Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

F25. The reason for menstruation: someone else's blood.


A woman is stained with someone else's or her own blood or blood-like paint, and women have been menstruating ever since.

Kabila, Socotra, Belarusians, Western Ukrainians (Hutsuls), Shuswap, Upper Chehalis, Tillamook, Cous, Ne Perse, Winnebago, Menominee, Fox, Potauatomi, Seneca, Omaha and Ponca, Iowa, Karok, coastal miwok, western and northern shoshones, southern payut, havasupai, yavapai, siona, sekoya, koreguahe, spike, surui, tupari, umotina.

North Africa. Kabila [men had periods, blood was flowing from his right armpit; husband and wife went to a party, my husband was on their period, he put a napkin under his arm; when he raised his hand to greet the men square, the napkin fell; to hide the "shame", the wife quickly hid it between her legs; so the menstrual period passed to women]: Arezki 2010:148-151.

Western Asia. Socotra [the woman did not have her period, and the man's blood was constantly trickling under her arm; he collected it in a vessel; the woman found the vessel, removed the lid, put her hand in; no matter how hard she tried, she could not wash it off blood from her fingers; I went to the healer; he advised me to put my fingers in the vulva; the blood came off the fingers, and the women began to menstruate]: Müller 1905, No. 23:106-107.

Central Europe. Western Ukrainians [the maid of the Virgin violates the ban and opens her shirt dyed with blood shed during childbirth (Hutsuls) or during her first period (Podolia)]: Kabakova 2019:143; Belarusians [the maid of the Virgin violates the ban and opens her shirt, painted in her first period; a woman, despite God's prohibition, looks at her ancestral filth]: Kabakova 2019:143.

Western Siberia. Siberian Tatars (Bolsherechensky District, Omsk Oblast) [After Allah expelled Adam and Eve from paradise, they were ashamed of their nudity; the trees did not want to give them their leaves, and only aspen took pity and covered their nudity; for this Allah punished the aspen, and from then Since then, her leaves fall first in autumn, and because Eva covered herself with red aspen leaves, all women are now menstruating]: Korusenko et al. 2013:30.

The coast is the Plateau. Shuswap [men used to menstruate; Coyote thinks it's uncomfortable for hunters and women still stay at home; changes position by throwing secretions at women]: Teit 1909a: 626-627; upper chehalis [the old man was the first to menstruate; blood came out of his eyes; the girls laughed at him; he wiped his eyes, threw blood at the girls; if they hadn't laughed, they would have menstruated men]: Adamson 1934:95; tillamook [Crow married the Seal; asks his wife to bring her brothers to watch him shamanite; men, women and children Seals come and dance around The crow; he pokes his spear at the fattest, but the Seal always catches the spear, unharmed; Tyuoenikha alone leaves her baby to Raven's wife; she hides it under the bed; the Raven feels unwell asks his wife if she has anything; she tells her to look under the bed, the Raven kills the seal, tells his wife to cook, sprinkles his blood on her feet, says that now she is menstruating, she should not eat fresh meat; she replies that she won't eat her people anyway; the raven eats alone; everything repeats, they gave him one seal every time]: Jacobs, Jacobs 1959, No. 32:109-110; cous [ Trickster comes to see her sister; makes nieces fall on their backs to see their genitals; takes the girl with the biggest vulva fishing; helps her climb over a tree after she agrees to call him husband; she sprays salmon blood on her genitals (the origin of menstruation; a menstruating woman is not allowed to eat fresh fish); the girl (she is a Duck) runs away]: Jacobs 1940, No. 29: 193; ne perse: Phinney 1934 [A raccoon kills a bear; his grandmother cuts a carcass, wounds her arm with a knife; a raccoon says she is menstruating and must retire to a special hut; changing her voice, Makes her believe that a lot of guests have come; she eats all the meat himself; later the grandmother turns into a Bear, kills him]: 265-267; Spinden 1917, No. 18 [Grizzly notices a Raccoon on the tree, asks how he is climbed; backwards; she climbs backwards, asks him to look in her head; her lice are frogs; he pierces her ear with a needle, she dies; his grandmother scratched her thighs, the Raccoon says she has her period, He sends him home; pretends that a lot of people have come, eats all the meat himself, leaves her grandmother only the skin; she puts it on, turns into a Grizzly, kills him]: 196-198.

