Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

F1. A transformed man. 11.12.18.-.21.24.31. (.35.)

40.41. (.42.) .43.52.55.-.58.61.-.63.66.72.

The first woman, female deity, or female animals were first male (male), whose sex was then changed.

Songe, Lunda, Zaramo, Western Dan, Koko-Yalunyu, Mungkan, Bloomfield River, Wick-Natara, Watjobaluk, Korovaya, Savi, Viram, South Pentecost, Lepers (New Hebrides), Samoa, Lepcha, Andamans, Chinese (Henan), Livs, Nganasans, Fr. Nunivac, Netsilic, Igloolik, Kuchin, Tanana, Upper Tanana, Southern Tutchoni, Inner Tlingit, Quakiutl, Klamath, Huastec, Tsotsil, Eastern Panama, Kogi, Camsa, Guayabero, Sanema, Warrau, Achuar, Kofan, ufaina, kabiyari, urarina, chayahuita, nivakle, mokovi.

Bantu-speaking Africa. Songe [Tschampaka and Tschamutsshish were walking along the road; the first heard a characteristic cough of a hashish consumer; contrary to the second's warning, he ran to the sound, he kept moving away; the man saw how Fidi Mukulu breaks branches from trees, they fall into men (? FM avait un timon dont il se servait pour débarrasser les arbres de leurs éclats de bois; un éclat tomba par terre, c'était un homme); FM said that depending on how he, FM, does men, this man is like an old woman; FM replaced his penis and testicles with a vagina, attached his breasts; an ex-man was married in the village]: Frobenius 1983:102-103; Zaramo [no women; man climbed a tree for honey, his axe fell, injured his comrade between his legs; they slept together, children were born; women's wounds have been bleeding ever since]: Baumann 1936:369 in Kotlyar 2009, No. 170:123); lunda [Nzambi created two asexual creatures; one came to him, he gave him two parcels; in the morning he realized he had become a man, but the other package seemed to have gone bad, he threw it away; the other man too went to N., who made him a woman; N. decided that a man should pay a ransom for the woman because he was to blame for throwing away the package intended for her]: White 1948:34; (cf. fang [his mother had Akoma Mba for 150 years; he was raised by Mba, who married him; AM was uncontrollable, dangerous, his name means "the creator of Mba," that is, the creator of his own father; he became the ruler of the immortal people Ekang; meanwhile, Abo Mama defeated Chief Otungu Mba, drove him into the forest; the twins were born immediately after conception, avenged OM; one of them went around the world in search of what nothing beats, he became a woman; upon learning about this, AM imprisoned the ruler's people in a rock, brought them home, these people turned out to be the AM people]: Scheub 2000:9).

West Africa. Western Dan [the first people were free; God planted peanuts, noticed that someone was stealing them from the field; gathered people, cut everyone's lower abdomen with a razor knife; those in their stomachs It turned out to be peanuts, left an open wound, they became women; the rest covered the wound, but there was a scar between the penis and the testicles]: Fischer 1967:708-709.

Australia. Koko-Yalun [Month (the little brother of the Bat man) saw a young Hawk whose wet hair covered him, giving him a feminine look; Month first tried to create a woman by making holes in stone, then cut off Hawk's penis and testicles, threw them into the water, cut through his vagina]: Waterman 1987, No. 71 (1B): 26; mungkan [two initiated brothers travel creating a landscape; dancing, they sing, fight with each other, clear the thickets with a magic boomerang; the elder cuts off the younger genitals, gives a digging stick instead of a spear; makes him his wife; the boomerang is a young month, the older brother - full month, younger - Morning Star]: Waterman 1987, № 720:42 (Russian per. McConnell 1981, No. 2:33-38); wick-natara [two brothers dance, one gradually becomes a woman, the other takes her as a wife, this is the first marriage; McConnel believes that one brother is a Month and has become woman - Morning Star]: McConnel, p. 466 in Frazer 1937:217; Watjobaluk [there are only men at first, the Bat turned its companion into a woman]: Howitt 1904:484 (retelling in Poignant 1967:117); Bloomfield River [Month - Bat's younger brother; created the first woman to castrate Eagle (Eaglehawk); then created from the bark of a red sap tree and a child with white sap, invested into a woman's womb; the hawk (Chickenhawk) decided to punish the Month for making a wife out of a man belonging to the same fratria, cutting the vine on which he crossed the river, carried him away by the river; he He came up every now and then and then and then and then and shouted that he was alive; he reached the sea and went up to heaven; his wife Hawk took for himself]: McConnel in Poignant 1967:117.

