Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

F17. The genitals are not in place, A1313.3.

.11.-. (.29.) .

Women or men first had or should have had genitals in a different place than they are now.

Bena-lulua, Jukun, Mbai, Oromo, Konso, Lepcha, Gondas, Koya, Maria, Kond (Kuttia), Santals, Maria, Blaan, Tboli, Rukai, Koreans, Bulgarians, Macedonians, Western Ukrainians (Podolia), ( Kartvelas), Southern Mansi, Bellacula, Quakiutl, Nootka, Halkomelem, Koulitz, Clackamas, Kalapuya, Arapaho, Hoopa, Kawaiisu, Western Shoshoni, Goshiyute, Chemeuevi, Aztecs, Yaruro, Barasana, Tatuyo, Yukuna, Matses.

Bantu-speaking Africa. Bena-lulua [the woman had a clitoris on her forehead; Kakashi-Kakulu asked him to lick his eyes (Si tu me lèches á fond les yeux..), told the woman to dance, the clitoris slid to her nose, then chin, on the chest, took the right place]: Frobenius 1983:130-131.

West Africa. Jukun [mother earth Ama brought a man, woman, elephant, duck, bat, wild boar out of the lower world of Kindo; the woman had genitals under her arm, but A. saw that it was uncomfortable, put it there where now]: Meek 1931:199.

Sudan - East Africa. Mbai [when Sou made people, he put them on their heads and placed their genitals under their arms; Loa put people on their feet; when women grind with a pestle, their genitals would be visible - it's not OK; put his genitals between his legs; his mouth was on the back of his head, Loa placed it in front; Su and Loa had a fight, Loa rose in the sky, leaving people at Su's mercy]: Fortier 1967:129; Oromo [first man came down from the sky, he had a penis on his finger; met a woman on the ground, her vagina was under her arm; the woman became pregnant; asked the heavenly god Waqa to place her vagina away from the eyes of strangers, between legs; gave birth to five boys and four girls; the older brother did not have enough wife, he took his niece when she grew up; only this eldest son covered his father when the veil slipped off him in his sleep and his genitals were naked; when he died, the father was going to pass on grace to the elder, but the youngest heard about it, came disguised as an elder, received everything; sailed overseas, giving birth to Arabs and Europeans; the elder became the ancestor of Oromo, the second is Gabra (non-Muslim camel breeders), the third is Muslim, the fourth is Shangalla]: Belcher 2005:143-145; konso [{same text but it is attributed to Konso, not Oromo}]: Jensen 1936, No. 1:491-493.

Tibet is the Northeast of India. Lepcha [the women had the vulva on the top of their heads, menstrual blood flowed down their faces; the gods moved the {source} of menstrual blood under the men's knees; when they hunted, blood dripped everywhere; gods asked the birds to help move the vulva to the women's foreheads; from there it gradually slid to the nose, lip, chin, navel, and finally to the right place]: Elwin 1949:270 (note 1).

South Asia. Gondas [the penis grew on the forehead and was as long as a trunk, and the vulva was on the chest; one man chased the girls by hitting them with his penis; the girl cut off the penis, what was in her hands was left; a stump looked ugly, Mahadeo agreed to place it between his legs; the vulva was also lowered to match his penis]: Elwin 1949, No. 34:258; cond: Elwin 1949, No. 50 [the vulva was under his right knee, a rooster pecked her, she moved higher]: 266; 1954, No. 4 (kuttia) [first the vagina was on her forehead; Sona-aru and Rupa-aru asked their mother Nirantali to rearrange it; she placed her vagina under her arm, but people laughed; then between her legs]: 474; koya [the vulva was on her forehead; people decided to move it under the arm; then to the navel; under her knee; there she was pecked by a rooster, she moved higher; women comb two the sides are hair and stain the forehead with paint in memory of the fact that the vulva used to be there; the hair under the arm is also in memory of the vulva; there is a dent on the navel]: Elwin 1949, No. 51:266; maria (Bison- Horn Maria) [two var; the vulva was under her left knee; she was pecked by a rooster and jumped higher, hiding in her hair]: Elwin 1949, No. 45, 46:254; Santals [at first the vulva was under her arm]: Elwin 1949:263 (according to W.G. Archer).

