Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

F30. Snake lover. .10.11.19.-.26.37.38.



girl or woman takes a snake, moray eel, lizard or worm as a lover. People kill or maim a lover, a woman and/or offspring, or she turns into a snake herself. Cf. motives F87 (a girl is forced to marry a snake, her behavior is not condemned) and K76B (a snake husband actually turns out to be a handsome man). See motive F29.

Hottentots, Kaguru, Sutho, Shone (Karanga), (Baka), Kiwai, Vatut, Bukavak, Porapora (Lower Sepik), Mono, Banks Islands (Gaua), Marshall Islands, Samoa, Tonga, Bellona, Mangaia, Tuamotu, Mangarewa, Tahiti, Maori, Mizo (Lushi), Bugun, Bori, Minyong, Burmese, Khmer, Sora, Sinhala, Timor, Flores, Paiwan, Chinese, Koreans, Nivhi, Ainu, Japanese, Ryukyu (Miyako and North), Ancient Japan, McKenzie estuary, copper, West Greenland, Chipewayan, Ne Perse, Western and Eastern Ojibwa, Western Forest Cree, Western Marsh Cree, Steppe Cree, Northern Ojibwa (Sandy Lake), Sauk, Montagnier, nascapi, hurons, seneca, tuscarora, passamaquoddy, delawari, sarsi, blacklegs, assiniboine, mandan, arapaho, arikara, pawnee, kiowa, kiova-apache, keddo, chirokee, screams, hichiti, (tunic), kato, (maidu), North Payute (Owens Valley), South Payute (Shivvitz), Huichol, Otomi, Rama, Boruca, Cabecar, Bribri, Embera, Nonama, Kogi, Yupa, Paez, Guambia, Sanema, Yanomam, Caribbean Dominica, Kalinya, Oyampi, Colorado, Imbabura, Shuar, Aguaruna, Napo, Maihuna, Siona, Whitoto, Bora, Andoque, Carijona, Cubeo, Tucano, Tatuyo, Barasana, Desana, Maku, Munduruku, Dep. Cusco, dep. Pasco, Aymara (dep. Puno), shipibo, marubo, kashinahua, yaminaua, capanaua, ashaninka, pyro, takana, chacobo, (aikana), calapalo, mehinaku, bororo, iranshe, kayapo, craho, tshukarramae, chamacoco, maka, toba.

SW Africa. Hottentots [a girl collects fuel in a veld, meets a snake, takes her as lovers; her stomach swells; a snake kills cows, their meat cannot be eaten because of poison; a snake crawls into a woman's womb or then comes out; people leave, leaving her a supply of water and a bag; at the entrance in the rocks, men wait; a woman appears carrying a snake in a sack; the serpent thinks that men do not know about him; men kill him with arrows; a woman gives birth to many snakes, they are killed, a woman is treated]: Schmidt 2007, No. 51:118-120.

Bantu-speaking Africa. Suto []:; shone (kaguru) [the husband went to the site and the wife went to the forest for firewood; there the serpent told her to bring him food, otherwise he would crawl to her house and bite her; she cooked corn husks for her husband, and The snake brought flour; then began to slaughter roosters for the snake; one woman told her husband the truth; he waited for the woman with the Serpent; when she left, the Serpent called, he crawled out of the cave, his husband cut off his seven heads; the woman went to the Snake, found him dead, cried; her husband drove her away]: Beidelman 1971, No. 4:21-22; shone (karanga) [the girl took the Mundawerere snake as her lover; every time she tells her father that it's bad He feels himself, so he will not go to work in the field; brings food to the snake, copulates with it, comes back; once the father saw a snake, beat him with a stick; when a girl calls him, the snake does not want to crawl out of the hole ; but she advises him to kill her father, it will be easier for them to meet; after that, the serpent kills an antelope every day and drags the girl; she tells her family that the hunter brought the antelope; her brother followed; wearing his sister's clothes, he came to the hole and called the snake what his sister called him; hacked the snake with an ax; showed it to his father and other men; they killed the girl, both corpses, threw a snake into the hole]: Sicard 1952, No. 23: 37-39.

(Wed. Sudan - East Africa. Baka [the girl drove the birds away from the millet, fell asleep on the platform; the gitsi snake (as thick as an arm, invisible, master of the serpent) came together with her unnoticed; she was surprised to see that her thighs were wet; said to my father; he waited for a snake, chopped it to pieces; a boy was born, but did not speak; when he grew up, he saw the gitsi snake, spoke; the genus gitsi comes from him]: Jensen 1959:54-55).

Melanesia. Kiwai [in many stories, a snake enters a woman through her vulva, a woman has a belly growing but the same snake comes out of her; sometimes people drive out a snake, but a woman always dies; one woman has killed fish, it was a snake's wife; he became pregnant with a woman without her knowledge; she gave birth to two snakes, breastfed them; the serpent father warned that if snakes were killed, she would die; the woman's husband killed them, she died]: Landtman 1927:315; bukavak [two unmarried women caught an eel, planted it in a calebasa filled with water, made her husband; their little sons sought water to drink, found an eel, fried it, ate it; the mothers decided to leave them, but alone left the fire and the baked tarot; the boys went to look for their mothers; told the mango tree to pick them up, threw the pig's fruit with an obsidian knife inside, the pig died; the youngest went for fire; the fire at Okémo cannibals; she tells the boy to carry his child, carries fire herself; the child is in ulcers, with sharp bones; O. devours pig meat; while he goes to wash the giblets, the boys cook the remaining meat, carry on a tree, they put child O. in a pot; she eats him; calls people from the village to cut down a tree where the boys are hiding; the notch overgrows; one child throws chips into the fire, they no longer grow; the tree falls, running over O., other people go home; boys turn into parrots, fly into the forest; when the weather is bad, they are in the mountains, but when the weather is good, by the sea]: Lehner 1931a, No. 16:65-68; porapora: Schwab 1970, No. 3b [Arero woman hid in a stone ax hanging on the wall; she came out, pierced children with sharp leaves, cooked, ate; she was waiting for her, she jumped back into the ax, he was thrown into the axe, he was thrown into fire, he jumped into the river; from there A., in the form of a woman, moved to the top of a palm tree; the trunk could not be cut down, they called her brother Ambang, he hit her with an arrow, finished her off with batons, divided the meat, A. asked himself vagina; his vagina glowed at night, he kept it in a bag to illuminate the forest when hunting wild boars; A.'s mother did not care about his property, he killed her; met people fused together in two, separated; they did not have anuses, and men also have holes in their penises, A. made them; other people lived in a hole, croaked; A. taught them to talk and walk; A.'s grandmother was W.; an eel jumped into her vagina; she gave birth to a son, hid him in the sink, from there he went out to her as an adult man; her great-niece Arero peeked, pulled the eel out of the sink, killed it, cooked it, let W. eat; she created a crocodile, lured Arero to a tree above like a river, she fell, the crocodile killed her; the mother of the victim threw a bag of W. into the river, but she managed to take a fire, a dog and a heron with her; she sailed to a place where people did not know fire, cooked in the sun; W. secretly cooked in the house of two brothers, a dog and a heron were her watchman; the youngest watched, W. married the elder; Unkinye came to ask W. for fire, stole it; the brothers found it, released W., cut W. to pieces; head grabbed the elder's testicles, not to tear it off; the youngest climbed the breadtree, but threw down only the unripe fruits; the elder climbed, his head agreed to get off temporarily; he threw ripe fruits, threw one away; while his head grabbed him, the brothers ran away; his head grabbed the boar's face, he carried it away; tore it off the trunk of a bethel palm tree], 4 [the eel climbed into the vagina of Waro's widow; it was a dead man who had turned into an eel ; she began to copulate with him regularly, hid it in coconut; her daughter found an eel, killed him, cooked with sago; V. lured her to a tree, let wasps, the girl fell, V. killed her; people decided to quit V. into the river, she managed to take fire, female and male, osprey, pot, sago with her, one of the dogs then turned into a heron; swam out, began to live in the house; hid when two brothers came; the eldest went to the forest, the younger one waited for V., grabbed; she told them her story]: 774-778, 779-780; melpa [brother sees her sister coming to the lake and letting the snake suck her chest; brother went to the lake, patted in her hands (as my sister did when calling the snake) and chopped it with an ax; the next day, the sister saw the pieces of the snake's body, ran into the house and hanged herself; the brother was left alone - he worked in the garden and cooked food; when his apron and hat got dirty, he walked naked, because no one was around; one day he saw sweet potatoes growing near the latrine; he baked it, and then his head appeared out of ash snake; the lake overflowed its banks, the man drowned; the water descended, the vegetables continued to grow on the site of the former garden, people came for them; one person set a trap and caught an eel; offered to slaughter more a pig to have a feast in the man`s house; but the eel is gone; a girl came into his house to get hot coals, and there were snakes with fish scales on their belly; on the one hand, a snake, on the other, a pig; people came running - no one; they decided that it could be the spirit of that drowned person; they made the prayers they still do]: Vicedom 1977, No. 78:110-111; cotton wool [(No. 31 most corresponds to the definition of the motive)]: Fischer 1963, No. 28a [the wife refused to sleep with her husband, built a separate hut nearby; he told a huge snake to crawl into the woman's stomach; at night she crawled, only her head out; relatives tried in vain pull out the snake, killed it, but it stayed in the woman, she died], 28b [the husband bewitched his wife, a snake crawled into her; relatives told her to go out, cut it, but her head remained inside, the woman died; brothers women killed her husband], 28c [the husband found out that his wife had a lover; sent a big snake to her in the image of that man; the woman slept with the snake; people dragged him into the house, set him on fire, but his left hand (i.e. snakes in anthropomorphic form?) stayed outside; the children saw the serpent block the river with its foot, but people did not believe it; the children went to the mountain; people sacrificed the Snake a pig, but he was not satisfied, shot at the ground, water poured, everything drowned, only two young men escaped on a coconut tree; they ate coconuts, the shell fell into the water, it was carried to the mountain, where the girls escaped; the boys jumped into the water, swam for the shell; married girls, had many descendants], 31 [the huge serpent turned into a man, his wife was a kangaroo; two sisters came to him and became his wives; at night he went to a separate hut; they asked him to sleep with them; at night he turned into a snake; the sisters lowered a long rope down the river, their parents found them along it; the husband paid the ransom; once the wives' brother killed a snake, they said he killed his son-in-law; returned to their parents]: 172- 173, 173-174, 174-175, 176-177; kay (German New Guinea) [eel husband seeks his wife; her new husband cuts him into pieces, making yams grow out of them]: Neuhauss 1911:180-185 in Beckwith 197:104; mono (Shortland Islands): Wheeler 1926, No. 37 [a woman made a snake her child, cared for him more than her husband and real child; her husband killed his wife and snake], 38 [a woman climbed a bethel palm tree, There was a snake at the foot; she crawled into the woman's vagina, the woman died, her body was burned]: 36; Banks Islands (Gaua, Koro tongue) [while cultivating the gardens under yams, people sent two girls to fetch water; they saw her husband's shadow on the water; he refused to go with them - he would be killed; but they persuaded him and left him in the bushes on the edge of the gardens; people noticed that the girls were giggling at work; one of the men noticed brought the stranger and warned the others; they beat him with sticks and pierced him with arrows; he fell and turned into a moray eel; the girls filled it with water from the calebasa until the moray eel slipped into the water; jumped after her; all three of them have been living in this river ever since: girls and Wusemelmel]: http://alex.francois.free.fr/AFtxt_select_e.htm (In love with an Eel Man).

