Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

F4. The child in the vessel, T561.

At the beginning of time, the hero or people even conceived children not through sexual contact, but in vessels, piles of earth, clods of clay, etc.

Ancient India, Andamans, Hopi, Shikuani, Akawai, Oyana, Emerillon, Urubu, Shipibo, Kashinahua, Amahuaca, Chacobo, Maca, Toba, Mokovi.A child comes from a man's seed.

Zulu, Xhosa, Orokaiwa, Hopi, Mayhuna, Kashinahua.The child arises from the secretions of the female body.

TootsieA child arises from a workpiece made by a deity.

Bantu-speaking Africa. Zulu [all the leader's wives give birth to crows, the eldest is childless; two pigeons scratch her back, tell her to place drops of blood in a vessel, where the boy and girl Tzombenzantzini appear; the mother hides them; they they go to the river, they are seen by the people of another leader, his son Kakaka comes to marry; fearing that the crows will kill her, Father C. immediately sends her with K.; her mother tells her not to chase the green beast along the way; K. and his warriors they are chasing; at this time, the lizard asks C. to try on her clothes, takes her place; C. and the other girls turn into birds; K. believes that C. is fainted by the sun; the birds scream that K. took the lizard; they fly to a legless old woman Khlesa, turn into girls, do all the work; K. asks H. to tell the truth, finds the girls; The lizard is lured into a hole of milk, poured with boiling water]: Snegirev 1937 in Zhukov, Kotlyar 1976, No. 236:575-590; braid [one of the leader's wife has a dark-skinned daughter, the rest of the children are crows; the other is childless, despised; two pigeons ask her, scratch her knees, collect blood in a vessel, told to look after it; a woman finds a boy and a girl in the vessel; they grow up, no one knows about them; one day they go to get water; they are seen by Wide Chest, the son of another leader; sends cattle to take a girl as a wife; the first chief offers all the girls, the SG rejects them; the maid talks about everything; the first chief is pleasantly surprised, stays overnight with his previously despised wife; the first wife also sends her black daughter as SG's wife; a black woman lies that her father is sick; both girls go to visit him; a black woman throws her rival off a cliff into the water; tells her husband that she stayed with her father; the ox is drowned destroyed a black woman's house, brought the men to a pond, took out the body, revived it; the girl told everything; SG sent the black woman to her parents]: McCall Theal 1882:139-144; Suto [the chief's elder wife gives birth only a raven, the youngest is childless; pigeons agree to help her, make an incision on her leg, place drops of blood in two calabasses, white and red corn grains; Soyane and her brother are born from calebas ; the mother releases them at night when the crows are asleep; one day they go out on their own, Ukakaka (the son of another chief) sees S., asks the chief to marry her; the chief is happy, drives away the crows; S.'s mother warns W. not leave S. on the way to his house; he and his men go hunting; the Lizard turns S. and her maids into birds, puts on her clothes, takes her place; W.'s father is surprised that the bride is ugly; birds fly to old Uhlese every day, turn into girls, work housework; make beer, she brings it to W.; he guesses who made the beer, finds S., kills the Lizard; wedding]: Knappert 1977, No. 3:119-126; Tutsis [people lived in heaven in a beautiful and abundant world, but the Nyinakigwa woman had no children; she brought gifts to Imana and asked him to give her a child; I. made a figurine from moistened with his saliva, ordered to put the clay in a vessel, pour milk into it in the morning and evening, not to tell anyone; nine months later, the newborn screamed; so the woman begged I. for Kigwa's sons and Lututsi and daughter Nyinabatutsi; they grew up; sister N. is also infertile; one day, when N. was drunk, she found out a secret from her; N. came to I.; he was angry, said that he would send her children to live on earth; after The brothers could not get anything from hunting; the mat on which they were sitting with their sister carried them to the ground; I. said that N. would sometimes be able to see his children from the sky and one day they would return; after death The king's body is first dried by the fire, then burned, his spirit rises to heaven; his brothers and sister prayed to I., who sent fire and cultivated plants from the sky, then a couple of pets; K. married his sister and has three sons and three daughters; they got married and L. married his eldest; humans and animals have multiplied]: Loupias 1908:2-12.

