Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

E8. Wooden people. .10.11.18.-.

The first people or the first ancestor's wife are made of wood.

SW Africa. The Bushmen (! ko, western Botswana) [Gue created people out of wood, the informant did not know the details]: Heinz 1975:21.

Bantu-speaking Africa. Fang [Nzame created everything, his assistants Mbere and Nkwa appointed Elephant, Leopard, and Monkey as the main animals; then all three gods created the immortal man Fam ("strength"); he became shout that he is the master on earth does not depend on N.; N. burned the earth with lightning, F. found himself in the underworld; the gods covered the charred ground with a new layer of soil, grew a tree, its leaves fell and turned into all kinds of animals; those that fell into the water - fish, crabs and other water inhabitants; the gods created the mortal man Sekume, told him to make a woman out of wood; the human soul in his pupil; they have children; F. got out of the ground, hides in the woods and water, kills people]: Beier 1966:20-22; Conde [the first man came out of the bushes, cut his wife out of wood, she came to life at night]: Adams 1902:41 in Kotlyar 2009, № 152:117; Kanyoka [the first human being cut out of wood by the god Maveja]: Janssens 1926:558 in Kotlyar 2009, No. 151:117; kamba [the first humans were cut down by the god Mwatwangi (Mulungu) from wood; his name means "Woodcutter"]: Lindblom 1920:244 (=Kotlyar 2009, No. 149:117).

Australia. Dieri, Proserpine River [The month made men out of stone, rubbed it with ash, made penises from pandanus root; made women out of boxwood, rubbed it with yams and clay, cut through with a sharp root genitals, gave the menstrual cycle using pandanus fruit]: Waterman 1987, No. 430:37.

Melanesia. Manus [the first man cut down a tree, carved a female figure out of it, she came to life; this couple had children]: Meier 1907, No. 7:652.

Micronesia-Polynesia. Niue [Niue was a reef filled with water at high tide; two men from Tonga, Huanaki and Fao, sailed there, drowned, the island rose above the waters, they drowned again, trees and grass appeared; from ti plants they made man and woman, they gave birth to humans]: Thompson in Williamson 1933 (1) :69.

Malaysia-Indonesia. The Andamans [the first man brought home a piece of ebony (Diospyros sp.); began to make an arrow, heard laughter; the tree turned into a woman; their son was a bird, possibly a woodpecker; the man drowned and became a sperm whale]: Man 1932:194; Brunei (Baram River, border with Sarawak) [two birds created rivers, sea, land, sky; kumpong wood made man and woman; gave yam, cassava, tarot, etc. tubers]: Münsterberger, p. 185-186 in Mabuchi 1969:50; minahasa [Wailan-wangko is alone in the world; an island rose from the sea, a tree grew on it; the sea washed a coconut ashore, BB discovered it, The man Wangi came out; BB retired up the tree; after a while V. climbed to ask him what to do; BB ordered him to return to the ground, carve male and female figures out of wood; they began to move, but they did not speak; BB told them to jump off their heads and ears; this is how Adam and Eve appeared]: Tauchmann 1968:36-37.

Taiwan - Philippines. Mansaka [Taganlang sat on a rock; sent Oribig to fly to the end of the world to bring land; she brought it; T. placed it on a rock, created land with vegetation on it; kasili made wood first man and woman]: Eugenio 1994, No. 38:94; apayao [five brothers cut down a tree, everyone hears a voice, Don't break my house; only the youngest Ingqui-it is not afraid, gets a butt out of it a beautiful woman comes out; the brothers, out of envy, pushed the youngest's log into the river; following him, he finds himself in the cave of the ogre Guissurab and his wife; an insect makes an exit for him in the cave wall, he leaves a mat with stones instead; G. throws it into the cauldron, smashing it; G. and his wife chase I., brothers kill them with red-hot spears]: Wilson 1947b: 76-79.

Baltoscandia. The Swedes [to make people, God cut down a spruce, cut two blocks, cut it, threw away chips; they made crows, crows, jackdaws; then carved the figure with a knife; large shavings became birds, small ones - wasps, flies, mosquitoes; God made the second figure more carefully; chips became capercaillies and black grouses, shavings became songbirds, butterflies and harmless flies; these figures became man and woman]: Balzano 2001, No. 32:57-58; Livs [the hell has one-horned cows; God makes horseflies, they drive cows to God's stable, he makes them two-horned]: Loorits 1926, No. 63:88 57-58.

