Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

E9G. The magic wife is a vulture .

The magic wife is a vulture. See E9 and K25 motifs.

Mesoamerica Lacandons [K25].

Honduras-Panama. Sumy [E9].

The Northern Andes. Yupa [K25].

Guiana. Warrau [K25]; kamarakoto [E9]; taulipan [E9]; lokono [K25]; wapishana [E9]; trio [E9]; oyana [E9]; aparai [E9]; hishkaryana [{text sketched out}; Sloth is Vulture's son-in-law; father-in-law tried to burn him in the field, son-in-law escapes from the fire in the lizard hole; father-in-law orders him to make a stone bench, he did]: Derbyshire 1965:41-43.

Western Amazon. Kofan [K25]; Siona [K25]; Koreguahe [K25]; (cf. kandoshi [God tells the young man in a dream that a woman will come to him, let him not be afraid if she is cold when touched; she comes, he hides her under a pile of firewood, does not tell his mother to cut wood there; she cuts, wounds a woman, with three children, they disappear; three Vultures offer a young man to take him to heaven if he kills his mother for food; he kills his mother with a spear, they gnaw at the corpse but pick him up the young man is unable; the hummingbird puts a kind of scissors on his back, lifts, slips through, which open and close, only the Hummingbird's tail is cut off; the Hummingbird tells the man to answer that he is himself went up to heaven; the young man's wife carries cassava, the rope breaks, her sisters go forward; the husband grabs the wife; she fears that her father will kill him; the father produces thunder; throws the young man into the fire, throws a stone at him, the fire spews, the young man bounces off; his father-in-law recognizes him as his son-in-law; they go together to kill ima tanga people]: Page 1975:55-62).

NW Amazon. Carijona [E9]; chikuna [E9].

Eastern Amazon. Tenetehara [E9].

Southern Amazon. Iranshe [K25].