Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

F27. Girls and water perfumes .


It is dangerous for girls or women to approach water (aquatic creatures drag it away or swallow it; a girl who comes to the water dies; becomes pregnant by a snake; it is her fault that a flood occurs or a catastrophe of another kind; water spirits themselves come to a girl who has her first period).

Bantu-speaking Africa. Scythe [the chief's daughter is in the ritual hut; the other girls persuaded her to go swimming; when they returned to shore, there was a snake next to their clothes; everyone treated her politely, snake told them to pick up their clothes and leave; the chief's daughter mocked her, the snake bit her, she became the color of a snake; the girls replaced her in the ritual hut with another girl, and the chief's daughter went into the forest, climbed on a tree; a lumberjack hears her asking her to tell her parents; her father finds her, executes the girls, sends her daughter with cows and servants to a distant place; there cows give an unusually large amount of milk; it is drained, it forms a slide, the slide falls on the chief's daughter, who becomes beautiful again; the young man marries her, giving the leader a rich ransom]: McCall Theal 1882:63-67.

Australia. Tiwi [a snake lives in streams and waters, which is especially dangerous for pregnant women and taboo breakers; its name Mariti means rainbow]: Hart 1931:111.

Melanesia. Monumbo [a girl who has her period went swimming with others; stuck to a stone; her two brothers threw coconuts as a gift to the river, etc., but this did not help; the girl fell under water, became the wife of the spirit of the dead; spirits came to the wedding in the form of snakes, lizards, birds, etc.]: Höltker 1965, No. 14:94-95; Trobrians [vaivaya, unembodied newborn spirits, live in the sea, hide in floating foam; girls must take certain precautions when bathing to avoid becoming pregnant]: Malinowski 1948:191-192.

Burma - Indochina. Vieta [lonely aunt Tang Ma bathed, became pregnant with a snake, gave birth to three snakes; one accidentally cut off the tip of her tail with a hoe; released them into the river, they became river spirits; during the season rains raise the water level, especially snakes with a severed tail]: Knorozova 2000:182-183.

China - Korea. Ailao (ancestors of the Tibeto-Burmese Bai and Yizu people in Yunnan) [a woman became pregnant while bathing from a floating piece of tree; after giving birth to her children, this piece turned into a dragon; when her father- the dragon came out of the water, eight sons were frightened, one sat on it]: Chesnov 1976:32, 194; Nanzhao [in the lake, a woman touched a floating piece of tree, gave birth to 10 sons; the tree turned into dragon, he asked where his sons were; nine boys ran away, the youngest tenth sat on a dragon; 10 dragon sons became ancestors of 99 tribes inhabiting Nanzhao]: Przyluski 1925:277 in Knorozova 2000:178; miao (hë-miao) [the girl went to the river to get water, became pregnant with a dragon, gave birth to a boy, the ancestor of the moon family ("dragon"); the dragon came out of the river as a young man, the girl's father hit him with a spear , the dragon is back in the water]: Schotter 1911:328.

Caucasus - Asia Minor. Armenians (Etchmiadzin) [a beeremennaya should not wade across the river; if a fish or aquatic animal swims between her legs, she will give birth to a fish or aquatic animal]: Bunatov 1893:190.

Southern Siberia - Mongolia. Tuvans are Tojins [a woman should not fish because she is unclean and can offend the water spirit]: Weinstein 196:172.

NW Coast. The Tlingit [two women are menstruating; otters are trying to drag women into the water; shamans recommend leaving clothes stained with blood for otters on the shore; otters are leaving]: Swanton 1909, No. 27:64-65.

The coast is the Plateau. Twana [a girl has her first period; contrary to the ban, she swims in a lake; a man sits on her clothes; repeats her words until she calls him husband; she lives with him in a lake; her five Brothers come one after another; the husband pierces four with his sharp tail; the fifth turns the stump into a man, the tail gets stuck in him, the young man kills the monster; finds the brothers' hearts in his stomach, revives them]: Adamson 1934:371-374.