Melanesia. A cow [Yokhemel Yambin woman placed tobacco leaves on a leaf stalk of a sago palm tree, Ginol, "the Little Mouselike", collected dry leaves but could not light it; and the woman's uterus ignited, tobacco leaves caught fire, the whole world burned down; G. turned into a swift; raked up ash, water poured over, Faül boar swam on it, G. killed him, made earth out of sternum bone and meat on his chest (more precisely put it all down), and from the spine, the sky, with arrows from palm leaf cuttings, shoved the sky higher; this spine smeared the dead dog with breast fat; the ratan seeds burst, the youngest came out of them and older brothers, as well as the moon and the sun; the elder cut off the younger penis and testicles, turning him into a woman, began to copulate with her; the elder smeared (vagina) with snake fat - did not like it, fish - the same tree larvae - I liked it, let the woman stay like this; the woman gave birth to snakes, animals, people]: Enk, de Vries 1997:163-170; savi [there were only men; Kwaito Hapkon cut down a tree, carved he let a crocodile out of it into the river, revived it, ordered him to sail downstream to the village, bring the boy; he brought him, the farm converted his genitals into women, made his first woman; he became a bird himself]: Yost 1988: 78-79; viram [Sami and Gwavi cut down a large tree to make a boat; when it falls, a pond forms at the place where the branches fall; S. and G. do not know about it, they are thirsty; Diari, dog S., returns with a wet face; S. hits D. (he is offended that the dog is drunk, but he is not); D. runs to the left bank of Fly in the village of Wimkungiu (enemies of the Viram); they return one by one from the hunt; D. rushes to the last one from the tree, bites off his head, brings home, buries, and the first coconut palm grows out of it; D. shows S. how to eat coconuts; when S. cuts down the hollow, G. sits with his knees spread; S.'s ax flies off G. between his legs, gets stuck there; S. gives G. coconut to eat, G. gets breasts, the ax disappears, G. turns into a woman; S. cannot turn the boat over alone, calls men for help; fallen coconuts turn into multitudes men, women and children; the boat is dragged to the river; D. sits in it, gives a voice, people howl back, the boat rises to the sky, S., G. and some others fly away on it; after them, those who remain on the ground throw clouds of dust and smoke; now the boat stretches across the sky from west to east, dog D. sits at its zenith; informants denied it was the Milky Way, the boat was invisible]: Williams 1969:386-389; South Pentecost (Vanuatu) [Barkulkul is the elder among the brothers; they descend from the sky on a coconut palm tree, drink coconut milk instead of their mother's milk; they castrate one of the brothers with a hot chestnut; his name is Sermorp (split chestnut), creating the first woman; each brother wants her for himself, but only B. chooses the right food and the right term for kinship; his brother Marerul commits with S. adultery; B. kills him, plants him in the ground like a long yam (the origin of yam); this was the first death (the origin of death)]: Jolly 2001:189-190; Lepers Island (New Hebrides) [Takaro did out of clay, 10 human figures, blew into their eyes, ears, mouths, arms, legs, they came to life; they were all men; he told them to stand around the fire and cook, threw them into one fruit, this man became a woman; T. told her to go into the house, took turns sending men to her; she called them older, younger brother, and other relatives; she named the latter husband]: Suas 1912:45 in Dixon 1916:107.

Micronesia-Polynesia. Samoa [Tangaloa saw a rock floating in the ocean, lifted it to the sky, turned it into a woman, she gave birth to his daughter Tuli ("plover"); her father sent her to the ground, Tuli returned saying that she was below only water; Tangaloa either threw a stone from the sky on the water or fished it from the bottom; the stone grew to become earth; to give shade, Tangaloa threw a seed, a vine grew; Tuli said that there are no people on earth; father advised her to tear out the vine; she rotted, had larvae, two of them became men; one was injured while fishing and died; Tangaloa made his body feminine, revived; this couple was descended from humans; Tangaloa gave them tarot and other useful stuff]: Makemson 1941:59-606 (=Frazer 1919:40 with reference to Stair 1897:213f).

