E9J. The magic wife is a monkey .
A person marries a monkey who takes the form of a woman, or a person hides a woman and pretends that the mistress is a monkey.
Moru, Egyptian Arabs, Urums, Warrau, Oyana, Kashuyana, Oyampi, Emerillon, Aguaruna, Munduruku.
Sudan - East Africa. Moru [Okole cultivated the plot; sent his daughter Kide to drive away the monkeys (hussar monkeys); they grabbed her, put monkey skin on her; one day she was among the monkeys who were supposed to warn others if people come; Kenyi came, the monkeys ran away, and Kide was not so clever and he caught her; she said she wasn't really a monkey, he took her to his house; one day the hare saw Kida go swimming and take off her monkey skin and start dancing; said Kenyi; he gave Kida a beer, skinned her, and Kida remained a woman; Kenyi married her and his former two wives I drove it away; one day, Kide went to get water, saw a crocodile, hit it with a stick, and he dragged it away and ate it]: Evans Pritchard, Mynors 1941, No. 33:81-82.
North Africa. Egypt [the emir's two eldest sons marry girls, the youngest to a talking monkey; she turns out to be a princess, the emir wants to marry her himself, for this purpose offers his son the impossible assignments; demands that the baby speak immediately; he tells the audience about the emir's unseemly behavior; the emir dies, his youngest son reigns]: Nowak 1969, No. 252:244.
Caucasus - Asia Minor. Urums ("Greeks g. Mariupol"; judging by fragments of the original texts and other lexical materials available in the notes, these are urums, not rumei) [the padishah has three sons; he said it was time for them to marry and ordered them to throw them up on a stone; the eldest son's stone fell into the courtyard of one of the padishah's close associates, and he married the daughter of this close associate; the situation is similar with the middle brother; the youngest's stone fell on a rock; there a monkey; the youngest had to marry her; after the wedding, the wives of the eldest and middle sons gave the padishah an embroidered shirt; the youngest told the monkey about it; she told him to go to that rock on which they met, and say three times: "Let's say bobi-navel!" ; when the youngest did this, an old man appeared and gave a shirt; the youngest took it to his father; he was amazed at the wonderful work and forgot about the shirts given by the other daughters-in-law; after a while, the older and middle wives the sons were given a pair of Arabian horses to their father; the youngest's wife told him to do as he had done for the first time; an old man appeared and brought four Arabian horses; the youngest son gave them to his father; he was pleased ; when the padishah decided to have a feast, the monkey told her husband to go back to the rock and ask the old man for a carriage and 40 female servant souls; he did this and returned in a carriage and with 40 girls; in the palace they became to skin off the monkey wife and she turned into a beautiful woman; the husband went crazy with joy and burned her skin; when she found out, the wife turned into a dove and flew away; the female servants also flew away with her; the husband went to the rock where he used to call the old man, but no one appeared at his call; he was left without a wife]: Markov 1892, No. 3:21-23.
