Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

F20. Glue together lovers. .

After copulation, a man and a woman are unable to open their arms.

Western Europe. The Germans (Pomerania) [the clerk goes to the blacksmith's wife; he promises to let him down from the porch; the clerk tells the master that the blacksmith can grind all the grain in the shed overnight; he went to the blacksmith's wife himself, and he was locked in a barn; a little man appeared and with his help all the sheaves were threshed; the clerk advises giving the blacksmith a harder job: remove a bunch of heavy stones in front of the house in front of the house in this place to arrange a pond with goldfish; the little man does everything again; the clerk suggests telling the blacksmith to forge Himphamp overnight without fire, anvil, hammer and iron; little man: go home, take a whip, get under the bed and, when you don't like something at all, command: chemp hump, stick it! the lovers stuck together, the blacksmith began to whip them; in the morning he dragged them to the master; on the way he continued to give the same command, so that oxen, two people with a cart of hay, stuck to them; he finished them off in front of the master's eyes lovers with the last blow of the whip; the master drove him out of the village because he did not want to deal with evil spirits; the little man promised that if the blacksmith could wander around the villages for 7 years and not wash, not get his hair cut, not washing clothes, everything will be fine; and there will be no shortage of food and drink; soon the blacksmith looked like a wild animal; 7 years later he came to a fabulously rich man, whose three daughters were no one married (wealth was obtained by witchcraft); the older two refused to marry the overgrown savage, and the youngest agreed, wanting to do good to his father; then a little man came up, washed, tonsured and dressed the blacksmith like this that he became like a prince; and his two older sisters hanged themselves in envy]: Jahn 1891, No. 44:239-244.

Melanesia. Marind-anim [Waba brought the girl Oualihuamb to eat at the party, but she ran away; Waba caught up with her and got along with her, could not separate from her; Aramembe became his tug and twirl, friction caused fire; savannah formed on the site of the burnt forest, the crab turned red, many of their hair scorched, so there are many bald people among the descendants of the local demo]: Wirtz, Neverman 1981, No. 17:57-59; Nguna (New Hebrides) [Lakolako's father left for a few days; another man came to see L.'s mother at night; L. filled the shell with coconut fiber, put it under his mother's bed; the next in the morning, L.'s man and mother could not open their arms; L. climbed the Natalie tree, began to sing; father heard, sailed in a boat, burned lovers who had stuck together]: Schütz 1969, No. 1:2-14.

Micronesia-Polynesia. Nifiloli [when a fisherman is at sea, a lover comes to his wife; the husband ties an ax to the handle, puts it behind the house; this prevents lovers from separating; he enters, kills the lover first with an arrow, then the wife; removes the axe, now the bodies can be separated; the man did not remarry]: Hovdhaugen, Næss 2006:97-101.

Taiwan - Philippines. Atayal [younger brother and sister sleep together; mother asks her daughter to cook first and then eat; she replies every time that she has a headache; mother pulls off the blanket from her lovers; sees that they can't separate; people have to cut off a young man's penis; he and his sister both die; brothers have been disagreeing with sisters ever since]: Norbeck 1950, No. 11:22.

China - Korea. Fox: Dessaint, Ngwâma 1994 [when people copulated, they couldn't separate for three days; Vusa told dogs to switch genitals with humans because dogs don't work and don't it's scary if they can't separate for a long time after copulation]: 162; Durrenberger 1977 [Previously, when people copulated, they couldn't separate for a long time; they asked God to change their situation; he told dogs change genitals with people, because dogs do not work, and it's okay if they can't separate for a long time after copulation]: 61.

The Balkans. Gagauz people [the wedding that passed by did not bring the man fault; for this he twisted two closely growing oaks together and ordered the same to happen to the bride and groom; they lay down and intertwined; in the morning the man felt sorry for them, he untwisted the oaks and the couple split]: Moshkov 1904, No. 117:189-190.

Caucasus - Asia Minor. Ossetians [Shifner's Ossetian texts; two Aldars met on the road, found out that their wives were pregnant, put their children to marry if they were of different sexes; but the girl's father married her to another; the young man's father was upset; feeling sorry for his father, the young man hired his betrothed as a shepherd; the hail killed all the cattle in the field, and the young man managed to drive the calves under the tree, hid himself in the hollow; on the way home, the devil gave him a leaf: if turn, objects stick to each other; further as in an Udmurt fairy tale (see); the young man got a bride]: Potanin 1884, No. 7:234.

