Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

F33. Communication with the aquatic creature. .19.-.22.24. (.29.) .37.-.43.45.-.

A woman or group of women takes a water animal or water monster as lovers. A woman's (s) husband (s), brother (s), or (adopted) children kill or maim a lover and (in some cases) women (s).

Monumbo [water spirit], porapora [water spirit], Hawaii [eel, sea cucumber], bori [snake], miniong [snake], Karen [water spirit], (Avars), Ulchi [water spirit], Ainu [crab], Koryaks [ seal], Asian Eskimos [whale], polar [water spirit], igloolik [water spirit], Labrador Eskimos [water spirit], West Greenland [water spirit], taltan [otter], eyak [whalehead], haida [whale], quarry [otter], shuswap [water spirit], thompson [water grizzly], lillouette [loon], Puget Sound [whale], kalispel [water beetle], coutene [water monster], passamaquoddy [whale], crowe [otter, "long otter," crocodile], sheyen [snake], arapaho [crocodile], caddo [turtle], navajo [water spirit], hicarilla [otter], yaruro [snake], kuiva [caiman], shikuani [caiman, anaconda], trio [anaconda], oyana [anaconda], coreguahe [fish, anaconda], siona [anaconda], shuar [anaconda], carijona [water spirit], baniva [snake], vakuenai [anaconda], tariana [anaconda], kubeo [anaconda], barasana [anaconda], kabiyari [fish], yukuna [ fish], macuna [fish leader], tatuyo [anaconda], arapaso [anaconda], andoque [anaconda], uitoto [water spirit], katawishi [snake], munduruku [snake], parakana [fish], tenetehara [water spirit], urarina [snake], kulina [otter], shipibo [anaconda], takana [anaconda], vaura [water spirit; caiman], kamayura [caiman], meinaku [caiman], bororo [otter], karazha [caiman], apinaye [caiman], (xavante [caiman]), yagani [crustacean].

Melanesia. Monumbo [building a house to initiate the young men, people cut down and brought a wooden beam; when the boat was approaching the shore, light emanated from the beam; a beam was installed in the house; when the men left, it became human, he danced with the children; the men threw a beam into the sea, it sailed to Fr. Manam, people made her a headrest; when everyone left, he became human, ate all the chickens, pigs and dogs; the men threw the headrest into the sea, he swam to the shore of the main island; he became a baby; husband and wife adopted him; at night the baby became an adult, made love to the foster mother, who became pregnant; while his wife was away, the husband wanted to throw the baby on a palm tree, but he jumped into the river and swam away; the women of the village came to fish; the headrest man came out of the water and met them; the men sent the boy; the women covered him with nets, but he cut a hole, peeked; the men hid on the shore, they killed the one who came out, cut off his penis, let his wives eat; the old woman put her piece next to him; he flew to heaven, became the Month]: Höltker 1965, No. 4:80-82; porapora [father left little a son named Waker where women were fishing; W. saw women call Minjo's spirit with a drum signal, he came out of the water, they fed him, M. copulated with them, then other perfumes did the same; W. brought the men, they waited for the spirits to come ashore, killed spirits and women; W.'s spear got stuck in M.'s head; W. created ducks and other waterbirds, they took out his spear; after that, M. died altogether]: Schwab 1970, No. 9:788-889.

Micronesia-Polynesia. Hawaii [1) Puhi-nalo eel is the lover of a girl from Oahu; her brothers watch him, fight him, kill him by hitting him on a rock; 2) Eel and Sea Cucumber in the form of young men become lovers two sisters; their father watches them become animals again, catches them with nets, cooks them, lets their daughters eat; they feel nauseous, one regurgitates a small eel, the other sea cucumber, the father burns regurgitated; these are the ones children that girls would give birth to]: Beckwith 1970:136

Tibet is the Northeast of India. Bori [brother has four sisters; they go fishing, see a snake, only the older sister sees a man; the next day she carries rice not to his brother and sisters in the field, but to the river, returns with fish; so many days; her brother waited for her, killed her snake lover, her sister became a bird screaming, Taki -Rigo; hearing her voice, snakes crawl out of the ground; middle sister goes to the forest for firewood, her dog brings her game; her tiger lover brings deer to her third sister, the bear digs roots for the fourth sister; the brother watches the sisters every time, remains alone]: Elwin 1958a, No. 1:356-359 (=1958b: 395-398; miniong [brother has three sisters; he watches the eldest, who carries rice and meat, stomps at the shore, causing a snake; his brother calls him with the same signal, kills him; the next day, the sister sees a snake cut, hangs up; her brother cuts her belly, snakes crawl out of it; since then snakes and people have been at odds; the second sister meets the dog, goes with him to the forest, gives birth to three puppies; brother comes to his sister, eats her rice, does not eat meat given by the dog; when the puppy's parents go to the site, it kills the puppies; the caterpillar from under the hearth says it will tell her husband's parents everything; the man takes the caterpillar; leaves it in the forest, she does it for him Tibetan bronze vessels; carrying them home, he wakes them up with the ringing of monkeys, they kill a caterpillar with arrows; a young man lures monkeys into the hollow, burns them; one escaped, became pregnant from a leaf that fell from the sky, a monkey bred again; the third sister met the tiger; the brother came to them, the tiger brought meat, belching it; the brother left, dressed the dog in women's clothes, the tiger rushed at it, the brother killed him; returned his sister; she smeared herself with egg yolk, took a knife in her mouth, turned into a tigress, but he managed to kill her]: Elwin 1958a, No. 2:359-365 (=1958b: 398-404).

Burma - Indochina. Karen [the girl goes on dates with the water spirit Mau-lau-kwie, calls him with a song; younger children see it, tell her father; he sends her daughter, summons the spirit like his daughter does, cuts his head; when his beloved comes, a procession of tadpoles, fish, crabs, crocodiles appears in the water, going to mourn their leader; the girl insists on going with them; swims on a crocodile; he asks to prepare food in advance; when she pulls his tail, she throws rice and pork into his mouth; revives M. with lamentation, he dies again when he hears the cry of a turtle; the same is flying squirrels; on the third time he remains alive; his wife gives birth to a son, goes to visit his parents; tells him not to bathe the the baby in the pelvis; her mother bathes, the baby turns into carp, the grandmother roasts him; the woman leaves her fried son- carp into the river, descends from the steep bank to the water along the vine; the father runs up, cuts off the vine, she falls into her father-in-law's house, filling it; the daughter says that since the vine is cut off, she will no longer be able to come to her parents ; Hearing the voice of his daughter and grandson, the father dived for a long time, but no one goes on dates with a water spirit]: Mason 1865:218-220.

(Wed. Caucasus - Asia Minor. Avars [The Rooster brings raw firewood, explains to the Chicken that he has fallen asleep; The Chicken watched, sees the Rooster summon the Frog from the river; she goes for firewood, calls the Frog in the same words Tsiv-li- vit, knocks her eye out, breaks her leg, brings dry firewood; The Rooster goes to the Frog, she explains everything, the Rooster comes back, breaks the Chicken's leg; then turns himself in, lives with the Chicken in peace]: Ganiyeva 2011a, 84:215-216).

