Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

F2. Birth from a leg T541; V52. .11.-.14.17.-.27.29.31.


A baby is born from a tumor on the character's body, either placed there for a while, or comes from blood that has leaked out of a cut.

Bantu-speaking Africa. Mongo [the spirit of Lianja (the father, grandfather, or more distant ancestor of a young hero) entered the woman's bosom, became the new L.; asked his mother how to get out; refused to be born in the usual way, came out through a tumor above his knee with a spear in his hand, an adult man; said that his father died an hour ago, now he is the chief; L. was born with his twin sister Nsongo, he married her; L.'s son married Boale; M. died; B. sang that she is new N.]: Knappertt 1997:182-183; arusha [two children are born from an abscess on a man's knee; when leaving, he tells them to open only to his voice; the hyena asks the sorcerer to make her voice similar to the voice of the children's father; he tells you not to eat a beetle before that; the hyena eats, the children feel that the voice is someone else; next time he does not eat, the children open it, the hyena eats them]: Kripple 1992:67; kikuyu: Cagnolo 1952, No. 7 [the first man's knee was swollen, three boys came out of the incision; they grew up hunting; one tamed cattle, the second cultivated plants, and the third discovered iron processing]: 12-14 (= Tegnaeus 1950:142-144); Mwangi 1983 [a childless man's knee is swollen; the sorcerer cut, three girls came out: Njiruni, Nyamatuananga, Nyamathiriti; coming to the house, M. always sings and daughters unlock his voice; one of the men managed to reproduce M.'s voice, he took Njeruni away; she gave birth to a son; M. grieves; once noticed castor plants that grew along the way Njeruni was taken away; M. came to his daughter , she did not recognize him; he taught her son his song; everything was clarified, M. stayed with his daughter and son-in-law]: 123-126; kamba [the hunter is cut through a tumor on his leg, it has two boys and a girl; he stays with them in the forest, makes a house on a baobab; when he comes up, he sings, the son lowers the rope; the cannibal Muvya comes up twice, sings the same song, his voice is rude; the sorcerer advises to bite his tongue ants and scorpions; the son lowers the rope, M. takes the children to his village, tells them to weed the field; the father finds them, tells his son to answer M. rude, kills him; before his death, M. orders him to be cut off little finger, throw into the fire; those killed by him come to life]: Zhukov, Kotlyar 1976, No. 128:310-315; Nyamwezi [the wife asks her husband to wash her wound in her lower abdomen; the wound does not heal; God says he will send them to teach her son, what to do; the woman's knee is swollen, a boy came out; said that this is not a wound, but the place where children are born; the husband got together with his wife, she gave birth to a girl; var.: the man washes the wound to no avail to her "sister"; the old woman explains that this is not a wound, a penis must be inserted there; a man and a woman give birth to children]: Hamberger 1909, No. 2:298-299; mkulve (kulve): Baumann 1936 [a woman asked a man wash her wound in her lower abdomen; the wound was not healed; God explained to the woman what was going on; said that her knee would swell and a "son of wisdom" would be born from there]: 369 (=Kotlyar 2009, No. 171:123); Scheub 2000 [first a couple descended to earth from heaven; Ngulwe made their son Kanga Masala born from a woman's knee]: 176; tonga [Makoma was born from his mother's knee; leaves when he meets him, making him tiny with his staff by putting in your pocket and taking with them the Tree Eater (PD), the Grass Eater (PT), the Water Drinker (PV); PD, PT pave the way to the land of Rain Lord Nyandebwu ("a beard made of hair as thick as an elephant's tail"); satellites are building a house by the lake; while M. is hunting, N. comes three times, the companions are unable to let him eat all the meat; PV drinks the lake, M. fights with N., both sink to the bottom of the lake]: Zhukov, Kotlyar 1976, No. 119:288-290; karanga [the wife is pregnant, asks her husband to bring her a certain bird; the husband climbed into a hole so that only one eye can be seen through a hole in the soil; a bird flying by thinks it is a snake, went down to grab her, but the man grabbed the bird by the legs himself; now the husband asks his wife to do a favor: to bring water from a pond where there are no frogs; the woman met a leopard; he showed such a pond on the rock , but in return she must give him the child she will give birth to; the baby was born from a woman's leg, holding a bow and arrow; said his name was Cigana-gana; the woman promises to send a leopard to check her son at night rat traps - let the leopard come at night and snap as if a rat was caught; S. asks his cigana-gana {apparently this is not only a name, but also an amulet or inner strength} whether to go out; SG answers What's not necessary is a danger; next time the mother sends her son to bring peanuts from the field; SG tells him not to go, but to send a scarab for peanuts; now the mother has hidden the leopard in the house in a basket with a lid; SG tells her son to sit on the lid - then there is no danger; finally, the woman pretended to be sick, asked her son to spend the night in the house, and left the door unlocked; SG advises exchanging clothes with her mother; she agreed; the leopard came in and ate not the son but his mother]: Sicard 1952, No. 172:346-349; (cf. karanga [the old woman has 10 daughters; she hides them in her knee, goes to look for a husband for them; the owner of the kraal has sheltered her; only the youngest wife has agreed to put her in her hut; no one yet, the old woman releases daughters, they do all the work; the woman spies, her husband finds the girls; drives away former wives, takes the old woman's daughters, makes the ex-youngest wife the eldest]: Zhukov, Kotlyar 1976, No. 155:392- 394); ronga: Junod s.a., No. 11 [among the chief's wives, only Nhembane's daughter is childless; the dove makes an incision on her knee, rubs ocher, fat, ash, and a boy is born from the abscess; the children of the rest of the wives are rats; the husband believes that the son is not his, throws him on the thorns, the child's intestines fall out; the mother inserts them back, carries the child, does not trust the Gazelle, the Pig, the Elephant, the Leo, gives them to the Behemoth; he brings up the boy, called Sidiulu (S.), gives magical powers to Siguila's servant; S.'s mother cooks rats, lets their mothers eat them; the chief drives away other wives, leaves mother S.; all the girls ask them to be chosen as wives , S. chooses dirty, lousy, tells her mother to pour boiling water on her, she becomes beautiful; childless, her father gives her a maid Mbangana; they go to visit her father; a hand goes along the way, M. tells her to remain silent, but S.'s wife is surprised loudly, the hand jumps, sticks to her hand; so the leg, head, all the members of the body; when the heart, S.'s wife dies; this was set up by rejected brides and their relatives; the father buried his daughter, married M. to S.], 13 [the girls got lost, came to the old woman's house; she hid them; her son Ngumba came, swallowed everyone, let one go, took his eyes out; people went to kill him, he defeated them, swallowed them; one woman was left, successively gave birth to three sons from the knee; they killed N. with arrows; their mother ripped his stomach apart, swallowed out; each of the brothers received five wives; they began to argue who will be the chief; one was driven into the forest, he went crazy]: 98-112, 116-118; luba [woman gives birth to a son from her leg, he is immediately an adult]: Baumann 1936:222; nyanja [woman gives birth to a son from the thigh]: Baumann 1936:222; Angola (band not specified) [girl finds a hyena egg (so!) , brings, bakes; Hyena demands her egg, the girl promises her the baby she will give birth to; a son Kachirambe is born from an abscess on her leg as an adult with a gun; a mother, trying to fulfill her promise to Hyena, sends him to where Hyena hides; K. is cautious, unfaithful; asks Hyena to open her mouth, throws a sharp branch into her mouth from the tree, she dies]: Werner 1933:127-129; Suto: Kipple 1992:363 [y young men have a skin disease; a big bird gives a pen to cure her, tells her not to tell anyone; a young man is forced to speak; a bird swallows a young man, cattle, people; there is only one woman left; she hides inside the shell; The bird swallowed her, but the woman's shell came out from the other end; her knee was swollen; the dove asked for beans, told her to cut the tumor, and two boys, Maschilo and Maschilwane, and their dogs came out; Mashilvane climbed a tree for fruit; the monster tells him to drop fruit; the young man plays the flute, calling his brother and dogs; the monster chews on the trunk, the young man jumps on the next tree; the dogs rushed to the monster, the brothers finished it off; the brothers' mother shows where to make the cut; humans and cattle come out], 363 [the monster Kholomodumo swallows everyone; one old woman is left, her leg is swollen, two came out of the abscess boy, Maschilo and Maschape; one day Mashape went hunting east and Mashilo went west; picked up the pot, under it something orders to raise it and then lower it; he runs, monster after him; he climbs on tree; brother and dogs come running, but Holomodumo killed dogs; only the last lousy dog defeated him; swallowed people and cattle came out of his stomach].

West Africa. Mandingo [Sanen and Kontron are patrons of cross-ethnic hunting societies; C. arose on its own, gave birth to a son K.; his hip was swollen, a girl was born from an abscess, K. married her]: Belcher 2005:34-35; mamprusi [mischievous brother Nanzu-bishi (NB) and calm Nanzu-kara (NK) were born from a bump on a woman's leg; leaving their parents, they went on a journey; a woman with a baby asks for roast for him a grasshopper; NB roasts the baby, tries to feed the meat to the grasshopper; the old man asks to take the threshed millet to the house by the stream, the NB sprinkles it into the stream; the brothers climb the tree under which the naba rested ( ruler), the NB spits on the naboo; he orders the tree to be cut down; when it is ready to fall, the lizard raises its head and the tree straightens up; the NB kills the lizard with a knife; the tree falls, but the vulture picks up and takes the brothers away; The NB tells him that he stinks, the vulture drops them; where the NB fell, small hot peppers grew, and where NK is large sweet]: Anpetkova-Sharova 1966, No. 12:22-24; bassari [hunter meets a woman spirit; y a boy is born from her thigh]: Baumann 1936:221; lobi [the hero who gets the sun is born from the knee]: Baumann 1936:222; mosi [the sorcerer told an infertile woman to cook porridge and not wipe it a drop if it falls on his thigh; a drop fell, an abscess swelled, a boy was born out of it, said his name was Kegenkargen-Biga-na-Zengloanda; went on a journey, met a hero like him, they became live together; they shot birds, put them in a cage, put a forest animal (unidentified) as a watchman; a huge hawk flew in, asked the watchman if he should eat meat or a person, who replied that meat; the kite ate the birds; friends put another watchman - the same; K. himself remained guarded, replied that the man; the hawk swallowed him, but K. went out through the ass; the same again; K. killed the hawk from his feathers Current birds have emerged]: Sissao 2010, No. 18:45-46; santrokofi [woman gives birth to twins from calf legs]: Baumann 1936:221; eve [woman gives birth to twins from the knee]: Baumann 1936:222; background: Görög 1968 [a woman's knee is swollen; an abscess burst, a boy comes out, has teeth and a beard; he defeats twins (negative characters)]: 314-315; Herskovits, Herskovits 1958, No. 61 [ Chief Dada Segbo's wife is 10 years pregnant; injured her leg with an ax, her son came out of the wound, he had a gun; he told his mother to call relatives; said he would hunt, give the prey to his mother; the mother goes to bazaar to sell an antelope; two twins offer a low price; they tell the antelope to come to life, she runs away; the same thing every time with other animals killed; the son tells him to take him to the bazaar, talks to the twins, tells him to animals come back and become dead; (hereinafter referred to as further witchcraft competitions); they want to poison him, he tells the poison to come out of food; the twins chop it into pieces, cook it; leave the father to watch; boy comes out of the cauldron, puts the father of the twins there; they eat the father, find the head, chase the boy; by the river he turns into stone; one of the twins throws a stone across the river; the boy takes his form , returns to mother]: 261-265; nupe [elderly woman gets pregnant, son is born from the knee]: Baumann 1936:222; jukun [see motive L108; woman swallowed her children; Adi-bu-ma ("Adi is son Ma") was born, holding a bow and arrow, from a tumor on his thigh, did not fall on a plate, but went into the forest; destroyed the cannibal]: Meek 1931:193-196; bachama [Venin and her brother Wut (Death) descended from heaven; V. gave birth four sons; the fifth Nzeanzu wished to be born prematurely from her thigh; V. went on business to W., taking four sons with her; N. came later by himself, saw that W. put the cauldron on fire, changed the clothes of W.'s daughters and brothers; W. threw his daughters into the cauldron; N. told the mother and brothers to flee; W. creates a wide river, a swamp on their way, but N. makes them small; W. stopped the persecution, but stayed walking around the world killing people]: Belcher 2005:298-301; mukulu [girl rejects men; one voice told all residents to lie down on the ground and the girl stayed; a spit fell on her palm; appeared rhesus monkey, and the girl's finger became pregnant; then a girl was born from a tumor on the shore of the pond and fell into the water; only a wasp managed to drain the pond and took out the baby; now two girls, a crowned crane and Rhesus monkey, went to the chief to become his wives {it is not clear how this part relates to the previous one; falling into the pond is a crowned crane? or her mother?} ; the food brought by the macaque was thrown away, and the food brought by the crane was delicious; the heavenly leader died, everyone needs to go to the funeral; while the crane was cooking, the monkey killed her child with poison; the crane tried the soup also died; the chief ordered to find a way to revive his wife and child; they came to life; but the chief ordered them to remain silent and announce their death; while preparing the memorial feast, the monkey sings: finally- then I will be alone and only me will have my husband's penis, what a bliss! when the chief begins to listen, the monkey pretends to lament; the chief ordered the monkey hut to be set on fire, but one pregnant female escaped and macaques come from her]: Jungraithmayr 1981, No. 6:25- 30.