Taiwan - Philippines. Blaan [Tasu Weh first gave all people male and female genitals, a penis on one knee, a vagina on the other; people had sex all the time; Fiu Weh said it wasn't good, TW refused to change his creation; FW made other people who either have a penis or a vagina]: Eugenio 1994, No. 187:313; tboli [supreme god d'Wata and his sons dug holes for the pillars of the house; from the land taken out by his wife Hyu We and Sedek We sculpted human figures; H. did the right thing, and S.'s nostrils were open upwards and his genitals were on her knees; S. began to destroy rice, hit the sky with a pestle, it moved away from the ground; S. and H. quarreled, H. hit the figures sculpted by S., their noses and genitals got to where they are now; H. wanted to place the figures on the moon so that they would always be children; S. wanted to place them on stone to be hard as stone; H. did not agree, turned away, then S. put it on a banana; so people multiply like bananas and die; D. revived the figures by blowing on them]: Eugenio 1994, No. 182:307-308; arm [vagina was on her forehead, touched her face during menstruation; it was placed on the back of her head, but could not be found there during copulation; grass and dirt fell inside her ankle; between her legs; there she grew teeth, husband died during copulation; the woman was given wine, her teeth were removed, people began to multiply]: Ho 1967, No. 226:385.

China - Korea. Koreans [first the genitals on the forehead; then the gods moved them closer to the mouth; The nose objects, it does not like the smell; then on the navel; The legs object that such a valuable object is only in the upper half of the body; then to where they are now; the navel and vegetation around the mouth are a trace of the location of the genitals]: Choi 1979, No. 728:317.

The Balkans. Bulgarians [4 texts, western 1988 in the village. Govezhda, region Montana; God gathered various animals to decide where to place the vulva; offered on the forehead, on the gokáchi, on the naláti; not good, because it is too accessible; finally decided between the legs; The goat stepped there with its hoof, the Fox gave its smell, the Bee gave a honey sweetness]: Badalanova 1993:135-137; Macedonians (Skobskaya Kotlina) [if a man walks under the rainbow, a vulva will pop out on his forehead ]: Belova 2009b: 388.

Central Europe. Western Ukrainians (Podolia) [God wanted to place his genitals on his forehead, then under his arms, finally between his legs]: Belova 2004a: 231.

(Wed. Caucasus - Asia Minor. Kartvelas [one of the demons deposed by God from heaven to earth entered the serpent, seduced Adam and Eve; if they were not tempted, people would easily eat and drink from heaven, babies would come out of their sinuses, women would not even notice it before the child asked for a breast the next day]: Janashvili 1893, No. 1:144-145).

Western Siberia. Southern Mansi [Bright Boy (SM), son of the Bright Husband Father (Num-Torum) goes from the sky to the middle world; there is water everywhere; he blew his nose, created a tundra hill out of snot; the devil comes, tries to break the hill, SM takes two loons with iron beaks out of his pocket, they kill the line; sends them to dive underground; the first emerges seven years later, the second seven years later, shakes off, rocky ground appears; its inhabitants are mortal; SM blows out, a snake worm appears, turns into a man; meets a Ruff woman; they ask each other what each other is from arose; he is from the snot of the Bright Husband-Father, she is from black earth; she lies down, pulls him towards her, his genitals under his arm; she tears them off and puts them in place, they copulate; SM is covered with leathery, cinnamon shell; a ruff woman tells him to find a three-leaf tree, eat three berries from it; the shell comes off; they give birth to a whole genus of girls and boys]: Lukina 1990, No. 107:291-293.

NW Coast. Bellacula: McIlwraith 1948 (1) :90 [early on, women had genitals on their foreheads and men in the palm of their hand; the Raven puts them where they are now, shows how to copulate], (1) 627-628 [two brothers are ugly; the old woman tells the youngest to follow the path, approach the woman singing Kai-na, kai-na; she turns the young man into a handsome man; the older brother mistakenly enters the house of a woman singing Kaina , kaina; she places his genitals on his forehead; his younger brother corrects this deformity], (2) 436 [Snik is a hair-covered cannibal, claws like an eagle, genitals on his forehead]; quakiutl [cf. B28 motif; Kanekilah travels, turns human animals into animals; men and women have genitals on their heads, K. puts them in the right place, tells them to copulate]: Boas 1910, No. 16:205; chickpea [forefathers argue where people should have genitals; Raven: On the forehead! Another Chief: Between your legs! So it was]: Boas 1895:108.