Wed. Sudan-East Africa. Dinka [God created people from clay in the east under tamarind; they were half an elbow the size of a vessel; when God took off the lid, a Garang man with a penis spear and an Abuk woman with tall, full-length; got married; God said their deceased child would return in 15 days; G. refused, fearing that the earth would overflow]: Lienhardt 196:36).

Melanesia. Orokaiva [the wife (or sister) of the cannibal giant Totoima worked in the garden, cut her finger, wiped the blood with a sugar cane leaf, put it in a pot, and there were two children (or many) boys and girls); with the help of their mother, the children destroyed O., became the ancestors of Orokaiva; var.: People not eaten by the giant left the shelter, ate parts of his body, depending on this, acquired different dialects] : Williams 1930:155.

South Asia. Ancient India [the dual deity of Mitra-Varun, at the sight of the heavenly maiden Urvashi, dropped seed into a water vessel; Agastya was conceived and born in a vessel, like in a womb]: Vasilkov, Neveleva 1987:657.

Malaysia-Indonesia. The Andamans [first man came out of a growth on the Sterculia tree; copulated with an ant nest, and Andaman ancestor children were born]: Radcliffe-Brown 1933:192.

Turkestan. Kazakhs [great-grandmother Mama-Hava (Eva) and Hazriati-Adam began to argue about which of them gives birth to children; decided to live separately, preserving secretions from their organs; A. collected his own in a clay vessel, from This is what his son, the prophet Chich, arose; Eve wrapped her own in a rag, which gave rise to genies, Albanians and fairies; they are especially harmful to women; Iskander Zul Karnine drove them into the Kaf Mountains and locked them in the gorge there]: Castagné 1930:7-8.

The Great Southwest. Hopi: Malotki 1997, No. 9 [Navajo take all women and girls away, Hopis are left without women; Chief Kwan makes a hole in the calebass, all men copulate with her, from their seed in calebas a girl appears; at the request of the chief, the spider grandmother splits the calebasa, which has become a uterus; the Spider raises the girl, the men supply them with meat; she grows up; the Hopis attack the Navajo in front of at dawn, women are brought back; when a child is born, it actually comes from Kwan Kiva]: 131-173; Stephens 1929, No. 4 [men and women break up; man conceives a girl in calebas]: 11; Voth 1905, No. 46 [a beautiful woman makes a vessel, clay splashes into her vagina, she gives birth to a vessel, there is a baby in it; her grandfather carries it hunting; one day the vessel falls, breaks, the baby goes out, everyone is happy]: 155.

Llanos. Sicuani [the hero has erotic dreams; an old woman puts his seed in a vessel; a boy grows up]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1992, No. 35 [Matsuludani (Mts.) sees a naked woman, sleeps in a hammock, ejaculates, a woman collects his sperm in a vessel, where the boy Maduedani (Md.) appears; runs after his father; he kills him, rubs him in powder, Md. immediately resurrects; Mts. brings him home; Hmm sucks pineapples, not cutting them; kills deer with a gun (another son Mts does not have firearms); Mts. makes a woman out of wax, she melts under the sun; from clay, dissolves in water; Hd. stomps on the ground, from a hole people come out; whites - along with pets, mosquito nets and other property; Md. teaches what to do with cattle products, Indians do not listen to him; makes a lake for people to swim in it , changed their skin and became younger; snakes, crocodiles, spiders, grasshoppers climb into the water; people are afraid of them, refuse to even pour their calebasses; remain mortal; Md. rises to heaven], 37:166-172, 173-174.

