Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

F29. A girl is sitting on the ground. .55.57.59.-.62.65.-.68.72.


girl (woman) sits on the ground and copulates with a snake, worm or eel that crawls out of the ground to her. This usually happens when she is busy doing household chores (cooking, weaving, etc.).

Embera, Sanema, Yanomam, Oyampi, Colorado, Imbabura, Napo, Shuar, Aguaruna, Macu, Kabiyari, Wheitoto, Bora, Ocaina, Cusco, Shipibo, Kashinahua, Marubo, Yaminaua, Capanahua, Chacobo, Tacana, calapalo, mehinacu, chamacoco, maca, toba.

The Northern Andes. Ambera [a girl sat on the ground, a snake crawled into her vagina from below, copulated; the girl's mother found and killed a snake; another woman hid her snake lover in wood]: Wassen 1933:117.

Southern Venezuela. Sanema [in the forest, the Serpent shed fruit on the woman; she sat on the ground, he climbed into her vagina; so she came home with him, giggled at night; in the morning she put the snake in the vessel, told her husband not to open the lid; husband discovered, poured boiling latex, the snake died]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1990b, No. 228:440-441; Yanomam [Paka woman secretly met Earthworm; hid it behind her hearth by a pile of brushwood; in the forest The worm turned into a man, caught a lot of game for his wife; the woman explains to her brother that the game was killed by a falcon; in the forest, the Worm threw fruits from the tree, then went down, climbed into her vagina; brother and mother found Worm's houses were covered with hot coals; when the woman began to give birth, earthworms climbed from her whole body; she threw herself into the water; worms born in the river became electric eels; Paka became pack]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1990b, No. 227:436-439.

Guiana. Oyampy [cooking cassava, a woman sits on the ground, copulates with an earthworm; gives birth to two fish; while the woman is away, her mother cooked them, let her eat them with pepper; she eats her children fish, runs to the river, cool her mouth from pepper; her head falls off; now leaves her body freely; the husband sets fire to the vegetation in the area where the wife was; the body burns, the head sticks to her husband; he escapes in a tree; the head is attached to a tapir, then to a deer, to a vulture; he takes her to heaven; Pleiades are her ear ornaments]: Grenand 1982, No. 16:140-147.

Ecuador. Colorado [girl's mother kills snake lover by filling him with boiling water; girl dies giving birth to all kinds of worms]: Aguavil, Aguavil 1985:194-200; prov. Imbabura [a woman sits on the ground near her hearth; a big worm crawls into her; the husband wonders why the wife washes the hearth so often; finds a worm, kills, peppers, lets his wife eat]: Jara, Moya 1987: 112.

Western Amazon. Shuar: Pelizzaro 1990 (=1993): 28-29 [while crushing corn, a girl is sitting on the ground; once she accidentally sat on a worm hole; he crawled into her vagina, she liked it; when she leaves, she closes the worm's hole with a corncob; gives birth to a handsome boy; he cries constantly, especially in the rain; his mother tells her mother to buy the baby in warm water, but she bathes in hot water, the baby turns into a worm ; mother guessed to start crushing corn; the worm crawled out to the sound, the mother filled it with boiling water; told her daughter to take a cleansing drug], 30-31 [the lazy girl did not go anywhere, sat by the hearth; crawled into it the beetle, the beetles in her multiplied, began to suck her blood; her brother knocked down the tree, told her sister to move away, but she stayed in place; the tree crushed her, the blood-sucked beetles ran away from her belly]; Rueda 1987, No. 47 [a woman is sitting on the ground, rubbing corn on a grain grater; a worm came out of the ground, copulated with her; she gave birth to a boy, told his mother not to bathe him in hot water, she bought it, he turned into a heap worms; grandmother caused the father worm to grind a grain grater, filled it with boiling water; the woman cried]: 205-206; Aguaruna: Akutz Nugkai et al. 1977 (2), No. 11 [as in Chumap Lucía, García-Rendueles 1979; a black boy is born, everyone thinks he is a black man; he turns into worms in hot water; since then, girls are not allowed to sit on the ground]: 135-137; Chumap Lucía, García-Rendueles 1979, No. 38 [ sitting on the ground, a woman rubs corn on a wooden board to grind cooked cassava; an earthworm climbed into her vagina, copulated; when leaving, the woman covers the worm's mink with a board; gives birth to a swarthy boy; he grew up, loves water; the woman does not tell her matri to bathe her in hot water; she bathed her, he turned into a worm; the grandmother found a mink, began to grind corn like her daughter did; worm crawled out, she filled it with boiling water; sprinkled ash on the floor, put branches in the hammock as if a child was sleeping there; told her daughter what had happened], 38a [as in (38)]: 449-450, 451-455; napo [husband's unmarried sister always pregnant; the wife notices that she is sitting above a hole in the floor, stomping her foot, causing a worm; the couple filled it with boiling water, like thunder in the ground; the couple killed the girl in the forest, from her stomach worms, the couple killed all but two; one day, two young men came to her husband, they were the worms; they took him to their mother, but he was unable to cross the hot water river]: Ortíz de Villalba 1989, no. 21:46-48.