The Midwest. Winnebago [The hare brings the meat of a wild cat; splashes blood on her grandmother's feet; she builds a separate hut for herself; whispers softly, pretending to be far away; she puts the hut next to her; The hare speaks different voices, pretending to have many guests; he eats all the meat himself; tells his grandmother that a man with one eye would like to marry her; leaves, takes out one eye, comes back under looking like the groom, spends the night with his grandmother; during this time, the mice chewed on his removed eye (without further details)]: Radin 1956, No. 16:79-81; menominee [Myanyabush learns his grandmother has bear lover; throws a lit birch bark at him, his hair lights up, the bear dies; M. gives his grandmother a bear meat, but before she starts eating, throws a blood clot between her legs; since then, women menstruate; (women in this condition should not eat meat), M. eats everything himself]: Hoffman 1896:174-175; Fox [Visakia climbs into the bag, rolls down the mountain; Turkeys want too; V. puts them in a bag, brings them home; his grandmother lets them out, only one thing is enough; V. throws turkey blood between her legs; asks how many stripes she makes on her bast bag; there are six of them; so women menstruation will last six days]: Jones 1907, No. 11:289-295; potauatomi [Visakya lives with her grandmother; sprinkles animal blood on her, says she has her period; since then, women have monthly and they should retire]: Skinner 1924:338.

Northeast. Seneca [first woman and her little daughter thrown from the sky into the ocean; falls on the Turtle's back; sprinkles the earth on her shell, the earth grows up; her daughter is pregnant with the Wind; the twins argue about her in the womb, how can they get out; the youngest, Warty, goes through the navel, killing his mother; the eldest lives with his grandmother; brings a beaver from the hunt; she splashes blood between his legs, says that he is now menstruating; he splashes blood on his grandmother's feet; says that women will not have menstruation; grandson: let the menstrual period last as many days as the spots on the deer's skin; grandmother: as many as stripes on chipmunk back (four); he agrees]: Hewitt 1903:252-253.

Plains. Omaha, ponka: Dorsey 1890:22 [The rabbit kills the bear, asks the grandmother to help carry the meat; she refuses to carry the hips, ribs, head (heavy, sharp bones, etc.); takes a penis masturbates to them; at home The rabbit asks where she has been for so long; throws bear blood between her legs (the origin of menstruation); tells her to cook and eat separately outside the home], 579-580 [Rabbit tells Turkeys dance with your eyes closed; whoever opens it will turn red; puts turkeys in a bag, brings it to her grandmother; she opens the bag, all turkeys, except one, fly away; The rabbit throws turkey giblets at the grandmother, her the genitals are stained with blood (the origin of menstruation); while the grandmother moves to a separate hut, the Rabbit pretends to feast with the Pawnee Indians; in fact, eats all the meat alone]; iowa [Hare rides down the mountain in animal skin; turkeys want it too, he ties the skin, brings it to his grandmother; she opens it, only two turkeys are enough; the hare splashes their blood between her legs; says that she is on her period; pretends to feast with tree guests (Oak, Chestnut, Elm, etc.); eats everything himself]: Skinner 1925, No. 40:498-499.

California. Karok [Coyote tells his daughter Turtle that it is time for her to marry; she replies that she is still young; he splashes blood; tells him to marry a man like him, moves his house; next time, his daughter realizes that she slept with her father; drives him away]: Kroeber, Gifford 1980, No. II44, II45:197-198; coastal mivok [Duck is the wife of Coyote Hawk's grandson; Coyote stirred the red paint, told her to drink, then at this time, she began to menstruate (the origin of her period); at this time, the reed boats began to sink, the Hawk almost drowned; Coyote said that if anyone goes fishing when his wife has her period, he will drown; Coyote's wife Frog left him {this upizod is incomprehensible}]: Kelly 1978, No. 5:29-30.

Big Pool. If not otherwise: Coyote does this to exclude a girl from being a meat eater (a woman who has her period should not eat meat). Western Shoshones [except Powell; he removed this girl from the body of a deceased woman as a baby]: Powell 1971 [Coyote sits by the fire next to his sister Ka-ma-pu-ah; causes bleeding from nose, his blood drips to the ground; he tells the girl it's her blood, tells her to live separately for five days; women have been menstruating ever since]: 270; Steward 1943:273-274; Smith 1993:130, 160-161; northern shoshoni [Wolf: 1) all the game is in the pen, people take it as needed; 2) people are immortal; 3) no periods; 4) people give birth from the finger, no sex is needed; Coyote: 1) releases game, now we have to hunt; 3) blood splashes on her daughter, she goes to the menstrual hut; 4) people should make love, women should give birth]: Lowie 1909b, No. 2b: 239; southern payut: Lowie 1924, No. 11 (shivvitz) [like Western Shoshones], 5a (Moapa) [daughter of his companion]: 126, 167

