F24. The reason for menstruation: bite. (.19.) .23.55.-.
Women lose blood when they are bitten by fish, snake, etc.
(Abelam), bongo, juang, kogi, sicuani, chiriguano, mejinaca, calapalo, carazha, maca.
(Wed. Melanesia. Abelam [at first, male and female organs were long; a man would sit in the upper reaches of the river, let his penis flow, and a woman waited for him somewhere below; one day she got scared and cut off penis; remained the current size; and the man knocked down a tree on the site towards the woman; half of the female genitals were torn off, this part turned into a certain type of yam; the other half remained small; because of the wound, women have been menstruating ever since; the moon also menstruates]: Huber-Greub 1988, no. 8.1.24:292).
South Asia. Bongo: Elwin 1950:123 [female genitals were tiny, men performed an act on a woman's belly; a rat bit through a hole between Raja's wife's legs; blood has flowed since the woman menstruating], 176 [A rat bit a woman between her legs, creating a vagina; a woman became angry that she started bleeding, killed and ate a rat]; juang: Elwin 1949, No. 70 [first There was no vulva, the man used the rest of the umbilical cord for copulation, the woman used the navel; one day the husband was lying with his wife, she was bitten by a rat between her legs, blood flowed; the husband inserted his penis into the hole and went blind ; in a dream, Mahapurub ordered not to copulate during menstruation; the rat brought medicine, the man saw the light; these rats are not eaten, they smell old blood], 71 [the husband was lying with his wife, the snake bit her between her legs, with Since then, women bleed every month; if women are eaten by the lotus, the bleeding will stop]: 279.
The Northern Andes. Kogi [according to Anne Legast, women menstruate because they are bitten by a bat]: Zuidema 1992:254.
Llanos. Sicuani [Purna puts peaks, two female sisters steal fish from the sky; P. points an arrow, she injures the youngest; P. heals her, rises with both to heaven; they warn him not slip on the mat, otherwise their father will eat it; Huemuéni's father-in-law (a snake) orders to clear the area; P.'s younger brother comes in the form of a paki, killed, eaten, P. revives him; next time in the image capybaras; P. finds some fat from the capybara eaten, makes two eggs, from which ferocious chicks hatch; P. raises one in the forest, he turns into a condor capable of lifting logs; P. lures his father-in-law into the forest to eat ants; the condor rushes at him, but only injures him; a year later he manages to pick him up and carry him away; mother-in-law tries to poison his son-in-law by throwing garbage from the roof into his food; puts piranhas in the bosom of his daughter; P. puts his wife in the river, throws timbo; piranhas swim out and die; the latter remains, causes menstruation; at this time you can't copulate; mother-in-law entered the river, piranhas ate her; the eldest daughter turns her mother's jaw into a digging stick, chases P.; in the first village, when asked by P., people say that they are waiting to kill P.; he turns them into wasps; in the other, into snakes; in the third, into biting ones ants; the Kahuyáli man makes a boat, the stalker does not believe he is not P., cuts off his leg; he throws his leg into the river, it turns into a catfish; P. hides in a tree in the form of a mako, takes away from wife digger, turns his wife into a duck; K. creates several birds screaming that he has no leg; he is brought home]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1992, No. 6:39-49.
Bolivia-Guaporé. Chiriguano [at her first period, a girl lies down in a hammock; old women pretend to look for, find and kill the snake that bit her]: Saignes 1984:38.
Southern Amazon. Removing biting and stinging creatures from the woman's womb, the hero leaves one piranha. Mehinaku: Gregor 1985:142; kalapalo [extracts piranha but puts it in the woman's chest]: Basso 1987:219-221.
Araguaia. Karazha [Idianakatu and his brother marry the daughters of the Sun; he inserts them into the bosom of piranhas; brother is bitten; I. asks the Monkey to have sex first; since then, monkeys have a red penis and the testicles are half bitten off; I. asks Ghabir for a branch of the timbo vine, inserts it into vaginas, piranhas die; one remains, causes women to menstruate; wives tell their husbands that the trees are more beautiful than them; the insulted brothers leave; the bird Sarakura invented the boat, the brothers asked for it; they row with an oar handle; Miriti's pigeon explains to row with an oar; I. kills trees with arrows; brothers turn into pirarucu fish (the origin of these fish)]: Baldus 1952-1953:214-215.
Chaco. Maca [fisherman Sania (a bird with long red legs, probably Cariama cristata) lived by a lake into which a river from the lower world flowed; found necklaces by the water; the catch is missing; he spies sees necklaces coming out of the water from the roof of the house, the flood began; when the water flooded the house, the waters of the women; two spirits sii and sooj whistled with their singing; women ate fish with their mouths and vagina; S. said to others; Iguana grabbed a woman, inserted a penis, it was bitten off; Iguana has two penises, the next time the second one is also bitten off; the Month has a long penis, he unfolded it, crawled, bitten off; the Sun's penis is also bitten off; The hawk dances, the women dance, everything bitten off falls out of them; the Hawk attaches their penises back, except for the end of the Month's penis, but it's already long; the biting piranhas also fell out, but the little one remains, causes monthly bleeding; the female genitals have the smell of piranhas]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1991a, No. 2:19-21.