Guiana. Varrau: García 1993, No. 91 [people had a pet monkey; returning in the evenings, they notice a mess; one spies, seeing a monkey turn into a woman, cooking manioc starch cakes, then throws them, crumbles them; a man talks to her, takes her as a wife; in a palm grove, a man answers the frog's cry that she will also become his wife; she has become a woman went out to him; the Monkey gave birth to children, and the Frog remained childless; they got into a fight, the Frog left, became a frog again; the husband beat the Monkey for this; she took the property and children, went into the palm grove, climbed on a tree; they dumped pieces of starch and crabs soaked in urine to the man; the frog told the two banks of the river to meet, the monkey and the children crossed; when the husband wanted to follow them, The frog spread its banks again; someone moved him across the river, showed direction; the man cried so much that he became a jaguar, made fangs out of his axes, claws out of knives]: 288-291; Wilbert 1970, No. 169 [married sisters, they have a younger brother; they leave him morice palm flour at home, he processes it like a woman; someone stole flour while it was dry; a monkey came down from the tree, became a woman, he grabbed her, she turned into a woman, he is happy with her; her husband's sisters call her a monkey, they say that she does not work well, they scold her son; she takes her son, leaves, her husband follows, she screams three times, the banks of the river they converge, she crosses the river, too; he did not have time at the second river; the termite told the man that the water was shallow; he crossed many rivers; he sees an old man scooping water with a basket, so he catches fish; makes poles platform to fry fish; sends a man for palm starch, behind a pot; he sees only a snake, a yashuara; the old man brings starch, a pot; at night jaguars come, the man hardly woke up the old man, hitting him with a club; in the morning the old man put all the fish and meat in a small bag, told him not to open it on the way; the man opened it, everything fell out; the second time the man accidentally dropped the bag; the old man said that now people will have a hard time getting grilled fish], 170 [when no one is home, pet monkeys turn into a woman, cooks manioc cakes, then scatters them on the floor; a man waits for her, marries; one day he hears a frog teasing his "short penis"; he replies that she will also be his wife; the Frog comes in the form of a young woman; barren, and the Monkey has two sons; the Monkey reproached The frog is infertility, she returned to the pond; the man punished the Monkey; she left, climbed the tree with her children; the tree has grown; they throw cakes moistened with urine to the man; they run through trees, cross three times the river, telling the banks to come together; a person runs along the shore, the last time he does not have time to cross the river; cries and turns into a jaguar, his ax is his fangs, his machete is his claws], 171 [= (170); after making cakes, he eats them herself ; a man throws his skin into the fire]: 364-367, 371-374, 375-376; oyana: Magaña 1987, No. 12 [a howler monkey lives in a lonely person's house; in his absence, he turns into a woman, cooks food for him; he takes her by surprise, takes her as a wife; her relatives come to visit, dance, he laughs at them, they leave him on top of a tree as punishment; the watankë bird creates a rope from its excrement, it does not reach the ground; the eagle's excrement rope is long enough, a man goes down], 67 [a man marries a howler monkey; wife warns not to laugh when her relatives will come to dance; he smiles; they leave him in a tree; two birds make ropes out of their excrement, he is afraid to go down them; the eagle gives him its wings; he goes down, kills monkeys, leaves live in an eagle village]: 36, 48; Kashuyan [the young man brought a lot of game from the hunt, ate it, went to bed, leaving the female monkey to roast until noon; then did not eat, wished the monkey to turn into girl; when he returned from hunting, the food is ready; then finds the girl in a hammock; they come to her parents; monkeys leave it in the tree; the royal vulture makes a vine out of its snot; it is thin; then but a harpy eagle; a man descends it; killed all the monkeys, one escaped, the current ones from it; whoever cooks a vine called the "harpy eagle arrow" in a certain way goes hunting monkeys- guariba]: Frikel 1953:267-269 (=Lévi-Strauss 1964:279-280); oyampy [Yaneia leaves; pregnant wife follows him; twins from her womb show her way; ask her to pick flowers; hers the wasp bites; she refuses to collect, the twins fall silent; the woman goes to the Jaguars, Jaguariha eats her; the Mayamayali and Wayamakale twins (from poppy - monkey?) jump on a tree; Jaguariha calls them back; A dove hunting talks about his mother's death; M. and Y. lure the Jaguars to the