Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

F22A. Body part names. (.

The character consistently asks a woman about the name and/or purpose of her body parts until she reaches her genitals.

The coast is the Plateau. Katlamet [Blue Jay sends her leader's daughter to marry Puma; Puma's slave Owl pretends to be him, hides the woman in his bed; at night, Puma hears Owl asking: What is this? - My hair. - Our hair, wife! She answers the following questions in her ears, face, eyebrows, forehead, mouth, nose, throat, shoulder, arm, abdomen; only the navel answers the second question; the owl threatens to scratch her, forcing her to answer her My genitals; she ties a piece of fat with her hair; Puma finds a woman's long hair; finds a woman, carries her to bed; fights Owl in the air; falling pieces of Owl's flesh the woman burns, collects the Puma's flesh; accidentally burns the Puma's intestines; he sends her to the Bear, Raccoon, Wolf, Beaver, Otter to ask them for half of their intestines; only the Lynx's intestines are suitable; woman gives birth to a cougar and an owl]: Boas 1901a, No. 16:129-141; sachaptin [Coyote sails down the Snake River to the dam behind which five Swallow Sisters hold salmon; turns into a baby, adopted by the eldest sister; the youngest suspects it is a Coyote; he sleeps from bed with a foster mother; consistently touches all parts of her body, asking what it is; - My head; - My mother's head ; - My hair; - My mother's hair; about the genitals, the woman says it's for men; - My mother's "men"; this is how they reach her feet; he asks for a drink, drinks everything water, he is told to go to the river himself and get drunk; he breaks the dam by releasing fish into the river; running away shouts what his sisters should call the children they will give birth to]: Farrand, Mayer 1917, No. 2:140-141; tututni (joshua) [The coyote finds the old woman when her sons are at sea; goes to bed in the steam room, sends a storm, the old woman comes in to wake him up; he tells her to go out first; when she bends down, exposing her genitals, copulates and kills her; her sons take him to sea in a boat without oars; when he meets marine animals, he makes their teeth smaller; jumps into a whale, swims inside it for five years, becomes bald, loses skin; takes a knife out of his ear, cuts a whale as it approaches the bank to the mouth of the Ampqua River; the chief's youngest daughter, a teenager, finds him; he feels its body, demanding that each part be named; when it touches genitals, the girl freezes in place; he asks her, puts on her skin, turns the girl into salmon, lets her go to sea; lies between her sisters, gets pregnant with all three; their mother sees a leg the coyote, cut it off, he ran away; she squeezed the coyotes out of her daughters' bellies, crushed them to dust, let them go north]: Farrand 1915, No. 18:233-238; upper coquil [The Coyote comes to the Cus River; the old woman replies that her sons are at sea; the Coyote says he will go to sleep in the steam room; when the sons arrive, let the old woman go into the steam room to pinch him, he will not hear a shout; when she enters, the Coyote rapes her; sons they see this; they send the Coyote who has fallen asleep in a boat to the open sea; he calls the Seal, corrects his head shape; Keith makes teeth out of the basket (whalemustache?) ; lets Keith swallow himself; cuts Keith's heart with a knife, goes outside when he feels that the carcass has been washed ashore; hides in the sand; those who are going to slaughter the whale say that it smells like a living person; they themselves are dead, they abandon the whale, leave; the Coyote climbs into the whale again, sews the hole, the whale nails to the other side; the Coyote is bald and blind; a girl with her period has come; holding her by the hand, the Coyote touches all parts of her body with the other hand, each time asking what it is; she calls it; after she calls her vagina, he pulls her skin off it, puts it on himself; now he is again sees; before that he asked the girl what she would have to do when she returned home; he walks along a rope, holding a tree in each hand, losing his balance a little; the girl's mother is surprised at this; the little brother asks what it is between his sister's legs, they don't pay attention to him; everyone has gone to cut the whale carcass, and Coyote lies down with another sister, who is also a period, rapes her; when the victim is found, The coyote has already run away; he hid in the hollow, telling the hole to overgrow, so he spent the winter; in the spring he screams, consistently sends birds and animals that have come, but the Woodpecker asks to open the hole; he cut, Coyote pulled out his feathers, the woodpecker flew away; the Coyote cuts himself to pieces, pushes them out; The Raven (?) takes his guts away; he eats strawberries, berries fall out of his ass; he seals his anus with resin; jumps over burning grass, his ass lights up, he rushes into the river, it dries up; into the sea; burns; She takes the remains ashore; they are bitten by a beetle, the Coyote comes to life, scolds the beetle for not letting him sleep; comes to his grandmother; gets deer; hears singing, this is the dance of girls who are menstruating; grandmother warns of danger, but he goes from mountain to mountain, singing moves away; eventually tells his excrement to dress him as a leader, joins the dance; dances day and two nights; dancers tear him off hands, even in spite of him; Puma is indignant, goes dancing, but breaks out of the circle; only he managed to survive; the dancers were dead]: Jacobs 2007:159-172.