Volga - Perm. The Udmurts [the mullah has a worker and seven calves; so that the calves do not run away, the old man taught: how you go to the field, shake your head, all the calves will turn into one; if you go home, shake your calf again will break up into 7 calves; the mullah married his son, the young went to bed, the worker shook his head, they grew together; the mullah sent the worker for ahun; he went to bed on the way, asked the worker to wipe him off, he put a mosol, shook his head, mosol grew up; the worker advised to put mosol down the tail of the mare - grew up; the employee released him for a promise to help; ahun advised the mullah to marry his daughter as an employee and to endow goodness]: Potanin 1884, No. 7:233-234.

Iran - Central Asia. Bukhara Arabs [lousy for the seventh year herds bay's sheep for promising to marry him; finds out that his daughter has been married to another; a fool gives him the ability to force people and animals stick to each other; he tells the young husband and wife to stick to each other; other people stick to them; the lousy head breaks the spell after receiving the promised woman]: Vinnikov 1969, No. 42:362-364.

SV Asia. Tundra yukaghirs [(why the second Alazean family is called Erbetken - goose); the shaman turned into a Siberian rod, flew away with a pack; before that, he gave his wife his stomach for storage; his wife had lover, she tore her stomach; when the shaman arrived (in the form of an eagle), she gave him the torn one; he tried to insert a deer, a dog; could not eat moss, excrement; he was advised to insert human, he thought it was a sin; he died, but after death he made lovers stick to each other at night, their eyes remained alive; so they died in agony]: Kurilov 2005, No. 53:403-405 (= Zhukova, Chernetsov 1994:31-32); Iokhelson 1900, No. 97:212-215.

The Arctic. Northern Alaska Inupiate (Noatak) [man and woman don't know how to make love; every time she undresses and he licks her genitals; in his absence, another person comes to teach a woman to copulate; she teaches her husband; they can't stop, they die of exhaustion]: Hall 1975, No. PM165:397.

Subarctic. Tanaina [looking at the dogs copulating, the man learned that as long as he holds his legs, one on top of the other, the dogs cannot separate; noticing that his wife has gone to his lover's house, he crosses legs and lies like this for three days; the elder asks the lovers to let go, otherwise they will die; the husband lets them go, they are driven away naked, someone on the edge of the village lets them cover themselves with dog skins; they turn into dogs then back to humans, their descendants are dirty]: Kalifornsky 1991:122.

Plains. Blacklegs [the shaman's wife has a lover; the shaman leaves a pen under bed, lovers cannot separate; the boy's father pays a ransom to the shaman, he destroys the pen]: Wissler, Duvall 1908, No. 4:147- 148.

The Great Southwest. Zunyi [the witch has a lover among sorcerers; her husband spies on a meeting of sorcerers; his wife takes him to the top of a steep cliff; chipmunks bring him food and drink; they plant poplar at the foot, he grows up, a man goes down the trunk; the Spider gives him herbs with which he makes lovers ugly and stuck together; they go asking them to separate them; everyone who tries it do it, stick to them themselves; they come to the wild, the woman turns into a deer]: Benedict 1930:65-67.

The Northern Andes. Embera [the deity does not allow incestuous sister and brother to separate; if they manage to open their arms, the world will end; their movements cause eclipses]: Rochereau 1929:101.

Guiana. Pemon [the groom checks if the bride has a lover; leaves his amulet; in the morning everyone sees lovers stuck together in the hammock]: Armellada 1973, No. 76:241-242; curl [prohibition violation make love after returning from a trip]: Roth 1915, No. 158:223; trio [husband witches, his wife and her lover cannot separate themselves; he beats them, leaves them in this position]: Koelewijn, Riviere 1987, No. 63:215-216; oyana: Magaña 1987, No. 28 [husband bewitches his unfaithful wife; when she meets another lover, they stick together first with their hands, then with their breasts, then with his genitals; her brother kills them, burns the corpses]: 39; oyampy [the husband smears his wife and her lover with witchcraft; they cannot separate; he lifts them to the roof of the house, throws them on the ground; from they grow a huge ficus; its roots and branches are intertwined like their bodies]: Greenland 1982, No. 41, 42:265-266.

