F29A. Scald the worm with boiling water .
To kill a woman's lover, who looks like a worm or snake and climbs into her vagina from the ground, they pour boiling water, tar, or hot coals on him.
Llanos. Sicuani [a man is carried away by Tapirih; the Amazons kill her; one of them secretly takes a man as her husband; he pours boiling water over a penis that grows out of the ground, the husband of the Amazons; returns home]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1992, No. 83 [while hunting, Tapiriha runs up to a virgin youth, turns into a woman, says she will pick him up, becomes a tapiriha again, carries him away on his back; in the forest she does not tell him to copulate with her in the first night; gives a vine infusion to make his penis bigger; takes the young man across several rivers; finds themselves in the country of women; they say they have found a tapir trail; Tapiriha asks if he heard he is something, the young man lies that he is not; women trap Tapiriha, she warns the young man not to eat her meat; women kill tapiriha, look for a young man; a virgin who has not yet copulated with Irrabowáto (në), notices him in a tree, hides him from others; tells him to taste the meat of the murdered tapiriha; I. has "The Penis of the Earth"; the girl who saved the young man does not want to copulate with him, because he is not only her husband, but also her father and other women; I. regularly examines everything at home; if he finds a male child, kills and eats; the young man stays with the woman, she becomes pregnant; lies to his mother that I. is in the central house of the village, he is a penis protruding from the ground, women sit on it; when they leave, they cover it with a clay pot; the wife brings pepper for her husband to pour pepperwater on the Penis, gives him her clothes and jewelry; when a person lifts the pot, a stream of seed hits from there; he is warned not to let the seed fall on his face; fills his penis with boiling water and pepper; I. screams, women run away, but he is already dead; he was buried; a man's wife gives birth to a boy, women hope that he will replace his common husband with him; she refers a man to his former family, otherwise the Amazons will kill them all; he crosses rivers, cries at the seashore; Ducks of three different species consistently take him into their boat, tell him not to let the winds in; every time he does not hold back near another island, the ducks take off, he reaches the island by swimming; Mother Tomáliwa ducks in the guise of a man with a long penis tell them not to look back, he carries them; he looks around, she quilts it with her penis for eating Tapiriha meat; he returns to his family; T. is not the moon, although many people think that the moon shines], 84 [while hunting, Tapirih takes the young man in the form of a woman; to do this, he turns him into a tapir for a while; under the sea, he crosses with him into the country of women; they kill Tapiriha; the girl finds a man, hides; he refuses to eat Tapiriha meat; the girl says that their husband is their father, she does not want to copulate with him; Amazons kill boys; the man sees how women take turns sitting on a penis that protrudes from the ground; it is covered with a cassava push-up bag; the man takes it off, the sperm splashes into his face; he fills the penis with boiling water; the wife sends the man away home; women revive the Penis, happy; various ducks, herons swim across the sea; their boats are their beaks; each group takes a person, leaves him in the water every time he blows the winds; the last Tomalinae; her paddle is lightning, the boat is her pelvic bone; she puts the man aft, tells him not to look back; on the shore he turns around, sees her vulva; she is ashamed], 85 [Tapiriha takes the man, crosses lakes and rivers on the bottom; Amazons trap her, kill her; their name is Irboatowi, "People of the Earth's Penis"; twice a day at noon and in the evening they copulate in it; boys are killed, eaten; a man is found virgin; says that every man is copulated by a woman while his penis is hard, then killed, eaten; his wife sends him home; three types of ducks take him sequentially, leave him in the water when he blows the winds; the tree tells him to go with their Mother Moon; her boat is her genitals, she tells him not to look; he watches, she gushes him with her pubic hair; when she reaches, the Moon gives him a banana, from who can be bitten off forever; tells you not to look at the new moon; he looks, turns into a nightjar], 86 [Agouti steals cassava from the field; the man traps her, she turns into a woman; takes him away; crosses the sea, turning itself into a tapiriha and it into a tick in her ear; on the land of the tsaki-momobi women's community, tapiriha eats bananas and pineapples; women catch her in a trap pit, kill her; a girl finds him; a person lifts a vessel that covers the penis protruding from the ground; the seed splashes into his chest; he fills the penis with boiling water; ducks of various species undertake to transport it across the sea, but throw it when he it blows the winds; finally, ordinary people bring him home; after becoming the fruit of a palm tree, he sees his mother, she is old; he goes down, becomes human]: 309-321, 323-326, 327-328, 329-332.
Southern Venezuela. Sanema [in the forest, the Serpent shed fruit on the woman; she sat on the ground, he climbed into her vagina; so she came home with him, giggled at night; in the morning she put the snake in the vessel, told her husband not to open the lid; husband discovered, poured boiling latex, the snake died]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1990b, No. 228:440-441; Yanomam [Paka woman secretly met Earthworm; hid it behind her hearth by a pile of brushwood; in the forest The worm turned into a man, caught a lot of game for his wife; the woman explains to her brother that the game was killed by a falcon; in the forest, the Worm threw fruits from the tree, then went down, climbed into her vagina; brother and mother found Worm's houses were covered with hot coals; when the woman began to give birth, earthworms climbed from her whole body; she threw herself into the water; worms born in the river became electric eels; Paka became pack]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1990b, No. 227:436-439.
Ecuador. Colorado [a girl's mother kills a snake lover by filling him with boiling water; a girl dies giving birth to all kinds of worms]: Aguavil, Aguavil 1985:194-200.
Western Amazon. Pour boiling water over the worm. See motive F29. Shuar: Pelizzaro 1993:28-29; Rueda 1987, No. 47:205-206; Aguaruna: Akutz Nugkai et al. 1977 (2), No. 11:135-137; Chumap Lucía, García-Rendueles 1979, No. 38, 38a: 449-455.