Northeast. Penobscot [the girl's mother does not tell her to swim so much; the girl gets pregnant from the foam on the water; her father tells his people Owls to leave his daughter alone; the kingfisher brings her game; the old woman comes , helps her raise her son Pena; Pena finds her mother's relatives; An old groundhog tells how a huge Polar Bear enslaved them; Chickady says the Bear's heart is in his heel; Foam kills a Bear with an arrow; chosen as Chief]: Speck 1935b, No. 22:55-58; Delaware: Bierhorst 1995, No. 84 [girl gets pregnant while playing by the river, gives birth to a fish; her grandmother places her in a trail filled with water a horse's hoof; a fish turns into an ogre monster, a hoof mark into a lake; two young men rise to the Sun, receive ash from it, throw it into the lake; it dries up, the monster dies; young men are given wampum], 99 [a girl gives birth to a fish, it is thrown into a ditch; the ditch becomes a lake, the fish becomes huge; it eats people; the poor woman's two grandchildren turn into a Raven and a Dove, fly to the Sun, get hot ash, they pour it into the lake; the water boils, the monster dies, the young men receive the wampum promised by the elders as a reward], 160 [the same; the girl violates the ban on swimming naked, gets pregnant by the spirit]: 48, 52, 67.

California. Pomo: Barrett 1933:200-202 [a menstruating woman will fall ill if she approaches the Blue Lakes, which is home to a monster that looks like a huge long lizard with a fish tail]; Oswalt 1964, no. 24-26 (porridge) [a girl or woman approaches the water, sees a supernatural being, falls ill, dies]: 145-151; kato, yuki [a horned and feathered serpent lives in coastal reeds; can seduce a girl if she comes close to a place like this]: Essene 1942:48, 72

The Great Southwest. Hopi [girl comes to water (no taboo break mentioned); dragged under water; twin heroes save her]: Voth 1905, #26:102-105; Zunyi: Hultkrantz 1987 [horned and feathered serpent dwells in the sea and groundwater; can cause rain and make pregnant women bathe]: 97 in Blust 2000:527; Tylor 1964 [(Benedict, Zuñi Mythology, I,312); if the girl is too deep sinks into the spring, she can get pregnant from a water snake and a snake can carry her away]: 247.

The Northern Andes. Embera (chami) [turns into a fish mother]: Chaves 1945, No. 6:153; yupa [dies as larvae have penetrated her genitals]: Wilbert 1974a, No. 22:109; mestizos of northern Venezuela, state Yarakui [rainbow is a flying two-headed snake that drinks water from rivers; makes women coming to springs pregnant]: Valcarcel 1958:575 (G. Antolinez data).

Llanos. Sicuani: Wilbert, Simoneau 1992, No. 100 [a menstruating girl walks to the river; knocking on a calebass, summons Anaconda from the water, copulates with her; young men chop Anaconda into pieces, thereby saving girl's life], 121-124 [a girl during her first period is taken away by fish that have celebrated a holiday; becomes a siren, Mother of Pisces]: 371, 431-437.

