Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

F18A. Long penis after taboo sex.


After communicating with a forbidden partner (incest, contact with an animal, with a spirit), a man's penis becomes so long that he is forced to carry it in a basket, etc.

Australia. Nambutji [the old man put his erected penis into a hole in the sand formed when a demon woman urinated there; the penis became long, the old man carried it in his bag; dug a hole for himself in the parking lots and a smaller one for the penis; unable to pull the penis out of the bag, put it under the stone ax that woman had left; she came back and cut the penis apart; they became sacred items]: Roheim in Waterman 1987, No. 4665:126

SV Asia. Chukchi [three brothers sail to an unfamiliar village after their adventures; the youngest enters the house where a blind old woman is sitting; sticks his penis to her nose; I smell my husband; he laughs, she makes his penis grow; some have to be cut off because it doesn't fit in the boat; the older brother makes the old woman have an insatiable desire; she masturbates with a sharp stick, kills herself]: Bogoras 1902, No. 9:618 .

The Arctic. The Northern Alaska Inupiate (Point Hope) [1) Kinnack ("fool") carries three girls across the river, with the youngest, the fourth, swims down the river; she ties his clothes to the kayak, asks let her go out to relieve herself, runs away; trying to catch up with her, K. tears her clothes, spoils her kayak; puts his penis into a mouse hole; 2) K. sees a girl dancing on the water; dives, finds no one; 3) lies in wet clothes by the ice-hole, almost freezes; the man relieves him, he thinks it's raining; 4) comes to the dugout, sees two old women inside, inserts his penis through a smoke hole; old women they smell a man, run out, everyone wants it for themselves, he swims away; they curse his penis, it grows to a gigantic size; children chop it apart, chew it; 5) K. sees the house the girl calls him to copulate; in the house he finds only a bone with a seal, rubs his penis against it, leaves; 6) another girl calls him standing on a mound; turns into an owl, flies away; (stories about K. more distributed on the Kobuk and Noatak rivers)]: Lowenstein 1992, No. 6:34-40.

(Wed. California. Villot [Gatswokwire couldn't find the woman; he saw one on the seashore, lying with her legs apart; it was a flat fish, apparently a stingray; he started copulating, she turned over, dragged him away far out at sea; he came back walking on the water; saw that woman again, but she couldn't drown him anymore]: Kroeber 1906a, No. 6:97).

Big Pool. Western shoshones [Echo (mountain spirit) asks a woman to allow her baby to be held, takes him away; stretches his penis and copulates with it; the boy runs away; the robin man cuts off long penis; boy's genitals return to normal]: Smith 1993:138-139; chemewevi [when leaving to collect seeds, Turtledove leaves Sandfly to watch over her newborn son; woman- The wind imitates her voice, takes the baby from the babysitter's hands, carries her away; the Turtledove punished Mukha by squeezing her, now she has an elongated body; the boy becomes a young man; forced to copulate so often with the Wind Woman, that his penis is getting heavy and long, he cannot run; meets four girls, his relatives; they make his penis normal, tell him to hang the game high in a tree, run; archery shooter hides it in the arrowhead, shoots; the other hides it in a pile of arrows; jumps out of the cave with him when the stalker runs into her, closes the entrance; the woman turns into Echo]: Laird 1976: 158-159.

(Wed. NW Mexico. Huichol: Zingg 1938, No. 2a [people are multiplying too fast; to destroy them, the Sun tells Kauymáli to place teeth in women's vaginas; all men but one boy have lost their penises; The Sun hid the boy in a cave; K. himself also lost his penis, but his penis grew, became 100 m long, crawled to sleeping women; K. wraps it around his waist, wears it in a basket, sends his penis to sleeping women women; to punish K., Luna (Nakawé) turns rocks into people, one Rock woman offers herself to K., who inserts his long penis into her, she turns into a rock again, he hangs behind her penis high above the ground, hanging for 5 days; then the great sea goddesses decided that K. was punished enough, sent the vulture to snack on his penis; K. fell into the Nakawé magic vessel, his penis healed; N. no longer angry, because with the help of K. she triumphed over the Sun]: 538 (=1982:223-225); Furst 1997 [Kauyumári's penis grew to 50 or 100 m long; he wrapped it around his waist, wore it in a basket; stopped at in the house of a man with four daughters; he suspects his intentions, K. lies on the opposite side of the room from the girls; at night he consistently sends his penis to each, everything in the morning pregnant; K. proves that he did not get up, runs away; contrary to her warning, converges with the Rock woman; she turns into a rock, K. hangs upside down by the penis; seeks help from the moon Nakawé, who is angry with him, does not react; the Sun cuts off his penis with his hand, K. falls, his penis becomes normal; since then, men's penises have regular-sized]: 113-114).