Tibet is the Northeast of India. Lepcha [when hunting, king Lyang-bar-ung-bar ("middle of the earth, middle of the sea) -pono" sees a deer with a cub; his two dogs advise against attacking these deer; the king aims to chase them away, deer turn into sorcerers, dogs are killed; the king comes to King Lungda, who has three daughters; the king spends every night asking what witchcraft they are good at; SE-lamen can feed the whole palace, Tung-lamen - to dress everyone with a piece of cloth, Ramit-pandi - will give birth to the Golden Hedgehog and the Silver Knife; the king marries her, in his absence his wife gives birth; both witches hear newborns fall to the floor; they put them in a vessel, bury them at the crossroads; combing R., tear her flesh with iron combs, leave the puppy's chest (knot) as if he had scratched it; they eat all the cattle, all the supplies; they ring the bell, who left her husband; he arrives immediately; the witches say that they are from the heavenly land of Rum, but he rejected them; let him see now - his wife meets the dog, has given birth to a puppy; the king orders to drag R. by the neck to the river, cuts off her head, throws her into the river; her body swims down, her head upstream; the head says that she and the children will be able to return if only the children get out of the vessels; then swims after body; the king marries witches; a hungry dog from the palace broke a jug of old people; begged not to kill her; the old man came to the palace to demand compensation; witches advised to dig a vessel at the crossroads and take it; the old man hears children's voices, finds two beautiful boys in the vessel; there has been a lot of food in the house since then; the younger Komhankub sleeps with his grandmother, the eldest with his grandfather; they create a palace overnight; birds are shot in the king's garden, bringing cattle there; the king sends a messenger to the elderly, who is blinded by the light, the same with the next one; brothers come to the palace; they answer that their parents are earth and a ceramic vessel ; the king does not believe; the elder says that their bones (i.e. their father) are from Lyang-bar, the youngest says that their flesh (i.e. mother) is from the Lung-da country; to destroy them, the witches suggest that the king send boys gold and silver demon flutes; the demon slept with one ear under him, covered with the other; both flutes in his mouth; the elder told the youngest that he would grab the flutes, run to the black plains of China, to white plains (India), into the sky, the demon behind him, they will both fall dead, the youngest must wave his black yak tail first, then his white tail; the elder not only took the flutes, but also beaten off from a sling the demon's fang that reached the sky; the elder tells the demon to be revived, he becomes their friend; the brothers change the tails of the yaks for a demon stick and rope that will beat and tie everyone up; the demon promises to come revive them if they die; gives their second fang; the brothers return to the old people, they are happy; they hide a rope and a stick under the king's threshold and hearth; they tell him the truth, the witches try to fly away, but bats are also tied; brothers extract two hair and a piece of mother's bone from the river; place bamboo in the knee; if she is resurrected as a girl, then with a spindle, a boy with an onion; an eight-year-old girl in bamboo; the brothers sit on her knees, the vessel's chest; the witches are tortured and executed as they did to R.; the brothers fight, the youngest falls from the balcony, breaks; the demon arrives, revives him, but he becomes a girl; brother gets the name "king", sister "queen"]: Stocks 1925, No. XXIV: 388-404.

Malaysia-Indonesia. The Andamans [there were no women; a man named Kolotat came to where Ta Petie (monitor lizard) lived; T. cut his genitals, turned him into a woman, and the ancestors of the tribe descended from them]: Man 1932:194 ( retelling in Radcliffe-Brown 1933:194).

China - Korea. Chinese (Henan, Wu. Runan) [When Pangu separated heaven from earth and died of fatigue, there was nothing in the world. Then the Divine Farmer created flowers, grasses, and trees, and Fuxi created birds and animals, and the world became more fun. Birds, animals, grasses and trees were arguing about who was in charge, and then Nuiva said she would create people who would rule the world. Nuiva took yellow clay and made 360 little men. I put them to dry for 49 days, and after that they should have come to life. But on the 48th day, a bird flew in, saw that the little men had something like worms between their legs, and began to peck at them. Noticing this, Nuiva drove her away, but found that half of the men had nothing left between their legs. Nuiva was sad, but then a heavenly spirit came down to her and said that this bird was a phoenix sent by the Lord of Heaven to divide people into men and women so that they could have children. Nuiva was very happy and did not mind. The next day, people came to life and Nuiva told them they would be called people and rule the world. Those who are eaten by the phoenix will be women, and those who are not will be men, and men and women will have children. Humans are made of yellow clay, so rubbing your body will leave particles of clay on your hands]: Zhou Yang et al. 2001b, No. 11:19-20.

Baltoscandia. The Livs [were only men; they mowed hay with the Devil; at noon, the devil went to take a nap, left his braid with the blade up; one man ran, ran into him, cut him from the front, he became a woman; with since then there are women]: Loorits 2000 (4) :152.