Sudan-East Africa. Nuer [people came out of the hole at the base of a huge tamarind (a specific tree, it was shown; when it burned down during the fire, they honored its charred remains); from there the forefather came out and Pramatize nuers, also Europeans (and all others); var.: people fell like fruit from the branches of this tree; var.: this tree was also a woman; var.: people came out of the knees of the first ancestor god]: Crazzolara 1953: 66; Nandi (Moi clan) [The first 3 Dorobo (hunter-gatherers, aborigines) swollen leg; a boy was born from the inside of the calf of the leg, a girl from the outside; all people come from them]: Hollis 1909:98 (summary in Kotlyar 2009, No. 164:120); Masai: Hollis 1905 [After discovering a tumor on his knee, a single man removes two boys from there; returning in the evenings, he sings a certain song, children they open; the enemies overheard the song, sang, but the children realized that the voice is not their father; the enemies go to the healer, who tells them not to eat on the way back to make the voice thinner; they eat the lizard and the ant, children they learn the deception again; next time they eat nothing, the children unlock the door, the enemies take them to their kraal; their father finds them, calling and listening in response to crying; the inhabitants of the kraal say that only swallowed medicine can enter; a person opens his mouth, throws a hot stone at him, he dies; children stay in the kraal]: 153-155; Kipury 1983, No. 32 [a man torments a pregnant wife with work, she dies on seventh month; an abscess appeared on his knee, a few months later he opened it, two girls came out, he named them Nasira and Noltau; they grew up, unlocked the door in response to his song; enemies they overheard, sang a song, took the girls away, the man was left alone]: 119-121; Malgashi (Western 1640s) [God placed Adam in paradise, where four rivers of milk, wine, honey and butter flowed; the Devil asked Adam to try it, but he replied that God did not order, and he did not need food; then the Devil left and returned - supposedly he was with God and God allowed him; A. ate, had to fix it need; the devil told God about this, he drove A. out of paradise; he had a tumor on his calf and a girl was born 10 months later; A. sent Archangel Gabriel to God to ask what to do with her; he replied that to raise and marry, her name was Rahauva; the devil persuaded Cain and Abel to quarrel, they killed each other with a double-edged spear; there were other children; people went bad, God sent a flood, Noah built a ship; 4 mountains remained above the water; after the flood, Noah left the ship in Jerusalem, went to Mecca himself]: Haring 2007, No. 4:7-8; Sudanese Arabs: Al-Shahi, Moore 1920, No. 9 [barren woman went to the fakir; he told her to eat a fried dog and her husband a lamb; her husband accidentally ate the dog, his leg was swollen; in the desert he opened the tumor, took out the girl, returned home; the wife ran after the girl, but she was gone; the heron and crescent bird began to argue about who would take the girl; crescent bird took her to a nest on a date palm tree, the girl grew up; the bird sent her to the Sultan's wife to prune her with her daughters; brought her food; the Sultan and his son wanted to marry her, but the bird took her back to the palm tree; the Sultan's son stopped with the merchants under a palm tree; the girl threw ripe dates at him, and the merchants are raw; they moved on; the Sultan's son returned; said that if his horse returns alone, he was dead; stayed with the girl, drove the horse away; his parents were blind with grief, the cows and goats stopped give milk; the Sultan's son asked the bird to teach him how to fly; flew to his parent, greeted them, but everyone slept except the old woman; the third time they did not sleep, they caught their son in a noose; they saw the light, the cows began give milk; son was told to bring his wife and children; when the son left, his mother threw his wife in a basket into the river; the basket became an island, crescent bird brought food to the woman, slaves cultivated fields, crocodiles guarded the island; the Sultan's son returned, sent a slave to the island for greenery; he turns to the owner of the island; she sends scissors to cut off his tongue; the same with the other two; the Sultan's son came himself, all it turned out; he stayed with his wife], 10 [the barren woman went to the fakir; he ordered to fry the sheep, bring it to him; read it from the Koran, returned it, ordered it to eat after midnight; the wife left the roast, left the house; the husband (he is the son of a prince) found, ate, became pregnant; begged God to move the fetus to his leg; opened the tumor, there was a girl; the bird took her to its nest; she grew up, became beautiful; Wad al-Nimair (VN) with his comrades stopped under a tree, noticed the girl; they went on; VN pretended to forget the ring; took out the girl, took out his mother to raise her; married her, she was pregnant; VN's mother does not love her, tells the servant to take her away and kill her; the servant brought the blood of the gazelle; the VN wife settled on an island on the Nile; the VN mother pretended to be his wife, said that the mother was dead; the imaginary wife was pregnant and wanted something to eat only on the island where the real wife; a slave has come, turns to the mistress of the island, let her lion and crocodile let him in; she says that VN is pregnant with his mother, calls scissors, they cut off the slave's tongue; the same with another slave; VN came himself, rejected the scissors, found his wife, found out everything, returned her, returned her, his mother kicked her out], 11 [fakir to a childless woman: I will read a prayer over seven fried chickens, eat them in seven days; but he found them and her husband ate it; his leg was swollen; he went to the desert, cut the tumor, took the girl out, left her in the desert; she was picked up by a male heron; the woman who circumcised the girls brought her, who circumcised her adopted daughter herons, the heron carried the woman back; Na'im, the son of the Sultan, stayed with friends under a palm tree; the girl threw ripe dates at him, raw dates at the others; he specially left his ring so that return to the palm tree; took his slave Bakhit with him; N. began to live with the girl, driving his horse away; everyone thought that N. was dead, even the camels stopped giving milk; but at night N. and B. came to milk them; the old woman said this, N. was caught; he was offered any girl to choose; he said that B. would choose; B. each time says that this is the wrong girl; after 7 days N. died, 3 more days later B.; without waiting for them , the heron's daughter began to ride around the village on a camel in search of N., taking six knives; when she was told the truth, knives pierced her; she was buried with N.]: 79-81, 81-85, 86-89.

North Africa. The Berbers of Morocco (Fez) [someone sells apples of conception; a woman bought two apples, ate one, put the other aside, her husband accidentally ate, his leg (jambe) was swollen; a month later he went to the desert, cut the tumor with a knife, a charming girl came out; he left her and returned home; she was raised by a gazelle; the prince saw her but could not catch up, she ran like a gazelle herself; the old woman advised me to leave two plates of couscous, one with salt and the other without (genies are afraid of salt); the girl began to eat salty couscous, then could not run fast and was caught; on the advice of a Jew, the prince's ex-wife stuck in her hair was a new pin and it flew away as a dove; she flew in every evening and sang telling her story; the gardener told the prince; on the advice of another Jew, the prince caught a dove and put it in a cage; felt took out a pin, his wife was reborn; the first one was burned]: El Fasi, Dermenghem 1928:81-87; Berbers (?) Morocco (Marrakech) [the magician gave her husband two apples; if the wife eats them, she will have a child; but the husband himself should not eat; but the husband ate one himself; his leg is swollen; out of shame he went to the desert; there from a girl with long hair appeared on her leg; and the wife gave birth to a son; the husband left the girl, but the gazelle fed her; the king noticed her, left two plates of couscous at the watering hole, with or without salt; if it was jinnia, she will choose unsalted, and if the man is salted; the girl chose a couscous with salt, the king caught her, brought her to the palace and married; 6 former wives are dissatisfied; when the king left for business, the eldest wives they offered the youngest to comb her hair, put pins in her head and she flew away as a dove; she flies to the wall of the pavilion that the king ordered to build and sings: I was born from an apple, my father gave birth to me, fed me the gazelle, the king married me, his evil wives pricked me and now I am a bird; after that, the dove flies away and the wall collapses every time; the king came, the wives said that the youngest had returned to the gazelles; when she came to the pavilion, The king hears and sees everything for himself; orders the dove to be lured into the room with grain; the king caught her, felt her and took out her pins; the dove again turned into a girl, told the elder wives to turn into beams floors, in the bed board, in the bench; everything is fine]: Légey 2007, No. 6:48-51; Algerian Arabs [a Jew sells conception apples; the childless king is interested; his younger wife heard and bought an apple, cut it in half, ate half; when she wanted to eat the second one, it turned out that the king ate it himself; the wife gave birth to a boy, and her husband was bloated on his leg; he was opened, something alive was taken out, but a female peacock who climbed into the room grabbed it and carried it to a nest in a tree; raised a girl; the prince also grew up, went to find out what the goats were afraid of; saw the girl's reflection in the source; fell ill with love ; told that Jew; he turned the girl into a dove; the dove flies away; but on the seventh day, the Jew managed to get the dove to go down to the prince under the tree and become a girl again; the prince was already married to his mother's sister's daughter; his father married him to a girl who was mistaken for a gennia; the prince's first wife and mother asked a Jew to turn her back into a dove; he gave her a pin, and the prince's mother stuck it in the head daughter-in-law and she flew away as a dove; gardeners hear a voice: I was born from an apple, Pava raised me, your mother and your first wife turned me into a dove; it rains, but as soon as people hide under like a tree, the sun comes out again; so many times; when he learned about this, the prince asked the old woman for help; she came under the tree, put the hand mill upside down and began to grind; the dove girl began to explain that they don't do that; the old woman asked me to go down and show her how to do it; then she sifted the flour, putting the sieve upside down; then baking cakes on the convex side of the bowl; finally the dove went down and the old woman caught her; the prince kept the dove in a cage in his room; her mother picked up the key, pulled out the dove and threw it on the pile of coal; the prince washed the dove, felt for the pin and pulled it out; the dove became again as a girl; the prince executed his mother and first wife; the prince and his wife were visited by a woman in a luxurious outfit - she took the form of a pava]: Filleul de Pétigny 1951:11-23; Algerian Arabs (Blida) [by spouses son; husband asks his wife to take the drug to conceive again; she prepared the drug, went to the bathhouse; the husband accidentally ate it himself; the wife returned, a quarrel began, a few days later the wife died {from beatings?} ; the husband's leg was swollen, a girl came out of the tumor; he told his son to get rid of it; he left the child in the tree; for three years an eagle fed the girl, then the young man took her and went on a journey; he had three dogs with talking names (the last "Pulling the lungs out of her shoulders"); the girl's name is Bent essaq ("Foot Daughter"; B.); they came to Ghoul's house; he left with the key in the door; they began to live in this house; until the brother was gone, the ghoul returned; B. did not unlock it, the ghoul broke the door; B. called the dogs, they did not come; the ghoul married B.; the brother returned, began to fight the ghoul, called the dogs, they tore the ghoul (the third dog pulled out her lungs); but his sister cured him; his brother returned again, cut the ghoul in half; left, leaving B.; in one area people are thirsty; the dragon closed the water, demands a bowl of couscous, ram and every year a girl; a young man cut a dragon, the water poured out abundantly; the girl exchanged shoes with her savior; all men are told to bring their shoes; the young man comes last, the princess threw it at him apple, recognized her shoes; wedding 7 days and nights; B. came, persuaded her to forgive her; collected dragon thorns, put her brother in bed; he died and buried; dogs removed the body, pulled out the thorns, young man came to life; my sister was crucified at the gates of the city so that everyone who passed by would spit on her]: Desparmet 1910:140-149; Tunis [Once upon a time there were husband and wife in happiness and joy, but they had no children. One day, my wife heard that a merchant was selling apples that made wishes come true. She bought one such apple and forgot about it, and her husband, when she came home from work, ate it. His leg soon became swollen, and nine months later it opened and a girl came out. She was a real beauty, and she was also kind and helpful. A neighbor lived nearby, who had 4 daughters for marriage. She thought that they could not find suitors because of the beauty, so the neighbor decided to get rid of her. She ordered her daughters to invite the beautiful girl home. When she came and started talking to her friends, the neighbor began to comb her hair and stuck her comb, at the same moment the beauty turned into a little bird. Then she flew out the window and flew to the Emir's palace. She came to live with him. Once, while he was cleaning her feathers, the comb fell out and the bird turned beautiful, then the emir asked her parents for her hand and punished her neighbor for her crime]: Al-Aribi 2009, No. 38 in Korovkina MS.