bridge, create piranhas in the river; V. cuts off the vine ahead of time, two jaguars they save themselves, the rest are eaten by piranhas; M. almost revives his mother, V. hugs her ahead of time, she falls apart; by the sea, their father cuts down a tree, chips turn into fish; the father tests his sons, M. does not He withstands; the father tells him that he is not his son, but the Monkey; makes a parrot out of his skin, monkeys out of flesh; in the morning the father rises to heaven; M. makes a woman out of wood; V. appears again, despite warning makes love to a woman; she turns into a hard tree, his penis becomes long, he wears it in a basket; comes to the village; while men sleep, he dances with all women; they go into a hole, disappear underground; a parrot and a monkey remain in the village; while men hunt, they take off their feathers and skins, cook food; V. comes out of the pit; one woman cuts him off long penis; the piece stays in the vagina; once in the river, it turns into an eel]: Grenada 1982, No. 5:69-72; emerillon [after the flood, people gathered on the caumou palm tree, you can't see the ground from the top; regularly threw palm seeds to listen to whether they fell into the water or to the ground; when the seeds began to fall to the ground, people tied leaves to their heads, arms and legs, went down to the ground, but became jaguars, bakers, and others animals; only one man remained human; found a capuchin monkey (Cetus apella) in the village, tied to an empty pot; brought cassava; when he returned to the next once, kashiri is ready; the man pretended to leave, found, married a girl; she gave birth to a child the size of a small capuchin; asked her uncle not to kill her uncle: howler monkeys (Atouatta seniculus) and atele (arachnids, Ateles panicus); when the husband killed the howler, the child became a monkey, ran into the forest, the wife also disappeared; Wilakalo descended from the sky, ordered three hammocks to be hung, killed the anaconda, cut into as many pieces as there are peoples on earth, put the pieces in hammocks, left for a few days; the meat wormed; when the person lay down in the hammock, the worms became human; W. ordered everyone to dive into boiling water, people were frightened, did not, W. bought the spider; the white man swam, turned white; followed by an Indian, the last black man, turned black with dirty water; W. gave the Indian shoes, he did not take it, took the European, sailed on a ship; W. taught Indian shamans how to make a maraka shamanic rattle; W. ordered a snake to bite a tree, it bit a man, he hit it with a stick; the same with a mosquito, a jaguar; on agami, a man threw ash, her back turned white; atele painted her face red uruku, capuchin painted her body, the howler rubbed its roots and turned yellow; the men poured sperm into the calebasses to have children; the women did not have genitals; cul jaune pierced the woman, her beak turned red; W. attached a piece of wood to the man, who met the woman]: Renault-Lescure et al. 1987, No. 1:129-141.
Western Amazon. Aguaruna [the bachelor's hut is home to a monkey and a spider bird (Cacicus cela, sem. Icteridae); returning from the site, finds the food cooked, the house is fine; went to bed, the bird stopped him from singing, he threw a stone at it, fell asleep; the bird sang again, the man continued to sleep, the bird moved him to a tall tree, from there he could not get off; the spider began to bring him bananas; the hunter asked him to bring one to plant; the tree grew, its roots reached the ground, the hunter descended on it the ground; he saw a woman washing by the river, a monkey's skin nearby, he threw it into the thicket; the woman asks if he took her clothes, the man denies everything; the woman agreed to live with him]: Chumap Luc& #237; a, García-Rendueles 1979, #67:598-599.
Central Amazon. Munduruku [see motive F34; women have a tapir lover, men kill him; women jump into the river, turn into fish; Karusakaibo fishes for fish without looking over his shoulder, it turns back into his wife; makes a drink from cassava; K. says that it was made by a pet monkey; Daira does not believe it, she dances indecently in K.'s house; the woman looks out, laughs; D. also goes fishing; looks around right away, the fish does not turns into a woman; D. copulates with fish, since then the motley jacunda has been inedible; the rest of the fish can't turn into women now, K. drives them down the river]: Kruse 1952, No. 10:997-998; Murphy 1958, No. 3:76-77 (cf. Murphy 1958, No. 38 [a man marries a Monkey; they go to her father; he chews intoxicating leaves, singing; contrary to his wife's prohibition, a man laughs because his father-in-law looks like a monkey; monkeys leave his son-in-law in a tree; bees and wasps are coming down; he makes a lot of arrows, shot monkeys, his pregnant wife has escaped, and the current guariba monkeys have escaped from her]: 118).