Western Siberia. Mansi (northern): Lukina 1990, No. 113 [Yoli-Torum-xian (Earth Mother, Older Sister of Num-Torum; aka Kaltas-Ekva) commands Winged Kalm (God's messenger, daughter Toruma) ask his father to make people; he promised, but others must revive people; ordered Topal-Oike to make people; he cut down seven figures from larch; Hul-Otyr sculpted seven of clay; T.-O. agreed to change with him if H.-O. revived the figures; H.-O. took the wooden ones to T., he blew, they scattered, so he could not catch them; took the clay ones to K.-E., she revived them, telling him not watch (so men can't see childbirth); because people are made of clay, their eyelids are short, they drown in water, sweat protrudes from the heat; larch people would be stronger and would not drown in water; H.-O. were supposed to be menquas (apparently they were larch people)]: 298-299; Munkácsi at Lintrop 2019 (der. Nyaksimvol) [Joli-Toorum asks his brother Numi-Toorum to place the sun and moon in the sky; then decorate the swaying earth with mountains; he does it; now we have to make people; Grandfather Tapyl knocked down 7 people from larch trees, and Father Collie sculpted seven of clay; at first refuses to change, because T. will not be able to revive the figures; but then they changed; K. brought wooden ones to Numi Torum, who revived them, they went to the forest { became perfume?} ; and the clay ones began to soak in the water; Yoli-Torum revived them, they make them people, but they are fragile, they break their arms and legs, drown in water; if they were from larch, they would float above the water; people began to fish in the seine]: 73- 76; Eastern Khanty (b. Yugan) [Kon-iki and Taras-nai broke two birch branches, put them at home, and became people]: Lukina 1990, No. 13:75, 509 [TN is "sea-fire", Torum's daughter, living where the sea becomes fiery; gave birth to the first people].

Japan. Aina [The Creator sends a Sparrow to the god of Heaven to ask how to make people; Out of wood (willow); later God changes his mind, sends an Otter to say it's made of stone; The otter loses time, catches fish; wooden men are mortal; the god of Heaven punishes the Otter by stepping on its face]: Etter 1949:22-23.

The Arctic. The Aleuts (Unalashka) [a man needs a son-in-law but does not have a daughter; he makes a daughter out of wood; gives her a maid to act and speak for her]: Jochelson 1990, No. 21:203.

Subarctic. Atna [The raven makes people out of stone; they're too heavy, the earth bends; they're made of wood; they're light, they die fast]: Rooth 1971:343; tagish [The raven carves out the first men and women from poplar bark]: McClelland 1987:187 (=2007, No. 32g: 206-207); southern tutchoni, tagish, inner tlingit [The raven makes people from poplar bark; divides the Crow and the Wolf by fratria]: McClelland 1975 (1): 93.

NW coast. Quakiutl [Sholos descends from the sky in the form of a bird; takes off his bird mask, carves two men and two women out of alder]: Boas 1910, No. 27:369-377; Nootka [see motif B21; The converter turns human animals into animals; carves male and female figures out of wood, revives them; goes south forever]: Boas 1916, No. 6:913.

The coast is the Plateau. Shuswap [An old grizzly woman lives alone; makes her daughter out of resin, she melts in the sun; from stone she sinks; from clay, she dissolves in water; from wood, the girl stays alive; she is kidnapped by the Trout Man; the kidnapped children return to their grandmother; see motive J24]: Teit 1909a, No. 28:691-693; Thompson [three brothers burn Coyote's wife; send him new wives made of alder and birch]: Teit 1898, No. II: 44 ; lillouette [Coyote has a branch instead of a wife; four Bear Brothers burn it; they carve two wives out of alder and aspen for the Coyote; they descend from tribes with darker and lighter skin]: Teit 1912b, No. 44:357-358; Chalkomel (Lower Fraser River): Boas 1895, No. 1 [Kels (three brothers and sister) travel, transform and correct their ancestors; Coyote has a piece of wood instead of his wife with a hole; K. makes him a real wife out of cedar bark]: 23; Thompson, Egesdal 2008 [Grizzly's older sister has a daughter, the youngest Black Bear has a daughter (WC), a son and a young son; the World Cup daughter notices in the cauldron aunts mother's breasts; Grizzly replies that the World Cup will come later; World Cup children lead Grizzly children to swim, they drown (grizzlies can't swim); World Cup children run away, putting a rotten tree in Grizzy's children's bed, as if there someone sleeps; they climb the spruce tree, the Grizzly comes running, the children of the World Cup say that her children are with him, asking her to open their eyes, dazzle her by throwing what they scraped off the bark of the spruce; the man transported them across the river in a boat; transporting Grizzly knocked over the boat, Grizzly drowned; the older brother threw the younger brother's hat into the fire; he cried, the water in the river began to rise; the brother and sister ran away, the younger one stayed, and the fire remained under the water; when he saw the fisherman, the youngest became a fish, bit off (tore it off?) hook; when he becomes a man, he comes to the fisherman, he complains that the hook is missing, the boy says he has found it; stays with the fisherman; finds a piece of wood in his bed with a hole in the female, throws it into the fire; the fisherman says that his wife went out and burned down; that he is the first man, and the creator forgot to make him a wife; the boy cuts down two women, from birch and alder; the fisherman replies that he wants alder, it is his color ( i.e. with red juice); the boy finished the woman, the first man got a wife]: 258-261; lkungen (lummi) [Svetan (the youngest of two brothers) makes a woman out of rotten wood; Shelas ( converter) revives it by sprinkling it with water; from it and Svetan comes the Talekamek tribe]: Stern 1934:108-109.

The Midwest. Timagami ojibwa [see motif J39; a man carves his wife out of wood; she tells her to be locked in a teepee for three days; he peeks until the time, she leaves; he follows her to heaven; wins competitions with her brothers, recognized as son-in-law]: Speck 1915d, No. 9:57-62; kickapoo [Lynx chases Rabbit; he turns into an old man, makes two daughters out of wood, gives Lynx as his wife; in the morning Lynx sees There is only a rotten tree next to me]: Jones 1915, No. 4:23-25.