Micronesia-Polynesia. Marshall Islands [the chief's wife takes an eel as a lover; sends her husband on long expeditions to buy fish; he spies on his wife feeding the eel, grabs it, the wife pours coconut oil on the eel, he slips out; eels have been slippery ever since and hide in any hole without constant]: Davenport 1953:225-226; Samoa (Savaii) [Cena's father gives her the eel she caught; she takes care of it, it grows, transported to a large body of water; after climbing a tree, C. shakes off the fruit into the water; when he tries to pick it up, the eel deflorizes it; S. runs, he chases it; knowing that the leaders are going to poison him, he Asks Sina to bury his head, and a coconut palm tree grows out of it]: Polinskaya 1986, No. 28:113-114 (briefly in Beckwith, 1970:103); Tonga [Hina cries when her eel is pulled out of the pond where she bathed, slaughtered, eaten; her head was buried, she grew into a coconut tree]: Beckwith, 1970:103; Tahiti: Beckwith 1970:102 [Hina has a husband with an eel body; she runs to Maui for help; that catches an eel on a hook, gives the severed head to H., telling it to be buried; after going swimming, H. leaves her head unburied, a coconut emerges from it; her daughter carries the coconut to Tuamota on Ana Atoll, where from it a coconut tree grows], 102-103 [while swimming, Taitua has fun with an eel; he chases her, she runs, an eel is trapped; in a dream, he tells T. to bury his head; it grows into a coconut tree]; Bellona ["text T31 tells how Sina got along with a snake"]: Monberg 1966:88; Mangaia [Ina-moe-aitu has an eel fan (Tuna); he sends a flood, sails to her house, asks to be cut off and plant his head, it makes a coconut]: Beckwith 1970:103; Tuamotu [Tuna lives in a lake, his wife is Hina; Maui takes H., T. follows her, M. kills him, a coconut grows out of his head palm tree]: Beckwith 1970:103; Mangareva [husband and wife raised an eel in a hollow; he moved to the pond where Meto bathed, met with her; came back, talked about what happened, he was killed]: Buck 1938: 415; Hawaii [1) Puhi-nalo eel is the lover of a girl from Oahu; her brothers watch him, fight him, kill him by hitting him on a rock; 2) Eel and Sea Cucumber in the form of young men become lovers two sisters; their father watches them become animals again, catches them with nets, cooks them, lets their daughters eat; they feel nauseous, one regurgitates a small eel, the other sea cucumber, the father burns regurgitated; these are children girls would have]: Beckwith 1970:136; Maori [Maui Hine's wife goes to the lake for water; Tuna-roa jumps out of the water, wraps rings around H. who did not have time to escape, returns to the lake; so twice; H. tells M.; M. draws water from the lake, catches T. with a net, cuts it to pieces; the head has become fish, the tail is a sea eel, pieces of body with freshwater eels]: Reed 1960:41-42).

Tibet is the Northeast of India. Bori [brother has four sisters; they go fishing, see a snake, only the older sister sees a man; the next day she carries rice not to his brother and sisters in the field, but to the river, returns with fish; so many days; her brother waited for her, killed her snake lover, her sister became a bird screaming, Taki -Rigo; hearing her voice, snakes crawl out of the ground; middle sister goes to the forest for firewood, her dog brings her game; her tiger lover brings deer to her third sister, the bear digs roots for the fourth sister; the brother watches every time, kills sisters, is left alone]: Elwin 1958a, No. 1:356-359 (=1958b: 395-398; miso (best): McCall 1949 [Chawngchilhi and his younger sister go to the site to protect the harvest from birds; he is losing weight; the father asks the youngest daughter to tell the truth; she says that C. copulates with a snake; father tells the youngest to call her lover in the voice of her elder; she sings the lines that C. sang; the serpent comes out, the father cuts him with a sword, kills C.; before her death she gives birth to many snakes; the father kills all but one; he becomes an ogre, his cave is still visible to this day]: 77-79; Shakespear 1909 [=1912:107-108; every day, Chhawng-chili's older sister tells the youngest to call a snake from the hollow, copulates with him, eats with him lunch; the youngest does not eat out of fear, loses weight; tells the father; he puts on his daughter's dress, sends the youngest to call a snake, cuts off the snake's head when he crawls; at home, the father hacked the eldest daughter, from her 100 snakes crawl out, their father kills them, but one snake crawled under a pile of garbage; grew huge; people fed him, began to give goats and pigs, then children; Poi wrapped the knife in the goat's giblets, put his hand in the snake's mouth , killed him]: 399-401; Bugun (Khowa) [The Serpent King sees a girl bathing in the water; comes to her as a handsome man, tells her who he is; the girl spends all her days by the river with her snake lover the mother does not help; gives birth to two eggs, one drops into the river, the other hides in the box; the mother opens the box, cooks, eats the egg; the snake sends drought; the fish hatching from the first egg bring water to girl's mother's field; mother catches fish, roasts, eats; girl rushes into the river to the Snake]: Elwin 1958b, No. 2:357-361; miniong: Elwin 1958b, No. 9 [brother and sister live alone; brother wonders where sister is carries food and drink, watches, sees her knock on the water with a stick, causing the snake; he wraps around it, puts his tail into it; she feeds him; the brother calls the snake with the same signal, cuts it to pieces; the sister gives birth snakes, takes them to the forest; continues to live in his brother's house], 2 [the brother has three sisters; he watches the eldest, who carries rice and meat, stomps at the shore, causing a snake; the brother calls him with the same signal, kills him; the next day, the sister sees a snake cut, hangs herself; her brother cuts her stomach, snakes crawl out of it; since then snakes and people have been at odds; the second sister meets the dog, goes with him to the forest, gives birth to three puppies; brother comes to sister, eats her rice, does not eat the meat given by the dog; when the puppy's parents go to the site, kills the puppies; the caterpillar from under the hearth says that she will tell her husband's parents everything; man takes the caterpillar away; leaves it in the forest, it makes Tibetan bronze vessels for it; carrying them home, he wakes them up with the ringing of monkeys, they will kill the caterpillar with arrows; the young man lures monkeys into the hollow, burns them; one escaped, became pregnant from a leaf that fell from the sky, the monkeys bred again; the third sister met the tiger; the brother came to them, the tiger brought meat and regurgitated it; the brother left, dressed the dog in women's clothes, the tiger rushed at her, her brother killed him; returned her sister; she smeared her with egg yolk, took a knife in her mouth, turned into a tigress, but he managed to kill her (=1958a: 359-365)]: 367, 398-404.

Burma - Indochina. Burmese: Aung 1957 [After leaving university, lazy Mong Paung Chin learns that the princess's husbands die on the first night; marries a princess, puts a banana trunk in his place; from under the roof Naga crawls out, pierces his teeth into the trunk, they get stuck, MPH kills him with a sword; Naga was the princess's lover; she pays the hunter a thousand coins to rip off Naga's skin, and the seamstress a hundred for she sewed a pillow, makes a hairpin out of a bone; tells me to solve it in 40 days: it was torn for a thousand, it was sewn for a hundred, my beloved made a hairpin out of a bone; the MPC parents hear Raven tell Voronikha that they will soon enjoy the eyes of the MPH, because he will not be able to solve (describes the riddle); parents answer on the last day; the MPH receives the throne, does not execute, but expels the princess]: 65-69; Brown 1921 [Kin Saw U is the wife of King Thado Saw; a dragon jumped out of the thickening on the main pillar of the palace, met with the queen, bit the king to death; the TS brother married the KSU, died the same way; this is how all six brothers of the king died; the KSU gave birth son Pauk Tyaing, he was abandoned in the woods, raised by foster parents; palace ministers are looking for a spouse for the KSU; PT offers himself; does not sleep at night, kills the dragon; the dragon becomes natom (spirit), he is revered under the name of the Great Father; the KSU asks the PT a riddle, he guesses when he hears an answer from a crow; gives birth to him two sons; because of his mother's previous relationship with the dragon, they were born blind; they were lowered down the river ; they saw the light, founded the city of Prome]: 93-94; Khmers [husband leaves to sell beads; his wife Ni drops an ax in the hole of the Kengkang snake, agrees to meet him for the returned axe; everyone the evening sends a daughter for K., she brings him to his mother; the father returns, the daughter talks about what happened; he tells him to call the snake in the usual way, cuts off his head and tail at home, gives meat to his wife under the guise of pork; the raven shouts that she is eating her lover; N. cries when he sees K.'s head hanging on a branch, replies to her husband that he has been burned with soup; the husband calls N. to give birth on the river bank, cuts them in two, crawling out of her wombs snake gave birth to current snakes]: Gorgoniev 1973:127-132 (=Marunova 1972:142-145); (brief retelling in Thierry 1977 [husband leaves, wife and daughter go to the forest for firewood, wife drops an ax into a hole the snake Ken Kan asks him to return; he agrees to the woman's promise to get along with him; every evening a woman sends her daughter for the Snake and she brings him into the house; the woman becomes pregnant; the husband returns, the daughter tells him what is happening; he kills the Snake, the daughter cooks meat, the mother eats her lover without knowing it; the husband kills his wife by the river, all kinds of snakes crawl out of her womb (the origin of snakes)]: 167-168 ).

South Asia. Sora [in Jora-sim ("river spirit"), the word "oa" means a boa constrictor with horns like a cow on its head; these boas are cattle of earth spirits (Labo-sim); such a boa constrictor married a litter girl, but her His brothers cut him into pieces out of jealousy; then he rose to heaven; while there, he causes illness to first-born babies who will become members of patrilinges other than their mothers; he is donated water-mixed flour that symbolizes mother's milk]: Pier Vitebsky, personal comm. with Anaztasia Krylova, February 2021; Sinhalese [prince: women cheat, I'm not getting married; god Shakra created a woman from a part of the prince's body and he agreed to marry her; his wife met a cobra snake, who told her to find out what the prince's life was like; the prince finally admitted that he was in his thumb (thumb); cobra I wanted to bite the prince in the finger, but the servants managed to kill her; the wife ordered a gold belt from the jeweler, put the severed cobra hood inside, and asked the prince a riddle: a snake belt in a gold chain around her waist; he can't figure it out, he's preparing for execution; his older sister found out the answer and said; the prince executed his wife]: Parker 1910, No. 19:157-159.

Malaysia-Indonesia. Timor [Buik Ikun catches an eel, brings it home, lets it into the stream, says he would like to be his wife; every morning he calls him; Eel comes out of the water as a man, they chew betel; hers six sisters followed, summoned Eel with the same words, cut off his head; BI goes under water, weaves, sitting on a coconut tree; a witch pulls her down, turns her into a slave, becomes a wife in her place An eel (obviously recovered) swallows dishes; Eel meets BI, who calls herself, he tells her to fight a witch with a sword in her hand, gives the witch a weaving sword; BI kills the witch, plates, spoons and cups fall out of her belly; BI becomes queen]: Morris 1984:23-29; Flores [a pregnant woman should not leave the house if the rainbow, because a miscarriage may occur - a rainbow snake will eat a child; but if a woman has a child because of her connection with a snake, then the rainbow will not hurt him]: Bader 1971:953.

