Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

E9B. The unknown owner is a turtle, a snail. .22.26.-.38.

The unknown owner is an aquatic creature (water turtle, snail, mollusk). See motive E9.

Burma - Indochina. A turtle. Viets; tyamas.

China - Korea. Chinese (Guangdong, Zhejiang, Jiangsu) [snail]; Chinese [snail; fish]; Ancient China []; Koreans [snail, turtle, larva]; fox [mollusk].

Japan. The Japanese [cf. E9; on a snowy evening, a man returns home from work, finds food cooked; hides, spies, sees a girl doing housework; takes her as a wife, she has a baby]: Ikeda 1971, â„– 413G: 106.

The Balkans. Albanians [the king tells his son to find his wife; he shoots a cannon, the core falls three times by the tree, there is a turtle under him; the young man brings her home; leaves her; when he returns, everything is tidy; the third time he hides behind the door, grabs the girl, breaks the turtle shell; the king wants a girl for himself, tries to lime his son, demands to bring cloth to dress the army; the wife tells him to go to the sea, turn to her parents, they gave matter; no matter how much they cut from it, the rest of the same length; the same is bread to feed the whole army; the king sends a man 3 tops tall, a beard 7 tops; wife : this is my brother; a dwarf comes with the prince, blows the king's head off with a punch, puts the prince on the throne]: Lambertz 1952:113-120.