California. Yuki (huchny) [water is everywhere, the feather floats, Taikomol emerges from it; he asks Gopher to get the ground; he brings it, but the earth is too soft, he sinks again; T. creates a Mole, he takes a long time works, establishes land; T. creates mountains, vegetation on it, makes people, birds and animals; they behave incorrectly, T. decides to destroy them by the flood; at this time everyone gathered in a house for dancing; T. hits the Raccoon with a charred stick, since then he has black spots on his head and circles on his tail; one Rabbit got into a fight with another, tore his lip; Vulture wants to be a big man, T. does not allow , he rubs his head into his blood (now red); Jackbird wants to be an Eagle, rubs his shoulder in blood, now she has red wings; after the flood, T. returns animals and birds in their current form; does huchny and yuki from shrub oak, so they grew low and ugly); makes kato from good oak, they are taller; Wailaki is made of cedar, Little Lake pomo is made of pine]: Foster 1944:232-233.

The Northern Andes. Yupa [Kemoko tries different types of trees; carves a man and a woman from one that has flowed red red juice=blood]: Armato 1988:39f in Halbmayer 2004 [the first people committed incest, drank; Tamorayo turned them into animals and birds when the month turned red at night (eclipse); carved the first two women out of a tree trunk]: 39; Villamañan 1982, No. 1 [Kemoko makes the first two pairs of clay, they are bad, he leaves them; the woodpecker is hammering trees in the forest, some are bleeding], 3 [the woodpecker is hammering a tree, blood comes out, he tells K.; he cuts down living trees, it turns out two pairs of people - Yupa's ancestors], 4 [Amoretoncha (Kemoko) tells the woodpecker to find out which tree will bleed; makes two trees a man and a woman; they did not have genitals at first]: 6-7, 8, 8-9; Wilbert 1974, No. 1 [tries trees with an ax; puts the blanks in a box, locks the woodpecker there; the Creator's wife discovers people in the box]: 75; muso [Are comes from behind Magdalena, carves figures out of wood, throws them into the water, they become first people]: Fernandez de Piedrahita 1942 [1676] (2), lib.7, ch. 6:263; muiski (prov. Tunja) [along with the Woman Moon; Kasik Sogamoso and his nephew Kasik Tunja make men out of yellow clay, women from reeds; first the nephew ascends to heaven, becomes the Sun; then the uncle ascends , becomes the Month]: Simon 1882-1892 (2) [1627], ch. 11:212.

Llanos. Guajibo (shikuani and/or cuiva) [Kuwai makes a man out of clay, wax; wood; a shrew pierces a woman's vagina with his penis]: Morey, Metzger 1974:107; guayabero [ Kuvoi makes a woman out of clay, she melts in water, wax melts by the fire; hears laughter out of wood; carves his wife; like a shikuani]: Schindler 1977a: 223; sikuani [Kúwei (Kuwai, Furna, Furnaminali) carves his wife out of fragrant wood; calls animals to make her vagina by copulating with her; The monkey fails, his penis becomes flat; The fox inserts a bone or stick into the penis, makes a vagina]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1992, No. 25 [Kuwait does not carve a woman, but calls her deep into the forest; her name is Awalibéya, "the core, spirit of a tree"], 26 [Kuwai], 27 [Furnaminali], 28 [Furna makes a woman out of clay, she melts in the rain; from wax, she melts in the sun; then she carves out of wood], 39 [Furnaminali's first wife falls ill, smells bad, leaves; he carves a new one]: 116-117, 133, 138, 142, 178.

Southern Venezuela. Sanema [Omao was going to make people out of hard wood that sheds bark so that after swimming in the river they would shed their skin and become younger; the serpent was going to be made of soft wood; his Soave's stupid brother brings him soft wood to make people; now they are mortal]: Wilbert 1963:232-233; Wilbert, Simoneau 1990b, No. 190:375-376; want [the first man was born from a couple jkajo ja (a wise man who survived the last chaos) and ñamulie aun (the first woman) that jkajo ja carved from the trunk of a jtïjtïmo jyeï tree (Apeiba schomburgkii Szyszyl) and then revived; jkajo ja first identifies all ritual actions associated with the first menstruation ñamulie aun]: Matusovsky 2010.

