F18D. Long clitoris .
Thefemale genitals were huge.
Vurageri, arapesh, abelam, kachin, sora, ghadaba {probably dravidias}, condas (kuttia), kamar, cuiva, mehinacu, vaura, paresi, kayapo.
Australia. Vurageri and neighboring groups [on a rope, the deceased rises to heaven, where totems and ancestors live; crawls through the hole like mythical creatures of the beginning of time; the edges of the hole are continuous move, opening a narrow slit from time to time; the dead sees two guards - a month-old man on one side, a Sunwoman on the other; the long penis of the Month is wrapped around his waist, the Sun's long clitoris blocks the fire, which is a source of warmth and daylight; if the deceased is not afraid, he goes to where the two first ancestors Ngintungintsu and Gunababa begin to question him, but he must be silent; they dance, erect their penises and try to make him laugh with their song; he shouldn't even move an eyebrow; then women dance an erotic dance, but he doesn't have to do anything again react; (shamans talk about similar challenges when visiting the heavenly world); then the deceased meets Bayami and his wife, whose body is like rock crystal]: Berndt, Berndt 1964:413.
Melanesia. Arapesh [three boys were playing in the river, they and their pet rat were carried on the trunk to their mouths; the cannibal brought them home, fattened them; the rat said she wanted to eat them; the boys make a boat, they sail away, the cannibal catches the boat with a lasso made from her genitals; the boys send the rat to gnaw through the lasso; the cannibal does something new twice; the children still come home, their rat climbs into slit gong; people give boys wives, boys pay with bracelets]: Fortune 1942, No. 51:233-234; abelam [at first, male and female organs were long; the man sat in the upper reaches of the river, let him go along her penis was flowing, and the woman was waiting for it somewhere below; one day she got scared and cut off her penis; remained the current size; and the man knocked down a tree on the site towards the woman; half of the female genitals torn off, this half turned into a certain kind of yam; the other half has remained small; because of the wound, women have been menstruating ever since; the moon also menstruates]: Huber-Greub 1988, No. 8.1.24:292.
Tibet is the Northeast of India. Kachin (jinpo) [the female genitals were long, their husbands cut them off, threw them into the water, they became leeches; the rice was on the island in the sea; the birds refused to fly there, leeches brought rice for a promise comply with any request they may have; asked them to be returned to their place; the men replied that this was not possible; since then, leeches have been ferocious and have been looking for blood]: Elwin 1958a, No. 11:316-317.
South Asia. Gadaba [the penises and clitoris were very long, men quickly exhausted their wives and they died; one wife cut off her penis, leaving what her husband held in her hands; and then he cut off her long clitoris]: Elwin 1949, No. 33:247-258; condas (kuttia) [the penis was enormous, crawling towards the woman like a snake; the female genitals matched him, hung in a bag; the wife hit the penis, it shrunk; she cut off her organ, threw it into the river, it became a turtle]: Elwin 1954, No. 3:474; kamara [the vulva used to be long, hung, people copulated standing; the gonde warned the daughter-in-law not to step on the trail of hooves; she came, mud splashed her vulva; began washing in the river, tore off the crab; now the vulva does not protrude, the woman lies on her back]: Elwin 1949, No. 49:265; litter (Hill Saora) [the vulva was an inch wide, the clitoris is as thick as a big toe, three toes long, at night the genitals went away and walked around on their own; Kittung accidentally stepped on a walking vulva, she screamed; he threw it into the water, she became a turtle, her neck and head were the clitoris; K. gave a chicken genitals to a woman]: Elwin 1954, No. 41:393; (cf. Juang [the vulva had no hole; Mahesur Risi tore off a piece of flesh, threw it into the river, and a leech appeared]: Elwin 1949, No. 48:265).
Taiwan - Philippines. Hand [man curled his penis, carried it on his shoulder in a basket; woman also carried her huge genitals in the basket; both copulated, then the man cut off the excess part of his penis, woman circumcised her genitals; married a man; the teeth in her vagina bit her penis; she was given wine to drink, her beaded teeth were removed]: Ho 1967, No. 227:385-386.
Llanos. Kuiva [the girl relieved herself near the ant heap, she was carried away by Kayéri's underground spirit; Kayeri has a huge penis; after copulating with him, the girl's genitals began to hang to the ground; one day her father saw kayeri sitting on a tree eating fruit, a girl nearby; shot kayeri with a bow, who disappeared into the river; the man brought his daughter home, her mother inserted her genitals]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1991b, No. 127:190- 191.
Southern Amazon. Mehinaku [an old woman's female organ crawls around like a snail/frog]: Gregor 1985:72-73; vaura [The Bat's mother-in-law has a huge knee-length vulva; he took her fishing; she can hear it at night the voice of the jaguar; in order to supposedly calm his mother-in-law, the son-in-law suggests hanging their hammocks closer to each other; so several times; when close, he began to copulate with his mother-in-law; mother-in-law was angry, the Bat killed her, cut off his vulva, hung it around his neck, distributed pieces to various birds at the festival; since then they have been hanging around their necks; the Bat told his wife that her mother died, but kept silent about why; she took it out from him lice, noticed blood stains behind her ears, decided he was a murderer]: Coelho 1992:55-56; paresi [an old woman's vulva crawls out to swim in a beer vessel at night; another old woman hears this, tells her daughter see what's going on; as for the vulva of burning smut, the first old woman screams]: Pereira 1987, No. 268:738.
Eastern Brazil. Kayapo [Dreyfus 1863:193-194; mother-in-law complains that his son-in-law is lazy; that night he stretches his wife's clitoris, it becomes as long as a house; mother-in-law leads her daughter to the river, cuts off the clitoris, it turns into anaconda; daughter recovers]: Wilbert 1978, #97:255-256.