NW Amazon. Maku [the wife goes to the river, the snake sits on the hole; the husband kills him with a noose; the snake's head remains in the woman, she gives birth to snakes]: Silverwood-Cope 1972, No. 5:231; kabiyari [all water with fish I was in the hollow of an Itshuna tree, owned by an old woman Kamatana; she bathed and fished, then plugged the hole; the youngest of the Mujnuyi brothers (he is a shaman) became a hummingbird, spied; the brothers did not have manioc flour, and K. took it out of the body of her husband Mapitare (he is a white worm) during copulation (this is his sperm; var: he copulated with a clay pot, K. took sperm from there); the brothers refused to eat it; burned coca leaves above the worm's mink, he died; they met a howler monkey; he told them to dye black, come to the little jaguar Jejechu, where the holiday is; daughter J. hid one of Muhnuya in her mouth ; the brothers began to cut down the tree of old woman K., but the felling overgrown; began to carry the chips away; the Squirrel cut down from above, the chips flying from it were drizzling rain; the chips fell on Mukhnuya's head, since then people headache; the tree fell along with the Kumaka vine, which formed the river; from the branches - channels, lakes; the root - the mouth of the Apaporis River; the ant woman (is she K.?) locked her brothers in an anthill; they turned into mosquitoes, five days later, when the exit was open, they flew away; they came to Thunder while he was sleeping, replaced his lightning with feathers from the parrot's tail (they became parrots Thunder's daughter let them in); they came back to K., asked them to cook fish; while K. was collecting fuel, one of Muhnuya stole coal; on a Cayman boat he sailed across the river, Cayman went under water, took the fire; Muhnuyi turned into a frog, lures Cayman ashore; his brothers cut his belly, the Wasp finds fire inside; masks have been made from his vertebrae and intestines - they're like fire]: Correa 1989:43-50; utoto: Preuss 1921, No. 2 [girl rejects suitors; Sikire Buneima (B. - aquatic mythical creatures) imperceptibly fertilizes her when she sits on a trough; appears as a young man, leads her under water, sends back; she gives birth to a boy who turns into a huge tree; all cultivated plants are on its branches, the roots are edible; the woman bakes them under her arms and under her knees, brings them to her parents; people they stop eating crushed stones, white clay and rotten wood, they go to cut down a tree; Nofueni takes a toad ax, but when the blows make her liver come out of her mouth; receives an ax from her ancestor- a red parrot, knocks down a tree; throws chips into the water, they turn into fish; carves a woman out of one sliver, marries Hitome (the Sun); turns into a cat, flies to heaven]: 170-188; San Roman 1986:115; Yépez 1982 [Aime Huram has Monayaterisai's daughter; Husido Bunaima came to chew coca, asked her to marry; AH, his wife and daughter went to the site; when they returned, XM became a bird, daughter asked her to catch it, kept it in the basket; when they came again, the birds were gone, and HM was a man; they thought he took the bird; the next night AH and HB chewed coca again; HB: we must endure; but AH still went out to urinate; HS: if you don't want coca, tobacco, you can't stand it, you'll eat soil, dry wood; M. sat on a mat; Jusido Bunaima snuck from below in the form of a worm, conceived a son Housitofe ( cassava); the mother sent M. to bring water in a sieve to sift manioc flour, found a worm, filled it with boiling water; HB in a dream ordered M. to put the baby she would give birth in a pot, cover it with a leaf, from make a cake, do not show the parents; they saw an ant running with a piece of cassava, found out that their daughter had cassava; M. told them not to sleep, watch the child; grew out of a child manioc tree, pineapples, caimo, aguacate and other fruits on the branches; a lake grew along with the tree, the fruits fell into the water; they were taken out by the Old Rat; Father M. Aima Hurama looked for an ax; a woodpecker axe, a bird axe with a hard beak, an ordinary ax, a toad axe, a piranha axe were not good; he hardly woke up his fox uncle; he took a knife, cut off a vine for which the tree was tied to the sky; when the tree fell, the Fox injured his throat, the sons of the AH smeared the wound with yellow medicine, since then the foxes have a yellow throat; foxes are allowed to eat fruits in the gardens as a reward; AH collected oil from the water, brought, planted, grew cassava; from the same lake and tree ritual songs and accessories]: 63-69; bora [no details]: Wavrin 1932:142; Ocaina: Blixen 1999, No. 3 [parents make sure that the youngest daughter does not have contact with a man; the snake digs a passage under her bench, copulates with her at night; the father suspects that the daughter is pregnant, asks her to take out his splinter, sees that she has her nipples have darkened; her mother sends her for water, finds a snake, scalds her with boiling water, which hides; brings the girl cultivated plants; parents see ants dragging pieces of cassava; the snake gave peach palm tree and other fruit trees]: 43-49; Girard 1958 [Amena Kog (oe) n virgin became pregnant from a snake crawling out of a hole in the ground, bringing her plenty of food; her mother noticed a hole in the floor, filled boiling water there, the serpent died; in a dream his spirit tells him to leave his son, whom she will give birth, in the upper reaches of the ravine; four days later there was a giant tree; on its branches there is sweet and bitter cassava, corn, peanuts and other fruits; the girl ate them, and other people ate the ground; when she told them, people cut down a tree, planted fruits; where the tree fell, a spring filled with; as punishment for cutting down, people from those since they die]: 133-134, 137 [this is the first woman]; 196:130.