Taiwan - Philippines. Payvan: Whitehorn, Earle 2003, No. 18 [When going to the river, Savałi does not tell her mother to open her box; she opened it, snakes in it, they crept; when S. returned, she saw one snake and understood everything; asked her mother what she had done to her children; wearing a bamboo hat, she went east and disappeared into the sea; she was pregnant with a sea monster and came back to him], 41 [Kului woman's husband - the big snake she kept in the basket; Ulung {apparently her real human husband} sent her to fetch water and opened the basket himself; Why are you looking at me? asked the serpent and crawled into a hole in the south; when K. returned and found out what had happened, she said she would go to the snake and disappear]: 126, 194.

China - Korea. Koreans: Kontsevich, Riftin 1980 [a rich man has a daughter, a man in a dark purple dress comes to her at night; her father orders to pin a needle and thread to an unknown person's clothes; the next day A thread is found under the northern fence stuck in the body of a large earthworm; this worm became Koenghwon's father]: 61; Trotsevich 1996 [same text; this worm became the father of the rebel Chinghwon ]: 107; Ikeda 1971, No. 411C [type known in Korea {Chosen Mintan Shu, p. 132) and China (FFC 120, No. 109; Eberhard, 1965 No. 29)]: 103-104.

(Wed. Caucasus - Asia Minor. Elian, 5, 17. In the land of so-called Jews or Idomes, residents praise the story of King Herod's time about a huge snake in love with a blooming girl who, often visiting her, slept with the girl in question, like passionately in love. But the girl was very afraid of her lover, although he crawled to her as soon as he could, quietly and gently. So she secretly left and spent a month away from him, because she believed that the serpent would forget its beloved due to absence. But his loneliness only increased his passion, and the serpent came to her every day and every night, but did not meet the one he wanted, and suffered as much as a lover who failed in love. When the girl returned again, the snake came to her and, surrounding her with the rest of her body, gently hit her beloved's ankles with his tail, considering himself neglected and, obviously, therefore angry).

Amur - Sakhalin. Nivhi: Kreinovich 1929:98-99 [When returning home, the hunter sees that the wife is copulating with a man; he shoots him, who turns into a snake, dies; part of the snake remains in the woman's vagina; a hunter kills his wife; later people see her (i.e. her soul) with a child in her arms in a place where snakes live; (quail in Ostrovsky 1997, No. 21:154)], 99-100 [spouses are childless; wife dreams of being with her a forest man in the form of a fox copulates; gives birth to two girls one day; one day a father notices toads and lizards crawling between the legs of sleeping daughters; pushes a sledge with his daughters down the mountain; bellies girls burst, toads and lizards jump out from there; since then, every three generations, toads and lizards have tried to have sex with women of this genus; (quail in Ostrovsky 1997, No. 19:147, 148; addition Ostrovsky: toads, lizards and snakes jumped out of their bursting bellies)].

Japan. Japanese (everywhere, obviously including North Ryukyu) [an unknown young man visits his only daughter in a wealthy family at night; a nanny or mother advises to stab a needle into his clothes with with a thread; in the morning, the nanny walks along a thread stretching along the ground to a deep body of water or a hollow tree; (1) finds the snake dead or dying, for snakes can't stand iron (version 31); (2) hears the snake talking and his mother: - I told you not to go to a human girl. - I may die from an iron needle, but I will have an heir from my girlfriend. - But people will give her sake at the party and the child will not be born. Upon learning this, the girl does not give birth to an heir to a snake (42 versions); (3) a dying serpent predicts the birth of a son of amazing strength with three scales under his arm, he will become a famous warrior or monk (16 versions). This option also tells about a female snake visiting a young man at night and giving birth to a hero before death (3 options); (3) is included in the genealogy of ancient and noble families claiming to be descended from snake. In (2), where the nanny learns how to get rid of the fruit, the girl drinks a certain infusion or eats rice cakes at the party, ends with "why do we eat and drink this and that." The type is known in Korea {Chosen Mintan Shu, p. 132) and China (FFC 120, No. 109; Eberhard, 1965, No. 29)]: Ikeda 1971, No. 411C: 103-104; Ancient Japan: The Taira House Story 1982 [Kyushu, Bungo District, Katayama Village; an unknown man comes to a girl at night; mother sees her daughter pregnant, tells her to mark the man's clothes; daughter sticks her in the gate of the caftan is a needle with a ball of thread; follows the thread to a cave in the mountain; there lives a serpent, the girl's needle pierced his throat; he predicts that their son will become a great warrior; the serpent was god Takachio, worshiped in the land of Hyuga]: 361-362; Harima-fudoki [Shidehiko said goodbye to Otohimeko's wife, sailed by ship; a man of his appearance comes to her every night; O., attached a thread to his clothes, walked along it to the lake at the top of the mountain; a serpent sleeps in the lake, his head is on the shore; becomes human again, invites her to her; O.'s maid tells her family; they find O.'s corpse at the bottom of the lake, they bury him]: Popov 1969:138; Miyako (Ryukyu) Islands [an unknown man visits a girl from a wealthy family at night, she becomes pregnant; her parents tell her to attach a thread to her lover's clothes so that later Identify him; following her, people come to the sacred cave where snakes live; the woman gave birth to three daughters, they became the first priestesses of the sanctuary in Harimuzu]: Maruyama 2009:32-33; Ainu [eldest the sister gives birth to a boy; replies to the youngest that she conceived him while lying among snakes on a fallen elm tree; the youngest lies on an elm tree; in a dream, an elm woman says that her sister was playing with a snake; tells her to run away from the elm tree and from her sister; a girl comes to the house of the elderly, who purify her; one day she comes to an elm tree, sees her sister and her child having the bodies of snakes but human heads; the girl goes beyond youngest son of old people]: Nevsky 1972:71-74.

The Arctic. Copper [a woman breastfeeds a caterpillar until it grows up and becomes her lover; one day she leaves her alone in the house; people find a monster, throw it to dogs; a woman is furious]: Jenness 1924, No. 57:75; West Greenland: Grønnow 2009 [huge kullugiaq (aka aasik - worm, caterpillar) live in the interior; women are kidnapped, or the woman becomes the wife of it creatures; her relatives kill him and often eat it because its body consists of pure fat; a woman gives birth to a worm and takes care of it like a child; the story continues]: 198; Ostermann 1939 [sister many brothers reject suitors; an old woman tells her to marry a worm; a girl disappears; her middle brother finds her in a house where she nurses a baby worm; a big worm begins to shake the house, the wife tells him that it was her brother who came; called her sister to stay at home; she came telling everyone to hide in bed so as not to see her child; her mother spies; sees a worm and her daughter's bloody breasts, because the worm sucked them; having received her sister's consent, the brothers watched for her worm husband, killed her with arrows; then killed the worm child; the sister grieved and calmed down]: 127-129.

Subarctic. Chipewayan: Petitot 1884-1885, II: 19-21 in Barbeau 1952 [the woman's husband is a serpent, his snakes live in a hollow; hunters find their lair, burn it; ash turns into a gnat]: 119; Petitot 1886, No. 14 [a man sees his wife coming to a tree, calling her husband, copulating with snakes that have crawled out; he calls snakes in her voice, kills her, lets his wife eat their boiled blood; she runs to the tree, returns, attacks her husband; he cuts off her head, runs away; asks a grasshopper to transport him across the river; she stretches her leg like a bridge; her head pursues her husband, asks her to stretch her leg for her as well; the husband breaks the Head with an ax, a gnat flies out of it; var.: The grasshopper throws his Head into the water, the Head disappears]: 407-410; (cf. Lowie 1912 [every evening the wife leaves, supposedly, to collect firewood and does not return for a long time; the husband watched his wife knock on a tree, from there two big ants crawl out and hug her; the husband left; his wife went to him search but didn't find it]: 187-188).

The coast is the Plateau. Ne perse [a young widow meets a handsome man; he comes to bed with her; in the morning, people find a woman's corpse wrapped in a rattlesnake; they burn them with the house]: Aoki 1979, No. 11:65-66.

