Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

F37. Calebas on the water .56.62.-.64.66.

To summon a lover, the character taps a calebass placed on the water.

Llanos. Sicuani: Wilbert, Simoneau 1992, No. 14-17, 44 [the boy asks his grandmother to buy him in the trough; produces starch; people tell him to swim in the river, collect starch; when angry, the boy tells him to swim in the river, collect starch; when angry, the boy tells him grandmother is awake to hear a rumble; she falls asleep; only Kinkaju hears him and knows where the Kalievirne tree grew; see motif G5; people cut it down; after the tree falls, people die; C. tells dance to find ease and go to another world; old Ibarruua breaks abstinence, takes Cayman as a lover; summons him by putting an inverted calebass on the water and tapping on it; people kill his lover, let I. eat his penis; I. tells the fish to swallow C.; his brothers arrange rapids on the river to stop the fish; revive the regurgitated C.; shoot up, only a virgin succeeds fasten an arrow in the sky and make a chain; in the form of termites, C.'s people climb into heaven; the thunder Yamahyonë lives there; C. replaces his club, I. cannot kill people, C. kills him; his the wife tells the ants to collect pieces of his flesh, I. is reborn; I. and C. reconcile; people continue to climb the chain of arrows; the Bat cuts it off, the fallen turn into turtles, into parrots], 100 [ A menstruating girl walks to the river; knocking on a calebass, summons Anaconda from the water, copulates with her; young men chop Anaconda into pieces, thereby saving the girl's life]: 77-78, 84, 88, 93, 191-199, 371.

