Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

F28B. Wax penis .

A woman uses a penis made from wax, wood, fruit, or root. Usually her husband or male relative greases him with pepper, and the woman is maimed or killed.

Melanesia. Trobrians [a woman with a big vulva masturbates with coconuts, yams, tarot, bananas; holiday organizers wonder where the fruits go; watch her; the manager puts in crab fruit, which cuts off a woman's clitoris, she dies]: Malinowski 1932:344.

SV Asia. Chukchi [three brothers sail to an unfamiliar village after their adventures; the youngest enters the house where a blind old woman is sitting; sticks his penis to her nose; I smell my husband; he laughs, she makes his penis grow; some have to be cut off because it doesn't fit in the boat; the older brother makes the old woman have an insatiable desire; she masturbates with a sharp stick, kills herself]: Bogoras 1902, No. 9:618 .

Big Pool. Wintah Ute [picking up roots, young woman looking for masturbable ones; her old husband puts some other object in her way; she sits on it and jumps and it kills her] : Smith 1992:17.

The Great Southwest. Hopi [a young Navajo widow does not marry, is indifferent to men; one day her mother notices that she is not feeling well; the daughter admits that after peeling the cactus, she masturbated while sitting on him; the cactus broke, stayed in her vagina; the man pulls it out with an arrow, takes the woman as his wife]: Malotki 1997, No. 10:175-181 (cf. No. 1 [The lizard husband (Horned Lizard) went for firewood, stepped on him horse; the wife found the corpse, dried her penis, crushed it, was satisfied by pouring powder into her vagina; her daughters peeked, used the powder for themselves, poured crushed pepper instead; screaming in pain, mother chased them with a stick, beat them to death]: 3-11); hicarilla [the girl does not marry; the man sees how, while collecting firewood, she sits on a cactus, from which she had previously peeled, masturbates; he makes a circular incision on the cactus; the next time she sits down, the cactus breaks off; she can't pull it out of her vagina, she has to confess what she did, man pulls it out with two arrows]: Opler 1938, No. 18:369-370; chiricahua [a woman peels off a cactus, masturbates while sitting on it; the husband cuts the cactus, it breaks off, stays in the vagina; her I have to admit; the old man extracts a cactus from it]: Opler 1942, No. 1:89.

Mesoamerica Zotzil [husband]: Gossen 1974, No. 113 [there were few men, the woman has been waiting for her turn for a long time; she began to masturbate with long radishes; the husband smeared the radishes with pepper, the woman died in agony]: 312; Guiteras-Holmes 1961 [wax]: 261; Laughlin 1977, No. 133 [girl uses a waxy penis, no punishment should be], 134 [wax]: 71, 78.

Guiana. Varrau [the old woman tells her grandchildren not to open her basket; they open it, find a wooden penis there, grease it with pepper; at night, the old woman began to satisfy herself, felt a burning sensation, threw it away penis in the lake; grandchildren found it in the morning, laughed]: García 1993, No. 83:262; pemon [son-in-law, wax]: Armellada 1973, No. 46:134-135; trio [son-in-law rejects mother-in-law's love; then she masturbates calebasa; her son-in-law lubricates her with pepper; for this she blows winds in his face at night; he pierces her with an agouti tooth, refuses to bury her]: Magaña 1987, No. 44:140.

Southern Amazon. Son-in-law. Kamayura [the widow secretly takes the wax her son-in-law prepared for the arrows, makes a flute that she plays and uses as an artificial penis; the son-in-law finds the object, smears it with pepper, hides all the water; mother-in-law runs to the river, sits in water with the vulva open for a long time]: Münzel 1973-374; mehinacu [our old woman is our wax rod that one of the men in the house used for making arrows, began to masturbate with him; the man felt that the rod smelled like a vagina, followed the old woman, smeared the rod with pepper, poured water into all the dwellings nearby; the old woman became rushing from house to house, she had to run to the river]: Gregor 1985:66-67; trumay [wax or resin]: Monod-Becquelin 1975, No. 28:35-36.

Chaco. Nivacle [beauty does not pay attention to men, masturbates with a waxy penis; her younger sister's husband is surprised where his wax for making arrows went; a friend advises looking for her sister wives; he rubs his waxy penis with pepper; at night, a woman screams in pain]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1987b, No. 158:378-380.