Guiana. Warrau: Wilbert 1970, No. 110 [a young man carves a wooden figure, my son calls it; she turns into a girl; Indians come from them], 120 [the hero marries a wooden girl; birds hammer her vagina, dye her blood], 152 [Nakokoboni (Who eats a lot) carves her daughter out of plum wood; the Sun does difficult tasks, gets a girl married; she is not suitable for copulation; Opistho comus deflores her; father pulls the snake out of her vagina; the sun goes west; the pregnant wife follows him, loses her way; see J16C motif], 172 [owned Imanaidarotu at night, by the sun - Hokohiarotu; kept the night in a scarf in a basket; in his absence, his wife's brother, a boy, opened the bag; darkness came, the boy turned into an owl; I. came to H., in that house dancing, music; when H. I wanted the sun, pulled it up on a rope; X. gave a day of 6 hours for the girl, promised to give a normal one for the second, 12 hours; I. did not have a second girlfriend, he carved her out of wood; her name was Usirumani; H. could not sleep with her, asked the woodpecker to make a vagina; all the birds were smeared in the leaked blood; a crane in white blood, a raven in the curled black blood]: 232, 247-248, 358, 377-379; curl [caiman makes a wooden girl, birds peck her vagina; The sun wants to kill Cayman, he marries him]: Magaña 1988a, No. 60-61:107-109; macushi: Amorim in Lehmann-Nitsche 1939 [after the flood, the creator makes a woman out of clay; when copulated, her genitals split; makes a boy and girl out of wood; they are human ancestors]: 12; Soares Diniz 1971, No. 2 [see motif J16; from A fish disappears at the top of the Sun; the sun grabs a thief, it's Cayman; tears off his tongue, his tongue turns into a mazie fish; Cayman promises a daughter for his life; he has no daughter, he makes a girl out of wood tabatinga; sends for water; when she enters the water, she pops up, falls; makes a daughter out of wax; she puts a vessel on her head, starts laughing; makes her daughter out of samaumeira wood, she is real; Sun She doesn't find her vulva, puts banana peel between her legs; she dies in the Toad and Jaguar's house; twin heroes are found in her womb]: 78; Roth 1915, No. 39-41 [The sun owns fish ponds; caiman steals fish, the Sun catches him; cut all his skin, now it is in notches; Cayman promises to give her daughter in exchange for his life; he does not have a daughter, he makes a girl out of a tree - a wild plum; Woodpecker hollowed out her vagina; The Sun left, told her to follow him later; (further in the source a brief retelling); she ends up in the house of a Toad woman, dies biting through poisonous lice, boys are found in her womb, these are Pia and Makunaima; P. kills The Jaguar finds pieces of the mother's body inside, revives her; the Toad hides from the twins that he owns fire; and M. likes to swallow coals, decides to leave; digs a canal, swims away along it with his brother and mother; from the Crane they they will learn how to make fire by carving (it hits a stone with its beak); the brothers blocked the river with stones, detain fish; now there are rapids in these places; the crane has begun to steal fish from them; P. quarreled with him, he grabbed M., took her to Spanish Guiana; his mother was tired, P. left her at the top of Roraima; walked, teaching people, and also stayed in Roraima with his mother]: 135; oyana: Magaña 1987, No. 53 [man He promises a sister to marry Jaguar if he spares his life; she refuses to go to Jaguar; he makes a girl out of wood, she falls out of a hammock, splits; sticks to the back of a waxy girl in the garden basket; sends other girls to Jaguar, painting them so that he does not know who they are], 56 [a person makes girls out of resin, they melt in the sun; from twigs, they are good]: 44, 46; aparai, oyana [the man does not want to marry Injoliverö; makes the girl out of rattan, sends it to him; I. copulates with her, inserting a flute into her vagina; leaves, tells her to follow them soon son; she goes to the Jaguars; the old woman Toad hides her under the pot; the Jaguars come and eat her; the Toad saves the eggs, from which the boys Malakalev and Varanar and the Lyatukoni girls appear and Molokalypyo; from a forest chicken they learn about the death of their mother; they lure dancing Jaguars into a community home; Var. turns into a rock, presses the audience; the flood begins; about brother escape in a mortar that grows into a palm tree; V. turns a Toad into a duck; sisters turn into fish]: Rauschert 1967, No. 8:184-185; aparai [The creator makes the first woman out of clay, she gets wet under by rain; made of wax or resin, it melts in the sun; from wood; it is good, an evil spirit steals it]: Rauschert 1967, No. 6 [clay, wax], 7 [resin]: 183-184; Kashuyana [Purá and Murrá made people; P. left hardwood bows in the house, they turned into people; put them in a boat, told them to live downstream; the boat was swallowed by the Marmaru-imó snake; P. sent people in several small boats, M. swallowed everyone again; the japu bird warned her about the near harvest; no more hardwood onions turned into humans; P. and M. began to be made from different breeds, but they turned out to be wild pigs, bakers, snakes; made of soft wood came to life, so now people are mortal; P. and M. got into the boat themselves, let themselves be swallowed, inside they cut M. with knives - P. on the right, M. on the left; when they went out, they saw snakes - M.'s children; saved their lives; the skin removed from M. was covered in patterns; P. ornamented baskets, cassava push-ups, etc.]: Frikel 1970:13-17; oyampy [man carves his wife out of wood; in his her absence is copulated by his younger brother; the woman's flesh becomes firm, the younger brother's penis stretches many meters in length]: Grenada 1982, No. 5:70.