(Wed. Western Siberia. Nganasana [the water has come down, the earth has become dry; two men have come, they cannot give birth; they have left for a while, others have returned, they are a man and a woman, asking each other what their names are; Moo-yum (Earth -mother) and Nikolka-god; the earth was swaying, they crushed it with two mountain ranges in the north and south; the woman was lower, the man was the upper]: Dolgikh 1976, No. 3:49-50).

The Arctic. Nunivak Island: Curtis 1976 (20): 74-75 [two brothers swim on an ice floe, strand on an ice-flow; the younger one cries, the Spirit of the Universe hears it; does she drop something (relieves her need?) , with one foot on one kayak and the other on the other, it turns into Nuniwak Island, and ice floes stuck in the kayak into mountains in the middle of the island; the younger brother turns into a woman, since then women weaker than men; the islanders are descendants of her marriage to her older brother], 77-78 [one brother is weaker than the other, he tells him not to cry; a spirit woman came to her voice, threw something on both sides of the kayak, this became land; the younger brother turned into a woman; one day her husband began to molest her when she was sewing, she pricked him with a needle, he froze, it buried him; the spirit woman found a buried corpse, blamed the murderer; she rose to heaven; the woman broke her knife in half, made her fangs out of it, became a she-wolf; people are her descendants]; igloolik (hall. Fox) [the pillars of the earth have collapsed, the old world has died; two men have grown out of the mound; one has become a woman, people come from them; var.: men live together as spouses; one becomes pregnant; his penis splits, he becomes a woman, gives birth to a child]: Rasmussen 1930a: 252-253; netsilic: Rasmussen 1935 [the first people were two men; one turned himself into a woman, people multiplied]: 183; Rasmussen 1931 [there are only men after the flood; shamans turn one of them into a woman, she has children]: 208-209.

Subarctic. Kuchin [men live without women; one has a bag of female genitals; Raven asks for permission to look there; pretends to be half-blind, asks to open the bag wider, grabs his genitals, throws a young man between his legs; he turns into a woman; all men copulate with her]: McKennan 1965:92; tanana [there is only one girl, she sits and keeps silent; the Raven pretends to be ill; she He goes to get firewood to warm him; he takes her bag of women's clothes, puts several men on as women, who become women; the Raven teaches how to have children; pregnant women are going to rip their bellies open; Raven tells how to give birth, how to breastfeed]: De Laguna 1995, No. 1:84; upper tanana [men live without women; Raven sails in a boat down the river; slips under a uprooted tree , which rises and falls above the stream; reaches the country where vaginas live; they fly like geese; after shooting as much as necessary, the Raven returns home; chooses handsome young men, puts vaginas on them erected penises; rips off penises, turning young men into women]: McKennan 1959:191-192; southern tutchoni, internal tlingit [Raven made it to female genital island, brought them from there, gave it to those who wanted to become women]: McClelland 1975 (1): 93.

(Wed. NW Coast. Quakiutl [The converter sees two people throwing stones - who is next; when he finds out that they have no wives, he splits each into a man and a woman, tells these couples to separate in different directions]: Wallace, Whitaker 1981:28-29).

The coast is the Plateau. Klamath [Antelope trusts the Frog's son; his name is Swaya; the Frog swims further down the river with him; kidnaps and adopts; someone tells the young man that the Frog is not his mother; he kills daughters Frogs; goes in search of his mother; meets Louse, asks what she is doing; Waiting for S. (obviously to attack him); Show me how; Louse pressed his finger; same episode with Flea, Ant and others; Dragonflies are all men, S. turns some into women, so they began to breed; one says his wife is pregnant, asks what to do; S. teaches; Gmokamč tells S. that his mother is an antelope; but he forgets and kills her; five blind Pelican brothers are frying fish; S. steals one from each; but then he caught fish for them]: Barker 1963, No. 5:51-57.

(Wed. California. Villote [a person cannot get an elk, make a fire with friction; wakes up as a woman in the morning; gives birth to twins]: Reichard 1925, No. 11:157).

Mesoamerica Huasteci: Alcorn 1984 [the earth was flat, it was inhabited by giants, some men; one of them involves the other in a homosexual act; humans are born from this union]: 60; Stresser-Pean 1952-1953 [the goddess of the moon, water and earth was a man, then turned into a woman (without details)]: 231; tsotsil [men climbed a rock to measure whose penis was longer; their penises turned into vaginas]: Gossen 1974, NO. 107:309.