Guiana. Akawai [people fight, exterminate each other; a surviving man copulates with a calebasa, who turns into a woman; this couple gives birth to children that populate the area; this group is called "pumpkin cup men"]: Butt Colson 1973:42; oyana: Magaña 1987, No. 27 [women had scorpions in their vaginas; men copulated with calebasses; women added blood to semen, this is how they worked children; men cut women and removed scorpions; sex became safe], 62 [women had scorpions in their vaginas, men copulated with calebasses; one person found her a boy; calebas burst, the boy went out, started walking right away]: 39, 47; emerillon [after the flood, people gathered on a caumou palm tree, no ground can be seen from the top; they regularly threw palm seeds, listening to them fall into the water or to the ground; when the seeds began to fall to the ground, people tied leaves to their heads, arms and legs, descended to the ground, but became jaguars, bakers, and other animals; only one man remained human; found a capuchin monkey (Cetus apella) in the village, tied to an empty pot; brought cassava; when he returned next time, kashiri was ready; the man pretended to leave, found and married a girl; she gave birth to a baby the size of a small capuchin; asked her uncle, howler monkeys (Atouatta seniculus) and ateles (arachnids, Ateles panicus), not to be killed; when her husband killed a howler, the baby became like a monkey, ran into the forest, his wife also disappeared; Wilakalo came down from the sky, ordered three hammocks to be hung, killed an anaconda, cut into as many pieces as there were peoples on earth, put pieces in hammocks, went to a few days; the meat wormed; when the man lay down in the hammock, the worms became human; W. ordered everyone to dive into the boiling water, people were scared, did not, W. bought the spider; the white man swam, turned white; after him Indian, the last black man, turned black with dirty water; W. gave the Indian shoes, he did not take it, took the European, sailed on the ship; W. taught Indian shamans how to make a shaman maraka rattle; W. ordered the snake to bite a tree, she bit a man, he hit it with a stick; the same with a mosquito, a jaguar; a man threw ash on agami, her back turned white; atele painted her face red uruku, capuchin painted her body, the howler rubbed rooted, turned yellow; men poured sperm into calabasses to have children; women did not have genitals; cul jaune pierced the woman, her beak turned red; W. attached a piece to the man wood, he met a woman]: Renault-Lescure et al. 1987, No. 1:129-141.

Western Amazon. Maihuna [before women could bear babies in the womb, they filled their vessels with secretions from their genitals]: Bellier 1991b, No. 4b: 181-182.

Eastern Amazon. Urubu [Maír used to inject seed into the calebasa, where a baby was born; one woman lifted the lid, the baby died immediately; M. threw his corpse into her stomach, told the women to carry children nine months]: Huxley 1956:149.

Montagna - Jurua. Shipibo: Gebhaert-Sayer 1987, No. 2 [a single boy uses kalebasu instead of his wife; she becomes a woman, has three sons; they sit on a tree and eat fruit; Tapir comes constantly and asks for fruit for themselves; they throw the unripe fruit at his head; he knocks on the trunk, making it fat; brothers go down as ants; follow the tapir's trail; ask his excrement or the grown ones of these trees when the tapir passed; a year, six months, a month, ten days ago; he is here; the eldest turns into an ant, climbs into the tapir's anus, hurts the heart; brothers fresh the carcass; each tries to be a pot to cook meat; only the elder can withstand the heat for a long time; they ask the Duck to transport them across the river; she replies that her boat is small; Cayman asks not to step on his head; the younger brother comes, Cayman grabs him by the leg, drags him under water; the Sloth drains the river, the brothers take the youngest's corpse out of the caiman's womb; his leg is not enough; they shoot at the sky, make a chain of arrows; Termite and Little Squirrel are afraid to climb, Big Squirrel comes back, says the sky is good; the turtle turns the chain into a ladder; the brothers take Cayman's head and brother's corpse, go up to heaven]: 350- 351; Roe 1982, No. 8 [at night, a young man masturbates in calabass; his mother began to put him one at a time and throw him away; two boys were taken out of the broken calebas; they ask who killed their mother; the grandmother replies that Lightning; they killed the Lightning Spirit; they ask again if they threaten to kill the grandmother herself; she replies that Tapir killed; they found Tapir from fresh litter; the youngest became an ant, climbed into Tapira's anus, cut off his heart; the eldest cut the tapir's stomach, released the younger one; the youngest turned into a pot to cook meat; the elder puts it on the fire and then in the water; the meat is cooked; the Sloth promised to call a bird that will transport the brothers through the river; the bird asks not to step on the bow of her boat; the eldest listened, the youngest stepped on the shore, the boat turned into a caiman, bit off his leg; the Sloth dried the river with a magic spear, the elder elder cut off the caiman's jaw, takes out his brother's leg; when they return to their grandmother, the brothers again ask who killed their mother; she replies that they will receive an answer in heaven; the brothers climbed a chain of arrows, the elder in his hands caiman-Hyada jaw]: 63-66; Kashinahua: Ans 1975 [a woman who escapes the flood fills four calebasses with her tears, snot, and saliva; two boys and two girls are born, from them people happen]: 95-96; Capistrano de Abreu in Metraux 1948a [first person conceives a girl in Calebas, marries her, people descend from this couple]: 11; amahuaca [first person copulates with Zapallo fruits, all children are rotten; asks his mother to calebasu, a boy and a girl are born; a boy dies, a man marries a girl, people come from them]: Huxley, Capa 1964:91-92.