Honduras-Panama. Bribri [Anuk woman lives in tree crowns; makes chicha (atole) out of corn there; this is the noise we hear; a person asks her for atole; at night she comes, he is afraid to take it from her drink; after a few days she hits his penis furiously, it grows up and turns into a snake; urine forms a pond; people find a dead man and a snake swimming in the pond; then the snake crawls away]: Bozzoli 1976:31-33.

The Northern Andes. Ambera [a young man goes to the forest, sees a naked girl flaunting her genitals, she has white skin; she says she cannot get along with him, but agrees if he insists; having copulated, he sees that the woman is not there and his penis is in a hole in the ground; he gets up and meets her again: same, his penis is in a rotten log; for the third time she promises to get along with him for real, but let him immediately take out his penis; the young man continues to copulate, sees his penis in her mouth, the girl disappears, and the penis becomes long and has to be thrown over his shoulder]: Isacsson 1993:130-131.

Llanos. Sicuani: Wilbert, Simoneau 1992, No. 132 [The woman's brother and husband killed the tapiriha; the husband goes to report it; the brother copulates with the carcass, fills it with sperm, hides in the forest; those who come scream to him that deprive him of his share of meat; the young man's penis itches, grows up to 2 m in length; he comes to his house where he lived with his grandmother; at night everyone leaves the village; otters make his penis normal, transport him across the river to humans], 133 [hunters kill a tapiriha, one of them copulates with a carcass, his penis gets long, he drags it in two baskets; others say he ruined the meat, walk away; otters make his penis normal, they give an otter wife; after living with otters, a person returns to people]: 450-452, 453-454.

Southern Venezuela. Yanomami [man copulates with his mother-in-law, his penis grows huge; people mock him; he turns into a bat, mother-in-law becomes a big anteater]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1990b , NO. 45:103.

Guiana. Kalinha [with a dove]: Magaña 1988a, No. 92:178; oyana: Magaña 1987, No. 20 [a person wakes up screaming from a toad; sees a beauty; she warns not to go with her copulate, he insists; his penis becomes as long as a snake; in the village he becomes the lover of all women; men are going to kill him; women solder men drunk, leave with lover; it's a Month]: 38; 1989 [copulates with a frog]: 28; oyampy [Yaneya leaves; pregnant wife follows him; twins from her womb show her way; ask her to pick flowers; her the wasp bites; she refuses to collect, the twins fall silent; the woman goes to the Jaguars, Jaguariha eats her; the Mayamayali and Wayamakale twins (from poppy - monkey?) jump on a tree; Jaguariha calls them back; A dove hunting talks about his mother's death; M. and Y. lure the Jaguars to the bridge, create piranhas in the river; V. cuts off the vine ahead of time, two jaguars they save themselves, the rest are eaten by piranhas; M. almost revives his mother, V. hugs her ahead of time, she falls apart; by the sea, their father cuts down a tree, chips turn into fish; the father tests his sons, M. does not He withstands; the father tells him that he is not his son, but the Monkey; makes a parrot out of his skin, monkeys out of flesh; in the morning the father rises to heaven; M. makes a woman out of wood; V. appears again, despite warning makes love to a woman; she turns into a hard tree, his penis becomes long, he wears it in a basket; comes to the village; while men sleep, he dances with all women; they go into a hole, disappear underground; a parrot and a monkey remain in the village; while men hunt, they take off their feathers and skins, cook; V. comes out of the hole; one woman cuts off his long penis; a piece stays in the vagina; once in the river, it turns into an eel]: Grenada 1982, No. 5:69-72.