Western Asia. Syrian Arabs [the merchant gave an apple to make the woman pregnant; she cut off a piece, the rest was accidentally eaten by a man; his ankle was swollen, nine months later a girl was born; she was carried away by a hawk, brought it to a palm tree, began to bring food, the girl grew up; the prince drove up to the spring to give his horse a drink, saw a reflection, the girl refused to go down; the prince returned home, the old woman offered to help; became pretend that she cannot fry scrambled eggs on the fire (either a frying pan upside down or pours fuel into the fire); the girl came down to show, the prince took her away, hid her in his chambers; tells her mother to bring double portions of food; goes to Mecca, the mother finds the girl, leads to the window, throws her out the window; below the black snake fought against the white snake, the girl wished black victory, she won, offered to fulfill any wishes; the girl wanted a palace with servants and a vineyard in front of the prince's palace; when the prince returned, her mother pretended to be his wife; he asks why she has different eyes, mouth, nose, etc., she each time she replies that because of fatigue, waiting, etc.; and the mother allegedly died; the imaginary wife pretends to be pregnant, asks the prince to send the maid for grapes; the girl answers who she is, tells her to scissors cut off the maid's tongue; the same with the second, with the third maid; the prince comes himself, everything is explained; he executed the mother, her long bones were turned into the crossbars of the ladder; when the prince's wife I went up on them, they creaked]: Kuhr 1993:218-224.

Australia. Aranda: Strehlow 1947:8-9 [Caror's first man falls asleep; in his sleep, something appears from his armpit in the form of a whistle; turns into a boy who grows up by morning; this is what happens every night; sometimes K. gives birth to up to 50 sons per night], 15-16 [the first man lies half asleep for centuries; his numerous sons are born from his armpits; later he and they turn into churings].

Melanesia. Cooney [Oafodevaya had a leech stuck to his leg; when it fell off, he left it in the branches in the garden, found two boys Tsiluila and Tsaifika there; they climbed into the hollow of a yaleva tree; women they hung crops from the gardens on him, the brothers took everything; they cut down the tree; at night, the brothers put chips back; the child took the chip home, it did not grow; people began to pick up the chips, knocked down the tree; Ivania wanted to pick up the branch, it was heavy; the brothers asked me to take it; they ate everything secretly at home; they stuffed game, brought them to brother I. Folia to bake meat in ash; when they returned, there was nothing there; because F. ate their meat, they killed him; I. said they killed their grandfather; they went to the sea, became two rocks; I. also became rock]: Egidi 1913, No. 4:1002-1008; bining (Gazelle Peninsula) [the old woman made cuts on her right and left hand, moistened two leaves with blood, which turned into two boys; from blood on her right hand To Kabinana appeared, to Karvuvu on the left; they grew up killing a wild boar]: Meier 1909, No. 3:25-27.

Micronesia-Polynesia. Marshall Islands: Erdland 1914:192-195 (Maloelap) [No. 1.1; Wullieb got into a fight in the sky with two other chiefs, his eye was injured, he fell to the ground; Irojrilik invited him to live in his home; at V . an abscess formed on the leg, two boys appeared out of it; the eldest was Jemäliwut, the youngest was Edao; they grew up, V. told them to get a magic turtle from their aunt Lijepage on Bikar Island; the eldest did not was able to overcome the surf, E. came to L.; she gave them a turtle; then E. uses his abilities, and his brother was a loser; E. suggested that he would become a turtle and his brother a dolphin; people started shooting in them, arrows bounced off the shell and the dolphin was injured], 309-310 (Ratak Islands) [similar to the text from Maloelap]; Kelin 2003 (Namdrik) [a sick old man Jolukwor had an abscess on his thigh, from which two daughters were born and took care of him; before his death, he ordered him to be buried in front of the window, sail "to his two mothers" to Madmad Island; they sailed, found a house in the swamp, two old women locked them in it; they wanted to eat them, making bananas, coconuts and breadfruit, opened their mouths, but enthusiastically recognized them as granddaughters when they called out to their father by name; they all returned to the island together Namdrik; there a banana grew on J.'s grave; it made bananas in the Marshall Islands]: 203-206; Krämer 1938 [Djorukeber had an abscess on his knee, and two girls and bananas came out; he planted bananas; dying, told the girls to take the ripe fruits to his mother and her sister; they put the girls in a cage to eat with breadfruit; when they learned that the girls, D.'s daughters, had been released, they were happy; on the way back, do not stop under a certain canopy; one went there, the celestials saw her, took her away; she managed to say to the other that if she saw a dead gecko under the mat, she was dead; she saw and realized that her sister was dead]: 271-273; Mitchell 1973, No. 39 (Islinglaplap) [a man named Jorokwor has an abscess on his right thigh; it burst, a girl comes out of it; when he dies, he tells her bury him under her window, go tell him to two mothers (i.e. older relatives); they grabbed her, fattened her to eat; she cried out to her late father; the witches heard, understood that they were talking about their son, asked for forgiveness; they came to J.'s grave; it turned out that the first banana grew on it]: 109-110; Gilbert Islands: Maude, Maude 1993, No. 1 [heaven and earth lay close to each other; between them were Baba ma Bono (Fools and Deaf Slaves); in heaven, a woman Tangan-nang gave birth to a bird, which brought Urua fish, T. put it in a vessel of water; the fish grew, ate a lot, it released into the sea; the giant fish returned accompanied by other predatory fish, people fled from the shore; a lizard was born from a tumor on Tabakea's forehead, it was thrown into the fire; T. put ash in the water, appeared the ugly dwarf Nareau; and he was thrown into the fire, a larger dwarf appeared from the ashes; he did not burn in the fire, but grew up, he was made chief; he grabbed Urua fish with his hand and killed the fish; people ate flesh, bones were given to T.; placed in the sink, they emitted thunder and lightning, N. trampled them, crushed them; the giant Auriaria put his rod between heaven and earth, found Riki's eel and the Deaf Fools there; they came to life, along with the eel a little they raised the sky; then R. pushed the sky far away, and with his tail pushed the earth into the depths of the sea; A. hit the sky with a rod, the pieces broke off, fell, became islands; A. created Samoa, turned two shells in the sun and in the moon; the white body of Ricky's eel is the Milky Way; A. planted a Samoan tree, from whose branches all humans came], 2 [the sky rested on the ground, they rubbed against each other, and Tabakea appeared from friction, Then Auriaria, Taburimai, Tanuariki, Riki, their sister Tituabine; she gave birth to children from Tabakea, they all lived in heaven; Tabakea gave a rod to giant A., who slipped it between heaven and earth, raised the sky; told the stingray to cut a gap between the edges of the earth and the sky, and Riki's eel to raise the sky; Nareau was Tabakea's youngest son, born from a tumor on his forehead; A. threw one shell to the east, it became the sun, the other to the west with the moon; the rod stuck in Samoa, it became a branched tree; A. cut off and scattered branches, from which (as well as from the trunk and roots) come from the inhabitants of different islands], 4 [Nareau folded in emptiness his palm with a cup, covered another, created water there, shook it, formed a thick mass, he flattened it, sat on top; N. younger was born from a tumor on N.'s forehead; N. the elder pulled out a leaky tooth, plunged it into the mass, ordered son to go down through this hole; the mass tasted like blood, and below it was bitter sea water; there were larvae below, they turned into Stingray, Eel, Turtle, Octopus]: 14-21, 21-25, 31-32; Nauru [Four sons Awirieria, Toburima, Toukoukenanti, Areou Te Kitekite were born from a tumor on the forehead of the first person Tabakea; they decided to spin each other on a rope to throw them into the sky; Areow secretly pulled the rope back; let the rope out of his belly for himself, was thrown into heaven; his father was angry at them, and each of the remaining three brothers chose a life far from the ground place; palm top, clouds, even higher]: Maude, Maude 1993, No. 2:38-39; Mangaia (Cook Islands South) [Vatea and Papa's children - Rongo and Tangaroa; T. should have been born first, but gave the lead to R.; after R. was born, an abscess formed on his mother's hand, T. came out of it; they decided that everything was red on earth and in the sea, blond people belonged to T., the rest to R.; R. turned out to be immeasurably richer, so T. sailed to Rarotonga and Aitutaki]: Gill 1876:10-13.