NW Amazon. Karijona [Kuwai hears laughter from a fragrant tree; carves a woman, makes her vagina with a monkey's tail; arranged a party, climbed a palm tree for fruit, Vultures made him witchcraft fall off the tree, die temporarily; his wife fell in love with the Vulture Chief; Vultures began to cut K.'s corpse with knives, but the knives bounced; when their leader came, K. grabbed him, plucked him, and the last feather could pull out only with his teeth, felt pain, and since then there has been a toothache; Vulture wanted people to die from it, but K. did not agree; the people guarding Vulture fell asleep, his feathers grew, he flew away; when K. was not at home, the Vultures returned, took the woman away; K. met a waterfowl (Snake), she was collecting grass for the Vultures party; said that Chichu was cooking a new woman, K. identified her as his wife; the bird gave K. wings, he flew to heaven; in the guise of an old man he began to dance at the festival; in the morning the Vultures went fishing (i.e. worms in corpses); K. identified his wife, as she cooked, she was his - how he cut wood; on the way home, K. smeared his wife with honey to repel the smell of vultures; her children from Vulture remained in heaven; his wife went to Drake, K. her again returned; her next lover is the owner of the waters Kanakanañi; calling him, a woman spanks an inverted calebasa on the water; two sons of a waterbird tell K. about this; he summons the monster in the same way with a signal; water parts, maloka (house) and fruit trees appear; Kuwait sends two gadflies to bite Kanakananyi into the testicles; he does not react to yellow bites, dies from black ones; Kuwait cuts him off the penis, sprinkles with pepper and salt, gives the wife instead of a palm larva, as if inadvertently breaks all the water vessels; the woman runs to the river to drink, Kuwai kills her with a club, she turns into a river dolphin; all dolphins are her children; the burning smut in her hand became a stingray, the Kuwai club became an electric eel]: Schindler 1979, No. 3:56-69; cubeo [Kuwai carved a woman out of wood, brought mother, who made her all the necessary details; the woman went to the river to get water, met Anaconda, began to have sex with him every day; K. noticed this, waited for the lovers to join, killed Anacanda with an arrow; cut off his penis, cut it into four longitudinal parts, turned it into fish, gave it to his wife; told her what she ate; the wife spit out, went to the river; Anaconda did not appear; K. threw his wife away, she became again tree; var.: the woman waited for her lover, but only a snake as thin as a rope swam up and said he was dead]: Goldman 1963:147-148; andoque: Landaburu, Pineda 1984:49; utoto: Preuss 1921, No. 2 [girl rejects suitors; Sikire Buneima (B. - aquatic mythical creatures) imperceptibly fertilizes her when she sits on a trough; appears as a young man, leads her under water, sends back; she gives birth to a boy who turns into a huge tree; all cultivated plants are on its branches, the roots are edible; the woman bakes them under her arms and under her knees, brings them to her parents; people they stop eating crushed stones, white clay and rotten wood, they go to cut down a tree; Nofueni takes a toad ax, but when the blows make her liver come out of her mouth; receives an ax from her ancestor- a red parrot, knocks down a tree; throws chips into the water, they turn into fish; carves a woman out of one sliver, marries Hitoma (the Sun); turns into a cat, flies to heaven]: 170-188, 203- 204.

Central Amazon. Munduruku [Karusakaibo's son is killed by wild pigs; his father hears his voice, sees two trees; carves a doll, but she has only ears from a person - orehla de pau wood mushrooms; K. makes a new doll, she turns into a handsome boy; see motif F34]: Murphy 1958, No. 2:73-74.

Eastern Amazon. Tenetehara [Maira carves her wife out of wood; leaves leaving her pregnant; the woman follows his trail; see motive J1]: Nimuendaju 1915, No. 1:282; urubu: Huxley 1956 [ Mair carves the first man and woman out of mahogany]: 150; Ribeiro 2002 [Maïra made caapor out of pau d'arco (solid wood), Europeans from sumaum wood, Gouaja from rotten wood, so they live in the forest, don't build houses, they only eat coconuts]: 421.

Montagna - Jurua. Machigenga: Baer 1984:188, 242 and 244 [=1994:159; Tasotintsi made people out of soft balsa; said they wouldn't die; when they saw what they were made of, they said they wanted to be mortal; Some perfumes are made of hard wood, so they are immortal], 425 [people made of soft wood die soon; from hard wood, they live longer].

Bolivia - Guaporé. Tupari [Valedad carves his wife out of wood, cuts through the vagina with an agouti tooth, inserts a clitoris stick, paints the vagina red; Vap asks him to do it too; Valedad did not cut through holes, Vap tries in vain to have sex]: Caspar 1985:191.