Amur-Sakhalin. Ulchi [while the husband is hunting, the wife presses a hole in the ice, calls the water Merge; he comes to her house, sleeps with her, returns to the water; the husband smells another man; on the fourth since the husband watches his wife, injures M. with a prison, he jumps into the water; the woman follows him; the husband also goes down into the water, sees his wife treating M., singing with him; the husband returns to earth]: Bereznitsky 2003, No. 17: 444-445.

Japan. Aina [the woman has a crab lover; she brings him food to the seashore; he goes out, takes the form of a man, copulates with her; the husband watches his wife, puts on her clothes, calls Crab, cuts parts; wife finds a corpse, runs home; husband kills her]: Etter 1949:78.

SV Asia. Reindeer Koryaks [The creator and his sons go fishing; his wife Mitya stays alone with her daughter; M. calls the Seal on the bank, leads him into the house, sleeps with him; when he falls asleep, kills him; so with four species of seals and Keith; the Creator returns, but they live with M. in different houses; he goes to visit M., who treats him with her severed vulva under the guise of whale meat; when she comes to him, he treats her with his penis disguised as a fish; she recognizes and spits out, and he ate it without understanding; both decide to live together and not fool each other]: Jochelson 1908, No. 31:179-181.

The Arctic. Asian Eskimos: Baboshina 1958, No. 67 [my husband dreams that a whale comes to the shore at night, a man comes out of it, enters the dugout; the neighbor confirms that he is; then like Menovshchikova]: 164-167; Menovshchikov 1985, No. 56 [an orphan girl advises a person to follow one of his two wives what the patient has affected; she calls Keith a song, feeds him meat; a whale comes out of her nose to her man; husband kills a whale with a spear, man rushes back, Keith dies; wife gives birth to a kitten; he brings people other whales; hunters from another village kill him]: 125-126; polar Eskimos [ the husband watches his wife, sees her coming to the lake, calling the penis, he appears, she copulates with it; the husband calls the penis himself, kills with a stick, cooks, feeds his wife; puts worms, flies and under her blanket etc., they eat it; it burns insects; see motive F28A]: Holtved 1951, No. 38:166-172; Menovshchikov 1985, No. 231:449-450; igloolik: Rasmussen 1930a [husband watches his wife; she calls the penis of the Lake Spirit; the penis crawls out of the lake, enters it; the husband calls it, imitating his wife's voice, cuts it off, cooks it, lets his wife eat; he sprinkles worms on her, they crawl into her, kill her; returning from hunting, he finds food cooked; finds Lisa taking off her skin and becoming a woman, marrying her; Raven comes, says she smells like a fox; the wife puts on her skin and runs away; the Raven's wife is dog Feces]: 221-222; Spalding 1979 (Repulse Bay) [Kiviuq sees his two wives walking naked to the lake, asking Substitute penis to show up; take turns satisfying themselves with him; K. calls the penis with the voice of his wives, cuts off, at home she cuts to pieces, cooks, gives it to wives; they say it's tough and tasty; they cry when they find out they ate; K. collects worms on the shore; asks one if she is more afraid of worms or a knife; she replies that knife; sits on worms; they crawl into her anus and vagina, crawl out through her mouth, she dies; the second wife says she is afraid of worms; K. hacked her; someone cooks and cleans his house; he notices a fox a hole under the grave of his wives; finds a woman, grabs her skin; one day Wolverine offers to swap wives; K. tells him to close the door tightly, but he forgets; the wife pees in bed, Wolverine asks what the stench, the Fox grabs her skin, runs away; Wolverine's wife, with whom K. slept, turns into feces; K. follows Lisa's trail against the hole; Lemming, the Wolf, comes out of her, offers herself; K. rejects them; they let them in his hole; his wife is crying; she first sits down from him, then goes home with him]: 64-66; Labrador Eskimos, West Greenland (5 versions - one from Labrador, Greenland 4) [husband suspects his wife of infidelity, watches her; she dresses up, comes to the lake, throws something into the water; a male creature appears out of the water; the woman undresses, rushes to him; the husband collects various worms, lets them on his wife, she dies; every time she returns home, she finds food cooked; finds Lisa in the guise of a woman, marries him; his relative visits him out of envy deliberately complains about the stench; the wife turns into a fox, runs away; the husband comes to the hole, the fox sends a beetle, a spider, a caterpillar to him; he makes a fire, burning the fox; remains alone again]: Rink 1975, No. 11:143- 145.

Subarctic. Taltan: Teit 1921a, No. 45 [the widow takes the Otter as her husband; hides it in a sack; her two sons find the bag, kill the Otter, let his mother eat his meat under the guise of bear meat; tell her the truth; mother chases them; they throw caribou giblets behind them; they turn into a gorge, mountain, water, fire; mother burns; b) caribou hair, caribou stomach contents, intestines, bones, caribou meat; abandoned turns into a caribou herd, moss swamp, deep gorges, mountains, lakes; flint turns into fire, mother burns], 47 [wife takes an aquatic creature as lovers (appearance not described); every day paints, goes to the lake shore; her husband watches her; paints and dresses like her, calls her lover with a conditional signal; he gets out of the water, his husband kills him, cuts him off and cooks his penis, lets him eat to his wife; says she ate; she feels bad; he cuts off her head (var.: she commits suicide]: 239-241, 241-243.

NW Coast. Eyak [two sisters find a whale head, put it in a box; the head turns into a man, sleeps with them; the girls' brothers spy, pull out the Head, throw it off the cliff; the girls jumped down the mountain at sea, came to their underwater husband, lay down with him; the eldest noticed that he was smiling at another woman, said the youngest, she hit him with a truncheon, killed him]: Krauss 1970 in Romanova 1997, No. 8:48-50, 440 (approx. .); hyda (Skidgate) [woman collects oysters; hits her mat with a digging stick like a drum, causing a killer whale; he jumps out of the sea, copulates with her; the husband watches her; puts it on clothes like hers, hits a mat with a stick, sings the same song; cuts off a whale's penis, a whale swims away; bakes a penis, lets his wife eat, asks if her husband tastes good; a woman rushes into the sea, turns into a rock; she was the daughter of a killer whale]: Swanton 1905:286-287.

