Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

F18B. The penis creeps towards women.

.12. (.13.) .18.-.21.23.25. (.28.) .30. (.38.) .

The man has a penis of incredible length. When copulating, he usually crawls towards a woman like a snake. (Only accurate texts are included, not anecdotes).

Bulsa, (Nubians), Nguluwonga, Western Australia, Aranda, Valpiri, Oenpelli, Uldea District (Western South Australia), Kwanga, Mountain and Lower Arapesh, Abelar, Gimi, Marind-Anim, Watut , Kukukuku, Waraber, Trobrians, South Pentecost, Fiji, Palau, Truk, Lepcha, Taraon Mishmi, Rengma, Santals, Bondo, Sora, Gadaba, Bhuya, Kond, Pardhan, Koya, Atayal, Rukai, Paywan, (Russians), Gilgit (Dardas, burushi), (Ainu Hokkaido), helmet, taltan, shuswap, thompson, skagit, quileut, clackamas, tillamook, sanpual, ne perse, upper coquil, kalapuya, winnebago, menominee, sauk, illini, steppe crees, blacklegs, grovantre, teton, iowa, arapaho, pawnee, shasta, southern payute, yavapai, chiricahua, lipan, hopi, mimbres ceramics, huichol, lacandons, guajiro, oyampi, canyari, kofan, mayhuna, tariana, andoque, urubu, amahuaca, cachinahua, tacana, mosetén, guarazu, chiriguano, rickbacza, mehinacu, paresi, crajo, botocudo, chamacoco, chorote, nivacle, toba, maca, selknam.

West Africa. Bulsa [the man is rich but single; he has a huge penis, he can wrap it around his waist; one woman agreed to marry him, prepared a hole of wet clay, put her penis in it, then washed it, the man thought he had sex with his wife; gave her a lot of cattle; another woman decided to get cattle too, invited a man; the penis pierced her through and out of her mouth; she died]: Schott 2006:31-36 .

(Wed. Sudan - East Africa. The Nubians [the girl was promised by her parents to the young man; when the wedding preparations were finished, an old woman said that Sesun {the groom} did not have a penis; the girl's mother, her siblings, mourning this, they came to her father; he asked, "Is our cow dead?" ; "It would be nothing yet," the wife replied; "Did the zhernov really crash?" ; "It would be nothing yet"; "So what, then," he says, "is the reason for your crying?" ; wife: "Sesun doesn't have a penis"; the shocked father cried out: "Oh my poor daughter, oh heinous swindler!" ; men living in the neighborhood gathered to check if Sesun had a penis; told him to climb a palm tree and take off his clothes so they could see his penis; Sesun's father said, "If Sesuna {bride} will not climb the next palm tree in the same way, I will not allow my son to climb a palm tree"; people told both to climb; they both climbed with their clothes off so that the viewers could see that they have; the people below made sure that Sesun has a penis and Sesun has a vulva; told them to go down, they went down; celebrated the wedding; to drag Sesun's penis to Sesun, his placed on seven camels; when they arrived, the porters removed the penis from the camels and piled it with a pile near Sesun; Sesun's father, frightened by the sight, told his wife to insert her penis with her hand Sesun into her daughter's vulva; when the wife did, Sesuna asked if the penis was all inside her; her mother answered yes; Sesuna said, "Well, your hand does not bring happiness at all" {hand unhappy, that is, he will be too small}]: Reinisch 1879, No. 13:239-241).

Australia. Nguluwonga [the wife of the Month leaves him, becomes a star; the Month calls her daughters to eat a duck, sends her penis underground to the eldest; the mother lowers the rope to the girls from the sky, they climb it; they are cut off when the Month follows; now the Pleiades are held in fear in a bunch, and the Month is still haunting them]: Waterman 1987, No. 275:34; Western Australia [a female organizer played the role of Njuru ( Orion men), who chased his sisters across Western Australia; the sisters hid in a cave, but Orion still caught and raped one of them; because the girl was the (classification) sister of Father N. , this act is considered incest and she fell ill and died; the remaining 6 sisters kept running away; stopped and sat on the ground, and N. sent his penis to one of them underground; but the women let the dogs down, they bit off the penis and it became an independent creature Jula]: Johnson 2011:293; southern aranda [unsatisfied Wallaby paints his headband white (attractiveness), wraps his penis around her leg, swims in a pond, hits a rock with her penis until she gets tired; seduces and rapes a woman; she is upset at first, then happily married to him]: Waterman 1987, No. 4680:126; Western Aranda [ The marsupial cat sends his penis underground into Dove's vagina; a love song for old people]: Waterman 1987, No. 4690:126; valpiri: Waterman 1987, No. 4685 [Kakadu goes with his penis wrapped around his waist and heads, sends him underground at single women; then pulls him back like a rope], 4715 [a long story about women traveling and a "depraved man"; episodes: a man's testicles slip away, turn into a human, go away; the penis becomes an individual and shows the way to the owner; then the genitals return to their place; the penis crawls underground, performs incest, the clitoris cuts it off ; a dead man's penis turns into an individual; women meet people whose hearts shine through their bodies, copulate with them all night; the original man rapes women again; his penis cut off, turns into an individual; a man is killed by his next victim; women go further, copulate with the Raven, the Lizard; everyone goes to the ground]: 126-127; valpiri [came out of wood Wadaingngula, he had a long, broken penis at the end; he let it into women, killing them because the penis was coming out of their mouths; once he let a girl sit down underground to urinate; she noticed as the earth cracks, called others, they started hitting this place, killed V.]: Glowczewski 1984:128-129; Oenpelli: Waterman 1987, No. 4735 [the evil spirit rests with his long penis on a tree; copulates with two sisters, sending a penis to them underground; the girls' vaginas then bleed; the spirit kills ten men attacking him, eventually pierced by a spear; his body is buried, but his penis is went outside; the penis was buried, the men were rewarded, the girls were given to the leader], 4740 [an evil spirit sends his penis underground; the penis cuts the young woman in half, carrying the lower part; the woman's husband kills the spirit with a spear, buries; The sun sews and revives a woman]: 128; Uldea district, western South Australia [a woman travels, sits down to urinate in a pit with water; a man hears a sound, sends under Sand your penis into a woman's vagina; a woman's dogs bite her penis]: Berndt, Berndt 1943:43 in Roheim 1945:259.