Tibet is the Northeast of India. Bhutan [the old man's knee is swollen; the old woman moves her leg away, the old man only moans; she hit her knee with a ladle, a frog jumps out of the tumor; tells her not to kill her: she will bring her daughter-in-law into the house; comes to the king; the eldest, middle daughter does not notice anyone, the youngest says that a frog has come; the frog: if you disagree, I will cry; the king: crying; two streams poured out of the frog's eyes, washing everything away; the king I agree to give my daughter; but the daughters do not agree; the frog laughs, the palace is trembling; the elders are ready to marry a bear or a leopard as soon as possible; the youngest Phurzamo agrees; soon noticed that the husband takes off his skin and does handsome; he warns the skin not to destroy, but to go around, shaking it; in the morning there is a palace, servants, fields, herds, treasures; sister Ph. came, took her to swim, tried to push Ph. into lake; says it was not her, but her finger; ate it, she was a demon; then she pushed and put on her clothes and jewelry; the husband did not understand the deception, only the son understood and cried; a bamboo stalk rose from the lake; a peasant hears a bird sitting on him asking what her son's demoness is feeding; a peasant: she gives ash to the child and rice to the king; after that, the bird disappeared into the water; the peasant told the king; he disguised himself as a peasant, came to the lake; king to the bird: if you are my wife, fly here; brought it to the palace, put it in a golden cage; the liar ate the bird, the king found the bone, and ordered it to be wrapped in silk; the bundle placed in the vessel grew, the wife was reborn; the demoness was defeated]: Choden 1994:93-98; Taraon (Digaru) Mishmi [(Ramayana quail; recorded in a village near the plain); Raja Khampti often rubbed his hands, rubbed the tumor, the girl Takeyanr came out; she was stolen by the eight-headed demon Brase, Raja's close associate returned it; then the demon Piphiye stole it with ears to the navel; the Raja asked the Monkey King for help, abandoned him with his hand into the demon's palace, the Monkey King said that he could only be killed if his tail was set on fire; ran with a burning tail, set fire to the city, took the girl away; asked the Raja for the palace, entering it and became a young man]: Elwin 1958b, No. 32:143-144; best [an unmarried man split bamboo to make a basket, stabbed his arm, a girl Kúngóri grew out of a splinter; three years later she became a girl; father did not let him approach her young men; a young man named Keimí took an imprint on her foot, put it by the fire, the girl fell ill; her father promised her daughter to someone who would cure her; Camey destroyed the fingerprint, K. recovered, Camie got it, walked towards him, turned into a tiger on the way, grabbed his tail and they flew like the wind; people saw it; two young men Hpohtír and Hrangchal went to save K.; came to her when Camie was away, hid; old woman: if you want to run away with K., take fire seed, thorn seed, and water seed with you; Camey chases, fugitives throw fire seed (forest lights up), water seed (river), thorn seed (prickly thickets); the tiger overcame everything, but Hpotír cut it with his dao; at the Hrangchala fork he went to bed, and Hpotír remained on guard; Kuavang came, but when he learned that those who defeated the tiger left in front of them; when he began to guard Hrangchala, Kuawang came again; Khrangchala said he had told him Hpotir, but Kuawang realized that he was afraid and took K.; she scattered cotton seeds along the way; the young men reached the hole in to the ground, moved the slab away, began to demand K.; Kuawang repeated that she was not with him; they killed all the inhabitants of the underground village; they realized that they were not K., but Kuawang's daughter; they got the real K.; she forgot the comb; Hpotir followed him, and Khrangchala covered the hole with a stove; K. had to marry Khrangchala, and Hpotir married Kuawang's daughter; she gave birth to a boy; Hpotir welded stones for him instead and gave rice to eat; while he ate them, he climbed the vine to the ground, came to Father K., cut off Hoangchale's head, married K.]: Lewin 1874, No. 3:84-89 (=Houghton 1893a: 78-80, =Shakespear 1912:178-182); Tibetans: Parfionovich 1969 [the king's three daughters reject suitors; the old maid's knee is swollen, a frog pops out of the abscess; her husband has agreed to consider him a son; he sends his mother to marry the king daughter; the king drives her away; the frog comes by himself, threatens to laugh; because of his laughter, the palace begins to collapse; the eldest daughter refuses; the frog cries, the flood begins; the middle daughter refuses; the frog jumps, the ground shudders, the youngest daughter agrees; the frog brought his wife, the hut became a palace; mother and sister realized that he was the son of the dragon king; he took off his frog skin for the night; the sisters pushed the wife was a frog in the well, the eldest put on her clothes, the frog did not notice the change; a walnut tree grew near the well; the sister tried it - the nuts were bitter, ordered the tree to be cut down and burned, the ashes scattered over field; barley grew - sweet for the mother, bitter for his wife, she ordered the grains to be thrown into the water, they became birds, one told her husband about the villainy; the frog kicked out the older sisters]: 98-105 (option or the same text in another translation in Komissarov 1997:45-52); Ralston 1906, No. 1 {the summary is schematic and approximate, but the essence is roughly conveyed} [King Utposhadha has a tumor on his head; it came out of a beautiful Mandhatar boy; he grew up and was away when his father passed away; demanded that all the regalia be taken to where he is at the moment; hermits were annoyed by the sound of crane wings , they made the cranes weaker and could not fly; for this, M. expelled them from his state; seeing people farming, M. ordered that all cultivated plants fall from the sky; and so it happened; the same happened with fabrics and clothes; then a rain of precious stones, but only over the royal palace; M. asks if anything remains outside his subordination? such a dvipa remains; M. and his thousand sons go there and ruled there for thousands of years; then another dvipa is the same; in the Uttarakaru area on Mount Meru there are white spots; this is rice growing and ripening by itself for himself; then M. sees some trees in the same place: these are desire trees from which the inhabitants of that country take clothes for themselves; M. came to those lands and enjoyed their grace for thousands of years; etc.; finally, M. went to the palace on Mount Meru, where 33 gods lived; on the way he subdued 500 rishis; M. included the naga and various gods who guarded Meru into his army; M. mastered everything; in the city of Sudarśana, robes on trees four colors, and the others had all possible decorations; any four-color dishes, musical instruments, etc. also grew on the wish trees; and in conclusion, the king of the gods Shakra planted M. next to him and they became the same and equal; the war between the gods and the asuras began; the asuras took possession of part of the fortifications of the city of the gods, but M. defeated them; then M. thought he was better than the gods, and this was his end; he immediately fell ill; when he died, he said that the desire for wealth and power was endless and pointless, sacrifices must be made; after that, many thousands of people abandoned everything and became hermits]: 1-20; Tibetans (Amdo ): Tshe dbang rdo rje et al. 2007:95 [childless spouses wanted a child; a Frog was born from a tumor on a woman's knee; promised to marry a princess, make parents rich; makes the king laugh he is forced to promise to give his daughter; of the three princesses, only the youngest agrees; on the wedding day, the Frog sheds his skin, becomes handsome; the king gives treasures to the young], 206 [a single woman is swollen his knee, a frog jumped out of it, soon turned into a young man Dawa; he snuck into the landowner's house, killed guard dogs, put two black cauldrons in their place; brought the yaks out of the barn; where the landowner slept, there there was a sculpture of a turquoise lion, D. spoiled it, sprinkled the crap with needles; put a sheep's stomach under the bed of the landowner's wife; one sleeping guard poured dry grass into his hair, put another in his sleeve hammer; he spoiled the doorway, put a stone above the doors; drove the cattle, began to scream; the owner woke up, wanted to grab the turquoise lion, pricked him with needles; the wife screamed that she had given birth; the guards lit the fire, one's hair caught fire, the other began to knock down the flame with his hand, hit him on the head with a hammer; rushed to the exit, slipped on the crap, the stone fell, killed the second guard; the landowner threw stones at dogs to wake them up, but only broke the cauldrons; D. brought cattle home, healed well]; better [the man split the bamboo to make a basket, pricked his hand, the girl Kungori was born from this place, became beautiful; all the boys wanted her; Keimi took her footprint, put it by the fire, she got sick; her father promised her to whoever cured her; Keimi did it, got a wife; turned into a tiger, told her to hold on to her tail; now the father promises his daughter to someone who will free her from the tiger; two friends Photir (F.) and Hrangchal (H.) promised to do this; came to Kungori when her husband was hunting, hid; Keimi is back, I smelled a man, the wife said it was from her; when he left again, the old man told him to run, taking with him the seed of fire, the seed of thorns and the seed of water; they threw the seed of fire, the tiger waits for the forest to burn; the seed water is a river; the tiger waits for the water to run off; the seed of thorns is thickets; the tiger has broken through, F. killed him with his dao (machete); friends take turns guarding at night; Kuavang came, F. boldly answered him; when It was H.'s turn, he answered, but he was afraid that Kuawang took Kungori; she threw cotton threads on the road; F. and H. followed the trail, went underground, took Kungori back; she forgot her comb; F. followed him, and H. covered the hole with a stone; married Kungori and F. married Quamang's daughter; planted a vine and it grew up to the ground; cooked pebbles for daughter Quamang's son, and while he was eating them, he got to the ground and came to H., cut off his head; Kungori and F. began to live richly and happily]: Houghton 1893a: 78-80 (=Shakespear 1912:178-182); Lavrung [the woman's knee was swollen, Frog came out from there, promised his mother marry a princess; comes to the palace, dogs bark, princesses do not see anyone; The frog comes in, notices that the youngest is more beautiful and looks friendlier; makes the king give her to him, becoming huge, with laughter, screaming, causing a storm, a flood; sends his wife and mother to the races, takes off his frog skin himself, is a wonderful rider; next time the wife secretly comes back, burns her skin; the husband says that now falls under the power of a nine-headed demon, blown away by the wind; the wife finds him, the husband says that the demon sleeps when his eyes are open; gives his wife a spear, she pierces the demon's heart; they free captives returning home]: G.yu lha 2011:383-389.

Burma - Indochina. Karen [Buddha created man; the first man and woman came out of his calf]: Obayashi 1964b:113.

South Asia. Tharu [the world is destroyed by a fiery drought, then by a flood; the lord of heaven and his wife copulate as birds, place a drop of blood on the water; 15 months later, a lotus leaf appears in the form of pumpkins are the first ancestor of Tharu Aklākal Gurubāba; the heavenly couple puts vitality into his head, eyes, nose, mouth, ears, hands, hair, lower body, he takes on a human form; from his nails creates a Pigeon, he flies over the waters, does not find land; G. cuts his thigh, Raini fish comes out of the cut; it disappears, the pigeon cannot find it, G. tells pigeons to be caught in snare, fried, eaten ; creates Crab from his nails to get the "immortal earth" from the lower world; he manages to overcome the Xeremphis spinosa thorn fence, get the ground; on the way back, he is grabbed by the shell demon, Crab loses land; G. orders crabs to be caught, baked, eaten; in the same way he creates 8 other crabs, all the same as the first; creates earthworms; the first three do not overcome prickly hedges, G. tells them to feed on earth and water; the fourth penetrates thorns, swallows the earth; on the way back, the demon cuts it into a thousand pieces, but the worm still delivers the earth, it gives it to the world stability; the first to grow on earth is the sacred herb kus (Poa cynusorides), from which is the first perar tree (Xeremphis uliginosa); G. curses it, let people eat its fruits; creates a semar tree ( kapok, Bombax ceiba), addressing him as a woman, tells him to go find out how far the earth stretches; she does not return for so long that G. tells her to hold the sky and the lower world; the same with the pine tree, her Not longer, G. tells her to live in the mountains, where her resinous fumes will smell fragrant on Mount Kailash; G. cuts her thigh again, his daughter Dharmak Diyeri is born; to contain her, places four saints m āini around the edges of the world, retires to the forest himself as a hermit; D. wants to join him, tells the blacksmith to make her a belt, ring and iron shoes to overcome the barbed fence; but G. puts her on her way to him a rope for carrying weights, an oil press, a weapon, a pig bristle bridge; D. overcomes everything, marries G.; after that G. is called Mahādeo]: Krauskopff 1987:14-16; Marathi [the poor ascetic has a wife and six daughters; one day he was filled with hot rice; his thumb was swollen, his wife opened the abscess, and the girl came out; the couple agreed to lock their daughters, eat the cakes themselves; the girls ate them secretly; to hide everything from her husband, the wife made two ash cakes; the father decided to take the girls to the forest; took them, supposedly, to their uncle; when the daughter fell asleep, the youngest, as always, began to suck her finger father; he cut off his finger and left; the other sisters thought that the youngest had eaten his father; they began to call Baphadi ("ate father"); they found an empty house with seven rooms, each with food and clothes; room B. was the best, but B. is silent about it, wears rags; sisters go to church on Sundays, B. does not go with them; comes there unrecognized in a luxurious outfit, returns before others; once lost her shoe; prince fell ill with love, climbed into the stable; saw the maids eating the food intended for the horses themselves; they ran to the king; the king asked his son what was going on; told everyone to try on a shoe; she came to B.; prince married her and her sisters became maids; in the absence of her husband, B. gave birth to a son; the sisters buried him under a tree, replaced him with a grating stone; a golden shower (a sign of the boy's birth) fell on the prince's ship; the next time, the daughter was replaced with a broom, it rained silvery; the third time, the daughter was buried again (buried in the church, replaced with a broom made of palm leaves); after that, the prince locked B. in prison and married her sisters; for several years B. was fed leftovers; God saved the children, they began to beg, say that the king (i.e. prince) was crazy; the prince heard; the children did not accept mercy from his 6 wives; ordered to bring the seventh and hang seven curtains between her and them; streams of her milk penetrated through them into the children's mouths; six sisters had to confess; the prince returned B. and the children, her sisters had their hair and noses cut off, put them on donkeys, expelled from the country]: D'Penha 1891, No. 8:142-147.