The coast is the Plateau. Quarry [a woman's two sons return before her one day; find a live otter in her bag; kill her, feed her mother meat under the guise of bear meat; a blue jay screams that the woman eats her husband; mother chases sons, elder kills her; brothers marry; elder's wife does not warn him when enemies attack, he is killed; younger spouses are saved; hereinafter referred to as No. 44 (demon motive turns into mosquitoes)]: Jenness 1934, No. 45:222-223; shuswap [like Thompson; monster half fish, snake or frog; comes out as a human; husband puts severed genitals on the bottom baskets, gives them to his wife; she finds them, her husband kills her with a knife]: Teit 1909a, No. 47:725-726; Thompson [wife pretends to be sick, goes swimming in the lake; puts on beautiful clothes hidden by the shore, calls a lover by name; a Grizzly comes out of the lake; then other animals and fish take turns; she says to everyone, I call your older brother; a water spirit comes out in the form of a naked man, makes love to her; her husband looks after her; puts on her clothes, summons the spirit in the same way, kills him with a knife; cuts off her genitals, cooks, feeds her wife; she is ashamed]: Teit 1898, No. XXXI: 83-84; lillouette [the woman goes to dig roots, returning and says that there are few of them; her husband is watching her; she lies down by the lake, says Stone; a male Loon comes out of the water, hits her navel with his beak; the husband kills his wife, puts on her clothes, calls Loon with the same signal, kills her sea chief's daughter with a club]: Teit 1912b, No. 29:334-335; Puget Sound [Norka sees her lover Whale coming out of the water to the sea chief's daughter; sticks sharp stakes, Keith steps on them, dies; everyone feasts; Norka says the chief's daughter eats her lover's meat; she kills herself with an awl; Minka takes her corpse to various creatures, asks them to revive her; Frogs, Snakes , Stadokva (creatures with one arm and one leg) and others can't; The peaks revive; Norka marries her, they swim to her father; she sees how, diving, he eats shellfish along with the shells, throws it away son, sails away without him; Norka and her son visit various people]: Ballard 1927:66-69; kalispel [bird's husband and wife; wife changed, said she was ill; asked her husband to take her to the top hills overlooking the lake; when her husband left, she combed her hair, painted her face red paint, began to sing; a water bug came out of the lake and came to her; when the husband came back to pick up his wife, he I was surprised that her face was painted; the next day he rolled a stone down the hill and hid himself; when the beetle came, he fired an arrow at him; he disappeared into the lake; the place was still covered in blood; (hereinafter p . 125-127 about something else and the content is poorly understood; an elderly woman with a hole in her throat, water oozes from it, but there is no other water; water spills, the coyote swims, drinks, drowns; the fox talks to him) ]: Vogt 1940, No. 15:123-125; coutene [The partridge deceives the Hawk Husband with the Water Monster; says she is sick, cannot collect blueberries; gives them to the Monster herself; the husband comes ashore, kills lovers with arrows; a partridge flies out of the body of the Partridge; the Monster drinks the whole lake; the Hawk takes an arrow out of his body, water pours from there; people wait for the flood on the mountain]: Boas 1918, No. 66:219-225.

Northeast. Passamaquoddy [a woman marries five times, her husbands die every time; the sixth watches her; she calls a snake from the lake with a song, copulates with him; at night her husband refuses to lie down with her; poison the snake is not passed on to her husband, the woman dies herself]: Leland 1968:273-274.

Plains. Crowe [see motif J18; a woman rises to heaven, becomes a wife of the Sun, gives birth to a son, descends with him on a rope to the ground; the Sun kills her, the boy comes to live with an old woman; she leaves food for his animal husband; a boy kills him, an old woman mourns]: Lowie 1918:54 [two male otters], 59-60 [a crocodile with a horn on his forehead, emits lightning; the old woman is the Moon], 71 [the water monster is long otter]; sheyen [every morning the husband paints his wife from head to toe with red paint; returning from hunting, he finds no traces of paint; watches his wife; she undresses on the lake shore, says: I here; the water serpent crawls out, licks the paint from it; the husband cuts lovers into pieces, throws his wife's head, arms, legs into the water; brings meat from the ribs to children under the guise of antelope meat; leaves; mother's head haunts children because they ate her flesh; daughter makes a furrow on the ground, she turns into a deep gorge; the head cannot overcome it]: Grinnell 1903 [son and daughter; son tastes mother's meat; daughter throws yellow, white, red porcupine needles; they successively turn into three types of thorny bushes; puts the digger as a bridge over the gorge; when the Head crosses it, the daughter shoves the digger; Head falls, the chasm closes behind her; see motif K43; the girl creates bears, they kill her father]: 108-115; Kroeber 1900, No. 22 [two daughters; the eldest tells bears and cougars to kill her father]: 184-186; arpaho [a woman paints her face, comes to the river, whistles; a crocodile comes out of the water, licks her face; the husband follows his wife, kills lovers; cuts off his wife's head, cooks her, feeds her son and daughter; the mother's head chases the children; they put a log across the river, turn it over, the head falls into the water, disappears; the father comes to the children; the girl creates a cougar and a jaguar, they eat it]: Voth 1912, No. 12:48-49 .

Southeast USA. Caddo [the girl takes the Turtle as a lover, brings her to bed, feeds wild tubers; the girl's two brothers are surprised she picks so many tubers; they pretend to leave, they come back, kill the Turtle; the sister chases them and their dog; the brothers paint the ducks, for which they carry them across the river; they forget to paint one white duck, she carries the stalker; three The pigeon takes the brothers and the dog to the sky, they turn into stars in the southern sky; when the sister sees the stars, falls dead]: Dorsey 1905, No. 11:23-25.

The Great Southwest. Navajo [The First Young Man marries the daughter of the First Girl; she often goes to the river bank; he sees a man come out of the water, copulate with her; all male and male animals go to live in across the river; later returning at the request of women; while men were away, women masturbated, gave birth to monsters]: Johly, B'ybsh 1958:3-4; hicarilla [at a time when humans weren't yet to rise from the underworld, the chief's wife pretended to be ill; asks her husband to take her to the cool river; when she enters the water, copulates with Otter; her husband watches her, drives her out of the house; all men and even male dogs go to live on the other side of the river; in the fourth year, women begin to starve; masturbate with elk horns, stones, eagle and owl feathers, give birth to monsters; Coyote catches and hides the child of a water creature; the flood begins, men and women gather on the mountain; it grows to the upper world, the water rushes after; the Coyote throws the child into the water, the water goes away; before that, the ground is not there were mountains and water]: Opler 1938:264-267.