Melanesia. Mountain arapes [men carried their long penises in baskets; if a woman was far away, the penis crawled to her underground; one man hung a basket on a rotten branch, she fell; he cut off his penis, that turned into an eel]: Mead 1940, No. 3:360-361; quanga [the man has a long penis, crawled like a snake towards women; one cut it off with a knife, the blood grew pandanus]: Obrist van Eeuwijk 1992:70; lower arapesh [men lived in some villages, women in others; men carried their long penises in baskets, sent them underground to women; one hung his penis on a dry branch of a breadtree, dropped a fetus on him, his penis broke; now the penises are short]: Fortune 1942, No. 14:211; abelam [at first, the male and female organs were long; the man sat in the upper reaches of the river, let it go with the flow her penis, and the woman was waiting for it somewhere below; one day she got scared and cut off her penis; remained the current size; and the man knocked down a tree on the site towards the woman; half of the female genitals were torn off, it turned into a certain type of yam; the other half has remained small; because of the wound, women have been menstruating since then; the moon is also menstruating]: Huber-Greub 1988, No. 8. 1. 24:292; gimi [first men have long penises, they carried them in woven bags around their necks; while a man sleeps in a man's house, his penis crawls in the woods, hunts marsupials; once he found a woman in a hut, crawled into her vagina, widening it (the hole was tiny before that); the woman came to the men's house, cut off her penis, leaving one and a half sections of sugar cane in length, and threw the rest into the river; other men they also cut off their long penises; now, to get together with a woman, a man must approach her]: Gillison 1986:54; kukukuku [the man lived on a mountain, let his long penis into a woman who was collecting sweet potato in the field; she got hurt, she cut off the end of her penis, it turned into an eel; a man went down, cut off the woman's breasts, threw it into the river, they became fish; unmarried young men should not eat these fish, maybe eat eels]: Fischer 1968, No. 31:391; marind-anim: Wirtz, Neverman 1981, No. 45 [Dema Yugil had a penis that he carried over his shoulder; he tried to rape a girl in a boat, her mother cut off his dick, that fell into the water], 47 [girls picked up a baby; this is Avasra's dema penis; began to seduce women]: 106-107, 110; cotton wool [a man lived on one mountain, a woman on another; when a woman came to the river to fish, the man sent his long penis into it; she told the brothers; they went with her and cut off his penis]: Fischer 1963, No. 30:175-176; Varaber (southeast of the Torres Strait) [at night Wamaladi climbed into women's house, copulated with them; once girls were swimming in a reef; W. let his long penis go to them underwater; the boat split, one girl was picked up, she was sitting on W. penis; then he probably got along the same way with all the girls]: Laade 1971, No. 7b:24; the Trobrians [Inuvayla'u, the head of the clan, copulated with the wives of his younger pametri brothers and nephews, sending them their long penis when they were working in the garden or swimming in the lagoon; the penis smashed calebasses, the women could not bring water and were ashamed to explain to their husbands why; then they said men threw I. into the water; he went out, told his mother to pack her things and leave; cut off pieces of his penis and testicles, they turned into stones (they are still shown); I. sailed away with his mother; returning to his native village, I. taught people to sing and dance; var.: he was not allowed to return, his mother could bring water and were ashamed to explain to their husbands why; ali in the garden or swam in the lag]: Malinowski 1932:348-352; South Pentecost [Wahbo's wife (the eponym of initiated boys) felt pain from her husband's long penis when copulating; ran into the forest, climbed a tree; V. sent his penis to her, she cut it off with a bamboo knife; said she would now enjoy it more (the origin of circumcision)]: Jolly 2001:185; Fiji: Polina 1989, No. 69 [Ramba, the ancestor of the Woo-nee-ewu people, saw in the distance, an old woman, the ancestor of the people of Wai-Levu; told his children to quilt his penis to excite him; paved the valley with a member, lifted the old woman into the air], 70 [the ancestor of the Ngondo-Tuki people, whose ven was carried to ten rafts, saw Zuriaki, who had a big vagina, sent a dick into her, lifted her high into the air]: 190.

Micronesia-Polynesia. Palau [a plaque from a community house kept at the Bishop Museum in Honolulu; an image of a man on the shore sending his long penis to a boat with an object or creature in it; two men in a boat trying to stab a penis with a spear and a knife; an eel in the water bites the penis; this is an illustration of a tale of a husband sending his wife to look for a man with a long penis}]: Thomas 1995:178; islands Truk [the woman from the Mortlock Islands had 80 genitals; none of the men dared to be her partner; the Olofat trickster told her to get ready; sitting in the men's house sent his long penis to meet her woman; after inserting it into her, raised and lowered her above the water until she died; all women from different islands dismantled her genitals piece by piece; from Losap Island they took the largest vaginas, with Oneop Islands have the longest clitoris, and Kuttu Island has pubic hair; therefore, the former have the largest vaginas, the latter have the longest clitoris, the latter have the blackest eyebrows and pubic and under hair mice; and the women from Nama Island got nothing but an empty container; so if you say box in front of them (the English word is used), they are angry because they are unable to have fun]: Mitchell 1973, No. 66:190-191.

Tibet is the Northeast of India. Lepcha [the king's sister is a demoness Ong-Bala; she sat on a high throne in her palace, but her vulva was on the floor in front of her; all men who came had to copulate with her, but even horses They could not satisfy her; the Lablo Aring man had a long penis, he wrapped it around his waist 8 times; OB sent for him; asked if the harvest was good, LA replied he was good; as he unwound his penis, OB ironically comments: and she thought the harvest was good; but when LA unfolded his penis for the seventh time, she exclaimed - really good; but he unfolded the eighth time and after that OB was satisfied; in the village where LA came from, and now men have large penises; OB gave birth to twins, the eldest has one eye in the forehead; when the brothers grew up, OB decides to kill his brother king; sent imaginary doctors, they cut arteries to the king; he managed to ask the minister to avenge him; he came when OB was sleeping, asked permission to give her a scarf; strangled her with them; drowned the healers]: Gorer 1938:488 -489; taraon mishmi [brother and sister Jim and Chaneya remained after the world fire; brother advised her sister to find someone as a husband; she took Three yan, did not conceive; Ta-yan gave birth to a bird only eggs; J. has a long penis, he carries it behind his back in a basket; at night he crawled into his sister's rooms, she got scared, cut it off with a weaving sword, the end rotted, the penis became normal length; she married the Tu- bird huiya (wren), Wren babler), he cooked deliciously; she watched him cook, putting his dirty dusty feathers into his food; left him; two priests told brother and sister to marry; sent a storm, the sister was frightened, the wind threw her at her brother, they came together; she gave birth to a meat ball; after 8 years, her brother cut it into pieces, scattered it, different people arose from them; people came together to share goods and knowledge; Arunachali lingered, he didn't get anything]: Pandey 1999:37-40; rengma [Ndu had a long penis, he turned it around his waist; when he created the plains, he went fishing with his companion; let his penis down the river, the companion mistook him for a snake, cut it off; N. died; the Angami took his hips, his arms and legs below his knees (good walkers), sema - the parietal part of his head and the remnants of his penis, pengma - language, so talkative]: Mills 1937:165; oriental rengma [Zosheto had a long penis, he wrapped it around his waist; copulated with a girl by sticking his penis into a hole in the wall of the house; she gave birth to a son; gathered people, the child crawled to Z., so it became clear that he was the father]: Mills 1937:260-261.