The Midwest. Western Ojibwa: Jones 1916, No. 33 [When returning from hunting, the husband finds the children abandoned, the wife is just starting to cook; the eldest son says that the mother dresses up in the morning and leaves; the husband watches behind her, sees her copulating with snakes; puts the cradle with her youngest son on the elder's back, tells her to run west; pierces his wife with an arrow, throws her into the fire; when she falls silent, he runs east; children they consistently reach two old women; the first gives an awl and a crest, the second flint and tinder; thrown behind, they turn into a mountain of shilles, a mountain of ridges, a flint ridge, fire from end to end of the world; The toadstool carries children across the river; tells the stalker not to step on him while sitting on his back; she steps, throws off, goes to the bottom], No. 33a [the hunter returns without prey; his wife feeds his son and daughter with bear fat; daughter gives fat to her father, who watches his wife; she knocks on wood, crawls out snakes, turns into a man, copulates with her; husband kills his wife, burns; his son kills chikadi; father tells him to burn him, bury his ashes; says that if the sky turns red, he is dead; the children watch their mother's ghost rise from the ashes of the chikadi; they run; the girl mistakenly throws the flint given by her father in front themselves; they cross a pond; a girl marries an unknown young man; his father gives her brother a club, tells him to kill him and his men; these people were Thunders]: 379-380, 380-382; Eastern Ojibwa (southern Ontario)] [the hunter notices that his wife is embellished; the eldest son tells him that every time he goes hunting, his mother also leaves home; the hunter watches his wife; sees her approach a tree, knocked, a handsome man came out; returning home, the hunter taught the children (both boys) what to do; when his wife returned, her husband killed her, burned her body; said to the children: if it was red sunset, this means that her mother's lover killed her; when they saw the red sunset, the children ran; the mother (i.e. her spirit?) pursues; they threw a pebble (mountain), a thorn (thorny thickets), an awl (many awls pointing upwards); the mother overcame everything; by the river, the children asked a large snail to transport them to the other side; that stretched out and they crossed; when the stalker asked for the same thing, the snail clenched in the middle of the river and the woman drowned; the brothers settled by the lake; a man in the boat swam up; asked the younger one to shoot, the arrow fell into the boat; asked the elder to pick it up and sailed away with him; kept it in his house; once offered to roll down the mountain in a sleigh; the young man refused to sit in front, sat behind; the sleigh rides on stumps and stones, a young man picked up a stone and killed a man; came to where he left his younger brother; he turned into a wolf (or half a wolf); this is how wolves appeared]: Laidlaw 1915, No. 7:6-7; Western Forest Cree [ the husband notices that the wife wears clothes decorated with shell beads, and when she returns, she wears simple clothes; watches, sees her coming to the tree, knocks on the bark, calls "husband", crawls out to her snakes; at home, the hunter sends his wife to fetch prey, puts on her dress and jewelry, calls the snake with the same signal, cuts off her head, cooks meat; gives two sons amulets with which to create obstacles in the path of the pursuer; the wife returns without finding the prey left; the husband says he cooks her lover's meat, cuts off her head, rises to the sky, turns into a star; the children hide in the underworld; the wife's head asks objects where the children have taken refuge; a knife, a cape, a pot, a bison skin are silent, a pebble from under the skin shows where the children have run; the elder carries the youngest, throws the first a pebble (fire, the head is burned, but it passes), then a thorny bush (a monstrous snake makes its way under the thorns), rocks (a monstrous beaver gnaws); the fourth amulet falls in front of the boys, a turbulent river appears, another snake carries the boys to the opposite bank; carries his head, throws it into the water; the eldest son tells her to become a sturgeon; the elder brother is Wesakitchak; he is taken away by a giant; the younger brother was left alone, turned into a half-wolf, killed by a monstrous sturgeon - his ex-mother; V. married the giant's daughter; he and his daughter could not destroy him; Kisemanitou sent a flood because . people went bad, saved V.; created a new pair of people out of clay]: Vandersteene 1969:44-48; Western Swamp Cree (Stone Cree) [the hunter's wife leaves every day, tells the children that cut wood; housework is not done by the husband's return; the sons answer that the mother meets snakes; the husband goes, cuts off the snake's head, brings it into the house; runs away; gives the sons an awl, flint, a towel (? ) , tells me to run; the wife finds the head of a snake, goes to the forest, finds the body of a snake; chases her husband, they go up to the sky, she kills him, he turns into the Big Dipper (that's the way she killed him up in the air, that's where the Dipper now); the husband managed to cut off his wife's head; the head is chasing the children; they throw an awl, thorny thickets appear; the head asks two snake-like creatures, worms to become them wife, if they make a move underground; makes her way, pursues sons again, they throw flint, fire behind; she promises marriage again, overcomes the barrier; Wisahkicahk throws a third the object, it falls in front, turns into a river; the Swan carries them, tells them not to touch her neck; the head touches her neck, the Swan throws it off, she turns into a sturgeon]: Brightman 1989:9-13; Steppe Cree : Ahenakew 1929 [a woman knocks on a dry tree; snakes crawl out of the hollow, she caresses them; her husband watches her; calls the snakes with the same signal, cuts off their heads; leaves the smallest one ( the origin of snakes); tells the eldest son to take the youngest on his back and run; gives them an awl, flint, a beaver's tooth; sends his wife for meat, curtains the entrance to the hut with a net; a woman finds dead snakes, rushes home, gets entangled in the net; her husband cuts off her head; runs to heaven, her body chases him; her head chases sons running west; see motive L5]: 309-311; Bloomfield 1930, No. 1 [wife adorns herself every time her husband goes hunting; he watches her; she goes to the forest, hits a tree, says Husband, I'm here; the Serpent crawls out, they copulate; the husband puts on his wife's skirt, calls the Snake with the same signal; cuts off her head, cooks the meat, gives the broth to his wife; says what the soup is made of; the wife runs to the tree, sees that her lover is killed; returns, the husband cuts off her head; hides his two sons underground, tells utensils not to answer questions from the Head, flies away, turns into a star; The head asks where her children are, the stone answers; the elder brother Visakechi carries (first ?) under the ground, the youngest is on the back; they throw objects (not named), they turn into fire, a thorny forest, a mountain; the Serpent makes a passage for the Head through the forest; a beaver with iron teeth gnaws through the mountain; the fourth object falls in front of the brothers, turns into a river; the Serpent carries them; when it carries the Head, it says it swims too slowly; he dumps it into the water, it turns into a sturgeon]: 14 -16; northern ojibwa (Sandy Lake) [a hunter meets a woman in the forest, gets married; she goes to the stump, undresses, calls Machi-manita; snakes crawl through all holes in her body; her husband watches her sends them prey, kills snakes with an ax, gives them their blood instead of bear blood; tells their two sons that if the sky turns red, he dies; gives them a bone awl, a sharp stone, flint, a beaver tooth, a stone chisel, tells her to run; the wife runs to the stump; when she returns, her husband cuts off her head, cuts her body, throws half into the sky, they can be seen now (constellations?) ; her Skull kills and devours him, pursues her sons; the sky turns red; the elder carries the youngest on the back; throws objects, they turn into thorny thickets, a rock, a wall of fire, a pile of poplar stumps, a river ; The Beaver makes a passage through the thickets when the Skull promises to allow it to have sex with itself in the eye sockets and nostrils; the lost soul leads the Skull through the crack through the rock; The Toadstool agrees to transport the Skull through river, tells you not to touch the sore spot on the neck; The skull touches, dumped into the water; sons break it with a stone, it drowns; see motif K27]: Ray, Stevens 1971:48-52; sauk [a stranger comes to sleep with a woman; one girl sees him turn into a horned serpent; a woman gives birth to a hundred eggs; her husband carries them to the lake shore; hatched snakes crawl to the camp; people run; snakes stay and die ]: Skinner 1928, No. 15:169.

Northeast. Montagnier [woman copulates with a handsome man coming out of her hollow; husband watches her; puts on her clothes, kills a snake with an ax; cooks his blood and gives it to his wife; many snakes and worms, a woman among them disappears; a husband with two children goes to people]: Desbarats 1969:14-15; nascapi [Point's husband is a bad hunter; she dreams of a handsome man coming out of a dried tree they copulate; she finds that tree; the serpent promises meat to her children, she lets her climb under her skirt; the husband wonders where the meat comes from, cuts for his wife, puts on her dress, cuts the snake into pieces, cooks, gives wife to eat; she vomited, vomiting turned into snakes; P. and her children are gone, the man is left alone]: Millman 1993:54-56; hurons [girl rejects suitors; marries a handsome stranger; sees husband in the guise of a snake; runs away; a man carries her in a boat across the sea; the Serpent chases them; the Thunder kills the Serpent; from this woman comes the genus of the Snake]: Spencer 1909:321; Seneca [like Hurons; husband - Water Serpent; Thunder kills him; she gives birth to snakes, Thunders kill them too; woman returns to people]: Curtin, Hewitt 1918, No. 4 [see motif J4; a ball of snake hearts is hidden under the Serpent's bed; Thunders ask a woman to help them; the hearts of the Snakes hit her, they die], 6 [Horned Serpent; Thunders give a woman a potion, she regurgitates ants, larvae, worms]: 86-90, 268-270; Tuscarora [the girl is weak, unwell, no one marries her; her mother leaves, tells no one to open it; at night she opens it to a handsome man; three days later he leaves with a pendant; the mother comes back, sees that it is a scale snakes; sees that when her daughter sleeps, snakes crawl out of her belly and then return to her womb; the girl decides to rush into the waterfall, four Thunders pick her up, drive out the snakes (they fry and eat them); one Thunder converges with her; sends her to his mother, tells her not to let her son who will be born leave the house, he can kill other children with lightning; the son grows up, goes out, hears Gromov's voice, goes to this voice; (in The following text, see motif I80A, states that this young man became the youngest of the Gromov and was not as good as the others)]: Rudes, Crouse 1987, No. 35:587-595; Passamaquoddy: Leland 1968:266-267 [girl falls asleep on the lake shore, she is raped by a serpent; people drive her out; an old man tells her to dance, kills the snakes she gives birth with a stick; marries his Thunder Son; a boy is born, a grandfather and attaches thunder to him wings; the old man's daughter is Lightning], 273-274 [a woman marries five times, her husbands die each time; the sixth watches her; she calls a snake from the lake with a song, copulates with him; at night her husband refuses her lie down; snake venom is not transmitted to her husband, the woman dies herself]; delaware: Bierhorst 1995, No. 86 [the girl rejects the grooms; agrees to the offer of a handsome stranger; he takes her to his underwater world; she finds his snake clothes, runs away; he chases; her caress assistant climbs down his throat, cuts off his heart; Thunders rub the woman's body, snakes fall off her; she stays with the Thunders; when the clouds they rise with a rumbling sound, it is the rustle of her clothes], 202 [after the end of her period, the girl meets a man who brings her to his house in the rock; hunts but is afraid of a thunderstorm; her husband's wife and mother run away; The horned Serpent chases them, falls dead by the river; twelve women appear, they say that they killed the snake; at home, the boy holes the woman's belly with an arrow, taking out the snakes; the woman did not understand that lives under the water of the Snake]: 48-49, 74.