California. Luiseño [in the primary darkness, the supreme deity creates a man in heaven and a woman on earth; a man touches various parts of her body asking what they are called; she answers; finally comes to vaginas, they copulate]: DuBois 1908:140;.

The Central Andes. Chipaya [the wife was weaving, the husband left, the Fox came; pointing to various parts of the woman's body, began to ask what it was, the woman answered; head (forehead), eye, chest, etc.; when he pointed to the vagina, she replied that it was dinner for her husband; the fox asked if he could eat lunch, the woman agreed; when they copulated, her husband came back; Lisa could not take out his penis, the woman cut it off; the fox stayed outside the house , the wife answered her husband that the Fox was waiting for sheep; took out his penis, threw it away, the Fox took it, tied it with the thread that the woman gave him; smeared it with clay; began to cross the river, the clay softened, the penis came off; his picked it up by a woman herding the sheep, brought it home to cook as a seasoning, began rubbing it with a pestle, his penis jumped into her vagina; she has two daughters, at night the penis climbed into the vagina of one of her daughters; they threw it on a bunch of ash; Fox's penis is lost]: Pache 2012:489-490.

Montagna - Jurua. Kashinahua: Ans 1975 [a man finds a parrot's nest, makes a ladder; it breaks down every now and then; the wife advises taking his brother as an assistant; he climbs to the nest and finds him human baby; gives up to his sister; in a few nights the boy grows up; turns leaves into fish, makes a field overnight; when he makes another field, the mother comes to spend the night in his hut; he consistently touches her hair, nose, mouth, ears, neck, arms, chest, abdomen, toenails, heel, leg play, thigh and asks what it is; when it touches her genitals, she laughs and replies that it's "your father's fresh and juicy flesh", "your father's sweet and juicy banana"; "What does this serve for?" - "If you want to know, I'll teach you"; he becomes her lover, she gets pregnant; with the help of his parrot relatives, he clears an even larger field, becomes a parrot himself; his adoptive father follows him, loses his way, dies]: 195-200; Tastevin 1926 [a man asks a woman what parts of her body are called and what their purpose is; ends with a question about the genitals; the couple marries, from them Kashinaua occur]: 170.

Chaco. Maca: Wilbert, Simoneau 1991a, No. 100 [were blind honey pickers; the woman is unhappy that her husband brings her little honey, goes to the forest, eats the honey of a blind collector; tells him that she is a woman offers himself to marry; he summons his comrades; they feel all parts of her body, she calls them; when she reaches the vulva, she says that people sometimes fight because of her vulva; blind people also decide to fight, injure and they kill each other; a woman first tells them to fight only with her hands, not with hardwood axes, then tells them to stop fighting altogether; the woman married the nephew she first approached; blind people catch blackheads with their hands; blind people drank honey, got drunk, fell asleep; the woman smeared their eyes with menstrual blood, the latter only had enough for one eye; blurred eyes saw the light], 101 [husband did not brings her wife enough honey, she goes to the forest to see the blind intowoolei; eats the honey they throw from the tree into the calabasses; says she took her to be a woman; she takes the blind to her village; they they consistently feel parts of her body, ask them what they are called; when she reaches the vulva, she says that men fight to have access to it; the blind also fight, the woman tells her not to fight with sticks and fists; when her husbands fell asleep after drinking honey, she smeared their eyes with her menstrual blood; they saw the light, was alone blind, he did not have enough blood; so they are still blind; until When they saw the light, the Lizard laughed that they were eating eels raw without fire], 102 [the woman loved honey, always looking for honey pickers; once she found a skillful one, he was blind; he felt it, called others, they had never met a woman before; they felt her genitals, then wanted to fight on sticks, she persuaded them to eat honey better; they ate, fell asleep; she smeared their eyes with her menstrual blood, they they saw the light; blood alone was not enough, he saw a light in one eye; the blind began to scream, and the woman used these screams to name the objects surrounding her in the land of the blind]: 219-223, 223-226, 226-227.