Llanos. Yaruro: Wilbert, Simoneau 1990c, No. 5 [the creator goddess makes love with the water snake Poaná; her grandchildren are watching her, one of them knocked out (extirpated) her eye with an arrow], 6 [Nive ( water spirit) went ashore to make love to a woman; her husband kills him; then aquatic life made a hole in the ground, Creoles came out of there, killed most people, so there was little yaruro left; the rest found a wasp nest near the hole in the ground; they took a tier out of the hole; they came out like a bunch of ants, not knowing where they were; they remembered the wasp nest next to the hole, so they still take honey these wasps; came to a place where people later became animals (capybaras, tapirs, etc.); the serpent Po Ana bit one of the first ancestors, it was Ichiae; the PA grabbed him in the teeth, carried him far away, spit it out there; I. took drug yopo, began to sing, but badly; the old man sang well, everyone came to listen; (hereinafter "Hans and Gretel", Hebrew borrowing)]: 23, 23-25; kuiva [caiman lives in an underground cave with others caimans; a woman calls him, stomping her heel on the ground; copulates; feeds him with corn porridge; her husband's younger brother watches her; husband and his brother kill Cayman when he goes out to see a woman; wife kills her husband]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1991b, No. 156:229-230; Sicuani: Wilbert, Simoneau 1992, No. 14 [while others are dancing, the old woman goes to the river, knocks on the calebass, calling Cayman, giving him food, copulates with him; her grandson Tsamani puts on her clothes, calls Cayman with the same signal, kills him with his brothers Ivinai and Kahuyali; she finds the corpse, makes C. swallowed by a big fish; his brothers take him out of her belly; he's bald, they restore his hair; they make a chain of arrows, go up to heaven; she follows them, now also in the sky; while Thunder not at home, brothers replace lightning with a wooden fake; his daughter does not give her father a secret; in martial arts, C. kills Thunder, revives him; Thunder eats sweet potato, his excrement can be found in the savannah], 15 [~ (14), without the Thunder episode], 16 [~ (14); the old woman is the brothers' older sister], 17 [~ (14); brothers climb into heaven on the vine; other people climb too; C. tells them to be quiet, but they laugh; bat cuts the vine, people fall, turn into parrots, mako, deer, partridge], 18 [the girl has a caiman lover, she brings him food; her young relatives call the caiman in the same way kill; drink a narcotic drink, dance, shoot arrows into the sky, make a chain, rise in the guise of termites; a girl goes to the ends of the earth, ascends to heaven with the Moon], 44 [the boy asks his grandmother to buy him in troughs; produces starch; people tell him to swim in the river, collect starch; when angry, the boy tells his grandmother to stay awake to hear a rumble; she falls asleep; only Kinkaju hears it and knows where The Kalievirne tree has grown; see the G5 motif; people cut it down; after the tree falls, people die; Chamani tells us to dance for ease and go to another world; old woman Ibarruua breaks abstinence, takes Cayman as a lover; calls him by putting an inverted calebass on the water and tapping it; people kill his lover, let I. eat his penis; I. tells the fish to swallow C.; his the brothers set rapids on the river to stop the fish; revive the regurgitated C., who tells the hawk to kill the fish; shoot up, only a virgin manages to secure an arrow in the sky and make a chain of arrows; the sky was low at that time; in the guise of termites, C.'s people climb into heaven; thunder Yamahyonë lives there; C. replaces his club, I. cannot kill people, C. kills him; his wife commands ants collect pieces of his flesh, I. is reborn; I. and C. reconcile; people continue to climb along the chain of arrows; the Bat cuts it off, the fallen turn into turtles, into parrots], 100 [menstruating a girl walks to the river; knocking on a calebass, summons Anaconda from the water, copulates with her; boys chop Anaconda into pieces, thereby saving the girl's life]: 77-78, 83-84, 93, 191-198, 371.

Guiana. The trio [mother wants to give her two daughters for her brothers; the girls refuse; the brothers see them carrying food to their anaconda lover, summon him by shaking their aprons and splashing in the water; Anaconda went out to them, took off their clothes (the same word for a large cassava tray); brothers called their lover with the same signal, killed them with arrows; girls take another water monster as lovers, men kill and him; they paint the girls with black paint, they want to kill; they agree to marry their youngest uncle; soon he refuses them himself]: Koelewijn, Riviere 1987, No. 60:205-207; oyana [two sisters take Anaconda in lovers; their brother kills him; each sister gives birth to a boy; they ask their uncle for more arrows, give their brothers born to Anaconda by other women; the uncle gives them the name oyampy, they kill him] : Magaña 1987, No. 51:44

Western Amazon. Koreguaje: Jimenez 1989, No. 5 [Crane (martin pescador) tells the hunter that his wife on the river makes love with sabalo fish, which temporarily turns into a man; the husband waited and killed lover with a wind gun, gave the testicle to his wife along with the meat of birds; told her what she ate; the woman went to the river, gave birth to fish], 17 [the woman does not work in the field, but goes there to copulate with Anaconda, taking the image of a man; feeds her lover cassava, sweet potato; husband drinks yazhe, rises to heaven to learn the recipe for a strong poison, throws poison into the lake; Anaconda goes out and dies; husband gives his wife meat lover disguised as a fish; tells her what she ate; woman failed to regurgitate meat, died]: 16, 36-38; Siona: Chaves 1958 [the woman has a plot near the lake; told her husband that she would plant cassava herself , my husband went to work elsewhere; made breakfast every morning, hit a tree three times in the garden, an anaconda came out of the water in the guise of a naked man wearing a feather crown; the woman gave him chicha from cassava and pineapple, copulated; husband noticed that his wife was pregnant; was a shaman's apprentice, came to the station, called his lover with the same signal, saw a snake, called again the next day, killed him with sharp ones with stakes; cut off the penis and meat from his chest, told his wife to cook; from the pot, the meat told the woman that it was him, her lover; the husband ran away, leaving his spear; a storm came, the pot of meat burst, and a lake formed, the woman drowned in it; if her husband hadn't left his spear, he died]: 147-148; Langdon 1991 [woman asks her husband not to go to the garden with her; hits a tree, summoning Anaconda in the form of a man from lake; feeds the meat that her husband brings her, gives her water, copulates with him; gets pregnant; the husband calls Anaconda with the same signal, kills him; lets his wife cook the penis and breast tenderloin; from the cauldron sounds, It's me; the husband runs away, a lake forms on the site of the house, the wife drowns in it]: 14-15; shuar [Tere (monkey) climbs the vine into heaven, brings a woman, Atsuta; Ivia takes her to wives; she always brings a lot of fish; I. watches her, discovers that Anaconda gives her fish; out of jealousy, I. kills his wife, gutts; his (second) wife finds two eggs inside; Duck takes them away, of which The brothers Sun Otz and the Month of Nantes appear; they eat all the peppers from the Heron garden; she sends them to steal from I.; I. leaves two insects as guards, catches thieves; E. takes E. as a grandson (N. No longer mentioned); E. invents a wind gun, kills birds; Dove advises killing the mother's killer better; E. sees I. and his wife playing with his mother's skull and eye, the eye sheds tears; E. kills I.B.'s wife cuts off her head and limbs, turns her body into a deer, feeds I.; kills him with a spear, burns him; tobacco grows in this place; I. comes to life, but cannot kill E.]: Barrueco 1988:36-41.