South Asia. Santala [(W.G. Archer, personal report); the young man had a long penis, which was then gnawed off by mice]: Elwin 1949:254; bondo: Elwin 1950 [the penis was colossal, crawling towards a woman; she She cut everything off, leaving her two palms as wide as her two palms]: 71; 1951, No. 1:473; 1954, No. 2 [Bati Mundli and Bati Sisa found a little boy; BS's wife took him to bathe; his penis was gigantic, he wrapped it around his waist; when BS's wife saw this penis, she offered to have sex and died as a result; BM and BS saw blood in her vagina, killed the boy; his hands and legs turned into trees, hair into grass, bones into rocks, blood colored the ground, and a coconut tree grew out of my head], 1 [penises were 5 m long, men wrapped them around the waist; Soma Bodnak came in, when his wife was cooking and his son and daughter-in-law were sitting right there; unfolded his penis and waved it; his wife shamed him and cut off his penis with an iron spoon; there was as much left as the SB could cover with both hands]: 3- 4, 473; sora (Lanjhia) [the penis was long, men wrapped it around the waist; boys and girls were dancing; the girl noticed that the boy was about to get together with her right now, cut off his penis with an ax, made two pieces of ear pendants for herself, buried one; a brahmana woman found him, mistook him for Mahadeo's linga, satisfied herself with it at night; since then, litter men have worn aprons on the back and front To prevent them from being castrated, they wave swords and axes menacingly]: Elwin 1949, No. 3:473-474; bhuya [Boram Burha had a long penis and a hole in the calf of his own leg, and his wife did not have a vulva, no breasts; the penis was crawling and stealing beans; the wife hid with an ax to watch the thief, cut off the penis, what he held was left; Dharam Deota moved a hole into the woman's vulva and gave her beard goat]: Elwin 1949, No. 31:256; gadaba [penises and clitoris were very long, men quickly exhausted their wives and they died; one wife cut off the penis, leaving what her husband held in his hands; and he then cut off her long clitoris]: Elwin 1949, No. 33:247-258: Elwin 1949, No. 37; conds [men wrapped their long penis around their waist; Burha pinnu was afraid that a girl could be killed with such a penis shortened it]: Elwin 1949, No. 37:259; 1951, No. 3 (kuttia) [the penis was very long, crawling towards the woman like a snake; the female genitals matched him, hung in a bag; the wife hit the penis, it shrunk; cut it off she threw her organ into the river, it became a turtle]: 474; koya [while frying rice, the woman sat with her legs spread; the man sent his long penis into her; she cut it off; placed the leaked seed in an anthill, it grew into a mushroom, which is why it is always slimy]: Elwin 1949, No. 37:259; baiga [two brothers learn that a brahmana is having an affair with their wives; put it on snare vulvas; brahmana penis got into it, was cut off; the brahmana told the woman to let her husband eat it, he would become strong; the wife served it with fish; the penis jumped out of his hand into his brother's plate, he swallowed it; he went through him his stomach into his wife's vagina; when her husband inserted his own penis into her, the brahmana's penis grew to him, making it twice as long; this penis killed the woman]: Elwin 1949, No. 33:392; pardhan [young man pardhan came to his gonda lover; she asked him to wait for the rice to finish breaking; the young man put his long penis in the hole in the wall of the house, the penis crawled to the girl; she was angry and poured over it with boiling water and hit with a spoon; since then, the penis is its current length]: Elwin 1949, No. 43:262.

Taiwan - Philippines. Atayal [giant Halus wears his penis wrapped around his waist; puts it across the river like a bridge; when women pass, he's hard as iron, when men swing; H. rapes women by sending them to their penis through windows in houses; opening their mouths, waiting for game driven by hunters to jump into it; people heat a stone, tell H. that a deer is running; he swallows a stone, dies]: Norbeck 1950, No. 6:17-19; sleeve [the man curled his penis, carried it on his shoulder in the basket; the woman also carried her huge genitals in the basket; both copulated, then the man cut off the excess part of his penis, the woman cut off the excess part of his penis, the woman cut off her genitals; married a man; the teeth in her vagina bit her penis; she was given wine, her beaded teeth were removed]: Ho 1967, No. 227:385-386; Payvan: Egli 1989, No. 13 [women's vulvas were like large sea shells, bitten the penis; one person quietly approached the women who were weaving hemp from behind, inserted a penis (the shell protected the vulva from the front, was on the body, not inside); the woman felt , cut off the penis; since then, the penis used to be long; after that, the women removed the shell from the vulva], 90 [the lonely old man Vuruvurung had no relatives; three girls came to see him asked them to slaughter and cook pigs, cook millet, for which they promised to eat with him; sent them to the house, told them to strain their penis; eating its supplies, they each time they answer that the food is not ready yet; V. replies that his penis is already knee-length; ankle-length; girls run away, leaving their excrement responsible for themselves; V. follows them, they choose the path along the thorns, thorns dig into B.'s long penis. of different sizes; V. cannot cross the river, returns; taking out the thorns, puts them in vessels, covering them with a lid; calls people to eat porridge; wasps (the smallest thorns), hornets and other stinging ones fly out of the vessels insects bite the audience, especially those girls; there were no stinging insects before]: 39-40, 259-262; Whitehorn, Earle 2003, No. 10 [Kapurar had a long penalty, he wore it on his shoulders; came to the edge of the field and let him see working women; they were afraid at first and then got used to it, only drove him away by hitting him with a digger; once people told K. that enemies were approaching; there was no time to put his penis on K. Yes, he dragged him with him; at home he asked him to remove the thorns; they filled four pots with them; K. called people to drink beer and put these pots out; when they were opened, wasps and hornets flew out and began to bite; various types of wasps and Hornets originated from different types of thorns], 65 [about the same as in (10), but shorter]: 84-85, 295.

(Wed. Central Europe. Russians (several options, places of recording are not a decree.) [three brothers shared the inheritance, the youngest did not get anything; says he only got h. knee-deep; the merchant's daughter hears, tells her to marry this young man; she is disappointed at night; the husband explains what x. mortgaged; the wife takes money from the mother, tells me to redeem it; the old woman she meets gives her husband a ring; if you put it on your fingernail, x. from the elbow, if the whole finger is seven miles; on the way he fell asleep, the master stole the ring, does not know what to do with the long x, pays for the owner to take the ring back; the mother-in-law comes to his sleeping son-in-law, he lifts her x. up seven miles; when he wakes up, he lowers]: Afanasiev 1992, No. 32:47-52).