Plains. A woman's lover is a rattlesnake; her husband watches her; cuts off her head; her head chases their children; they throw objects behind them that turn into obstacles. Sarsi [the man has a wife and two sons; he combs his wife, paints her face, but every time she goes for brushwood and comes back, her hair is tangled, the paint is blurred, the clothes are dirty; he watches Sees her approach a rotten tree, knocks, says that she has come, snakes crawl out, wrap around her body; the husband tells his sons about it, tells them to run, goes to the tree, calls the snakes with the same signal, kills with a stick, throws bodies into a ravine, one escaped but lost her tail; the wife finds only one snake, comes back, her husband cuts off her head, she falls into a tipi, her body outside, her husband runs away in the opposite direction than sons; they ran to the river, asked the water monster to transport them; he invited them to eat its parasites; they were frogs; the brothers snapped the seeds of which they had necklaces, a monster happy, lay down like a bridge, the brothers crossed to the other side; the mother's head chased, saw through the frog, spat in disgust, the monster invited her to cross the river, threw it into the water, her head drowned; brothers they saw a raft, put a board from there, offered to take food, the elder stepped, threw him on the fruit, sailed; he shouted to the youngest not to go anywhere, wait for him; he came back, but his brother turned into a wolf; they they hunt together; the wolf rushed for the deer into the river, something dragged him under water; the old man brought his older brother to the river, where there are fish near the shore; they started shooting at them, injuring the leader; the shaman frog goes, saying that she was called to treat the wounded fish chief; the old man killed him, dressed like him, went down to the fish, found the wolf's skin, revived it, he returned to the shore; the old man told everyone to close their eyes while he began to heal the leader, killed everyone, returned to the shore; other fish caused a flood; the old man on the raft tells the animals to dive; only the Muskrat dived, surfaced dead; the old man took grains of earth from under his claws and teeth, revived Muskrat; this is how she dived four times; the Old Man invited the animals to run around a lump of earth, only the Wolf and the Otter agreed; the earth grew, they returned old, the Old Man rejuvenated them; so three times, after fourth they did not return, the land is great]: Dzana-gu 1921, No. 4:6-8; black-legged (blood) [husband gets a web to catch animals; his wife covers herself with incense, goes to the snake lover; husband watches after her, burns a den of snakes; tells his two sons to run, gives them a stick, stone, wet moss; hangs a web above the entrance to the house; the wife is entangled in her, he cuts off her head; her body chases him; they turn into the Moon and the Sun; if the Moon catches up with the Sun, eternal night will fall; the Head pursues the sons; they throw away the objects they have received, a thicket, a mountain, a pond form; first mountain rams, then ants they make a passage in the mountain; for this, the Head promises to marry their leaders; falls into the water, drowns; one brother goes north, the other south; one becomes the ancestor of the whites; the other, Napi, is the creator blacklegs]: Grinnell 1893a: 44-47; Spence 1985:205-208; blacklegs: Josselin de Jong 1914 (piegan) [collecting firewood, the woman comes back late; the husband watches, sees her knock on wood, a snake crawls out of there, they copulate; he calls the snake with the same signal, cuts its throat; the next day the wife returns in tears; her husband cuts her throat; her seven younger brothers see that she is left with only one head; the eldest turns into a beetle, sees her drawing on suede, says where her brothers' scalps will be; her brothers send her meat, run away; throw her porcupine needles at her, scraper, paint; she rushes to pick them up; brothers think about what to turn into; reject turning into stones (women will break for scrapers), wood (people will burn), water (drink), deer (kill), birds (children will shoot), grass (set fire); they rise into the sky, blowing on a feather, turn into seven stars]: 43-37; Knox 1923 [every time the wife collects firewood, she comes back late; her husband watches her, sees her , as she knocks on a tree, a rattlesnake comes out, turns into a handsome man, copulates; he calls the snake with the same signal, cuts off her head; the wife finds the corpse, cries; the husband cuts off her head; her seven brothers find an empty dugout; they hear the sister's voice outside; she says she is killed, does not tell me to look at it; the youngest spies, sees her head fly over the skin that she is scratching; brothers they hunt, send the youngest in the form of a beetle to watch his sister; he sees her trying on the skin where she will attach her brothers' scalps; they send their sister for meat, run, taking her paint, scraper, needles porcupine, awl; they throw them, it loses time picking them up; they think what to turn into; water - people will drink; trees - cut down; grass - burn; stones - heat up for the steam room, women will make scrapers; animals - kill and eat; birds are the same; the youngest offers to become stars; they blow on the feather, rise to the sky as a Major Bear]: 401-403; assiniboine [husband sees his wife knocking on the stump, calling her lover -snake; kills all snakes, makes soup from their blood, feeds his wife; she finds dead snakes; husband tells his six sons and daughter to run; when the wife looks into the house, cuts off her head; head catches up gathers children in a tipi, tells them not to look at her when she treats the skin of an elk killed by one of her sons; one looks, the head is chasing the children; the awl, flint, stone they throw turn into many awls, up the fire, up the mountain; two Cranes lay their necks like a bridge across the river; children cross; the head of the Cranes is pushed into the water; she continues to pursue; the children play ball and go up to the sky turn into the Big Dipper; the head can't jump to the sky]: Lowie 1909a, No. 22:177-178; mandan [see motif J18; the son of the Month comes to the Old Woman's garden; she makes him her grandson; her husband- the snake lives in her bed; she feeds him corn porridge; a young man kills him with an arrow; after a series of adventures returns to heaven, turns into a star]: Bowers 1950:200-205; arpaho [husband went to war; the wife meets a handsome man by the river, sleeps with him; nine months later her womb bursts, she dies after giving birth to a rattlesnake; people throw him into the fire]: Dorsey, Kroeber 1903, No. 77:147-150; arikara [two girls sleep outside, discussing young people; one wants a bright red star as her husband; in the morning, chasing a porcupine, she climbs a poplar by the river, a tree grows, the girl finds herself on sky; a porcupine turns into a handsome middle-aged man, he was a Star; she gives birth to a son with a star on her forehead; her husband tells me not to dig roots in the lowlands; she digs, sees the ground through the hole; an old woman advises to ask her husband for tendons, makes a rope out of them, a woman goes down with her little son, the rope is short, the woman hangs; the husband throws a stone, telling him to kill the woman, leave her son in alive; the boy sucks the dead mother's chest, steals corn and pumpkins from the old woman's garden; she leaves the ball and stick, the bow and arrow; the bow and arrow disappear, the old woman knows that it is a boy, catches, educates; feeds rooks (blackbirds) with grain, a young man kills them, an old woman revives them (they guarded her field); he notices a snake behind the curtain to whom the old woman gave porridge, kills him, he falls into a pond, turning it into a pond lake; an old woman mourns her husband; a young man brings a cougar, an old woman lets her go (these are all her animals); the same with the bear; a young man comes to four men, they kill a pregnant bisonicha, give an embryo take it to his grandmother; the young man is frightened, climbs a tree; men remove the embryo for promising to make his grandmother their wife; she agrees, they agree with her; the grandmother gives him a flute, he plays, the dugout of men loses out, they die; a young man comes to snakes, sits on a stone, snakes can't crawl into it; he puts snakes to sleep with a story, kills, escapes alone, crawls into his anus, into his skull; the young man's father fills his skull water, causes heat, water boils, snake crawls out, young man comes to life, makes the snake short-headed; the young man died saving the country from monsters]: Dorsey 1904d, No. 14:45-55; arikara [two girls sleep under the open sky on the platform; both are monthly; one wants a red star as her husband; finds herself in the sky; the husband does not tell you to dig roots in the lowlands; the wife digs up, sees the ground through the hole, cries; the Old Spider Woman advises to make a rope out of tendons; lowers the woman, she has a baby behind her back; there is not enough rope (= web), the woman hangs; the husband throws a stone, tells him to kill his wife, save his son, cuts off the rope , a woman falls; a boy sucks a dead mother's chest; steals corn from an old woman's garden; she leaves a ball with a stick and a bow and arrows; a bow and arrows disappear, which means that the boy is stealing; the old woman grabs it, educates, he hunts; finds a snake behind the curtain, kills him (the old woman fed him meat); it was the old woman's husband, she lowers him into the pond); tells the young man that the bear wants to tear him apart (hoping that it will be so); the young man brings the bear to work; the old woman lets him go; the young man sees a tipi, he has four dice players, one has snot, the young man shoots them; the players accept him; kill moose, give the young man an unborn calf; the young man is afraid of him, hides in a pine tree (when the females have not yet given birth, the constellations in which the young man's father are not yet in heaven; knowing that his father will not help him, the young man is afraid); those they kill the embryo for promising to bring them an old woman; he brings them, they are happy, they let them go, giving them knowledge of the rituals of catching eagles; the young man is invited by snakes, he, sitting on a stone, puts them to sleep with a story, crawls away alone; he He falls asleep on the ground, the snake climbs into his anus; he cuts his stomach, chest, throat, cutting off the snake's head, but his head creeps into his skull; his father fills his skull with water in the sky, the heat of the sun boils water, the snake gets out, the young man jumps up, makes a snake flat, crawling on his belly]: Dorsey 1904d, No. 16:56-60; throw off the pawnee [The hawk goes to fight, his wife takes the snake as a lover; she becomes a snake herself, crawls with lover underground; Hawk's son tells the truth to his father; he kills his lover, spares the woman; hawks have been catching snakes ever since]: Dorsey 1904b, No. 83:297-299; kiowa [see motive J18; girl climbs on a tree that goes to heaven marries a celestial; he does not tell you to dig roots if they are pinched by bison; she digs, sees the ground and people through the hole, weaves a rope from its tendons, goes down; the husband throws it at it a stone killing her; the child in her womb is alive; he is raised by the Spider; he throws up a hoop to play, which falls on his head, splits in half, twins appear; the Spider gives food to his snake lover; twins find him in a tipi and kill him]: Parsons 1929a: 1-8; Kiova-Apache [a widow husbands a snake crawling into her tipi; eats in a different type, brings food to the snake every time; tells her grandchildren not to kill a snake if they see it; they kill the snake with an arrow; the widow says they killed their grandfather]: McAllister 1949, No. 7 [the old woman finds a blood clot; cooks, he turns into a boy; she asks for meat from teepi; under his skin he finds a snake, kills; an old woman says he killed his grandfather; he marries the chief's daughter, see motive K27], 34:45-46, 100-101.

Southeast USA. Caddo [a talking dog tells the owner that his wife goes to a tree, where she whistles three times, copulates with a snake crawling out of the hollow; the husband calls the snake with the same signal, cuts to pieces, gives eat it under the guise of a fish; the wife turns into a snake herself, crawls into the same hollow]: Dorsey 1905, No. 39:66-67; teal [like screaming, without details]: Kilpatrick, Kilpatrick 1966, No. 5:426-427; screams [while the husband is hunting, the wife copulates with a huge worm living in a log; the husband kills him with a rope loop; the woman gives birth to worms; people set fire to her home; some worms escape, digging into the ground (the origin of earthworms)]: Swanton 1929, No. 33:38; hichiti [like screaming; the wife accompanies the hunter, comes to the lizard's nest, takes the Lizard as a lover]: Swanton 1929, No. 14:96; (cf. tunic [a handsome man comes to the girl at night; she runs away with him, he turns out to be a rattlesnake, takes on a snake's appearance during the day]: Swanton 1907:288).

California. Kato [A serpent comes to a young girl at night, he is her human; warns that she will die if he talks about his visits; a girl's father sees a snake, kills; a daughter dies]: Goddard 1909, No. 30:234-235; (cf. maidu [in the evenings a girl walks to the river; always has the same dream; one day she comes back only in the morning and brings fish; then a big snake crawls into the house, looks at the girl, then comes back into the river; the girl asks her father to go with her; on the bank of the snakes she looks like a man; next time the father gives her daughter a reed with a root tied to her: let her throw it through a hole in the roof into the hearth; she is does, runs, behind her house a snake explodes; the girl runs to her father; a lake has formed on the site of the snake's dwelling]: Shipley 1991:136-140).

The Big Pool. Through a hole in the roof of the dugout, two brothers see their mother copulating with their relative, the Snake; they kill both, as well as the snakes that the woman immediately gives birth to; save and raise the girl - my sister. North Payute (Owens Valley) [The serpent is a woman's husband's brother; they see many snakes and two children inside the dugout; they extract the children, set fire to the dugout; one snake crawls away (the origin of snakes)]: Steward 1936 , No. 30, 31:398, 409; southern payut (shivvitz) [kill lovers with arrows; burn the corpse of the Serpent; step on the mother's belly; snakes and lizards crawl out from there, they kill them all; they get the last to get it girl]: Lowie 1924, No. 14:136-137.

NW Mexico. Huichol [at the spring, a woman meets a snake in the form of a man; becomes his mistress; he gives her a wild bow, her husband smells; the wife is pregnant with her husband and the snake; the snake moves into the house, hides in a vessel; the woman smells more and more like a snake; the husband calls other men, overturns the vessel, people hit the snake with arrows, but the snake escapes into the spring; the husband kills his wife; her grave turns into a pond, there is a nest of snakes on her stomach, they are being killed; the water in the pond is blue, whoever drinks will become a wolf; Luna Nakawé ordered to bring her votive vessels, helped separate blue water from normal water; a son born to a woman had snake sharp eyesight and a forked tongue; became a shaman; during the drought, his children sang and caused rain]: Zingg 1938:551-553 (=1982:247-250).

Mesoamerica Otomi: Garibay 1957a [husband comes, hears his child crying; finds his wife with his lover; he turns into a snake, wife into a snake below the waist; husband buries them on a mountain in a vessel]: 23; Soustelle 1935 [a serpent comes to a girl when she sleeps; men kill a snake, a woman gives birth to a snake, dies]: 11-12.