NW Amazon. Karijona [Kuwai hears laughter from a fragrant tree; carves a woman, makes her vagina with a monkey's tail; arranged a party, climbed a palm tree for fruit, Vultures made him witchcraft fall off the tree, die temporarily; his wife fell in love with the Vulture Chief; Vultures began to cut K.'s corpse with knives, but the knives bounced; when their leader came, K. grabbed him, plucked him, and the last feather could pull out only with his teeth, felt pain, and since then there has been a toothache; Vulture wanted people to die from it, but K. did not agree; the people guarding Vulture fell asleep, his feathers grew, he flew away; when K. was not at home, the Vultures returned, took the woman away; K. met a waterfowl (Snake), she was collecting grass for the Vultures party; said that Chichu was cooking a new woman, K. identified her as his wife; the bird gave K. wings, he flew to heaven; in the guise of an old man he began to dance at the festival; in the morning the Vultures went fishing (i.e. worms in corpses); K. identified his wife, as she cooked, she was his - how he cut wood; on the way home, K. smeared his wife with honey to repel the smell of vultures; her children from Vulture remained in heaven; his wife went to Drake, K. her again returned; her next lover is the owner of the waters Kanakanañi; calling him, a woman spanks an inverted calebass on the water; two sons of a waterbird tell K. about this; he summons the monster in the same way with a signal; water parts, maloka (house) and fruit trees appear; Kuwait sends two gadflies to bite Kanakananyi into the testicles; he does not react to yellow bites, dies from black ones; Kuwait cuts him off the penis, sprinkles with pepper and salt, gives the wife instead of a palm larva, as if inadvertently breaks all the water vessels; the woman runs to the river to drink, Kuwai kills her with a club, she turns into a river dolphin; all dolphins are her children; the burning smut in her hand became a stinging stingray, the Kuwai club became an electric eel]: Schindler 1979, No. 3:56-69; baniva [by the river, a woman causes a water snake to hit a water snake in calebasu; husband kills a snake with an arrow; when a woman is told that she ate, she feels nauseous; another fish emerges from her vomit; a woman wants to harvest fruit; a snake son crawls out of her womb, climbs a tall one a tree; she runs, a snake flies after her; she rushes into the river, turns into a Pimelodideos fish]: Brüzzi 1994 (kumandene) [husband pretends to be sick, lousy; wife doesn't feed him; husband watches after his wife; his brother throws snake scales into the river, they turn into fish; brothers eat fish, give the woman snake meat; inform her; the snake son answers the mother from the womb; she leaves saliva responsible for himself, hides in the house; her mother tells her to go to the snake]: 220-222; Wright 1995 (hohodene) [two young men inform their husband about his wife's infidelity; the forest spirit, the owner of the wind gun, helps kill the snake with an arrow; sperm turns four types of fish; her husband's brother catches them, gives them to the woman; brothers say that she ate her lover's penis; a woman hides under a vessel, a snake sits on the roof of the house, sends ants for her; a woman returns to the tree, leaves the frog in her place, rushes into the river; people kill the snake]: 41-42; vakuenai [the wife of the Created of Bones (SK) goes to the site, calls Anaconda by the river, hitting calebasa water; Anaconda goes out, takes off her snake clothes, copulates, returns to the river; gives the woman a necklace of their shells for this; the bird told UK about this; he took a relative with him, shot at the sky, so the dart hit Anaconda from above; they wanted to kill a woman too, but the arrows only hit their lover; they found Anaconda's corpse, which already contains worms; they are now called "Anaconda's penis"; from them Europeans are coming; SK let his wife eat Anaconda's penis under the guise of a fried fish; she ran to the river, regurgitated the crab and fish; an anaconda began to grow in her womb; getting out of her vagina, devoured food, which the woman tried to take in her mouth; on the advice of her relatives, the woman went to the fruit tree; the anaconda came out to pick fruit; the woman spat on one of the fruit that had been thrown, put the tail of an anaconda in it, to make her son think he was still connected to his mother, ran away; relatives hid her in a hole in the forest; Anaconda did not find her, returned to the river; people also threw the woman into the river, she became a catfish with a swollen stomach ( bagre-sapo)]: Hill 2009:33-37; Tariana [Wanani's wife took Tunini as a lover; approaching the river, she summoned him by hitting the water with a calebasa; T. gave her a gold earring; V. dressed up old the woman's grandmother, came to her in the field, persuaded her to give her the earring for storage; then the woman saw her husband, realized that he had deceived her; V. waited for lovers, killed T. with an arrow; the penis under the guise of a fish gave eat to his wife, told her about it; she ran to the river, she vomited, this gave rise to jacunda fish; V. decided to leave after organizing a dabukuri festival; on which the wife should serve the organizer a bowl of beer; but V. and after him, all the men, except the last, refused to accept the cup; the last was the Woodpecker (Pica-pau), said that he became pregnant with a woman; men led by V. began to dance with the third Attempts rose into the sky, throwing down their dance rods; left alone, the woman collected the fruit, the snake son crawled out of her womb, climbed a tree for the fruit; the woman left the frog to answer for himself, rushed to the river, started paddling in the boat, sailed to her father's house; the snake came to the house, called her mother; the woman's father threw her into the water, she became a daruyë fish]: Moreira, Moreira 1994:21-23; cubeo : Goldman 1963:148 [Kuwai carved a woman out of wood, brought her mother, who made her all the parts she needed; the woman went to the river to get water, met Anaconda, and started copulating with him every day ; K. noticed this, waited for the lovers to join, killed Anacanda with an arrow; cut off his penis, cut it into four longitudinal parts, turned it into fish, gave it to his wife; told her what she ate; the wife spit it out, went to the river; Anaconda did not appear; K. threw his wife away, she became a tree again; var.: the woman waited for her lover, but only a snake as thin as a rope swam and said he was dead], 237 [caiman; without details. ]; Pereira 1980 (1) [Wanari sails in a boat, a woman appears in it; in his absence, she agrees to fly away with the Royal Vulture (CS); W. took the form of an old man, knocked out a bird, which promises to carry him to his wife if he cures her; his wife did not recognize him; after the end of the dabukuri holiday, W. became younger; the COP agrees to take W. and his wife to the ground; asks on the way, is my belching fragrant? - Yes! On the ground, W. screams that belching stinks; after the death of his first wife, W. takes the youngest of the old woman's two daughters; she converges with the Serpent in the guise of a man; W. followed, killed his lover with an arrow, let the penis eat to his wife disguised as a fish; said that she ate; mother-in-law asked W. to clear the plot; the birds helped to do this in a day; the snake son came out of W.'s wife's womb to collect fruit for her; the tip remained in the womb; the woman threw him at the foot of the tree, ran home with her sister; W. made all the participants of the festival look like him, left himself; people rose to the sky, a storm began; W.'s wife turned into a river dolphin , her sister and mother threw her into the river; the serpent son screams to his mother, Inhom, inhom! ]: 268-277; Barasana [Wmá Watú disappeared into the water under an inverted vibration; Anaconda came, knocked on the calebass; the bird had previously told WW that Anaconda was his wife's lover Wá i Masá; when Anaconda inserted his penis into his wife WW., he killed him with a wind gun; the woman hid the corpse; the husband found it, cut off his penis, let his wife eat it with the fish; said she ate; she ran to the river to regurgitate what he ate, and WW. ran to his older brother Yebá; fish people chase him, but he shot back and left the chase]: Torres Laborde 1969:50-52; kabiyari [Manuena cheats to his husband Kua with the Fishman Takami; The crane (martin pescador) told K. how M. knocks on the water with a