Iran - Central Asia. Gilgit (darda, burushi) [Yacheni's demon woman was associated with an unclean male who was also embedded in a rock like a relief; he copulated with her by holding out his penis to her across the mountain and the valley]: Yettmar 1986:255.

(Wed. Japan. Ainu (Hokkaido) [Panampe (smart) is a man from the lower reaches, Penampe is from the upper reaches of the river; Panampe sent his long penis to the garden of a castle overseas; the owner thinks it's a rope, says the servants should hang clothes on her to ventilate; Panampe pulled his penis back, took possession of the rich clothes; Penampe repeated the trick, but the owner thought that the rope was sent by evil spirits, ordered it to be cut into pieces ; Penampe pulled in his penis, realized he couldn't be proud of it anymore]: Nobukatsu 2010:22-23).

Subarctic. Helmet [(without details); The raven sends his penis across the river into the girl's vagina; the muskrat screams: Cut it off with a blade of grass! ]: Teit 1917a, No. 5:444; taltan [the old man has a long penis with teeth at the end; he crawls like a snake under the ground, nibbles like a mouse, feeds on the female genitals; one girl grabs it; can't cut off with a bone knife; men cut off; old man dies; if the end of his penis were returned to him, men would still have teeth in this place]: Teit 1921a, No. 50:245-246.

The coast is the Plateau. A man sees girls bathing; sends his penis across the river. Shuswap [Coyote asks two girls if they want izai; they think it's salmon, answer Yes; hereinafter like Thompson]: Teit 1909a, no. 53:741; Thompson: Hanna, Henry 1996 [The coyote sends his penis across the river to the youngest of three girls; says which sedge to cut it off; the end remains in the girl, she falls ill; the Coyote comes disguised as a shaman; fences off the sick with a cane curtain, copulates, the end of the penis grows back; the Coyote leaves, the girl recovers]: 41-43; Teit 1898, No. 2 [see motif F60; Coyote sees three or four on the other side of the river virgins; asks if they want salmon back; one answers Yes; he sends his penis; the end stays in the vagina, the girl gets sick; Coyote comes to treat her, copulates with her; the end penis grows, girl recovers]: 21-29; skagit [Mink sees the leader's daughter on the other side; the bird advises the girl to cut off the penis with a sedge; part remains in the vagina; the girl gives birth to a son; her the father summons men; the boy points his finger at Norka, who is recognized as the chief's son-in-law]: Haeberlin 1924, No. 14:393-394; quileout [Kveti's penis does not reach women, it is blown away by the current; long sandbars are his footprints]: Andrade 1931, No. 30:91; clackamas [Coyote tells Fasaniha he is her brother; asks her children to dance (with their eyes closed?) , quietly curls their necks; some escape, they are the ancestors of today's pheasants; Coyote comes to the house where mother and daughter; says that a short girl, let her come to the beach, will find healing means; hid in the sand with his penis out, the girl sat on it; the mother tells her daughter that she has grown up; Coyote sees girls on the other side of the river; they call him to copulate; the Coyote swims across the river, but The girls are now on the side he was before; Coyote's excrement tells him they're not girls, but... (the informant did not know the translation); the Coyote tells them to become two rocks; comes to a man whose body oozes; he collected it, baked it, gave it to the Coyote; the Coyote does not eat, the owner put it in his bag; when he opened it, there was sturgeon; the Coyote returned, water instead of home; relieved his need, his excrement says that the owner was Sturgeon; the Coyote helps the man put brushwood on his back; he says he has the wife gives birth; the Coyote squeezes pus out of the woman's finger, tells the fetus to be carried in the womb rather than in the finger, shows how to copulate; another person cuts trees into chips, feeds his long penis with chips; Coyote exchanged penises with him; if you do not give his penis chips and branches, he bites his legs; Coyote lets his penis underwater into the younger girl; fears that she will be carried away by the river, tells her to cut off the penis with a sedge; comes disguised a shaman treats a sick person; pretends to be weak, 5 girls, 5 widows, 5 abandoned women should carry him; copulates with them; tells Cranes, Vultures, Geese to sing loudly; Flea comes in, sees that a shaman copulates with a girl; Coyote runs away, girl has recovered; see further K1H motive]: Jacobs 1958, No. 9:80-92; upper coulitz [Coyote sees girls bathing, asks Wren to lend him his penis ; the penis must be carried in a basket, fed with odorous ants; the Coyote sends it across the river to the girl; The lark screams to cut off the penis with a blade of grass; the Coyote returns it to the Lark, comes disguised shaman to a sick girl; tells her to hit the tambourine louder, copulates with her; running away, screams what to call the child who will be born]: Jacobs 1934, No. 1:102-103; sanpual [Coyote; girls bathe; The penis cannot be cut with an ax; the Coyote himself tells her to be cut with grass; the head remains in the girl, she falls ill; the Coyote, hiding who he is, comes to treat her; after copulation she recovers]: Ray 1933, No. 23:175 -176; ne perse: Erdoes, Ortiz 1984 [Coyote sees five duck girls bathing; sends his penis across the river; ties a pebble to be underwater; finishing copulating with the eldest sister, tells others to cut off the penis with grass; it turns into a river threshold; the girl is sick; the Coyote comes to treat her, copulates, pulls out the end of the penis; the girl recovers, the Coyote is considered strong shaman]: 318-319; Walker, Matthews 1994, No. 52 [Coyote sends his penis across the river to the eldest girl bathing; they can't cut it off, Coyote yells to them how to do it; now on that place threshold]: 179; tillamook: Jacobs, Jacobs 1959, No. 38 [South Wind; like sanpual; women try to cut with various sharp blades of grass; a severed penis turns into a sandbar; when they come to heal the girl, South Wind tells everyone but two blind old women to go out; they know what he is doing; the girl wants to reward him; he is responsible that only women, not men, will be paid for sex]: 123-124, 126; Thompson, Egesdal 2008 [similar to Jacobs & Jacobs]: 17-20; kalapuya [man feeds his huge penis with chips; Coyote changes penises, lets his new one across the river into chief's bathing daughter; screams to other girls to cut off the tip with grass; changes penises back; girl falls ill; Coyote comes to her disguised as a shaman; tells everyone to sing loudly, copulates; from her vagina water pours out; people send a louse, then a flea to look at; both washed away with water; the spider comes back, reports; Coyote runs away]: Gatschet et al. 1945, No. 5:240-244; tututni [Coyote sees girls on another riverbank, sitting with their legs apart; penetrates them in the guise of salmon]: Frachtenberg 1915, No. 15a: 222-223; upper coquill [Coyote turns into salmon, swims in shallow water; two girls undress, They start catching him; he pokes his vulva with one head and the other with his tail; he runs away as a Coyote; they squeeze his semen out of each other's abdomen; he sees girls from afar; asks his crap, what to do; crap advises you to send your long penis to the girl he likes; the girl notices the penis, cuts it with a digging stick; the Coyote dies; comes to life, but when someone bites him]: Jacobs 2007:258-259.