The Great Southwest. Havasupai [The Coyote lives in the same dugout with his uncle Belka and his daughter; while the Squirrel is hunting, she sprays blood on the girl; she leaves, creating four springs along the way, plunging her into the ground split wild cat bone; enters the village; rejects all birds and animals and marries a lazy Quail; gives birth to a son from the thumb; the boy grows up, goes to his grandfather Belka; The way stops at the camp of women collecting pignons; ties sleeping women's hair, wakes them up, cuts off their heads with an ax, hangs their heads on a tree, brings the meat to their husbands under the guise of game; The vulture shaman guessed it, the Coyote found the heads, the young man became a partridge, flew to his grandfather's village]: Smithson, Euler 1994:41-44 (same in Smithson 1971:36-37 in Beck et al. 2001:219); Valapai: Kroeber 1935:275-278 [Wikala'iya and her daughter and Coyote live together; Coyote finds a mountain sheep cub trampled by a herd, brings it, cuts it; the girl sits naked with her legs spread; the Coyote splashes blood on her animal, says that she is now on her period, she cannot eat meat; the offended girl leaves; her dog tries to stop her unsuccessfully; the girl comes to a village where various animals and birds live in in the image of people; one wins a lot of beads, is going to marry the woman; the Coyote says he saw her first; the girl rejects him, rejects the Owls, the Moose, the Serpent and others; says he will only accept Quail; they send him, he marries a girl, they have a son], 282 [Little Quail appears from a tumor on the girl's arm; Coyote says that such births are too easy, let the fetus ripen in womb]; yavapai [Coyote lives in Wilkilhaya and his daughter's house; smears the girl's thigh with blood from killed rabbits while she sits with him in the hearth; says that she is now on her period and cannot eat meat; the girl leaves, comes to the village, stays with an old woman; Coyote (the other) finds her, calls all men; she rejects everyone, goes to live with Quail; gives birth to quails, they fly away, she grabs last, he turns into a boy; he goes to his grandfather; stops with four women on the way; at night he ties their hair; in the morning he cuts off their heads, brings meat to the village of their people under the guise of game; The coyote discovers the deception, the young man runs away; his grandfather is attacked by lies, the young man kills them all]: Gifford 1933a: 383-388.

Western Amazon. Siona [woman laughs at the Month, which is menstruating; he throws leaf gum between her legs so that women now menstruate]: Chaves 1958:137; sekoya [first menses in men; Nyanyo (Month) takes her son out of his knee, puts him in a pot; his wife only breastfeeds the boy at night; her sister opens the lid, breaking the leg of the Parrot, put as a watchman; the boy cries, the wife N. comes running from the field, throws the red paint of achiote at his sister; the boy continues to cry; the parents put the pot on the fire; the boy plays the flute , soars to the sky, becomes the Sun; another person Toayo (Wanyo) also sits into the fire, becomes the second sun (now he is with the first one; without details); first everything burn; N. moves the sky further from the ground with a stick, reducing the heat; The battleship manages to extinguish the second sun, but its tail burns]: Cipolletti 1988, No. 7:65-68; coreguache [first menstruation for men ; the wife asks her husband to light the fire, he lies down; yet she handed the smut to his wife, staining her with blood; after that, the bleeding becomes the lot of women]: Jimenez 1989, No. 47:105.

Eastern Amazon. Paracana [men first menstruated; when the sky separated from the ground and the cultural hero went to live in heaven, the battleship shot at the moon, then, sending arrows one at the tail of the other, made a chain of arrows from heaven to earth; different animals tried to climb it, but the chain broke under the weight of a tapir; different types of living beings became inhabitants of the corresponding loci; when to the moon they shot, the men told the women not to leave their homes; but they went out, the blood of the moon spilled on them and they had their periods]: Fausto 2012:65-66; spiking [one of the two brothers notices that theirs sister is pregnant; advises her to smear her night lover's face with genipus juice; she turns out to be another brother; lovers run to heaven; quarrel, sister falls to the ground with a meteor, turns into a tapir; brother It is done by the Month; the other brother tells the warriors to shoot; only the Battleship's arrow hits the Month; blood is shed; women wipe themselves from the bottom up, are under the influence of the Month; men wipe from top to bottom; birds bathe in blood, receiving colored plumage]: Nimuendaju 1920:1010-1011.

Bolivia - Guaporé. Tupari [men menstruated first, blood flowed from the penis; one person bleed a tiny arrow, stabbed a woman from behind; menstruation passed to women]: Caspar 1975:79; surui [men menstruated first; a girl spies on a man while he is sitting in a ritual hut; he moistens his hand with blood from his penis, touches her vagina; now women are menstruating]: Mindlin 1995, No. 10:37.

Southern Amazon. Umotin [a girl spoke to a man making arrows when he was on his period; he threw a bark swab at her, giving bleeding to women]: Schultz 1962, no. t: 255-256.