calebass, causing T.; K. waited for lovers, killed T. with an arrow, turned the severed penis into shrimp, gave it to his wife, she ate it with pleasure; K. hit her, she became an animal; fish chased K. for a long time]: Correa 1989, No. 6:95-96; yukuna [Majnori took his wife from the fish family; his pet parrot sees his pet parrot as she copulates with her brother and fish chief jacunda fish; she summoned him by letting the calebass through the water; M. hid, let the dart out of the sarbakan, but missed, the dart became a bee; the second the poisoned arrow hit his lover's hand; the wife thought it was a gadfly; the lover died; M. cut off his penis, let his wife fry it, she ate it with pleasure; M.: first ate with her vagina and now with her mouth; woman ran to the river, regurgitated her penis, now it is a fish of a certain species; a war between birds, i.e. people M., began; fish chased M. until he used fish poison; made peace with him]: Hammen 1992:251- 252; l macuna [see motif J15; Meneriyo turned onto the path leading to the ogre ~Gãs; he kills her with a dance rod; G.'s mother saved her baby Ryãkomakü (her son from her Brother month), releasing him into the river; R. goes ashore to play, painted butterflies (they were white); Mawão's three daughters buried one of them in the sand, painted on the sand, butterflies flew, R. came up to them, the girl grabbed him; he stopped crying in the younger one's arms; he grew up in a day; W. had to take him to G.'s house, talk about his mother's death; W. tied him with bitter leaves; G. licked, it turned out to be bitter; in the forest, G. became a jaguar, but R. became a lizard, escaped; at night R. put a deck in his hammock, G. attacked it; in the afternoon, G. and his brothers began to throw M.'s heads like a ball, and R. gave a lighter calebasa; if R. does not throw his own over the maloka, he will be eaten; R. transferred strength from his mother's head to the calebasa, threw his ball; since then, children have not been allowed to throw the ball over the maloka ( it's like throwing his mother's head); R. threw garbage into the backwater, puño (Serrasalmus rhombeus) and piranhas appeared; created a fruit tree on the shore, fish constipation like a bridge to it; when G. and his people went, R. told the bridge to fall apart; everyone was eaten by piranhas, but G. only ate their legs, he rose to heaven; W. suggested that R. burn the area from the middle, lit it around the edges himself; R. became a fish in a pit of water, waited out the fire ; W. sent R. for Thunder's daughter; R. replaced Thunder's lightning club with a wooden fake; R. brought G.'s daughter to W., telling her to be unfaithful; she took the Pisces Leader as her lover; knocked on the calebass on the water, causing him; the bird told W. about it; W. killed his lover with an arrow, cut off his penis, gave it to his wife under the guise of a fish; told her what she ate, turned her into a dolphin; the fish began to fight with W., he defeated them, went up to heaven ; in the morning W. appears in the form of a rainbow]: Århem et al. 2004:484-494; tatuyo [Dyeba jaguar is the son of the Sun, more human than an animal; rejects animal women, a Macu woman, because she is wild; climbs on a tree above the river, its testicles hang like the fruits of Pouteria ucuqui; fish come off (they are women); it falls in the form of a fruit and, with the help of various vines it has created, catches Dyawira (D.), the daughter of an anaconda Wai Pino (wai - "fish", pinō - "anaconda", i.e. Anaconda-Fish); other fish warned D. that it was not just a fruit, but she did not listen; Dieba's member is like a jaguar, he cannot get along with D.; she solders him drunk, corrects his penis; the monkey helps D. collect wild fruits; D. takes them to the river to his father, receives cassava, tobacco and other cultivated plants in return; D. forbids watching her and her sisters plant plants; Dieba watches, sisters D. turn into weeds; the name Dyawira also means a genus of fern that grows like a weed; Dieba mistakenly does not smoke, but eats tobacco thinking it is fish; suffers from his stomach; visits his father-in-law with his wife; he is angry first, then arranges a party; every time he returns from the field, D. cheats on Diebe with the son of an anaconda; the bird reports this to Diebe, who kills his lover, makes his wife eat his cock; people and fish fight for a long time; Diavira is seduced by vultures, taken to heaven; Dieba covers himself with ulcers, enters the country of vultures, returns his wife, vultures and little eagles chase him; Dieba finds honey, D. rushes to suck it, suffocates, turns into a tree frog - the "mother of feathers"]: Bidou 1972:82-95; arapaso [anaconda Dia Pino is the ancestor of arapaso; taking the form of a handsome man, converges with his wife Iapo; she calls her lover from the river every time, hitting the calebass; I. hid in a tree, waiting for his lovers, began to shoot poisoned darts with a wind gun at the man; he threw himself into the water, became anaconda, sailed to Numiani Tuku Island, his body surfaced; the husband cut off the anaconda's penis, put it in a bag with the fish, let his wife fry and eat it; began to play the flute, the wife understood everything, rushed to the river , began to drink, regurgitated a snake-like fish; the husband left, the woman became pregnant; the child from her womb invites her mother to pick fruit from a tree for her; in the form of a snake came out of her mouth, threw fruit, tail stayed in the woman; she left the frog to answer for himself (when the fruit fell, the woman always said "wow"), sailed away in the boat; the anaconda son, his name was Unurato, noticed her, lay down at the house, which is actually was a hill; people drove the woman away, she rushed into the river, became a piranha; W. in the guise of an anaconda, grew bigger, swam to Manaus; taking the form of a human being, met a European; when he appeared before him in the form of a snake, he shot him, the snakeskin came down; so arapaso is Pina Mahsa, "The Snake Men"]: Chernela, Leed 2003:46-48; andoque [Tofidei's wife puts the calebas on the water, knocks on it, two Anacondas come out, take turns copulating with her; she feeds them cassava; T. wants to drive away his pet parrot, he tells him about his wife's infidelity; T. calls Anacond with the same signal, cuts off one head; the other is killed with an arrow by the Crane (martin fisherman) cuñado T.; T. cuts off penises for lovers, gives his wife under the guise of peppery fish; she eats, coughs; anaconda enemies come from the lower reaches; T. shows they have their red-colored penis, they turn into trees and stones; their father-in-law turns into a tapir, falls into a trap; everyone eats it, becomes tapirs themselves]: Landaburu, Pineda 1984:98-113; witoto [Hitoma (The Sun) got a wife from river people; he climbed a tree for fruit, says that the fruit is like your breast; at this time birds (Vultures?) stolen his wife; her husband is responsible for her spit; he killed the kidnappers; came to a single woman; she has a lover, a river man; a toucan chick screams that the Sun's wife is unfaithful; carries meat with cassava to the river, knocks on a vessel placed on the water; H. killed his lover, cut off his penis, let his wife eat; H. came to another woman, they had a daughter; his wife tells him to swim down the river; he goes higher, he was eaten by a jaguar Gaimo, this woman's other husband; she gave birth to a son by H.; tells him that he was born from her knee; he sees his father's heart hanging on a tree - a hummingbird egg; he warmed up at home, his brother came out of the egg; mother lies that his father was bitten by a snake; the brothers found a snake - it does not want to bite; fell from a tree; burned in a fire; brothers do not break, do not burn; woodpecker is injured, he lives in the same tree as G.; for treating, woodpecker talks about G.; G. has an assistant; advised him to bring cassava to G.'s hollow so that he thinks a woman has come; said pucuna (wind gun?) the father is under the roof; the assistant (ocelot?) will be the first to come out , do not kill him; the brothers called and killed G., H. the youngest took a tooth for the necklace; for the fact that his sister was silent, turned her into a tuayó bird, sings at night; when the mother pulled fleas out of their feet, they threw her into she has coal and achiote; she asks to put a rat trap in the garden; she was caught herself (the brothers identified it by paint); did not want to live after G.'s death]: Rodríguez de Montes 1981, No. 23:189-201.