Honduras-Panama. Rama: Loveland 1990:46-47 [Adam, his brother and sister lived together; there are snakes on the seiba (apparently he has an affair with sister A.); A. cuts seiba, by morning the felling is overgrown; the third time brother came and sister, the tree fell, A. was cut by a snake, many snakes arose from it, hid one sister in the house under a pot; moved out; A. came in her absence, he did not have the staff he used to kill creatures, the snake bit his finger, crawled away; A. is sick; with the Mouse (or Shrew, Gopher) A. sailed to the land of snakes; there they found a snake that bit, they learned how to recover from it; since then, some people have been bitten the serpent recovers, some die; (=1986:250)], 47 [Adam's wife Eve met the Serpent; moved out, hides the Snake in a box; A. found the key, opened it, the Serpent flew away, began to live at the top of the seiba; on the third day A. cut down the seiba, the Serpent flew to E., she hid it under the pot; A. lifted the pot, the Serpent bit his finger; the clairvoyant told him to go to the land of snakes; A. swam there, recovered, returned with the help of the Mouse]; boruca: Maroto 1979 [a woman became pregnant by a snake lover; gave him cheech when he put his head out of the hole; when she was about to give birth, she was thrown into the fire, gave birth to snakes, they were killed; the serpent crawled away, leaving a trail - a ravine through which a stream flows; var.: the snake crawled away]: 43-49; Quesada Pacheco 1996:70 [a woman takes a rat as a lover, shoving it in her ass; gives birth to rats (the origin of rats); their people kill], 71-72 [a woman takes a snake as a lover; people burn a woman so that she does not give birth to snakes; her womb bursts, two big snakes are saved], 77-78 [the girl takes a worm as her lover, hides it under a pile garbage; her mother finds it, her brothers kill him by pouring hot chicha on him; he had a bull's head]; Stone 1949 [a woman walks to a hole in the ground, gives a snake to a chicha water, bathes and copulates with him; mother women bewitched a snake, people burned it; a woman gives birth to snakes, people chop them with machetes, a woman's mother burns them]: 28; cabecar: Bozzoli, Cubero Venegas, Constenla Umaña 1983 [woman copulates with a snake coming out of the river in human form; men shoot arrows at snakes, they retreat to the end of the world]: 6; Stone 1962:64 [the snake is the patron saint of the genus Kibegruwák; one of the first in the world of women belonged to this group; told her brother that she had a husband; brother saw a snake wrapped around her sister; realized that the snake could not be harmed, he would be the patron saint of the family], 65-66 [evil spirit, having accepted the image of a man, captured a woman; after 8 days she gave birth to twins, 4 days later they crawled, four more birds were shot with a wind gun; the grandmother told her daughter that her sons were not human, followed them, She saw snakes rather than humans; they ate their mother, then their grandmother, who saw them swimming in the pond in the form of snakes; they began to expand the reservoir; Sibu was afraid that the earth would disappear and water would become everywhere, sent other twins (humans), giving them bows and arrows; they started shooting, the snakes went down the river to sea and turned into whales]; bribri: Bozzoli 1976, No. 3 [the girl takes a worm as her lover, becomes pregnant; he sucks her breasts, her blood; she turns pale; her brothers are watching her, killing a worm with boiling water together with her parents; she gives birth to worms, people kill them; she dies]: 30-31; Bozzoli, Cubero Venegas, Constenla Umaña 1983 [like cabecar, but lover's nature is not specified; snakes turn into whales]: 39-43; Stone 1962:65-66; (cf. doraske [people noticed that a girl was walking to a deep old man by the river; the father followed and saw a daughter sitting on a rock in the water with a snake's head on her knees; at home, the daughter told him that once He has seen her, let her be given a new hammock, a calebass and a bench; at night a serpent crawled in with horns on her head; the girl's mother traditionally gave him a calebass with a drink; girl: since you've seen it, let them know that she is pregnant and will give her a seven-layer shelter so that light does not enter her, she will give birth there; 7 guys and 7 girls spied and saw that the girl gave birth to a snake; girl: so not lament now what will happen; the horned serpent father crawled out of the water and carried his wife and snake on the tail rings; a storm began, it rained, the water rose and flooded the village; only in the hut on an old man and 5 girls remained in the hills; he gave each a branch, a corncob and burning smut; ordered them to go to the ruler, moving only at night; the girls lived in the ruler's house until they reached maturity ; after marriage, they founded a new village]: Miranda de Cabal 1974, No. 1:17-19).

The Northern Andes. Ambera [girl's mother kills her snake lover]: Wassen 1933:117; nonama [an old woman keeps a snake that turns into a man at night; people kill a snake]: Lotero Villa e.a.: 27; Kogi [Semangáya lived later than Hába Nabobá; married Máma Juídeji but deceived him with others; MX bewitched her so that men rejected her and she rejected them wanted; S. sat down by the road to weave a handbag (mochila; a sign of a love proposal), but the men did not pay attention; saw a swaying tree, mistook it for a man, but was mistaken; then she offered herself to a snake, gave birth snakes; MX collected them and cooked them, but one snake crawled away; S. gave birth to 12 snakes again; MX and another man set fire to the snake house at night; in the morning, MX carried S.'s burnt bones to the cave; but one snake escaped, so they and now people are being bitten, and if MX hadn't burned them, there would be no passage; S. MX turned into stone]: Reichel-Dolmatoff 1985 (2), No. 12:57 (=1951 (2), No. 10:52-53); yupa [woman went to fetch water, began to dance by the river; after a week a man approached her, walking from home leaf cutter ants; so every time she became pregnant; husband followed, saw a lover who appeared in the guise of a snake, killed him; the woman gave birth to many snakes]: Wilbert 1974a, No. 35:120; paes [came a young man, began to live in the hills, the girl began to visit him; the mother saw a snake with her daughter; the girl gave birth to a son, worms came out of his body; the girl's mother removed them, the child died; the girl rushed into lake, began to live in it with her lover; the shaman threw the roots and bandage of a woman who was on her period into the lake; the girl and her lover left the lake in a black cloud; after that, the lake dried up]: Bernal Villa 1953, No. 3:294 (=Nachtigall 1955:300-301); Guambia: Franco 1991 [or two lizards]: 16; Hernández de Alba 1965 [mother did not allow her daughter to go out alone; a snake came into the room, taking the form of a cat; a girl gives birth to a son by a snake, does not allow her child to be touched; the mother takes the baby in her arms, he turns into a snake, crawls away, a lake forms on the site of the village; they dug a canal, The water took many away; a fern was found at the bottom, blood splashed from it, it was the mother of the snake; if the grandmother hadn't taken the child in her arms, all the tropical fruits would grow in the guambia area and it would not be cold]: 119-120; (cf. muisca [Chief Guatavita kills his wife's lover; lets his wife eat his penis, tells her to sing about what happened; she rushes into the lake with a newborn girl; becomes the wife of a water monster; chief sent a shaman, he came up with a dead girl whose eyes were eaten by the monster; G. threw the girl back into the lake, and the monster wanted it]: Simón 1882-1892 (2) [1627], ch. 2:245-246 (translated into Siebert 1972: 202-205).

Southern Venezuela. Sanema: Colchester 1981, No. 30 [a woman went to the forest with her husband; she met a snake while he was hunting; told her returning husband where the serpent lived; her husband killed him]: 63-64; Wilbert, Simoneau 1990b, No. 228 [Colchester 1981, No. 31:64-65; in the forest, the Serpent shed fruit on a woman; she sat on the ground, he climbed into her vagina; so she came home with him, giggled at night; in the morning she put the snake in a vessel, told her husband not open the lid; husband opened, poured boiling latex, the snake died]: 440-441; yanomam [Paka woman secretly met Earthworm; hid it behind her hearth by a pile of brushwood; in the forest Worm turned into a man, caught a lot of game for his wife; a woman explains to her brother that a falcon killed the game; in the forest, the Worm threw fruits from her tree, then went down, climbed into her vagina; brother and mother found home The worm was covered with hot coals; when the woman began to give birth, earthworms climbed from her whole body; she threw herself into the water; worms born in the river became electric eels; Paka turned into a pack]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1990b, No. 227:436-439

Guiana. Caribbean Dominica [Arawak girl Sésé violates the ban on swimming during her period; becomes pregnant with a "dog's head" snake in the pond; comes ashore every night, the snake goes out out of the water in the guise of a man, they make love; S. gave birth to a boy in his mother's house; every night he goes to the pond to play with his father, then returns to his mother's bosom; brother S. wonders how she does not have cut down a tree with an ax, pulls out Mimusops riedleana seeds; watches S., sees a snake crawl out of her womb, climbs a tree, turns into a man, shakes branches, fruits fall; the next day brother cuts the snake into pieces; S. collected them, covered them with leaves; there are huts in this place, in which the Caribbean; at first they lived peacefully, but then S. tells them to take revenge on the Arawaks]: Delavarde 1938:202-203; kalinya [girl found the bowel movements of a white snake, did not know what it was, painted herself; saw a snakeskin drawing in the pond, looked up, saw an aramari snake on the tree; my father ordered the coloring to be removed; the serpent began to come to to a girl in human form, brought game, only she saw it; at the end of the year, the girl was menstruating again, she was sitting in a shelter, Aramari came to her in the form of a snake, ate it; the sleeping snake was found and burned; Plants that are used in hunting, fishing and love magic grew up in this place]: Jara 1986:184-185; oyampy [a lover is not killed; a woman gives birth to two fish, her mother cooks them]: Grenada 1982 , NO. 16:140-141.

Ecuador. Colorado [girl's mother kills snake lover by filling him with boiling water; girl dies giving birth to all kinds of worms]: Aguavil, Aguavil 1985:194-200; prov. Imbabura [a woman sits on the ground near her hearth; a big worm crawls into her; the husband wonders why the wife washes the hearth so often; finds a worm, kills, peppers, lets his wife eat]: Jara, Moya 1987: 112.

Western Amazon. Shuar: Pelizzaro 1990 (=1993): 26-27 [a girl meets her nephew; one day he stays until morning, people see him, he turns into a caterpillar; a girl gives birth on a caterpillar plot, dies ; her mother rushes to crush them; caterpillars start eating cassava], 28-29 [chopping corn, the girl is sitting on the ground; one day she accidentally sat on a worm hole; he crawled into her vagina, she liked it; when she left, she covers the worm hole with a corncob; gives birth to a handsome boy; he cries constantly, especially when it rains; his mother tells her mother to buy the baby in warm water, but she bathes in hot water, the child turns into a worm; the mother guessed to start crushing corn; the worm crawled out to the sound, the mother filled it with boiling water; told her daughter to take a cleansing drug], 30-31 [the lazy girl did not go anywhere, sat by the hearth; a beetle crawled into her, the beetles in her multiplied, began to suck her blood; her brother knocked down the tree, told her sister to move away, but she remained in place; the tree crushed her, the beetles that had sucked in blood ran away from her belly]; Rueda 1987, No. 47 [a woman is sitting on the ground, rubbing corn on a grain grater; a worm came out of the ground, copulated with her; she gave birth to a boy, told his mother not to bathe him in hot water, she bought it, it turned into a bunch of worms; the grandmother caused the father worm to grind a grain grater, filled it with boiling water; the woman cried]: 205-206; Aguaruna: Akutz Nugkai et al. 1977 (2), No. 11 [as in Chumap Lucí a, García-Rendueles 1979; a black boy is born, everyone thinks he is a black man; turns into worms in hot water; since then, girls are not allowed to sit on the ground]: 135-137; Chumap Lucía, García-Rendueles 1979, No. 38 [sitting on the ground, a woman rubs corn on a wooden board to grind cooked cassava; an earthworm climbed into her vagina, copulates; when she leaves, the woman covers worm mink with a board; gives birth to a swarthy boy; he has grown up, loves water; the woman does not tell her matri to bathe her in hot water; she bathed, he turned into a worm; the grandmother found a mink, began to grind corn as her daughter did; the worm crawled out, she filled it with boiling water; sprinkled ash on the floor, put branches in the hammock as if a child was sleeping there; told her daughter what had happened], 38a [as in (38)]: 449-450, 451-455; napo [husband's unmarried sister is always pregnant; the wife notices that she is sitting above a hole in the floor, stomping her foot, causing a worm; the couple filled it with boiling water, like thunder in the ground; the couple killed a girl in the woods, worms crawled out of her belly, the couple killed all but two; one day two young men came to her husband, they were the worms; they took him to their mother, but he could not cross the hot river waters]: Ortíz de Villalba 1989, No. 21:46-48; Siona [husband kills anaconda lover]: Chaves 1958:147-148.