Southern Amazon. The man promises his daughters to marry the jaguar; they refuse to go; he makes five wooden girls; three of them die on the way to the jaguar village. Trumay: Murphy, Quain 1955:73; Mehinacu: Gregor 1985:46; vaura: Schuiltz 1966:25; camayura: Agostinho 1974, No. 1, 3:162, 172; Münzel 1973:17-22; Seki 2008, No. 1 [ Mawutsini tries to make people out of wood from different trees, they do not come to life; asks the Sun, who replies that M. knows himself; the lizard suggests the right tree species; M. makes many pairs of people to settle in a community house; first makes hair out of white fibers, so people turn gray; suitable trees run out, five women are left unpaired; M. sends them to marry Jaguar; Stork (martin fisherman) shows the way, for which she copulates with one of the girls; she hangs a necklace around his neck, you can still see; wipes her hands stained with sperm on his back, traces remain; moving on, the girls decide make a belt out of the bark; one climbs a tree, the other creates a horsefly, he bites the first one, she falls in fear, attacks the dropped bark with her vagina, dies; the other Stork (maguari) shows the way, for this copulates with a girl, she smeared his feathers with sperm; the fox shows and copulates, his face is stretched out, his tail is ruffled; the same Battleship (ran to look for his penis, but the girls have already left); Tapir ( The penis is so big that the girl he met died); the girls bent his head down; (the fifth girl is not mentioned), two climbed a tree above a pond near a jaguar village; two local women they took their reflection for their own; they sent horseflies, the women dropped calebasses of water, told Jaguar, but not to the one the women had come to marry; he was all hung with pendants; one woman suspects that wrong; they finally see his red ass; they give him and his mother a drink with thorns, both turn into real jaguars; a young Jaguar meets women, this is the real fiancé], 2 [Mawutsini has five daughters; they warn not to go after the bark from which the bowstring is made, the tree belongs to the jaguars; M. went, the jaguars heard a noise, went to look; when leaving, M. came across the Jaguar leader; had to promise him daughters as his wife; they refused - Jaguar's mother would eat them; M. carved five girls out of tree trunks; hair out of bast, not good; then he took black from a black bird; teeth out of pebbles, not I liked it, black; then the seeds are white; belts made of buriti palm leaves (Mauritia flexuosa), so even now women's belts are made of these leaves; two trees refused to let the bark make uluri {covers pubis?} , said that they would only be used to build houses, the third agreed; M. asked the fruits of the vine to deflorize the girls; the fruits were like a penis, but without a head, because they broke; then the fruits the other vine was successful; he gave each a comb, the sisters went; one climbed to cut off the buriti palm shoot, it fell with a sharp end up; the others sent a horsefly, the bite caused the girl to lose her balance, fell with her vagina to escape, died; others ask for directions from the stork Jaburu (Jabiru mycteria Ciconidae), then the Tuiuiu stork (Mycteria americana Ciconidae), each copulates with one of the girls; the White Heron just pointed out that he did not want to copulate so as not to get his feathers dirty; then Martin the Fisherman threw his necklace on his back; the girl stained his back with sperm, wiping his hands, so his back is now speckled; the battleship ran after his penis, the girls left during this time, then he masturbated using the marks they had left; the older sister did not want the fourth went further with them; bewitched, she forgot her comb, came back for it; began to scream, call her sisters, turned into the forest spirit "queen of the forest"; Tapir copulated with his third sister, his penis huge, she died, his sisters hit him on the coccyx; climbed a tree above the lake near the jaguar village; they were playing ball (people learned this game from them); two women came to swim, saw the reflection, decided that they are so beautiful; the sisters sent horseflies, the women dropped the calebasses twice; they noticed the sisters; they rejected the first jaguar that came, went with the second, one sister says that the groom is not him, his ass is red; he does not have cassava in his house; in the morning, the Jaguar chief referred to a sore eye, did not go hunting, returned to the village, brought the girls to his place, he had good food; the first jaguar {ocelot?} and his sister gave his mother a drink with thorns, they hoarsened, turned into jaguars, ran into the forest; while Jaguar and his elder wife were on the site, the younger pregnant woman looked for lice from her mother-in-law, spit out her hair, she decided that her daughter-in-law disdained her with lice, killed her, went to the forest; the sister asked Ant to take the children out of the deceased's womb; he pulled her out behind her head, so people have two dents on their skulls; the mother was buried in the middle villages, premature babies were placed in calebasa, hung it; Jaguar and his wife see traces - children secretly go out; children do not take abandoned women's items, they take arrows, which means boys; Jaguar and his wife did The appearance that they are leaving, waiting for them, caught the boys, called them parents, called them Orphans; the brothers hunt, count the fingers of the killed Pakis, the kutias are 4, which means not our grandfather; the lizard is five fingers, so you can't eat; The battleship called himself grandfather, gave the brothers the names Tapea Kana and Tapea Jaú (terms for turning the road); but Cicada gave the names Kwat and Jay ("sun" and "month"); brothers steal peanuts from the field Partridges (that's why people eat peanuts); she finds them, talks about their mother's fate; brothers turn her into a partridge, let her sing at the end of the rainy season (this time New Year); aunt showed where she buried her sister; the brothers opened it, began to call, the mother responded, but the voice was getting weaker, stopped; if earlier, they would revive it; but now we are dying forever; the brothers told the wasp to bury the corpse again; they found Jaguariha, that began to play with them, Quat hit her and killed her; the Jaguar father and the deer were moved to the Milky Way (α and β Centauri); they made arrows, turned them into