Western Amazon. A young man copulates with a frog, which he calls inadvertently when he hears its screams; unless otherwise: aquatic creatures heal the young man, cut off pieces of his penis, and they turn into an anaconda. Maihuna [penis crawls towards a woman; her brother cuts it off with a trap; man recovers; his wife buries his penis]: Bellier 1991b, No. 271-273; kofan: Borman, Criollo 1990, No. 15 [man meets a girl in the woods, she is actually a toad; brings her to the house, gets married; her husband's sister discovers a toad in a jar for making chichi; the wife has to make chicha from bananas; at night she grabs it in her teeth the penis of a sleeping husband, pulls him far into the forest, runs away; the man's mother pulled the penis from under the roots, rolled it up and dragged it; but shamans cannot cure the person; decide to leave him by the river in care tssararo shamans; a boat arrives, a shaman and three other men and two women in it; this shaman made a man's penis normal]: 219-242; Calífano, Gonzalo 1995, No. 57 [a man meets a girl in the forest, In fact, she is a toad; she brings her into the house, marries; his relatives find that she is cooking chicha with a toad in a vessel; they scold her; at night she tells her husband to insert his penis deeper, runs away into the forest, stretching his penis; Otters wrap him around his husband's waist; treat him, tell him never to copulate again; at the festival he breaks the ban, dies]: 108-109; for example [the young man cut down trees, I heard the frog's voice, called her, and a beautiful black-toothed girl (black teeth because she chews special leaves) and a face painted with uruku appeared; she agreed to make love, but she was not like her women; kicked the young man in the penis, it began to grow, impossible to walk; complained to the Wankani otter; V. began to cut off pieces of his penis, scattered them along the rivers, they turned into snakes; the young man's penis became normal length; most pieces were thrown into the lake where the mother of snakes now lives]: Mercier 1979:91-93; canelo [in the afternoon at the site, the younger brother tells the older brother wants a woman; in the evening to a frog (her name must be Piripiri) came up to him; the younger one had sex with her, she rode off, stretching his penis with her; the elder went for help; at that time, the Big Otter (yacu puma, "river jaguar") came ; cut off the excess from the penis, the pieces into the basket, scattered it along the rivers; amarun anacondas appeared from the pieces]: Whitten 1985:66-67; shuar: Pelizzaro 1990 [the young man hears the scream of frogs, dreams of them being women; a frog woman goes out to him, lets him in his penis, clenches her legs, stretches his penis, becomes a frog, disappears; his father scolds him; he comes to the river, where manatees tell him to fast, they cut the penis to normal size, the cut pieces turn into an anaconda; manatees prevent him from fishing in deep pools, otherwise the anacondas will swallow it; he does not listen, he always beats fish, he throws to the depths, the anaconda devours it]: 164-165 (=1993:164-165); Rueda 1987 [aquatic people], No. 45, 45a: 198-201.

NW Amazon. Andoque: Landaburu, Pineda 1984:153-158 [Capybara has a wife Toad (the word also means "vulva"); in the forest he met another woman, the black-toothed Frog, and brought home; she does not help Toad dig cassava, brings little, but makes a lot more starch at home; Toad has lightning in his mouth, she cuts off the Frog's head with it; tells her husband that she went to look for ants; husband and Toad also follow ants; Toad lifts the stone, the husband sees the Frog's hair sticking out of her ass; pours boiling water on her, the Frog comes out; later the husband copulates with the Frog on the site, falls asleep; the frog climbs the tree, dragging him with him the husband's lengthened penis, the penis turned into a vine; the frog refuses to give their son to her husband, the husband cuts the tree, it falls, the Frog fell to pieces that turned into frogs; the husband walked carrying his penis in the basket; seeing the women, he crawled to them underground; when women trampled on their penis, the man screamed in pain], 159 [similar, the tree is cut not by Capybara, but by the Opossum]; Tarian: Brüzzi 1994 [ The monkeys invite Wanali to go up the tree for fruit, leave him alone; the herons give him their feathers, he flies with them, they fly to the old woman, the mother of Herons; they pull out their feathers, they grow back overnight; W. does the same, feathers don't grow back, Herons fly away without him; the old woman says she has scolopendra, scorpions and ants in her vagina, tells her to wash her vagina with bark broth; W. does not listen, his penis is swollen; she leaves him at the top of the mountain; the ant lowers him down; waits for W. to say that the ant's mouth stinks; W. abstains, reaches the ground; the fish wash his penis, it takes normal size]: 208 -211; Moreira, Moreira 1994 [birds, especially parrots, were going to make a home for their grandmother Emoamahsō; called O'ã-khë for help, gave him their feathers to fly to E.'s house, told him not to shake off feathers and do not eat cassava; they began to shake off themselves to cover E.'s house; O. also began to shake off, all his feathers fell out; tried cassava, E. realized that someone was a stranger with the birds; the birds flew away, O. stayed; E. warned that she had poisonous spiders in her vagina, etc., she needed to wash it, but O. did not listen, got along with her, his penis became long; he went to the house, got lost, went to the dam, behind which all kinds of fish; fish they gave him medicine, his penis became normal, for which he destroyed the dam, the fish blurred; the owner of the Ahõbëhkë dam promised to kill him, but O. left]: 34-38; bar [the hero eats in a tree fruits, falls asleep; monkeys break off the lower branches; he descends on the back of a stork; he brings it to the Mother of Birds; there are poisonous creatures in her vagina; after copulating with her, the hero's penis lengthens, he wraps it around the waist and neck; the penis becomes normal again; same episode with another old woman]: Pereira 1980 (1): 242-249.