NW Amazon. Uitoto [mother kills snake lover]; Yépez 1982 [Aime Huram has Monayaterisai's daughter; Husido Bunaima came to chew coca, asked her to marry; AH, his wife and daughter went to the station; when came back, XM became a bird, the daughter asked her to catch it, kept it in the basket; when they came again, the bird was gone, and HM was a human; they thought he took the bird; the next night AH and HB again they chewed coca; HB: you have to endure; but AH still went out to urinate; HS: if you don't want coca, tobacco, you can't stand it, you'll eat soil, dry wood; M. sat on a mat; Jusido Bunaima snuck to her from below in in the form of a worm, conceived a son Housitofe (cassava); the mother sent M. to bring water to a sieve to sift manioc flour, found a worm, filled it with boiling water; HB in a dream told M. to put the child she would give birth to in cover the pot with a leaf, make a cake out of the foam that has risen, do not show it to the parents; they saw an ant running with a piece of cassava, found out that their daughter had cassava; M. told them not to sleep, watch out for as a child; the child grew into a manioc tree, pineapples, caimo, aguacate and other fruits on the branches; a lake grew along with the tree, the fruits fell into the water; they were taken out by the Old Rat; Father M. Aima Hurama looked for an ax; a woodpecker axe, a bird axe with a hard beak, an ordinary ax, a toad axe, a piranha axe were not good; he hardly woke up his fox uncle; he took a knife, cut off a vine for which the tree was tied to the sky; when the tree fell, the Fox injured his throat, the sons of the AH smeared the wound with yellow medicine, since then the foxes have a yellow throat; foxes are allowed to eat fruits in the gardens as a reward; AH collected oil from the water, brought, planted, grew cassava; ritual songs and accessories from the same lake and tree]: 63-69; Okaina: Blixen 1999, No. 3 [parents make sure that the youngest daughter does not have contact with a man; a snake digs a passage under her bench, copulates with her at night; the father suspects that the daughter is pregnant, asks her to remove the splinter, sees that her nipples have darkened; the mother sends her for with water, a snake finds, scalds it with boiling water, he hides; brings cultivated plants to the girl; parents see ants dragging pieces of cassava; the snake gave a peach palm and other fruit trees]: 43- 49; Girard 1958 [Amena Kog (oe) n virgin became pregnant by a snake crawling out of a hole in the ground to her, bringing a lot of food; her mother noticed a hole in the floor, poured boiling water into it, the snake died; in his sleep, his spirit She tells her to leave the son she will give birth in the upper reaches of the ravine; four days later there was a giant tree; on its branches there are sweet and bitter cassava, corn, peanuts and other fruits; the girl ate them, and other people ate the land; when I told them, people cut down a tree, planted fruits; where the tree fell, a spring filled up; as punishment for cutting down, people have died ever since]: 133-134, 137 [this is the first woman]; 196:130; bora [the girl got pregnant from a worm, but everyone thought that from her own father, no one wanted to marry her; people left leaving the girl and her father alone; the father climbed a tree, threw the fruits that fell on her daughter's stomach; she immediately gave birth to a fish son; left her in her cradle at home, went to the site to dig cassava herself; the father saw the child, threw it into the water; the daughter cried, went back to the river, became pregnant again, gave birth to an ax; sent it along with the berries she had collected to her father; went to live under water; her family despised her, but her father sent supplies through a crocodile]: Wavrin 1932:142; carijona [ Kuwai hears laughter from a fragrant tree; carves a woman, makes a vagina with a monkey's tail; arranged a party, climbed a palm tree for fruit, Vultures witchcraft made him fall off the tree, die temporarily; his wife fell in love with the Vulture Chief; the Vultures began to cut K.'s corpse with knives, but the knives bounced; when their leader approached, K. grabbed him, plucked him, and could only pull out the last feather with his teeth, felt pain, and since then there has been a toothache; Vulture wanted people to die from it, but K. did not agree; the people guarding Vulture fell asleep, his feathers grew, he flew away; when K. was at home, the Vultures came back, took the woman away; K. met a waterfowl (Snake), she was collecting grass for the Vultures party; said that a new woman, K. identified her as his wife; the bird gave K. wings, he flew to heaven; in the guise of an old man he began to dance at the festival; in the morning, the Vultures went fishing (i.e. worms in corpses); K. identified his wife by how she cooked it, she cooked it - how he cut wood; on the way home, K. smeared his wife with honey to repel the smell of vultures; her children remained in heaven from Vulture; his wife went to Drake, K. returned her again; her The next lover is the owner of the waters Kanakanañi; calling him, the woman spanks the water with an inverted calebass; two sons of a waterbird tell K. about this; he summons the monster with the same signal; water parted, maloka (house) and fruit trees appear; Kuwai sends two gadflies to bite Kanakananyi into his testicles; he does not react to yellow bites, dies from black ones; Kuwai cuts off his penis, sprinkles with pepper and salt, gives her wife instead of a palm larva, as if inadvertently breaks all the water vessels; the woman runs to the river to drink, Kuwai kills her with a club, she turns into a river dolphin; everything dolphins are her children; the burning smut in her hand became a stingray, the Kuwai club became an electric eel]: Schindler 1979, No. 3:56-69; cubeo: Goldman 1963:148; Pereira 1980 (1): 273; maku [ Idn Kamni makes a woman out of rubber; she bites a stick with her vagina; coati or piranha extracts her vaginal teeth; she comes to the site pregnant, although IR has not yet copulated with her; he looks after her , sees her squatting down, picking up a leaf, a snake coming out of the hole; IR does not take food from her, calls the snake with the same signal, throws a noose over it, gives ends to two birds; when the wife sits down, the birds tighten the noose, the part of the snake that enters the vagina remains there; IC goes to collect fruits with his wife, drops them from the tree; the fetus falls on her stomach, she gives birth to snakes; IR cuts off their heads, they turn into spiders; this is how snakes and spiders appeared]: Silverwood-Cope 1972, No. 5:231-232; Tatuyo: Bidou 1972:93; Barasana: Torres Laborde 1969:50-52; Andoque: Landaburu, Pineda 1984:98-102; tukano [Dyâpinõ-maxk- daughter of a water snake, cheated on her husband with her cousin, also a water snake; husband waited, killed an opponent; wife is pregnant; went to collect fruits, but no longer can climb a tree; a baby snake came out of her womb, climbed to collect fruit; she was afraid of his sight, ran to the house, hid under the pot; the snake son behind her, called her from the roof of the house, and the flood began ; when the water flooded the house, D. turned into a fish, the snake son swam after it]: Brüzzi 1959:55-62 in Bodiger 1965:70; desana [the girl was in a separate hut for her period; converges with her a seven-headed serpent; shamans (paye) killed and burned it; it came to life, turned into the Milky Way]: Reichel-Dolmatoff 1968, No. 4:200; arapaso [anaconda Dia Pino is the ancestor of arapaso; taking the form of a handsome man, converges with his wife Iapo; she calls her lover from the river every time, hitting the calebass; I. hid in a tree, waiting for lovers, began to shoot poisoned darts with a wind gun at the man; he threw himself into the water, became an anaconda, sailed to Numiani Tuku Island, his body surfaced; the husband cut off the anaconda's penis, put it in a bag with the fish, let his wife fry and eat; began to play the flute, the wife kept I understood, rushed to the river, began to drink, regurgitated a snake-like fish; the husband left, the woman became pregnant; the child from her womb invites her mother to pick fruit from the tree for her; in the form of a snake came out of her mouth, threw fruit, the tail remained in the woman; she left the frog to answer for himself (when the fruit fell, the woman always said "wow"), sailed away in the boat; the anaconda son, his name Unurato, noticed her, lay down at home, which was actually a hill; people drove the woman away, she threw herself into the river, became a piranha; W. in the guise of an anaconda, grew bigger, swam to Manaus; taking the form of a human being, he met a European; When he appeared in front of him in the form of a snake, he shot him, the snakeskin came down; so the arapaso is Pina Mahsa, "The Snake Men"]: Chernela, Leed 2003:46-48.

Central Amazon. Munduruku [a woman Utukerebö comes to a tree, calls the green snake Tupašerebö to go down, copulates with him, who then sheds its fruit; the mother says that collected the fruits that lay on the ground; her brother spies on her, calls the snake in the voice of W.; kills him; W. finds a corpse; gave birth to a son by a snake; he grew up, asked his uncle to give him an arrow, shot him with this arrow]: Murphy 1958, No. 49:125-126; maue [Onhiamuaçabê's two brothers do not want her to marry because she knows the properties of plants, including medicinal plants; she owns the sacred in Noçoquem's place, where she planted a Brazil nut; a small snake fell in love with her, left her fragrance on the O. trail; O. walked along it, the snake touched her leg, O. froze, her snake became pregnant; O. gave birth the boy was brought to N.; Aguti told the O. brothers that someone was burning a fire in N. and baking nuts; they waited for the boy, cut off his head; his mother found the remains, took it out, planted her left eye, and grew up a false one guaraná; a real one grew from the right (a vine with edible fruits grown specifically by the Maue); the first maue grew out of the boy's buried body]: Pereira 1954:121-122; Ugge 1991, No. 1:116-121.

The Central Andes. Pillao (prov. Dinielle Caryon, dep. Pasco, to the NW from Lake Junin): Arguedas, Izquierdo Ríos 1947 [the girl gets pregnant, dreams that she is giving birth to two eggs, as if she should put them in a calebass, add milk, her snake sons will be born, she must feed them chest; next time in a dream she is instructed to run without looking back, for the snakes will eat everyone in the village; she turns around, turns into stone; two men Tomás Ricapán and Yunca Yacán They come out of the mountain (or from the mountain), cut off the heads of snakes, they and the snakes turn into stones; people donate coca and cigarettes to them]: 93-94; Duviols 1976:289-290 [the wife of one of the Wain casiks (Uank's enemies) sees in a dream that she will give birth to a girl who will destroy Pillao; another's wife will give birth to two young defenders; when a girl reaches 12 years old, she is sent to herd llamas; she dreams of a monster nine months later gives birth to two eggs, leaves them under the waterfall; her snake sons tell her to flee because they will destroy both villages of Pillao; she runs, snakes devour everyone; two young men Tumayrikapak and Yunkikayan kill snakes with clubs; a woman with a berenk sees a battle, screams, and then she herself, boys and snakes turn into stones], 290 [a woman gives birth to an egg, a snake hatches from it, sucks her chest, says she is hungry and will eat the people of the village; Tumayricapac cuts off the snake's head, both turn into stones; the water in Lake La Culebra is red because of the snake's blood]; prov. Canchis (dep. Cusco, Marangani County) [a shepherdess meets a thin, tall young man in the mountains; he crawls fast; becomes her lover; refused to show her parents; ordered to clear a hole in the grain grater next to barn; the girl moved to the barn under the pretext that it was necessary to protect him from thieves; pregnant; the witch doctor advises sending her to give birth to another village, look under a grain grater; the snake was cut to pieces The head was hardly beaten to death; the girl gave birth to snakes, they were immediately killed, buried with pieces of their father's body; the girl was cured and married]: Lira 1990:40-46 (=Arguedas 1949:96-102); Aymara ( dep. Puno) [a girl named Kutila from the village of Chukirkami is visited by a handsome young man at night; she becomes paler, one day asks her lover to come to the ravine in the afternoon to discuss the wedding; a snake crawls, reports that he is her lover, says that she will give birth to eggs and must put them in a vessel; eggs hatch into snakes; when K. goes to buy food for them, her mother opens the vessel, pours boiling water over the snakes; the Serpent -father turns the village and its inhabitants into stone; only K. lives there now]: Lopez, Sayritupa Asqui 1990:14-18.