Central Amazon. Katavishi Lake Teffe) [without details; in the absence of husbands, women call water snakes and contact them]: Tastevin 1925:196; munduruku [while men hunt, women make a drink from cassava, include to the river, hit the water with a calabass; the Serpent comes out, drinks beer, becomes a man, copulates with women; one person watches them; men call the Snake with the same signal, kill with arrows; women leave; A pet parrot lives in the same house; turning into a woman, cooking and drinking for the owner; he finds a Parrot, throws feathers into the fire, marries]: Kruse 1949, No. 32:640-642.

Eastern Amazon. Parakana [girl lives with married brothers; in the forest she copulates with a tree branch, brothers find it, break it; the same with a vine; with a deer; brothers kill him, tell her sister that they killed a deer, that calls her lover in vain, sees blood; the same with tapir; the same with fish; then she takes her brothers' children away, they sail away, turn into Europeans, greet their fathers with guns, fathers understand that children cannot be returned]: Fausto 2002:73-76; tenetehara [Maíra created man and woman; Tupan banned them from copulating; the man's penis was constantly erected; the woman washed clothes M., by the river she was seduced by Ywan (water spirit); every day she summoned him by tapping on the calebass placed on the water; M. spoke to the man; he called I., I. stuck his penis out of the water, the man cut it off; when a woman came, no one came out to see her; the man poured cassava drink on his penis, but the erection did not go away; the woman showed what to do; seeing that the man's penis was no longer erected, M. said that people would now conceive children and die themselves]: Wagley, Galvão 1949, No. 1:131.

Montagna - Jurua. Urarina [at first, women lived without husbands; became pregnant from the Ajkaguiño boa constrictor; summoned him by knocking loudly with loom sticks; he appeared, bringing with him a lot of fish that women they were pulled out of the water by the tail; the man told his daughter's husband to help her harvest corn; the son-in-law went to the site fearfully, waiting for A. to appear; he appeared and killed him; since then people have been afraid of snakes in the forest]: Bartolomew 1995:206-207; kulina [women take Otters as lovers; they bring them fish, copulate on the shore; a shaman sends a snake to follow women; he sees and hears women singing and they slap their feet on the water, summoning lovers; men trap and kill Otters; Otters have escaped from the traps of old people; in a community home, men ask their wives to take out their insects; drips on women blood of dead Otters; husbands kill wives by blowing tobacco smoke into their nostrils; young women turn into wild pigs, old ones into anteaters; children into birds; hunters kill pigs, can't eat so much, meat goes bad; they turn into vultures]: Adams 1962, No. 16:128-130; shipibo: Gebhaert-Sayer 1987, No. 8 [the girl sits on the mat all the time, is pale; mother sends her for water, finds her under with a worm mat in a hole; he asks her not to kill her son-in-law, but she fills him with boiling water; the girl takes Anaconda as a lover; he gives her fish, she feeds it to her sick brother; brother recovers, watches sister, sees her calling her lover, Shinkain, Shinkain, cuts him to pieces, throws his tail into the river; the girl asks her father to revive the victim; he splices the pieces with a potion obtained from the vine; only the tail is missing]: 357; Roe 1982, No. 2 [every morning a woman by the river paints herself with a genipa, Dolphin comes out in a luxurious feather outfit, a woman falls asleep, he copulates with her; her two nephews Dolphin was shot, he jumped into the water and died; the woman felt good], 5 [in the morning, a woman by the lake paints red clay, puts calebas on the water, knocks on her; Anaconda goes out, satisfies her with a tail; cuñado spied on her, told her brother; both men called Anaconda with the same signal, killed her, brought a piece of his skin to the woman; she recognized her, ran ashore, out of grief turned into a black bird]: 51, 56-57.

Bolivia-Guaporé. Takana: Hissink, Hahn 1961, No. 172 [a woman carries good food to her anaconda lover, feeds her husband bananas and cassava; a beetle tells him how his wife screams at the lake, I brought you food , copulates with Anaconda; husband kills lover with an arrow; wife gives birth to a boy with the body of a snake; one girl agrees to marry him; at a wedding he becomes human]: 303-304.