The Midwest. Winnebago: Radin 1956, No. 15-16 [Wakjunkaga wakes up from his erected penis lifting the blanket high into the air; he rolls his penis in rings, puts it in a box, carries it on back; sees girls bathing on the other side of the lake; sends a penis to the leader's daughter; strongmen can't pull it out; the old woman stabs it with an awl; V. takes his penis, laughs], 38-39 [V. sends his penis to get a chipmunk hollow; it gnaws off the penis; since then people have a short penis; B. throws the gnawed parts into the water, turning them into wild edible plants (nine types of bulbs are listed, tubers, etc.)]: 18-20, 38-40; menominee [Myanyabush lets his penis crawl in the grass, copulates with women tens of meters away]: Skinner, Satterlee 1915:304; ojibwa [an orphan shows giants his dick from under the ice; they grab and cook a young man; he sticks his dick out of the cauldron, kills giants with it]: Désveaux 1984:61; sauk [seeing two bathers women, a man sends his penis, tells him to bring the one he likes best; people send Moose for a missing woman; the penis catches up with them, returns the woman; Visakia causes frost, penis cannot crawl, V. takes the woman to the Turtle; he puts V. to sleep, talking about his exploits; takes away his beautiful clothes, runs all night; falls asleep in the morning; wakes up in the same house V.]: Skinner 1928, #16:155-156; illini (peoria) [stories about Wambä sending his long penis to a girl across the river]: Michelson 1917:494; Steppe Cree [Visagatchak sees a girl on another riverbank; asks Muskrat to move his penis there; hurts him against stones, so his head is now swollen; the girl turns out to be a freshwater mollusk (clam)]: Skinner 1916, No. 1 (12): 351.

Plains. Blacklegs: Josselin de Jong 1914 [The old man sees Bobrikha sleeping on the other side of the river; asks Muskrat to drag his penis across the river, insert Bobrikha into the vulva; the muskrat pulls his penis into the prickly bushes; helps the Old Man remove thorns]: 19-20; Wissler, Duvall 1908, No. 18 [Napi (Old Man) defecates on a sleeping girl's clothes; she asks him to remove excrement; he demands payment for this; she consistently offers various items, her relatives, parts of her clothes, eventually agrees to surrender herself; ask not to insert the penis completely; the old man ties it up, but then introduces, killing a girl; changes penises with a bird; the girl's father tells everyone to jump across the river, the bird can't, explains that her long penis is from the Old Man; he promises to cure the girl; bets on leaving two old women with hammers and two men with spears, quitting fat, old women and men kill each other; the old man runs away; the same Josselin de Jong 1914:23-27], 20 [two girls pick strawberries; Napi sends her penis to them underground; girls take it for a berry, lick it; one sits on it, picks it up and is torn apart], 21 [N. sees Bobrikha sleeping on the other side of the river; sends her into her his penis; she is blown away by the current, N. can hardly pull his penis back]: 34-36; grovanter [Nishant sees the girl on the other side; asks the Mouse to carry his penis across the river; the penis crawls into the vagina ]: Kroeber 1907b, No. 6:68; teton [(an anecdote told at a bar in 1969); Iktome complains to Coyote about a bad dream; describes in detail how he sees a naked girl, sends his long penis to her; then a wagon passes between him and the girl]: Erdoes, Ortiz 1984:381-382; Iowa: Skinner 1925, No. 21 [the girl is magically pregnant; enemies broke into the village, tore it apart; her parents found her baby, raised her; he was named Ishinki (Trickster) for leprosy; he became a herald announcing important events in the village; he has a long penis, he throws it over his shoulder], 22 [I. sees bathing girls; sends his penis underwater across the river to the most beautiful one; lets her go when the old woman stabs her penis with an awl; laughs], 25 [I. has an erection in his dream; opening his eye, he cannot understand what is in the sky raccoon and vultures make], 34 [The gopher teases Ishchinki; I. drives him into a hole, puts his long penis in it; The gopher bites off a piece from him until the penis is the size of has now; I. turns bitten pieces into all kinds of berries and fruits; head into acorn]: 481-482, 485, 494-495; arpahoe: Dorsey, Kroeber 1903, No. 29 [Nihansan sees on the other side rivers sleeping woman; asks the Mouse to carry his penis across the river; the penis falls into the sink, cut off, N. dies], 30 [as in (29); The mouse sinks, the bird carries N.'s penis, he enters the woman], 31 [N. sends a penis to the leader's tipi; he finds his daughter covered in blood], 37 [the chief's two daughters reject the suitors; when they sleep, N. puts excrement between them; the sisters are ready to surrender to him if he does not tell about their shame; N. kills one of the sisters with his monstrous penis; the chief tells all men to jump across the stream; N. changes his penis with a small animal, he falls into a stream; explains that the penis is not his; N . runs away], 38 [girl promises to marry the person with the smallest penis; N. changes with the Mouse; copulates with her real penis at night]: 63-65, 73-75; Pawnee (kitkehahki) [the Coyotes had a long penis, they wrapped it around their waist; sitting on the shore, they let it into the water; women thought snakes were swimming, they rushed to run; the Coyote chief had the longest penis; he hears a rustle in the ground, promises kill the one who scrapes with his penis, puts it in a hole; the penis is gnawed to pieces; the Coyote throws a handful of pieces in four directions; the pieces turn into plum trees, vines, berries shrubs, walnut trees; an insect appears from the mink, says that now the Coyote penises will be short; this story is told to children so that they do not eat too many fruits and berries, and left them to adults]: Dorsey 1906, No. 142:464-465.

California. Shasta: Frachtenberg 1915, No. 15a [Coyote sees girls across the river, sends his long penis to them; then the girls see something sticking out of the ground; one hits it with her digger Coyote screams, cleans his penis], 15s [Coyote marries a duck girl, she gets pregnant; he goes to get firewood; the wife weaves the basket, sits in it, rolls into the river; the Coyote tries to stop the basket with his with a long penis, but she swims to the sea; the heads of born babies appear from it]: 222-223, 223.