Malaysia-Indonesia. Malays Aboriginal (Jacun Benue) [Pirman created man and woman; from her right calf, a woman gave birth to a son, from her left calf a daughter; people were their descendants]: Skeat, Blagden 1906:356-357; ibanas (the upper reaches of Lemanak) [the first man was lying by the aur bamboo; his legs were swollen, a woman came out, the god Petara gave her the name Seti Awa; her husband killed their first child, buried cucumbers, spinach, rice, various pumpkins]: Jensen 1974:75; alune, vemale (zap. Seram) [Amete killed the pig that brought the first coconut; planted it, climbed the coconut to cut the leaves, cut his finger, the blood mixed with the juice, the girl Hainuwele appeared; when she was walking out of need, she came out of her Chinese porcelain, corals, gongs came out; during ritual dances, others, out of envy, pushed H. into the prepared grave, fell asleep; A. dug up the corpse, cut it, buried the pieces around the dance hall playgrounds, they became various cultivated tubers; she held her hands to the goddess Mulua Satene; she built a spiral gate with 9 curls, told her to run through a spiral; not those who managed to run turned into various animals, birds, fish, and spirits; those who managed to pass to the left or right of the tree on which MC was sitting, she hit them with X.'s left or right hand, they became patalima or patasima; MS then retired to the land of the dead on Mount Salahua]: Jensen, Niggemeyer 1939:59-65 in Stöhr, Zoetmulder 1965:143-144.

Taiwan, Taiwan - Philippines. Yami [Iranmilek village: the island is empty, the supreme deity drops a stone from the sky, the first man comes out of the stone; a boy and a girl are born from his knee, they populate the island; after a lot For generations, earthquakes and tsunamis have destroyed everything, two men remain; the deity sends them two maidens from the sky, the island is inhabited again; the village of Iratay: wooden boxes come to Irala, each person; one the box is nailed to Tabedeh, where Yayo is now, the second in Lyos, where Ivatas is, the third is in Iraralay; people have multiplied; blindness follows incest; the sea departs; when white coral was disturbed stone, the great flood began; two brothers were saved, the supreme deity sent them two heavenly maidens, the island was inhabited again]: Bennedek 1991; ami (without reference to the source) [when the earth was young, Two male deities appeared - one made of stone, the other made of bamboo; male and female ancestor deities were born from their knees]: Ôbayashi 1976:12; mangian [Mahal Makanaako held in his hands wood, it gave shade; a worm fell from the tree into his hand, his bowel movements became earth; other worms appeared in the ground, it grew larger; MM created the brothers Malvay and Dalidali, ordered the earth to be sculpted; M. worked diligently, valleys appeared; D. was in a hurry - mountains; a grain of rice was enough to feed everyone; machete cleared the field himself; people shed their skin and became younger; men gave birth to children from calf legs; the first were born to M.; Doug's woman ("earth") felt sorry for men, told her brother that women would give birth; stepped over his leg, the baby was in her stomach; the sky was low, preventing rice from breaking; D. hit him with the upper end of the pestle, it rose; Wild Chicken gave people eggs; D. ran impatiently to see if there was droppings in the basket, Wild Chicken refused to give more eggs; D. watched one rice fills the pot; the rice felt ashamed to be looked at, now it needs a lot of rice]: Eugenio 1994, No. 25:73-74 (translated to Rybkin 1975, No. 1:27-28); mangian (alangan) [at first people did not have genitals; they crossed their legs, the children had their legs in their calves; the tools worked themselves; people lived on the ground and in the sky; the stairs led to heaven from the top of the mountain; Balyawon was born from a flower bud, taught people sex, children began to be carried in their stomachs; returning from a holiday in heaven, the father committed incest with his daughter; the flood began, brother and sister Alitao and Diaga were saved; their eldest son went to the mountains and became the ancestor of spirits; the second is the Mangyan, the third is the people of the plains, the fourth is Europeans; the gods told the tools not to work themselves]: Yang 2009:89-90; Tinghian: Rybkin 1975, No. 34 [Apolibolinaen went to tear the edible leaves of the climbing plant; it took her to the sky, Ini Init (the sun) married her; A. cooks pieces of a fish fry stick, they turn into fish; insists that I. take it with him during the day's journey; takes pillows and blankets to protect themselves from the heat; turned from the heat into oil, I. poured it into a bottle, threw it down; when people unfold a mountain of pillows, inside A.; she asks for her Ebang's mother prick her little finger, a baby jumps out of there; E. tells the walnuts of the areca palm tree to call all people to identify the child's father; who does not want to come, grow to his knee; I. refuses to come, his walnut grows to his pig, I. agrees; the child rushed into his arms; people saw that the one carrying the child was a rolling stone; A. changed into rags, went with a stone; his house in heaven, I. takes on its former form; sends nuts to bring people to marry; they do not want to, nuts force them; people are surprised that A.'s husband is not a stone; they receive gold as a gift nuts; I. pays a ransom for his wife to her parents], 38 [Aponitolau (A.) planted sugar cane, it grows in a few days; his wife Aponibolinaen planted gold beans; from the sky, the daughter of the Moon- women's star Gaigayoma sent stars for reeds and beans, then descends into the field herself; A. watches, frightens the stars, sits on G.'s clothes; she tells him to go with her to heaven, otherwise the stars he will be eaten; a chair comes down from the sky for him; five months later, G. and A. have a son, Tabyen; he comes out between his mother's fingers after being injected into his hand; G. lets A. go to his former wife; he wanted stay, but the stars came for him; next time G. lets her husband and son go; T. plays with his son born Aponibolinaen; it's raining, it's G.'s tears; they later rose to heaven, but eventually T. remained on earth, and his mother G. in heaven]: 72-81, 105-111; puyuma [the people of Vaangao, aka Vais, used to have a second person on the back of their heads; they tried to go forward and back, to As a result, they stood still all day; the pregnancy took place in the calf of the legs, and the baby was born from the big toe {legs?} ; my eyes were on my knees; they realized that it was so uncomfortable, they gradually became normal people]: Schröder 1981:183-184.

China - Korea. Chuan Miao: Graham 1954:180-181 [An egg rolled out of an abscess on the knee of a childless wife, hatched from it; the woman's husband leads her toad son into the forest, offers to climb a tree see if the mother carries dinner, knocks down a tree, hoping that the toad is dead; soon the son returns, dragging a tree with him; the father thinks to crush his son by putting 7 feet on him, he drags everything; the Toad asks the mother marry him her brother's daughter; he is forced to give her back, because Toad's crying fills the rice checks with water, and laughing dries them up; when he goes to work in the field, the Toad asks his wife to send the dog forward, then carry lunch for him; his wife spies, sees a handsome man with a book and a lot of workers; grabs the skin with a toad, throws him into the fire; the husband says he will die, tells him to cook him for a couple for 7 days, then he will become a frog; if no, bury it on the terrace from where you can see everyone; the wife and mother cook for 4 days, the husband dies, is buried, turns into a tree on the moon; when the children cry, they are taken by the knee, they say that if you cry, a toad will come out]; meo (Vietnam) [elderly spouses are childless; the old woman's toe is swollen, a frog jumped out of it; considers herself a son, studies, works (sitting on an ax, plow, tells them to cut trees, to plow; comes to marry the princess; the Tsar orders to bring a log, a rock, he brings him sitting on them; gets a wife, becomes a young man at night; the Tsar sends warriors to kill him, he turns him nine buckets of water in the sun, the warriors burn; the Tsar comes by himself, the Frog creates a flower, the buds soar into the sky, fall down with stones, killing the Tsar; the Frog remains in human form, Reigns]: Nikulin 1990:125-128.

The Balkans. Ancient Greece. Zeus met Semela (daughter of Harmony and King Thebes Cadmus). Taking the guise of her nanny Beroi, Hera gives S. the idea to ask Zeus to appear to her in his true form. He appears in the form of thunder and lightning, S. dies. Zeus carries a seven-month-old baby in his thigh, gives it to Hermes, who takes Dionysus to be raised by his sister S. Eno. Hera is sending madness to her and her husband Afamante. Afamant kills his son Learch. With her other son, Eno rushes into the sea. Then Zeus turned Dionysus into a kid to hide him from Hera, and Hermes took him to the rain nymphs Hyadam; the Greeks (Lesbos) [the woman bought the apple from which children are born left on the table, his husband ate him, his thigh began to swell, he went to the doctor through the bush, the abscess broke through, a girl fell out, he did not notice it, decided that he had recovered; the Eagle raised the girl in his nest on a tree above source; the prince's horse noticed her shadow; the prince sent the old woman to lure the girl; she pretended to be blind, began to pour water into the inverted cauldron; the girl went down to help her, the prince grabbed her, married her; in his absence, his mother dressed his wife as a shepherdess, sent geese to herd, told her son that his wife was dead; the prince heard her song telling her story; brought his wife back]: Paton 1900, No. 9: 335-336.

Caucasus - Asia Minor. Karachays and Balkarians [the old sledge Kapsha had no children; he asked old Bitdiliu to conjure up a child for him; she spat in his back; six months later, from an abscess on his back removed three boys; Batyras was covered in fire, Böden was sweating, Kozyu Tabsyz Shyrdan was cunning]: Karaketov 2001b: 344-345; Ossetians: Abayev et al. 1957 [Khamyts meets in the forest dwarf bicenta; Dychenag gives him a daughter with the condition that he never quarrel with her; one day H. brings his wife to the party, hidden in his pocket; Syrdon notices him putting pieces of barbecue in his pocket; disgraced H. leaves; his wife puts an embryo in his back, hides into the sea; nine months later, Satan reveals a tumor in H.'s back on the seashore; taking out the hot Batradz, throws it into the water to cool it; the blacksmith Kurdalagon seals an incision on H.'s back; B. is a neighbor at the nurses with blood, H. leaves it at the glacier; the boy Uragom (son of the Donbetrov) notices a baby sitting in the lake drinking instead of milk glacial water; W. brings deer to B., they now drink it with their milk; the son of Barduag (angel) descends to them, three boys play together; Barduag's son takes B. in a harrow to heaven]: 146-155; Libedinsky 1978 [Khamyts meets a hunter boy of incredible strength; he is from the family of Bycent, relatives of the Donbettyrs, they live underground, the entrance is through an anthill; H. comes to Bycent with sledges for promised by the boy's bride Bytsenon; this is a frog; at X.'s house she turns into a girl at night; contrary to B.'s ban, H. brings her in her pocket to a sledge meeting; Syrdon laughs at him; B. cannot tolerate ridicule, returns to his world, blowing a conceived child into a tumor on H.'s back; when Satana cuts the tumor, the red-hot steel baby Batradz jumps out, jumps into the sea; he is raised donbettyrs; when Nart boys play in winter, B. comes out under the ice, beats them, taking all the alchiki; S. teaches how to catch B.; Uryzmaga shaves on the seashore; B. spies, wants to be too shaved; after his hair is thrown into the sea, he goes with sledges, settles with his father H.; easily defeats young men in archery; performs feats; only God kills him]: 294-303; Shanaev 1876 [Khamyts comes to sea lord Donbettyr, gets his daughter; but on earth she will only take off her turtle shirt for the night; Syrdon sneaks into the couple's bedroom, throws her shell at fire; the wife cannot live without it on the ground, she is pregnant, puts the baby in a tumor on H.'s back, spitting or blowing between his shoulder blades; disappears; nine months later Satana opens an abscess, is born Batraz]: 1-? in Dumezil 1976:134-135; Georgians (Onsky District) [the bob peasant's ankle was swollen, a baby girl fell out of the abscess, the peasant left her by the river; the crow took the girl to his nest, became raise, steal people's clothes for her; the girl became beautiful, the prince saw her, but could not climb the tree; the old woman asked for a goat, an awl and a sleepy potion; under the tree she pretended not knows how to slaughter a goat, so she stabs it with an awl; the girl tells the goat to cut the throat; the old woman begins to shred the carcass, the girl goes down to show that you first need to take off the skin, the old woman cooks the kebab, puts it in it dope, brings the girl to the king; she only cries, is silent; the old woman stains the prince's clothes with blood, says that he was wounded while hunting, and then eaten by wolves; the girl starts singing, telling me who she is]: Kurdovanidze 1988 (2), No. 93:134-138.