Southern Amazon. Vaura: Cruz Mello 1999 [paka ruins the garden, the man wants to shoot her, she asks not to shoot, says that his wife got together with the caiman; the man hides, sees two women after taking food, we went to the shore; when the eldest called the caiman, he did not respond, and when the youngest went ashore, a handsome young man got out of the caiman's skin; got together with the eldest, and then with the youngest; Paka advises a man killed a caiman later; he brought all the men, and when the Cayman met with the women, he was killed; burned in the village square; the peki (Caryocar brasilensis) and mangaba fruit trees grew out of the ashes ( Hancornia speciosa); people celebrated a peka fruit festival, and the woman's husband turned into a bird, the leader of birds]: 211-213; Schultz, Chiara 1971 [Yakaskumã water monster is the lover of three wives Litjilákumã ;; they bring him bread and cassava drink; when L. wants to shoot Paku, she reveals the truth to him; he kills Y. with an arrow, hits his wives; wives burn the corpse, pepper and peki grow from the ashes (Caryocar butyrosum) and pepper; L.'s son comes to his mother, who gives him only peki peel; he hides the fruit in his flute, brings it to men; women return home]: 128-133; mehinacu [Iripyulakuma and her younger sister takes Yakajakuma (Great Cayman Spirit; when a caiman pops up, his skin bursts, a handsome man comes out); one person hears them summoning him to make love, they bring manioc cakes; all men go to call him, kill him with arrows and clubs; husbands beat unfaithful wives; they buried his lover; a peka tree (Cariocar butyrosum; fruits) grew out of his penis resemble avocados, rich in fat and vitamin B, ripen in autumn)]: Gregor 1985:78-79; kamayura: Agostinho 1974, No. 7 [two hunter wives become Cayman's mistresses, feed him manioc with cakes; the husband watches, kills Cayman with an arrow, hits his wives with a stick; they burn Cayman's corpse; the ashes grow a Caryocar butyrosum tree; on its four branches, fruits of four colors: the north is blue, the east is white, the south is green, the west is yellow; the parrot brings peki to Murenayata (the owner of the village of Murena); he comes to the Spider, falls into his trap; the Spider wants to eat him, M., asks for his thread for him; M. ties the thread to the parrot's leg, finds a tree along it; touches women's vaginas with the fruit since then, the pecks are fragrant, and the vaginas acquire the smell that the fruit had; makes everything pecky yellow ]: 186-189; Münzel 1973 [the man is married to two sisters; they copulate with Cayman, feed their lover fish and manioc broth; Cayman wears necklaces decorated with feathers; predicts that the women's husband is his kills; tells him to bury his corpse, peca fruit and corn will grow out of it; the women's husband hunts coati, who tells him about his wives' infidelity; the husband kills Cayman with an arrow, hits his wives with a stick; women burn the corpse Cayman, ash is buried, a peka tree grows out of it; on four branches, fruits of different colors: the north is blue, the east is white, the south is orange, the west is red; the parrot brings them to Murenayat; Quat (Sun) and Yau (Month) come to women, touch their genitals with peki; since then, the bakes have been fragrant, and the vaginas take on the smell that the fruits had; Quat and Yau command The fruits only ripen once a year; women celebrate the first peki festival, play the sacred flutes, and Kwat and Yau say that from now on only men will play the flutes; Quat creates Khurivuri's whistle (a forest monster in the form of a fish or a snake), frightens women who hide in their homes]: 162-169; Villas Boas, Villas Boas 1973 [Vaitsauê's two wives cook cakes and cassava drink are good for a Cayman lover, bad for her husband; V. wants to kill a coati, he tells him about his wife's infidelity; V. kills Cayman with an arrow, hits his wives; they burn a corpse out of it unknown plants grow; the Sun and the Month explain that these are peppers, pumpkins, peka fruits; they organize a peki festival, play sacred flutes in the man`s house; V. reconcile with his wives]: 195-200; kalapalo [five sisters marry Igwanegi (a tinamu bird); take Cayman as lovers, have sex with him on a manioc field; Agouti watches them; the husband calls Cayman in the same words as his wives, kills with an arrow; a peca tree grows out of a corpse; the youngest wife inserts a straw into her vagina, then into the peki fruit; therefore, ripe peki have a characteristic smell]: Basso 1987:185-188; bororo: Wilbert, Simoneau 1983, No. 101 [men always come back from fishing empty-handed; then women go, bring fish every time; Kituireu watches women; sees that they are on the riverbank they paint each other with uruku red juice, as men paint them before their wedding night; women call Otter, who go out and copulate with them; next time men wear their wives' belts, they paint like they strangle the Otter with ropes; K. specially took a thin rope with him so that his wife's Otter lover would run away and his wife would not take revenge; next time the only Otter comes out to the women; copulates with them, but there are not enough fish for everyone; women give their husbands a drink that is added crushed thorny bones of the peaks; thorns pierce the throats of men, men grunt, turn into wild pigs; wife spares K., he remains alive], 102 [as in (101), but without an episode with K.; all otters and all men die]: 192-193, 194-195.

Araguaia. Karazha: Baldus 1937a [women come to the lake shore, paint, summon Cayman, copulate with it; he gives them fish and peka fruits that men do not yet know; men women they bring only peels; the boy watches women; hides peks and other food in the flute, brings them to men, talks about what they see; women attack men; women have sharp arrows, men have stupid arrows, men killed; women disappear in the river]: 265-267; Aytay 1985 in Baer MS, in Coelho 1992:54, in Prinz 1997:89-90 [like in Baldus; women cut off their left breasts, put a calebas on their heads, jump into the river, turn into dolphins]: 16; Peret 1979 in Prinz 1997 [women deplete their husbands by copulating repeatedly; take away weapons, sacred masks, shaman's magic baton, leave the village; returning, dominate men, forcing them to take care of children and do household chores; copulate with Cayman, which supplies them with fish; a boy watches over women, reports everything to men; a shaman makes a new rod, men retake power; summon Cayman, imitating women's voices, kill him; pieces of a severed penis give women food when mixed with fish; women recognize the truth, they try to attack men, they are defeated; they leave; together with the children they have born, they form a new tribe]: 112-116.

Eastern Brazil. Apinaye [in the east by the sea, women went swimming, met Cayman; began to copulate with him every day, brought him food; called him, shouting "Mi-ti - we are here"; one man accidentally spied and overheard, told others; men call Cayman in the voice of women; he goes out, they kill, fry it, eat it; women kill men with clubs; leave, meet coati people, then people- bees, then they establish a village of women Kupē-ndíya (kupis an alien tribe, ndi is a woman, ya is a personal collective plural; two brothers remain; their sister took an ax with her; the brothers come to K. , get an ax; two girls agree to lie down with them if they overtake them; one brother falls behind, the other overtakes the girl, copulates; brothers return home]: Wilbert 1978, No. 140:337-338; (cf. ciavante [Giaccaria, Heide 1975; a married man went to catch catfish with a girl; her brother forbade her to go with him; she brought catfish again; brother gathered men, they surrounded that man, amazed with arrows; he threw himself into the water, swam across the river, lay down, became a caiman; the girl was brought to a clearing, set fire to the grass, she escaped into a tornado]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1984a, No. 161:473-476).

The Southern Cone. Yagans [a woman's lover hides in a boat on the shore; everyone wonders how she catches so many birds; women watch her, tell her husband; he picks up the boat, kills her lover with a harpoon, throws it into the sea; it turns into a small crustacean (isopod)]: Wilbert 1977, No. 37:105-107; (cf. Yagans: Bridges 1948 [girls play on the shallows; Sea Lion takes one of them away; feeds fish; she gives birth to a boy covered in sea lion hair; they all sail to her relatives; men Leo is killed; his son eats his meat; his mother hits him with a sea urchin, which turns into a fish; the woman stays with people]: 161-163; Gusinde 1931 [The sea lion brings fish to his wife's brothers; they kill him, give him his meat to his son; mother throws a sea urchin at her son, son turns into a fish; brothers throw Leo's penis and other parts of his body to her; she eats Leo meat with her brothers]: 666-671; Wilbert 1977, No. 19, 37: 51-57, 105-108; selknam [Sea Lion marries a girl; catches fish with a net, his wife carries her to her brothers; confesses who her husband is; gives birth to a son; brothers tell her to distract Leo's attention, kill him; her son sails into the sea, becomes a sea lion; the brothers refresh the lion, the sister asks for genitals; does not eat other parts of the body]: Wilbert 1975a, No. 47:132-135).