The coast is the Plateau. Halkomel (lower reaches of the Fraser River) [Qäls (three brothers and sister) travel, transforming their ancestors and correcting their defects; a woman has genitals on her chest; K. closes this hole, want to make new genitals out of birch bark; it is stiff; made from deer occipital tendons; another pair has genitals on the forehead; K. place them in a suitable place; other men and women have genitals on the forehead, K . placed them where they are now]: Boas 1895, No. 1:23 (=2002:99); colitz: Adamson 1934:264-265 [women gave birth from tumors on the arm, chest, thigh, knee and under the knee, etc.; Coyote shows man and woman, how to copulate], 267 [a woman's finger is swollen, her husband thinks she is pregnant; Shwanee: No, there is only pus in the tumor; shows how to conceive children]; clackamas [a woman has a baby in her finger; Coyote decides that women should carry babies in her womb; teaches copulation]: Jacobs 1958, No. 9:87; kalapuya [Puma's wife is about to give birth between her toes; Puma places the genital organ in the lower part of her abdomen]: Gatschet et al. 1945, No. 2:352.

Plains. Arapaho [after sculpting a man and a woman out of clay, the Creator began to try on where to place the genitals; the forehead and the back of the head did not fit, placed it in the lower abdomen]: Dorsey, Kroeber 1903, No. 3:5-6.

California. Hupa [pregnant women have their bellies ripped open; the hero first thinks they could give birth from their calves; then makes a uterus]: Goddard 1904, No. 1:126; kawaiisa [three options; first, the Coyote decides that a woman's vagina should be between her thumb and forefinger; tries to have sex, but the effect is too strong, Coyote ejaculates before reaching the woman; then places her vagina where she is now; sexual intercourse lasts 10-15 minutes, is fun]: Zigmond 1980, No. 4:35.

Big Pool. Western shoshones [Wolf: To give birth, a woman only needs to click her thumb on her index finger; to sew clothes and shoes, it is enough to stick one piece to the other; Coyote: No! ; winter is ten months long; Wolf: No!] : Smith 1993:109; gosiyute [Wolf: Let women conceive children in the flesh of their hands; shake their hand - the baby is already on its feet; there is always enough food; eternal summer; Coyote: women must give birth suffering; people must work; it will be winter and snow]: Smith 1993:3-4; White River Utah [Wolf: women will conceive in their hand and give birth painlessly; bury the dead in anthills (obviously , they will be reborn); eternal summer; Coyote: women bear children in the womb, experience childbirth; let families mourn the dead; it will be cold in winter]: Smith 1992:53; chemeuevi [Wolf and Coyote argue about how humans will have offspring; Wolf suggests that an embryo be formed and developed in a small recess on the back of a woman's wrist; Coyote says it would be too easy and won't be fun; puts the vagina where it is now]: Laird 1976:151-152 in Zigmond 1980:15

(Wed. The Great Southwest. Havasupai [Coyote lubricates a girl's genitals with animal blood (the origin of menstruation); she leaves, marries Quail; gives birth to a boy from her thumb]: Smithson, Euler 1994:41; valapai [like havasupai; a boy is born by hand]: Kroeber 1935:282).

Mesoamerica The Aztecs (Texcoco) [an arrow fired from the sky pierces a hole in the ground; the first man and woman emerge from it; their bodies have no lower part; when conceiving children, a man puts his tongue in his wife's mouth ; they don't know fire, they eat meat raw]: Garibay 1965:91-92 (translated from it to Krickeberg 1928:12-13); (cf. tsotsil [people copulated by inserting a penis under women's arms; God sent St. Peter found out why women don't give birth; he met a woman, showed how to copulate by inserting a penis into her vagina; St. Peter was no longer allowed into heaven (apparently because he didn't just tell you how to copulate, but to demonstrate it himself); he was sent to the lower world to become Master of the Dead]: Stross 1977:2).

Llanos. Yaruro: Wilbert, Simoneau 1991c, No. 2 [Kuma came first, followed by Itsiai, Puana, Kiberoch; Kuma wants her thumb pregnant; P. says that in this case she will give birth to many creatures; she gets pregnant normally, gives birth to Khatchava], 3 [Kumanyi conceives in her thumb, gives birth to Hatchava], 28 [ Kumanyi wants women to conceive in their thumb; Aetanerea objects that they will suffocate in this case], 29 [as in (28); K. is not named instead of A. - Itsiae]: 20-21, 52, 53.