The Central Andes. Prov. Canchis (dep. Cusco), Marangani County [a shepherdess meets a thin, tall young man in the mountains; he crawls fast; becomes her lover; refused to show her parents; ordered to clear a hole in the grain grater next to barn; the girl moved to the barn under the pretext that it was necessary to protect him from thieves; pregnant; the witch doctor advises sending her to give birth to another village, look under a grain grater; the snake was cut to pieces, The head was hardly beaten to death; the girl gave birth to snakes, they were immediately killed, buried along with pieces of their father's body; the girl was cured and married]: Lira 1990:40-46 (=Arguedas 1949:96-102).

Montagna - Jurua. Shipibo: Gebhaert-Sayer 1987, No. 8 [the girl sits on a mat all the time, pale; her mother sends her for water, finds a worm in a hole under the mat; he asks her not to kill her son-in-law, but she floods him boiling water; the girl takes Anaconda as a lover; he gives her fish, she feeds her sick brother; the brother recovers, watches her sister, sees her call her lover, Shinkain, Shinkain, chops him to pieces, throws her tail into the river; the girl asks her father to revive the victim; he splices the pieces with a potion obtained from a vine; only the tail is missing]: 357; Roe 1982, No. 4 [the girl sits on the ground making clay pots, copulates with a worm; mother pours boiling water on it; daughter goes to the forest; Jaguar sees worms in her vagina; puts healing leaves there, expelling spiders, scorpions, snakes, fish, lizards; wife takes out his teeth are a splinter; pain makes him a jaguar; his wife and two children return to people; jaguars attack the village; his older brother goes to his jaguar father; since then, humans and jaguars have lived separately]: 52-53 ; marubo [sitting on the floor, a woman copulates with a worm; he is killed; a pregnant woman goes to the forest, encourages a jaguar to eat it; meets Topane, the son of a forest woman; gives birth to a snake, then sons from Topane; mother-in-law and her sister eat them; Topane pushes them into a fire pit; forest animals mourn them]: Melatti 1984:110-111 [husband kills a worm; two sons of a woman and Topans turn into Morning and Evening Stars], 131 [husband's parents kill a worm; Topane's mother can only be killed by fire]; kashinahua [girl rejects suitors; copulates with a worm, sitting on the ground; mother pours boiling water on the worm; pregnant daughter goes to the forest, wants to be eaten by a jaguar; Puma plants her in a stream, throws fish poison into the water; worms come out of her, turn into eels and everything snake species; she gets her legs together prematurely, a few worms remain (humans have had helminths since then); Puma marries her brother Jaguar but remains her lover; her mother-in-law Jaguariha devours her children as soon as they are born; her son Jaguar wants to kill her; she says she can't be killed with an arrow, a club, you can't drown her, you can only burn her; while she burns, Jaguar and his wife hide under a pot; alone a spark falls on his forehead (origin of the headache)]: Ans 1975:47-65; yaminaua [sitting low above the ground in a hammock]: Zarzar 1990:20-21; capanahua [worm mink under a grain grater; girl explains her movements to her mother by being bitten by an ant; a mother pours boiling water on a worm; a woman gives birth to worms and a son; he is endowed with magical powers]: Hall Loos, Loss 1980 (2): 11-13, 35-37, 53-55, 93-95.

