Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

F23. The reason for menstruation: sexual intercourse .

Blood shed during sexual intercourse or artificial defloration during the creation era causes menstruation to occur to this day.

(Dogon), mara, mountain arapesh, kuni, gimi, bondo, juang, sora, cond, arapaho, mixteki, wawe, piaroa, maquiritare, desana, sharanaua, yaminaua, chamakoko, matako, chiripa, yagana.

(Wed. West Africa. Dogon [{it is not clear whether this is the origin of menstruation in general or a specific event}; the heavenly god Amma created the earth, made him his wife; first she had a termite clitoris; then A. his snatched (excision), his wife began to obey him; Yurugu (Fox, Vulpes pallida) was born before excision, then the first man and woman; they put a green skirt on their mother; Yu committed incest with his mother, in As a result, forest spirits were born, and an act of incest led to menstruation; after that A. retired from his wife because she became unclean]: Palau Marti 1957:52).

Australia. Mara [during the ceremony, many Bandicoot men copulated too often with a Bandicoot woman; she lost a lot of blood and decided to become a bandicoot and hide in a hole where men didn't have her get it; women have been menstruating ever since]: Spencer, Gillen 1968:602 in Waterman 1987, No. 2790:83.

Melanesia. Mountain arapes: Mead 1040, No. 31 [the man got married, the girl does not have a vagina; he placed the fern root on a tree trunk, where his wife was relieved, she pierced her vagina; she began her period; further description of the ritual for menarche and marriage], 32 [the cassowarichs went down to the pond, took off their clothes from their feathers, began to swim; the man hid the clothes alone, brought them to the village, hid them in a menstrual hut; she does not have a vagina; he placed her female where she relieves her need, she pierced her vagina, she began to menstruate; gave birth to four sons, a daughter, another son; when he was five years old, the elders went to the forest, mother She told the youngest to find her hidden clothes, put it on and flew away; after a while, three brothers came to the tree, beat drums, blew flutes; the mother flew in and invited her, but they returned to her father] : 375-376, 376-377; Cooney [Buya got together with Babeauba; she bleed the next morning; he gave her a tight bandage to wear during her period; this is how her period appeared]: Egidi 1913, No. 2 : 991-992; gimi [The month is the first to copulate with all women, causing menstruation; first the vaginas are tiny; the boy told the woman to lie on the shore, climbed a tree, threw a long stone down in wicker bag; the woman was splashed with mud, she trembled, her legs spread, the water opened her vagina slightly; it was the Month that put its long penis on the ground]: Gillison 1986:51.

South Asia. Bondo [brother raped younger sister; blood flowed, she died; it became an edible root; women have been menstruating ever since]: Elwin 1950:123; 1954, No. 5:475; sora (Lanjhia Saora) [at first there was no period; one man copulated with his wife so intensively that a thread in her vagina broke, blood flowed; Galbesum let them eat two and a half grains of rice; each for a month, the thread will tear again and the blood will flow for two and a half days]: Elwin 1949, No. 75:281; juang [at first the women did not have periods; the seven Bhendia brothers saw seven Kaniya sisters and got together with them; after that, the girls bleed every month; when the girl first bleeds, she dreams of copulating with these brothers; when a boy has seed, he dreams how copulates with these sisters]: Elwin 1949, No. 68:278; cond: Elwin 1954, No. 7 [everyone had a couple and Dinaravenj was one; Nirantali told him he would be the first to have all women; he copulates with them in a dream, then the girl begins her first period; the blood of N. Rani-aru and Sona-aru turned to gold and silver], 10 [The lizard told the girl she would never ripen if he did not come to her; at night he lay down with the girl, she bleed; the lizard copulates with every girl who has her first period]: 476-477, 478.

Plains. Arapaho [Marries an earthly girl for a month; they perform their first copulation causing their first menstruation]: Dorsey 1903:177.

