this man used water alone; others traced, found the tree from which this root was; Parrot axes were dull; parrots of another species were finishing their work; falling chips turned into water; the sky was low, the top of the tree entangled in him; the squirrel rose, cut off the branch, now it's raining from this branch; the tree turned into the sea, the branches into rivers; the water kept rising, it was necessary to cross the sea by log; menstruating the woman was supposed to be the last to walk, but she went in the middle; when she stepped on a log, it sank into the water with those who did not have time to reach the opposite bank; so there were few Indians; at the core of that tree there were anaconda]: Jimenez 1989, No. 16:33-35; shuar [people who enter the cave are unable to get out because the pregnant woman is stuck in the inlet]: Porras García 1978:77.

Central Amazon. Surui [Palop comes to people in the guise of a dirty old man, the girl rejects him; then he is handsome, explains that he is a creator; people ask for forgiveness; he stains the whole house with his vomit, turns it into a rock; people locked inside call for help; Parrot, Mako hammering the rock outside, breaking axes; Woodpecker comes from afar, cuts a hole; people go out, pregnant the woman gets stuck, turns into a honey bee; the woodpecker is unable to cut a new hole, the rest inside die]: Mindlin 1995, No. 7:62-65; gaviano, zoro [The mountain suits holiday, appoints an organizer; turns into a little boy, asks the organizer's wife to take him to poop; becomes an adult again, copulates with her; people discuss this case; G. invites everyone into a house, turns it into stone; everyone lives inside for a long time; Parrots, Mako break their beaks trying to get out; a little bird breaks a hole; various peoples and tribal groups go out; pregnant stuck, turned into honey; those behind her were left inside the rock]: Løvold 1987:421-425.

Montagna - Jurua. Shipibo [the anaconda snake was the mother of all aquatic creatures, including the freshwater dolphin; everything was in his stomach; it was a bridge that people crossed the river; when it went a menstruating woman, blood dripped, the anaconda shook all people off her; there's no bridge like this anymore]: Roe 1982:120-121; marubo [people came out of the ground, each group from a special hole (cada seç ão de um buraco); first, Yové Vai's journey to Shoko Nai was open to everyone; then a woman offended by her husband made the road close]: Melatti 1998 ( http://pib.socioambiental.org/pt/povo/marubo/; date of visit 31.05.10); pyro [people decided to go to heaven, where their relatives were already staying; they began to drink ayahuasca, on the third day from heaven a log came down, some sat on it, a log took them to heaven; so twice; the third time a woman with her period sat down, the ropes broke, the rest could not get up]: Alvárez 1960 : 283 and Gow 2001:243 to 244 in Opas 2008:161

Bolivia - Guaporé. Eseeha: Alvárez 1942 [the ancestors descended from the sky along the vine, it broke off, they fell, they groaned, the rest were frightened and remained in the sky; other tribes came out of the holes in the ground Painted with arrows, wanted to kill guaraya]: 154-155; Chavarria Mendoza 1984 [people descend from the sky on a cotton rope; a little girl starts crying as her mother is going to go down; the rope breaks; some people remain in the sky]: 35-38.

Southern Amazon. Paresi [Wasaré and his siblings were inside the rock; Enoharé lived outside the stone with his wife Zorotiró and two children, a boy and a girl; the children heard the sound of sacred things inside the stone flute; their father made a hole in the stone with a wooden sword, saw people inside; Urubu turned into a mueu, flew out, found out about the world, came back; W. told Aguti to expand the hole, but he broke his tooth; tells different woodpeckers, each rewarded with the peculiarities of their plumage; people came out, Sister W. was stuck because she had thick hips and stomach; the man with the toothache came out, although W. told him not to go out; so and people with other diseases; then Nare's men came out with sacred flutes and rattles; they played in stone with a stone ball, giving it their heads; now they rolled, went where he led; Marten ate honey in hollow, he was walled up there; his cuñado Ahoray saved him; everyone set fire, Marten broke the ban on looking back, everything burned down - there's savannah; where cuñado went - there was a forest-steppe; W.'s people hid from the fire in a hole battleship; a piece of bark (a fold of skin) grew to Tapir behind the fire; there was no water, Aguchi found the source, hid it; Tapir came in, the spring turned into a large lake; people settled; W. sent Kaxie to become by the sun, giving a crown of feathers; when the sun rose, people cut off their tails, shaved off their body hair, cut off the membranes on their legs and arms; the sun first shone round the clock; Dictyra sp.: stars are needed to make it night; W. attached eagle feathers to the bodies of seven sons, turned them into Pleiades; other sons to Mars, the Evening Star, Aries, the Morning Star]: Pereira 1986, No. 2:34-69.

Chaco. Matako [there are almost no people on earth, no women at all; humans eat wild fruits; one hears a noise from the ground; animals and birds are trying to make a hole, only the Battleship succeeds; people go upstairs, matako is the last; a pregnant woman gets stuck in a hole; half of the people are underground, it's honanthleley]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1982a, No. 15:59-60.