Baltoscandia. Scandinavians: Younger Edda (Gulvi's Vision) 2005 [After falling asleep, Imir became sweaty and had a man and a woman under his left arm; one leg conceived a son on the other; hence his offspring were frosty giants]: 17; Elder Edda (Vafodnir's Speeches) 1963 [a strong daughter and son appeared under his arm, while the leg and leg of a six-headed son Tursu gave birth]: 33); Norwegians [spouses are childless; having received the magic fish that his wife must eat, the husband eats it himself; his knee is swollen, a girl is born; the bird takes her to the nest; the prince (king) finds her, brings her to the palace, takes her as his wife; angry a housekeeper kidnaps her children and says she ate them; a woman escaped execution, found her children and introduced them to the king; the evil bride is punished]: Hodne 1984, No. 705:152; Swedes [husband brought fish to his wife, but ate it himself; his knee was swollen, and a girl was born from it; the bird carried it to his nest; the king found it, brought it home and married her; when the young queen gives birth, mother-in-law says that she gave birth to a kitten; or she consistently takes away the children born; the young queen is expelled, but she returns and offers the king a riddle that describes what happened]: Liungman 1961, No. 705 : 193-194; Latvians [husband and wife have no children; the husband receives an apple from the witch for his wife, but eats it himself; a girl appears from his leg {it is not clear whether the calf of the leg or thigh} appears; he covers her leaves and leaves her in the forest; a bird picks her up and takes her to his nest; the king finds a girl, marries her; during his absence, she has children; the witch is replaced by newborn animals; the king tells the children to spare, then drive the queen into the forest; there she finds her children with a witch and devils, asks them a riddle: "The apple is the father, the man is the mother, the wind shook me, the bird fed me, the stallion is mine matchmaker, king is my name"; devils can't guess the riddle, the wife takes the children; at this time the king is marrying another; the wife sends the children with a cup to the king, he recognizes his children]: Aris, Copper 1979, No. 705:311.

(Wed. Volga - Perm. Komi [The Mother of God gave birth to the Lord from her right armpit, but she forbid people to do so; you can't do it from the left, the demon on the left]: Sharapov 1996:311).

Southern Siberia - Mongolia. The Buryats [a seventy-year-old man and his sixty-year-old wife were childless; three beautiful daughters and a freak son, the future hero Geser, are born from the old woman's armpits and through her crown]: Sharakshinova 1980:41; Mongors: Riftin et al. 1977 [(commentary describing the parallels of the fairy tale of the Frog); in the Mongor and Tibetan versions, the Frog is born from a tumor on the knee or thumb old woman, wife finds and burns skin]: 417-422; Stuart, Limusishiden 1994 [elderly spouses have no children; the wife has a swollen finger, an abscess is opened, there is a frog son; (var.: on the fifth day of the fifth month, you can't take water from water bodies, because frogs are swimming at this time; the wife washed her hands, then the finger is swollen); jumping, takes lunch to her father in the field, plows; goes to marry the girl; her mother does not give it; then the Frog cries, the storm begins, he gets a wife; on the way to his house, she tries to kill him with a stone, fails; at night, the husband takes off his frog skin, becomes handsome; the wife secretly burns her skin, everything is fine]: 182-183; Dagurs [Olkhan Ulan Uldey Khan has only a daughter; the spouses ask heaven for a son; Hormusta's four daughters go down to swim, see smokes; H. asks who will give the son to the worshipers; only the youngest agrees, in the form of a boy he approaches his wife O., hits her thigh, her thigh swells (abscess?) , O. cuts him, a boy runs out, gets the name Altan Galburt; he grew up, his father does not tell me to go north; AH goes, swallowed by a wild boar, comes out of the ass; swallowed again, the heart and lungs of the boar are cut, does a cut in the ribs comes out, brings the heart and lungs of the wild boar to his father; no horse can withstand hypertension; the father says that the salt mare brings foals, but the Khan Garuda bird kidnaps them; AG shot the bird, tamed the foal; he promises to come to him as soon as necessary; in a dream, the old man tells him to get trees for arrows (growing in the West Sea), Khan Garud feathers for plumage, and the skin of a variegated boar for bowstrings; the horse teaches you to grab trees when the arrow fired seems to stop before starting to fall down; then a serpent rushed, poisoned it with its blood; Hormusta went down and revived AG]: Poppe 1930:31-48.

Western Siberia. Northern Khanty (b. Kazim) [the elderly spouses are childless; the old woman's knee is swollen, the old man took a stone out of the abscess; put it on the shelf; the food disappears at night; the old woman watches, the boy, the next time the young man eats; fights with his father; in the morning says he will go to kill four-headed Yalians; two-headed Yalian rides a two-headed beast Vures, a young man kills him; the same with three- and seven-headed; burns the latter, ashes turns into mosquitoes]: Lukina 1990, No. 26:90-93.

Eastern Siberia. Ayano-May Evenks (Yakutia) [the old woman's knee was swollen without pain; a child fell out of a tumor into the old man's arms; he became one year old overnight, soon began to hunt; his grandfather bear gives him a name Tamnani; he finds a horse, a wife; the old woman's knee is swollen again, a younger brother is born; he also finds a horse and a wife]: Romanova, Myreeva 1971, No. 15:82-94 (also beginning in Romanova, Myreeva 1964, No. 2:151 ).

Amur - Sakhalin. The Udege people [old man Kand's wife has a tumor on her thigh, she was cut, found a boy; he is going through adventures, getting a wife; she cut him with a sword, one half is good a man, the other with an evil spirit; on the site of the house he finds aspen and birch, does not tell his wife to touch them; she tries to cut them, sees blood; his parents come in the morning, they have blood on their forehead; they become again with trees, they tell me not to beat his wife]: Lebedeva et al. 1998, No. 14:113-121; nivhi [a lonely woman injured her knee, an egg fell out of the tumor, a boy was born from an egg; tells her mother to go down the river a cup, she came to the village; a young woman saw her; went to her old mother, told her to let her breast suck, took a mouthful of milk, poured it into that cup, the cup came back, the boy drank milk, became an adult man; went to his seal fiancée; (more about shamanic adventures)]: Pevnov 1910, No. 3:95-104.

NW Coast. Quakiutl (tlatlasicoala) [the chief's daughter is ill, her body is covered with boils, she was left alone in the village; a boy Tlemae was born from a tumor on her right ankle, the girl recovered; someone is stealing the salmon he had caught bringing home; Dzonokwa came in with a basket behind her back, T. shot her in the chest; followed the trail and drops of blood and fallen trees; stopped at the pond; the youngest daughter Z. came for water for a suddenly ill mother; T. acted as a shaman, saw his four arrows invisible to others in the patient's chest; took out his arrows, got his daughter as his wife and an object that hit him to death; sailed his mother's relatives; T. told the man who was kind to her to go ashore, pointed his weapon against the rest of the boats, the boats with people burned down and turned into stone; T. hid in the fin, picked up a girl in the land of Eagles; when she carried the log into the house, he frightened her, said he wanted to marry her; she threw a log into the fire, he entered her room with light ash, made her wife]: Boas 1895 , NO. 7:189-191.

The coast is the Plateau. Colitz [Coyote's knee is swollen; his wife removed the boy from there; he grows up, comes to his real parents]: Adamson 1934:264-265; ne perse [from an abscess on Coyote's elbow a boy is born]: Phinney 1934 [five Coyote daughters caress a boy, he dies; a Coyote urinates in his daughters' dugout, frozen urine closes the exit; a fox tries to free the girls; four die, a fifth goes out; returns in the form of a fireball, burns the Coyote; the Fox revives it]: 463-465; Spinden 1908, No. 8 [Coyote's penis pins him in the elbow; the son helps his father regain his eyes; the Coyote kills him]: 20; clackamas [Coyote tells Fasaniha he is her brother; asks her children to dance (with their eyes closed?) , quietly curls their necks; some escape, they are the ancestors of today's pheasants; Coyote comes to the house where mother and daughter; says that a short girl, let her come to the beach, find healing there means; hid in the sand with his penis out, the girl sat on it; the mother tells her daughter that she has grown up; Coyote sees girls on the other side of the river; they call him to copulate; the Coyote swims across the river, but The girls are now on the side he was before; Coyote's excrement tells him they're not girls, but... (the informant did not know the translation); the Coyote tells them to become two rocks; comes to a man whose body oozes; he collected it, baked it, gave it to the Coyote; the Coyote does not eat, the owner put it in his bag; when he opened it, there was sturgeon; the Coyote returned, water instead of home; relieved his need, his excrement says that the owner was Sturgeon; the Coyote helps the man put brushwood on his back; he says he has the wife gives birth; the Coyote squeezes pus out of the woman's finger, tells the fetus to be carried in the womb rather than in the finger, shows how to copulate; another person cuts trees into chips, feeds his long penis with chips; Coyote exchanged penises with him; if you do not give his penis chips and branches, he bites his legs; Coyote lets his penis underwater into the younger girl; fears that she will be carried away by the river, tells her to cut off the penis with a sedge; comes disguised a shaman treats a sick person; pretends to be weak, 5 girls, 5 widows, 5 abandoned women should carry him; copulates with them; tells Cranes, Vultures, Geese to sing loudly; Flea comes in, sees that a shaman copulates with a girl; Coyote runs away, girl has recovered; see further K1H motive]: Jacobs 1958, No. 9:80-92; Klamath: Barker 1963, No. 4 [redhead woman married; going across the mountains, tells to accompany her only to the youngest of his brothers; sleeps with him; he leaves a branch instead of himself, runs away; the redhead sets fire to the world; only the mother of the Sibling escapes; finds a boy and a girl in his daughter-in-law's charred body; Knowing that the girl will repeat the crime of a redhead, glues them together into one two-headed creature; he sees his double shadow, shoots an arrow up, she falls, separates his sister from him; the children make the Sun say who killed their parents; the redhead lives in the lake, the girl cuts off her head, brings her grandmother; brother and sister go down through the hearth; her brother's arrow gets stuck in a tree; the sister agrees to get it after as her brother calls her not sister, niece, etc., but wife; gets pregnant by her brother; grandmother finds the skin of a bear killed by her grandson, puts it on, turns into a Bear, catches up with and kills her grandson; giving the Bear drink, sister-wife throws a hot stone in her ass; she dies; sister-wife takes the child, rushes into the fire; Kmúkamch snatches the boy; decides not to put him on her forehead, but to place him under knee; his daughter brings the boy out of the abscess; the baby cries; K. says various names; the boy stops crying when the name Aishísh is named; he grows up; K. tells him to get birds; advises to undress before that; makes a reed or pine tree grow; puts on his son's clothes, comes instead of him, takes his wives; butterfly sisters save A., he comes back; larks in reeds; A. marries Butterflies and other insect women; tells his son, by his Bullfinch Wife, to throw five K. hearts at his feet into the fire; K. dies]: 25-29, 47; Gatschet 1890 [Kmúkamch created everything alive and inanimate, in particular fish; made a dam so people could fish when the south wind dried the riverbed; fell in love with one of his son's wives Aishísh; said that horse sorrel (horse -sorrel) made a nest of eagles; sent A. to get them, and took his clothes himself; A. found ordinary birds there, and sorrel grew and A. could not get down; K. took his form, put on his clothes, came to his wives; the one in which he is in love, believed him, the others are not; A. is thin; two butterfly girls found him, washed him, lowered him down in the basket; A. went to look for wives; found Chaffinch and Crane digging up roots; Chaffinch's child he was the first to know him; two wives, and then the third, Water Hen, gladly accepted him; he gave them necklaces made of porcupine needles; A. asked his son to take possession of his grandfather's smoking pipe; as soon as A. threw it in fire; as soon as the pipe burned down, K. died; then came to life, smeared the sky with resin and set fire; burning resin covered the ground, but A. and his family dug into the shelter; his third wife looked out, a drop of resin fell on her forehead; since then, the water chicken has a mark on this place]: xxxv-xxxvi; modoc [brother and sister are orphans; brother's arrow gets stuck in a tree; sister asks who he is; when he says, Wife , pulls out an arrow, becomes his wife; he puts a comb on the bear's skin, if he falls, he is killed; an old woman who has raised an orphan turns into a Bear, pursues, kills her grandson; sister wife places hot stones in the stream, the Bear swallows them with her mouth and back, dies; taking the baby, the sister-wife rushes into the fire; Kmukamts snatches the boy, puts them in her knee, asks her daughter to open an abscess, she gets a boy, his name is Aissik; he grows up, has five wives (chicken, crane, bird, fish, duck, tick); K. wants Stokoa (fish) for himself; puts her eyes on the back of his head , tells Xre to fall on S., sees her big vulva; asks A. to undress, climb the tree to the eagle's nest; tells the tree to grow; puts on A.'s clothes, comes to S.; two butterfly sisters bring A. food and clothes are lowered to the ground in their basket; K.'s heart hangs around his neck; his grandson throws his heart into the fire; K. dies, rises to the sky, covers him with resin to flood A. and his family; A. hides everyone under the stones; The chicken sticks out its nose, the Crane's head; the nose turns black, the resin scraped off the resin from Crane's head, she remains bald]: Curtis 1976 (13): 210-212.