people, they killed the inhabitants of the jaguar village; they became By Sun and Month]: 113-141, 151-187; Villas Boas, Villas Boas 1973 [Mavutsinim's daughters warn him not to go to the jaguar village for onion fiber; he went, M. climbed a tree, the jaguars surrounded him , he had to promise his daughters to the chief of the jaguars; they refused, fearing Jaguar's mother; M. singing turned eight felled trees into girls; made his hair from buriti palm fibers, too light, then I asked the bird to be black; the teeth were first from shells, they were dark, then from mangab seeds; good, but now my teeth hurt; made fiber belts, bamboo genitals, told the vine to have sex with the girls; 5 out of 8 agreed to go to Jaguar; one forgot the comb, went back, got lost, became elf of the wood; the stork agreed to show the way when they met him; they painted his neck, to make him ugly; one climbed a tree to make a new belt, fell on a broken shoot, died; Tapir agreed to show the way if they met him; he has a big dick, the first died, two the others left, climbed a tree near the shore where the Jaguar was to come; the black bird heard them laughing, said to Jaguar, who fired whistling arrows, the girls were not caught, and the Jaguar thought they were not coming to him; they caught Wolf's arrows, who said they were looking for him; when they went with him, they caused the wind, saw that his buttocks were red under his hair; his mother said he only eats fruit; the girls went to Jaguar; he fired arrows, they caught them; The wolf and his mother turned into animals; the youngest is ready to give birth; the mother-in-law asks to look for it in her head; the girl accidentally took her hair in her mouth, spat, her mother-in-law decided that disgust, killed her daughter-in-law, ran into the forest; the mother was buried, the ants took the two boys out, put them in the basket; while the Jaguar is on the site, the brothers get out, eat fish; the Jaguar put the rags - they did not take the onions and the arrows took it; the Jaguar realized that they were boys; asked them not to hide; the brothers were stealing peanuts from the Partridge field; she said that their mother was dead; the Jaguar and the victim's sister confirmed that they also cried; the brothers they called their mother, she responded, they dug up the grave, but there was a corpse; decided that it would always be like this (death is final); the brothers killed their grandmother; the grasshopper named the brothers Kuát (Sun) and Iae (Month); Jaguar I wanted to make my sons jaguars; they turned bamboo into wild Indians, they killed the people of the Jaguar; the Jaguar and his wife went to heaven; the brothers came to their grandfather, performed a memorial ceremony for their mother]: 57-67; calapalo: Baldus 1958:47; cuikuro: Carneiro 1989 [Kuantïnï decided to visit the sky where all animals are; in the forest he was surrounded by jaguars; their chief, the black jaguar Nitsuengï, agreed not to kill him when K. promised him his two daughters; N. put K. on his bow, untwisted it, threw it from the sky to the ground; K.'s daughters refused to go to the jaguar and K. carved the girls out of wood; out of 8 left in hammocks 6 came to life; made hair first from buriti fibers, then pineapple fibers - very wet; then from algae; made teeth from chips (black), piranha teeth (ate too fast), seeds; tried different fibers for the triangle on the pubis; cut out the vaginas itself; told tifigu trees (at that time people) to have sex; penises are scratched; then lined the vaginas with cotton - good; Owl said the eldest of girls, Itsanitsegu, that their father was going to send them to a jaguar; the battleship told the girls about the difficulties of the journey, in return demanded permission to get together with one of them; forgot his penis in the village and was running after him, the girls went away; he blew, spreading witchcraft so that they would die on the way; then he met the kingfisher, he gave fish, had sex with one of the girls, she put in a tampon so as not to get pregnant; the same with the howler monkey, gave fried fish; the seagull offered fried oysters, the girls refused, so the seagull could not get along with them; another species of kingfisher; the girl who stayed with him asked him throw the necklace on her back so as not to interfere during copulation; poured sperm on it, taking out her tampon; since then, this kingfisher has white spots and necklace marks on its back; the girls sent the most beautiful to throw buriti leaves on a tree; I. turned the stumps of their nails into biting flies; because of their bites, the tree who climbed the tree fell, the leaves pierced it, others buried it; the deer refused to copulate, although I. wanted it; she gave him salt and since then the deer have died quickly from the wound; on a slippery path, one slipped, fell and died; K. warned the girls not to drink from the poisonous river; one drank, died, she was buried; the tapir cut down trees, warned of a fork - if you go the wrong path, you will get to the wolf's village; I. told one girl to get along with him, his thick penis split her; I. in anger he was hit, since then the tapirs had a narrow ass; when they saw that the split one was made of wood, the remaining two girls were upset, which means they too, that's why they were sent to the jaguar; Tayra barbara gave honey, but he is strong, the girls began to cough; he got along with him, the cough stopped; at the fork in Itsanitsegu, she went left to the wolf village, and Anafukuagu went to the right, to the village of the jaguar; I. climbed a tree above the river; the wolf's wife saw the reflection, decided it was her, began to show off beauty; then she realized; threw a nail stump, it became a fly, she bit the series, she dropped the calebass with water, she crashed; the same thing again; then she called her husband; I. followed the wolf, thinking it was a jaguar; a fish fell out of his ass, he said that the fish was in the shell of the necklace; the wolf's mother greeted I., but she I realized that she was mistaken: she was treated to fruits, i.e. food for wolves; from her sister, Jaguar N. found out that I. was in the wolf's village; took her; gave her potions to drink, she regurgitated her fish, got rid of pregnancy from a wolf; When I. was 8 months old, N. hid her under the roof, told her not to spit if his mother Kafisatïgo came and let the winds go; I. spat the cotton seeds, Cafisatigo