Big Pool. South Payut (Shivvitz) [girl hides in a hole; Coyote inserts his penis in, he crawls towards the girl; she runs away again]: Lowie 1924, No. 14:140; (cf. Southern Utah [mouse began to tease Sinawav , hid in a hole, calls it a big penis; S. has a really long penis; he tried to reach the mouse with a stick, then put his penis in the hole, the mouse began to pull it and it became huge; S. decided to shorten it, cut off pieces, each turned into a tree or shrub of a certain species, and S. gave them names: pine, aspen, cedar, oak, etc.]: Givón 1913, No. 6:45-49).

The Great Southwest. Lipan: Opler 1940, No. 68a [Coyote wraps his long penis around his waist; asks the Opossum to dig a way to the girl sitting, sends his penis into her across the river; they want to cut him off, Coyote with struggles to pull it out], 68b [girl sits on the ground; Opossum digs a move under her, sends her penis; she gives birth to a boy; every man demands to recognize him as father; boy crawls to the Possum; Opossum gives Coyote's penis the ability to crawl; he enters the girl (almost cut off like in (68a)], 69 [Coyote sends his penis across the river to the girl; she gives birth to a son, he grows up; gives moccasins to Coyote in sign of recognition by his father]: 186-189; chiricahua [The gopher girl sits on the ground; the Coyote asks the Possum to dig a passage under her; sends her penis underground; she hits him with a stone; therefore, the extreme Men's flesh pulls back]: Opler 1942, No. 29:53-54; Hopi (Oraibi): Malotki 1997, No. 11 [girl rejects grooms; hunchback Kookopölö lives at her grandmother's; digs a passage to the place where the girl regularly sends natural needs; slips her long penis out of the ground into her vagina; she gives birth to a boy; men decide to race, hoping that the baby will take flowers from the hands of the winner; K. comes running last, but the boy takes flowers from him; the father tells his daughter to marry K.; he is a kachina, supplying plenty of food to the family and the whole village; the sorcerers from Crap Kiva are jealous, calling K . to herself, intending to kill; a spider woman gives him a potion; he showers sorcerers with them, they all go humpback, beat each other; they die suddenly; K. and his wife come to live with his grandmother; they have many children]: 183-195; Titiev 1939 [as in Malotki 1997; hero name Kokopele (=Slifer, Duffield 1993:127-128)]: 91-94; mimbres ceramics [a man sends his penis, which is much longer than himself, to a woman's vagina; two standing figures (twin brothers?) support the penis with their hands]: Cuncle 2000, fig.386; New Mexico [petroglyphs depicting a man sending his disproportionately long penis to a woman]: Slifer, Duffield 1993, fig. 48 [Galisteo basin in the upper reaches of Pecos], 193 [Holiday Mesa]; yavapai [man wears his penis rolled up on his back; woman thinks it's meat, asks for it; he sends a penis to crawl towards her in the grass; the tip remains in the vagina, the woman falls ill; the shaman reveals the truth; the culprit turns into a snake; the tip of the penis is removed, the woman recovers]: Gifford 1933a: 400-401.

NW Mexico. Huichol: Zingg 1938, No. 2a [people are multiplying too fast; to destroy them, the Sun tells Kauymáli to place teeth in women's vaginas; all men but one boy have lost their penises; The Sun hid the boy in a cave; K. himself also lost his penis, but his penis grew, became 100 m long, crawled to sleeping women; K. wraps it around his waist, wears it in a basket, sends his penis to sleeping women women; to punish K., Luna (Nakawé) turns rocks into people, one Rock woman offers herself to K., who inserts his long penis into her, she turns into a rock again, he hangs behind her penis high above the ground, hanging for 5 days; then the great sea goddesses decided that K. was punished enough, sent the vulture to snack on his penis; K. fell into the Nakawé magic vessel, his penis healed; N. no longer angry, because with the help of K. she triumphed over the Sun]: 538 (=1982:223-225); Furst 1997 [Kauyumári's penis grew to 50 or 100 m long; he wrapped it around his waist, wore it in a basket; stopped at in the house of a man with four daughters; he suspects his intentions, K. lies on the opposite side of the room from the girls; at night he consistently sends his penis to each, everything in the morning pregnant; K. proves that he did not get up, runs away; contrary to her warning, converges with the Rock woman; she turns into a rock, K. hangs upside down by the penis; seeks help from the moon Nakawé, who is angry with him, does not react; the Sun cuts off his penis with his hand, K. falls, his penis becomes normal; since then, men's penises have regular-sized]: 113-114.

Mesoamerica Lacandons (northern) ['Ähah are half-human demigods; they both have such a long penis that they wrap it around their thighs like a loincloth; they can't deal with women because they are killed during copulation; one tells his mother that he will commit suicide and did so (he put his hand on his penis and thrust it down his throat is not entirely clear); the other is incinerated by lightning]: Cook 2019:214-222.

The Northern Andes. Guajiro [the woman asked her husband to stay with the baby, went to collect cacti fruits; she saw a man she heard that his penis was long; he could wrap it around his waist; he agreed to get together with her, but tied a rag around his penis so as not to insert the whole penis; the woman asked to insert the entire penis, lost consciousness; the husband went to look for her, the wife met halfway, staggered; shaman said what was going on; the husband came to a man with a long penis, pierced with three arrows; brought his wife to the place where she cheated, cut her body in half, starting with her genitals, cut off her head; went to others seats, capturing only a calebass with water]: Perrin 1976:75-78.

Guiana. Oyana: Magaña 1987, No. 20 [a man wakes up screaming a toad; sees a beauty; she warns not to have sex with her, he insists; his penis becomes as long as a snake; in in the village, he turns into the lover of all women; men are going to kill him; women solder men drunk, leave with their lover; this Month]: 38; 1989 [copulates with a frog]: 28; oyampy [Yaneya leaves; the pregnant wife follows him; the twins from her womb show her the way; ask her to pick flowers; she is bitten by a wasp; she refuses to collect, the twins fall silent; the woman gets to Jaguaram, Jaguariha eats it; Mayamayali and Wayamakale twins (is poppy a monkey?) jump on a tree; Jaguariha calls them back; A dove hunting talks about his mother's death; M. and Y. lure the Jaguars to the bridge, create piranhas in the river; V. cuts off the vine ahead of time, two jaguars they save themselves, the rest are eaten by piranhas; M. almost revives his mother, V. hugs her ahead of time, she falls apart; by the sea, their father cuts down a tree, chips turn into fish; the father tests his sons, M. does not He withstands; the father tells him that he is not his son, but the Monkey; makes a parrot out of his skin, monkeys out of flesh; in the morning the father rises to heaven; M. makes a woman out of wood; V. appears again, despite warning makes love to a woman; she turns into a hard tree, his penis becomes long, he wears it in a basket; comes to the village; while men sleep, he dances with all women; they go into a hole, disappear underground; a parrot and a monkey remain in the village; while men hunt, they take off their feathers and skins, cook; V. comes out of the hole; one woman cuts off his long penis; a piece stays in the vagina; once in the river, it turns into an eel]: Grenada 1982, No. 5:69-72.

