F21. A penis stuck in a tree .43.49.51.
While the character copulates with a woman, she turns into a tree or rock. His penis gets stuck in it.
Plains. Crowe [Coyote copulates with a girl who turns into an elderberry; beavers chew on a tree, freeing his penis; elderberry has been red (from blood) ever since]: Lowie 1918:45-46.
Big Pool. Southern Payut (Shivvitz) [Coyote tries to rape Wolf Brother's wife; woman climbs into an oak hollow, tree closes; Coyote hangs on his penis; Wolf cuts it off; since then, the head There is a coyote penis inside every woman]: Lowie 1924:101; Southern Utah [Wolf: If someone is killed, they will come to life the next morning; Fox: if someone is killed, they will stay dead; his relatives as a sign of mourning they would cut the tails of horses; the Fox began to fight with other tribes; the Wolf wanted the Fox to be wounded in the calf; the wounded Fox asked to be placed on an anthill; the Wolf carried it; followed the enemies who killed A fox; meets two women, asks what they will do; they say that they dance before entering the camp; the Wolf killed them, turned his penis into one old woman, himself into another; the camp began to dance; jumped on the heads of all the dancers, killing them; found the Fox, who is alive again; denies that he has a woman; the wolf set fire to the blanket, found a woman under it; in the absence of Fox rushed at her, but she was a woodworm, disappeared into a tree; Wolf's cock got stuck in it; The fox came back, cut off the dick, the Wolf left]: Lowie 1924, no. 2a: 5.
NW Mexico. Huichol [a man copulates with a woman who turns into a rock; hangs on a rock behind a penis for five days; a vulture cuts off a penis]: Zingg 1982:224
Guiana. Oyampy [the older brother makes his wife out of wood; warns the younger one not to copulate with her; he breaks the ban; the woman becomes wooden, the young man's penis is long, he wears it in the basket; copulates with another woman; she cuts off his penis, bathes; the end left in the vagina turns into an eel]: Grenada 1982, No. 5:70.