decided that, out of disgust, she threw it into her claw, he cut off her head; sister I. raised the alarm; N. said it was his third wife killed by his mother; Agouti told the girls' father, who sent an ant into I.'s vagina, the ant said that Two boys in the womb; Quantini put them in the basket; they grew up quickly; the wild dog gave them the names Taoguiñï and Aulukumá; the grasshopper gives them the names Sun (Giti) and Month (Nune); A. asked the Sun dig peanuts in the partridge's garden; she retaliated that A. was the Sun's aunt, and his mother killed her mother-in-law; the brothers took her mother's body from the roof of the house, where they put it to dry; the Sun sent a fly to her nose, she came to life, he spoke to her, but she cried and died again; digging animals dug up the grave, I. buried; The sun told the bird to eat wasps, the hawk to eat snakes, the anteater to eat poisonous ants, the tapir - trample the thorns; the road to N.'s mother opened; the brothers came to her disguised as young children; she began to tell how she killed I.; the sun killed her; evil butterfly spirits flew out of her body; The month looked out for the trees, his nose was torn off; the Sun attached him, but now that the moon is in profile, you can see that there is no nose; Quantini gave A. to eat the ashes of bamboo, she gave birth to a zhuruna, suya and other wild Indians; took the child possumichs, said N. that it was hers, he was happy; but the opossumicha took him away; the wild Indians killed all the jaguars; the Sun saved their father and aunt by placing them in heaven, and to have what they had, put a tapir there and deer (now constellations on the Milky Way); after making a life for wild Indians, the Sun rose to heaven]: 4-14; Villas Boas, Villas Boas 1973 [Kuatungue went to make a net for fibers; he was surrounded by jaguars; he He promised one daughter, he let him go; he has two daughters, but he carved six girls out of wood; tried different hair fibers; first piranha teeth, they eat too fast, then from seeds; made pubic triangles (trees did not want to give fiber for this); when they heard an owl scream, the girls asked their father what was going on; he told the whole story; on the way, one got drunk from a poisonous river and died; the kingfisher showed the way, for which he met with one of the girls; Tyra gave one honey, she coughed, he got along with her; the tapir showed the way, met the girl, she split, they realized that they were wooden; the battleship showed the way, went to get an erection, the girls ran away, he said they would die on the way; one slipped in the river, hit, died; a deer warned of a fork; one climbed onto a palm tree for leaves, another turned the nail stumps into flies, they bit the one who had climbed, fell, ran into a leaf, died; at the fork, two sisters climbed a tree; seriema, the wolf's wife I saw the reflection, thought she was beautiful; they turned the nail stumps into flies, they bit the series, she dropped the calebass, she crashed; so twice; the series called her husband; the older sister, made of at the bottom of the trunk, followed the wolf's path, the youngest followed the jaguar path; the jaguar took the wolf that had come to the wolf; she turned around, the wolf's mother's head fell off; the jaguar gave her potions to remove the wolf's fruit; she became pregnant from the jaguar; spat a cotton seed, the jaguariha thought that out of contempt for her, she cut off her head with a claw; her sister picked up the boys Rit (Sun) and Une (Month); the jaguar resettled her mother, surrounding the place with snakes, wasps, thorns, put the body of the victim on the roof of the house; the brothers grew up, stole partridge peanuts, she told them about the death of his mother; the bird ate the wasps, the snake hawk, the tapir trampled the thorns, the brothers killed the grandmother, tied stones to her legs and trampled her; set fire to her house, her body exploded, Months had her nose torn off, now flat; Rit told the jaguar to eat capybaras, not people; her mother was removed from the roof, she was barely alive, Rit hugged her , he said, she was completely dead; the digging animals dug the grave; Rith told his father to prepare lots of bows and clubs; told his aunt to give birth in the forest, she gave birth to wild Indians, Rith gave them weapons; The aunt told her husband that she gave birth to an opossum child, but the opossumich took him away; the wild Indians killed the jaguars, and threw his father and aunt Rit into heaven on the bow; Rit divided the tribes; then Rit and Une went to Morena] : 72-88; bakairi [Kamushini (black, shaggy - possibly the Spider) meets in the Oku Jaguar forest; he defeats him, K. promises women in exchange for life; makes them out of wood, sends the eldest two to O. ; on the way, one fell off a palm tree, crashed, the other Nimagakaniro came to the jaguars; jaguars attack bakairi; Oka Mero's mother (wild chicken, Criptus noctivagus or Tinamus vrasiliensis, but she has huge claws; the birth of a jaguar and a wild chicken in kinship) ate so much that no one was left; N. conceives two sons from the bacairi seeds she had swallowed; for this M. scratched her eyes, she died; Kuara, Oka's brother, takes the twins out of their mother's womb; M. considers them his grandchildren; one is Keri (sun), the other Kame (moon; both words are from Arawak language); twins' aunt Evake talks to them about mother's fate; the brothers killed and burned M.; they themselves also burned down, coming too close to the fire, but were reborn into a human form; asked Oka to make many arrows; blew on them, they turned into Kayabi Indians; Oku killed Keri by hitting him in the knee with an arrow, who fell into the water and drowned; then the cultural acts of the twins]: Steinen 1897:317-329.

Eastern Brazil. Suya [the Jaguar chief makes two girls out of wood, takes them as wives; one spits, spinning cotton; Jaguariha's mother-in-law blows the winds, thinks that her daughter-in-law spits out of disgust, kills her; husband removes twins from the corpse; these are Mbut (Sun) and Mbudro (Month); they kill Jaguariha with a stone, burn the corpse; the bone flies into the nose of the Sun, breaking it; the Sun is the father of the Indians, the Month - Europeans (they have straight noses)]: Frikel 1990:17-18.

Southern Brazil. Ofaye [The sun makes a man first, he is unable to feed children; then he carves a woman out of wood]: Nimuendaju 1914:377.