NW Amazon. Carijona [vultures kidnap Kuwai's wife, he returns her; her next lover is Kanakanañi, the owner of the waters; summoning him, the woman spanks him on the water with an inverted calebass; two sons of a waterbird tell K. about this; he causes the monster with the same signal; the water parts, a maloka (house) and fruit trees appear; Kuwai sends two gadflies to bite Kanakananyi into the testicles ; he does not react to yellow bites, he dies from black ones; Kuwai cuts off his penis, sprinkles him with pepper and salt, gives his wife a palm larva instead of a palm larva, as if inadvertently breaks all the vessels with water; the woman runs to drink the river, Kuwai kills it with a club, it turns into a river dolphin; all dolphins are her children; the burning smut in her hand has become a stingray, the Kuwai club becomes an electric eel]: Schindler 1977b, No. 6: 66-69 (=1979, No. 3:66); baniva:? [by the river, a woman calls a water snake to hit a calebass; a husband kills a snake with an arrow; when a woman is told that she ate, she vomits another fish; she wants to harvest fruit; a snake son crawls out of her womb, climbs a tall tree; she runs, a snake flies after her; she rushes into the river, turns into a fish of the Pimelodideos family]:? ; Brüzzi 1994 (kumandene) [husband pretends to be sick, lousy; wife doesn't feed him; husband watches his wife; his brother throws snake scales into the river, they turn into fish; brothers eat fish, give woman meat snake; tell her; the snake son answers the mother from the womb; she leaves saliva responsible for herself, hides in the house; her mother tells her to go to the snake]: 220-222; Wright 1995 (hohoden) [two young men inform her husband about cheating on his wife; the forest spirit, the owner of the wind gun, helps kill the snake with an arrow; the sperm turns into four types of fish; the husband's brother catches them, gives them to the woman; the brothers say that she ate the lover's penis; a woman hides under a vessel, a snake sits on the roof of a house, sends ants after her; a woman returns to a tree, leaves a frog in her place, rushes into the river; people kill a snake]: 41-42; vakuenai [the wife of the Created of Bones (SC) goes to the site, calls Anaconda by the river, hitting the water with a calebas; Anaconda goes out, takes off her snake clothes, copulates, returns to the river; gives the woman for it a necklace of their shells; the bird told the UK about it; he took a relative with him, shot into the sky, so that the dart hit Anaconda from above; they wanted to kill the woman too, but the arrows only hit their lover; they Anaconda's corpse was found, it already contains worms; they are now called "Anaconda's penis"; Europeans come from them; SK let his wife eat Anaconda's penis under the guise of fried fish; she ran to the river, regurgitated her crab and a fish; an anaconda began to grow in her womb; getting out of her vagina, she ate the food that the woman tried to take in her mouth; on the advice of relatives, the woman came to the fruit tree; the anaconda got out to collect the fruit; the woman spat in one of the discarded fruits, put the tail of an anaconda in it so that her son thought she was still connected to her mother, ran away; relatives hid her in a hole in the forest; her Anaconda was not found, returned to the river; people also threw a woman into the river, she became a catfish with a swollen stomach (bagre-sapo)]: Hill 2009:33-37; Tariana: Aikhenvald 1999, No. 8 [women dislike young man; mother leads his wife, but she is indifferent to him; he decides to go to the lake - let the snake eat; his boat is met by a man, the son of a snake, he brings him to his snake parents; his father-in-law hunts with him, kills animals with an arrow, He asks to bring game, every time the young man sees a snake instead of an arrow, is afraid; he is given a wife, the youngest daughter of a snake; at night she and others look like snakes, during the day - people; the wife's brothers push his earthly wife to the top a young man who did not love him dies; a young man returns to his mother; a snake's daughter tells her to be summoned by putting a calebas on the water and knocking on her; the young man tells his mother that he is married to a white woman, she says Bring her; son brings his snake wife; for him she is a woman, and his mother sees a snake, dies of fear]: 133-157; Moreira, Moreira 1994 [Wanani's wife took the Tunini water snake as a lover; approaching the river, called hitting him with a calebasa on the water; T. gave her a gold earring; V. dressed up as the woman's old grandmother, came to her in the field, persuaded her to store the earring; then the woman saw her husband's, realized that he was deceived her; V. waited for lovers, killed T. with an arrow; his penis, disguised as a fish, let his wife eat, told her about it; she ran to the river, she vomited, this gave rise to jacunda fish; V. decided to leave before that having organized a dabukuri festival; the wife must serve the organizer a bowl of beer; but V. and after him, all but the last men refused to accept the cup; the last was the Woodpecker (Pica-pau), said it was he became pregnant with a woman; men led by V. began to dance and on the third attempt went up into the sky, throwing down their dance rods; left alone, the woman collected fruits, the snake son crawled out of her womb, climbed a tree for fruit; the woman left the frog to answer for herself, rushed to the river, began paddling in the boat, sailed to her father's house; the snake went to the house, called her mother; the woman's father threw her into the water, she became a daruyë fish]: 21-23; barasana [a woman puts the vessel upside down, a snake appears and knocks on it]: Torres Laborde 1969:51; barasana [Wmá Watú disappeared into the water under inverted; Anaconda came, knocked on the calebass; before that, the bird told WW that Anaconda was his wife's lover Wái Masá; when Anaconda inserted a penis into his wife WW, he killed him from wind gun; the woman hid the corpse; the husband found it, cut off his penis, let his wife eat it with the fish; said she ate; she ran to the river to regurgitate what she had eaten, and WW. ran to his older brother Yeb á; fish people chase him, but he shot back and got away from the chase]: Torres Laborde 1969:50-52; desana [see motive J12; Inambu kills Oposum; the calebasa in the Opossum house is filled with his blood; his mother makes two eagles out of it; they take Inamba to the Jaguars, where they eat him; one feather falls to the current inambu; Inambu's father comes to the Jaguars, hides the bone from his son's leg, she falls into lake, turns into two Diloa fish; Inambu's mother can't catch them; they turn into crickets, come to grandparents; become young men; come to Opossum's mother, kill eagles, they make flutes out of their bones; one feather turns into current eagles; they put a calebas on the water, knock on it, pinlun snakes appear, they carry it away; they lightn the Jaguars; the grandmother also dies because she is from Jaguari genus; D. rise to heaven, become Thunders]: Kumu, Kenhiri 1980:161-188; Kabiyari [Manuena cheats on her husband Kua with Fish Man Takami; Crane (martin pescador) told K. how M. knocks on the water with a calebass, calling T.; K. waited for lovers, killed T. with an arrow, turned the severed penis into a shrimp, gave it to his wife, she ate with pleasure; K. hit her, she became an animal; fish K. has been persecuted for a long time]: Correa 1989, No. 6:95-96; yukuna [Majnori took his wife from the fish family; his pet parrot sees her copulating with her brother and fish chief jacunda fish; she summoned him throwing the calebass on the water; M. hid, threw a dart out of the sarbakan, but missed, the dart became a bee; the second poisoned arrow hit his lover's hand; the wife thought it was a gadfly; the lover died; M. cut off his penis, let his wife fry, she ate it gladly; M.: first ate with her vagina and now with her mouth; the woman ran to the river, regurgitated her penis, now it is a fish of a certain species; the bird war began, i.e. people M., with fish; fish chased M. until he used fish poison; made peace with him]: Hammen 1992:251-252; macuna [see motif J15; Meneriyo turned to the path leading to the cannibal ~Gãsũ; he kills her with a dance rod; G.'s mother saved her baby Ryãkomakü (her son from her Month-Brother) by releasing him into the river; R. goes ashore to play, painted butterflies (they were white); Mawão's three daughters buried one of them in the sand, wrote on the sand, butterflies flew, R. approached them, the girl grabbed him; he stopped crying in the youngest's arms; he grew up in a day; W. had to take him to G.'s house, tell him about his mother's death; W. tied him with bitter leaves; G. licked it, it turned out to be bitter; in the forest G. became a jaguar, but R. became a lizard, escaped; at night R. put it in the hammock instead of himself to the deck, G. attacked it; in the afternoon, G. and his brothers began to throw M.'s head like a ball, and R. gave a lighter calebass; if R. did not throw his own over the maloka, he would be eaten; R. carried force from the mother's head to the calebasa, threw his ball; since then, children have not been allowed to throw the ball over the maloka (it's like throwing their mother's head); R. threw garbage into the backwater, puño fish (Serrasalmus) appeared rhombeus) and piranhas; he created a fruit tree on the shore, fish constipation like a bridge; when G. and his people went, R. told the bridge to fall apart; piranhas ate everyone, but G. only ate their legs, he went up to heaven; W. suggested that R. burn the site from the middle, lit it around the edges himself; R. became a fish in a pit of water, waited out the fire; W. sent R. for Thunder's daughter; R. replaced Thunder's lightning club with a wooden fake; R. brought daughter G. to W., telling her to be unfaithful; she took the Leader of Pisces as her lover; knocked on the calebass on the water, calling him; the bird told W. about it; W. killed his lover with an arrow, cut off his penis, gave it to his wife under the guise fish; told her what she ate, turned them into a dolphin; fish began to fight W., he defeated them, took to heaven; in the morning W. appears in the form of a rainbow]: Århem et al. 2004:484-494; arapaso [ Anaconda Dia Pino is the ancestor of arapaso; taking the guise of a handsome man, she converges with his wife Iapo; she calls her lover from the river every time, hitting the calebass; I. hid in a tree, waiting for lovers, and began to let him go Poisoned wind darts at the man; he threw himself into the water, became an anaconda, swam to Numiani Tuku Island, his body surfaced; the husband cut off the anaconda's penis, put it in a bag with the fish, gave it to his wife fry and eat; began to play the flute, the wife understood everything, rushed to the river, began to drink, regurgitated a snake-like fish; the husband left, the woman became pregnant; the child from her womb invites her mother to pick for her from the fruit tree; in the form of a snake came out of her mouth, threw fruit, the tail remained in the woman; she left the frog to answer for itself (when the fruit fell, the woman always said "wow"), sailed away in the boat; son- The anaconda, his name is Unurato, noticed her, lay down on a house that was actually a hill; people drove the woman away, she threw herself into the river, became a piranha; W. in the guise of an anaconda, getting bigger, swam to Manaus; taking the guise of a man, met a European; when he appeared in front of him in the form of a snake, he shot him, the snakeskin came off; so the arapaso is Pina Mahsa, "The Snake Men"]: Chernela, Leed 2003:46- 48; andoque [Tofidea's wife puts calebas on the water, knocks on it, two Anacondas come out, take turns copulating with her; she feeds them cassava; T. wants to drive away her pet parrot, he tells him about his wife's infidelity; T. calls Anacond with the same signal, cuts off one head; the other is killed with an arrow by Crane (Martin Fisherman) Cunhado T.; T. cuts off penises for lovers, gives his wife under the guise of peppered fish; it eats, coughs; enemies come from the lower reaches; T. shows them his red-colored penis, they turn into trees and stones; father-in-law turns into a tapir, falls into a trap; everyone eats it , become tapirs themselves]: Landaburu, Pineda 1984:98-113; utoto [Hitoma (The Sun) got a wife from river people; climbed a tree for fruit, says the fruit is like your chest; at this time birds (Vultures?) stolen his wife; her husband is responsible for her spit; he killed the kidnappers; came to a single woman; she has a lover, a river man; a toucan chick screams that the Sun's wife is unfaithful; carries meat with cassava to the river, knocks on a vessel placed on the water; H. killed his lover, cut off his penis, let his wife eat; see J4A motive: H. came to another woman, her Jaguar Lyabovnik kills him, the sons of the victim take revenge]: Rodríguez de Montes 1981, No. 23:194.