Central Amazon. Munduruku [the hunter hears the frog Wawa's voice; says his penis inside her will make her moan; V. turns into a beauty, they copulate; when he has an orgasm, V. turns back into a frog, jumps with his penis in it, it becomes long; Otters catch karatinga (fish), fry it, burn the penis; it becomes small]: Murphy 1958, No. 51:127; Murphy, Murphy 1974:100.

Montagna - Jurua. Shipibo [a man meets a beautiful woman in the forest; this is a Frog; she warns him not to have sex with her, he does not listen; his penis becomes long, he wraps it around his neck; out of shame wants to be eaten by a jaguar; otter rashes invite him to their place; The male otter lubricates his penis with medicine, cuts him into pieces that turn into various fish and anaconda; gives the man fish, tells him not tell at home what happened; he complies with the ban]: Roe 1990, No. 2:150-155.

Bolivia - Guaporé. Takana: Hissink, Hahn 1961, No. 38 [someone steals cotton from the field; a man is waiting for two women; they are sisters Luna and the Morning Star; Luna advises taking a sister, but he wants the Moon; after copulating his penis grows, he carries it in the basket; at night, his penis crawls towards women; one girl's father cuts it off when he enters a hole in the wall; the severed part turns into an amphisbene lives in a termite mound; var.2: The moon asks to put the penis in the basket before copulation; from there it crawls towards it; var.3: the penis crawls to the sky, there it copulates with the Moon; the man cuts it off for himself, dies; var.4: every girl and woman to whom a penis crawls cuts off a piece; pieces turn into snakes; var.5: first a man, then his wife, cuts off pieces from the penis; they make many snakes]: 81 -83; Nordenskiöld 1924 [Moon and Venus are sisters; they steal corn, cassava, etc. from the Sun field; he awaits them; despite the Moon's warning, they grab her, not her younger sister; his penis grows up, he carries it in a basket; Venus comes back to the field; the Sun lets his penis go to her; she cuts it for a snake; the Sun is dead, has risen to heaven]: 296-297; guarazu [hunters disperse forest; the person left in the hut hears the voice of the cururu toad, says that if she were a woman, he would lie down with her; Cururu goes down, converges with him, jumps back, the penis stays in her vagina, becomes long ; when he lets go of his penis, the man is forced to wear it around his waist; in the village, the wife rejects it; at night he sends his penis to crawl into the vaginas of various women; when he crawls into the chief's hut, he woke up, cut it off with a shell; the man died; his spirit stayed alive in the ground, still sending his penis to sleeping women; they wake up with a wet vagina]: Riester 1977, No. 43:298.

Southern Amazon. Mehinaku [Katsi wants to have sex with the lizard woman Kaitsapaneju; she and others warn that this is dangerous, his penis will become long because her genitals are particularly seductive; he is not listens; after having sex, his penis gets long, he carries it in four baskets; at night, the penis crawls into all women's houses; men notice it, the next night they hit the penis with clubs, it contracts, becomes small]: Gregor 1985:132-133; trumay [with a frog]: Monod-Becquelin 1975, No. 61:191-192; paresi [when Yuanalore's grandchildren copulate with the owner of the Buriti palm tree, she is always gets up and leaves first; Yuanalore got up first, his penis remained in his vagina, became long; he cut off a few pieces, the owner of the buriti swallowed them; carried the rest in the basket; at night his penis became crawl to women; his son cut a snake; Yuanalore threw himself into the river, became a tapir; four women hit the water with a buriti stalk, summon a tapir, copulate; Kaimare saw killed a tapir with an arrow, hung his penis over the entrance to the house; invited women to look in his head; blood drips, women recognize the penis; a tapira is summoned on the river, but only the Water Meter Spider comes out; his penis is too small; women drink Kaimare drunk with chicha from Euterpe precatoria; take away sacred flutes; Dove tells K. what happened; K. rushes in pursuit; women leave the flutes, reach the place where the edge is The sky beats against the ground; turning into birds, shamans fly there to another world; one man had sex with his wife before, crushed]: Pereira 1986, No. 13:226-231.

Chaco. Mokovi [Konase is a little forest cannibal; invites the man to lie down with her; his penis becomes long; she calls him again, he turns around, his penis becomes normal]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1988, No. 204:249