Ecuador. Kanyari (near Paute) [at night, a handsome small child wanders in the fields in a large felt hat with a huge cock that he wraps around his waist; he lulls women to sleep traveling alone after sunset and when they fall asleep they are raped]: Verneau, Rivet 1912:35

Western Amazon. Kofan [a loser hunter follows a herd of wild pigs, becomes a boar himself; descends through a hole with pigs to the lower world; their owners live there Quanqua; man spends there for a year; k. has no anuses, they feed on the smell of cooked meat; a person defecates, k. enjoy the aroma; k. wrap their penises around the waist; penises crawl them into women's vaginas]: Calí fano, Gonzalo 1995, No. 75:134-136; mayhuna [penis crawls towards a woman; her brother cuts it off with a trap; man recovers; his wife buries his penis]: Bellier 1991b, No. 271-273; tarian [ there is a woman with children in the house; the demon Waxti came, carrying his long penis in the basket; at night he began to copulate, the woman died; when V. left, the sons watched him disappear into the hollow; father who returned; went with him to the tree, made a fire, threw pepper; demons went out and died; the last woman to go out with his wife; her husband cut him into pieces; washed and fumigated his wife, she came to life]: Brüzzi 1994:193-197.

NW Amazon. Andoque: Landaburu, Pineda 1984:153-158 [Capybara has a wife Toad (the word also means "vulva"); in the forest he met another woman, the black-toothed Frog, and brought home; she does not help Toad dig cassava, brings little, but makes a lot more starch at home; Toad has lightning in his mouth, she cuts off the Frog's head with it; tells her husband that she went to look for ants; husband and Toad also follow ants; Toad lifts the stone, the husband sees the Frog's hair sticking out of her ass; pours boiling water on her, the Frog comes out; later the husband copulates with the Frog on the site, falls asleep; the frog climbs the tree, dragging him with him the husband's lengthened penis, the penis turned into a vine; the frog refuses to give their son to her husband, the husband cuts the tree, it falls, the Frog fell to pieces that turned into frogs; the husband walked carrying his penis in the basket; when he saw the women, he crawled to them underground; when the women trampled on their penis, the man screamed in pain], 159 [a similar option, the tree is cut not by Capybara, but by the Opossum].

Eastern Amazon. Urubu: Ribeiro 2002:422 [the dead go to heaven; there they only make love like Maïra is a demiurge; he does not touch a woman, but lets his penis crawl into that hut to her where she is], 425 [Maira has a huge dick like it consists entirely of this dick].

Montagna - Jurua. Amahuaca [the first person wears a penis wrapped around his neck; sends it to crawl towards women; after his death, the penis is cut, thrown to the river; the pieces produce catfish; they make fish multiply] : Huxley, Capa 1964:92; Kashinahua [Naimbo builds a ladder, the end reaches the sky; the storm breaks it, takes N. far from the village; he follows the hunters but is afraid to step on poisonous ones ants, goes the other way; gets stuck in the cannibal hawk trap, falling into it first with one leg, then with the other, with one hand, with the other head (=tar-baby); Hawk has huge testicles, and he has his penis wears in her bag; puts N. in the same place, brings him home; goes for firewood; Hawk's wife is N.'s ex-fiancée, whom Hawk stole; she hides him under a vessel; Hawk asks their pet parrot what happened; a woman promises to kill a parrot if he gives her away; the Hawk tells her ants, wasps, snakes to look for, but the woman recalls them or presses them every time; at night, Hawk's penis crawls towards his wife, ejaculates between her knees; now she sleeps with N., gives birth to a boy; N. goes to the forest, climbs the genip tree; the Hawk finds him, tells him to go down; N. throws him fruits, tries to throw them further; goes down, runs to the river; animals fish there, hide it in the sand, covering their faces with a basket; the Hawk blows the wind, but N. manages not to cough; the Hawk returns home, the animals show N. the way to his house mother, he loses her; rabbits, agouti show the way, but he loses it again; hears someone afraid that it will rain and die; these creatures conjure and prevent rain; these are mushrooms; they they explain that they know where N.'s mother lives, but they hide here because otherwise she will collect and fry them; the turtle shows the way to N.; at night, a large mossy tree says it is itchy, and no one scratches; the deer leads N., but he can't keep up with him; at night he hears the voice of a bird, sees fire, finds a spinner girl; when he tries to make love to her, she turns into a bird, takes away her fire; so continues several times, it flies farther and farther across the lake; at night N. hears, Oh, leg, leg! It is the anaconda that broke its tail; N. heals it by inserting a vine instead of his spine; the anaconda leads him home, but he gets lost again; removes the splinter from the jaguar's paw; he leads him to the house, gives him a little a bundle with a lot of meat inside; gives a stick that kills game and packs meat in small quantities; tells anyone not to talk about it; N. opens the bag before reaching home, live and dead animals run away, he only manages to grab two; when he gets home, he uses a magic wand, then talks about his adventures; the wand loses its power]: d'Ans 1975:214-232.

Bolivia - Guaporé. Takana: Hissink, Hahn 1961, No. 38 [someone steals cotton from the field; a man is waiting for two women; they are sisters Luna and the Morning Star; Luna advises taking a sister, but he wants the Moon; after copulating his penis grows, he carries it in the basket; at night, his penis crawls towards women; one girl's father cuts it off when he enters a hole in the wall; the severed part turns into an amphisbene lives in a termite mound; var.2: The moon asks to put the penis in the basket before copulation; from there it crawls towards it; var.3: the penis crawls to the sky, there it copulates with the Moon; the man cuts it off for himself, dies; var. 4: every girl and woman to whom a penis crawls cuts off a piece; pieces turn into snakes; var.5: first a man, then his wife, cut off pieces from the penis; they make many snakes]: 81-83; Nordenskiöld 1924 [Moon and Venus are sisters; they steal corn, cassava, etc. from the Sun field; he is waiting for them; despite the Moon's warning, they grab her, not his younger sister; his penis grows, he wears it in a basket; Venus comes back to the field; the Sun lets his penis go to her; she cuts it for a snake; the Sun died, rose to heaven]: 296-297; moseten [the village was ruled not by leaders, but the woman is "our mother"; picked up a crying baby, he began to suck her breast; when she fell asleep, Opo became an adult man with a long cock wrapped around his waist; he raped a woman, she died; on the trail of a penis dragging along the ground (or a snake around O.'s belt), people came to the cave, lit a fire at the exits, threw pepper at it; people, normal and freaks, freaks, freaks, began to come out they threw into the fire; animals that O. held captive also came out]: Caspar 1953b: 168-171; guarazu [hunters disperse through the forest; the person left in the hut hears the voice of a cururu toad, says that if she was a woman, he would lie down with her; Cururu goes down, converges with him, jumps back, the penis stays in her vagina, becomes long; when he lets go of the penis, the person is forced to wear it wrapped around belts; in the village, his wife rejects him; at night he sends his penis to crawl into the vaginas of various women; when he crawled into the chief's hut, he woke up, cut it off with a shell; the man died; his spirit remained alive in earth, still sends his penis to sleeping women; they wake up with a wet vagina]: Riester 1977, No. 43:298; chiriguano [battleship makes a girl pregnant, his penis reaches her underground ]: Metraux 1932:154, 159; Nordenskiöld 1912:271.