NW Amazon. Pour boiling water over the worm. Uitoto: San Roman 1986:115; Yépez 1982 [Aime Huram has Monayaterisai's daughter; Husido Bunaima came to chew coca, asked her to marry; AH, his wife and daughter went to the station; when they returned, HM became as a bird, the daughter asked her to catch it, kept it in the basket; when they came again, the birds were gone, and HM was a man; they thought he took the bird; the next night AH and HB chewed coca again; HB: must endure; but AH still went out to urinate; HS: if you don't want coca, tobacco, you can't stand it, you'll eat soil, dry wood; M. sat on a mat; Jusido Bunaima snuck to her from below in the form of a worm, conceived Husitofe's son (cassava); the mother sent M. to bring water to a sieve to sift manioc flour, found a worm, filled it with boiling water; HB in a dream ordered M. to put the baby she would give birth to in a pot, cover it with a leaf , make a cake out of the foam that had risen, do not show it to the parents; they saw an ant running with a piece of cassava, found out that their daughter had cassava; M. told them not to sleep, watch the child; from the child a manioc tree grew, pineapples, caimo, aguacate and other fruits grew on the branches; a lake grew along with the tree, the fruits fell into the water; they were taken out by the Old Rat; Father M. Aima Hurama looked for an ax; a woodpecker axe, a bird axe with a hard beak, an ordinary ax, a toad axe, a piranha axe were not good; he hardly woke up his fox uncle; he took a knife, cut off a vine for which the tree was tied to the sky; when the tree fell, the Fox injured his throat, the sons of the AH smeared the wound with yellow medicine, since then the foxes have a yellow throat; foxes are allowed to eat fruits in the gardens as a reward; AH collected oil from the water, brought, planted, grew cassava; ritual songs and accessories from the same lake and tree]: 63-69; Okaina: Blixen 1999, No. 3 [parents make sure that the youngest daughter does not have contact with a man; a snake digs a passage under her bench, copulates with her at night; the father suspects that the daughter is pregnant, asks her to remove the splinter, sees that her nipples have darkened; the mother sends her for with water, a snake finds, scalds it with boiling water, he hides; brings cultivated plants to the girl; parents see ants dragging pieces of cassava; the snake gave a peach palm and other fruit trees]: 43- 49; Girard 1958 [Amena Kog (oe) n virgin became pregnant by a snake crawling out of a hole in the ground to her, bringing a lot of food; her mother noticed a hole in the floor, poured boiling water into it, the snake died; in his sleep, his spirit She tells her to leave the son she will give birth in the upper reaches of the ravine; four days later there was a giant tree; on its branches there are sweet and bitter cassava, corn, peanuts and other fruits; the girl ate them, and other people ate the land; when I told them, people cut down a tree, planted fruits; where the tree fell, a spring filled up; as punishment for cutting down, people have died ever since]: 133-134, 137 [this is the first woman]; 196:130.
Montagna - Jurua. Shipibo: Gebhaert-Sayer 1987, No. 8 [the girl sits on a mat all the time, pale; her mother sends her for water, finds a worm in a hole under the mat; he asks her not to kill her son-in-law, but she floods him boiling water; the girl takes Anaconda as a lover; he gives her fish, she feeds her sick brother; the brother recovers, watches her sister, sees her call for her lover, Shinkain, Shinkain, chops him to pieces, throws her tail into the river; the girl asks her father to revive the victim; he splices the pieces with a potion obtained from a vine; only the tail is missing]: 357; Roe 1982, No. 4 [the girl sits on the ground making clay pots, copulates with a worm; mother pours boiling water on it; daughter goes to the forest; Jaguar sees worms in her vagina; puts healing leaves there, expelling spiders, scorpions, snakes, fish, lizards; wife takes out his teeth are a splinter; pain makes him a jaguar; his wife and two children return to people; jaguars attack the village; his older brother goes to his jaguar father; since then, humans and jaguars have lived separately]: 52-53 ; kachinahua [girl rejects suitors; copulates with a worm while sitting on the ground; mother pours boiling water on the worm; a pregnant daughter goes to the forest to be eaten by a jaguar; a cougar plants her in a stream, throws fish venom into the water; worms come out of it, turn into blackheads and all kinds of snakes; she brings her legs together ahead of time, a few worms remain (since then people have helminths); the cougar gives her to marry to her brother Jaguar, but remains her lover; her mother-in-law Jaguariha eats her children as soon as they are born; her son Jaguar wants to kill her; she says she cannot be killed with an arrow, a club, cannot be drowned, You can only burn it; while it burns, the Jaguar and his wife hide under the pot; one spark falls on his forehead (the origin of the headache)]: Ans 1975:47-65; yaminaua [sitting low above the ground in a hammock]: Zarzar 1990:20-21; capanaua [worm mink under a grain grater; the girl explains her movements to her mother by being bitten by an ant; the mother pours boiling water on the worm; the woman gives birth to worms and a son; he is endowed with magical abilities]: Hall Loos, Loss 1980 (2): 11-13, 35-37, 53-55, 93-95.
Bolivia-Guaporé. Chacobo [girl rejects suitors; sits on the floor in her room copulating with a snake crawling into her from below; her mother pours boiling water over the snake's hole, hangs a dead snake in the doorway; girl goes into the forest; the Jaguar copulates with her, is bitten by a rattlesnake in her vagina; takes out the snakes, pouring a potion into her vagina; some crawl away, they are the current ones]: Balzano 1984:27-28; Kelm 1972, No. 17:242-243.