Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue

Ethnicities and habitats

F20A. People and dogs. (.25.26.72.)

At first, people copulated like dogs do now, but then they switched with them.

Bunun, fox, toba.

Taiwan - Philippines. Bunun [the man came from a rotten calebasa and the woman from a clay vessel; therefore, the man is lighter and more energetic; the first woman gave birth to children without a man's participation, but her descendants felt sexual attraction; the girl took the guy to the forest for firewood and bent down; when he saw the vulva, he understood what to do; but during the day people were so tired that by evening they were no longer able to take it pohoo; dogs copulated face to face; agreed to switch people]: Coyaud 2012, No. 50:109-110.

China - Korea. Fox: Dessaint, Ngwâma 1994 [when people copulated, they couldn't separate for three days; Vusa told dogs to switch genitals with humans because dogs don't work and don't it's scary if they can't separate for a long time after copulation]: 162; Durrenberger 1977 [Previously, when people copulated, they couldn't separate for a long time; they asked God to change their situation; he told dogs change genitals with people, because dogs do not work, and it's okay if they can't separate for a long time after copulation]: 61.

Chaco. Toba: Wilbert, Simoneau 1989a, No. 104 [human coitus lasted a long time but fast in dogs; Hawk decided it should be the other way around], 105 [human coitus lasted long like dogs; Hawk first copulated, his vagina bit off his penis, a stump remained; another man first threw a stone into his vagina and knocked out his teeth; one soft tooth remained - the clitoris; men copulated freely], 106 [first men menstruated; Dapitchí transfers periods to women; at first, copulating clutched for a long time like dogs; D. said let it be faster than humans]: 161, 161-162, 163, 506-508.