Montagna - Jurua. Shipibo: Gebhaert-Sayer 1987, No. 8 [the girl sits on a mat all the time, pale; her mother sends her for water, finds a worm in a hole under the mat; he asks her not to kill her son-in-law, but she floods him boiling water; the girl takes Anaconda as a lover; he gives her fish, she feeds her sick brother; the brother recovers, watches her sister, sees her call for her lover, Shinkain, Shinkain, chops him to pieces, throws her tail into the river; the girl asks her father to revive the victim; he splices the pieces with a potion obtained from a vine; only the tail is missing]: 357; Roe 1982, No. 4 [the girl sits on the ground making clay pots, copulates with a worm; mother pours boiling water on it; daughter goes to the forest; Jaguar sees worms in her vagina; puts healing leaves there, expelling spiders, scorpions, snakes, fish, lizards; wife takes out his teeth are a splinter; pain makes him a jaguar; his wife and two children return to people; jaguars attack the village; his older brother goes to his jaguar father; since then, humans and jaguars have lived separately]: 52-53 ; marubo: Melatti 1984:110-111 [Sheta Veká met a snake/worm; copulates with him while sitting on the floor; he was getting fruit and fish for a woman; mother noticed; SW's husband and other men killed a snake; a pregnant woman goes to the forest, encourages a jaguar to eat it; gives birth to two twins Wani (Morning Star) and Yawewa (Evening Star); if she wears black, a hood, night, if white, day; meets Topane, the son of a forest woman Shoma Wetas; she ate her children; she had knives in her elbows, but her husband broke them off; only T. of Shom Vets' children escaped; when Sheta Vetsa came to T., mother-in-law and her sister began to eat her children; T. pushed both into a fire pit; T.'s children became creoles], 131-134 [Sheta Veká has a snake lover; mother-in-law found him in the section of the house where his daughter-in-law, father-in-law, sits killed, threw her head away; at this time, the woman's husband killed her human lover on the site; she left, got to Rane Topáne, the son of Shoma Vetsa; gave birth to snakes, poisonous ants, the Morning Star, the Forest Spirit Mincho; after that, RT married her, brought her to his mother's house; that sister Kencho; they ate their first three sons; then RT made a hole, a fire in it, pushed mother and aunt; nocturnal birds, jaguars, night monkeys, the spirits of the dead, mourned her death; the souls of Shoma Vetsa and the boys she ate appeared; Sheta Veká woke her husband up, but he grabbed only the eldest; the rest ran away, they come from them creoles]; kachinahua [girl rejects grooms; copulates with a worm while sitting on the ground; mother pours boiling water on the worm; pregnant daughter goes to the forest to be eaten by a jaguar; Puma plants her in a stream , throws fish venom into the water; worms come out of it, turn into blackheads and all kinds of snakes; she brings her legs together ahead of time, a few worms remain (since then people have helminths); Puma gives her as a wife to her brother Jaguar, but remains her lover; her mother-in-law Jaguariha eats her children as soon as they are born; her son Jaguar wants to kill her; she says she cannot be killed with an arrow, a club, cannot be drowned, you can only burn it; The rabbit says that all the animals will come to avenge the murder of his grandmother, but he will save them; while the grandmother is burning, the Jaguar and his wife hide under the pot; the animals try to lift him up, the Rabbit quietly interferes; one spark falls on the forehead of the hidden (origin of the headache)]: Ans 1975:47-65; yaminaua [sitting low above the ground in a hammock]: Zarzar 1990:20-21; capanaua [worm mink under with a grain grater; the girl explains her movements to her mother by biting her by an ant; the mother pours boiling water on the worm; the woman gives birth to worms and a son; he is endowed with magical powers]: Hall Loos, Loss 1980 (2): 11-13, 35-37, 53-55, 93-95; ashaninka (river campa) [girl meets Rainbow Man; gives birth; tells the mother not to wash the baby with warm water; she washes, he falls apart; the girl goes to Rainbow]: Patte 1993:123-138; pyro [lover not killed; girl's mother throws a snake into the fire]: Matteson 1951, No. 3:56-57.

Bolivia - Guaporé. Takana: Hissink, Hahn 1961, No. 166-167, 203 and 204 [a woman's mother or husband throws her lover, a banana worm or manioc worm, into the fire], 174 [at night, a copper crawls into a woman; her husband kills snake, beats wife]: 299, 303, 324-325; chacobo: Balzano 1984 [girl rejects grooms; sits on the floor in her room copulating with a snake crawling into her from below; her mother fills her hole with a snake with boiling water, hangs a dead snake in the doorway; the girl goes into the forest; the Jaguar copulates with her, is bitten by a rattlesnake in her vagina; takes out the snakes, pouring a potion into her vagina; some crawl away from them The current ones are happening]: 27-28; Kelm 1972, No. 17 [the girl refuses all men; in the house she sits on a snake hole, copulates with a snake; the mother swept, saw a snake, filled it with boiling water, hung the corpse in the doorway; the girl went to the forest, pregnant with snakes; the jaguar in the form of a man began to copulate with her, snakes bit his penis; then he took out the snakes with medicine; snakes of all kinds crawled out, the jaguar killed them; the monkey asked her to let her kill snakes with a machete, missed a few, so now there are snakes; a son was born, all three came to the woman's mother; the husband warned not to give the child in her grandmother's arms, the mother gave it, the child bit my grandmother, she died; the family returned to the forest; the grandmother's husband went and killed the jaguar]: 242-243; (cf. aikana [husband dies; widow meets a young man in the forest, stays with him; it was a serpent, the woman died soon]: Becker-Donner 1955:285).

Southern Amazon. Kalapalo [the girl had a double-headed serpent under the bench; copulated with her when she rubbed cassava; her brother's wife noticed; while the girl was in the field, she was killed by a snake with a blow to the head]: Basso 1987: 303-304; Mehinaka [Kataihu brings Tepu worm in calebas from the forest, he lives in a hole in the far corner of the house, she gives him manioc porridge, copulates when she rubs cassava; people have followed, her lover killed a worm with a stick; the next day K. calls a worm, finds a corpse; gives birth to a boy with a head and penis like T.]: Gregor 1985:53; Iranian [wife is pregnant for a long time; husband sees her lying in a hammock, and snakes and butterflies nearby {apparently caterpillars}; they partly crawl back into her womb, some spread (the origin of snakes, etc.); her husband calls her to the forest, offers her to sit in the basket, burns her alive]: Pereira 1985 , No. 66:233-234; bororo [relatives bring a woman a lot of meat and fish, but she starves to feed them; a boy pretending to be asleep sees her sit on a mat, put boiled meat next to her, rattles with a bell; a snake crawls, copulates with her, eats meat; men send a woman for corn, one of them puts on her belt, paints herself as a woman, calls a snake with the same signal; men they kill a snake, hang its head over a woman's mat; they turn into hawks, fly to heaven, turn into rain spirits; when a woman sees the head of a snake, scolds the boy; he runs to the village square, asks the men who have flown away to moderate the heat; they send rain; when it rains, you can hear the voice of these spirits]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1983, No. 103:196-197.

Eastern Brazil. Kayapo: Wilbert 1978, No. 50-51 [people burn lizards-both living in a tree and born to a girl from a lizard; some flee], 125 [Banner 1957:57-58; husband and wife have moved out; husband turned into a snake (there were no snakes before), stopped taking care of the garden, but hunted; voracious, his wife cooks meat at many fires; a man came from the village, his wife hid him so that he could look at what was happening; he came back; another man wanted to go too; when the serpent sang, he sang along, the serpent ate him; the warriors killed the sleeping snake with clubs; the wife gave birth to snakes; people began to kill them, but the mother of many saved and ordered people to bite, avenging the death of their father], 126 [Lukesh 1968:96-99; the husband turned into a snake with a man's head, his wife took him away from the village to live separately from others; a man came, his wife hid it, he saw everything; the other also decided to come to see it, but the serpent noticed it and ate it; others came, caught up with one serpent and ate it too, the others ran away; the warriors found the snake asleep, killed it; the woman gave birth snakes; people began to kill them, some escaped, their mother told them to take revenge on people and bite them], 127 [Metraux 1960:14-16; there was no corn, people ate wild fruits, avocados, wood and lizards; there was no fire, dried meat in the sun; when he found out that his wife had a lover, the husband decided not to fight with him, but took his wife two mountains; cleared the plot, planted corn, cassava, yams, bananas; turned into a snake with a man's head; from the hunt he brought a tapir, bakers, and a battleship; a lover came, his wife hid it under the roof; when he returned to the village, he told him what he saw; he also came to see, but answered the question of the snake who was there, the snake he ate it; men killed a snake with arrows, burned down the house, took away cultivated plants; the snake's wife gave birth to snakes twice; people born in the village killed, those born in the forest crawled; the mother told them to bite people once they killed their father]: 152-154, 309-310, 311-313, 314-316; Wilbert, Simoneau 1984a, No. 151 [Nimuendaju MS; a married woman copulated with a rattlesnake and other snakes on the site; the husband saw and left her; she gave birth to snakes of all kinds, they crept in all directions; the latter brought her bast, tied her body with it, took it with her; the woman turned into a snake]: 443; crash: Wilbert, Simoneau Wilbert 1978 , No. 48 [Schultz 1950:156-158; man and woman did not know about sex; the black snake taught a woman to copulate; appeared as a handsome man; when she should give birth, said she would not come again; y rivers, the child left his mother's body, became fish or pack, swam, returned; at the age of 10 he became a good hunter; when he and his mother were cooking giblets bakers, a boy appeared from the cauldron; this family inhabited land]: 148-150; 1984b, No. 34 [men burn rattlesnake son]: 95; tshukarramae [men burn caterpillar son and tree where lover caterpillar lived]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1984a, No. 28:69-73.

Chaco. Chamacoko [a woman's sons kill her eel lover]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1987a, No. 77:270-271; maca [like a chamacoco; kills a woman's husband]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1991a, No. 93-94:210-212; Toba: Wilbert, Simoneau 1982b, No. 183 [the girl replies that her period ends when her husband is with her; a neighbor lifts her skin off the floor in her hut, sees a snake; Carancho hawk sat down in this place, a snake I thought that a girl came, crawled out, he killed him; the men wanted to feed her lover's girlfriend, she refused, they burned a snake; the girl gave birth to 6 spotted snakes, Carancho killed them; the Snake Mother said that her husband died for the girl, turned her into an iguana]: 346-348; 1989a, No. 400 [during her period, a woman clears the area every time, sits on the ground, a snake climbs into her vagina; people watch the woman they try to catch a snake; it gives birth to a snake, goes to live with the snake; they are left alone]: 553-554.