The Midwest. Steppe Cree [Windigo has a second person on the back of his head, he kills everyone; Visakechak and ten brothers live alone, the youngest is watching the house; pricked with a sliver, throws it on the floor, she turns into a little girl; he throws her out of the house, she turns into a girl; V-k tells her they'll be gone for four days, tells her not to open the door if he hears their voices sooner; she He hears voices (it's actually Windigo), does not open it; one day he picks up a pen, it turns into Windigo, he takes it to his grandmother, tells her to fatten her and then cook it; Grandma feels sorry for her, she tells her to kill and cook herself, run; Windigo finds the grandmother's meat, chases the girl; she runs into the iron house where a young man and a woman are sitting; when Windigo enters , they cut off his head with a door; an evil spirit jumps off a tree, killing young women; a girl puts a sharp stake, the spirit dies; she revives ten women, brings her brothers as wives; herself becomes a deer, runs away to his father (unnamed)]: Bloomfield 1930, No. 25:239-243.

Plains. Teton [the eldest of the four brothers pricked his toe; a girl, their sister, was born from an abscess; the Stone Boy receives speedboats and magic clothes as a gift; on the way he finds a knife, an ax, arrowhead, uncle's hammer; breaks Rolling Rock; a monstrous woman says that the Living Stone is her master; the young man replies that it is his father; the woman turns into an old man; he is the one who crushed a young man's uncle; a young man revives his uncle, presses an old man; salt water flows from that (the origin of salt springs and lakes)]: Walker 1983:140-146; santi [four out of five brothers hunt, youngest Hakaikaina watches the house; injured her leg, takes a girl out of the abscess; brothers throw her over the roof, she turns into a girl; they make her their little sister; yellow, red, blue, white Otters they take her away, tie her up, pour a boiling ear on her; the Black Otter feeds her; H. hears her crying, turns into a chikadi, finds her; brothers kill four Otters, save her sister; keep the black Otter alive; so now all otters are black]: Riggs 1893:121-123; Omaha, ponka [three brothers go hunting, the youngest fourth remains in charge; removes a splinter from the sole of his foot, a splinter turns into a girl; brothers make her their sister; she disappears; the Red Bird in the guise of a man takes her away; in the guise of a bird, returns to report it to the brothers; the younger one shoots at the bird, it takes her away his arrow; he follows her; on the way he enters four villages; finds his sister in the lake, Krasnaya Ptitsa is her husband; his sister invites his brother under water; the husband returns the arrow, gives four little ones loaded boat gifts; the young man leaves each in one of the four villages, the boats are made large; the young man receives the daughters of four chiefs for himself and his brothers]: Dorsey 1888b: 77-78 (= 1890:224-226); Osage [one of the four brothers has a pain in his leg, a girl is born out of an abscess, became their sister; they warn her not to look at the monster when it comes; she looks, the monstrous elk carries her away; they find an elk, the girl jumped off his horn, the elk ran away; the brothers tell her to jump, her hair grows back and she is wearing her old clothes again]: Dorsey 1904c, No. 40:49-50; iowa [the youngest of four brothers is stabbed leg; a splinter removed turns into Tiogritt's girl; she grows up; standing on the platform lures deer for her brothers; in their absence, Ishiinka asks to call deer for him; he arrows made from sunflower stems, he can't kill deer, deer carries T. on horns; brothers find and return the girl; now the Otter takes her away; the younger brother kills the Otter, returns his sister; the cannibal kills brothers one by one; T. kills the cannibal's four brothers by giving them cornbread that swells in their bellies; throws the cannibal's heads, she throws her brothers' heads; offers a competition; 1) running on ice (T. wins); 2) whoever is the first to dig the underground passage under the hill; T. turns into a beaver, kills the cannibal with a club when she gets out of the dug passage; revives the brothers]: Skinner 1925, No. 8:461- 464; arpaho [one of the brothers steps on a thorn; a girl is born from a tumor on her leg; Bison takes her away; the Mole, the Badger dig an underground passage to the buffalo; the brothers and sister run away, hide in a tree; Bison is killed when his horn is stuck in the barrel; his sister kicks the ball, sending herself and her brothers to heaven; they turn into Pleiades]: Dorsey, Kroeber 1903, No. 81-84:153-180; tonkawa [ four young men live together; one has an abscess on the index finger; a boy is born from it]: Hoijer 1972, No. 17:57.

Southeast USA. Caddo [an orphan has a pain in his leg; a boy is born out of an abscess; an orphan's grandmother takes him up; an orphan throws him on the lake shore; he grows up; the Owl Shaman helps him kill him with a water arrow a monster; he gains shamanic power himself]: Dorsey 1905, No. 18:36-39.

The Great Southwest. Havasupai [The Coyote lives in the same dugout with his uncle Belka and his daughter; while the Squirrel is hunting, she sprays blood on the girl; she leaves, creating four springs along the way, plunging her into the ground split wild cat bone; enters the village; rejects all birds and animals and marries a lazy Quail; gives birth to a son from the thumb; the boy grows up, goes to his grandfather Belka; The way stops at the camp of women collecting pignons; ties sleeping women's hair, wakes them up, cuts off their heads with an ax, hangs their heads on a tree, brings the meat to their husbands under the guise of game; The vulture shaman guessed it, the Coyote found the heads, the young man became a partridge, flew to his grandfather's village]: Smithson, Euler 1994:41-44 (same in Smithson 1971:36-37 in Beck et al. 2001:219); valapai [baby Little Quail appears from a tumor on a girl's arm; Coyote says such births are too easy to let the fetus ripen in the womb]: Kroeber 1935:282; (cf. papago [A handsome man makes all the girls on earth pregnant; the morning after visiting him, every child; A handsome man leaves a child born to him from his own body (not specified how); that cries, his tears flood the earth with a flood]: Underhill 1946:8-12 in Sanday 2000:42).

The Antilles. Taino: Fouchard 1972 [paraphrase, mostly Pane]: 87-92; Anghiera 1912 (1), dec.1, vol.9 [Chief Haya puts his son's corpse in the calebasa; when he returns, he sees whales and marine animals inside tells others that there is a sea in Calebas; four brothers, whose mother died in childbirth, decide to take possession of a pumpkin for fish; H. catches them by surprise; they drop calebas in fear, water floods the world, and remains only islands; brothers run, although to ask one person for cassava cakes; he spits on the first person who enters, he forms an abscess; when an abscess is opened, a woman comes out, becomes the brothers' wife, gives birth sons and daughters]: 170-171; Pane 1932 [Hyaiel wants to kill his father Giaya; he sends him out of the house, then kills him himself; puts bones in a calebass, hangs him from the roof of the house; later turns over, fish jump out; Itaba-Tahuuana dies in childbirth, four twin brothers are taken out of her womb; the eldest is Dimivan Caracarakol; only he dares to take Calebasu Giaya, get the fish out of it; Giaya returns, the brothers hurry to hang the calebasa in its place, she falls, the water floods the ground, the fish in it; the DC asks Ayamahuaco for tortillas; he throws a bag of powdered tobacco at his shoulder; a female turtle comes out of the inflamed abscess; they take care of it]: 190-191.