Bolivia-Guaporé. Chacobo [girl rejects suitors; sits on the floor in her room copulating with a snake crawling into her from below; her mother pours boiling water over the snake's hole, hangs a dead snake in the doorway; girl goes into the forest; the Jaguar copulates with her, is bitten by a rattlesnake in her vagina; takes out the snakes, pouring a potion into her vagina; some crawl away, they are the current ones]: Balzano 1984:27-28; Kelm 1972, No. 17:242-243; takana [husband hears his wife talking to someone while weaving and spinning; finds a manioc worm in the yarn, kills; beats his wife]: Hissink, Hahn 1961, No. 167:299.

Southern Amazon. Kalapalo [the girl had a double-headed serpent under the bench; copulated with her when she rubbed cassava; her brother's wife noticed; while the girl was in the field, she was killed by a snake with a blow to the head]: Basso 1987: 303-304; Mehinaka [Kataihu brings Tepu worm in calebas from the forest, he lives in a hole in the far corner of the house, she gives him manioc porridge, copulates when she rubs cassava; people have followed, her lover killed a worm with a stick; the next day K. calls a worm, finds a corpse; mourns; gives birth to a boy with a head and penis like T.]: Gregor 1985:53-55.

Chaco. Chamacoko [the husband brought Lalhorha's wife a small eel, let their child play with it; L. put the eel in a pot on the edge of the swamp; the eel grew; the woman knocked on the pot, the eel came out, copulated with her; he spewed eggs instead of sperm; she cooked and ate it, fed her baby; he does not like these "berries"; he watches his mother, tells his father; the father causes an eel with the same signal (hitting potty), cuts off the tail; cooks other eels with the meat, gives it to his wife, tells her son not to eat; the wife guesses, finds a dead eel; the village is empty, everyone has run away, the youngest son is the last to run away; the sky it was low; firing arrows, the boys pushed him away; pierced a hole, climbed into the sky; when the last one climbed, the hole closed, the boy's leg remained hanging; the mother saw her reflection in the water, then looked up; tells the birds to cut off their leg; the hawk bites his leg, first red blood pours into the vessel, then black and white; when the hawk cut off his leg, the sky closed forever; woman colored the birds depending on whether they sang well; the vulture sang poorly and was painted with black and white stripes]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1987a, No. 77:270-271; poppy: Wilbert, Simoneau 1991a, no. 93 [after collecting the pods, the woman rubs the seeds in a mortar; an eel crawls out to the sound, she sits on it, copulates; the husband watches her; in her absence, she scrapes the mortar, the eel crawls out, he kills it with a spear; the woman is surprised why the eel does not crawl out; the husband throws her lover's body to her], 94 [as in (93)]: 210-211, 212; toba: Wilbert, Simoneau 1982b, No. 183 [her menstrual bleeding never stops]: 346-348; 1989a, No. 400 [during her period, a woman clears the area every time, sits on the ground, a snake climbs into her vagina; people watch a woman, try to catch a snake; she gives birth snake, goes to live with the snake; they are left alone]: 553-554.