NW Amazon. Barasana [Yeba was the son of the Sun and the Jaguariha; found fruit shells near the Uruku tree; made the Morpho butterfly answer that there were fish women here; J. hid on a branch, taking shape resembling uruku fetal testicles; grabbed a woman named Yawira; she was an anaconda, fish fell out of her skin, became human, then a boa constrictor, then a woman again; ate only flying ants; When J. brought her various fish, she each time replied that they were her brothers, grandfathers, father's cigar, father's penis, etc.; J.'s penis was on his stomach like a jaguar, he could not copulate with I.; she brought it from father's cassava and other cultivated plants; hit Y. on the back of the head with a piece of cassava test, J.'s penis fell to its current location, leaving only a trace (navel)]: S.Hugh-Jones 1979, No. 7B: 295-298; tatuyo [Jaguar Dieba is the son of the Sun, more human than an animal; rejects animal women, a poppy woman because she is wild; climbs a tree above the river, his testicles hang like the fruits of Pouteria ucuqui ; fish fall off, he falls, catches Diavira (D.), the daughter of the anaconda Vai Pino; Dieba's penis is like a jaguar, he can't get along with D.; she solders him drunk, corrects his penis; monkey helps D. collect wild fruits; D. takes them to the river to his father, receives cassava, tobacco and other cultivated plants in return; D. forbids watching her and her sisters plant plants; Dieba watches D. sisters turn into weeds; the name diavir also means a genus of fern that grows like a weed; Dieba mistakenly does not smoke, but eats tobacco thinking it is fish; suffers from his stomach; his father-in-law visits his wife; he is first angry, then arranges a party; every time he returns from the field, D. Cheats on Diebe with the son of an anaconda; the bird reports this to Dieba, who kills his lover, makes his wife eat his cock; people and fish fight for a long time; D. seduced by vultures, taken to heaven; Dieba covers herself with ulcers, enters the land of vultures, brings his wife back, vultures and little eagles chase him; Dieba finds honey, D. rushes to suck it, gasps, turns into a tree frog]: Bidou 1972:82-95; yukuna [Kanuma stole sacred flutes from ñamatu women; they left him alone, taking him with them cultivated plants; he married various animals, but no wife could give him cultivated plants, he ate wild plants; his stork grandfather saw Jeechú daughters by the river, who gave him manioc cake; K. noticed the crumbs under the hammock, made him tell everything; K. was the first to see the girl who was the owner of the animals, Inérukana; she told him to take his sisters, the mistress of the fish, Mairero; M. ordered put her in a boat full of water and fish venom; piranhas came out of her vagina, but was left alone; when K. got together, she bit off his penis; the penis was on his stomach, the navel was his mark; K. sent his wife to the garden, but she I saw that it was just savannah; brought cassava from her father, then yams, coca, peach palm; K. tried to plant them, but J. did not give seeds, only fruits; M. cooked a lot of wild yam for K.; he ate, his penis popped out at the place where people have it now; M. told her husband to watch her sisters come and plant cassava; they themselves were cassava; K. heard the girls laughing that he did not have a penis ; went out and they ran away; instead sent J. to chew his younger brother's coca; on the way back, M. pushed him on the site, he fell and became a coca; his soul became a harpy eagle that told K. not to cry - coca will always be there; coca, cassava, pineapple and other plants were also human and immediately ready for consumption, but K. did everything himself, since then he had to work; M. warned her husband that one day he would kill her; let will bury it in the maloka, covered with leaves; K. mistook his wife's brother for her lover and shot him with a bow; buried his body; she ended up with her father J. (i.e. in the afterlife); K. came for her; J. gave a rolled up hammock and told him not to open it on the way; K. opened it, a bee flew out, bit him and disappeared; then K. found out that his wife was living in heaven with the chief of the vultures; wearing an ulcerative shirt, K. appeared there unrecognized ; the fly told the vulture chief that she saw a lot of fish (worms in corpses); K. put a thorn, M. began to weave the basket and pricked; the vulture chief went without it; K. took off the ulcerative shirt, took his wife; on the way they saw bees sucking honey; K.'s wife rushed there and disappeared into the hollow where the bees were]: Hammen 1992:154-157.

Montagna - Jurua. Matses [the variant is similar to the Kashinahua variant; women did not know how to give birth, they took out children by cutting the pregnant woman's belly; in order not to endanger the woman's life, she bent her leg and the man injected penis under a woman's knee]: Wistrand MS {apparently} in Erikson 1994:80.