The Northern Andes. Embera: Isaza Bravo 1987 [Buro-Poto was born from a tumor on a man's leg; he died; B. asked who killed his father; Jaguars (los viejos thought B. would hunt jaguars and die) ; killed all jaguars with arrows, left a pregnant female, new from her; Snakes (the same with snakes); etc.; said that his father was killed by a snake that looked like cancer, but huge, lives in a pond, swallows people whole; B. put firewood on the raft, made a fire in the monster's stomach, began to crumble the monster with a knife; killed an unborn cub, fried it, fed the others swallowed; swam out with a raft over the ass; killed Moon; built a staircase, hand to the moon, left a stain on it, the woodpecker cut off the stairs, B. fell to sunset; the Sun took him on its underground journey along the river; there were people who ate the smell, only B. ate, they asked them to make anuses, died, B. revived them; crabs attacked, for underground people it was death, B. destroyed them easily; a few days later the Sun took it with it; a lot of food in a small basket; at home, B. began to suck blood at night, kill women; they poured boiling water on him, he petrified, made corn grinders out of it]: 128-129; Rochereau 1929 (katio) [a man was bitten by nutria caviar, he conceived The boy Gerú-potó-uarra (El hijo de la pantorrilla), who was born between the thumb and second toes on the same leg; the man soon died, exploded, mosquitoes, flies, and gadflies came out of him; the boy ate just menstrual flow; asked who his mother was; Died; who killed? ; Keith; took the harpoon, let the whale swallow himself, came out of the womb two days later, realized that it was not the whale that killed his mother; Ancumia (the sea monster); found her, not her; Moon; climbed the willow, told grow to the moon, the moon turned out to be a beautiful woman, the man hit her, the spots remained; the woodpecker cut down the tree, but fell to another part of the world, the land de Tutruicá; there are flat, only peach palms grow, blue stones, good for abrasives; people are immortal, they eat only a couple of boiled peach palm fruits; they have no anus; the man became relieved, he was told to leave; three ate with him, he made them anuses, they died; came out of that world on the same willow trunk, led by a snake; those dogs are snakes, ours are from Tutruika's dogs]: 100; nonama: Lotero Villa s.a. [the man gave birth to two sons from his leg, died; they they ask who killed the father; the Snake; killed the serpent; Jaguar; etc.; finally, the Moon; wanted to get to her, the woodpecker cut off the vine; one brother was eaten by a snake, the other continues to ask about father; killed the Sun; where the Sun sets, people without anuses]: 22-23; Wassen 1935, No. 8 [two people were born from a woman's leg; at night they turned into waura ("wooden dolls"), preserving human appearance, killed people, drank blood; asked mother who killed their father; Snake; killed all snakes in the forest; El Sierpe (giant snake); rafted to Sierpe, but guacamayo warned her , she crawled away; the brothers put firewood on the raft, the snake swallowed it; they put a pole between their jaws, made a fire in their womb; the snake is half-dead, alone went out through the anus, found himself in the lower world, nothing about him known; the other through his mouth continued to suck blood; the sky was close to the ground; the man made clothes out of vegetable fluff, took off; a woodpecker flew out at sunrise, hit him in the face; the man fell, but managed scarred the face of the moon; fell where the sun went down; a boy was playing on the beach, bore fruit from the caimito tree, said that his father owned them, he would be today; it was the Sun; white came, wearing a gold hat ; promised to take the man home; the boy throws fruits into the water, the fish ate them; so distracted the fish so that they would not eat the Sun; the sun and the man dived into the underworld; the Sun left him at the huts, promised pick them up on the way back; sinculos (people without anus) said that the kuna wanted to kill them; the man began to make bows and arrows; the kuna turned out to be shrimps; now the "British" are crayfish; the man explained that in his world, these enemies are eaten; went out of need, two boys asked to make them anuses, died; the Sun brought a man to earth; the man asked his deceased brother-in-law, he replied that he was not were able to heal; people decided to kill the person who came so as not to drink more blood; they crushed corn, mixed it with water, doused it at night, the man became a stone; he was broken, the fragments turned into mosquitoes that fell into the water - into leeches]: 133-137; 1963 [old people: Moon; brothers climb the vine into the sky, hit the moon, the spots are still visible; the woodpecker tears the vine, the brothers fall at sunset and sunrise]: 71-72.

Llanos. Yaruro: Wilbert, Simoneau 1990c, No. 3 [at the beginning of Kumañi's time, is pregnant; her baby is in her thumb, from where she is born, is Hachava; K. dreams of the sun, the sun ascends; the goddess in the east tells her to hole her tongue with a stingray thorn; since then, all women after birth have done so], 28 [Kumañi tells howler monkeys to become monkeys; says women should conceive children in the thumb; another ancestor, Aetanerea, returns, says that in the stomach, in order not to suffocate, you cannot take a deep breath with your thumb; arguing, K. agreed; if they hadn't argued that humans would now be howler monkeys], 29 [when humans were howler monkeys, the first ancestors argued; one said {or "one said"} what women should conceive in their thumb; Ichiae insists that it be in the uterus; so people can breathe, inhale the yopo drug and gain knowledge]: 21, 52, 53.

Southern Venezuela. Sanema [Colchester 1981:38-39; bird people (Psarcolius viridis or Gymnostinops yuracares) make anuses and vaginas for the first women; the beaks of these birds turn red; formerly male- Bats copulated with each other, conceiving children in their calves]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1990b, No. 25:64-65; Yanomami: Chagnon 1967 [The month of Periborivö descends from heaven is the souls of children; Uhudima and Suhirim's brothers shoot at him, blood gives rise to brave warriors; others are born from Kanaboroma's leg; one woman, the other is cowards]: 44; Wilbert, Simoneau 1990b, No. 15 [people live in the sky; ask the Month to bring them down to the ground; it puts four men and one woman in the right leg of a little bird, sends it to the ground; people are born from a leg; men have a common wife; their son Sukhilina shoots a month, blood is shed; The month agrees to turn this blood into people; after death, a person is burned; his soul returns to heaven in a stream of smoke], 16 [four men and one woman (Peta) is born successively from a tumor on a bird's leg; a woman is the common wife of these men; their son shoots a Month; blood is shed, people from different tribes emerge from it], 19 [ Periporewë killed his daughter Purimayoma in the forest because she did not want to live with her husband Amoawë; he cut her ovaries, cooked her and ate her at home; then began to go up to heaven; people shot at him, but only Suhirinariwë got there; drops of blood fell to the ground, of which were Yanomami (only men); P. weakened, descended to the horizon, died; this Month (Peripo) was his spirit; his daughter became cocuyo; there are no women, men insert penises into holes in trees, have anal sex; one person makes a hole in his leg, the other puts his penis into it; this is how a girl is born, then two more; men marry them; people multiply], 22 [calf; popliteal origin], 26 and 27 [conception through the hollow under the toe, pregnancy in calf]: 47-48, 49-50, 55-58, 62, 65-66; Zerries 1958 [ A month came down from the sky to eat termites; many shot at him, only Omayali hit him; blood flowed, turned into the first men; the first woman came out of an abscess on Kanabolokoma's leg (Kanaboliwa), gave birth to men have many children; the ending -ma in the name Kanabolokoma is feminine]: 280.

Guiana. Caribbean Islands [first man descends from heaven; produces others from his nostrils and a cut in his thigh]: Roth 1915, No. 51:141; (=Rouse 1948:564); aparaí [woman bathed, fish bit her calf, Kujuli was born from the tumor; his opponent and companion Kwaikö (aka Manakaschi) was bitten in the chest by a caterpillar; his chest was swollen, M. could not walk, asked K. to kill himself; when K. I came to look at the bones, there was a high rock and under it all kinds of cultivated plants]: Rauschert 1967:181-182.

Western Amazon. Sekoya [men first menstruate; Nyanyo (Month) takes her son out of his knee, puts him in a pot; his wife only breastfeeds the boy at night; her sister opens the lid, breaking her leg A parrot placed by a watchman; the boy cries, N.'s wife comes running from the field, throws red achiote paint at his sister; since then, women's periods; the boy continues to cry; the parents put the pot on fire; the boy plays the flute, flies to the sky, looks like the Sun; another person Toayo (Wanyo) also sits into the fire, becomes the second sun (now he is with the first one; without details); first, the suns burn all; N. moves the sky further from the ground with a stick, reducing the heat; The battleship manages to extinguish the second sun, its tail burns]: Cipolletti 1988, No. 7:65-68; Mayhuna [Maineno ( next Month) is married to Bektu's daughter; father-in-law asks for firewood; M. knows that a tree must fall on him, makes it thin, brings it; B. asks his daughter to remove the splinter from his thumb; As a result, Ñukek- Earthquake is born; M. feels that the earth has trembled]: Bellier 1991b, No. 4a: 180-181.

NW Amazon. Knee. Yagua [a wasp bites Mokaya in the knee; two boys are born from a tumor; they are adults but short; they are called M. to go down the river with them; before the rain, the brothers make a house out of clay (they are wasp children), and M. is a canopy of leaves; the clay house has melted; M. kills the boa constrictor, goes to fry it for brushwood; returns, and the brothers have already eaten all the meat; M. manages to catch fish with his bare hands, but the fish - inedible; brothers warn M. not to copulate with a woman; he manages to deflorize her and make her safe for others (no details)]: Payne 1992:151-169; Powlison 1972a: 83-84; 1993 [mostly like Payne, several different episodes; each time M. turns out to be more agile and stronger than the twins]: 118-123; chikuna: Nimuendaju 1952 [nu'tapa got angry with his wife, tied her up wood, hornets bit her genitals; she told cancan (Ibycter americanus) that if he were a man, he would untie her; so it happened; he gave her a hornet nest; she threw it at her husband, hornets he was bitten, and his knees were swollen for a long time; they were born from the right Dyoi and his sister, from the left Epi and his sister; came out five years old]: 122; Rodríguez de Montes 1981 [husband was bitten by two wasps while hunting in the knee; it was swollen, his mother saw people inside; a boy and a girl were born]: 174-175.

Montagna - Jurua. Urarina [the first men live without women; insert penises between each other's toes, carry children in their calves; Quandra puts men to sleep, some wake up as women; K. says that it is now possible to get married]: Bartholomew 1995:209.

Southern Amazon. Umotin: Oberg 1953 [a few ripe fruits fell from the tree; Aípuku, the first man, came out of one; put the other four in a row, walked away; they turned into two men and two women; one of them is Barabéla, A. married her; A. made umotin's ancestors, putting mangab palm nuts in a row; men came out of long ones, women from short ones; made skirts for women, bows and arrows for men, gave names; he also made the ancestors of other tribes (from mangaba nuts and Daouvi berries); A.'s caviar was swollen; Europeans came out of one, hostile tribes from the other, went south and north]: 108; Schultz 1962 [two var; there were no people; Haipukú happened women's flattened and masculine long bakaba palm fruits; the fruits became human; then the same with the fruits of ficus and another palm tree, with wild honey; in descendants of each pairs of different hair; then two pairs of people came out of the calves of his legs; from the right Habusé tribe (Umotina say they borrowed rituals from them), from the left, Europeans (perhaps earlier they were Umotin themselves, and not Europeans); H. made skirts for women, bows for young men; habuze and Europeans left; according to the second option, the Europeans killed everyone, there was only one pair of people left, they were crazy], № a: 227-229; paresis [calf legs Miore is swollen; he makes an incision, extracting all kinds of snakes, insects, animals, birds, aquatic spirits, some plants one by one]: Pereira 1986, No. 1:25-31.

Chaco. Chorote: Wilbert, Simoneau 1985, No. 16 [rain flooded the earth with a flood; when the waters came down, new people descended from the sky; the man conceived a girl in his hand; then married her; have since appeared humans], 42 [Kíxwet fertilizes his clenched palm, a boy is born the next day, walks three days later; K. leaves him on the platform from which he is fishing, he cries; consistently four girls come, try to hold the boy in her arms; K. marries the one whose boy stops crying; gives people fish, catching it from a bottle tree, did not know the fish before; K. accepts the appearance of a Lignum vitae tree; every girl passing by dreams of this tree becoming her husband; at night she comes to one of them in human form, promises to create a river if she accepts it; takes it to wives; the Fox (Wóiki) imposes himself as companions, learns the secret of the fish tree; left alone, tries to catch fish, but forgets to close the lid; the stream rushes out, the Fox sinks; K. places with his rod water back; decides not to keep fish in the tree anymore; creates the Pilcomayo River, which follows him, after his rod; the river is filled with fish, the population increases], 43 [Kisbar has fertilized his hand, a boy is born; K. sends him to a girl who has to recognize him as a son; he gives her mother a fish]: 38-39, 76-79, 80-81; matako [Tauk'wax inserts the penis into his arm, she is swollen, from a tumor a child is born]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1982a, No. 70 [boy; T. gives it to an old woman for upbringing; a boy harpoons a fish living in a bottle tree; one day shoots a big dorado fish; it breaks tree; water floods the ground, the boy drowns; T. stops the flood, finds his son's scalp; dives, becomes the owner of the fish], 123 [girl; she grows up, T. marries her]: 148-149, 231.

Southern Brazil. Ofaye [no details]: Nimuendaju 1914:377.