Southern Amazon. Rickbackza: Pereira 1994, No. 4 [the newlyweds went for honey; at night, his wife did not let her husband into her hammock, he stayed by the fire, the centipede crawled into his ear; it hurts, he wants to be eaten in vain a jaguar or swallowed an anaconda; a man in the lake hits a leaf, producing thunder and lightning; a man went down to him, asked him to be cured, he opened his skull, took out a centipede; gave him a thunder leaf; a man killed his wife; his sister's eldest son went to look for her missing youngest son; they came to a snake man; he has a long penis, he copulates while lying in his hammock far from women; warned do not get up at night because of need; the nephew got up, stepped on the penis, the man and the woman died; the man and the nephew came to the catfish people, they do not have anuses, defecate through their mouths; they ask them to cut their anuses, five died, others realized that it was impossible; they came to the Rats, Battleships, Yellow Ants and many others; when Woodpecker killed them; at this time, my sister drowned a calebass, she realized that her son and brother died], note 368 [forest spirit]: 58-65, 364; mehinaku [Katsi wants to have sex with the lizard woman Kaitsapaneju; she and others warn that this is dangerous, his penis will become long, because her genitals are particularly seductive; he does not listen; after sex, his penis becomes long, he carries it in four baskets; at night, his penis crawls into all women's houses; men notice this, on the next night they beat the penis with clubs, it shrinks and becomes small]: Gregor 1985:132-133; paresi [when Yuanalore's grandchildren copulate with the owner of the Buriti palm tree, she always gets up and leaves first; Yuanalore got up first, his penis remained in his vagina, became long; he cut off a few pieces, the owner of the buriti swallowed them; carried the rest in the basket; at night his penis began to crawl to women; his son cut a snake; Yuanalore threw himself into the river, became a tapir; four women hit the water with a buriti stalk, summon a tapir, copulate; Kaimare followed, killed a tapir with an arrow, hung his penis over the entrance to the house; invited women to look in his head; blood drips, women recognize the penis; call a tapira on the river, but only the Water Meter spider comes out; his penis is too small; women Kaimare is drunk by a chicha from Euterpe precatoria; they carry away sacred flutes; The dove tells K. what happened; K. rushes in pursuit; women leave the flutes, reach the place where the edge of the sky beats on earth; turning into birds, shamans fly there to another world; one man had sex with his wife before, crushed]: Pereira 1986, No. 13:226-231.

Eastern Brazil. Crash [Schultz 1950:144-150; Autxetpirire looks like a human, but his valley penis is wrapped around his neck, torso, arms, and legs; fell in love with a girl whose family first became horses, then into kingfishers, and she could not turn into; the girl's father told A. that her skin color was so beautiful because she was kept in an earthen oven; A. asked to bake it too; everyone left, the girl came back, A. dug up A.'s penis, began to eat; together with her relatives she hid in a tree; A. came to life, came, his rope was lowered, cut off when he got to half, A. fell into a crab and climbed into a hole]: Wilbert 1978, No. 154:373-375.

SE Brazil. Botokud [deity copulates in a similar way]: Manizer, handbook: diary, 07.68. 1915; Ploetz, Metraux 1930:210.

Chaco. Chamacoko [battleship lets its penis crawl underground, deflorizes girls; one of them hits the penis with a stick, the battleship dies]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1987a, No. 107:424-425; chorote [ a man wraps his penis around his waist; can turn into an armadillo]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1985, No. 39, 116, 117, 120:67-68, 227-228, 233; nivacle [a long penis interferes with the Month; he drags it into basket, throws it over his shoulder, wraps around his waist, steps on it, falls; turns out to be the last man to run to copulate with the first women]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1987b, No. 8 [ deflorizes women by sending their long penis to them from the sky], 42, 46-48, 50, 240:38, 116, 128, 130, 131, 143, 564; poppies: Wilbert, Simoneau 1991a, No. 2 [fisherman (this is a red-legged sania bird; probably , Cariama cristata) noticed a necklace in the lake; the next day he caught fish, left it, someone stole it; followed and saw women coming out of the water eating fish with their mouths and vagina; the women were accompanied perfume whistling; Iguana lay in wait and grabbed the woman, lost his penis, but he had two; several men were waiting for women, the Month let go of his long penis, he was bitten off; the Sun's penis too they bit off; the Hawk told the women to dance, the penises fell out of their vaginas, he gave them back to the men; only the penis of the Month was gone, but it was so long that the Month was not upset; then the big piranhas fell out; the little ones are left, their bites cause monthly bleeding; the female genitals smell piranhas], 3 [fish caught and baked by men disappears; the red-legged chunga bird (Cariama cristata) hides, saw women coming out of the water eat fish with their mouths and vagina; each said that the one who caught the fish would be her husband; Chunga laughed, the women disappeared into the lake; men caught women, Month paid off, his penis bit off; the Hawk ordered to dance, the big piranhas fell out of the vaginas, the little ones stayed, they cause periods; left without a penis, the Month did not want to borrow a penis from Iguanas (he had two) and went up to heaven; Hawk was the first to stingy, followed by the others; the river began to rise; the water stopped when the men let the women go back], 20-21 and 24 [trickster]: 19-21, 22- 25, 77, 82-83, 87; toba: Wilbert, Simoneau 1989a, No. 347 [for Long Walking Penises, night is day and day is night; when they slept, their penises crawled by themselves; women slept separately from their husbands, penises crawled into their vaginas; the Hawk visited these people, made sure they were not harmful, normal people, they only didn't sleep at night], 348 [like in (347); The hawk left them because it was too funny to watch like penises crawl by themselves; took away the meat they got]: 450-451, 451.

The Southern Cone. Selknam [Hais conceived his son Quanyip by chance having sex with his own daughter; K. and his relatives rose to heaven; he himself is Betelgeuse, his two wives are Bellatrix and δ Orion; H. and K. have a long penis; seeing a woman from behind, he copulates, sending his penis from afar, which gives him special pleasure]: Gusinde 1931:592.