Guiana. Warrau: Brett 1868 [by Schomburg; people live in the sky; the Okonorote hunter's arrow breaks a hole; people go down to earth; a fat woman gets stuck; on earth, the Great Spirit forbids swim in the lake; brothers Kororoma, Kororomana, Kororomatu, Kororomatitu live near the lake (cf. Kororomanu is the creator god) and their sisters Korobona and Korobonáko; sisters bathe, one is dragged away by a water monster, released by a pregnant woman; she gives birth to a boy and a half-snake; her four brothers chop him into parts; mother buries them, Caribbean grows out of them, attacks warrau]: 389-392; García 1993, No. 89 [Matiaguare tells sisters not to swim in the river; the youngest only pours calebasa water over herself, the eldest climbs into the water; becomes pregnant; despite her big belly, bears a lot of fruit; M. spies on her son (he is a snake below the waist) comes out of her womb, climbs a tree, then comes back; next time kills a snake child with an arrow; worms crawl out of his corpse, turn into Caribbean; his son M. is killed; he finds the Caribbean sleeping in their house, finds the remains of his son, cuts off the ropes of hammocks, the Caribbean falls, some die, some run away into the forest; the house turns into worms, worms into blacks; M. killed many Caribbean people, but they killed his younger brother; then M. made peace with them, they went into the forest]: 276-279; Wilbert 1970, No. 24 [Mária-Guari has two younger sisters; he does not tell them to swim in the river, and in the pond only in his presence; the eldest bathes alone, gets pregnant by a snake; MG sees a snake baby crawl out of her womb climbs a tree, turns into a man, sheds its fruit, then returns to its bosom; MG shot a snake child with a bow; she collects them, each turns into a Caribbean; first they are friends with a warrau; one day their mother kills a Warrau child because they once killed her son; since then, the tribes have been at odds], 25 [the shaman swims every night, others are not allowed in this place, especially women; the girl swam, became pregnant by a snake; bears a lot of fruit from the forest; two men watched a serpent crawl out of her womb, climbed a tree, shed fruit; when he climbed off a tree, they killed him with arrows], 26 [brother does not tell the girl to swim during her period; she broke the ban, became pregnant with the Uamma snake {anaconda?} ; it was the season of cutting Mimusops balata trees to get edible seeds; the girl did not take the ax into the forest, but returned with seeds; her brother watched and saw the Uamma snake crawl out of her womb, sheds the seeds, comes back; the next time the brother brought friends, they cut a snake on the ground; the mother collected pieces, each came the Caribbean; at first they were friends with the Warrau, both tribes sent to each other a child's friend with pieces of game; once an aged Caribbean mother ordered a child to be killed because the Warrau had once killed her lover; in response, the warrau killed a Caribbean child, and a feud began], 82 [girl brings home a turtle; it grows up, goes to live in the river; the girl swallows her period; the turtle swallows it], 159 [as in No. 82; fish instead of a turtle]: 76-77, 78-79, 80-81, 186-187, 340-341; Caribbean Dominica [Arawak girl Sésé violates the ban on swimming during menstruation; becomes pregnant with a "dog's head" snake in the pond; comes ashore every night, the snake comes out water in the guise of a man, they make love; S. gave birth to a boy in his mother's house; every night he goes to the pond to play with his father, then returns to his mother's bosom; brother S. wonders how she, without having cut down a tree with an ax, pulls out Mimusops riedleana seeds; watches S., sees a snake crawl out of her womb, climbs a tree, turns into a man, shakes branches, fruits fall; the next day brother cuts the snake into pieces; S. collected them, covered them with leaves; there are huts in this place, in which the Caribbean; at first they lived peacefully, but then S. tells them to take revenge on the Arawaks]: Delavarde 1938:202-203; carinha (Orinoco): Civrieux 1974:93 [a woman bathed during her period, walked barefoot on the ground, ate fish, became pregnant by Akodumo, the owner of the rainbow snake waters; her husband left her; she has a boy and a girl in her womb (children of spirits are always Middle people); cannot get up, go to the field; children crawl out of the womb, bring cassava, take human form, then crawl back into the womb in the form of snakes; when they are finally born, they went to grandfather, he drove them away; the children came to an old woman in the forest (hereinafter referred to as the European story "Hans and Gretel")], 110 [the lake overflows because menstrual blood has entered the water]; carinha (Guyana) [the girl's first monthly; returning from the site, the mother sees a pond on the site of the house; Okoyumo's perfume swallowed her daughter; the girl's father also throws himself into the water, but the spirits reject him]: Roth 1915, No. 188:248-249; kalinya [dragged into the water; dies after talking to a water spirit]: Kloos 1969:901; waiwai [everyone goes to another village for Shodewika, leaving an old woman and a girl who just ran out monthly; the old woman warns that when a girl goes to get water, she should not look at the middle of the river; she sees anaconda people (various fish and aquatic creatures in human form) coming out of the river; an old woman hides a girl under a vessel, anaconda people come looking for a girl to marry her; they dance; the old woman assures that they saw only her; the little fish man climbed under the vessel, the girl stepped on him, since then this fish has been flat; the spirits go away, leaving their jewelry; the water floods the village and vegetable gardens, the old woman and the girl go to the forest; people come back; they are delighted with the pendants and necklaces; they turn into caviar and fish, but people remember how to make them]: Fock 1963:48-50; acuryo [dragged into water or conceived by a snake]: Jara 1990:63; oyampy [hears the call of an anaconda, disappears into the river and becomes the wife of an anaconda]: Greenland 1982, No. 56, 57:332-338.

Western Amazon. Sekoya [girl approaches the river; water spirit becomes her lover; gives birth to a boy, goes to live in the river]: Cipolletti 1988, No. 21, 24, 25:128-129, 144-149; kofan [recently born a woman should not swim in a river; water spirits can kill her or her child]: Calífano, Gonzala 1995, No. 68:122-123.