Central Amazon. Katawishi (Lake Teffe) [a woman calls a snake to use patterns on her skin as a model for painting vessels]: Tastevin 1925:196; munduruku [while men hunt, women they make a drink from cassava, take them to the river, hit the water with calebass; the Serpent comes out, drinks beer, becomes a man, copulates with women; one person watches them; men call the Snake with the same signal , kill with arrows; women leave; a pet parrot lives in the same house; turning into a woman, cooking and drinking for the owner; he finds a Parrot, throws feathers into the fire, marries]: Kruse 1949, No. 32:640- 642.

Eastern Amazon. Tenetehara [Maíra created man and woman; Tupan forbade them to copulate; the man's penis was constantly erected; the woman washed M.'s clothes, she was seduced by the river by Ywan (water spirit); every day she called him by tapping on the calebass placed on the water; M. spoke to the man; he called I., I. stuck his penis out of the water, the man cut it off; when the woman came, no one came to her went out; the man poured cassava drink on his penis, but the erection did not go away; the woman showed what to do; seeing that the man's penis was no longer erected, M. said that people would now become conceive children and die yourselves]: Wagley, Galvão 1949, No. 1:131.

Montagna - Jurua. Shipibo [in the morning, a woman by the lake paints red clay, puts calebas on the water, knocks on it; Anaconda comes out, satisfies her with her tail; cuñado spied on her, told her brother; both The men called Anaconda with the same signal, killed her, brought a piece of his skin to the woman; she recognized her, ran ashore, turned into a black bird out of grief]: Roe 1982, No. 5:56-57.