Mesoamerica Mishteki [brothers, who then become the sun and month, kill the seven-headed snake, take its eyes; then the owner of the snake, who has teeth in her vagina, is given chirimoya fruits to eat, which makes her falls asleep; her younger brother (next Month) knocked out her teeth with ticks (con una tenaza) or a grain grater chimes, copulated with her; when she woke up, she threw a boot (zapato) at her younger brother, which fell on the sky turned into the Pleiades; the woman lost a lot of blood and since then women have been menstruating because the month is visiting them]: Valentina Glockner Fagetti in Chinchilla Mazariegos 2010a: 130; 2011:94 {miscellaneous details in 2010 and 2011 stories}; wawe [when the Moon was in the west, a young man climbed on her and deprived her of her virginity; blood flowed; women have been menstruating since then; the young man was punished turned into a rabbit; moon eclipses are caused by her loss of blood when bitten by a young rabbit living on her; if a pregnant woman falls under the moon's rays at this time, her future baby's face will be covered with the same spots as the face of the moon itself]: Lupo 1991:230-231.

Southern Venezuela. Piaroa [Vahari's wives swing on a swing; his younger brother Buoka carries his penis over his shoulder, sends him to women; V. turns into a woman; when B.'s penis crawls towards him, he cuts off five pieces from it, giving it a normal size; B. is stained with blood, menstruates; V.: men should not menstruate; women ask where B.'s discharge comes from; called consistently head, ears, mouth, fingertips, knees, legs, anus; naming the penis, copulate with B. after receiving menstruation from it; V.: menstruating should not touch meat brought by a man]: Kaplan? in Cavendish 1980:262-263; makiritar: Civrieux 1980 [A month enters her sister's bosom, trying to extract a magical embryo from her body]: 49; Guss 1989 [Odosha's demon takes shape Vanadi, comes to his daughter Vanasichama, tells her brother to lie down with her; the young man dies soon, and the girl begins her first period (the origin of menstruation)]: 56-57.

NW Amazon. Desana [on the doorsteps of Wainambi, the sun father committed incest with his undermature daughter; blood splashed, women have been menstruating since then; the girl's buttock prints remain on the stones, red blood marks and a hole (where she urinated); the witness was bari buge (bari uahti), a small insect; when he heard the daughter of the Sun laugh, he came closer; when he saw the act, he became human, made the first horn Yurupari to tell everyone what they saw; one day, when men went to hide their flutes after playing, the women watched, took their instruments; when they then touched their bodies, armpits and arms with their hands their pubic hair grew; the men came back, the women seduced them, although they were the same fratria as them]: Reichel-Dolmatoff 1968:20 (=1971:28).

Montagna - Jurua. Sharanahua [the young man comes to his sister at night; to find out who sleeps with her, she smears half of his face with her genip; in the morning he sees paint on his brother's face; says, Let the enemies kill you! Enemies attack, cut off the young man's head; his head is smeared with firefly feces to glow in the dark; the young man's elder brother puts it in the basket; his head asks for water, but she spills through and through; the older brother and other people run across the river, make it full; hide in the house of the mother of the decapitated; the head tells them that she saw the battleship; men begin to chase him, head into it time copulates with all women; they start menstruating; the head asks the mother to give her balls of black and white threads; climbs into the sky, becomes the Month; all women menstruate]: Siskind 1973:47-48; yaminaua [like sharanaua; a young man goes to his sister, who smears his face with a genipa; later enemies cut off his head; after a series of adventures, the head manages to have sex with all Yaminaua women; in This is the reason for menstruation; the head climbs into the sky, turns into a Month]: MacQuarrie 1992, No. 1:216.

Chaco. Chamacoko [with battleship trickster]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1987a, No. 107:424; matako [with the Month]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1982a, No. 9, 28:50 (note 7), 83-84

Southern Brazil. Chiripa [with the Month]: Bartolomé 1977:39

The Southern Cone. The Yagans [two Yoálox brothers and their sister Yoálox-tárnuxipa (Gusinde 1937:1451: identified with Aldebaran) live together; Wren has many pretty wives, he He consistently sends them to the Joaloh brothers, who examine each one, their sister gives each meat; the last comes the most beautiful one, Mákuxipa (Gusinde 1937:1451: Betelgeuse), the brothers ask not to give she is meat, she remains their common wife with them; returning from hunting, the older brother overhears M. praising the younger's penis, considering the older's penis too small; the older brother copulates with her, tearing her apart her vagina with her penis, blood flows; this is how her period appeared]: Wilbert 1977, No. 17:42-46.