NW Amazon. Cubeo: Goldman 1940 [a white anaconda is dangerous for menstruating women and spouses for four days after childbirth]: 246; 1963 [from a ground boa constrictor attack, a menstruating woman can to fight off with a genipa, but she has no escape from a water snake]: 257; summer: Palma 1984:157-161 [the girl began to swim when she was in her first period; she was possessed by the Bat; was accepted by his son-in-law; killed his wife's brother while hunting, said he killed a jaguar; killed his second brother while fishing; never laughs; third brother tells his sister to sit down and spread her legs; seeing the vagina, the Bat laughs , everyone can see the hair on his teeth; people burned a tree with bats; two children escaped, people took them in; the Bat girl sucked a child once; his mother threw her into the fire; grew up the trustnik from which flutes are made], 217 [the anaconda will swallow a woman if she bathes during her period]; desana [ducks are "the lice of the great snake"; if a girl bathes during menstruation, they appear ducks and snakes to swallow it]: Reichel-Dolmatoff 1968, No. 19:206; tatuyo [a woman has her period; contrary to the ban, she went swimming; saw a Mauritia flexuosa palm tree where it was It wasn't there before; she picked up and ate ripe fruits, told others; the bunches of fruits were cut down; a man came into the maloka and said that the bunches were hands; the palm fruits turned out to be anaconda testicles, hard as a stone; the palm tree itself is an anaconda; it went to the maloka, began to throw fruits into the river and then in front of the maloka; the maloka sank into the water, formed a lake, and the people turned into an anaconda]: Bidou 1983:35 -36.

Central Amazon. Lower reaches of Japura (manao?) [the girl has a period; she bathes, leaving her clothes on the shore; a snake crawls into her clothes; the girl is pregnant, gives birth to a son; at night he is a snake, in the daytime he is a man; every evening she returns to her mother's bosom; everything grows; her brother and father ask for help from the forest two (a Kurupira man and a Kaa-Manya woman); a snake son climbs a tree, sheds his mother's fruit; she runs; does not want her son to be killed; he rises to heaven, becomes Boyus the great serpent; he's a rainbow during the day, a spot on the Milky Way at night]: Tastevin 1925:178-179; maue [a menstruating girl comes to the water; the river overflows, washes away the beach]: Ugge 1991:36.

Montagna - Jurua. Ashaninka: Anderson 1985 [two girls went to the lake; father warned not to take anything from the shore, but they saw a parrot (Ara macao) and one of them carried it in the basket; a parrot turned into a snake and she wrapped around the girl; the other could not do anything; the lake overflowed its banks and took both away; father and uncle came, saw a parrot, started shooting, the water rushed to them, but could not carry away; and the girls are gone]: 104-107 (reprinted in Zolezzi 2014, #21:205-206; Weiss 1975 [conceives from a snake]: 375.

Southern Amazon. Paresi: Pereira 1986 [dragged into the water], No. 1, 19:22 (note 4), 294, 299; 1987, No. 54 [girl comes to the water (no taboo violation is mentioned); disappears in the river], 120 [woman during menstruation goes swimming, an evil water spirit eats it up, its entrails float along the river; a good water spirit makes an evil fire at the entrance to the house, throws pepper there, the evil one dies]: 468-469, 610-611; kamayura [cf. E5D, J58, M8A motifs; the girl has her first period, she is told to wash in a ritual hut, not go to the river; she walks, loses her lace (an ankle-tied ornament) there; the Sun finds it, turns it a giant snake, it demands boys to be eaten, performing the ritual of drilling their ears; people make a chain of arrows, go up to heaven; the girl is afraid to climb; when a snake creeps, she cuts it into pieces; The sun throws them into the water, from which various snakes or fish emerge]: Agostinho 1974, No. 6 [without turning into fish or snakes]: 182-185; Münzel 1973 [into fish]: 150-161; Villas Boas, Villas Boas 1973 [ into snakes]: 98-104.