Honduras-Panama. Eastern Panama [God lived in the sun with his wives and concubines; one was a child; because of his dislike for his mother, he turned into a fish; while catching toads, they caught him, began to cook him; he jumped out of the pot , took on its former form; the father made him the sun; after being in a boiling pot with toads, the Sun became very hot; to moderate the heat, he created winds; his father decided to give him a month as his companion, but a woman came out; Her father gave her a fake dick, wrapped her hips in cloth; the Sun found out that the Moon was a woman; copulating with her causes eclipses]: Adrian de Ufeldre 1908:125-126 in Casimir de Brizuela 1972:59-60.

The Northern Andes. Kogi [daughter of the sun]: Preuss 1926, No. 3:154-163; Reichel-Dolmatoff 1985 (2), No. 4:32; kamsa [younger brother rubs his groin with cotton wool, turns into a woman; to restore his former appearance, the elder tells all the animals to lick her vagina; the latter scratches the woman, she screams, the animals come back, eat her; the head remains; she asks her older brother to put her in the drum, throw her into the river; women they catch it; the child inside becomes the first ancestor hero]: McDowell 1989:112; 1992:104.

Llanos. Guayabero [The sun was fishing with other men; one man was hit by a fish in the genitals, he became a woman, three days later the woman became pregnant]: Schindler 1977a:229.

Southern Venezuela. Sanema [female]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1990b, No. 25:64-65

Guiana. Warrau [Haburi's first man produces a son himself (no details); meets the first woman Wautu; they sail away in a huge wax boat; a young man carves a figure from wood, my son calls her; she turns into a girl; Indians come from them]: Wilbert 1970, No. 110:231-232; achuar [while bathing, a person turns his sai (sister's husband ) into a woman to satisfy a desire; this is how the first married couple appears]: Descola 2001:102.

Western Amazon. Kofan [no women, three men lived together; one went to the woods, one of the rest became a woman, they copulated]: Borman, Criollo 1990, No. 1 [all people died from the earthquake, flooded everything water; three people clung to the trees; when the water came down, they met; only sand was around; God came, they asked him to create land; God gave them a piece of land wrapped in a leaf, red a worm; they scattered it, went to bed, the earth grew; then balsa grew; at the request of people, God created the forest; then a machete; one man went hunting with a wind gun; when he returned, it turned out that one of the two remaining men became a woman; the other was frightened, the hunter turned him into a coati; married a woman; they have four children; God came and made them a boat; the first was made of a tree pod simaco, the second arose from a fallen trunk: a man knocked down a tree, it fell on God's head, split in half, two boats appeared; God decided it was too easy, let people work, and the charter, thank God]: 21-32; Calífano, González 1995, No. 14:75; shuar [old man Sol makes a young man a girl (breasts and genitals from fetuses), marries her]: Pelizzaro 1993:158.

NW Amazon. Ufaina: Hildebrand 1975, No. XXXI: 361-362 [After the flood, black, white, red reeds that looked like bones grew; God forbade people to touch it; two began to suck reeds and their breasts grew , they became women; people came from them; they came to suck reeds and animals, this is how females appeared], 375 (note 24) [earth-woman]; kabiyari [Yamata, Shaman Woman, is the first a real woman; at first she was a male Jaguar who became pregnant after eating fish oil and then was neutered by a woodpecker shaman; I gave birth to the Fruit Jaguar, a character in the Fruit Yurupari ritual]: Bourgue in Bonnemère 2001:40.

Central Amazon. Mura (piraha) [after finding that there are not enough animals to feed humans, Igagai turned males into pregnant females so that animals could proliferate]: Gonçalves 2001:165.