Central Amazon. Munduruku: Kruse 1949, No. 14, var.1 [the girl Datekúru has her first period; Karupitubë comes to her; they copulate at her insistence, he says that she will give birth to puppies, teaches how to raise them; lovers manage to split up only in the evening when the girl's mother comes and hits them on the genitals with a stick; Brother D. kills four out of six puppies; with the two remaining and with his mother D. runs into the forest; her dog sons bring her a lot of game; they give birth to Munduruku dogs; when an older brother comes to ask for puppies, dogs kill him]: 621-622; Murphy 1958, No. 36 [from a girl Dachekorö is her first period; Karupitubö comes to her; they copulate at her insistence, he does it like a dog; says that she will give birth to puppies, teaches her how to raise them; lovers succeed split up only in the evening when the girl's mother comes and hits them on the genitals with a stick; the D. brothers find out that she has given birth to four puppies; the youngest wants to take one for himself, the eldest kills two; with two left behind and with his mother, D. runs into the forest; her dog sons bring her a lot of game, because K. is the father of wolves in the savannas in the south; D. gives newborn puppies to his younger brother; tells them to bite the older one, but then she gives it to him; with the two dogs she born, she goes to K. in the Land of Dogs]: 114-115.

Eastern Amazon. Hissing [at first, people, like dogs, could not separate for a long time; Kunarima discovers a couple, cuts off the man's penis; some remain in the vagina, later falls out; the woman plants penis into the ground, from which a castaneira fruit tree grows]: Nimuendaju 1920:1019; juruna [Uaiçá finds a tree from which it falls asleep; gains knowledge in a dream; so several times; Sinaá in a dream he tells him that it is enough; he becomes a shaman; he has a second set of eyes on the back of his head; he sees his wife with his lover; watching them with his eyes on the back of his head, he comes up unnoticed, making a wife unable to leave her lover; she jumps into the river, dragging him with her, both turn into dolphins; his wife's brother and her other relatives try to kill him when they come up behind with a club; W. sees everything with his eyes the back of his head, goes through the ground; next time he is lured to the rock; but the club's blow splits it, W. hides again; says he will not return again and teach the crane what he was going to]: Villas Boas, Villas Boas 1973:143-146; (cf. Tenetehara [the boy Wiraí went with his mother to the site, got lost, the river divided, he ended up on an island; the Nighthawk refused to move him, the Woodpecker could not, Cayman offered to sit on it; on the opposite bank went under water; the Socó bird {apparently a pelican} dived, swallowed V., hid it in its throat bag, Cayman swam away; V. spent the night under a rock in the morning it turned out to be a huge Toad; I saw hummingbirds dancing and singing "I'll make a calebass out of his head", V. frightened them off; the Moizuhú snake invited him to her house, wanted to eat it, but V. began to sing a song The hawk "The hawk eats the eyes of snakes", the snake was frightened, disappeared; V. slept again by the huge toad, which repeated "Sleep on the other side", where V. found the path, walked along it to the fruit tree; on the other, V. ate it like this many fruits that began to go bald; the bakers brought him to the yam field; Father V. frightened the Bakers, grabbed his son; at home he hugged his mother so tightly that they could not separate; var.1: called a shaman to make them divide; var.2: failed to split because V. was a shaman]: Wagley, Galvão 1949, No. 15:140-142).

Bolivia - Guaporé. Surui [Palop sends his brother Palop Lerega to his wife to bring glue to fix the ax; he copulates with P.'s wife, his penis gets stuck like a dog; P. hits both with a club, thereby freeing them]: Mindlin 1995, No. 21:61-62.

Chaco. Chamacoko [a woman's genitals become like a dog's]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1987a, No. 130:485-487; toba [see motif F34; the wife has a tapir lover; her husband secretly follows her into the forest; shoots a tapir when his wife copulates with it; lovers climb different trees, but like dogs, they can't separate for a long time; the wife drinks, water pours out of her torn vagina; the husband kills a deer, then the wife, the meat brings to her parents]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1982b, No. 184:349-350; caduveo [a shaman's unfaithful wife cannot separate from her lover like a dog; he separates them, they die]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1990a, No. 54:91-92; toba: Wilbert, Simoneau 1982b, No. 184 [a tapir lover, like a dog, cannot separate from a woman]: 349; Wilbert, Simoneau 1989a, No. 104 [coitus in humans lasted a long time, but fast in dogs; The hawk decided it should be the other way around], 105 [human coitus lasted a long time like dogs; the hawk was the first to copulate, his vagina bit off his penis, a stump remained; another person first he threw a stone into the vagina and knocked out his teeth; one soft tooth was left - the clitoris; men copulate freely], 106 [men menstruated first; Dapitchí transfers menstruation to women; first copulating clutched for a long time like dogs; D. said let it be faster than humans], 372 [Asién finds his wife sleeping with her lover; puts a pen between them, they cannot separate; finally tells the old woman to take out the pen, freeing them]: 161, 161-162, 163, 506-508.