Chaco. Ayoreo: Wilbert, Simoneau 1989b, No. 282 [women in labor are not allowed to go to the water; the husband (his name is "monkey") is hunting, the woman gave birth and sent a four-year-old daughter to fetch water, she is weak; the woman is walking herself, the water swallows her and the baby; the husband throws his pitchfolk (witch stick) into the lake, it dries up, he finds his wife's corpse; putting her skirt to her hips and gluing the wand to his nose, turns it into an anteater; her mother became a big anteater, her baby a small underground animal (a mole?)] , 283 [the woman gave birth to a boy, went to get water, the water swallowed her and the baby; her other son dried the lake, threw a cross of sticks over it, found the mother's bones, made a new head to replace the missing one, carried her mother home, she became a big anteater], 284 [a woman and a newborn girl went to get fruit, approached the lake, the water swallowed them up; her son dried the lake, throwing a stick, replaced the missing one the mother's head is wooden, the mother became an anteater; she was tired of carrying her daughter, buried her, she became an underground rodent], 285 [the woman gave birth, went to the river, the water swallowed her up with the baby; her son made her out cross the sticks, threw them into the river, it dried up; the mother turned into an anteater], 286 [the Anteater's wife gave birth, went to the river contrary to the ban, disappeared; husband and son made cross-shaped sticks, threw them into the river, that dried up; they did not find a head, they made a wooden one; the wife turned into an anteater, the husband said he would follow her soon], 287 [The anteater was the wife of a howler monkey, gave birth to a son, her seven-year-old daughter was not able to bring her enough water, she went by herself, the river swallowed her; the husband made a cross sign over the water, the river dried up, he made his wife a tail out of her skirt, the wife became an anteater]: 342-343, 343-345, 345-346, 347 , 348-349, 350; matako: Calífano 1974 [a girl who has her period is eaten by a rainbow; after that, rain causes a flood]: 46; Wilbert, Simoneau 1982a, No. 57 [(Metraux 1939:10); girl, y who is menstruating, eaten by a rainbow; then the rain causes a flood]: 126; nivacle: Wilbert, Simoneau 1987b, No. 27 [a woman who has her period went to the river to get water; then it rained flooded the ground; one man escaped; began to think that it would be good if the parrot became a woman; when he returned from hunting, he found a woman, people descended from them; this parrot was chorote, not nivakle], 28 [ after giving birth, a woman goes to the river for water; a lake has formed on the site of the village, the cries of the drowned were heard for a long time]: 86-87, 88; chorote [the girl leaves the house in the rain, conceives from a snake]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1985, No. 106:205-206; Toba: Heredia 1995:470 [local flood], 482 [rain]; Langdon 1992b [a menstruating woman should not swim in the river, her smell will attract evil spirits]: 44; Metraux 1967b [the girl stays in the ritual hut during her period; parents forget to leave her water; she goes to the spring; Face (Rainbow Serpent) looks at her from the water; the rain washes away the village flood]: 138-139; Wilbert, Simoneau 1982b [flood], No. 33, 34, 35 [(Metraux 1937:191; 1946:29-30); the girl had her first period; she was left alone, wanted to drink, forgot to leave her water; went to the spring I saw Lik (rainbow serpent) in it; in the evening a rainbow appeared, it started raining, everyone turned green, the village went underground], 83 [the rainbow is a water serpent; asks a person to carry it to the river; man performs request; he runs, the water is on his heels; he looks around: the water has subsided, leaving fish on the ground; since then, the Rainbow has given man fish when he needed it]: 88-89, 89-90, 90-91; 1989a, No. 48 (eastern toba) [the girl came out of the menstrual hut to the river for a drink; the rainbow snake sent a storm, an earthquake, and a hill formed on the site of the village; and now the voices of those who remained under it can be heard], 49 (eastern toba) [ a girl who was in her first period went to the lake to get water herself; a storm began, a rainbow serpent crawled underground, destroying houses, everyone died], 50 (pilaga) [about (49), the village failed], 51 ( Pilaga) [as in (50); the big serpent Nanaykpolyo], 52 (eastern toba) [a menstruating girl went to the river for water; the rainbow drove her away; people killed the Rainbow with arrows, darkness came]: 75, 76, 77, 78, 79-80; mokovi [snake-shaped monster destroys the village]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1988, No. 191-196:230-239; tereno [the hihiaiuné snake hates menstruating women and grieving for the dead; if a woman, who is monthly, goes to the river or lake, the snake will send two winds, they will bring showers and floods; a man who is in contact with such a woman is subject to the same prohibitions; women they warn that they are menstruating by applying black paint to their bodies]: Oberg 1949:43.

Southern Brazil. Ache [a woman who has recently given birth to a child touches the water; a flood begins; a man and woman who have climbed a tree are saved]: Godoy 1982:28.

The Southern Cone. Yagans [contrary to the ban, a girl eats berries during her period; swims with people in a boat, lákuma water spirit stops the boat, people have to throw the girl overboard, they see how Her insides surfaced; people kill lakuma, cut to pieces]: Wilbert 1977, No. 60:178-179.