Montagna - Jurua. Urarina [the first men live without women; insert penises between each other's toes, carry children in their calves; Quandra puts men to sleep, some wake up as women; K. says that it is now possible to get married]: Bartholomew 1995:209; Chayahuita: García Tomas 1994 (3): 32-37 [two brothers escaped the flood in the Sapote tree; when they go down, they find a hut with utensils; Kumpanama re-created the forest; the brothers tell Crab to become a woman, cook cheecha for them; when they return from hunting, they find the woman, the elder takes her as his wife; chicha pours out of her throat when she drinks; they spy after her, they see her sitting with her legs spread, they say that she has no shame; she turns into a crab again, runs away; while the brothers hunt, two parrots fly in, turn into women, clean, cook; the younger brother spies on them; they say that K. sent them to marry the brothers, but now they will fly away; K. gives a pot in which the female genitals are, tells his older brother to ask his younger brother to open it; The vulva sticks between his legs, he turns into a woman; people come from this couple], 44-46 [two brothers escaped from the flood in the sapote tree; first the youngest, then the eldest come to Kumpanam ask a woman; he turns into an old woman, tells the youngest that K. is gone; in front of the eldest is a girl; the same when the youngest comes again; the youngest tries to take possession of her; angry K. himself comes to the brothers, turns the youngest into a woman]; Ochoa Siguas 1992:165-167 [everyone died during the flood; Konpanama climbed the sapote tree; took the fruit in the dark, but it was unripe; next time the fruit was half-baked; K. began to throw fruits to see if the water had come down; finally, the fruit fell to the ground; at this time the pouchil and then the other birds sang; it dawned; it turned out that the tail of the pauhil tapada por la mitad; therefore it is said that his tail is a sign of a flood; (then it turns out that we are talking about two brothers); when they return from hunting, someone is cooking and weaving in the house; the youngest came back and found two women, talked to them; they turn into parrots, fly away; the eldest tells the youngest to open the vessel; from there a spider jumps to the youngest's testicles, the penis turns into a vagina; the eldest marries this woman], 170-173 [Konpanama sent the flood, only one person escaped by climbing the Sapote tree; as the water rose, the tree grew higher; and the mountain on which the tree was located also grew; it became dark; (hereinafter: people on there is a lot of tree; they ate fruits); different birds gathered on the same tree; every time the fruit ripens and falls, the water level drops; when they descended to earth, God sent them two parrots; while men are hunting, they become girls and spin cotton; one of the brothers came back, saw parrots become girls; he spoke to them, they turned into parrots again and flew away; that brother, who missed the parrots, opened the vessel, a ball of clay falls on his genitals, they became feminine; God taught: when a woman is menstruating, flowers should be placed on her genitals, and in 9 months she will give birth to a child; but the monkey taught me how to copulate; God: it will be difficult to give birth now]; Shlyakhtinsky, Arozero 2008 [Kumpanama carved a canoe, threw chips into the river, a lot of fish appeared; invited people to poison it with the juice of a barbasco vine; someone pushed K. into the river, everyone laughed at him; when he almost drowned, two people took pity on him, pulled him out of the river; K. told them to climb the tall tacon tree , taking baked tubers with her; the flood began; when the flood hid all the other trees, by Yusa's will, the tacon tree grew; night fell, the sun disappeared, all people died, except for those two; they climbed the tacon tree while its fruits were still green; long after a long time, the fruits were ripe, one night they tasted them and ate them, then threw the seeds down. the sound seemed unusual to them, there was too much water around them; after a while they picked the fruits again and ate them, then the water began to decrease; they plucked the tacon, threw the seeds down, by sound they determined how the water was leaving; then the bones fell again, and they fell on the damp ground; then on the dry ground; at that moment Chinsha shouted; compose and Isa also screamed, foreshadowing a good day; Taiu' and the rest of the birds were singing too, so the day really should have been clear, it was dawn; the survivors built a house for themselves; when they returned from the forest, they found cooked food; on the third day they saw also woven loincloth; one of the two brothers hid, two loro parrots, called sha'uo, flew in, turned into women, the man grabbed one of them, the other flew away; the woman turned into a worm, and the man, frightened, dropped her from his hands; the woman turned into sha'wo again and, flying away, said that since the men were in a hurry, they would not see them again; told his brother, suddenly became a woman; she became pregnant, gave birth to a girl; all people descended from her; so some women are tall and others are short; if people were descended from Sha'wo, everything women would be short].

Chaco. Nivakle [two sons tell their father that their mother is copulating with a stallion; father kills his wife and stallion with arrows; wanders around the country with sons; boys grow up alone; the older one throws the youngest fetus between his legs; the youngest turns into a woman, marries an older one]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1987b, No. 140:315; mocovi [a person successively conceives three children in a vessel, all turn out to be boys; he turns one (or two) of them into a girl; she is the first woman, he marries her (if there were two girls, he marries both or gives the second to the remaining boy); from people happen]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1988, no. 21:47; (cf. ayoreo [one person lives with another as a woman to a man; banished his daughters by saying he is not their father; this story is told when a woman has a difficult birth]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1989b, No. 548:611).