Bolivia - Guaporé. Chacobo [man conceived children in calebas, hung calebasses on the wall of the house, children were gradually born; monkeys showed how to make love; when a man met his wife, all children, those who came from the Calebas left, became the ancestors of the Kayuvava Indians]: Kelm 1972, No. 12:239-240.

Chaco.Maca: Wilbert, Simoneau 1991a, No. 28 [a single man conceives a son in a vessel; tells the boy to approach women who come for water, call each mother; only the latter recognizes him as a son; the boy began to live with her; while hunting, he hit a caraguata tree with an arrow, there was a fish in its trunk; began to carry his mother's fish; the fox traced, ate all the fish, then pulled out the main one; the Fox carried away a stream of water with fish , he turned into a calebasa, swam], 29 [starting as (28); a boy and his adoptive mother find an arrow he fired in a caraguat tree, take fish out of the trunk; the woman did not invite other women to the tree, who rejected the boy; the boy called the men; the fox decided to go by himself, started shooting at the tree, the fish ran out and did not appear again]: 92-93, 94-95; toba: Wilbert, Simoneau 1982b, No. 10 and 12 [man, married a star, was born in a vessel], 52 [before women, men conceived children in calabasses]: 51, 60, 106; 1989a, No. 40 [a single man copulates with a vessel, there are children there; every night one of them looks at the sky, dreams of marrying a star; a star descends; next time he wants to go to heaven with her; she warns that there is no fire there; he insists; it's cold in the sky; he sees fire, but the wife explains that this creature looks like a crow, it eats people; the man returns to earth]: 62-64; Pilaga: Wilbert, Simoneau 1989a, No. 90 [man conceived two boys in a vessel; a vessel on a path where women go to get water; the father said that when a beautiful woman passes, the vessel will split, this woman is their mother; their arrow is stuck in a tree, they pulled her out, poured her out the stream; they ran to their mother, the water followed them; they stuck an arrow into the ground, the water stopped; so they led the river with fish; the deceiver, contrary to their warning, shot a big fish, the stream behind them , he drowned; he came back bald during the rainy season; his hair turned into mosquitoes], 91 [people found a child in the river's vessel; the vessel was his mother; the boy and the Fox began to lead rivers; the fox shot a large fish, it drowned it, it revived during the rainy season]: 122-124, 125-126; mokovi [a person successively conceives three children in a vessel, all turn out to be boys; he turns one (or two) of them to a girl; she is the first woman, he marries her (if there were two girls, he marries both or gives the second remaining boy); they descend from them]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1988, No. 21:47.